Saving Nora Episodes 346-350

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Saving Nora Episodes 346-350 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
00:00Please share and comment for supporting me, and before listening from episode 346 to episode 350,
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00:12the first comment or below the video to motivate me. Share all chapters of the book. Also, please
00:20don't forget, share the video, comment and like. As the butler went to contact Athena, Joel frowned
00:28and stared at the operation theater. He made another call to invite all the specialists he
00:34could get from New York. During the consultation with the specialists, Joel stood at the side and
00:40didn't interfere. It wasn't within his ability to do anything, and his greatest strength was that
00:46he didn't dabble in things he didn't understand. After handing old Maddy's life to a trustworthy
00:52doctor, he picked up his phone and contacted the police. He wanted to find out what was going on
00:57with Nora and why she couldn't be bailed out. All right, let me know what you find out, he told
01:05the officer on the phone. Thank you. After hanging up with the police, he started to dial Justin's
01:11number. Even though Joel didn't want to admit that he could be inferior to Justin, the other man had
01:18a stronger connection with Nora, so he had no choice but to ask him for help. Before he could
01:23finish dialing, Yvonne walked over and asked, what can I help you with? He frowned at her and was
01:30about to say that he didn't need anything from her when his phone suddenly rang. It was a friend.
01:36He had asked for help, calling back to report about the reason Nora couldn't be bailed out
01:42before he answered the call. He told Yvonne, contact Justin immediately and tell him that old
01:48Maddie is being treated and needs Dr. Athena's help. He felt that if Nora had informed Tanya
01:54before she was taken away by the police, then she must have also informed Justin. Yvonne's pupils
02:00shrank at the mention of Justin, but she said, okay, I will. Are you going to answer your phone?
02:07When Joel walked to the side to answer the call, she took out her phone and dialed Justin's private
02:12number. Back in the day, their families had wanted the two of them to be together, so it was
02:18perfectly normal for her to have his number. He answered the call quickly, and she secretly
02:24rejoiced. As Justin's deep voice said, Yvonne, is something the matter? When Justin saw who was
02:34calling, he hadn't wanted to pick it up. He wanted nothing to do with Yvonne, but he answered anyway.
02:41Afraid that Nora's phone had run out of battery and she was just borrowing Yvonne's phone to call
02:46him. Yvonne's heart sank at his nonchalant tone. She lowered her eyes as she said, yes,
02:55something happened. Nora treated our family's friend old Maddie, but he had an accident.
03:01The police took her away. Justin sensitively caught the main point of her message.
03:06How's old Maddie? He asked. Yvonne replied ambiguously. All medical teams our family
03:13could hire are here. They're treating him as we speak. Now that he had fulfilled his duty of
03:19expressing concern, he said, I'm going to the police station. He hung up before Yvonne could
03:25respond, and she stared at her phone, annoyed. Nora's bail was not the most important thing
03:31at the moment. So Yvonne was frustrated that Justin was going to go straight to the station
03:36to get her. The police station was the safest place for her to be. Nothing would happen to
03:42her there. Old Maddie's condition should have been everyone's focus. After Joel found out about old
03:50Maddie, he had quickly sent a doctor to the hospital to try to keep him alive. If he died,
03:56Nora would likely not be released from jail and Justin's trip to the police station would be a
04:01waste of time. Yvonne clenched her hands into fists and lowered her gaze, hiding the viciousness and
04:08hatred in her eyes. On the other side of the room, Joel answered his phone. Did you find out who's
04:15refusing to let her go? He asked. His contact was on the other end of the line, and his voice was
04:21very low. It's Captain Ford. Captain Ford. Morris. He should have expected as much. Only Morris could
04:30have done such a thing. But why would he target Nora? Joel narrowed his eyes. What's going on?
04:38The other party sighed softly. That's confidential information. He paused for a moment before saying,
04:45Forget it. I'll tell you. Captain Ford has given an order to the police station.
04:51He wants to personally investigate all the cases involving Nora.
04:55The person on the other end of the line with Joel paused before continuing.
05:00What? A life is on the line. Bail can't be granted. He's worried that Nora will try to
05:05escape if she's bailed out. Joel frowned. Escape. It seemed like a harsh decision,
05:13considering she had no criminal record. Refusing bail was more suited to fugitives and murderers.
05:19He couldn't understand why they were so afraid she would find an opportunity to escape.
05:24His contact informed him that they planned to detain her for 24 hours, with no chance of letting
05:30her leave before that. Who is she really? He wondered. The interrogation room in the police
05:36station was cold, surrounded on all sides by walls and doors made of metal. The two police
05:43officers stared at the woman sitting opposite them. One of them said, Miss Smith, even if you
05:49won't admit your part in it, old Matty is on the verge of death. If something happens to him,
05:54you will be in serious trouble. Nora was slouching on the chair, made for interrogation.
06:01She had her head tilted back and her eyes closed as she pretended to sleep.
06:06The two officers looked at each other. One of them frowned deeply as he observed her behavior.
06:13Are you stalling for time? Waiting for the Smiths' lawyers to bail you out?
06:18You endangered a man's life. Don't you have anything to say? As a police officer,
06:24he hated these people from wealthy families who treated human lives as nothing. The officers had
06:30seen the old Matty being taken away in the ambulance with their own eyes and heard. The
06:36housekeeper and servants say that Nora had insisted on treating old Matty. They had even found long
06:42silver needles when they searched old Matty's residence. They were similar to acupuncture
06:47needles, but there was one main difference. They were much longer. Captain Ford had specifically
06:54instructed that if Nora was ever involved with endangering someone's life, she should be
06:59detained and monitored. If their captain believed she should be so closely watched, she must have
07:06been a very dangerous person. The officer narrowed his eyes and tried again. It would be in your best
07:13interest to cooperate with our investigation. She still wouldn't say a word. As they waited for her
07:19to speak, Nora heard footsteps outside the door. It was the sound of leather boots stomping against
07:25the floor. Loud, heavy steps came closer until they stopped at the entrance of the interrogation
07:31room. The two police officers hurriedly stood up at attention. The door creaked open and Morris
07:37stood there looking as hard and cold as an ice cube. His eyes were pitch black and humorless.
07:44A person could get chills just by standing in front of him, as if they were in the presence
07:49of evil. The officers greeted him respectfully, Captain Ford. Morris nodded and walked into the
07:56room. As he entered, he checked the dossier in his hand. Reading the details of the case, he asked,
08:03what's the situation? The suspect hasn't confessed. She insists that she was treating the victim.
08:11One of the officers replied. Morris nodded again. He walked to the front of the interrogation room
08:18and sat down. Only then did he look up at Nora. His dark eyes made it difficult for others to
08:24figure out what he was thinking, but the gaze he used to stare at Nora was especially harsh.
08:31Miss Smith, are you waiting for someone to send you a lawyer? I won't allow them to come in.
08:37I need you to cooperate with our investigation. Nora sat up slowly as he spoke. She narrowed her
08:44eyes and finally sensed that something was different. She had originally thought that
08:50it would be at most an issue of practicing medicine without any certification, and that
08:56if she showed proof of Athena's identity, everything would be fine. But she had not
09:01expected Morris to be involved. He was not an ordinary police officer. He belonged to a
09:07mysterious special department that seemed to have a very high status in New York, judging by the
09:13police officer's attitudes toward him and the team leader waiting respectfully at the door for
09:18Morris' instruction. She could tell he ran things. She raised her eyes to meet his, looking through
09:26her long eyelashes with a serious expression. Captain Ford, what do you want to ask?
09:32Morris was very pleased with her cooperation. He asked directly,
09:38How did you treat him? Did you give him any medications? If you did, you need to give us
09:44the name of the drugs. We need to do a detailed examination. At Morris' mention of drugs,
09:50Nora could sense that he was very serious about the case. She bowed her head as she said old
09:56Matty's nerves had been damaged, causing him to be weak and not suitable for medication.
10:02I've been using acupuncture instead. Morris was stunned. Acupuncture? Yes. That's right.
10:11She sat up straight as she answered him. He glowered at her. Are you sure you didn't use
10:17any other drugs to help with the treatment? I'm positive, she replied confidently. Okay.
10:24Morris stood up. I'll have to trouble you to stay here for the time being.
10:29We'll go look for old Matty and collect some more evidence. Captain Ford, I need to see old Matty
10:35so I can continue treating him. She insisted. Morris lowered his eyes. It's not convenient
10:41for you to leave right now. She frowned. Then you'll have to go and see how he's doing.
10:47If he really is about to die, please let me out so I can help him. He scrutinized her carefully.
10:54Are you really a doctor? Yes, I am. She let him size her up for a moment before saying,
11:00I'm Athena. With the way things were going, it no longer made sense for her to hide her identity.
11:06Morris was clearly surprised. You're Athena. Yes, she replied emphatically. He was silent
11:14for a moment as he stood in front of her. Then he sat down again before saying,
11:19as far as I know, Dr. Athena only became famous overseas in the past five years.
11:25How many years have you been studying medicine? Nora leaned back in her chair.
11:31Her eyes drooped and she looked very sleepy. 24 years. She had been studying medicine since she
11:39was very young. But as she grew older, her studies became more complex. She examined
11:45alternative medicines and modern medicine. Morris was stunned. In my experience, it takes most
11:52doctors years to become established, successful surgeons. How many years have you been a
11:58practicing doctor? Nora smiled. Five years. Morris wondered if it was possible for a doctor to become
12:06an accomplished surgeon in such a short time. It didn't make sense that she had suddenly appeared
12:13and quickly become a well-known surgeon overseas. To be as good as she was rumored to be would take
12:19a lot of practice. He suddenly asked, can you tell me about any bizarre things that have happened to
12:25you? Bizarre things. Where is he going with this? She wondered. She cupped her chin with both hands.
12:34Does being pregnant? With twins with no idea how it happened count? He grimaced.
12:40Anything else? Nora spread her hands. That's all. He eyed her carefully and then asked,
12:47Miss Smith, don't you think your talent in medicine is a little shocking?
12:52She thought about his question. She had been a fast learner since she was a child.
12:57Anything she set her sights on learning, she had mastered quickly.
13:02I don't think being intelligent is very shocking to you. Since ancient times, there have been many
13:07smart people in ancient China. There was a boy who was crowned when he was just 12 years old.
13:14Did you know that? Morris was speechless. After failing to give her a reasonable explanation,
13:20he stood up. I'm going to the hospital to check on old Maddy.
13:25At the hospital, Yvonne watched the doctors entering and exiting the operation theater.
13:31Everyone was trying their best to save old Maddy's life, but they were all going in the
13:36wrong direction. Old Maddy was not sick and his nerves weren't damaged. He had been poisoned.
13:44Yvonne took a deep breath. The pills she had told Florence about was not a carefree pill at all.
13:50It was a kind of poison. After being swallowed, it would soon enter the bloodstream. Unless a
13:57very accurate instrument was used, it couldn't be detected. Meanwhile, as the doctors worked hard
14:04to save old Maddy, they were coming at it from the perspective that Nora was the one who had
14:09harmed him. They would never even think of poison. Once old Maddy died, the toxic molecules in his
14:16blood would slowly disappear, making it even harder to discover. As Yvonne was thinking about
14:22this, she saw Morris walking over with a group of forensic scientists. He immediately shouted
14:28in order, I want all the data on this man's condition. Yes, Captain Ford. Everyone dispersed
14:36and either participated in the treatment efforts or set to work recording information about the
14:41old man. Some of them had even drawn a few tubes of his blood. Yvonne clenched her fists tightly.
14:51What are they doing? She wondered. In another hour or so, the poison would have been out of his blood,
14:57but they had already drawn it into vials. Everything had been going so well. No one
15:03would have thought that he had been poisoned. She scowled at Captain Ford. He was ruining all
15:09her plans. Captain Ford, it's done, said the medical examiner respectfully as he walked over
15:16to Maurice with old Maddy's blood samples. Maurice stood with his hands behind him in a standard
15:21militant stance. He nodded as he said, send his blood samples for inspection immediately
15:28and check if he's taken any medication recently. Notify me immediately if you find any abnormalities.
15:35Yes, sir. The medical examiners hurried off after receiving their orders and Maurice stared around
15:41the operation theater. He didn't actually care if old Maddy survived, let alone whether Nora
15:48was practicing medicine without a license or whether this was an incident of medical malpractice.
15:54What he cared about was Captain Ford. Aren't you guys making too big of a fuss over all this?
16:02Joel walked over his attitude, calm and collected.
16:06Maurice's tone became more polite when he saw him. I have to prioritize your family's affairs
16:12after all. Joel was smiling, but his fox-like eyes were full of suspicion and perplexity.
16:19I don't think this is all because of my family. Maurice continued to stand ramrod straight.
16:25He stared directly ahead of him and he looked strict and serious. I don't understand what
16:30you're insinuating. Mr. Smith, don't you want us to investigate this thoroughly?
16:37Joel frowned. Even now, he still firmly believed that there wasn't anything sketchy about Nora.
16:43She was just treating an ill patient. Even if she didn't manage to cure him, her treatment would
16:50never cause his death. All of the fuss had to be a misunderstanding. He straightened his back as
16:56he replied. Of course, we would never condone criminal activity. Maurice nodded. Your family
17:03has always been above reproach. Joel stared at Maurice, sizing him up. This wasn't the first
17:09time that they had interacted with each other. Maurice's relationship with his family and the
17:14hunts had always been pleasant. But this time, he wasn't giving even the slightest hint away.
17:21Joel thought that maybe what his cousin was involved in was no simple incident. It was
17:26probably related to something even more serious. Yvonne eyed Maurice from across the room. He was
17:33considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the city, although he seemed to most people to
17:38be just a police captain. In truth, he was part of a special department with extremely high
17:45authority. No one knew what kind of cases he was investigating, but his identity was not a
17:51simple one. Of course, it was also because of this same sense of mystery around Maurice
17:57that no one dared to pursue him. But he didn't have time for romance anyway. Yvonne had thought
18:03about it. If things were impossible between her and Justin, then Maurice was also an option.
18:09She had dispelled all of those thoughts by that time.
18:13She stared at the door nervously, hoping for the outcome to be revealed soon. Meanwhile,
18:20at the Smiths' house, the sky had gradually darkened. A figure darted into the driveway
18:26outside the back door. Louis stood there, sneakily looking around. He cupped his hands
18:32around his mouth like a trumpet as he shouted,
18:35Quentin! Quentin! But after shouting for a long time, he didn't see anyone.
18:41Louis frowned and pouted. Where is he? Gone. As soon as he asked the question,
18:49he heard someone approaching in a hurry. He was so startled that he darted behind a car to hide.
18:55Right after, he slid behind the vehicle. He saw Maureen and Warren hurrying over.
19:02Louis breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them. He called out softly,
19:08Warren, Maureen, where are you guys going this late at night? Upon hearing his voice,
19:14Warren asked, What are you doing here? Louis went up nervously to the two of them,
19:19and then said with dissatisfaction, I heard that Nora's in trouble.
19:24Don't things go wrong during medical treatments in hospitals all the time?
19:29How did it come to this? Joel still hasn't bailed her out. It must be because she is an Ian's
19:35daughter. His voice grew angrier as he spoke. What's wrong with Joel? Even if Nora's mother
19:42betrayed Ian and ended up with Ryan instead, what does it have to do with her? We finally have a
19:48girl in the family now. How can he treat her like this? Warren was very much in agreement with him.
19:55You're right. I don't think Joel handled this well either. He must be looking at things from
20:00Ian's perspective instead. Besides, you know what Joel is like. Louis nodded. Yeah, you always look
20:08so pleasant on the outside. But is there anyone who doesn't know that he's the most underhanded
20:13person ever? He doesn't pay any attention to us, let alone to Nora. Joel may not want to care about
20:21her, but we can't ignore her. Yes, we should do something to help. Warren said. Maureen and I are
20:30planning to go to her family and ask them to get a lawyer to bail Nora out. Louise, eyes brightened.
20:37Come on, let's go. I'll come with you guys. Now that Nora's in trouble, I can't just stand by and
20:44watch. Warren, you can contribute in terms of strength while in I'll pay. Asked Warren,
20:52Louis gripped his wallet at once. I don't have that kind of money. I'll help some other way.
20:58I can run errands. Warren looked at him like he was stupid. There, a small group was about to
21:04set off when a figure suddenly appeared in front of the car. The person was in the shadows and they
21:09couldn't get a good look at them at first. But after a moment, Louis exclaimed in surprise,
21:15Quentin, although Quentin was younger than Warren, his status in the family had surpassed Warren's.
21:22After I had put him in charge of the family's secret forces, he was capable. So everyone went
21:28to Quentin. Whenever they were in trouble, instead of approaching Joel for help, Quentin folded his
21:34arms and raised his chin slightly. His expression was one of impatience. He said, I think you guys
21:42need to be a little smarter about all this. Lewis and Warren looked at each other with puzzled
21:47expressions. What do you mean? Warren asked. Quentin let out a cold snort. There's no way
21:55Joel would leave her on her own. Even if she isn't Anne's daughter, she's still Smith. Joel is very
22:02protective of his own. He already sent someone to bail her out a long time ago. Lewis was puzzled.
22:09Then why isn't she back yet? Quentin curled his lips disdainfully. Obviously, he didn't succeed.
22:17The incident must be related to other things. We can't act rashly. Lewis flipped out. Then are we
22:24supposed to just let Nora continue sitting in jail? It's not like they'll starve her or deny her water
22:30in the police station. What's the big deal about being detained for a few days? What are you so
22:37anxious about? Quentin asked. Lewis was furious. How can you say that? If it were Quinn, senior
22:45student, locked up in there, would you still be that calm? As if Quinn's senior student would ever be
22:51locked up in jail? Quentin answered dismissively. He figured she was probably in a match at that
22:58very moment. But with everything going on, he had decided not to go to the tournament.
23:04Quentin picked up his cell phone and dialed Linda's number. When she answered, he said,
23:11if you see Quinn, senior student, please tell her that I won't be able to go to the tournament today.
23:18The two had exchanged numbers after Quentin unintentionally overheard the Quinn School
23:24of Martial Arts disciples chat the other day. He wanted them to have a convenient way of contacting
23:30each other. Linda said, but I know we may be disqualified if I don't go. But please ask for
23:37her understanding for me. I have something more important going on today. That's not what I'm
23:43talking about. What I mean is Quentin interrupted her again. What do you want to say is that given
23:51her status, the tournament will allow a team with fewer members to fight a team with more members,
23:57right? That's fine, too. In any case, just relay the message to her for me. Linda was panicking
24:04by then. She finally forcefully said, can you let me finish? Go ahead, Quentin replied. It seems like
24:12Quinn's senior student isn't here tonight either. Quinn's senior student wasn't at the tournament.
24:19Where did she go? Quentin wondered. He hung up the phone and his mind was full of questions.
24:26He saw Lewis and Warren looking at him eagerly, waiting for him to make a decision. Quentin
24:33frowned. When Joel went to bail her out, they gave him a very strange reason for rejecting
24:38the bail request. That makes me think that she must have gotten herself into trouble.
24:44Next to him, Lewis exclaimed, surely she didn't really cheat someone out of their money,
24:49did she? Quentin and Warren both looked at him in confusion. What are you talking about?
24:56Lewis said with certainty. Think about it. She's just someone from a small town in California.
25:03How can she possibly own a card with no credit limit? I just found it a little strange. Maybe
25:10she's involved in a fraud syndicate. Warren and Maureen looked dubious. Maureen stroked her chin
25:17as she said hesitantly. Now that you put it that way, Nora also knows a relatively impressive
25:23hacker called Solo. Solo? Quentin frowned. I know that guy. He's an international hacker who's on a
25:32wanted list overseas. Why is she involved with him? Lewis came to a conclusion. It's all over
25:39if she's involved in other kinds of trouble. Besides the medical malpractice incident,
25:44there's no chance we can help her. Besides, I heard that old Maddy's situation isn't looking
25:50too good. Warren nodded in agreement. That's why we've been so anxious. We heard that his vitals
25:58are slowly declining and his organs are beginning to fail. That's why we were trying to think of a
26:03solution. Lewis cried out. It's over. It's all over. Ayn already dislikes Nora, and now she's
26:12gotten herself into so much trouble. Quentin, what should we do? There's only one way out now,
26:18said Quentin. What is it? We have to break her out of jail. After patrolling the hospital for a while,
26:26Maurice came back to the police station to continue interrogating Nora.
26:30Nora was still sitting in the interrogation room like she wasn't bothered. She leaned against the
26:36back of the chair and stared at him. She said, So, have you looked into everything? Can I go to the
26:43hospital to save my patient now? Maurice glared at the woman in front of him. His man had indeed
26:49investigated what had happened, and they had questioned the Smith staff. All of them testified
26:56that Nora hadn't used any drugs when she was treating old Maddy. Instead, she had performed
27:01acupuncture on him. He looked at her sternly. You're not allowed to leave until we reach an
27:08outcome with the investigation. Her eyes darkened a little, and her voice gradually became cold.
27:15Captain Ford, I don't know what you're investigating, but someone is waiting for me to
27:20save his life right now. The more time you waste here, the higher the likelihood that old Maddy
27:26isn't going to survive. Maurice. His expression remained unchanged. He said there are many
27:33doctors in the hospital. Miss Smith, our medical examiners have also joined the team.
27:40I heard that the Hunts have also sent doctors over. It doesn't seem like there will be any
27:45problem, even if you aren't there. Nora was impatient. So will you take responsibility
27:52if he dies? She had already been detained for such a long time. She had been repeatedly
27:58interrogated by a stream of people, and hadn't slept for six hours. Her physical discomfort was
28:05making her irritable. Maurice, however, stared hard at her as he said, it seems to me that what
28:12you want isn't to go over and treat the patient, but to take the opportunity to escape. Am I right?
28:19Nora was perplexed. If you don't trust me, then ask your men to go with me, Maurice sneered.
28:27If I let you leave, I'm afraid that even my men won't be able to hold you back. After all,
28:34they had already been fooled once, twenty years before Nora was lost for words.
28:39She had had a good impression of Maurice when she interacted with him previously,
28:44but for some reason, his attitude had changed drastically this time. He had tried to sound
28:51her out back then, but he had also indirectly protected her. Now, he was completely hostile
28:57in treating her like she was a murderer. She didn't understand what had happened to make
29:02his attitude toward her change, but she didn't have the time or energy to figure it out.
29:08She stood up as she said, Captain Ford, I'm old. Mattie's attending doctor, I am obligated to
29:17treat him. If you continue to detain me, then don't blame me if I don't hold back anymore.
29:23She flexed her wrists as she spoke. Her personality had always been this way.
29:29Once she lost her temper, she didn't give two hoots about anything anymore.
29:34She didn't care that she was in a police station. It wasn't going to stop her from getting out to
29:40treat her patient. Maurice scoffed at the stance she had taken, and how exactly are you planning
29:46to not hold back, Miss Smith? When they heard his words, the two men beside him immediately
29:51took out their guns and pointed them at Nora. She narrowed her eyes at them. Right at that moment,
29:58a deep, aggressive voice came from the door. Captain Ford, what do you think you're doing?
30:06Treating my fiancé like this? Justin had appeared at the door. He stood tall, his aura sharp and
30:12oppressive. Maurice stood up quickly when he saw him, caught off guard. Mr. Hunt, Justin,
30:19had already stood in into the room. Behind him was a veteran lawyer who worked for his family.
30:25He had never lost any of the cases he took over the years. Maurice and Justin stood face to face.
30:33The two men were equally matched, neither of them losing out to the other in momentum.
30:38Justin glanced at Nora, who was standing on the other side of the room. There was nothing wrong
30:43with her except that her usual docile, lazy eyes were fiery with anger. This made the look in
30:50Justin's eyes turn even colder. He said, Captain Ford, shouldn't you give me an explanation for
30:57detaining my fiancé without any reason? Maurice cast his eyes down but remained very aggressive.
31:04He replied, My apologies, Mr. Hunt, but she's involved in a confidential case. I am not at
31:11liberty to disclose any information. Justin narrowed his eyes. Captain Ford, perhaps there's
31:18one thing you don't understand. Ms. Smith is my fiancé. She's not some random woman off the street
31:25that you can casually detain. If you can't produce any actual evidence, then I'm taking her with me.
31:33Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
