Hollyoaks 21st August 2024

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00:00I want you in my life no matter what, and I will welcome that baby like it's my own.
00:04I'm willing to make it work.
00:05Well, I'm not.
00:07I think we should break up.
00:09On a normal day, I wouldn't be so emotional.
00:11Today's the anniversary of the day I lost my children.
00:15I need to keep you safe from your father.
00:17Mother, my father died.
00:19Yes, Patrick. No, no, I don't mean him.
00:23Okay, so who are you talking about?
00:27Jeremy's your real father.
00:57Martha, I'm so sorry, but your time is up.
01:12The nurse is going to be so worried about where you are.
01:14Just give me a minute.
01:16What is it that you're searching for?
01:18Martha, Jez is a decent man.
01:27Jeremy is a monster.
01:29Charles, your grandfather, was evil, and Patrick took after him, but Jeremy is far worse.
01:34These things that you're so worried about, they're not real.
01:38Jeremy is your father. If you don't believe me, see for yourself.
01:47Why do you want to break up?
01:48Why would you want to have a baby with me now?
01:50Because we spoke about it before.
01:52What, before you made me look like a no-good cheating rat in front of my family?
01:54You are a no-good cheating rat.
01:56Then why would you want to be with me?
01:57Because I love you, you idiot.
02:01You're angry, okay?
02:04And you should be.
02:06I let my temper get the best of me, but I was hurt because you broke our promise.
02:10And that's a promise that I never should have made.
02:13Betraying you and Hunter was always the worst thing that I ever did, but I have to be a part of my baby's life.
02:16Yeah, and I want you to be.
02:26You know my dad was never around when I needed him.
02:30And that is not who I am. My baby is going to be my whole world.
02:36And you're never going to be okay with that.
02:39That's not true.
02:40Then why would you make me choose?
02:41Because I messed up, okay?
02:46I was petty and I was jealous and I was so terrified of losing you.
02:54Please, Prince, you have to give me a second chance.
02:57I will never, ever make you choose between me and your baby again.
03:04We first met at sixth form college.
03:07We were best friends.
03:09And then we fell in love.
03:11The only woman I've ever loved.
03:14I'll never forget the day she told me she was pregnant with our twins.
03:19It was the best moment of my entire life.
03:24It's that great DNA. Twins must run in the family.
03:33She suffered a miscarriage 40 years ago today.
03:38It still feels like it was yesterday.
03:41I got this tattoo in memory of our twins.
03:47A lotus was her favourite flower.
03:52But all she wanted to do was forget.
03:55To run away.
03:59And she ran straight into the arms of my brother.
04:05She left you for Patrick?
04:11Wait, what was her name?
04:18My mum?
04:20I don't understand. She would never do that.
04:23You think I'm making this up?
04:24No, no, gosh, no. Sorry.
04:28It's just a lot to take in.
04:31Patrick took everything from me.
04:33I was still trying to come to terms with losing my twins when Anna fell pregnant with Sienna and Mark.
04:41You couldn't even let me have my grief.
04:43I can't imagine how painful this must have been for you, but Patrick can't hurt you anymore.
04:48It's over.
04:49It's not over!
04:56Tapas! Ooh, you're gonna have a hard time beating what me and Cleo had in Barcelona.
05:01Have you guys been on holiday to Barcelona? You've only mentioned it like 14 times.
05:05Ooh, you took the problems out of your paella.
05:07Sorry, we had a little visit from Dilly earlier.
05:11Turns out Prince cheated on her with Zoe, right before Hunter died.
05:18Oh my, wow. I didn't think he'd be capable of something like that.
05:21Do you know how I saw them at the hospital together?
05:23It's what happens when you bury attraction. Secrets and lies. The dark side of monogamy.
05:28Anyway, I've gotta go. I've got a session with that new client I told you about. See you later.
05:34Oh, the model?
05:35Lingerie model, yeah. She wants a few sessions before she jets off to Brazil for a photo shoot.
05:40I love my life.
05:44He's not very subtle, is he?
05:47I assume he's still pushing for an open relationship.
05:51No. No, he's just joking. We're gonna focus on us now.
05:55And he knows that, does he?
05:57Yeah. Honestly, I trust Abe completely.
06:06You following me?
06:08You know, this is getting close to harassment now. I've got nothing to hide.
06:11That's not entirely true, is it, Ivy?
06:15See, there were so many things that didn't add up about Declan's murder.
06:19I saw you at Hunter's grave. And why didn't Paul's confession make any sense?
06:23So I did a bit of digging. Found out who you really are.
06:27Okay. Fine. Arrest me for identity fraud.
06:31But I had nothing to do with Declan's death. I wasn't even there.
06:34Forensics found blood at the crime scene. Belonging to Ivan Hawthorne.
06:39So I followed the paper trail.
06:41Right up until he transitioned and officially changed his name to Ivy Shaw.
06:46Or should I say you changed your name?
06:50Declan was your father, wasn't he?
06:53Ivy Shaw, I'm arresting you for assisting an offender.
06:55You do not have to say anything, don't you, mate?
07:00Do your waters just break?
07:05No. It's too soon. I'm not due for another three months.
07:21Yeah, can I have an ambulance, please?
07:26Hey, pause off. This is for tomorrow's tapas and tipples party.
07:31Guessing I'm banned, then.
07:33Well, that depends on who your plus one's gonna be.
07:36Is it gonna be the girl who exposed you for being a cheating scumbag,
07:39or is it gonna be your dead brother's pregnant ex-girlfriend?
07:44Go ahead. I deserve it. Can't make me feel any worse.
07:47Well, you're not gonna get much sympathy.
07:49You betrayed your own brother. Not to mention poor Dilly.
07:52She clearly believes you actually cared about her.
07:54I do care about her.
07:56You've got a very funny way of showing it.
07:58Dilly just asked me to have a baby with her.
08:01Don't panic. We're over.
08:03But I've just had to stand there and tell the girl of my dreams
08:06that I couldn't be with her any more, so go ahead, tell me I don't care.
08:09So that's it, then? That's your two choices? Break-up or baby?
08:13You two make my head spin.
08:15Yeah, but I like Dilly, though.
08:17She's fun. Clever.
08:20Posh. In a cool way.
08:24Girls like that, they're like...
08:27..shooting stars.
08:29Sorry, what?
08:30They only come around when you wish really hard.
08:33But they're not gone forever.
08:35Perhaps you should tell Dilly that.
08:41It's a lovely gift.
08:43I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me.
08:46Absolutely nothing.
08:49You clearly loved my mum very much.
08:53I really did.
08:55And for what it's worth,
08:57you'd have been a million times the father Patrick ever was.
09:01I really hope you can lay your demons to rest.
09:05That's the plan.
09:35What's going on? Mother, what are you doing here?
09:38Jeremy, stop. You need to know the truth.
09:46Patrick wasn't my father.
10:06You are.
10:22That's it, you're doing great.
10:24I can't!
10:25I'll be with you the whole time, OK? You can do this.
10:28Will my baby be OK?
10:31If whoever's in there is half as strong as you are, of course he will.
10:35I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here.
10:38Thank you, Kitty.
10:40Any time.
10:42I can feel it, it's coming.
10:45Come on, just a little more.
10:47There you go. What did I say? The paramedics are here.
10:50Hi there. What's your name?
10:52Zoe. Hi, Zoe. My name's Lauren.
10:54My baby's about 15 weeks premature.
10:56She's fully dilated. Have you been pushing?
10:58Good. I'm going to need you to keep going with that, OK? Are you ready?
11:01OK, good. Deep breath. And push.
11:04Good, Zoe. Good, OK. Keep pushing.
11:06One more push.
11:08That's it, Zoe. Well done.
11:10Well done.
11:12See? There you go, you did it.
11:14It's a boy.
11:15Just breathe.
11:16Why are they taking my baby?
11:18He's breathing, but he's very premature,
11:20so we need to get him to the hospital immediately.
11:22Zoe, they'll take good care of him, OK?
11:24And you.
11:27But Patrick and I were identical twins.
11:29We share the same DNA.
11:31How could they possibly know which one of us was the father?
11:33I kept a lock of hair from Patrick and from you from when you were little.
11:37Then I forged the consent forms and sent all the samples off.
11:41The test centre took your DNA and compared it with Sienna.
11:45Now, apparently Sienna has genetic markers
11:47that she doesn't share with Patrick, but she does with you,
11:51so there's no mistake.
11:53Sienna and Mark are your children.
11:56How long have you known?
11:59When did you even do this test?
12:01Well, just after we first met.
12:03Why even do a DNA test at all?
12:05Surely you wouldn't want to blow up our family based on a hunch.
12:08Except it wasn't a hunch, was it, Mother?
12:11Look, when Patrick told me that I was pregnant,
12:14she came to me to say that the dates were wrong.
12:18So the twins are possibly yours?
12:21And what, you told her to lie?
12:23Patrick and Anna were engaged. What was I supposed to do?
12:26Tell the truth!
12:28Do you have any idea what it was like for me to be raised by Patrick Blake?
12:32The control, the emotional abuse, and despite everything,
12:36I still loved him because he was my dad.
12:39Except he wasn't, was he?
12:42Which means Dilly isn't my sister.
12:46How did I not realise?
12:48I've just been so consumed by grief I didn't see it.
12:53What grief?
12:55I just found out.
12:5740 years ago today, Mum had a miscarriage.
13:00Her and Jez were expecting twins of their own.
13:03You. You sat there and watched me suffer.
13:08You sat there and watched me suffer
13:11while my sociopathic brother raised my children and said nothing!
13:15Why now? Why tell us all of this now?
13:18It's for your own good, Jeremy.
13:20These girls are innocent. I won't let you hurt them!
13:23I've heard enough.
13:24You are going back to the care home before I do something I regret.
13:27You are sick!
13:28She's slipped out of lucidness again. She comes and goes so quickly.
13:31There is nothing wrong with me!
13:33Just stop, OK? Everybody just stop!
13:39I'm sorry, Sienna.
13:49Dilly, wait!
13:51Leave me alone.
13:52Listen to me.
13:53You are the sweetest, kindest, wildest girl I've ever met.
13:57Look, save the post-breakup pep talk, all right?
14:00Clearly made your choice.
14:02I want to have a baby with you.
14:04In a few years or so,
14:07after I've got the hang of this whole dad thing.
14:11But I can't imagine anyone else that I'd like to start a family with.
14:18We're both ready.
14:20But what about Zoe and the baby?
14:23I don't want you to feel like you have to choose.
14:25That's a me problem.
14:27I don't want you to feel like you have to choose.
14:30I don't want you to feel like you have to choose.
14:32That's a me problem.
14:34And I can work on it.
14:36Even if it takes us the rest of our lives.
14:47Look, I mean...
14:51I know it's not the most fancy or expensive ring that you deserve.
14:57But I have to show you.
15:00That you mean well to me.
15:04Cordelia, how I call her.
15:08Will you marry me?
15:10It's Cordelia, idiot.
15:13You've got to pronounce my name correctly if you want me to be your wife.
15:16So is that a yes?
15:30Guess what? We just got engaged.
15:32You've got to get to the hospital.
15:34Zoe's just given birth.
15:36That can't be. It's way too soon.
15:38Kitty found them in the park.
15:40The baby's been rushed to the NICU.
15:44No, you go. Just keep me updated.
15:48Love you.
15:51Please, Sienna.
15:53I did it to protect you.
15:55To protect me?
15:57I grew up in complete fear of Patrick.
16:00My childhood was one long nightmare and you could have stopped it at any time.
16:05Now is too late.
16:08I don't ever want to see you again.
16:17You watched me grieve my twins the whole time you knew.
16:23Patrick had his flaws, but he was reliable.
16:26You were and still are unstable and emotionally wrecked with a violent temper.
16:32If I'm so awful, why are you telling the truth now?
16:35Because you would have buried Sienna in the allotment with Liberty and Dilly.
16:39I would never harm my own daughter.
16:43I know you want to bond with Sienna, but I'm not going to let that happen.
16:47She deserves to know the kind of man she's living with.
16:50I just got off the phone to the care home to let them know Martha's OK.
16:53Please, please don't let them take me back to that home. Please.
16:56OK. OK. Can she not stay here just for one night?
16:59Over my dead body.
17:01But, Sienna, she's not well.
17:03Do you really want your own grandmother to be terrified and alone?
17:07This isn't how we treat family.
17:09Come on, Martha. Sienna and Jez have a lot to talk about.
17:24Sienna, I'm so sorry.
17:34You're not to blame. Martha is.
17:40But the truth was staring me in the face.
17:42And if I'd known, I could have saved you from all those years of torment.
17:48You know everyone in this village thinks I'm crazy.
17:52And they're probably right.
17:55But what chance did I have?
17:58Patrick raised me to fear him,
18:01and then I've been taking it out on the world ever since.
18:06But if you had been my father...
18:11..maybe things would have been different.
18:13Maybe I would have been normal.
18:19I think you're perfect.
18:23And I would have been proud to be your dad.
18:30Maybe it's not too late.
18:32I don't have a right to ask, but...
18:37..I could still be your father.
18:40I could still be a father to you...
18:43..if you want me to.
18:47A loving father is all I have ever wanted.
18:52If you're the man that you say you are...
18:55..then I think I would like to be your daughter.
19:04Walkin', walkin', walkin'.
19:06Walkin', walkin', walkin'.
19:08You all right? Where's the baby?
19:11In there, in ICU.
19:13Paramedics managed to get him to the incubator in time.
19:19I have a son.
19:22Can you give us a minute?
19:26What can I see him?
19:28Does he look like me? Has he got my eyes?
19:31He can't open his eyes.
19:35The machine's the only thing keeping him alive.
19:38You're talking like he's...
19:40..never going to get better.
19:45The doctor said he has a very low chance of survival.
19:49And we need to prepare for the worst.
19:52Shall we box up some food for Prince? I could drop it at the hospital.
19:55Yeah, good idea.
19:56Hospital? What a mess.
19:58Zoe's giving birth.
20:00I know, it's so early.
20:02The baby's so premature, it's scary.
20:04They're all in the ICU now.
20:06It's probably not the engagement that Dillie imagined.
20:09Been a hell of a day.
20:11Hey, look, no big deal.
20:13It's just the baby.
20:15It's just the baby.
20:17It's just the baby.
20:19Been a hell of a day.
20:21Hey, look, no judgement here. Every relationship's different.
20:26How was the workout with the model?
20:28Yeah, good. Yeah, Pippa's lovely.
20:30Yeah, she takes her exercise seriously. I'll be seeing a lot more of her.
20:33Wow, someone went to town. The potatoes bravas.
20:36You've been my little taste tester, haven't you?
20:38Yeah, any time.
20:40Right, shall we go? I might check in on them.
20:42All right. I'll see you tomorrow for tapas and tipples.
20:45I'll do some more of these tatty bravas that you like so much.
21:00You can't be a father.
21:02You're not capable of a normal human relationship.
21:05And at some point, it will go wrong, and heaven help Sienna when it does.
21:09I will be the father she deserves.
21:13We both know that's not possible.
21:15And I will make Sienna see what kind of man you are.
21:18I will not let you take my daughter away from me again, do you hear me?
21:22Come any closer and I will scream this house down.
21:29I'm going to go out and clear my head.
21:33I've been doing some thinking and...
21:36..maybe Lib is right.
21:38Maybe Martha should stay here.
21:41I really think she should go back.
21:43Despite what she did in the past, she is still family and...
21:47..well, I think if I'm going to heal, I might need to try and forgive her.
22:03Don't get comfortable.
22:05Remember, Sienna still thinks you're Sina.
22:09The longer I'm here, the more she'll realise there's nothing wrong with me.
22:14I am going to be part of Sienna's life, whether you like it or not.
22:17So if you try and stop me, I will take care of you.
22:22One way...
22:24..or another.
23:02Peace offering.
23:04I know I'm the very last person you want as an in-law.
23:08You had a blazing row with your boyfriend in front of his whole family
23:12and then you aired his dirty laundry in public.
23:20Welcome to the McQueens.