The King of Queens is an American television sitcom that ran on CBS from September 21, 1998, to May 14, 2007, a total of nine seasons and 207 episodes. The series was created by Michael J. Weithorn and David Litt, who also served as the show's executive producer, and stars Kevin James and Leah Remini as Doug and Carrie Heffernan, a working-class couple living in Rego Park, Queens. All the episodes were filmed in front of a live studio audience.[1][2]
The King of Queens was produced by Hanley Productions and CBS Productions (1998–2007), CBS Paramount Network Television (2007), in association with Columbia TriStar Television (1998–2002), and Sony Pictures Television (2002–07). It was filmed at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. The ninth and final season concluded with a double-length finale episode in 2007. James and Remini reunited in the 2016 television sitcom Kevin Can Wait,[3] which ended on May 7, 2018.[4]
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The King of Queens was produced by Hanley Productions and CBS Productions (1998–2007), CBS Paramount Network Television (2007), in association with Columbia TriStar Television (1998–2002), and Sony Pictures Television (2002–07). It was filmed at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. The ninth and final season concluded with a double-length finale episode in 2007. James and Remini reunited in the 2016 television sitcom Kevin Can Wait,[3] which ended on May 7, 2018.[4]
TAGS : #thekingofqueens #thekingofqueensfullepisodes #thekingofqueensthemesong #thekingofqueensending #thekingofqueenspizza #thekingofqueensbloopers #thekingofqueenspizzascene #thekingofqueensarthur #thekingofqueenscredits #thekingofqueensdominos #thekingofqueensdougandcarriebreakup #thekingofqueensfunniestmoments #thekingofqueenscarrie #thekingofqueensendcredits
the king of queens, the king of queens full episodes, the king of queens theme song, the king of queens ending, the king of queens pizza, the king of queens bloopers, the king of queens pizza scene, the king of queens arthur, the king of queens credits, the king of queens dominos, the king of queens doug and carrie break up, the king of queens funniest moments, the king of queens carrie, the king of queens end credits
00:00Hey, sleepy head.
00:19Merry Christmas.
00:20Come on downstairs.
00:21I got something for you.
00:22Dad, isn't Christmas tomorrow?
00:23I couldn't wait.
00:24Come on down.
00:25Come on.
00:26Come on, come on.
00:29Keep those eyes closed.
00:31Keep them closed.
00:34Watch the left hand.
00:38Okay, 1, 2, 3.
00:40Merry Christmas.
00:43So, what do you kids think, huh?
00:58Well, it's cozy.
01:01Where did it come from, Arthur?
01:02Did you build it?
01:05No, no.
01:06What we have here is a Duchenberger,
01:08made in Luxembourg.
01:09Most popular car on the road over there.
01:12Well, I assume they are tiny people.
01:14Anyway, this old buddy of mine happens to be an importer,
01:16cheese mostly.
01:17But when I told him my kids needed new wheels,
01:19he pulled some strings and got me this one.
01:21Right off the boat.
01:22You know how fast this thing goes zero to 60?
01:24How fast?
01:25I don't know.
01:27It's nice, Dad, but you really, really shouldn't have.
01:31No, no.
01:32You kids deserve this.
01:33No, we don't.
01:35Sure you do.
01:37You're gonna be the envy of the neighborhood.
01:40Check out all the looks we get.
01:42Oh, my God!
01:44Go faster!
01:45I'm already going as fast as I can!
01:47I'm shifting, I'm in third!
01:49There he is!
01:51Go, go!
02:10Go, go!
Doug's Tux Doesn't Fit! - The King of Queens #thekingofqueens #thekingofqueensfull
The King Of Queens
Carrie's Dream Vacation - The King of Queens #thekingofqueens #thekingofqueensfull
The King Of Queens
Deacon Wants Doug's Job - The King of Queens #thekingofqueens #thekingofqueensfull
The King Of Queens