Sueños de libertad Cap 131 (28-08-24)

  • last month
00:09Versed a calm ass
00:11It's a mujer de verdad
00:13No se que vio mi hermano en ella no tiene dos dedos de frente que no tiene dos dedos de frente eres tú no
00:17Puedes tratar a María esa manera ha sido muy desagradable y no venía a cuento claro
00:22porque lo normal sería dejar que esa mosquita muerta dijera lo que le viniera en gana de mi mujer no que hubiera hecho usted
00:27Si insultar a la madre en su presencia es que nadie insultado a nadie y es evidente que begoña no está bien como tampoco lo
00:32Estaba su madre acuérdate de cuando estuvo aquí viviendo y por eso ya hay que encerrarla en un manicomio que gran idea
00:37No, eso es lo último que quisiera todo el mundo pero es una opción que tenemos que considerar
00:42No me negarás que begoña más me oye jamás
00:46begoña no es mercedes
00:48Está pasando por una mala época sí pero se pondrá bien y como está tan seguro eres médico no soy su marido
00:54Y esas cosas se saben está perfectamente
00:57Soy yo el que la está cuidando y sé lo que me hago y no piensas que es mejor que había un especialista
01:02un médico es quien mejor puede evaluar su estado ponerle un tratamiento
01:05para que para que vuelva a perder los estribos y cuente todos los secretos de esta familia como hizo con los merino
01:11conozco los riesgos hijo pero ahora mismo lo importante es la salud de tu mujer lo que está claro es que no puede seguir así
01:18Y que más da no sé de qué se queja en el fondo a todos nos viene bien no
01:30Yo sé perfectamente cómo tratar a mi mujer
01:36Estás haciendo hijo no sé a qué se refiere lo sabes perfectamente
01:42Contéstame si no quieres que llame a un psiquiatra para que analice el estado de tu mujer
01:53La estás medicando
01:56He dicho que me conteste usted quería que la tuviera controlada no pues ya lo está
02:06Solo espero por tu bien que sepas lo que haces
02:09Siempre padre siempre
02:18Sabía que ese restaurante te iba a encantar el restaurante
02:21si yo con ese carro de postres ya tendría suficiente si ya te veo
02:27es para para hacer la digestión
02:30yo que quería que recordarse estos dos días porque voy a recoger un premio y saber todo absolutamente
02:34equilipsado por la balanza de azúcar marta por favor
02:37Que si alguien se merece recoger ese premio a mejor producto del año por anhelos
02:41esa eres tú
02:43es que nunca había estado tan de acuerdo con una decisión que ha tomado tu padre pero es que
02:48él te quiere bien
02:49yo ni así no sé si es consciente del esfuerzo que me ha costado llegar hasta aquí
02:53el doble de cualquier otro hombre
02:56pues por eso mismo soy tan orgullosa de ti
02:59de hecho creo que mañana
03:00seré de las pocas mujeres si no la única que suba al escenario a recoger un premio pues por eso mismo tú vas a subir
03:05y con la cabeza bien alta
03:09Sí sé que he llegado lejos
03:12aunque también reconozco que que no parto de cero voy con ventaja la clase social cuenta
03:17Marta mi vida por favor no te quites mérito
03:19que tú serás de una familia pero tienes un hermano que se ha creído el dueño y señor durante todos estos años pues ya está
03:24una cosa compensa la otra
03:27Y que te lo mereces de verdad porque
03:31tú podrías haberte conformado con tu matrimonio y con una vida tranquila
03:35Pero has luchado y ahora mismo estás dirigiendo una empresa codo a codo con tus hermanos y contigo al lado
03:46Yo creo que me acompañas a recoger ese premio
03:53Luego te quejas de que delegué marta las responsabilidades de la fábrica
03:57pero que tendrá que ver una cosa con la otra
03:59Yo hago el trabajo sucio sí pero nunca he dado un paso del que usted no se haya beneficiado
04:02ese es el peor de tus defectos que te crees las cosas que dices he tenido un buen maestro
04:08es que no se trata de ti de mí hablamos de begoña
04:12estás seguro de que eso que le estás dando no tendrá consecuencias no es reversible
04:16y qué piensas hacer seguir drogándola toda la vida no sólo hasta que pueda volver a confiar en ella
04:23a esto me refería esta mañana cuando te dije delante de tus hermanos que el fin no justifica los medios
04:28begoña sabe que me necesita es cuestión de tiempo que se dé cuenta
04:31tiene que entender que la quiero más que nada y que la que la cuidaré siempre te conoce demasiado como para eso
04:38también sabe que me arrepiento de todo lo que hice nada fue voluntario ella lo entenderá tú crees sí
04:44sí antes de lo que cree begoña volverá a ser la mujer con la que me case nadie volverá a ser el mismo en esta casa
04:50incluidos tú y yo confía en mí por una vez
04:54No sería la primera vez que me pillo los dedos por hacerlo pues no le queda otra padre
04:59como bien dijo también esta mañana por suerto por desgracia estamos juntos en esto nuestra familia tiene demasiados secretos
05:21Marta pero si es que no hace falta que te diga la ilusión que me hace ir contigo al casino pero
05:25que nuestra celebración la acabamos de hacer
05:28y las dos sabemos hablar con esos ponemos me da igual no quiero prescindir de ti mañana
05:33Para mí es importante pero si no tengo una invitación ni vestido ni nada menos son cosas que se pueden solucionar
05:40Eres la persona más importante de mi vida cómo no vas a venir
05:45Y te juro como que me amo marta de la reina que te voy a dedicar ese premio
05:49y marta por favor no me digas estas cosas que me ilusiono hablo en serio
05:55Gracias a ti sé quién soy soy más feliz y me siento más segura y confiada que nunca
06:00Y además tengo la suerte de tenerte a mi lado
06:05Es lo más bonito que me han dicho en la vida
06:09Si mañana cuando esté sentada entre el público y oigas eso de mi discurso de la fuente inagotable de inspiración
06:15sabrás que estoy hablando de ti
06:18Marta que te quiero quiero con toda mi alma
07:10Hola Gaspar
07:14Puedes darte la vuelta que no te voy a comer
07:17Son soles
07:19Qué haces aquí mi prima Josefa me dijo que habías llamado
07:24A eso
07:26Eso fue simple curiosidad es que leí una noticia de un autobús que se había volcado
07:31y me acordé de tu autobús eros pues aquí me tienes para que me preguntes lo que quieras
07:36pero si no era nada en particular
07:38es que me acordé de ti y me dio el ramalazo de llamar a tu prima para ver cómo ibas
07:44pues podrías haberlo hecho directamente y no a través de la Josefa
07:47pero tengo que decir que me dio mucha alegría cuando me enteré
07:51Por porque esa llamada me dio el empujón que necesitaba para plantarme aquí
07:57Hace tiempo que te debo una explicación
08:03Yo preferiría dejar la cosa como está en sus soles
08:06me porté muy mal contigo Gaspar
08:11Podemos sentarnos
08:24De vacía
08:25Sí por un presupuesto pero ya lo tengo
08:28No puedes quedarte un ratito hacerme compañía maría no puedo trabajar en el despacho
08:32Lo terminaré pronto siempre dices lo mismo hoy no te he visto el pelo maría tengo cosas que hacer
08:38y no podemos salir a dar una vuelta
08:41Si quieres salimos luego antes de que anochezca te parece bien
08:46necesito salir el ambiente en esta casa está muy enrarecido
08:50ha pasado algo
08:52Tu hermano
08:54que casi me come por un comentario
08:56ha pasado algo de lo que me tenga a preocupar ojalá hubieras estado seguro que no habría saltado así
09:02se ha puesto hecho una fiera conmigo
09:05Te ha gritado
09:06Nosotros estábamos hablando de begoña y yo no he sacado el tema de verdad es que me ha pedido que la acompañará a la habitación
09:11y te negaste claro
09:15Simplemente cuando he vuelto se me ha ocurrido decir que begoña no está bien porque es verdad no está bien a ver es verdad
09:20que begoña no está en su mejor momento
09:21pero hay que tener tacto con estas cosas no simplemente he sugerido que necesita ayuda especializada
09:26qué tipo de ayuda pues un sanatorio como el de su madre
09:32Es que lo que te hice no tiene perdón de dios
09:35No estuvo bien no
09:37y lo peor de todo es que lo sabía todo el mundo menos yo
09:41No sé si todo el mundo todo el mundo son soles todo el mundo vamos que un poco más y me convierto en el
09:47admiral de toda la colonia
09:48que mis amigos no sabían ya si decirme la verdad o guardarse el secreto para no hacerme más daño
09:53Gaspar yo yo siento que las cosas hayan sido así es que todavía no me lo perdono a mí misma
09:59cambiarte a ti por ese
10:01Por ese cretino bueno eso lo estás diciendo tuve yo no claro las cosas salieron como tenían que salir
10:07el muy tunante tenía una novia en cada parada de la ruta tú te lo puedes creer no no tenía ni idea
10:12y me enteré cuando una de ellas tocó a mi puerta y me echó en cara que por mi culpa ese canalla le había plantado
10:16las puertas de casarse pero tú no sospechaba nada no no sospechaba nada y es que lo peor no es eso
10:23es que tirando del hilo la otra ya acabamos descubriendo que había más
10:26Una encarranca y otra entalabera de la reina pues vaya con el autobusero
10:29si no me dían y dos palmos que os daba para teneros así porque vamos sombras seguro que nos daba no digas eso
10:35Gaspar que yo también lo pasado bastante mal
10:38tenías que ver la llantina cuando me enteré
10:41sobre todo pensando en ti
10:43todo lo que te hice sufrir para nada con lo que yo te apreciaba
10:47si es que
10:49cómo puede ser tan tonta Gaspar cómo puede ser tan tonta de dejarte a ti por ese gran uja
10:55Pero Dios es justo Dios es justo y lo he pagado con creencias no digas eso como que no
11:01Gaspar he tenido lo que me merecía engaño por engaño
11:05Y puedes alegrarte si quieres yo en tu lugar lo haría
11:11yo lo he pasado muy mal no te lo voy a negar pero
11:14pero yo no le desearía lo mismo a nadie
11:17y mucho menos a ti son soles
11:22Lo pasado pasado está
11:27Gracias de verdad
11:29Has quitado un gran peso de encima
11:34¿Puedo darte un abrazo?
11:49¿De verdad deseas eso para Begoña?
11:51Vamos a ver que no es ninguna barbaridad
11:53Ella misma incluso a su propia madre en uno
11:58¿No tú también te vas a enfadar?
12:01Muy bien pues puedes golpear la puerta pensando que es mi cara como tu hermano
12:04¿Te hizo algo o no?
12:05No pero podría haberlo hecho
12:07Supongo que entenderás su reacción
12:09Tu comentario estaba fuera de lugar María
12:12Andrés me estáis malinterpretando no digo encerrarla para siempre
12:15solo hasta que se recupere
12:17Pero estás empeorando María
12:19Begoña necesita nuestro apoyo está muy mal
12:21Oye que nosotros también hemos sufrido una pérdida y no hemos perdido la cabeza
12:24Bueno vale ya no seas tan cruel
12:26Ya sé que tú y Begoña nunca os habéis llevado bien
12:28pero somos familia tenemos que protegerla ayudarla
12:31y no enviarla lejos por ser un incordio
12:33Lo que es cruel es que le hables así a tu mujer
12:35¿Qué motivos no me faltan para querer a Begoña lejos de ti?
12:38Esta conversación se acaba aquí
12:40No, no, no se acaba aquí
12:42Begoña no está bien Andrés
12:44Solo estoy sugiriendo hacer algo
12:46y no esconder la cabeza como hacéis los demás
12:48No me des la espalda
12:50María no quiero discutir
12:51Yo tampoco quiero discutir
12:53¿Y sabes que es lo más triste?
12:55Que tú y yo hacía tiempo que estábamos bien
12:58Y otra vez estamos hablando de Begoña
13:00en lugar de hablar de nosotros
13:03¿Estoy ocupado?
13:08Isabel ¿no me has oído? Estoy haciendo una llamada importante
13:10Esto también lo es
13:12¿Y no puede esperar?
13:13No, llevo toda la tarde esperando
13:17Es sobre los Merino
13:19He pasado por el almacén a recoger las cosas
13:22¿Y qué ha pasado?
13:24¿Qué ha pasado?
13:26¿Qué ha pasado?
13:28¿Qué ha pasado?
13:30He pasado por el almacén a recoger unos albaranes
13:33y he visto a sus primos hablando
13:36Alcancé a oír que Joaquín decía algo de unas tierras
13:40¿Unas tierras? ¿Qué tierras?
13:42No lo sé, pero parecía importante
13:45Se notaba que no querían ser escuchados
13:48¿Unas tierras?
13:51¿Podría ser por eso por lo que han pedido una hipoteca al banco?
13:54¿Para comprarlas?
13:56Puede ser
13:58¿No has oído nada más?
14:00¿Algún nombre de alguna finca o algún pueblo?
14:03No, pero al menos ya tenemos algo
14:09Estás haciendo un buen trabajo, Isabel
14:12Pero necesito saber más
14:17Espero que sea consciente de los riesgos que estoy asumiendo
14:20Sí, lo sé, lo sé
14:21Y si hubiera alguna manera de obtener esa información por mí mismo
14:23te aseguro que lo haría
14:25¿Y qué necesitas saber exactamente?
14:28Pues eso, confirmar si esas tierras son el motivo
14:31por el que quieren hipotecar su casa
14:33y por qué es tan importante para ellos comprarlas
14:35¿Cómo quiere que me haga con esa información?
14:38Isabel, si algo has demostrado es que tienes recursos de sobra
14:44Supongo que todo este trabajo fuera de mis competencias
14:48lo tendrá en cuenta
14:50Creo que ya lo he demostrado
14:52Veo que te gustan las cosas caras
14:55Pero bueno, dime una cantidad
14:58con la que te sintieras bien remunerada por este trabajo extra
15:03¿Cree que me jugaría mi integridad por dinero?
15:07Reconozco a una persona ambiciosa cuando la tengo delante
15:10Así que, de igual a igual, ¿qué quieres?
15:13Más responsabilidades
15:15El puesto como secretaria se me queda corto
15:17con estas funciones que estoy haciendo por la empresa
15:21¿Ves? Hablando se entiende la gente
15:24Lo anotaré
15:30Puedes retirarte
15:42Seis de tónico, tónico facial
15:44Luego pon tres de jabones de los de limón
15:46De tarritos de los de 50, siete
15:49Ahora ponme de los tarritos de los grandes de 200 mil litros pon cuatro
15:53¿De la rosa?
15:54Es que no sé cuántos has dicho de tónico
15:57Claudia, céntrate un poquito
15:59Que nos van a dar a tantas
16:00¿Quieres que nos cambiemos y cuentas tú?
16:06¿Qué te pasa?
16:07¿Qué me va a pasar, Carmen?
16:09¿Que no me hago la idea de no volver a ver a Mateo nunca más?
16:12¿Y todo por mi culpa?
16:14No, Claudia
16:16Tú no has sido quien ha difundido un rumbo falso al revés
16:19Si tú has hecho lo imposible porque Mateo se quede
16:21Has ido hasta hablar con el patrón y todo
16:23Sí, para lo que ha servido
16:26Has sido muy valiente lo que has hecho
16:28Y de paso don Agustín se ha llevado un buen repas por vos
16:31Ese no me lo miente, de verdad
16:32Que solo de pensar en lo malo que he venido yo sola
16:35¿De qué te extrañas?
16:36Que yo no sé qué es peor, vamos
16:38Si que malmetas a José Lito para que difunda un rumbo falso
16:40O que sea un corrupto como es
16:42No, si es que lo tiene todo
16:44Y luego coge y se sube al púlpito todos los domingos
16:46Para decirnos cómo tenemos que ser buenos cristianos
16:49Es que... Cuidado, cuidado
16:52Carmen, ¿tú crees que Mateo ya se habrá ido?
16:56¿Eso qué es, Magda?
16:58No te tortures más, anda
17:01Hace un rato escuché en el patio que ella estaba recogiendo su habitación
17:05Es que váyatela, Carmen
17:07Irte de aquí con una mentira así a tus espaldas
17:11La vida, que es muy injusta
17:15Pero hay que seguir para adelante
17:18Vete a la cantina, anda
17:19Y te toma una tila que te va a sentir bien
17:22Gracias, Carmen
17:41Luz, soy yo
17:43¿Podemos vernos esta noche?
17:45Jesús tiene una cena y llegará tarde
17:48Tengo que colgar
18:02¿Qué tal te encuentras?
18:05¿Qué tal te encuentras?
18:07¿Qué tal te encuentras?
18:12Me alegra mucho verte levantada
18:16Veo que ayer estuvimos hablando
18:19¿Lo recuerdas?
18:27Bueno, no pase nada si no te acuerdas
18:31De todo lo que hablamos
18:33Lo más importante es que sepas que confío en ti
18:41Sé que pronto te vas a recuperar
18:45Y yo voy a estar a tu lado para protegerte y ayudarte
18:48Si lo necesitas
18:51Pero por favor me tienes que prometer algo
18:56No te dejes arrastrar por la apatía y la tristeza
18:59Pegoña, lucha por favor
19:03Puedes recurrir a mí si lo necesitas
19:08Ya sé que el otro día te hablé de cosas desagradables y dolorosas
19:12Pero te prometo no volver a hacerlo
19:16Puedes confiar en mí
19:18Yo estoy ahí
19:27¿En realidad?
19:32Guess what I didn't get you in the job at Naturales
19:36A very good one for sure
19:38Because Isidro and Grandpa are very smart
19:41An outstanding one
19:42An outstanding one?
19:47Pegoña, how are you?
19:52She's fine
19:54Especially since she's seen you
19:56Pegoña, do you want to go out for some fresh air?
19:59So you can come with me while I eat
20:03Honey, leave Pegoña alone
20:06She's very tired
20:08I can go with her, what do you think?
20:11Are you coming with us?
20:16Where are you going, Pegoña?
20:20I'm going to my room
20:22I'm going to my room
20:24I'm a little tired
20:33Why does Pegoña never want to be with me anymore?
20:36She's not feeling well
20:39But come on, let's go outside and play together, what do you think?
20:43Do you think you're capable of playing with a toy?
20:46And you, do you think I'm capable?
20:47And you, do you think I'm capable?
20:49If we draw the big squares so that your feet can go in
20:54Are you calling me big feet?
20:56Come on, let's play
20:58I have to cut that dress, it's too long
21:04Hello, what can I do for you?
21:07How are you?
21:09I'm fine, I'm alone, and you?
21:11I'm fine too
21:13What did you want?
21:16I wanted to try some essences
21:19I've heard that they smell wonderful
21:33But I don't think it's the right time to take it
21:35I've lost my job, I'm on my last legs
21:37And I guess it won't be cheap
21:39No, in this store it is
21:41This is an exclusive store for exclusive people
21:44The whole neighborhood
21:46Including the canteen
21:48Now, apart from being a dependent, are you a watchdog?
21:51The merchandise is only handled by the staff
21:53I was saying that because of Gaspar
21:55Look, Sonsole, I don't know what he's proposing to you
21:58But Gaspar has had a very bad time because of you
22:00Well, I've just talked to him
22:02I've apologized for everything that happened and he has forgiven me
22:05I'm saying this so that you can relax
22:07Well, I'm in the mood to relax
22:09Besides, I think he's still interested in me
22:12Look, I'm not so much
22:14Do you know if he has a girlfriend?
22:17Well, what do you think?
22:19That I've told you everything about Gaspar?
22:21Of course, I'm going to tell you something beautiful
22:24You have to have a lot of face to come here after the jokes you've done to Gaspar
22:27Woman, I thought you understood Gaspar better than anyone
22:31I already found out that Tassio is preparing a good one for you before you drag him to the altar
22:35Are you going to buy something?
22:37Because they pay me to sell, not to put up with whores like you
22:41Whether you like it or not, I'm going to get Gaspar back
22:44And neither you nor anyone can stop me
22:48Aire, good afternoon
23:04How are you, son?
23:05How are you, son?
23:08Are you still upset about what you did yesterday?
23:11No, this morning at breakfast your brother finished it
23:15How were you?
23:22No, if you want to talk about why I didn't sleep here last night, there's no problem with me
23:30You're an adult now, you'll know what you're doing
23:32Well, but maybe you want to explain it to him
23:36There's nothing to explain
23:38I've already seen how you were in the pantry, so I imagine where you spent the night
23:44Well, yes, I spent the night with light, but what you may not know is what that means
23:51I'm older, but I'm not stupid
23:55And let it be that I don't judge you
23:57Let me talk, please
23:59Talk, talk, but don't give me details
24:02Light and I are together
24:06I would have liked to explain it to him before, but ...
24:09But you haven't done it and you're doing it now
24:12Don't give him any more turns, it's okay
24:15What I want is for you to be happy
24:18Are you happy, son?
24:22You know that I have always felt something very special for Light since he arrived in La Colonia
24:28And it seems that we can finally be together
24:30You've had a lot of ups and downs
24:34Don't you think this could be one more?
24:37Light and I love each other
24:39It's just that it seemed that there were certain obstacles that got in the way between us
24:45Loving is supposed to make sacrifices
24:48Yes, mother, but what I feel for Light is above all that
24:51With her I have learned that if you love each other, you can overcome any impediment
24:57So you're lost in love with her
25:01Yes, I've never felt so happy
25:07Mateo, good afternoon
25:09Good afternoon
25:11How are you? Have you had a snack? Do you want a chocolate or something?
25:13No, I appreciate it, I'm not here to visit, I've come to say goodbye
25:17Thank you, Teresa
25:19Well, that gesture honors you, another in your place, as long as you don't give your face, you would have lengthened the French
25:24Well, it's not my style
25:26I wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me these months
25:30I'm sorry I couldn't do more, Mateo, but you will agree with me that the situation is difficult
25:37No, please, you've done enough for me
25:40When I got here, with my doubts, you accepted me without judging me
25:44You even interceded for me to be a second priest here in La Colonia
25:47I did nothing that I didn't think you deserved
25:52I hope I haven't let you down
25:56And do you know what you're going to do with your future?
26:00I've applied to leave missions, I've heard about a community in Rhodesia
26:09I think I can be of great use there, helping in the schools and hospitals that are being built
26:15Knowing you, I have no doubt
26:18And do your parents know?
26:21No, and they don't know why I'm leaving either, so please don't say anything
26:26As a father, I must advise you to tell them, they may get angry
26:31Well, let them get angry
26:33I saw how my father treated me when my doubts came in and I left the seminary, so imagine now
26:39But you are his son and he will end up supporting you
26:44With a scandal like that, it doesn't go well
26:48He would never understand why I was involved in these rumors
26:53Well, it's up to you
26:55And as for the girl, Claudia
27:01Are you in love with her?
27:08You can speak frankly, I'm not going to judge you
27:12I'd rather not do it
27:16You don't have to answer me about that, but there's something you should consider
27:21Your vocation is stronger than what you feel for that girl
27:27Have you spoken?
27:30She came to ask me to intercede for you
27:33She thinks it's very unfair that you have to leave
27:38Claudia is convinced that this boy from her town
27:44Joselito said what he said, encouraged by Don Agustin, what do you think?
27:48Well, that doesn't matter, the damage is already done
27:51That's what I thought
27:53The problem with bullies is that the more they spread, the more difficult it is to deny them
28:01And yours is already in the mouth of the whole colony
28:04People don't realize how harmful all this can be
28:08They talk and talk without thinking about the consequences that this can bring to others
28:12What else?
28:14Talking is free
28:17I, for my part, I'm sorry I didn't cut it off before
28:22And even more so if it's the result of Don Agustin's corner
28:27Everyone has their conscience
28:30I am neither resentful nor vengeful
28:33You have always shown to have a good background
28:36And that's why your situation still hurts me more
28:39Don Damián
28:42I am and I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity you have given me here
28:50I feel that our paths have to separate in this way
28:55It is what it is
29:01We will have to keep the good
29:04I have to go, Don Damián
29:06I have to go, Don Damián
29:08There are people I haven't said goodbye to yet
29:10I hope you do very well
29:12You know that you will always have your home here
29:15I will write to you when my new destiny arrives
29:28I ask you to be a little cautious
29:31Letting yourself be carried away by feelings is something very beautiful
29:33One seems to be flying
29:35But the higher you fly, the harder the fall
29:39Yes, but that's not going to happen this time
29:42Very well
29:44Luz is an extraordinary woman
29:47Very prepared
29:51And also a woman of science
29:53That means she takes things more rationally than you
29:57I assure you she is wrong because Luz is just as committed as I am
30:01I don't want you to get upset because I'm talking to you
30:05The woman you choose will seem good to me
30:09Do you want us to invite her to dinner?
30:14Of course
30:20She was going to cook, will she like it?
30:23Of course
30:25She will love her cooking, I'm sure
30:26I'm going to soak the chickpeas, I don't want her to forget
30:38She caught me so off guard that...
30:41Come on, she even let me hug her
30:44What are you saying?
30:46She asked me to hug her, I couldn't say no
30:48Come on, it was just a hug from a friend
30:51Yes, but it's better if it's for your own good
30:53If she comes to you with those two suns
30:54She caught me so off guard that I couldn't say a word
30:58You, don't shut up
31:00She caught me so off guard that they didn't leave until she left
31:05It's almost witchcraft, right?
31:08You remember her and she shows up at the bar, what a coincidence
31:13Maybe the spell was my fault
31:16Don't tell me you called her
31:18No, not her, her cousin, Josefa
31:22She's the mascot of the town, how could you?
31:24I know, but what do you want me to do?
31:26You've messed her up
31:28She's had it bad with the bus driver and now she's looking for you
31:31You're not going to get rid of her, I'm telling you
31:34Don't tell me you're thinking about her
31:36She seemed really sorry, maybe she's changed
31:41You're so stupid, you don't like anyone
31:44Do you forget how I messed up that woman in her day?
31:46Don't get mad at me, I have to remember how I was waiting for her to hit me
31:53Change the subject, we're talking about Sonsoles
31:56She played with you and broke your heart
31:58We have to move on to the second chance
32:00People can change, Tassio, you've changed
32:03Touch my feet, I have to go through my whole life to talk about you
32:07That's not it, you're a great guy
32:11You've always taken women out
32:13You've also been lucky enough to meet Carmen, a woman with a flag
32:18Yes, a flag that's been waving until recently
32:20As if it were your first anger, and it won't be the last
32:24But I haven't had that luck, Tassio
32:26Maybe Sonsoles is my only chance
32:30I'm telling you it isn't, Gaspar
32:32Don't you want to go to the store to ask me about you?
32:35What have you done?
32:37Look, you're on top of my corpse with that freshness
32:39Don't get down, Gaspar, you don't deserve it
32:40It's easy for you to talk
32:42But don't you know how hard it is to be alone?
32:44Let's see if she listens to you, because she listens to me
32:47Sonsoles isn't unfaithful, Gaspar
32:49It's a convenience, she comes here because she knows you're a great guy
32:52But as soon as she turns around, she goes back to you
32:55But how can you know?
32:57Because lies are a disease that can't be cured
32:59And the one who has given it to you once, has given it to you twice
33:02I thank you very much for worrying about me
33:05But you're putting us in my place
33:07And besides, I do believe that people can change
33:24One and two
33:27Now you
33:34What's wrong?
33:35What's wrong?
33:37You could have eaten mine
33:39I just don't want to play, Dina
33:42And that?
33:45Are you not well?
33:47I'm very surprised that you don't want to play
33:50You're winning
33:54Let's see, what's wrong?
33:56Are you angry with Blanca again?
34:01So, what's bothering you?
34:05Are you like this because of Begoña?
34:07Am I wrong?
34:09I'm very worried about her
34:13It's very sad to see her like this
34:15But it's something that we have to solve as adults
34:18It's always the same
34:20You talk like my father
34:22Even if it's a girl, I have the right to know what she has
34:24But when is she going to get well?
34:26I miss her a lot
34:28Me too, darling
34:30And I'd like to be able to tell you that she's going to get well soon
34:32But I don't know
34:33Nobody knows
34:35What if she stays like this forever?
34:37No, don't think about that
34:39Julia, there are diseases of the body
34:42And diseases of the mind
34:44Unfortunately, doctors don't know how to cure these
34:48And why do some people get mentally ill?
34:52I don't know either
34:54What I can tell you is that they are very sensitive people
34:57And very, very special
34:59Begoña is very special?
35:02But she's been very sad since her mother died
35:04She is
35:07Do you think she can end up like her?
35:09End up like?
35:11In a sanatorium
35:13No, darling
35:15I don't want Begoña to go
35:17Of course not, don't say that
35:19Begoña is going to get well very soon, you'll see
35:22If she had to go, I could go with her
35:25But why do you say that?
35:27You're not sick
35:28Why did you want to be in a sanatorium?
35:31Because I want to take care of her
35:34Like she did with her mother
35:37I don't want to be alone
35:40Darling, that's not going to happen
35:44Begoña will not go to any sanatorium
35:46And you will never be alone
35:49Listen to me
35:51Even if Begoña gets well
35:53And you marry many people who love you
35:55I want you to stay here
35:57And here
35:59That I will never leave you
36:02That I will never leave you alone
36:04Do you agree?
36:07And now I want a smile
36:09Come on
36:11And play
36:13You're winning
36:15And you?
36:17Oh, six
36:26And you?
36:36Sorry, I couldn't come earlier
36:39We'll close later today, don't worry
36:42It's always a pleasure to come here
36:44Besides, I wanted to congratulate you for the 30th anniversary of the company
36:47I couldn't do it personally
36:49During the mass we celebrated for the occasion
36:52Everyone left in a hurry
36:54You can tell the Claras to go to La Verbena
36:57It was a special commemoration
37:00And we wanted all the workers to be able to celebrate it
37:03It's not that I don't like it
37:05I understand that you have to make fun of them
37:07From time to time so that they are happy
37:09But you have to be vigilant
37:11What do you mean?
37:17Taking care of their souls
37:20These are dark times
37:21Don Damián, sin lurks in many ways
37:24You can see how things are here in La Colonia
37:26I suppose you're talking about Claudia
37:29May God have mercy on your sinful soul
37:32But I'm more worried about Mateo's lost soul
37:35His behavior is a shame for the Holy Mother Church
37:38Save the sermons for Sunday
37:41If I made you come, it's because I know you've set up all this mess
37:45Sorry, but I don't know what mess you mean
37:47Spreading that lie about Mateo and Claudia
37:50Lying? I think you're mistaken
37:53The one who publicly reported the lovers during La Verbena was Claudia's client
37:58And who pushed her?
38:02She rejected him because she prefers to sin with a priest
38:05Before marrying a good man like him
38:07Anyone would feel desperate to discover something like that
38:10You know that story was made up
38:13Yes, because you made it up
38:15To discredit Mateo
38:16And then, to make it worse, you went to warm up that poor devil's head
38:26Who ended up leaving that calumny in the middle of La Verbena
38:29How can you be so bad?
38:31I don't know who gave you that information to deceive you
38:34Stop lying already
38:36Aren't you ashamed?
38:38You're a man of God
38:41Since Mateo set foot in La Colonia
38:43You've been through it
38:46But since he became an ordained priest
38:49You've done the impossible to get rid of him
38:52You won't deny that he's a bad example for the workers
38:55Maybe Mateo is a bit confused
38:58But his heart is clean and pure
39:00On the other hand, yours is full of malice and malice
39:04Not to mention his actions
39:06Or I have to remind you that he stole the money from the collectors
39:09That's too much water
39:11It's stagnant water
39:13That overflows from time to time
39:16And flows again, full of pestilence
39:20And I'm going to tell you something
39:23With Mateo, you've touched my weak spot
39:27Because I feel a very special affection for that boy
39:30And that he has to leave hurts me a lot
39:33So be careful
39:35Because now
39:37I'm going to be watching him
39:39And if he comes to me with threats
39:42He'll have to face the consequences
39:44I wouldn't even think of doing something like that, Don Damián
39:47It wouldn't be the first time
39:52I'm sorry I can't go with you
40:09Here's the result of the tests
40:12So soon?
40:14What do they say?
40:16Check it yourself
40:27You were right, Begoña
40:29Jesus has been drugging you
40:31But why?
40:33For you
40:34Or something worse
40:42What I don't understand is why
40:44Why didn't the drug come out in the previous analysis?
40:48That's what I've been wondering
40:50I don't know
40:52Maybe the sample was contaminated
40:55Or it was a mistake
40:57I don't know
40:59I don't know
41:01I don't know
41:02Maybe the sample was contaminated
41:04Or it was a laboratory mistake
41:08If there's something I've learned these past few months
41:11It's that coincidences don't exist
41:14You're not insinuating that Jaime...
41:16Think about it
41:18It's the simplest explanation
41:20No, Begoña, Jaime isn't like that
41:22Jaime is a noble, transparent doctor
41:24That's impossible
41:26You say that because you don't know Jesus enough
41:29He's capable of extorting or corrupting anyone
41:32He can do whatever he wants
41:35Come in
41:38Mr. Jesus, excuse me
41:40They've brought this letter for you
41:42Come in and close the door
42:02Thank you
42:22If you don't need anything else, I'm leaving
42:25It's late
42:27In the end, you'll be right
42:29Thanks to you, I hired a detective to follow Marta
42:34And you see, I've used the evidence
42:42What are you going to do with all that?
42:46I don't know yet
42:51I might make them public
42:53I might make them public
42:55But thinking about it, that would be a scandal for the company
42:59And it could go against me
43:01And against your sister
43:03Mr. Jesus Airear, the relationship he has with that girl could destroy his life
43:09And you care about that?
43:12I don't want that for Mrs. Marta
43:16You were the one who put me on the trail of this
43:18Even so, the word destroy is a bit grandiloquent, don't you think?
43:26You can rest assured
43:28I was thinking of a good deal for my sister to settle
43:33To remind her where her place ends and where mine begins
43:37So maybe a conversation is enough
43:39I won't let anyone take advantage of the successes I've achieved
43:43And that has to be very clear to Marta
43:44And that has to be very clear to Marta
43:48I'm sorry, I didn't want this to be so...
43:51Don't worry, this won't hurt you
43:53I know how to be loyal
43:55And you're loyal, aren't you?
43:58I think I'm proving it to you
44:01You think so?
44:05Do you want anything else?
44:08That's all, you can go
44:10I'll stay for a while
44:11I'll stay for a while
44:13I want to make time for dinner
44:17Today you've proven again that you're a very valuable ally
44:20You're on the right side
44:42Oh my God
44:48I refuse to distrust Jaime, Begoña
44:50He would never put a patient's health in danger, much less yours
44:54I don't doubt Jaime
44:56The one I distrust is Jesus
44:58And in fact, today Jaime came to visit me at noon
45:01And when he showed up, Jesus seemed very nervous, as if he were justifying the medical visit
45:05What happened?
45:07I don't know, because Jesus was in charge of having me accompanied to the room
45:09And they've been talking
45:11He hasn't told you anything?
45:14Do you mean that maybe Jesus is pressuring Jaime?
45:18I don't know, Luz
45:20But right now, what matters is that the results of this analysis don't come out of here
45:25Don't worry
45:27I'll take them to the dispensary myself
45:29And I'll put them in good order
45:32I imagine the next step is to report Jesus, right?
45:37I already did it once
45:39And look how it came out
45:41Begoña, this time it's different
45:43This report proves that you are in good hands
45:45We can explain that your husband was drugging you when the Civil Guard doubted your testimony
45:48No, I'm not going to risk being brought back to this house
45:51Not even to let Jesus know that I'm not taking his poison
45:53We have to do something
45:55Luz, the best way to keep me safe is to continue with the farce
46:00Until when, Begoña?
46:02Are you going to live like this your whole life?
46:05Until they get me away from here
46:07Because it's the only way to get out of this house alive
46:10You already did it once
46:12And you came back with a gunshot
46:14Luz, I have to get out of here
46:17And I need you to help me
46:19Are you going to do it?
