Rupiah Melemah, dan Bertahan di Rp15.400-anUSD

  • last month
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah ditutup melemah 64 poin atau 0,41 persen ke level Rp15.499 per USD, pada Rabu (21/8/2024).

Pengamat pasar uang, Ibrahim Assuaibi mengatakan, pelemahan dolar AS dipengaruhi laporan penggajian bulanan yang lemah di awal Agustus menjadi katalis bagi lonjakan volatilitas di seluruh kelas aset. Ini membuat para pelaku pasar bersiap menghadapi potensi guncangan lain dengan data yang direvisi.


00:00Let's move on to another trading indicator, the PMIRSA, where the rupiah finally weakened after reaching its strongest level throughout 2024.
00:14Although it weakened, the rupiah remained stable at around 15,400 USD.
00:20According to the PMIRSA, the rupiah weakened to 0.25% at 15,451 USD.
00:30Previously, the rupiah was at 0.03% at 15,425 USD.
00:38However, a few minutes after the opening, the rupiah immediately reversed, weakening to 0.1% at 15,445 USD.
00:49Meanwhile, the dollar index continued to show major sales to the US dollar.
00:54Where in the morning trading, the US dollar index again experienced a weakness at 0.01% to 101.430.
01:03This condition has a positive impact on the rupiah because there is a possibility that investors will leave the US dollar and move to an instrument in the emerging market such as the rupiah.
01:14We will immediately update you on the movement of the rupiah exchange rate for the next major currency.
01:19You can see the graph on your TV screen.
01:23The rupiah exchange rate for the US dollar is still at 15,400, but it is almost close to the level of 15,500 rupiah, precisely at 15,484 rupiah.
01:36Then for the euro at 17,207 rupiah.
01:40Pound Sterling at 20,154 rupiah.
01:43Then for Yen Jepang at 106.09 rupiah.
