Rupiah Melemah Jelang Rilis PDB AS Kuartal IV-2023

  • 7 months ago
Rupiah masih melemah, di tengah penantian rilis pertumbuhan ekonomi Amerika Serikat Kuartal IV-2023. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Rabu siang tadi, rupiah masih melemah di 0,12% di level Rp15.654 per USD.


00:00 Let's move to the other trading indicator information,
00:03 where the Rupiah is still weakening in the middle of the wait for the release of the US economic growth quarter 4 in 2023.
00:10 Quoted from the RTI data, until the Rabu trading earlier in the afternoon,
00:14 the Rupiah is still weakening at 0.12% at the level of 15,654 USD.
00:20 Even intraday, the Rupiah was down to 15,672 USD.
00:27 Where before, the Rupiah was open to weakening at 0.13% at 15,655 USD.
00:35 This weakness extends the negative Rupiah trend which also weakened in the previous three trading days.
00:41 The movement of Rupiah exchange value is imagined to release the second calculation data of the US economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2023.
00:49 Where the economic trading estimates the US GDP on a quarterly basis reached 3.3%, lower than the third quarter position in 2023 at 4.9%.
01:01 This reflects the economic delay that can impact the Fed policy.
01:06 Let's see how the Rupiah exchange value movement is in the next main financial indicators.
01:14 You can also watch the graph on your TV screen.
01:17 The Rupiah movement against the US dollar seems to be getting weaker, moving at the level of 15,681 Rupiah.
01:25 Then to the Euro at 16,992 Rupiah.
01:29 Pound Sterling at 19,849 Rupiah.
01:32 Then to Japan at 104.09 Rupiah.
01:36 The Rupiah movement against the US dollar seems to be getting weaker, moving at the level of 15,681 Rupiah.