Cheryl Fergison interview

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Eastenders and Celebrity Big Brother star Cheryl Fergison shares her excitement at hosting an event in Blackpool & why she wants you to come!
00:00Well, Cheryl, let me start by just asking you how you're feeling about hosting an evening with Cheryl Ferguson this weekend?
00:07Well, I'm very excited, to be quite honest with you.
00:10It's been a bit of a whirlwind couple of months getting everything together because there's so much going on.
00:17And I'm doing the evening with my son, who, you know, he features in it.
00:23He's been doing the technicals on it.
00:25I've got my best friend for over 40 years at college, Drama College, who lives in Manchester and has lived here a long time.
00:33He's directing it. We're producing it all ourselves.
00:36So it's a bit of a new adventure and it's a bit kind of scary.
00:41But at the same time, it feels like coming home. This feels like what I need to be doing now.
00:46And then afterwards, I need to be feeling about I need to be writing my autobiography.
00:51That's what I need to be. So this is kind of little steps, baby steps towards getting to a big end goal.
00:57But it's always a bit like it's always a bit scary doing things live.
01:02I'm not a stand up comedian in any shape or form, but I am a comedy actress and I've done that.
01:09So I'm finding a lot of, you know, I'm seeing how difficult it is for performers to perform comedy live.
01:18It's quite difficult as a one woman to do. But this show has elements of it's got song in it.
01:25It's got audience participation, the stories, there's projection slides, there's just general fun, laughter, tears.
01:37It's the whole gambit. I talk about early life and these are just snippets because there's so much to put in it.
01:45But it's only a couple of hours long. So, you know, there's early life, theatre, drama college, theatre, television,
01:56where I am now, what I'm doing and introducing my son, who has followed not in my footsteps.
02:04He always says alongside you, mum, because, you know, I can't do what he does. He can't do what I do.
02:09So, you know, we walk alongside each other.
02:11What would you say to the Blackpool Gazette readers to get them to buy those tickets to see you on the show?
02:16I would say I know you've got I know that money is hard. I know that spending money is difficult to make choices as to what to spend it on.
02:26You know, we are going through a bit of a crisis with financially. But if you want to give yourself a laugh this year,
02:32if you want to hear some stories this year, if you want to be a little bit nosy on a celebrity who's going to be truthful this year,
02:40then I would say it's an expense just to come out, have a good night out, have a couple of hours free from thinking about your own worries.
02:51And maybe your own worries might be put in a little bit perspective when you come to see the show and have fun and have a laugh.
02:58And we are here. We're going to be there, not only as a group of people in a theatre, but it will be a small community there.
03:05And like I said, you can come on and party with us afterwards and come and hear more stories, talk.
03:11I might even get the karaoke machine out down in the restaurant. I'm sure she won't mind.
03:18You know, we might have never seen Sonic go on to the early hours of the morning.
03:21Who knows? But it will be you know, it's certainly going to be a night and it's the only night that it's going to happen.
03:29The other shows are just going to have the shows and I'll say bye bye, I'm going off.
03:32But this opening is literally going to be a grand opening. So that's it.
03:37So come along, you Gazette people, read it and come and support live theatre, support local people and support Blackpool.
