Menteri ESDM Baru Kebut Pembahasan RUU EBET

  • last month
Pasca dilantik menjadi Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menggantikan Arifin Tasrif pada awal minggu ini, Bahlil Lahadalia yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Menteri Investasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal langsung bergerak cepat dengan melakukan konsolidasi internal di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM. Bahlil mengambil langkah pertama dengan upaya memprioritaskan penyelesaian dua isu terkait pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan atau EBT.

Dan salah satunya, dengan meminta jajaran di bawah Kementerian ESDM untuk mempercepat pembahasan dan penyelesaian Rancangan Undang-Undang Energi Baru Dan Energi Terbarukan (RUU EBET), serta mengagendakan kembali pertemuan dengan Komisi 7 DPR RI yang memiliki ruang lingkup mengenai energi, riset dan teknologi.


00:00Energy and Mineral Resources
00:13The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bahlil Hadiliah,
00:18is moving fast.
00:19One of the steps is to speed up the implementation of the new energy law
00:24and the new energy or RU-EBT.
00:31When he was appointed as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources,
00:35replacing Arifin Tasrif at the beginning of this week,
00:38Bahlil Hadiliah, who previously served as Minister of Investment,
00:41Head of Coordination of Capital Planting or BKPM,
00:45immediately moved quickly by doing internal consolidation
00:48in the environment of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
00:50Bahlil took the first step in an effort to prioritize
00:53the completion of two issues regarding the development of new energy
00:56and RU-EBT.
00:59And one of them is by asking the ranks under the Ministry of Home Affairs
01:02to speed up the discussion and completion of the new energy law
01:05and the new energy or RU-EBET.
01:10As well as re-scheduling a meeting with the 7th DPRRI Commission
01:14which has a scope on energy, research and technology.
01:19Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
01:21a while ago mentioned
01:23the discussion of the new energy law and new energy
01:26with the DPRRI.
01:27Discussing the business plan for the provision of electric energy
01:31or green RU-PTL.
01:34The element of green RU-PTL in RU-EBET is considered important
01:38so that the private sector can enter the investment of RU-EBET.
01:42From Jakarta, Tim Liputan, IDEC Channel.
01:49Welcome to discuss our topic this time
01:51related to the new Ministry of Home Affairs
01:53which is in a hurry to discuss RU-EBET.
01:55It is connected through Zoom with Mr. Fabi Tumiwa
01:58Director Executive Institute for Essential Services Reform
02:01and Mr. Yayan Satyakti,
02:03Energy Economics Observer from Pajajaran University.
02:06Good morning, Mr. Fabi.
02:08Good morning.
02:10Greetings, sir.
02:14Mr. Yayan, good morning.
02:17Good morning, Mr. Prasetyo and IDEC Channel viewers.
02:22Thank you for your time.
02:24Let's review, Mr. Fabi,
02:26how is the process of developing the latest energy in Indonesia
02:33until now?
02:35What is the development like?
02:36Is it as expected?
02:37Or is it still on the way?
02:42Actually, if we look at the first era of Mr. Jokowi,
02:48before Mr. Jokowi became President,
02:51the Government Regulation No. 79 2014 was issued
02:56on the National Energy Policy.
02:58One of the goals of the National Energy Policy
03:02and also became the target
03:03is to increase renewable energy emissions.
03:06This is clear.
03:07Because this is part of our strategy
03:11to diversify fossil energy.
03:13So in PP 79 2014, 10 years ago,
03:17the target was set to reach 23% of renewable energy emissions
03:21in 2025.
03:24Then PP 79 2014 was dropped
03:30into an action plan.
03:33The action plan was introduced in the Government Regulation No. 22 2017
03:38on the National Energy Policy,
03:40which was signed by the President himself.
03:42So we already have the legal framework,
03:46then the target.
03:48So in order to reach 23%,
03:52it started in 2014,
03:55renewable energy emissions were only about 5%.
03:58So it's going to reach 23% and create a kind of milestone.
04:03Well, if we follow that milestone,
04:07then in 2023,
04:10renewable energy emissions had reached 18%.
04:15Then at the end of 2024,
04:18it was targeted to reach 20%.
04:22Then at the end of 2025, it reached 23%.
04:26Well, based on the SDM Ministry data,
04:30by the end of 2023,
04:32our renewable energy emissions were not in line with that trajectory.
04:36So it only reached 13.1%
04:39from what was supposed to be 18%.
04:43So there is a deficit.
04:45So this is what we see.
04:48Well, to reach 23%,
04:51we still have to build
04:54about 8,000 to 9,000 megawatts
04:58of renewable energy capacity.
05:00Well, this is what we haven't reached yet.
05:04So actually 2024 and 2025 are very crucial
05:08if we are consistent in reaching that target.
05:12So my conclusion is that
05:15we are too late to meet the target.
05:18And it has to be admitted that
05:21since the 10 years of Mr. Jokowi's government era,
05:24renewable energy emissions are slow.
05:26Even if we look at it from an increase perspective,
05:30the period of 2004, 2015, 2019,
05:37then 2019, 2023,
05:41the growth rate of renewable energy is lower
05:44compared to the growth rate of the previous government.
05:50In the SBY era, the growth rate of renewable energy is quite high.
05:56Whereas in Mr. Jokowi's era,
05:58it has also been chased by the increase in the use of biofuel.
06:05The blending of biofuel has increased.
06:08From 5% to 10%
06:12and now it has increased to 35%.
06:14It is even said that it will be increased to 40% by the end of next year.
06:21Okay, this is interesting.
06:23Mr. Yayan, you can see from your own eyes,
06:26is it more because of technology,
06:28financing, or funding?
06:32So, as Mr. Fabi said,
06:35there is a slowdown in the development and development
06:39of renewable energy utilization in Indonesia.
06:47This is indeed a problem,
06:52especially for renewable energy development in Indonesia.
06:58But if we look at it,
07:01maybe because my background is in economics,
07:06we have been renewables since,
07:10as Mr. Fabi said,
07:12since the SBY era,
07:14maybe since 2004-2005.
07:17The SBY has a commitment to develop new energy,
07:20especially renewable energy.
07:22Renewable energy, for example, we know Jarak and others.
07:29But if we look at the function of this renewable energy,
07:37what is it for?
07:39This is to replace our dependence on fossil fuels.
07:44If we look at the costs that we spend,
07:52especially for the development of this new and renewable energy,
07:55this is still not able, at least,
07:59to offset the price, for example,
08:05from the side,
08:07maybe if I speak directly to the water consumer,
08:10not talking about,
08:12about what?
08:13About the former side.
08:16Because if we see that renewable energy,
08:23at least if we talk about energy sustainability,
08:27then with this renewable energy,
08:30it is able to at least compete
08:34or provide a reliable supply.
08:39But if we look at the APBN structure,
08:44the special subsidy for energy is increasing.
08:48It means here that this can be caused by what?
08:53This can be caused because our energy spending is still not good,
08:59because of the limitation, for example,
09:01of our limited energy and technology portfolio.
09:04Then also the dependence on PLN,
09:06especially from the distribution side,
09:08even though there is a lot of supply,
09:09but we see where it is not so good,
09:11especially for the industry sector.
09:13Then, if we compare the Kinerja
09:19with the word affordability from the community,
09:22especially to use energy,
09:24it becomes as if it doesn't make sense.
09:30Because if we see that the affordability price
09:33that we give,
09:34especially for energy subsidies,
09:38it is increasing.
09:40So maybe it should be considered,
09:43not considered,
09:44maybe it should be executed immediately,
09:46that if for example,
09:49that our basis is only in terms of supply,
09:52but not in terms of demand,
09:54it means that the demand is improved,
09:56then also how the relationship
09:58between the industry first and then
10:00between the energy supply sector and energy users,
10:04this is able to match,
10:05for example, from the development of technology for the industry,
10:08the demand for energy,
10:10so that it does not create
10:12what is called a bias affordability price.
10:15What is a bias affordability price?
10:18So the economic price,
10:20but it is reduced by the value of energy subsidies.
10:24Now, for example,
10:26when for example,
10:27okay, energy subsidies,
10:30for example, for consumers and others,
10:34but the condition is still
10:36that the price,
10:38especially for our energy economy,
10:40it still can't,
10:41or we don't have a path,
10:46how to make efficiency from,
10:48or at least maybe there is some kind of movement,
10:54or staging,
10:55that when the supply is there,
10:57and then what will it be like for the price?
11:01Well, if it can be like that,
11:03then what?
11:04Then the market, especially for renewable energy,
11:08or when we talk about fossil,
11:11it can be clearly seen.
11:13If I look at it now,
11:14that our energy policy is based on supply,
11:18because what?
11:19Oh, because this is public goods, right?
11:21But if it's public goods,
11:23but if it doesn't connect,
11:25for example, with the affordability price
11:27that we always face,
11:29or accessibility,
11:31it won't reach.
11:33This is also seen from the new and updated energy laws.
11:37If we talk about prosperity,
11:39it's just one word.
11:41Okay, Mr. Yayan.
11:42So, from that, it's just one word.
11:44It means that indeed,
11:46we still can't get down,
11:50get it down well,
11:52between the concept that exists in the constitution,
11:55with, for example,
11:56the concept that should be from the function of renewables.
12:00This is interesting to discuss.
12:01So, when we look at the cost issue,
12:03then how much,
12:05how economical,
12:07this is also a question mark,
12:09and how effective it is,
12:11because we also know that the new Minister of Education, Mr. Valil,
12:13has also asked for a list
12:15to immediately finish the EBT law plan.
12:18What is it like?
12:19Will this be a fresh wind?
12:20Can it be a booster?
12:21We will discuss it later in the next segment.
12:23Stay with us.
12:32Thank you for staying with us in Market Review.
12:34We will continue our discussion with Mr. Fabi Tumiyah
12:37and Mr. Yayan Satyakti.
12:39Mr. Fabi, if we look at the steps
12:41from the new Minister of Education,
12:43which is so fast,
12:45and one of them is the new energy law plan,
12:48and also renewable energy,
12:50which will and want to be finished soon.
12:52Do you think this can really be a fresh wind,
12:55or a booster for the development of renewable energy,
12:59which you said is still quite far from the 2023 target of 18%,
13:04while only yesterday, at the end of 2023,
13:07it was only 13.1%.
13:09Mr. Fabi, please.
13:10Yes, I think what the new Minister of Education, Mr. Valil,
13:14is in line with what was the President's message.
13:17We also know that the President
13:19sent a message to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights
13:22to finish the law plan,
13:29which currently has several pending in the DPR,
13:32and one of them is the RUU-EBET.
13:34If we look at the history,
13:36the RUU-EBET was originally the RUU Energi Baru Terbarukan,
13:42which was the DPD initiative in 2018.
13:46Then from the DPD initiative,
13:49it was delivered to the DPR.
13:51At that time, 2019, I remember, in February 2019,
13:56to become the DPR initiative.
13:58So this is an initiative from the parliament.
14:00Well, at that time, the RUU-EBET discussion was not finished,
14:07until the end of the period of the DPR 2014-2019.
14:14So the discussion of the law was stopped.
14:17So it's not finished,
14:19and then in the period of the DPR 2019-2024,
14:25it was included in the prolegnas.
14:27In the process, the RUU-EBET was discussed.
14:30I think it didn't work for almost three years.
14:34The process was stagnant, the prolegnas continued.
14:37Then in 2021 or 2022,
14:41in 2021 if I'm not mistaken,
14:43it was changed to RUU-EBET,
14:48New Energy and Renewable Energy.
14:51This is what is now being discussed,
14:53it has been through several consultations,
14:57the draft has also changed a lot,
15:00from the original plan,
15:02and there has been socialization,
15:06and this was actually targeted to be completed last year.
15:10But it's not finished.
15:12So if we look at the rest of the DPR period,
15:15which will end,
15:17if I'm not mistaken, at the beginning of October,
15:20then actually there is practically only one month
15:23to solve this problem,
15:25to solve this RUU,
15:27then it can become a law.
15:30So if the Minister of Home Affairs
15:34wants to prioritize the completion of RUU-EBET,
15:39it is very important.
15:41Because if not,
15:42then it could be that this RUU will never be completed.
15:46We don't know what will be the priority
15:50for the new DPR later.
15:52The new DPR in 2019,
15:552024, 2029,
15:59this has not yet been appointed.
16:01The commission has not yet been divided.
16:03And we don't know what will be the priority
16:07for prolegnas.
16:09Because we have to remember,
16:10in addition to RUU-EBET for the energy sector,
16:13there is also a revision of RUU-MIGAS.
16:15Which is even longer.
16:17RUU-MIGAS has been around since 2006.
16:19Until today, the discussion process is still not finished.
16:22So this is what I think needs to be noted.
16:26And actually there is only one more phase
16:29that must be agreed between the government and the DPR.
16:33Well, this is interesting.
16:34If we look at how urgent the RUU-EBET
16:37has to be completed,
16:38then the focus of future renewable energy development
16:41will be brought where?
16:43In your opinion.
16:45Yes, so it is very important.
16:47Because RUU-EBET gives a foundation
16:49for the next renewable energy development.
16:52Especially when the government in 2021
16:56announced its commitment
16:58to achieve net zero by 2060 or earlier.
17:03And push the decarbonization sector
17:05to the energy sector.
17:07Then renewable energy,
17:09if we look at the long-term energy development plan,
17:13such as RUEN, the National General Energy Plan,
17:16then RUKN, which is also frequently discussed,
17:19all rely on the use of renewable energy on a large scale.
17:25So 90% of our energy supply
17:29is based on renewable energy.
17:31So this transformation
17:33requires a huge infrastructure development.
17:37It requires a huge investment.
17:39And because of that,
17:41policy and regulation are important.
17:44In this context, in my opinion,
17:47RUU-EBET is important.
17:49Because no matter how we want to attract investment,
17:51even in the government's own program,
17:56the foundation is the law.
17:59So if this is not strong,
18:02then renewable energy development
18:05will experience stagnation,
18:07as we can see.
18:10In comparison,
18:12we can see the MIGAS law.
18:14The MIGAS law, when it's not finished,
18:16creates uncertainty
18:18for investment in the MIGAS sector.
18:21Okay, but this is interesting.
18:22We can see that the MIGAS industry is declining.
18:25And even our production is very low.
18:28Now we have around 600,000 barrels per day
18:31compared to 1 million barrels per day.
18:33Okay, let's go to Mr. Ayan.
18:35How do you see the urgency?
18:37Because this is very important.
18:39It will be the law, implementation, and development
18:41of renewable energy in Indonesia.
18:43But we know that there is a rising domestic demand,
18:45which is also crucial in the development of RUU-EBET.
18:48How do you see it, Mr. Ayan?
18:49TKDN, and how this interest in investment
18:51becomes an important thing,
18:53where this will also become a policy
18:55for them to invest their money
18:57in the national RUU-EBET sector?
19:03from the regulation side,
19:05especially the idea that
19:07renewable energy is very urgent,
19:10I think.
19:11But if now,
19:12only in two months,
19:14then I...
19:15Maybe I see this
19:17based on the 2022 version.
19:20It was disclosed in ProLegnas.
19:24Then I see the RUU,
19:26if I have a new ProLeg,
19:29maybe it will be different,
19:30but because it was disclosed in public,
19:32I think this,
19:33if based on the version
19:35on the internet,
19:38or online,
19:39or what's on the DPR website,
19:42I think it's still not ready.
19:44So this is a possibility that when, for example,
19:46because as I said earlier,
19:48that okay, we need investment,
19:50and so on.
19:51But if we see that diversification
19:54is for the community,
19:56and then the community must say,
20:00you said there was affordability,
20:03then accessibility,
20:04and so on.
20:06Well, what about this?
20:08Like that, right?
20:09Because if we look at it,
20:10this is all based,
20:11maybe like,
20:15based on the project,
20:17based on investment,
20:18then we also see that
20:20if it is based on investment,
20:22it will definitely,
20:23with this regulation,
20:25it will,
20:30it will accelerate this process,
20:32then also reduce uncertainty.
20:36But if we look from the consumer side,
20:40especially the community,
20:43households like me,
20:44and also the industry,
20:45what will it be like?
20:46Even though, for example,
20:47like Mr. Peggy said,
20:49that this will be like this,
20:51for example, from the pricing side,
20:53there will be efficiency,
20:55and so on.
20:56But if we look here,
20:57this RUIBT is not,
20:59this is very specific,
21:01maybe this should be like,
21:03similar to government regulations,
21:05not explaining in a more,
21:09for example,
21:10what kind of fulfillment,
21:12like what I said.
21:14Okay, that's it.
21:15There are still some crucial things.
21:17Your projection means, Mr. Fabi,
21:19related to development,
21:21then the future of renewable energy,
21:23for example,
21:24the draft of this law
21:26can really be accelerated,
21:27then finally it can be verified by the DPR.
21:32Hello, Mr. Fabi.
21:36Yes, hello.
21:37Hello, can you hear me?
21:39Yes, Mr. Fabi.
21:40I am optimistic that this law,
21:42this RU can be verified later,
21:44in September.
21:46I hope so,
21:47but I think so,
21:49and I think there will be,
21:51because the issue of power willing
21:53can also be,
21:54the women are really encouraging,
21:55because the resistance is actually from the PLN.
21:58But the world of business is very encouraging,
22:01the existence of power willing,
22:02and also to fulfill,
22:05to increase the smell of renewable energy,
22:07or the investment of renewable energy,
22:09power willing is really needed.
22:11Because all this time,
22:14the development of renewable energy,
22:15is very dependent on the PLN situation,
22:17on the condition of the PLN,
22:18whether it is the demand for electricity,
22:21which is in the PLN system,
22:22then the ability of the PLN to buy electricity,
22:25and distribute electricity,
22:26so there are a lot of constraints.
22:29Meanwhile, with the existence of power willing,
22:31or the use of the electricity company network,
22:34actually gives opportunities,
22:36many opportunities and innovations,
22:39for the development of renewable energy,
22:41without having to sell to the PLN.
22:43So it can be business to business, and so on.
22:45This does require further regulations,
22:48including the aspect of the dependence,
22:52of the electricity network itself,
22:54which also has implications,
22:56and later,
22:58even though these laws are approved,
23:01but we still have to wait,
23:03for the completion of the PP,
23:06and other rules actually,
23:08which can implement these laws.
23:10So, even though the law is approved in September,
23:13I think it still takes one or two years,
23:17to complete the PP,
23:19unless the next government,
23:21really wants to speed up,
23:22has a target,
23:23like Omnibus Law,
23:25it can be completed in a short time,
23:27in six months it can be completed.
23:29I do hope there is an urgency,
23:32to complete the implementation regulations,
23:37which will be dropped from RUU, EB, ET,
23:42in the longest time, one year.
23:44So that we can chase the target,
23:46to reach the peak of emissions in 2030,
23:50then net zero in 2060 or earlier,
23:53and provide certainty for investment.
23:58That's it.
23:59We just have to wait,
24:00how fast the Minister of Energy can provide,
24:03a straight path, of course,
24:06to discuss,
24:07how the EBT Law,
24:09can be implemented,
24:10so that there is a legal umbrella,
24:11we just have to make the rules,
24:13which will be a new milestone,
24:15for the development of renewable energy in Indonesia.
24:18Mr. Fabi, thank you very much,
24:19for the sharing that you have delivered.
24:21Mr. Ian, thank you too,
24:22for the insight that you have given,
24:23to the audience today.
24:24Congratulations on continuing your activities.
24:27Mr. Fabi, Mr. Ian, thank you.
24:29Thank you, see you.
24:31Yes, audience,
24:32I have accompanied you for an hour,
24:33in the market review,
24:34and continue to share your information,
24:36only on IDX Channel,
24:37Your Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
24:40Don't forget to watch the first session closing program,
24:42which will air at 11.30 p.m.
24:46Because the matter of the future must be ahead,
24:48I am Investor Sahab.
24:50Yes, I am Prasetyo Wibowo.
24:52I bid you farewell.
24:53Thank you, see you.
