The Story of Dr. Dolittle CH 16-18 _ The Rats Warn Dr. Dolittle that His Boa_HD

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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and follow the channel. Your appreciations are much needed
00:00It is not easy to pull a boat across the ocean.
00:24After a few hours, the birds got tired.
00:28Up ahead was a small island.
00:31We must rest for a while, they said to the doctor.
00:35So they pulled the boat to the island.
00:39The island was very beautiful.
00:42There were many high mountains and colorful flowers.
00:46What a lovely place, Dr. Dolittle said as he admired the view.
00:52Woof, woof, woof.
00:55Jif started to bark loudly.
00:57Dr. Dolittle turned around to see why.
01:01A lot of rats were coming off the boat.
01:04Jif was running around them.
01:06Chasing rats is my favorite game, he barked.
01:10Stop it, Jif, the doctor called out.
01:14The rats were afraid of the big dog.
01:17One big black rat carefully crawled over to the doctor.
01:22He was scared that Jif might chase him.
01:26Excuse me, doctor, the rat said in a soft voice.
01:31Dr. Dolittle, someone wants to speak with you.
01:35A bird called out.
01:37Oh, hello. What's going on? the kind doctor asked.
01:43The rat wiped his mouth and whiskers.
01:47All ships have rats, he said.
01:50And rats never stay on sinking ships.
01:53The rat kept one eye on Jif.
01:56Yes, Jif, stop chasing those rats.
02:00Dr. Dolittle shouted.
02:02And rats are always right.
02:05The rat wiped his mouth again.
02:07Oh, do hurry up. What is it you want to say?
02:11Dab-dab snapped.
02:14Your boat is sinking.
02:16The rat spoke quickly.
02:18How do you know? asked the doctor.
02:21Rats have a special sense, the rat said, waving his tail.
02:25Don't get on your boat. It will sink.
02:30Dr. Dolittle went to look for water.
02:33Do you believe that rat? asked Dab-dab.
02:37Yes, why would he lie? the doctor replied.
02:41Because all rats lie, the duck said with a frown.
02:46But Dr. Dolittle believed the rat.
02:49Dr. Dolittle believed the rat.
02:51He and the animals would have to stay on the island now.
02:54So he went to look for food and water.
02:57Just look, Dab-dab.
02:59Dr. Dolittle pointed to a beautiful lake.
03:04Dr. Dolittle and the animals had plenty to drink and eat.
03:09Look, bananas.
03:11Gub-gub shoved one in his mouth.
03:14I love green grass.
03:16The push-me-pull-you said happily.
03:19I noticed, the duck said, that only one of you eats.
03:24Yes, one eats while the other talks, smiled the push-me-pull-you.
03:29A little later, they all lay down to rest.
03:33What are we going to do about the boat? Jip asked.
03:37I don't know, Dr. Dolittle replied.
03:41If the rats are right, then we won't be able to continue.
03:45The dog worried.
03:47At that moment, two birds flew toward them.
03:51Dr. Dolittle! Dr. Dolittle! cried one.
03:55What is it? the doctor asked.
03:58Pirates on the island! gasped the other bird.
04:04The Barbary Pirates were on the island.
04:07Don't worry. Come with us. We'll help you escape, said one bird.
04:12But how? asked Dr. Dolittle.
04:14You must take the pirate ship. It's very big and fast.
04:21There was no one on the ship.
04:24Hurry! Hurry! whispered the birds.
04:27Dr. Dolittle quickly got on the ship.
04:30The animals followed quietly.
04:32But then, Gub-Gub dropped some of his bananas into the water.
04:38Stop! Stop right there!
04:42Stop right there! yelled the Barbary Pirates as they ran out from the trees.
05:05The Barbary Pirates ran toward their ship.
05:08Hurry! Everyone help me!
05:11Dr. Dolittle shouted.
05:13What is that man saying? one pirate asked.
05:17He seems to be speaking a strange language.
05:20answered the captain.
05:22It's moving! It's moving!
05:24Gub-Gub jumped up and down.
05:27But the pirates were fast runners.
05:30They got on to Dr. Dolittle's boat.
05:33You think you can escape from me? laughed the captain.
05:38We will take your boat.
05:40Oh, but...
05:42Gub-Gub was about to tell them the boat was no good.
05:47See? Those rats were lying! shouted Dab-Dab.
05:51That boat is not sinking.
05:53Sure enough, Dr. Dolittle's boat began chasing the pirate ship.
05:58Dr. Dolittle could hear the pirates' laughter.
06:03Dr. Dolittle had never been on a pirate ship before.
06:07He did the best he could.
06:09The animals tried to help him.
06:12But the pirates were catching up.
06:15The captain of the pirates shouted at them.
06:18You are fast, but I am faster.
06:21I am the great Ben-Ali. I am the Barbary Dragon.
06:25Then he laughed an ugly laugh.
06:31Dr. Dolittle, they're getting close! cried Dab-Dab.
06:37The pirates started to sing a terrible song.
06:51Poor Gub-Gub was so scared he burst into tears.
06:55That boat is not sinking! The rats lied!
07:00Dab-Dab shouted angrily.
07:03The pirates saw Dab-Dab jumping up and down.
07:06They started to sing a new song.
07:18Poor Dab-Dab was so scared that he fainted.
07:23Ben-Ali, the Barbary Dragon, sailed the boat right next to their ship.
07:28I say we fight them! Come on!
07:31growled Jip.
07:33But they have swords! We have nothing!
07:36Dr. Dolittle said.
07:38I have horns sharper than swords,
07:40said the usually quiet Push-Me-Pull-You.
07:43He was sharpening all his horns.
07:46All of a sudden, the pirates felt their boat move.
07:50What was that? shouted Ben-Ali.
07:53He stared at his feet.
07:55This boat is sinking! he yelled.
07:58The boat sank lower and lower.
08:01That's impossible! one pirate cried out.
08:05I didn't see the rats leave the boat.
08:08Jip jumped up and down with joy.
08:10That's because they left hours ago!
08:14He laughed.
08:16But of course, the pirates only heard a dog barking loudly.
08:21Ben-Ali and the other pirates started to panic.
08:24No one was singing now.
08:26Haha! Come and catch me if you can! teased Gub-Gub.
08:30Dab-Dab stuck his tongue out at them.
08:34The pirates climbed onto the sails.
08:37The boat sank deeper and deeper.
08:40They grabbed onto the sails.
08:42Some held onto the ropes.
08:44But it was no use.
08:46The boat disappeared into the water.
08:48The pirates splashed around in the water.
08:57The Story of Dr. Dolittle
09:01Chapter 18 The Barbary Farmer
09:09The Barbary pirates did not seem so scary anymore.
09:13Some of them started to swim back to the island.
09:16Others tried to get on their ship.
09:19But of course, the animals would not let them.
09:23Then things got worse.
09:25Dr. Dolittle could see sharks swimming toward the pirates.
09:29The pirates saw them too.
09:31Sharks! Sharks!
09:34They screamed.
09:36Ben-Ali, the Barbary dragon, looked more like the Barbary frog.
09:42The sharks quickly made a circle around the pirates.
09:46One great shark swam over to Dr. Dolittle.
09:49Are you Dr. Dolittle? the shark asked.
09:54How's your health? the doctor replied.
09:57Oh, I am so pleased to meet you, the shark said blushing.
10:02The pirates watched the doctor.
10:05What is he doing? panted one pirate.
10:08It looks like he's talking to the shark, answered another.
10:12That's impossible, the first pirate gasped.
10:16These men are bad, especially Ben-Ali, said the shark.
10:22But we will eat them up for you.
10:24Thank you, but that's okay, Dr. Dolittle replied.
10:29Could you bring Ben-Ali over here, please?
10:33The shark swam over to Ben-Ali.
10:36No, go away! Mommy! cried the Barbary dragon.
10:42The shark chased Ben-Ali over to Dr. Dolittle.
10:46Dr. Dolittle leaned over the side and spoke to the pirate.
10:51Ben-Ali, you have been a very bad man, scolded the doctor.
10:57But if you promise to do as I tell you, these sharks will not eat you.
11:02Of course, the pirate did not want to become the shark's dinner.
11:06What is it? I promise, begged the pirate captain.
11:12Dr. Dolittle pointed to the island.
11:15You and your men must go to that island.
11:19And do what? There's nothing to do there, complained Ben-Ali.
11:24You will become farmers, the doctor told him.
11:28Thunder and lightning, never! I am a pirate, shouted Ben-Ali.
11:37Please, let me be a pirate, he begged.
11:41But Dr. Dolittle said firmly.
11:44No, you must promise to be a farmer and never leave the island.
11:49If you don't keep your promise, he warned,
11:53these sharks will eat you up.
11:57Ben-Ali, the Barbary dragon, had no choice.
12:01Okay, I'll be a farmer, he said.
12:05Dr. Dolittle called the shark.
12:08Make sure the pirates never leave the island.
12:11What are those strange sounds you're making? Ben-Ali asked.
12:16But before Dr. Dolittle could answer, the sharks took the pirates away.
12:22Dr. Dolittle and the animals watched them swim to the island.
12:26That's the end of the Barbary dragon.
12:29Chuckled Tutu.
12:31At the beginning of the Barbary farmer.
12:34Laughed Gub-Gub.
12:36He didn't seem too scary, did he?
12:39Giggled the Push-Me-Pull-You.
12:42Dr. Dolittle set off again for their journey home.
12:46Dab-Dab, I hope you learned your lesson.
12:49The doctor said.
12:51Yes, I did. From now on, I will believe what the rats say.
12:56Dab-Dab replied.
12:58Dr. Dolittle was happy to hear that.
13:09Little Fox
