Analisis Saham Pilihan: MAPA, EXCL, BBTN, PWON

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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Rabu (21/08/2024) dengan Tema Analisis Saham Pilihan: MAPA, EXCL, BBTN, PWON".


00:00Thank you, Pemirsa, for joining us again and we will look at the recommendations from our sources this morning, including Samsung as the next one.
00:16Samsung recommends MAPA by Pemirsa, with levels that you can see on the screen.
00:30There are Target Price at IDR 880, EXCL with Target Price at IDR 2470, BBTN with Target Price at IDR 1460, and PAKUON at IDR 510.
00:46With Stop Loss, Pemirsa is in the left column, MAPA at IDR 805, EXCL at IDR 2,240, BBTN at IDR 1,315, and PAKUON at IDR 460.
00:57We will talk again with Mr. Henra Wardana. Mr. Henra, from these four options, why did you choose these four?
01:12Thank you, Pemirsa and Investor. Why MAPA? The recommendations are good.
01:18If we look at MAPA itself, technically, it is currently testing the ARMA Frequency Upgrade 200 at level 860.
01:25So, technically, it is very interesting.
01:28If we look at the volume, it is the highest since last week.
01:33So, it is very interesting to look at.
01:35And if we look at it, there is an accumulation related to ASING that is done in MAPA.
01:41And fundamentally, if we look at the gross profit of the company, it can be said that it is 45.1% higher than the average of the industry, which is 21%.
01:53And if we look at the ROE of the fundamental itself, it can also be said that it is 21.2%, while the industry is 7.6%.
02:01So, I recommend buying MAPA, maybe at level 825 to 835, with the first take profit at 860, the second take profit at 880, and for the stop loss limit at level 805.
02:17Okay, because of the volume, then there is ASING accumulation there, the gross profit and ROE support, so you categorize MAPA as one of the recommendations and options, right?
02:28That's right.
02:29Okay, MAPA, or Mitra Adiperkasa, Mitra Aktif Adiperkasa, MAPA Aktif Adiperkasa.
02:40Then there is EXCL, why not ISET who wants to stock split?
02:44If ISET is interesting, because it wants to stock split, because the price can be said to be too high before stock split, so I recommend it to EXCL.
02:56Why? Because if we look at the MACD from the technical indicator, it is bullish and in the positive area, and if we look at EXCL, it has also broken out at the moving average level at 200, and it can be said that there is potential.
03:11For example, in this technical, there is a pattern of double bottom, so it can be said that I recommend EXCL with a buy target at level 2320, with the first take profit at 2390 and the second take profit at level 2470, with a stop loss limit for EXCL at level 2240.
03:33At level 2240, there is a stop loss limit, there is a target at 2390, if that is achieved, the second price target is at 2470.
03:42That's right, Mrs. Prisa.
03:44Okay, so right now is the level for buy, because it was closed yesterday at 2320.
03:49Yes, that's right, Mrs. Prisa, and if we look at the financial report itself, for the clean market itself in the first semester of 2024, it increased compared to the first semester in 2023, which in 2023 received Rp. 658 billion, but the clean market in the first semester of 2024 was as big as 1 trillion, so it increased by 59%, so this is interesting for EXCL, maybe the investor friends can get involved.
04:19Okay, interesting for EXCL, the last week has increased by 2.65%, a month 4.98% or almost 5%.
04:27If we compare a little bit, continuing earlier about the hot issue about ISAT, although you have said that the price is already quite high before the current stock split, regarding the solid profitability in the first semester and in the middle of the stock split plan, you do not recommend, do you feel better if it is already stock split, we will see the potential again, or how?
04:50That's right, Mrs. Prisa, because in theory, the stock that will do the stock split will definitely tend to increase, because in theory, the stock split price will be cheaper, retail investors can buy at a cheaper price, so the price of the stock will increase, but not as simple as the theory, we still have to look at the fundamentals too.
05:13So, if compared to ISAT or EXCL, for now, for traders or investors, I recommend EXCL for the investors friends.
05:25Okay, if we look at the technical, what patterns are forming in ISAT?
05:32Okay, actually, if ISAT is from the pattern, it is actually in the tendency of the major trend or the long-term trend is still uptrend for ISAT.
05:42And if we look at it from the candle yesterday, it experienced a boost, so there is actually a potential for ISAT with the current level of Rp. 11,200 for trading base, because it is closed above the dynamic level in the moving average of Rp. 20, so at Rp. 11,200 it can actually be bought if investors friends want to make a purchase.
06:07With the closest target, it is in the classic resistance at Rp. 11,700, that's for ISAT.
06:15Rp. 11,700, but more like a speculative trading buy, right?
06:19Correct, speculative buy.
06:21Speculative buy for ISAT at Rp. 11,175.
06:26Okay, if compared to ISAT, you prefer EXCL, but if EXCL with Telkom, do you still prefer EXCL?
06:35Yes, if we look at the condition of Telkom right now, actually with the movement of Telkom, it is now at the level of Rp. 2,980 and there is the strongest support at the level of Rp. 2,750.
06:51So actually, if compared to Telkom, which one to choose, for now I still choose EXCL as an option for investors.
07:03But it doesn't close the possibility that Telkom will actually break out at the psychological level of Rp. 3,000, because it is actually already attractive from the level of support when Telkom hits the support at the level of Rp. 2,800, it bounces and now it is at the level of Rp. 2,970, the possibility will break out at the level of Rp. 3,000.
07:26We'll see later.
07:27We leave the infrastructure sector, especially telecommunications, we switch to banking, you recommend BBTN there compared to Big Caps banks, is it because Big Caps is already running fast and the potential of BBTN is wider or how?
07:41That's right, Mrs. Prisa, because if we look at stocks like BBCA or Bang Mandiri and BRI, even though they have been accumulated, have experienced strength and have been accumulated by foreigners, but the risk of experiencing a correction is quite high because the price is already very high.
08:02For example, for BBTN itself, it is still very interesting technically, so I recommend BBTN. Why? Because if we look at it, there is also a gap up there, so that yesterday there was an indication that there was a strong demand.
08:16And the MACD is also Golden Cross and the volume from yesterday also experienced strength. And if we look at the clean lab, in the first semester of 2024, it also experienced strength, although it is only small, as big as 1.8%.
08:31And if we look at the pair itself, the indication is that BBTN is in the undervalue category because the pair is only 6.3 times, while the average industry is 13.1 times. So it's still very interesting for BBTN.
08:46And BBTN, if we look at this morning, it is already at level 13.80 or up by 1%. So if you want to buy, maybe it can be adjusted to the area you buy at level 13.60 or for example, a typical risk taker can increase the purchase target even higher because the current price is already at 13.80.
09:05With the BBTN target at level 14.15 in the first take profit and the second take profit at 14.60 and the stop loss at level 13.15.
09:1513.15 as a stop loss. There are several factors that make you include BBTN as a recommendation. There is a gap up along with strong demand, fundamentally pair undervalue, so it's still very interesting.
09:28And it is proven this morning that it is still stronger than 1%.
09:31We will review the other share recommendation. There is still one, Mr. Kwon, and the first session trading opening update, as Mr. Henra has just said, Mr. Miersa.
09:40At 9.04 AM, the IHSG, even though the Asian, European and also the United States fell last night, the IHSG is still strong at 0.66%, 75, 83%. We will be right back.
09:54Thank you, Mr. Miersa, for joining us again in the MarketBus Power Breakfast segment.
09:58And in the first trading session today, the IHSG was able to reach its new highest level in a period of time, Mr. Miersa.
10:04Mr. Miersa tested 7593, before finally moving at 7586 or up 0.7% or 52 points, getting closer to level 7600 for the joint share price index, or breaking the new highest level again.
10:26And, Mr. Miersa, we can see that the movement of the IHSG is anomalous with the ASEAN stock market this morning, where the average ASEAN followed the US stock market down.
10:35The IHSG is still continuing to strengthen. Its supporters, based on value, there is Samfico or Victoria Investama, which soared 28.57% at 180.
10:47Then there is Wahana, Pronatural, TBK, or Wapo, which rose 15.89% at 124.
10:54Jemas, MLPL, Mr. Miersa, or Multipolar, rose 10% at 69.
11:00Heli, Ahab, BABP, KF, and Arto are also still in the gainers category.
11:07On the other hand, Mr. Miersa, there are 8 top losers emitters that we present.
11:12On the screen, there is NINE Indonesia, which is weakening at almost 14.5%.
11:22There are Nano, PPGL, MSIN, BAPA, RSCH, ZBRA, and INPC, which are included in 8 losers categories, based on value, up to 9 o'clock past 8 minutes.
11:34Briefly, let's continue with the recommendations and choices.
11:37One more thing, Mr. Hendra, Mr. Kwon, what is interesting?
11:40Okay, for Mr. Kwon himself, it can be said that he broke out in the classic resistance, at level 454 to 466.
11:49And if we look at it, there is also an accumulation there.
11:52And if for example, the candlestick yesterday, it almost formed Morobozu, White Morobozu, or it can be said that the indication is Strong Buyer.
12:00So it's very strong in the main for yesterday.
12:03And if for example, for the NPM of the company itself, it reached 29.7%.
12:08It can be said that it is much higher than the average sector, as big as 21.2%.
12:14And if we look at the ROE itself, it is at 9.5%, far above the average of the sector at 6.05%.
12:24So for Mr. Kwon himself, I recommend buying at level 474 to 478.
12:33With the first take profit at level 494 and the second take profit at level 510.
12:39With the stop loss limit at level 460.
12:42Okay, as we know, the highest level throughout this year or year-to-date from January to August is still at 480, which has just succeeded in breaking above.
12:51You are optimistic that your target at 490 should be achieved.
12:55So is this more in the short term or is it a bit of a medium term?
13:00Yes, actually, it's more in the short term or medium term, it can still be.
13:06Especially if for example, Pak Kwas is able to be at level 490, then break out above level 500 is very possible.
13:15Because indeed, the property will have positive sentiments.
13:19In the future, of course, especially as the Fed lowers the interest rate, Bank Indonesia lowers the interest rate.
13:26Automatically, the property sector will be benefited again.
13:30So that the stock market will definitely chase this stock.
13:33For all investors, as much as possible, buy the stock condition now before there is a sentiment issued.
13:44Briefly, before we end, the joint stock price index continues to try to measure the all-time high, the new highest level in a long time, closer to 7,600.
13:55What are the tips for investors at home or especially retail investors?
14:00Okay, for retail investors, if you want to play with the happening stocks, go ahead.
14:06But still, ISG is currently at level 7,592.
14:11As I said earlier, it is very possible that ISG is at level 7,600 for today's all-time high.
14:18But be aware of the action taking profit.
14:20Because the ISG strength for half of this is already quite high.
14:24But not included in a fairly high value.
14:27The increase is not too high.
14:30So it can be said, just look at the happening stocks.
14:33Like retail stocks that are still on the track of experiencing strength.
14:38Maybe you can trade there.
14:40But still adjust it to the stop-loss limit.
14:43According to the risk profile of friends or all investor friends.
14:48Okay, that's the tips.
14:51Don't be tempted by the euphoria or the happening stocks.
14:55Don't let it pass, it turns out there is a significant correction.
15:00Thank you very much, Mr. Hendra Wardana, who is the Founder of Republic Investor, for the analysis of his recommendations.
15:06Once again, our investment decision is fully in your hands.
15:09Good luck always, sir. Good morning.
15:11Good morning, Mrs. Prisha and all investor friends.
