90 Day Fiance UK Season 3 Episode 12

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90 Day Fiance UK S03E12


00:00I've never believed in love at first sight until I met the love of my life in Turkey
00:06He would fit right in a new castle
00:10If you'd said to me last year, I'd be in a relationship with a girl from Thailand not a chance I
00:18Can't believe that Sprite is actually in love with me
00:26Love Johan so much that my heart could burst
00:29Fiddly, aren't they? I've never ever done this before. I
00:34Promise to care for you for the rest my life
00:41Why you have to do like this nothing I do makes bright happy I can do it spy just leave me
00:50Will be Muslim one day I might not I was talking not you
00:57Didn't you know you're saying anybody I don't know who she is you want me to leave now? Yeah, I'm done
01:01Get yourself and go please me
01:04Don't disrespect me
01:08I am not only just with the F or visa. I've been questioning Ali's reasons for coming to the UK all week
01:17It's just hit me like a ton of bricks
01:21It's painful
01:23Love, it's big to me. Are you happy? No, okay. I
01:29Don't understand women at all
01:33So I don't want to watch that it's weird
01:38Please it's a big drinking culture in England
01:43We will sign love
01:46Babe I'm trying to be romantic, but you just you just kill it if I stand here any longer. I'm gonna piss me pants
01:54Well, guess what?
01:57No, Johan, you are joking. I don't understand why someone would do that to me
02:03Done. Oh
02:05My god, he stood her up
02:11Want to start on a main course and then dessert as well every meal is a big meal for you. It's too much
02:17Let me have the cheesecake. You never want to change for me. I don't want terms and conditions all the time
02:23I will go go
02:27For a bike to get married
02:29There's no romance. We're in a hotel basement. Not what I imagined
02:35I'm sorry that you couldn't come to the wedding
02:37It's just going but I didn't get to see any of that because my mom says she's gonna have another wedding in England
02:43But she won't me and Jose was talking about doing like a big wedding party
02:56This is your home now, I want you to feel at ease here that means that I'm pregnant
03:05I'm married
03:09There wasn't the wedding that I wanted that's my little girl there's pictures of you with a woman
03:15Johan it's been having an affair. You're lying prick
03:19No, Charlotte, don't know how someone can be so hurtful
03:25Because I really did love it
03:47Know how sad I feel crying in my bed listening to music remembering you
03:52I'm just looking at some messages that he sent me
03:56Declaring that he's innocent
03:58so many beautiful
04:00Memories with you what a load of bullshit
04:04It's been about a week since I found out about Johan cheating on me. I'm questioning our entire relationship
04:12How we met?
04:18I'm positive. I promise our marriage
04:23Marriage is an institution which has its origins in the southern countries living in between a man and a woman
04:28Him coming here. I want you with me here
04:32And I'll look after you yeah
04:41Everybody around me is having babies and then there's me
04:50And I'm hurt deep I'm hurt deep
05:02He could have had everything me and him
05:13And now we've got to start again
05:20By will it's gonna be hard because your love don't just go for someone
05:35Johan sent me a video of a child like stroking its dad's back
05:43Because he knows how much I want a child
05:47Or look at what we could have had
05:55It's nasty I
05:58Don't ever want anyone to have to go through this
06:01like just be
06:04Pushed aside like a bit of fucking trash
06:09He is a con artist and a professional one at that
06:13Johan is a part of the animation team. He sleeps with women and benefits from gifts and money. I
06:20Know this because he was my husband
06:24Be aware and stay away from him
06:30I've started posting things on social media. I want people to know what he's done to me
06:36I'm hoping people will
06:38Come forward if they've had a past relationship with him. I want to see just how many people he's been with since he's been with me
06:46Johan doesn't have a single idea who he is messing with here. I ate some little bitch. That's gonna sit here and take it
06:54Come on out
07:14Like that one like that trust in the window
07:17It's really nice cute with the fire renewal just around the corner
07:20I've bought my best friend's and to shop for outfit. So I like a tree
07:25I don't like a chicken anymore. Now. I look like a tree actually there are some feathers in this
07:32Yeah, so what did you wear last time in Columbia I wore really dark green
07:36I'm really long and yeah, it was like embroidered when Jose and I got married
07:41We didn't have a chance to have a proper wedding celebration. We got married at a desk
07:47We knew it would be small. The main goal was just to marry each other
07:51Yeah, it was sad because it would have been nice for everyone that I love to be able to see me marry Jose
07:58This time everyone that I love will be death. I can't wait. I am excited. I am. Yeah, it's exciting
08:05I wanted the day to be like magic
08:15Really excited I'm so happy for my wedding with Luis. I need a really good clothes
08:31Hello Jose nice to meet you
08:35I love the hair. Thank you
08:38Congratulations getting married. I have wedding in Colombia. Well now I have
08:43Wedding in England, but you already know you had a wedding. I have
08:48Wedding in Colombia with my wife and what did you wear when you were at this wedding in Colombia?
08:54My clothes is really proper, but it's serious is wedding
08:58This moment is special it's with my wife. I think it serious
09:03Good. Well now you want to wear English wedding clothes. Yeah, I English wedding clothes like morning tales or yeah
09:11Yeah, it's really good. I like it
09:15How you getting on Jose
09:19Nice let me help you with this. Okay. Thank you
09:28Okay, I have to time
09:35I need a heart on a stick on a stick. Yes. I don't know how this works with
09:47English gentleman, how about a cane? Oh, yeah
09:52Fill me with love and happy night and fill your bed with rose petals
09:59It's nice. I am really happy. Thank you so much. I'm really excited
10:05for our special day
10:08in beautiful place
10:10with my beautiful family
10:35Really don't feel good about last night at all
10:38Sprites and I had a huge argument
10:42Sprite didn't come home with me
10:59Where were you hotel? I think we need to talk. I don't want to talk. You don't even care how I feel
11:17This is not the first time that we fight each other the problem is we both trying to win
11:24This argument is far from over and I think a lot of things that were spoken about last night really need to be talked about
11:31Right, we need to get out of the house to get this sorted out
11:46Yours looks much better than mine
11:50Do you have that one this trip is supposed to be making a break to decide whether I propose to him or not
11:58If I want this relationship to continue I can't brush these issues under the carpet
12:04So sometimes I feel like
12:09I'm like a project to you. You know, you're always trying to
12:14Tell me what to do how to improve my life and you know, I don't want to feel like a project
12:22So I want to understand why
12:26Why am I feeling like this why do I feel like I'm a project to you as a good boyfriend
12:30I should guide you I should tell you like what to do
12:34When I was in the hotel I was thinking
12:38maybe I pressure you too much and I just want to say that
12:43my attention is
12:45To be good to you
12:49I'll go to the gym. I want you to like my body
12:52It's not about liking the body. I don't like you to be like unhealthy, even if I don't lose weight
12:58I promise you I'm not gonna gain any more
13:01This is enough now because it's getting really hard to find clothes I
13:09Was actually really scared I was gonna lose you
13:14But I'm glad you stayed
13:17We fight, you know, but you are the one for me what I want I
13:28Know we fight a lot. I am a fire and John is a
13:32petrol every time we
13:35Argue he says sorry to me and I say sorry to him because me and John love each other
13:40And I cleared a lot up and I am gonna prefer. Don't make me cry. I
13:47Am gonna propose to surprise I've made up my mind and it's happening
14:12It's been about a week since I've put a post up about Johan on social media
14:19Guess what?
14:21There's more girls
14:24Johan is a lying piece of shit
14:33I'm gonna tell my mom what's happened. I
14:39Can't say that my mom was ever a fan of Johan
14:42And there will be some element of I told you so
14:51You better come in yeah, I need to speak to you
14:56I'm dreading this. I think you better sit down. What's the matter?
15:05Someone's come forward to tell me that they've actually been in a relationship with Johan when for the last six months. Oh
15:14So before and after the wedding then yeah, oh
15:21My god
15:24What does he have to say about this and he denied it why am I not surprised so following that I thought I'd
15:32post something
15:34On social media and
15:38Some other girl did get in contact with me and she's been in a relationship with him
15:43She sent me like a picture of them together
15:47Screenshots and messages. This is since the wedding. Yeah
15:53There's more he's been a very busy boy another girl has come forward. Oh
15:59She was in some sort of relationship with him as well
16:03We have someone that is quite a bit older than me we have one that's a little bit younger than me
16:11one anonymous and
16:13A very young girl and then of course the one and only me
16:18He is a sick
16:21God there could be hundreds. Yeah, was he asking for money for these or yeah, he
16:28Would get whatever he could out of them
16:31He'd asked for money asked for like fragrance
16:35Whatever he could have he's a serial bastard. Yeah a serial con artist
16:42I have mixed emotions about these women that have come forward. We're all very different, but there is one thing in common
16:50We're all quite vulnerable
16:52I've been doing my research and this is what I believe he is
16:55have a look a sanky-panky is someone that like does this as a
17:01Living they reel you in get whatever they can out of you get a visa and then fuck off
17:07It's like a common scam then. Yeah, they're called other things in different countries
17:14But in the Dominican, it's the sanky-panky
17:17number one they work in a resort tick to
17:22Usually the looks which attract women tick money. Did you give him money? Obviously? I've got him his roof
17:27Why the next stage
17:30They're asked for money because someone in their family is
17:33Gravely ill guess what Johan did tell me that his mother was in hospital and that he needed money to pay for her medical bills
17:43Take you around to the family. Yep. They make you feel welcome and special and everything else
17:53Charlotte from
17:55Start and it's a mother's intuition inside. I felt it wasn't right
18:01There is the little I told you say
18:05And you were falling deeper and deeper and I worried every time I went out there
18:11He's just a vile dirty bastard
18:17I defended him all the way even when people told me no, I believed in him
18:26You deserve to be happy Charlotte you deserve a lot better and one day you will find happiness
18:31But not with a low life like that. He needs to get back under that rock
18:35It's a blip in your life and you just can move on seriously. Don't go back. Just look forward
18:43They get what's coming to him. He will
18:47My mom's a lot more compassionate than I thought she would be I just feel so sad
18:54Can't he just have loved me why can't anyone just love me?
19:16It's only a blip in your life you'll be fine awful distraught for Charlotte
19:21The bit that's really hurt the most that she shared things with Johan
19:27About losing her father. Seriously, she will be fine. She's got family. She's got fantastic friends
19:34She's well-loved and one day the right one will come along
19:59What happened my foot is sore
20:02I've woken up this morning and my foot is in agony. I can't really walk my flat feet
20:08Do cause me a lot of problems
20:11It's a shame because I've arranged a lovely date for us today. I plan to go to the spa today
20:17You have to go by yourself
20:19Really yeah, are you sure that you will be able to be here alone? I'll be fine
20:28I'll be better than fine sprite because my master plan is falling into place. He's gone now
20:36It wasn't the plan for my foot to hurt like this
20:40I was gonna act sick and to send him off to the spa by himself because
20:45I'm gonna cook him a really special meal tonight
20:48Because I'm proposing to him
20:53I really hope he's gonna like it. Nothing can go wrong
21:07Hello hi, so I have an appointment today you're booked in for the week such as
21:18And I feel really hurt by back recently, so yeah, it's good for me to get my such
21:28He's just he always complains that I'm not romantic enough I'm trying my best
21:36Usually I do massage a lot in Thailand, okay
21:42This is the most important dinner I've ever cooked before there's a lot riding on it and
21:47I just want to make it as good as possible
21:52To be honest, I'm using packaged curry paste
21:57It's mostly the most authentic flavor that you're gonna get
22:01The massage was really nice
22:02I really like talking to the lady because every time I see Thai people in UK
22:09It's like a home. You know, she said that UK is better than Thailand
22:13So I have a lot of things to do in Thailand like my jobs my family is there
22:19I don't know that I can leave that things behind but I feel like I'm almost ready to do it
22:25I'm almost ready, but I haven't put the ring in the cake yet
22:32So I think it's gonna be easiest just to cut the bottom of the cake out
22:37In about that size yeah, it fits it'll be fine
22:47Think that's a steady one. I'm actually nervous
22:50It's happening
22:52Sprites gonna be here really soon. Just needs to be a perfect night
23:17How are you
23:18I'm good, baby. What is this? I want to show you
23:23What I can do as a private chef, yeah
23:36Fried calamari and fried shrimp
23:39with sweet chili sauce and a
23:43chili mayonnaise
23:45Really good
23:47So, what is the next one?
23:49You haven't even finished the starter. Hmm
23:55It's going so good. It's not quickly. It's coming. Calm down
24:07Fillet steak and we have a very special
24:11Sauce for you today green curry sauce for the steak. Really? Yeah
24:17It's going really well and Sprite looks like he's really enjoying it
24:27All right
24:40What is that
24:43Huh, so for dessert we have chocolate cake
24:49Cut it no, I want you to cut it. Why?
24:52What has to be so dramatic because you are the guest what's wrong? It's not sharp at all. It's sharp. Just cut
25:01Why is it not cutting in the middle? Oh, what is that?
25:07What is that
25:10Hmm right I
25:14Want you to be with me for the rest of my life so
25:23Will you marry me
25:31Yes, Wow impressive
25:40Wow, very suit me so well, thank you, baby. Oh
25:52I'd be stressing the whole day. I'm scared. You're gonna say no. No
25:59You're still eating
26:01Why you cry it should be me that cries happy. Huh? I'm happy. Really? Yeah
26:16We got engaged
26:20Love you, baby
26:24One of the biggest things that I was really worried about is a sprite wouldn't like the ring and he loves it
26:29I'm so glad
26:31Yes, it's perfect. I
26:33Am over the moon
26:56Decoration coming. Oh
26:59We're having a little party. We're gonna do a big art filled with balloons
27:04This is for all of my friends our family to meet you finally and we do have an announcement to make
27:12We have a beautiful baby. Yeah
27:22Thanks for coming make yourselves comfortable
27:25Finally my family and my friends going to meet my Egyptian hung
27:30It's like a man
27:32Huh? Yeah, I'm really
27:45This is a jelly bear everyone this is what they wear in Egypt especially upper Egypt I wear my
27:52Tradition Egypt clothes. I am so proud of my country my family my prestige
27:59This is lovely this I've been dying to get into this
28:05I love my dad so much if everybody's got a drink. I would like to say a couple of words
28:11He looks so sweet. He was in his jelly bear and he looked proud. I'd like to thank I'd like this. Oh
28:19Trying to think us
28:21My mind's gone
28:24This this is really special for
28:27Taha and my lovely daughter who went to Egypt and found someone got married
28:36Although I wasn't there my my spirit and my heart was there for her
28:43Since she's brought this lovely man back to her to my house. I couldn't ask for a better son and
28:51I it is
28:55My son I want to crying like this. Oh
29:00He's taken a big risk himself coming here to England not knowing anybody
29:07And I I couldn't have a better person that my daughter's married to really
29:14Your father will be proud of you when he sees this
29:22Don't worry your beautiful daughter in my eyes
29:30I look forward to one day going to Egypt and meeting all your family. I really do look forward to that one day
29:48Can't explain this feeling is really really good feeling. I love him a lot
29:55I'm not the best at speeches. I'm a little bit shy
29:58We do have a little announcement to make that we are expecting a little a little baby
30:14It was
30:16it was a
30:18Bit of a shock at first, but I'm very excited to become a granddad because I've had children of my own
30:24I will be able to help Nicole and Taha when the baby's here. Thank you everyone for coming. Thank you
30:34On a spiritual level the universe brought them both together. I just see it getting better than better for them
30:43Love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I'm so excited about my future is Nicole. I'm gonna have a little
30:50baby here we we I
30:55Know it's what we're gonna do
31:18It's been five weeks since I found out everything about Johan
31:23It's very raw, but I'm surrounded by people that I love and tonight. I'm meeting up with a few of my friends
31:29We're gonna have a bit of girl time and just let our hair down
31:36I've got the face on cleavage out. Who's the fucking boss?
31:41Southampton definitely needs to watch out because I'm back on the market
31:56Cheers go
31:59Thank you for coming
32:02It's the latest
32:04He's absolutely adamant
32:06Absolutely adamant
32:08That nothing happens. It's my fault still
32:12How can he try and deny when you've got you know you've got evidence evidence. I have sent that boy
32:20Messages, but it's not him, but it's all photoshopped
32:26Relationship because he's got probably
32:29False accusations, do you know people are that dangerous because they genuinely believe their own lies their own eyes. He's a narcissist
32:40Johan is losing his shit. I'm pretty sure it's him. Who's created a fake profile me on social media and
32:47Posted pictures of me in my underwear
32:49You're winning here you're winning
32:53Do you know what Johan you've done me a favor because
32:57My pictures are hot the person who's come out on top of out of all of this issue. He's got nothing
33:03He's got no one his life isn't real. He is nothing but a lying cheating twat
33:08You will meet someone who will love you for all of that. He does not deserve any of it
33:14I'm gonna get back on that horse
33:21Charlotte has got
33:23everything that Johan doesn't have
33:25Not everyone agreed, but you still stuck by me. Oh
33:29She's got good friends. She's got good family
33:32When people love you, that's what they do. She's caring. She's loving she'd do anything for anyone
33:39Thanks guys
33:41Anytime sister. Here's to Charlotte
33:45I'm so proud of her
33:49She's just a wonderful person
33:52This is
33:53Unconditional love these guys have been with me through the thick the thin the ugly, but now it's different
34:04I feel absolutely amazing
34:31Take your bag away, please. How many times was I tell you it's been a couple weeks since I got engaged to Sprite's I
34:41Thought you already finished showering just calm down. Okay this way geez like
34:47It was wonderful for a few days after but the honeymoon period is over
34:56John I wanna miss us. So it's not a restaurant. You can't just order what you want
35:03You know, I'm not your fucking servant if Sprite gives me one more order. I'm literally going to explode
35:15Sprite you on coffee. No
35:29So I'm high I need somebody John give me 3x quickly
35:44Sometimes I just wish you could ask for things nicer. I didn't do anything. I just asking for 3x
35:50I don't feel like it was asking me nicely
35:52I feel like it's to all my friends and all the people even my mom. They don't get angry at all
35:57But this is how I'm feeling Sprite. I'm telling you how I'm feeling. Why are you getting angry about it?
36:02Why I have to act like that. I am NOT your slave
36:07Why you have to do?
36:09What happening I felt like it was an order Sprite if I'd like you were ordering me to do something
36:14I didn't order anything at all. That is not true at all. This is exactly what I you know, what fine I'll do it
36:20Oh, it's not like I didn't want to do it. You don't wanna do it. I will do it. I can do it Sprite
36:24Just leave me
36:32Sprite come get your ring
36:41Cannot stand anymore
36:44I'd rather go back to Thailand and never come back
36:48Quite frankly, I've had enough of him. There's no future for a relationship and we just might as well end it now. I
36:56Don't want to be with this person. We're done
37:20Are you excited
37:22Are you gonna watch mommy and daddy get married again?
37:27The day has finally come where we can celebrate our marriage with my side of the family
37:35It's cute Lewis
37:38Today I renew the vows I made to you on our wedding day. I
37:46Love you. You so much
37:48beautiful chicken
37:57We got married a seven days after meeting each other about seven days, this is definitely a very unusual relationship
38:04We actually are pregnant
38:27Are you gonna go watch mommy and daddy give each other it has been one hell of a journey to get here
38:33People have died to dust from the beginning. I just hope when everybody does see us today
38:38They will realize that we are meant to be
38:55Hello hello
39:03Would you please stand for the arrival of Louise
39:12I think she looks amazing
39:15Obviously, I know that they didn't get married in the greatest of places and this is amazing
39:27Are here today to witness Jose and Louise
39:31Renew their marriage vows and their commitment to one another in the company of their family and friends
39:42And I believe you're going first Louise today I renew the vows I made to you on our wedding day
39:49I will continue to love you through a our future life together
39:53Now your turn Jose. Thank you
39:57Louise I
39:59so promise to care for you with love and the comfort and
40:05Support you for the rest my life. I
40:09Am so proud of how he's doing. He has really tried his best. I love you Jake
40:16And I think that deserves a kiss and a round of applause everybody
40:28I love my mum a lot. So then I didn't really get to see I get married first. It is nice to see
40:39So, how do you feel it was really sweet actually
40:41Yeah, it was really nice to be able to say the words in English to Jose, of course, I really appreciate everybody being here
40:47It's meant absolutely everything to me. I could imagine really really has so happy for you
40:53Congratulations to the both of you. I love you. I
40:58Guess you know over time. It's all worked out what you did at first
41:01It was a bit like crazy, but it's good to see you guys happy and everything, you know work out the way you wanted to so
41:09Proud of you guys here and Jesse say that he's pride of both of us is just magic. Give me a hulk, please
41:18All right, honestly, I couldn't be happier
41:38Love Lois so much forever life with my life and my heart
41:45Honestly this day is the more best day in my life
41:54Today has been really beautiful
41:57absolute magic
41:58To celebrate our marriage that way I can't believe it. It really means so much to us. It's just amazing
42:27I've write this letter in hope you understand
42:31I've decided to write a letter to Johan. I think it's good way to get my feelings out
42:36we first met on
42:41holiday I
42:47Handsome you was
42:52Little did I
42:54know I
42:57Would pay the price I
43:00Felt every emotion possible
43:06Me you loved me and it feels like I've been to hell and back. I have wasted two years
43:13But this hasn't destroyed me
43:20I feel like I can actually move forward with my life bring it on
43:25I'm so done
43:28with your
43:33You will never know
43:39True love I pity you
43:48I thought I found love
43:51I thought I found the man in my dreams
43:53But sometimes I suppose if something's too good to be true
43:57It usually is
44:11But life will go on and I'm just gonna live it to the full
44:18Might try Jamaica next
44:21He's done
44:39You have a girlfriend you lie and pray
44:42Will you marry me?
44:44Just leave me fine
44:56Okay testing BTs
45:00Guess what? I am dating again, and he's really hot. God's a man. I'm sick and tired of Sprite
45:07I'm willing to fight for this relationship. No, no, no bullshit. It's gonna be tense