Paraguay: congressman Eulalio Gomes dies after raid

  • 2 weeks ago
In the early hours of Monday morning, agents of the Sensitive Intelligence Unit (SIU), the National Anti-Drug Secretariat (Senad) and the Special Police Operations Force (Fope), in addition to the Public Prosecutor's Office, raided the home of congressman Eulalio “Lalo” Gomes Batista. teleSUR
00:00On Monday, the deputy of the ruling party of Paraguay, Eulalio Lalo Gomez, was killed
00:04in his home by members of the police force during a raid.
00:08The police operation was part of a series of raids carried out in the city of Pedro
00:13Juan Caballero.
00:14One took place in the home of the congressman of the Colorado party and another in the home
00:20of his son, Alexander Rodrigo Gomez.
00:23In this regard, preliminary information revealed that both had offered resistance, which provoked
00:27an exchange of fire with the authorities that resulted in serious wounds to the deputy,
00:33who passed on the way to the hospital.
00:36It should be noted that the father and son were being investigated for money laundering
00:40linked to a Brazilian criminal organization.
