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In this episode, GM Daw explains why he likes Streetbeefs so much. Respect.

00:00Hello it's me Grandmaster Dool with another post. This post I'm going to be
00:16talking about a channel that I like called Street Beefs. Now millions of
00:22people know Street Beefs but for those that don't, Street Beefs is people that
00:27are normally gang members or criminals lots of these people and instead of
00:33shooting or killing each other those that have disputes they get in the ring
00:38and they fight and it's well refereed it's well supported and I think Street
00:45Beefs is a fantastic idea and I've been watching it for a long time and I just
00:51thought I would say anyone who watches this that I recommend Street Beefs I
00:57will put the links below I think it takes a big man to get in the ring and
01:05solve your differences and what I like about Street Beefs is the camaraderie
01:13and lots of these individuals that fight after they fight they shake hands they
01:19have a hug they they know it's just a bit of sportsmanship and I recommend it
01:27anyone who doesn't know Street Beefs is fantastic now for those that are already
01:32into martial arts one thing that most martial arts teachers don't actually
01:37teach you is that you should be watching people fighting so that when violence
01:43does break out you'll be used to watching it you'll be used to seeing
01:49people fighting and Street Beefs is a fantastic way of seeing lots of fights
01:55and it's good entertainment you know none of none of these people are
02:00grandmasters or people with 7,000 students and stuff but it's good honest
02:06fun and I recommend it so Street Beefs I recommend it I think it's great thank
02:14you for listening if you like my posts if you like my channel subscribe share
02:20the posts anything like that would be great help thank you for listening have
02:25a wonderful day
