Faith, Fear, and Sadness - Nouman Ali Khan

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Faith, Fear, and Sadness - Nouman Ali Khan


00:00Two of the hardest burdens that human beings live with are fear and sadness, fear and grief.
00:12Those are the two heaviest burdens that human beings live with in this life.
00:15As a matter of fact, when Allah sent Adam عليه السلام to the earth,
00:20he told him that when he gives his guidance,
00:22فَمَن تَبِعَ هُدَايَةٌ فَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ
00:27whoever follows my guidance,
00:28they're going to be able to combat fear and sadness, essentially.
00:32In other words, Allah knew that in the story of humanity
00:35from Adam عليه السلام to the last human being that's going to walk on this earth,
00:39every one of them is going to have to struggle with fear,
00:43and they're going to have to struggle with sadness.
00:44Now, what are these two things?
00:46Fear is about what's going to happen in the future.
00:49Fear is about, am I going to lose my job?
00:51What's gonna happen to mom?
00:53What's gonna happen to my family?
00:55What are they gonna say?
00:57What's gonna happen tomorrow?
00:58What's gonna happen with my exam?
00:59What's gonna happen with my immigration?
01:01What's gonna happen with this?
01:02And what's gonna happen with that?
01:03These fears about what's going to happen in the next few hours,
01:06or in the next few days,
01:08or in the year from now, or in the future,
01:10these fears are small and big,
01:12and they're all the time, they're a part of it.
01:14You wake up afraid,
01:15you're afraid you're gonna be late to work.
01:17You're afraid that you forgot about some task that you have to do,
01:20or the time is running out.
01:21Small fears, big fears.
01:22But fear is a constant part of life, it's always there.
01:26And what you're afraid of,
01:27let's say a student is afraid of failing an exam.
01:31Up until the moments of the exam,
01:32there's fear, fear, the heart is pounding.
01:34And they take the exam,
01:36and then unfortunately they get the result that they failed.
01:39And when they fail, there's no more fear,
01:41there's now sadness.
01:42I mean, there's fear of what your dad's gonna do to you,
01:44but there's sadness mostly, right?
01:47Now there's sadness about what happened already.
01:49So fear is about the future,
01:50and sadness is about the past,
01:53what already took place in the past.
01:54And just because it's in the past,
01:57you don't get to tell someone,
01:58well, it's in the past, get over it.
02:00It's done now.
02:01You should move on with your life.
02:03No, you and I are not in any position to tell anyone
02:07that they no longer have the right to feel sad anymore.
02:10Our Messenger ﷺ
02:12continued to feel the sadness
02:14of the absence of Khadijah رضي الله تعالى عنها,
02:16for years, for years.
02:19Feeling sad is not a sign that you don't have enough faith.
02:22He has the greatest faith of all,
02:24and yet he carries sadness.
02:27Yaqub ﷺ lost his son Yusuf ﷺ,
02:30and he carries a great amount of sadness.
02:33So much so that he cries so much,
02:35ابيضت عيناه.
02:36His eyes turned white.
02:38His eyes turned white out of sadness.
02:40But that doesn't mean he doesn't have faith in Allah.
02:52For more information, visit
