Shawn Michaels v Triple H - Unsanctioned Match (SummerSlam 2002)

  • last month
00:00And that is a non-sanctioned fight between two men who are, at one time, best friends, Shawn Michaels and Triple H.
00:08Well, uh, like you said, JR, this has been long awaited.
00:11There are a lot of fans out there that are watching this right now that probably have never even seen Shawn Michaels perform,
00:17but they're gonna see it tonight, and it's gonna be something they'll never forget.
00:20Shawn Michaels last wrestled 1,609 days ago, if you can believe that.
00:27He left the game due to a broken back, but this is about pride and passion, about evilness and ego.
00:34It's gonna be a fight.
00:38Shawn Michaels and Triple H are our best of friends, are closer than a lot of brothers.
00:43Triple H, my friend, is that a lie, or is that the truth?
00:48That is the ever-loving truth.
00:53Well, let me ask you a question. Who is the showstopper?
01:00Who is the main event?
01:05Shawn Michaels and Triple H, they're closer than a lot of brothers.
01:11Tonight, the Game brings you his best friend, Shawn Michaels.
01:21Shawn Michaels and Triple H are our best of friends.
01:23That friendship is really what swayed Triple H.
01:27That's what brought him here to Raw.
01:31Let's get ready to suck it!
01:36Wait a minute. What the hell?
01:37No! Triple H on pedigree of Shawn Michaels!
01:41Shawn Michaels and I were never best friends.
01:44I used Shawn Michaels to get to the top, just like Shawn Michaels used me to stay at the top.
01:51Now, I am a showstopper!
01:54Now, I am the icon!
01:58What the hell do you want?
02:00Stage manager, Dick Dawes, telling the Game something.
02:04Is he going?
02:05What the hell happened?
02:07What the hell happened?
02:09Oh, wow.
02:10Somebody get help. Somebody go and get some help.
02:13Somebody obviously ran his head right through the side of that car window.
02:17The only thing I know for sure is that the guy jumped me from behind.
02:22Shawn, I swear to you, and I swear in front of all these people, I'm going to find out who did this to you.
02:28I'm going to find out who did this.
02:30That person is a marked man.
02:36It was you, Hunter.
02:39You're damn right it was me, Shawn.
02:43I was trying to prove a point that you are weak.
02:47You are vulnerable.
02:49I recognize that I'm not in the best of shape right now.
02:52The doctors have told me I'll make a full recovery.
02:56They say I'll be 100 percent.
02:57100 percent by, say, SummerSlam.
03:05I'm not going to sanction your match at SummerSlam.
03:07Officially, your match will never happen.
03:12But it will happen, Eric.
03:13I will fight till there's nothing left.
03:18Till my legs are gone, you won't forget me.
03:25Cause I will fight till my final breath.
03:30Just to see you fall, I'll make you fear me.
03:37Every time you think I'm done, I'll come back stronger.
03:48And every time you think that you've got me, I will fight you.
03:58Now I'll put you in the ground.
04:01Shawn Michaels is an amazing, amazing athlete.
04:04One of the best I personally ever saw.
04:05But after a four-year absence, what does Shawn Michaels have left in his tank?
04:09Face facts!
04:10You can't wrestle anymore!
04:11You're done!
04:12It's over!
04:13I will cripple your ass!
04:14HBK is dead!
04:18He's dead!
04:19Shawn Michaels at the game!
04:22Non-signs yet!
04:23I will fight till there's nothing left.
04:28Till my legs are gone, you won't forget me.
04:33Forget me.
04:34Forget me.
04:35Forget me.
04:36Forget me.
04:37Forget me.
04:43Are you ready for this, JR?
04:45I'm ready!
04:46Is HBK ready?
05:00There he is!
05:03There he is!
05:13He is a shoulder-stopper!
05:16What an amazing, amazing athlete!
05:21His last match, March 29, 1998, at WrestleMania.
05:29He was the first-ever Grand Slam winner.
05:33He has been the WWE Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, and Tag Champion.
05:39The first man in the history of this company to earn that honor.
05:49We are witnessing something that we, quite frankly, thought we'd never see!
05:54I always hoped that Shawn Michaels would get back in the ring one more time,
05:59and that's all we're seeing here.
06:01So my personal dream has come true!
06:04But I swear, I pray, that this has not been a mistake,
06:08that Shawn Michaels will regret,
06:10that his family will regret,
06:12for the rest of his natural life!
06:19Look at Shawn Michaels!
06:21I don't know if there's ever been anyone in this industry
06:24that's had more charisma than that man.
06:28He was as controversial as anybody that ever stepped in the ring.
06:32He has had several life-changing experiences since his retirement.
06:36This match, as I said earlier, about passion and pride of Shawn Michaels.
06:42It's about the evilness and the ego of a man that Shawn Michaels used to call his best friend.
06:48He's got chills right now, JR.
06:51So does everybody in this arena!
07:04The following contest is not sanctioned!
07:08It's scheduled for one fall!
07:11Introducing from Greenwich, Connecticut,
07:14weighing 272 pounds,
07:18Triple H!
07:22From the Game, the second man to ever hold the Grand Slam,
07:28Shawn Michaels, the first, The Game, the second!
07:33And how...
07:34What tribulation did to a man that revered him,
07:38that really was a catalyst and privileged his ascension to main event status?
07:45It's beyond me what kind of heart and what kind of spirit
07:49possesses a man like Triple H.
07:52Well, there's two things you don't like about Triple H, and that's his face.
07:56Because only a two-faced individual would be able to
07:59stand and put his arm around Shawn Michaels,
08:02tell the world that he's Shawn Michaels' best friend,
08:06and then take Shawn Michaels' head and run it right into the car window.
08:09This match is not sanctioned by the WWE.
08:12This man has signed an old, harmless contract
08:16that basically says that Shawn Michaels can't...
08:19Oh, look at that.
08:21It's a little more than Chris might talk about, JR.
08:24But you're right.
08:25As far as Eric Bischoff is concerned,
08:28as far as the WWE is concerned,
08:31this is not even happening.
08:32This match is not even taking place.
08:34But it's gonna happen.
08:35It is real.
08:36The showstopper.
08:38The cerebral assassin.
08:40And remember, the referee is here only to count a pinball
08:44or ring the bell signifying a submission.
08:46There's no disqualification.
08:47Oh, here we go!
08:48Shawn Michaels, the best shirt by the face of the game.
08:50And the heartbreak hits Shawn Michaels
08:52with that Texas pride,
08:54scoring with the right hands.
08:55Oh, look out.
08:56Oh, Triple H trying to...
08:57He trying to distance himself.
08:59Look at Triple H.
09:00The spear by Shawn Michaels.
09:01Hard right hands.
09:02Right there on the man.
09:04This former best friend, Triple H.
09:06The evil, cerebral assassin.
09:09And Shawn Michaels scoring.
09:11You've got to believe that Shawn Michaels' back,
09:14that broken back,
09:16might as well have a bullseye on it
09:18as far as the game is concerned.
09:22Shawn Michaels leapfrogged what a man.
09:24Look at this!
09:25And Triple H, Michaels sidestepped the game.
09:27The game would settle right over the top.
09:29I'll tell you one thing.
09:30Triple H has made a big mistake
09:31if he underestimates Shawn Michaels.
09:34Oh, my goodness!
09:36A crossbody upon him over the top.
09:38Again, these men can be kept out.
09:40And look at those right hands.
09:42Look at those right hands.
09:44Right into the forehead.
09:46Right between the eyes of the game.
09:48There's some question as to how much
09:50Shawn Michaels has left.
09:51And I can guarantee you this.
09:53I promise you this.
09:54He will give every ounce of it,
09:56every bit of it tonight in this match.
09:58Shawn Michaels, yes, he will give.
10:00He will give us his heart and his soul
10:02in the game.
10:04The sound of his head bouncing off the ring post.
10:06But in my view, Shawn Michaels
10:08has got to get it over early here.
10:10He has not wrestled in over four years.
10:12He looks to be in great shape.
10:14He looks great.
10:16He looks fantastic.
10:18Look at that shot.
10:20Shawn Michaels catching the game
10:22with that clothesline.
10:24And thus far in the early going,
10:26Shawn Michaels has been extremely offensive.
10:28Again, it's non-sanctioned.
10:30This goes beyond a hardcore match.
10:32Wait a minute now, JR.
10:36Michaels throwing a trash can.
10:38I guess anything's going to go in this.
10:40You're right. There are no rules in a non-sanctioned match.
10:44Downstairs with the game.
10:46Double bedding Michaels
10:48right under the security wall.
10:52Michaels bouncing off that security wall
10:54and the game rolling back in.
10:56There's so many things
10:58that have got to be going through the mind
11:00of Shawn Michaels.
11:02First of all, he's in the ring
11:04going against a man that just a few weeks ago
11:06he thought was his best friend.
11:08Now he's in the ring in a match
11:10that only a week ago
11:12he thought he'd never do again.
11:14What a shot that was.
11:16Look at this.
11:18Skin in a cap.
11:20And then almost beheading Triple H
11:22with a thunderous clothesline.
11:24The heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels
11:26Cowboy boots on.
11:28He's here for a street fight.
11:30A non-sanctioned affair.
11:32Right between the eyes with a trash can.
11:34And down goes the game.
11:36Probably the most important thing
11:38that's going through Shawn's mind
11:40is the fact that you mentioned Texas
11:42that his young son is sitting at home in Texas
11:44watching every minute of this.
11:46Watching his daddy for the first time.
11:48What a shot. Michaels off the top rope.
11:50Shawn Michaels wanted to get it over early.
11:52He's done a hell of a job
11:55with his game plan.
11:57And Michaels maybe warmed up the band team.
11:59It could be time for some sweet tune music.
12:01Let's hear it.
12:03He went for it.
12:05Couldn't find it in the game.
12:07Oh, look out.
12:09My God, what a backbreaker.
12:11What a vicious backbreaker.
12:13You said it.
12:15The bullseye on the back of Shawn Michaels.
12:17And the referee asking Shawn Michaels
12:19if he wants to stop this match.
12:21Nobody knows.
12:23Shawn Michaels saying no.
12:25No, emphatically no.
12:27Nobody knows.
12:29I don't think Shawn Michaels even knows
12:31how much pain and punishment his back can take.
12:33Let's take a look one more time.
12:35Feel the impact of that.
12:37That was as perfectly executed
12:39by the Cerebral Assassin
12:41as you will ever...
12:43Not again.
12:45The Game said he was going to try to maim.
12:47He was going to try to cripple
12:49and destroy Shawn Michaels
12:51It is Triple H's goal
12:53as perverse as it sounds
12:55as hideous as it is
12:57to see Shawn Michaels in a wheelchair.
13:01I said we saw some vintage Shawn Michaels
13:03a little earlier in this match.
13:05Now we're seeing vintage Triple H.
13:07This is what
13:09made Triple H the Game.
13:13Oh, this attitude.
13:15Triple H take five time
13:17WWE Champion.
13:19What an Irish whip.
13:21So much velocity.
13:23Triple H even lift his feet
13:25to send Shawn Michaels
13:27right to the turnbuckles.
13:29Again, focusing on that back.
13:31How healed is the broken back?
13:33And you say, well, JR,
13:35it's been four years.
13:37For those of you that have ever had a broken back,
13:39I am told it never fully heals.
13:41You never get over it.
13:43And you damn sure don't get in the ring
13:45with an athlete like Triple H.
13:47We knew this wasn't the smartest decision
13:49that Shawn Michaels could make.
13:51Shawn Michaels.
13:53Triple H
13:55totally disrespecting
13:57one of the great legends of our time
13:59in this business, Shawn Michaels.
14:03Triple H is certainly
14:05not going to waste any moment.
14:07Finish Triple H
14:09with the elbow.
14:14Nothing but disrespect.
14:17But nothing that the Cerebral Assassin
14:19gives a damn about.
14:21And there's a cover.
14:23Here we go.
14:25And Shawn Michaels,
14:27able to kick out King.
14:29But you gotta wonder,
14:31if your back goes,
14:33the kickouts are,
14:35they stop happening.
14:37And this is legal.
14:39It's not sanctioned.
14:41This match, the WWE wants nothing
14:43to do with this match.
14:47Right in the lower back.
14:49Right in the spine of Shawn Michaels.
14:51And look at his face, King.
14:53That face tells this story.
14:55Michaels' legs are,
14:57his legs are, oh my God.
14:59It's gotta be, oh, no, it's not over.
15:01It's not over.
15:03I'm gonna tell you, I'm just wondering
15:05if Shawn's doing the right thing by kicking out.
15:07I'll tell you what,
15:09this audience might be better off
15:11and much better off for his family
15:13if he just let this end.
15:15You might be right.
15:17This audience absolutely was hushed
15:19over what we're seeing here.
15:21They know the jeopardy,
15:23the danger that Shawn Michaels is in.
15:25But Shawn Michaels' heart
15:27maybe doesn't know it
15:29because it's still beating.
15:31He's still trying to fight back.
15:33But to no avail here.
15:35The game, 6 feet, 4 and a half,
15:39But Shawn Michaels,
15:41right hands,
15:43everything Shawn's got.
15:45And again, Michaels back down
15:47the canvas.
15:49His arms,
15:51I wanna see those arms and legs move.
15:53He doesn't have the strength,
15:55but he's got the heart.
15:57He's got too much heart.
15:59Again, the referee in this non-sanctioned match
16:01cannot stop him.
16:03Only one of the competitors can say,
16:05I quit, I give up.
16:07This match, one fall to a finish.
16:09You can call it heart, you can call it ego,
16:11but they're both too big.
16:13Look at this!
16:15DDT on that steel chair.
16:17Scrambling the brains of HBK.
16:19And now the game,
16:21boom, it's gotta be over here.
16:23No, it's not over!
16:25Shawn Michaels busted open.
16:27Shawn Michaels has been busted open
16:29with that face first into that chair.
16:31Damn sure did.
16:33Again, taking that belt.
16:36Again, taking that belt off Shawn Michaels
16:38and quickly with a dog.
16:40Blashing Shawn Michaels
16:42like he was an animal
16:44with that leather belt.
16:46Michaels bleeding.
16:48You can hear the leather
16:50on the skin of a human being
16:52being beaten
16:56And unfortunately, like you said,
16:58it's all legal in this match.
17:00What a game.
17:02Anything methodically.
17:04He's got that metal belt buckle.
17:06That's not a damn thing
17:08the referee can do about it.
17:10Those shots of that loaded right hand
17:12of Shawn Michaels on belt
17:14and more specifically
17:16that big belt buckle
17:18being used as a weapon by Triple H.
17:20I'm gonna tell you something, JR.
17:22I'm beginning to think this has gotta be
17:24the biggest mistake Shawn Michaels has ever made
17:26in his entire career.
17:28You may be right.
17:30You may be absolutely right.
17:32And again, the referee is helpless.
17:34The referee can't stop him.
17:36And Shawn Michaels, King,
17:38you know him as well as I.
17:40He will not quit.
17:42As long as he's breathing,
17:44he will not quit.
17:46And I'm afraid neither will Triple H.
17:48I'm afraid Triple H won't quit
17:50until he fulfills what he said
17:52he was gonna do.
17:54He wants to cripple and maim Shawn Michaels.
17:56Triple H wants to see Shawn Michaels
17:58in a damn wheelchair.
18:00What is Triple H looking for now?
18:02I have no earthly idea.
18:04God only knows what Triple H
18:06must be thinking or what he's contemplating
18:08here looking under the ring.
18:10Shawn Michaels
18:12trying to pull himself back up
18:14with every fiber in his being.
18:16Oh, my God. You've gotta be kidding me.
18:18You've gotta be kidding me.
18:20Surely the referee can stop this.
18:22The dance wasn't...
18:24The chairs weren't enough.
18:26Now we gotta stretch him.
18:28The referee is helpless.
18:30And no! Shawn Michaels taking back.
18:32Shawn Michaels
18:34fighting for his life here.
18:36You got that right. Come on, Shawn.
18:38You're gonna have to do something here.
18:40Michaels on his knees. Can he stand?
18:42Yes, he can.
18:44This crowd's heading
18:46for HBK.
18:48They're trying to carry him through
18:50to the most crucial match,
18:52the most crucial night
18:54of his entire life.
18:57And the abdominal stretch
18:59putting more pressure
19:01and torque on that lower body.
19:03Shawn is like in a torture chamber.
19:05That's all Triple H is.
19:07He's just intent on torturing.
19:09I wish Shawn Michaels would just
19:11give it up here.
19:13Just give it up, Shawn.
19:15You made us all proud. You came back.
19:17You did everything you could.
19:19Everything under God's sun you could do,
19:21you have done.
19:23The Game is a...
19:25He is an executioner.
19:27He's an executioner
19:29with a Ph.D.
19:31That's legal.
19:33Referee can't count him.
19:35There's no disqualifications here.
19:37You can see that Earl Henry doesn't like it.
19:39Earl's got a heart.
19:41He's got a soul.
19:43He knows what's right and what's not.
19:45Earl, you're overmatched,
19:47my friend.
19:49Bowing right up.
19:51He's getting right in Triple H's face.
19:53I admire Earl Hefner's...
19:57I admire Earl Hefner's attitude
19:59and what he stands for.
20:01But remember...
20:03I'm telling you,
20:05Earl Hefner realizes when he saw
20:07that sledgehammer come out,
20:09he can't let anything go in this match.
20:11Earl Hefner's been the eye of controversy
20:13in his career before.
20:15That was a shot to the midsection by Shawn Michaels.
20:17Earl doesn't want to be a part of
20:19seeing the demise of Shawn Michaels.
20:21He doesn't want to see Shawn Michaels
20:23confined to a wheelchair
20:25to be maimed and crippled.
20:27He doesn't know that.
20:29He's running on adrenaline.
20:31How much adrenaline can Shawn Michaels have left?
20:33It's adrenaline and it's instinct.
20:37You're right.
20:39There's not much of either one left right now.
20:41Shawn fighting!
20:43You know what Triple H is gonna try to do here.
20:45That's why that's instinct.
20:47Shawn knows that would have been over for him
20:49if he didn't see the superplex.
20:51And that's why the Game would have liked to have done it.
20:53The Game wants to hear Michaels back.
20:55Snap again.
20:57You've got to believe that's what the Game wants to do.
20:59Break Michaels' back here at SummerSlam.
21:01Wait a minute, what are you gonna try?
21:03I don't think he's gonna try to come up with an elbow.
21:05What a chicken.
21:07Similar to what we saw earlier.
21:09The referee shoved into the ropes
21:11and Shawn Michaels losing his balance.
21:13What a crappy...
21:17Michaels helpless.
21:19Hanging upside down.
21:21Just out of terror.
21:23Shot right to the lower back.
21:27I just...
21:29I'll tell you, JR.
21:31Somehow when I heard all of those...
21:33That big diatribe from Triple H.
21:35The things he said about Shawn.
21:37Somehow I hoped it wasn't true.
21:39But he really does want to cripple Shawn Michaels.
21:41Triple H hates Shawn Michaels.
21:43Triple H hates our fans.
21:45He hates everybody but himself.
21:47What an egotist.
21:49What an evil egotist.
21:53Look at that chair.
21:55And look at the man's back.
21:57A poor human being.
21:59Four years away from this carnage.
22:01And come back.
22:05This is a sick human being, folks.
22:07Counting down.
22:09A quick counting.
22:13Refusing to die.
22:15This is not smart.
22:17It may be his last match.
22:19But by God, he's not going to quit.
22:23What's the gang going to do here?
22:25The Cerebral Assassin.
22:27What sick perverted thing does he have on his mind now?
22:29With that steel chair.
22:31All he's got on his mind is like you said.
22:33Seeing Shawn in a wheelchair.
22:35Crippling the man.
22:39Sidewalk slam on that chair.
22:41That chair is what busted Shawn open earlier.
22:43Michaels almost laying limp.
22:45Fast County Murrow.
22:47Get it over with.
22:49And John Michaels kicking out.
22:51Triple H trying to hook his hands.
22:53But Michaels kicks out again.
22:55Where's it coming from?
22:59The will to win, King.
23:01Or is it the will to survive?
23:03And the game is getting frustrated.
23:07The sold out crowd.
23:09We knew this was going to happen.
23:11We knew.
23:13We said earlier that no matter what,
23:15Shawn Michaels was going to give us
23:17every ounce of everything he had.
23:19But he's done that.
23:21He doesn't need to give us anymore.
23:23He gave us for about 15 years of his life.
23:25Tonight's enough's enough.
23:27I'll tell you what.
23:29You know what I think?
23:31I think that Triple H somehow still feels like he's
23:33living in the shadow of,
23:35under the cloud of,
23:37of Shawn Michaels,
23:39of everything that Shawn Michaels has accomplished
23:41in this business.
23:43You can see it coming.
23:45The pedigree.
23:49Did you see that coming, JR?
23:51Triple H has got a pedigree.
23:53Shawn Michaels on that steel chair.
23:55The chair's been mangled.
23:57Shawn Michaels' body's been mangled.
23:59And another part of Triple H's anatomy
24:01has obviously been mangled.
24:03Well, they'll get no sympathy
24:05from anybody in this arena.
24:09This crowd
24:11trying to get Shawn Michaels back into it.
24:13These fans are doing all they can.
24:15And Michaels,
24:17Shawn trying to pull himself up.
24:19He can't get up on his own.
24:21He's near the Rose Bowl.
24:23Triple H's got that chair.
24:25It's like a loaded gun.
24:27The game goes far away again.
24:31I'm telling you right now.
24:33Sweet tin music.
24:35Right back in the chair.
24:37Right back in the face of the game.
24:39The big super kick.
24:41Shawn Michaels' patented move,
24:43but it may have taken everything
24:45that Shawn Michaels had out of him.
24:47Exactly. It may have been everything that Shawn had left
24:49for that one sweet tin music.
24:51The chair went right back in the face
24:53of the game.
24:55It's going to happen to a nicer guy.
24:59That's a beautiful sound.
25:01Look at this.
25:03Triple H has opened up.
25:05The game has been busted wide open
25:07at the hands of Shawn Michaels.
25:09The super kick to the chair.
25:11And the game is bleeding.
25:15Look at Shawn.
25:17Now he realizes he's capable
25:19of doing some serious damage here.
25:21Shawn Michaels now has opened up the game.
25:23But does Shawn have enough
25:25in this tank to finish Triple H off?
25:27Triple H,
25:29one of the most feared competitors
25:31in the history of the WWE.
25:33Bleeding. He's not found.
25:35Oh no!
25:37Shawn Michaels
25:39lift up where it got stained.
25:41Did he get that?
25:43It's pure adrenaline right there.
25:45Shawn Michaels hammering the game.
25:51Got body dropped
25:53on the bloody game.
25:55I can assure you
25:57Shawn Michaels' son came completely
25:59out of his chair when he saw his dad do that.
26:01Look out!
26:03The game tried to block it
26:05but to no avail.
26:07A Jason Deon relaxed
26:09swing by Shawn Michaels.
26:11The steel chair between
26:13the eyes of the bloody
26:15embattled Triple H.
26:19These people can sense it.
26:21Shawn may have the opportunity
26:23to get a victory here.
26:25Reversal and
26:27the game going over the top.
26:29And here comes Shawn Michaels
26:31right out after him.
26:33Shawn Michaels showing so much guts.
26:35So much courage.
26:37Listen to this.
26:39That is sick.
26:41That'll kill some brain cells.
26:43That'll scramble your brains.
26:45And now Shawn Michaels
26:47has got his whole leather belt.
26:49Triple H did to his best friend.
26:51And now Shawn Michaels
26:53laying the leather.
26:55He's returning the favor.
26:57Return the cinder
26:59for Shawn Michaels
27:01and that leather belt.
27:03I'm gonna tell you something.
27:05When Shawn agreed to this match
27:07I was just hoping
27:09he'd be able to survive.
27:11Now I think he can win.
27:13It'll be huge.
27:15I hope so, King.
27:17But this one I've got to believe
27:19is a long way from being over.
27:29Shot that hard.
27:31I don't know.
27:33Get out of the way, Michael.
27:35I don't know much about the game.
27:39Shawn Michaels just took off.
27:41Give us some intimacy.
27:43He just hit
27:45the heel of that boot.
27:47That's a heel for a heel.
27:51A heel for a heel.
27:53And now Shawn Michaels moving the furniture around.
27:55Where's he going?
28:01I'm surprised he's still in this thing.
28:03Look out!
28:05Triple H's bloody face
28:07bouncing off those steel steps
28:09from the Bulldog of Shawn Michaels.
28:11My God, this is
28:13unbelievable somehow.
28:15In some way.
28:17Wait a minute.
28:19Shawn, don't do it.
28:21Look at the smile on his face.
28:23The innovator of the ladder match.
28:25He is the showstopper.
28:27Shawn Michaels pulled that ladder
28:29from under the ring.
28:31And remember, it's all legal.
28:33This is not sanctioned.
28:39We don't have to ask these people if they want to see that.
28:41Of course they do. Look out!
28:43Michaels using that ladder
28:45like a battering ram.
28:47Exploding in the face of Triple H.
28:53Oh, man. That's low.
28:57Again, a shot of that
28:59shot to the border there.
29:01Maybe a couple of shots.
29:03But again, who's keeping score there?
29:05It's a non-sanctioned fight.
29:07Watch this move.
29:09Ladder right to the face
29:11and the head of Triple H.
29:13My God, this is burning.
29:15Shawn with the brakes on.
29:17Shawn Michaels with the brakes on.
29:19Double leg takedown by Shawn Michaels.
29:25Right into the ladder.
29:27The bloody face of the game.
29:29His face, a crimson mask
29:31here at SummerSlam.
29:33I can assure you never in his wildest dreams
29:35did Triple H think for one minute
29:37that he'd be in this situation.
29:43A two count.
29:47No, Triple H never would have imagined
29:49that he would be bleeding a bloody mess
29:51at the hands of HBK.
29:53Absolutely not.
29:55But that's exactly what has happened here.
29:59Again, baseball sliding right to the ladder.
30:01And the ladder jamming Shawn Michaels' ribs.
30:03Look at how bad Triple H is bleeding.
30:05His hair is soaked.
30:07His face is covered.
30:09Triple H has lost a lot of blood.
30:11He's fading away here
30:13before our very eyes
30:15in this bloodbath,
30:17in this non-sanctioned matchup.
30:19Shawn, you gotta get up.
30:21You gotta take advantage of this.
30:23And Shawn Michaels, we may have seen
30:25Shawn Michaels' best chance of winning.
30:27Just leave us.
30:29Just go away after that ladder shot.
30:31That ladder just kicked right into the ribs
30:33and chest area of Shawn.
30:35Michaels' back has gotta be killing it.
30:37His body gotta be a rack of pain.
30:39Watch the gang going upstairs.
30:43The gang going upstairs
30:45and Shawn Michaels scored with right hands.
30:47This is not smart, Shawn.
30:49You don't need to be...
30:51It's gonna hurt you, too.
30:53Don't do it. Don't do it.
30:55He did turn to...
30:57He tried to land on his side.
30:59The cover. It's gonna be...
31:01No! No!
31:03How close was that?
31:07Oh, my God.
31:09How close was that?
31:11Slap was reversed.
31:15Look at that!
31:17He's got... No, he doesn't.
31:19He doesn't have enough strength in that back
31:21to hold the gang down,
31:23hold the gang behind him,
31:25right to the face of Shawn Michaels.
31:27Shawn Michaels' team is awesome.
31:29There's no doubt about it.
31:31But he is so evil, so hideous.
31:33The cover. It will... No!
31:35The game is awesome.
31:37What about Shawn Michaels?
31:39Shawn Michaels is off the page.
31:41This is beyond my wildest dreams
31:43that this match would go this long
31:45and that Shawn Michaels would thus far
31:47be able to survive the most calculated,
31:49the most perfectly sound
31:51in-ring competitor
31:53in the entire WWE.
31:55I don't know if...
31:57I guess he does know what he's doing.
31:59Triple H is staggering around.
32:01As you said, he's lost so much blood.
32:03He's got to be in a weakened condition.
32:05The gang bringing those stairs in.
32:07He's gonna hit Shawn Michaels
32:09in those stairs.
32:11That's exactly bull's-eye here.
32:13Oh! A drop toehold!
32:15A drop toehold!
32:17The gang's face melting off those stairs.
32:19Hit him! Cover him!
32:21Oh, he's not down.
32:23He has got to...
32:25He's barely able to stand, but so is Shawn Michaels.
32:27And Shawn Michaels...
32:29Taking the game over.
32:31The gang.
32:33They have reached his knee in that ladder.
32:35And Michaels going to the outside.
32:37What's he gonna get now?
32:39What else is under there?
32:41First it was a suntan.
32:43The stairs.
32:45A ladder. And now a table.
32:47Well, these people were after the tables.
32:49We want tables.
32:51Shawn has always been a man
32:53that loves to give the people what they want.
32:55He is a showstopper.
32:57But will this backfire on Shawn Michaels?
32:59What a knockdown.
33:01Not a straight right hand.
33:03Triple H had his hands down.
33:05And that bloody lady couldn't see it coming
33:07with so much blood in his face.
33:09You know what?
33:11Shawn Michaels
33:13setting this table up.
33:15And I have no earthly idea
33:17what Shawn Michaels has planned for Triple H.
33:19There's all sorts of stuff under that ring.
33:23Is that a fire extinguisher?
33:27Right to the head.
33:29And the gang landing on that table.
33:31Oh, no.
33:33Oh, my God. Shawn.
33:35Shawn Michaels.
33:37He's spaghetti leg.
33:39He's going up guts.
33:41Look, yeah, you are. You're crazy. Don't do it.
33:43It's a suicide move for Shawn Michaels.
33:45For these fans.
33:47He's taking his life.
33:49Oh, my God.
33:51The carnage.
33:53For the love of God almighty.
33:55You know what?
33:57Shawn Michaels
33:59off the top.
34:01Through the body of the game.
34:03I just wish those pinfalls count anywhere.
34:05Because I think this will be over.
34:07Here and now.
34:09See if you can drag him into the ring.
34:11Have you ever seen anything like that in your life, JR?
34:13Oh, my God.
34:15He's in.
34:17Watch it again.
34:19Watch this.
34:21Good gosh.
34:23One more look at this.
34:29But it is truly vintage.
34:31Shawn Michaels, he just throws caution to the wind.
34:33No matter what condition his body's in.
34:35Two men from Raw.
34:37Giving us everything in their bodies.
34:39Every fiber of their being
34:41is on display here.
34:43And Michaels now.
34:45Bringing that ladder back in.
34:47The game is busted up.
34:49He may have internal injuries.
34:51After that shot to the top.
34:53Through the table.
34:55Wait a minute now.
34:57Shawn Michaels has said
34:59this is his one night only.
35:01He's doing it one more time.
35:03And by God, he's gonna leave us
35:05with everything he's got.
35:07With something that we will never,
35:09ever forget him.
35:11Michaels on top of that.
35:13That ten-foot ladder.
35:15The referee is begging him not to do it.
35:17Shawn Michaels.
35:21Fans, for the love of God,
35:23in the elbow.
35:25Right to the heart of the game.
35:27He's alright.
35:29He's okay.
35:31Yes, he realizes.
35:33He's still got it, JR.
35:35Shawn Michaels with the elbow.
35:37From the ladder.
35:39And now King.
35:41They're cleaning up that band.
35:47One of the all-time great hits.
35:49Number one with a bullet.
35:51Get up, Triple H.
35:53Get up and meet your best friend now.
35:55Triple H has lost a lot of blood
35:57in this bloodbath here at SummerSlam.
35:59Your friend's got something for you.
36:01Bang! No!
36:03It's blocked. I thought he had it.
36:05It was blocked.
36:07Oh, Michaels. Roll up.
36:09Will it be? Can it be?
36:11Yes! HBK!
36:13My God!
36:15Here is your winner,
36:17the offspring kid,
36:19Shawn Michaels!
36:21In 25 years,
36:23I've never seen this much courage.
36:25The will to win.
36:29What about this?
36:31What about this, JR?
36:33A young man that's called a fame foul
36:35with nothing to prove.
36:37It was pride and passion
36:41Oh, my God!
36:43He hit him in the back with a slam.
36:45Right in the back.
36:49Triple H hit Shawn Michaels.
36:51Get that away from him.
36:57For God's sakes, no!
37:01Get somebody out here.
37:03Oh, God! Oh, no!
37:05Earl, get that hammer!
37:07Oh, no!
37:09Oh, God almighty,
37:13I refuse
37:15to believe what I've seen.
37:17I refuse to believe
37:19that after the most courageous victory
37:21that many of the others have ever seen,
37:23that son of a bitch
37:25used that hammer.
37:27He's hitting twice
37:29with a sledgehammer.
37:31My God almighty.
37:33Triple H is gonna run.
37:35Hurry, hurry.
37:37He's gonna run in hell for what he did here tonight.
37:41Oh, no.
37:43Oh, this makes me sick.
37:47Are you proud of yourself now?
37:49Look at that stinking smile on his face.
37:51How in God's name
37:53can that human being be from this planet?
37:55How can he? Does he have no conscience?
37:57Does he have no heart?
37:59Do you have no soul,
38:01you son of a bitch? Do you realize
38:03what you've just done?
38:05He said he was gonna
38:07leave Shawn Michaels in a wheelchair.
38:09He may have just done it. How in God's name
38:11can he be smiling? The gang
38:13is laughing at his accomplishments.
38:17HBK, beat your ass.
38:19And now you may have
38:21succeeded at what you wanted to do, damn you.
38:25I can't believe it.
38:27This is
38:29absolutely perverse.
38:31Not once, but two.
38:33Two times he drove that
38:35sledgehammer into Shawn's back.
38:37We always have a
38:39physician here at our events,
38:41and they've got a collar on Shawn.
38:43My God.
38:45Let's see this one more time.
38:49The gang is trying to block the
38:51Sweet Chin Music, but what a counter
38:53to the Pedigree King.
38:55What a victory.
38:57My God, what a moment
38:59in WWE history.
39:01Look at this.
39:07I mean, with no
39:11total malice, no conscience,
39:13and one was enough, but no.
39:15Look at this low life. He wanted
39:17Shawn to look him in the eyes. I did it,
39:19Shawn. I did it.
39:21And we just may have
39:23seen the game. His prophecy
39:25may have come true.
39:27The gang
39:29wanted to put Shawn Michaels
39:31in a wheelchair.
39:33Oh, God.
39:35Triple H
39:37said that Shawn Michaels would have to be
39:39carried out from this match.
39:41After one of the most awesome performances
39:43I've ever seen in 25 years
39:45for it to end like this,
39:47but the hands of Triple H
39:49is by God repulsive.
