American Ninja 2 (1987) Action Thriller

  • last month
Joe, an Army Ranger, investigates the disappearance of a few marines on a distant island. This leads him to The Lion, a criminal who has kidnapped a scientist and produces an army of ninja warriors.
00:02:00Come on guys
00:02:09Tom where'd you find this place the hottest joint in town? Come on. I'll buy you a drink
00:02:24Three whiskeys and beer chasers
00:02:44Excuse me, sir
00:02:46Could you spare a few dollars for a cup of coffee? We're Marines not tourists now bug off Yankee Marines earn a lot of money
00:02:54Give me a dollar. Hey, what is it some kind of shakedown? Come on, let's get out of here. Excuse us
00:04:06Did good tell me be good. Yeah drink
00:05:00Don't know
00:05:30Yeah, looks like the American replacements
00:06:04Don't think I'm gonna like it here buddy. Yeah, looks like someone didn't tell someone we were coming
00:06:21Guys see a couple of Marines by any chance
00:06:28We're supposed to pick up these two Marines on this flight, what were their names Armstrong and Jackson?
00:06:36You're looking at well
00:06:47Throw your stuff in the back and jump in
00:06:52Army what a drag anyway, I'm Charlie
00:06:58Tommy Taylor
00:06:59Curtis Jackson
00:07:01Joe Armstrong
00:07:03Welcome to paradise. Let's go
00:07:16So, where'd you guys get this red part of the wild bill wild who our CEO
00:07:26The commanding officer's name is wild bill, but that makes you feel safe doesn't it? I
00:07:31Know I'm not going to like it here
00:07:34Look, doesn't this wild bill mind that you're using his wheels. He says he doesn't exactly know about it
00:07:41Doesn't exactly know about it
00:07:44Listen fellas, I'm not one to stick to tradition, but isn't this a bit unorthodox?
00:07:51But you haven't seen the half of it yet, oh, yes
00:08:03Guarantee you the second those little darlings at the beach everything comes off. You're talking topless bottomless. It's great
00:08:11You guys ever work
00:08:14Work yeah, we don't have time for work
00:08:21I think I'm gonna like
00:08:36That ain't much but it's home
00:08:46We're sure glad that guy feels comfortable around us Tommy's okay. He's just had a lot of problems lately. Come on
00:09:09Hi Charlie, hi Toto guys, this is Toto anything you want total get it for you
00:09:16For a price that is huh?
00:09:18Price, huh? Listen, I'll do errands. I'll clean your car polish your boots anything you want very cheap
00:09:28Have I seen things there's just a couple of soldier boys we got ran here Rangers my son
00:09:37Rangers, yeah
00:09:43What the hell those bums doing ran here
00:09:54Sergeant Curtis Jackson sergeant Joe Armstrong, sir
00:10:08You two are Rangers, huh
00:10:11Don't Washington know that Marines guard embassies not Rangers as if my life wasn't complicated enough already
00:10:18Do you men know why you're here?
00:10:20We were told you would brief us sir. Yeah, there are 20 Marines stationed on the island as embassy guards
00:10:28We try to dress as little like Marines as possible because there are certain left-wing elements that stir up trouble against us
00:10:34Recently four of my men have disappeared two on a fishing trip to right here in the middle of town
00:10:40Now a Marine that was with him said one minute. He was talking to them the next minute they were gone
00:10:44Now, I know that sounds crazy
00:10:46But there's a kid that hangs around the barracks that said they saw these two giants
00:10:50Dressed head-to-toe and some kind of strange black suits taking the men away in a motor launch
00:10:55Now at first we thought they'd been kidnapped by terrorists
00:10:58But there's been no ransom demands and no bodies. It's a goddamn mystery, man
00:11:04So I made my report to Washington asking for help and they sent you
00:11:09Look, all I have to go on is what the kid told me
00:11:12Well, who was it the last saw the Marines, sir?
00:11:15Names Taylor kind of a strange guy
00:11:19Got married to a local girl about a year ago. It's been going downhill ever since I think we've got the pictures
00:11:25Look, I don't know who you are what you are or why you're here
00:11:28But I've been told to help you in any way I can
00:11:31So you work in the embassy of cypher clerks keep a low profile and don't mess with my Marines
00:11:37We'll do our best sir. I
00:11:39Get out of here
00:11:49Men in black suits sounds familiar, doesn't it? Come on guys. I'll show you your rooms
00:12:04Few of us are going water skiing a little bit later on you're welcome to come along if you want
00:12:09Water skiing. Yeah
00:12:11Why not
00:12:26This this right here is Bert Pillar now, he may not look like much but his sister is so fine
00:12:37Fan club is beginning to grow. Let's go already
00:13:06You guys want to go sure and try our luck
00:13:14I heard you were still married
00:13:17Just cuz I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't look at the menu, right?
00:13:21Good point. Very good
00:14:01Looks like we got a problem
00:14:05Put up there on the beach, okay
00:14:13You okay Taylor
00:14:17Yeah, sure
00:14:20Shit I don't want to swim all the way back to the base. It's the carburetor. It's probably the carburetor all over
00:14:32That's it
00:14:41Well, let's check the engine, huh? All right
00:14:51The US Marines strike again doesn't seem to be anything wrong not that I can see anyway
00:15:09Screwed let's go for a swim. Yeah
00:15:13Come on now stick around. Come on guys. Nobody's gonna steal it
00:15:31What do you think keep an eye on Taylor
00:18:54Don't know
00:18:56I'm gonna go look for him. You guys get this back in the water
00:21:26Oh this way
00:22:14Ninja what the hell are ninja? They're a secret Japanese Society expert in the art of assassination
00:22:22And tell me what would Japanese assassins be doing this part of the world taking a vacation I believe they were trying to kidnap us
00:22:31What would these guys be grabbing you morons for
00:22:38Escort these three men outside and if a word of this gets out, I'll have you shot. You understand sir
00:22:54Is the most ridiculous story I've heard in my life
00:22:57Are you telling me that my other four men were abducted by the same ninja? Yes, sir, but why?
00:23:03Are they working for the Russians the Libyans or what? We don't know sir shit. I
00:23:10Guess I'll have to alert the ambassador
00:23:12Sir, if you give us a few more days, I'm sure we can come up with something
00:23:16Can you we do have a lead sir?
00:23:19Okay, you got one week, but I don't like it
00:23:32Ninjas my ass
00:23:34You guys were over mangrove island taking care of the local talent, right?
00:23:41Now you may have got away without the army father, but you sure as hell ain't gonna get away with it here
00:23:55Had a phone call I
00:24:02Don't know who they are. They're Rangers not Marines. They're cypher clerks. They joined us today
00:24:18The blind beggar tomorrow alone
00:24:23Yeah, okay. Okay. I'll try man, but it's dangerous, okay
00:24:59Can't talk now
00:25:01But you know the blind beggar. It's on Buccaneer Street. Meet me there tomorrow at 1500
00:26:18Stranger here, right? Excuse me. Hey Yankee asshole when I talk to you answer me
00:27:18Excuse me, I'm looking for Tommy G
00:27:31End of the corridor
00:28:06Does anyone know you're here
00:28:11Only Jackson, you know about me, don't you? I
00:28:14I know you let us into a trap, but I don't know why Armstrong. I didn't want to do it
00:29:14I'm sorry, man, but he's got my wife. Who's got your wife? I said
00:29:30The lion
00:29:33The man who owns Blackbeard Island tell me more about I can't I can't
00:29:45The only one
00:29:48He's a millionaire
00:29:51He made his money big-time in drugs. He's doing research
00:29:56I don't know. They don't tell me it
00:30:01It's biological stuff
00:30:04Did you hear that?
00:30:06Someone's there man. I hear somebody
00:30:34I'm sorry to inform you of this
00:30:39Taylor's been killed. I
00:30:42Think you know him. Yes, sir. Any idea who did it sir?
00:30:49The inspector thinks he was involved in the local drug trade and was killed because he screwed somebody on some kind of a deal
00:30:54Well, sir, we think Taylor was being blackmailed
00:30:57How do you know that because he told me his wife was kidnapped and taken to Blackbeard Island
00:31:02He was probably afraid that she would be killed as well
00:31:05Rubbish that beard island is owned by professor Sanborn
00:31:09Why should you be going about blackmailing a nobody like Taylor? It's a good question
00:31:15Why don't we go take a look?
00:31:18Professor Sanborn is a man of impeccable character. I
00:31:22Would require a special warrant from the governor to search the place and he would be outraged at such a suggestion
00:31:30Would he?
00:31:32He certainly would captain
00:31:34Please remember you people are guests here. You can't go about trespassing on other people's property. Just like that and
00:31:42for the sake of your good name
00:31:45Sincerely hope that no more of your young men are involved in this
00:31:49sordid business
00:31:59Don't like that tiny maggot, I don't like him at all. I mean, what is this ninjas drug pushers?
00:32:04My men being kidnapped and murdered. This is really beginning to get on my tits
00:32:11And one more thing
00:32:12There's a reception tomorrow afternoon at the governor's mansion a token party of officers and other ranks are required to attend
00:32:18I would like you men there
00:32:21And avoid any other complications. I want you dressed as Marines
00:33:14Look as much like a Marine as a bridesmaid, you know that time. Let's go
00:33:22Be careful with the uniform, all right, it's the it's the only one I got
00:33:26Marines I'll just I'll just wait here
00:33:32I'll park the car
00:33:41So glad that you could come these men are a credit to you ambassador you do know my wife I believe
00:33:51Very well, my dear and jolly good
00:33:54Enjoy yourselves
00:33:56Excuse us. I
00:33:59Don't think I've met these men captain. Well, they're here on a special assignment, sir. Oh, really?
00:34:05Tell me can I have a word with you about the reception next week?
00:34:10Don't stand there staring at the guest mingle and you don't get drunk and go puking on the pavements
00:34:29Don't mean to intrude but did you know that eating this is very bad for your health?
00:34:35Well isometrics aerobics
00:35:07And it looks like he's seen you before too
00:35:10You know how to do
00:35:14Excuse me bedroom those two gentlemen over there
00:35:22Friends of the governor sir, the man with the glasses is Leo quirk and the one with the scar is the tojo came his assistant
00:35:33That's him it's who
00:35:36The guy that Taylor told me about
00:35:39Leo Burke
00:35:43Friends of the governor to
00:35:45This is getting very interesting
00:35:49Inspector seeing has something to say to you
00:35:51Something Armstrong. I've informed your commanding officer
00:35:55But just before Maureen Taylor was killed you were seen by several witnesses going into his room
00:36:01And has therefore asked you to accompany me to the police station to answer several serious questions
00:36:19I'll be back
00:36:27This man is a drug dealer, why don't you do something you are mistaken careful with this you don't wear
00:36:32perfectly well
00:36:34This man is a criminal arrest him
00:36:48Don't think the US Armed Forces ever let a lady down yet. Yes, sir. We should kick some ass pick my car
00:39:07I thought you'd be
00:40:36Believe me come on, baby. Come on
00:41:32Guess this means lunch is out of the question
00:42:06Who's here US Marines
00:43:06It seems as if you've lost your transport captain I don't think so
00:44:02Your car sir, what is this Farley?
00:44:07Some kind of a joke. Sorry, sir. Oh, we just had to kick some ass, sir
00:44:15Look at the state of you you're a disgrace to the Corps and the recto uniforms to shut up
00:44:22Toads we're not used to these fancy marine talk Sarge
00:44:26Where is Armstrong
00:44:34Hurt the main where's Armstrong heck if I know he disappeared
00:44:44Yeah, he disappeared
00:44:47Well, you had better find him captain and bring him to me. I don't want up to do it my way heaven forbid
00:45:03Yo, Jackson, let's go
00:45:35Girl escaped that damn American ninja. He fights like a tiger. We'll have to get rid of him
00:45:44If the inspector
00:45:46Can't do the job. I know what to do
00:45:50We'll use the land
00:45:52to catch the tiger I
00:45:54Want that man?
00:46:05Okay, it seems these slime buckets have dug themselves in this thing together whatever it is I think the girl's the key sir
00:46:11Oh, yeah, we better fly boy and you better find that girl quick before inspector Singh grabs your ass
00:46:16Why don't we just take a recon to Blackbeard Island, sir?
00:46:21It's a good idea sergeant, I'll alert the ambassador and see what we can do. Yes, sir
00:46:27I'm strong. You know where to find this girl. No, I got a pretty good idea who does good
00:46:33and good
00:47:20Will be three bucks
00:47:48What do you want okay, come on
00:50:46Who is he my friend Toto, I'm Joe Armstrong
00:50:51I'm Alicia Sanborn
00:50:53What do you want from me? I need to get to Blackbeard Island
00:50:58Turn around you're going the wrong way
00:51:10Make the point Piper a friend of mine's got a boat there. Hey Joe
00:53:51Need you to do me a favor now, this is very important
00:53:54I need you to go tell sergeant Jackson that we're going to Blackbeard Island. You got it
00:53:58five bucks
00:54:00Pay later. Come on. Let's go
00:54:07It should be here there it is
00:54:23We can use this one the islands about 20 miles from here
00:54:29Let's go no way we can't go they've got patrols come we'll have to wait until it's dark
00:54:52He's escaped Leo the man's inhuman
00:54:57Gotta get back to the island. We got some business to finish
00:55:02Now look I want you to call that American ambassador
00:55:06And you tell him to get some leashes on his men
00:55:10Or he's gonna find himself in the middle of World War three. Yes
00:55:20What about the lion he's a drug dealer one of the most powerful drug dealers in the world
00:55:26Everybody knows it and your father my mother died of cancer and
00:55:32My father's a scientist and
00:55:35After she died he clung to this dream. He was going to find a cure for cancer
00:55:39He sold everything he possessed bought the Blackbeard Island and set up a research laboratory
00:55:44He worked hard his progress excited the British and American governments and they invested large sums of money
00:55:50Everything was going so well. Dad was on the verge of a big breakthrough and
00:55:57Well, they simply withdrew dad was devastated I was away at school at that time
00:56:06When dad called me
00:56:11Anyway, then then the lion turned up and he offered dad money lots enough to finish his project
00:56:19Dad jumped at the chance. He didn't ask questions. He was so close to to finding his cure
00:56:26But the line had other ideas and instead of finding his cure for cancer
00:56:30Dad ended up producing these attacking monsters these ninjas. What do you mean produce?
00:56:37It's something to do with biological engineering
00:56:40Reorganizing a person's genetic code
00:56:43That's why they used those Marines for their experiments and you where do you fit into all this?
00:56:50I'm the bait as long as they've got me they can blackmail my father if they harm me
00:56:56They won't let me near him though in case I try to influence him
00:57:06I guess you better see what we can do about it. Come on. Let's go
00:57:16The ambassador's going crazy there is no way he's gonna get away with this
00:57:20I'm sure he's got a plan
00:57:22The ambassador's going crazy there is no way he's gonna give us permission to go in until he hears from Washington
00:57:28Yeah, that'll take another year. Look captain. What are we going to do about it?
00:57:33Apparently the governor won't let us visit the island
00:57:36But we got a tricky political situation here. What we got is political red tape captain
00:57:41You heard what total just said Joe and Alicia are now stuck in that island. Look they took the risk
00:57:46They're just gonna have to improvise till we get the go-ahead. I'm sorry captain, but that's not good enough
00:57:59Years ago
00:58:01We started out on the streets low down and dirty
00:58:06We soon realized to have it all to really nail it down. We had to control the source
00:58:11We took over the plantations and the factories until we build the biggest drug empire the world has ever known
00:58:20But success
00:58:22brings jealousy
00:58:24And we laid out millions and payoffs
00:58:27But the greed only grew so you came to me and you asked me to find a foolproof way a foolproof way to protect ourselves
00:58:35To protect ourselves and to protect the people that we care about
00:58:38To find a foolproof way a foolproof way to protect ourselves to protect our investment. So with the help of professor Sanborn here
00:58:47I think I've achieved that objective
00:58:58There you are
00:59:01Super ninja the ultimate fighting machine
00:59:10Heartless and as many of them as we want
00:59:17Enjoy yourselves now and let's see what they can
01:01:13What do they make these things at the far end of the complex it's on the third floor
01:05:50How do you make them Leo what are they miracles miracles of genetic engineering
01:06:00Professor Sanborn
01:06:02Will show us how it's done
01:06:05Right professor
01:06:16Look captain if we wait any longer for the ambassador to hear from Washington, it's gonna be too late
01:06:21What's your mouth? Yeah, and you chill out motor mouth. Look this unit's already lost five Marines
01:06:26Do you want to lose doing the girls? Well, huh? No, I thought not
01:06:31I'm boogieing baby anyone coming with me
01:07:05It's my father
01:07:10He looks sick
01:07:27Gentlemen, this is it
01:07:30Professor we're all ears
01:07:41These flasks contain frozen cells in a solution of amino acids
01:07:47And what are those men doing?
01:07:51Micro-injecting DNA
01:07:53Hereditary information into a single cell by this method. We can control the building blocks of life
01:08:00You can make of the human being anything we want it
01:08:03This means he keeps most of what's left of his human intelligence
01:08:07But his knowledge of attack and survival increase 100% will be cunning intelligent and devious
01:08:16like a predatory tiger
01:08:18You will feel no pain and no no emotion, but hate
01:08:24His muscles and sinews will be replaced with the
01:08:27strongest lightest high tensile steel known to man
01:08:34He will run faster than the finest Olympic athlete
01:08:39Be stronger than a 10-ton crane and in this next generation
01:08:46You will witness the most lethal assassin the world has ever seen
01:08:54And the best part
01:08:56He will follow
01:08:58my every order to the letter
01:09:01Right professor I
01:09:06Think the professor needs his vitamins take him away
01:09:17And now gentlemen for another treat
01:09:20I'm going to show you something that you never dream
01:10:04Thought I'd lost you forever
01:10:06It's all right, please please there is no time to lose the lion is shipping five billion dollars worth of pure heroin to the United
01:10:14States tomorrow if that's get through nothing will ever stop him where the Marines he kidnapped in the basement cell block a
01:10:22Alicia take your father to the boat if I'm not back in an hour leave go
01:10:42These symbols will focus the ultimate power of purpose
01:10:52You were just a baby when I first found you I
01:10:57Conditioned your body and your senses. I only teach you what you need to know so that when the time comes
01:11:05You can take your place on the field of honor and meet your destiny
01:11:13Dara a
01:11:16ninja magic
01:11:17In tonjutsu the ability to seem invisible cause fear and paralysis in your enemies
01:11:26You are ready my son. I
01:11:28Will be with you indeed and in my heart follow the bushido honor the code
01:12:01Ladies remember the main objective of our mission is to get everybody out alive now
01:12:06There'll be no shooting unless we're shot at first now. You know what to do. Let's move out, okay?
01:13:09Guys I'm Joe Armstrong while Bill sent me to take you home. Let's go wild bill. All right
01:13:21Where's this door lead to the arena
01:13:34Can't see
01:13:42American ninja I presume a very nice to meet you
01:13:57On the contrary
01:13:59I'm expecting an even more prosperous future and parts of you will be a part of that future
01:14:07Take him to the lab
01:15:43Never would have believed it. I told you so Farley make him dance. Yes, sir
01:15:50Let's do it the hell do I know
01:16:20Finish up that son of a bitch finish him off once and for all the rest of you come with me
01:16:46Show there's something I must do I'll come with you. No. No, I must do this alone. I love you
01:17:22Merry Christmas
01:17:50What do we do now Leo kiss my ass
01:17:55Thank God you came captain the lion was going to kill me. Yeah, right take him
01:18:00I'll see if I can find mr. Burke for you
01:18:06Catch that little weasel
01:18:10Let's move out
01:18:30What's going on what the hell are you doing I
01:18:36Was hoping we could create a better world Leo
01:18:39The cripples could walk and the blind could see and criminal vermin like you could be made into useful citizens
01:18:47But you corrupted me, but you understood you understood what what we were trying to create
01:18:55You destroyed everything that I dreamed of
01:18:57Now I'm going to destroy your dreams
01:24:06Have everyone's attention Jackson Armstrong
01:24:12No, I must admit for army you're not half bad
01:24:18But if you really want to join the Marines, I think I could pull some strings well, I don't know about Jackson sir, but I
01:24:26Think I've got other plans
01:24:29So do I Colonel
01:24:32Well, if you ever round this way again, you'd be sure and look us up
01:24:37Sir good luck Armstrong
01:24:41Right on
01:24:43All right
01:24:48Call you
01:24:51Great just remember me
01:25:00You guys you better hurry if you want to catch that plane, huh
01:25:08Thank you, sir, good luck Armstrong
01:25:25Joe I don't really give credit. You owe me five bucks
01:25:30Remember at the beach, I'll pay you later. You owe me five bucks. Oh
01:25:37Yeah, I almost forgot yeah open
01:25:44Is it for me? Yeah, it's for you. All right, you like it? Yeah. Okay. Let's go