Japan-based crediting rating agency R&I upgrades PH credit score/status to a minus

  • last month
Japan-based crediting rating agency R&I upgrades PH credit score/status to a minus;

Democratic national convention kicks off in Chicago amidst heavy protest action;

Wounded Ukrainian vets vow to keep the fight on despite injurie
00:00In the world of business, credit is credibility, integrity is trust earned, is gold and money
00:12in the bank.
00:13Good Monday afternoon, I am William Theo and this is PTV News Now.
00:19House Speaker Martin Romuldus hailed the latest rating of A- on the Philippine government's
00:24credit status by Japan-based credit evaluator Watchdog Rating and Information, or R&I, as
00:31irrefutable proof of the sound economic and fiscal policies of the Marcos Jr. administration.
00:38The House Speaker said the President is elated and even more energized over this latest piece
00:44of welcome news that is the highest credit rating earned by the country ever.
00:49In addition, he pointed to the country's 6.3 percent GDP growth in the second quarter
00:55of this year, which is well within range of the forecast of multi-lending institutions
01:00for the country this year.
01:03This upgrade coming at the heels of a BBB-plus rating attached to the Philippine government
01:08just last year, which means lesser borrowing costs and smaller interest payments on loans
01:14from lending institutions.
01:18Meanwhile the Windy City, one of America's most iconic and prosperous cities whose economic
01:23boom began during the Industrial Revolution.
01:27It is also a hotbed of political dissent and protest actions and a pet site for the Democratic
01:33Party's National Convention, which in 1968 was marred by violent protests from picketers
01:40who vehemently opposed the Vietnam War, the thorny issue which prompted then incumbent
01:46President LBJ to abdicate re-election.
01:50More than half a century has passed and the city is once again playing host to the Democratic
01:54National Huddle, which will officially announce Vice President Kamala Harris as the party's
02:00presidential nominee for November's race for the White House.
02:04And just like in 1968 and henceforth, protest action from tens of thousands of activists
02:11will fill the streets of downtown Chicago to seek an end to the war in Gaza, where Israel
02:16has had total domination on a death toll of over 40,000 innocent Palestinians and Hamas
02:23The rallying crowds are expected to grow bigger each day until Thursday in front of the convention
02:28site, the house that Michael Jordan built.
02:33And over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers are estimated to have sustained injuries in the battlefield.
02:39For a good number of them, a vow to return to the battlefield is a commitment they intend
02:44to keep sooner than later.
02:45BOA's Anna Kutuzenko hooked up with some of them and filed this report.
02:52Chicago 1968.
02:55Violence outside the Democratic National Convention between police and Vietnam War protesters.
03:00TV, still a relatively new medium, showing the conflicts live.
03:07New York City 1976.
03:09The last time the Democratic Party would announce its vice presidential candidate at the convention
03:14with presidential candidate Jimmy Carter choosing Walter Mondale.
03:18We have that vision.
03:20We love our country and we're going to do our job.
03:23Thank you very much.
03:26Chaos at the next convention in 1980, when Senator Ted Kennedy challenged President Carter's
03:32reelection, Kennedy would concede to Carter in a famous speech that ended with this line.
03:38The cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.
03:50Back to Chicago 1996, and.
03:55Civil rights protesters demanding racial equality and welfare reform.
04:00Police keeping the crowds from entering the security perimeter.
04:04Denver 2008.
04:05Barack Obama's acceptance speech moved to an outdoor stadium to accommodate the convention
04:11record crowd of 84,000 with profound gratitude and great humility.
04:19I accept your nomination for presidency of the United States.
04:26This week in Chicago, Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz begin
04:30their party's convention with some momentum.
04:33Last month, President Joe Biden was trailing Republican candidate Donald Trump in political
04:39Since Biden dropped out, candidate Harris has risen in those polls.
04:42Last week's morning consult survey showing her three points ahead of Trump, although
04:47it remains a tight race.
04:50There will be protesters as there always are at conventions like these from last month's
04:55Republican gathering held in neighboring Wisconsin.
04:59Meeting them in Chicago will be thousands of federal, state, and local police officers.
05:04I'm confident that our plan will provide a safe and secure environment during the DNC.
05:10Chicago officials expect as many as 50,000 out-of-town visitors for the convention, with
05:15the city's United Center hosting the Democratic Party events.
05:19Carolyn Persutti, VOA News.
05:25And we've come to the end of our program.
05:27Join us again later on for the next round of stories in PTV News Now's evening edition.
05:33So keep it here and stay connected while catching the news nowhere else.
05:37I am William Theo and thank you for watching PTV News Now.
