Mutants (2024) PART1

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Mutants-(2024)-(Hindi- -Chinese)-Dual-Audio-Movie-HEVC-480p-ESub


00:00In many cases, this computer system is now ahead of the human mind.
00:05Dr. Zhurong claims that with the help of this AI network, humans can do everything that was previously considered impossible.
00:10A young girl died in a car accident that took place on the inner road of the city the day before yesterday.
00:14This girl is none other than the only daughter of the famous artificial intelligence expert Dr. Zhurong.
00:19According to the report, she was only 23 years old at the time of her death.
00:22It is difficult to say how much this incident has had a deep impact on Dr. Zhurong's career and ultimately on his research on artificial intelligence technology.
00:29We will keep you updated on this.
00:52In the near future, after repeated changes by humans, the artificial intelligence network suddenly stopped working and took control of the entire system.
01:03Exactly one year after that, the AI had full control over every aspect of the human world.
01:08After taking control of all the factories in the world, this network started taking steps to kill humans.
01:16Eight months after this, machines started producing machine soldiers in large numbers under the guidance of the artificial intelligence matrix simu.
01:25And just ten hours later, this AI matrix simu announced war against humans from its headquarters called Super Hive.
01:46With the help of its highly developed weapons, it started eliminating humans from the entire world.
01:57The era of human civilization was about to end.
02:01Dad! Dad! Dad!
02:13In this world, where the AI network ruled all over the world, the remaining humans took up arms to save their lives and established a resistance army.
02:23And this is how the never-ending war against these powerful machines began.
02:32These machines are our enemies.
02:34They want to erase our name and identity from this world.
02:37But as long as we are alive, their attempts will never succeed.
02:41They may have big factories, but they have more dangerous weapons and machine soldiers than us.
02:46Some humans have been found.
02:48But no matter how hard they try, we will win this war.
02:53My comrades, if you can hear me, get together and pick up your weapons.
02:57And get ready to destroy these machines.
03:00Join the resistance army and fight with us.
03:03This war will be very difficult.
03:05But in the end, we will win.
03:08How much longer?
03:09Ten minutes!
03:10This war will be very difficult.
03:11But in the end, we will win.
03:14How much longer?
03:15Ten minutes!
03:23Preparations for attack.
03:27Missiles ready.
04:02We will win!
04:10Increase firepower!
04:48How much longer?
04:49Five minutes!
04:50Increase firepower!
06:02Are you all right?
06:12Are you all right?
06:36No matter how many times you attack, we will not give up.
06:39Do you understand?
06:40Only we will win.
06:41We will win!
06:46Let's go!
06:54Hurry up!
06:56Hurry up!
07:04Come on, get up!
07:05Hurry up!
07:06Come on!
07:07Hurry up!
07:08Come on!
07:27Come on!
07:28Come on!
07:31Come on!
07:32Come on!
07:58Don't shoot!
08:08Enemy aircraft approaching!
08:11I can see humans.
08:13I can see Resistance soldiers.
08:16Preparations for attack.
08:18Missiles ready.
08:22Preparations for attack.
08:24Target lost.
08:28Organic life science lost.
08:42Get me down!
08:43Get me down!
08:45Get me down!
08:54Get me down!
09:02Who are you?
09:24How did you like the coffee?
09:32Like muddy water.
09:35This was the last cup of my coffee.
09:37Was the coffee really that bad?
09:40I used to run a coffee shop.
09:42Then you are lucky.
09:43This was probably the last cup of coffee in the world.
09:46Did you forget us?
09:47You are enjoying your coffee over there.
09:49And we are hanging here like bats.
09:51And we are hanging here like bats.
09:56I will eat fish after years.
10:00I don't remember when was the last time I ate properly.
10:18What is this?
10:26Take off your shirt.
10:27I will apply ointment on your wound.
10:44Who is he?
10:46He is my dad.
10:47Where is he?
10:48Where is he?
10:50He was a ranch manager.
10:52And there was a fire.
10:55That sounds bad.
10:58What is your name?
11:01Ang Sing.
11:03Oh! Ang Sing.
11:08Get lost!
11:09Useless machine.
11:10Give that to me.
11:13How did you get a robot dog?
11:18This is made by my dad.
11:20Don't worry.
11:22He only listens to me.
11:24We have our own server.
11:26I connect it to the mainframe only when I have to upgrade it.
11:31Everything is over.
11:33What is your bunker?
11:35Did you make it?
11:37My dad made it.
11:42Where do you plan to go next?
11:44Mazong mountain.
11:45Nuclear blast zone and Gobi desert.
11:51You will kill everyone.
12:15You will kill everyone.
12:40What are you doing here?
12:46Your program bomb can destroy the mainframe of the AI network.
12:51How do you know that?
12:54But you can't do that.
12:56Otherwise my dog will also die.
12:58Machines are here to kill us.
12:59And you are worried about the dog.
13:00I don't know that.
13:02But no one can kill my dog.
13:04If you want to save him, come with us.
13:06Dad told me not to leave this place.
13:08I can't come with you.
13:10That means you are our enemy.
13:14What do you want?
13:16Get out of here.
13:30Let's go.
13:42That girl was strange, captain.
13:44She killed us in a moment.
13:46Don't say that.
13:47Don't forget that she saved our lives.
14:00Move ahead.
14:11Move ahead.
15:32I can see humans.
16:19Search aboard.
16:27The enemy is close.
18:31I fell down while attacking you.
18:36Forgive me.
18:38Your house is ruined because of us.
18:42Why don't you join the Resistance Army?
18:54Then take care of yourself.
19:36You're going to the Azaam Mountain.
19:39Why don't you join me and make a shelter instead?
19:43Thank you for the advice.
19:45But I have to complete the mission I'm on at any cost.
19:48Even if you give up your life.
19:50I don't think you'll be able to cross this desert.
19:54I'll definitely reach the Azaam Mountain.
19:56Even if you do, how are you going to plant your incomplete program virus bomb?
20:02How do you know?
20:03How do you know the bomb isn't properly programmed?
20:10My dad was a programming engineer.
20:30Have faith.
20:32We'll be able to defeat the machines.
20:38Come with me to the Azaam Mountain.
20:41You'll see.
21:01Azaam Mountain
21:31Azaam Mountain
22:01Azaam Mountain
22:31Azaam Mountain
22:40You said your dad was a branch manager.
22:45Then how did he become a programming engineer?
22:48Even Yashu was a shepherd.
22:53I can't go any further.
22:58Take this bomb and go to the Azaam Mountain.
23:02Give this program to General Jin at the Resistance Headquarters.
23:10I know you don't want to join our army.
23:14But it's your duty as a human being.
23:20Please take it.
23:21Take it, please.
23:23It's the most important mission of us humans.
23:40He's getting worse.
23:51Azaam Mountain
24:21Azaam Mountain
24:41I've given him an adrenaline injection.
24:44His heart is beating faster.
24:51Azaam Mountain
24:54Azaam Mountain
24:57Azaam Mountain
25:00Azaam Mountain
25:03Azaam Mountain
25:06Azaam Mountain
25:09Azaam Mountain
25:21Azaam Mountain
25:37A human being can do anything if he thinks.
25:42We humans can't do anything.
25:46That's why we made robots.
25:48But you're going to die soon.
25:51The water, medicines and even the animal's flesh
25:55are poisoned by nuclear radiation.
25:58You won't live long even if I treat you.
26:01It's okay.
26:03I'll die in peace once I reach the Azaam Mountain.
26:08I don't understand.
26:10Why are you risking your life for others?
26:13You're sacrificing yourself to accomplish an impossible task.
26:21That's the difference between us humans and machines.
26:25We can sacrifice our lives for others.
26:28Without any complaints.
26:31If a civilization tries to kill another civilization
26:35or try to wipe it out
26:37the people there will surely fight the enemy.
26:40AI wants to replace humans.
26:43But it will fail to wipe out humans.
26:47The real purpose of human life
26:50is to attain freedom and love.
26:56Death is better than slavery.
27:01And what's the point of living without love?
27:14Did you get your freedom?
27:23Did you get true love?
27:33Not yet.
27:36But I'll get it one day.
27:38But I'll get it one day.
28:39I see a lot of humans.
28:42Enemies are coming!
28:46Everyone run!
30:08I don't want to die!
30:38I don't want to die!
32:08I don't want to die!
32:38I don't want to die!
32:46I don't want to die!
32:47I don't want to die!
32:49I don't want to die!
32:51I don't want to die!
33:14I don't want to die!
33:16You're Team A's Captain Jin, right?
33:19I'm Team B's Ni Feng.
33:21We're responsible for your safety.
33:25You go.
33:26Keep moving forward without stopping.
33:28They're waiting for you after mountain 6.
33:30What about your team?
33:34Don't worry.
33:38You go.
33:45You go.
33:51Let's go.
34:16Let's go.
34:48Launch the rocket launcher!
35:40Activate the electromagnetic field.
35:47We're checking the area.
35:54There's no one here.
36:05Very good.
36:06Hello, sir.
36:07Hello, sir.
36:08Hello, sir.
36:13Yes, you come behind.
36:16Be careful.
36:24Hello, General Jin.
36:25I'm Far East District's Captain.
36:27Team A's Captain.
36:28Reporting for duty, sir.
36:33I'm the only one left in my team.
36:36But Thorn is safe.
36:44Thank you, Major Jin.
36:52Who's this?
36:54Sir, he's a refugee.
36:56He helped me get here.
37:06Where did you get this?
37:09His father gave it to him.
37:10He's dead now.
37:18You're Dr. Zoron's daughter.
37:25So you must know what he made before he died.
37:31And you must know that humanity is in danger because of him.
37:35You must know that humanity is in danger because of him.
37:45Are you here to join the army?
37:57Take her to rest.
38:00Ma'am, please come with me.
38:13Come with me.
38:14Yes, sir.
38:24This is the headquarter of our resistance.
38:29If this is destroyed, the resistance will be over.
38:31What do you know about Dr. Zoron?
38:34This chip has increased the power of artificial intelligence many times.
38:39And there's a desire to win the world in that network.
38:44That means he's responsible for today's situation.
38:48It took about 150 years to develop AI.
38:50Many scientists have contributed to its development.
38:53But Dr. Zoron's Tianglong and Tianyin chips gave us the power to think,
38:57which has become dangerous for us today.
38:59And then AI started to understand itself more than humans.
39:04Or should I say,
39:05it gave birth to a new species that wants to destroy humans.
39:18I hope you haven't told your girlfriend about our plan.
39:26The same girl who came with you.
39:28No, no.
39:29She's not my girlfriend.
39:31Never mind.
39:33We don't have much time.
39:35We have to start the plan as soon as possible.
39:38General, believe me.
39:40I didn't tell her anything.
39:43But she knows about the Thorn program.
39:46And she thinks our program is not ready yet.
39:53What did you say?
39:55But she's ready to help us.
39:57Are you sure?
39:58Are you sure?
40:06But why doesn't she join the resistance?
40:12She said it was her father's last wish that she doesn't join any organization.
40:21Should we arrest her?
40:29It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?
40:39This is an artificial lightning device.
40:41This is how we store electricity for the base.
40:45Did General Jinn send you to kill me?
40:54He just wanted to know how you were doing.
40:58That's all.
41:07Listen to me.
41:09Humans can never defeat AI.
41:13Their ability to think, their ability to plan, and their emotionlessness make them the most powerful.
41:20No matter what you do, you won't be able to defeat them.
41:23You're just getting closer to your death.
41:29But they don't have emotions like we humans do.
41:34How can you be so sure?
41:37They're getting better all the time.
41:41Just remember one thing.
41:44If humans can create a network, they can also destroy it.
41:50I need to rest.
42:22This is a scan map of the Super Beehive of the AI network.
42:25The Intelligence Department got it from Secretary Chief.
42:27That's great.
42:29We'll definitely succeed this time.
42:31You don't have to be so happy.
42:33This is a structural map.
42:35It's about 50 years old.
42:37It was made by the Super Beehive.
42:39There's only one draft of it.
42:41The people who made the Super Beehive are all dead.
42:44So it's hard to guess it right.
42:47It's okay, sir.
42:49It's still useful to us.
42:51The Throne Program
42:53is being developed at a special location
42:56by our top four AI experts.
42:58It's being made at four different locations around the world.
43:02Even if the enemy finds out,
43:04they won't be able to control the entire program.
43:06From now on,
43:08the Throne Program will be the last hope of humanity.
43:20Let's go.
43:32My brave men.
43:34For the past 10 years,
43:36Artificial Intelligence
43:38has separated us from the necessary systems.
43:41All of them are controlled by wireless electronic devices.
43:44That's why we can't use planes.
43:46We can't go to the sea.
43:48Nor can we talk openly.
43:50Artificial Intelligence has pushed us back.
43:52But this time,
43:54we will use this old technology
43:56to defeat the enemy.