American Monster Season 12 Episode 10

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American Monster S12 Episode 10 - Tempest


00:00Don't cry.
00:08Vince lived only for those babies.
00:10His main desire was to be a successful parent.
00:14I don't know what's wrong with these kids.
00:16Memphis was a great mother, just wasn't a great partner for Vince.
00:21You're a horrible f***ing person.
00:24I feel like she had a lot of control over him, almost like he was in a trance at times.
00:30They're going to tell the kids that I hurt them.
00:32F*** you, f*** you, you hurt them!
00:34Tempest could just snap at the push of a button.
00:38I'm going to kill you!
00:40Tempest, Temp, Temp, Temp!
00:42He had no idea how much danger he was in.
01:00It's Friday!
01:03It's Friday. It's free day.
01:06Young couple Tempest and Vincent are enjoying family life together.
01:10Look at the camera.
01:13Okay, can they even act?
01:16Their daughter was an absolute beautiful little girl.
01:20Look at their face.
01:23When I look at this here, and how happy he is, how lit up he is,
01:27you know, you would think life was perfect.
01:30Don't cry.
01:35Vinny's whole premise about family was being together with the woman you love,
01:42being there for your children,
01:44and he was just overjoyed with what was unfolding in front of him.
01:49She's like, leave me alone.
01:52Tempest was a great mother.
01:54She was friendly, talented, and they both gave off the impression that,
01:59you know, there was real love there.
02:06Vincent Taylor is born on August 23, 1990, in Atlanta, Georgia,
02:11to Vincent Sr. and Robin.
02:13Vincent was a special child.
02:17He was the firstborn on both sides of the family,
02:21and everyone spoiled him.
02:23We were very excited when we found out it was going to be a son.
02:26It was just so nice to see him, and you get that same feeling you felt,
02:30you know, just like having your children all over again.
02:34But home life for Vincent is not straightforward.
02:37Vincent was a toddler when we decided to divorce.
02:41From that point on, it was just me, him, really.
02:45He stayed with Robin, and I would go and check on him from time to time,
02:50but there would be periods where I was just missing in action
02:54just because my priorities weren't in order.
02:57Vincent, he struggled with the divorce for a long time.
03:03One of Vincent's main questions to me was,
03:06Dad, when are you and Mom going to get back together?
03:09You know, he's asked me that question a thousand times.
03:14Vincent never let that go.
03:17He thought that was the most wonderful thing on earth,
03:20to have a father and mother right there in the same home,
03:23and he wished upon a wish to have that.
03:28Vincent attends Osborne High School, where he discovers a new passion.
03:34Vincent just lived the music.
03:38He wrote songs, always carried a notebook with him.
03:43Vincent and his cousin Jordan loved to make music videos together.
03:47Vincent and I were definitely more like brothers.
03:51Everybody had these songs with these dances,
03:54and Vince just threw his in there, and we was making our video for it.
03:58Yeah, we did stuff like this all the time.
04:01I feel like if he was here for this TikTok era, he'd probably be going crazy.
04:05Vincent had a special ear.
04:08He was self-taught in a lot of things,
04:10so as Vincent got older, I mean, he just elevated.
04:15In 2010, Vincent joins the Art Institute of Atlanta to study audio production.
04:21You know, the first six months of Vincent being at the Art Institute
04:25is when he met Tempest and she came into the picture.
04:29When Vincent and Tempest started dating,
04:32they spent pretty much every day together.
04:36It seemed to make sense.
04:38She got along, she was very funny and goofy like him as well,
04:42and she was pretty much down for whatever we wanted to do,
04:45where we wanted to hang out, where we wanted to eat.
04:48She just fit in.
04:50But not everyone in Vincent's family is as supportive of his new relationship.
04:57Vincent came over to the house and he brought Tempest with him,
05:01and that was the first time I had ever met her.
05:04I thought she was quiet, very reserved.
05:08She wasn't someone that you could easily know.
05:11Couldn't get a lot out of her at the time, which concerned me.
05:15I was saying, while you're at school, kind of keep an eye on Vincent,
05:19make sure, you know, he stays focused or whatever.
05:22And I think her comment was,
05:24I don't have time to look out for him.
05:27I got to look out for myself.
05:30It was about her.
05:32It wasn't about him.
05:34And that's what I didn't like in the beginning.
05:39Despite his family's concerns, Vincent spends all his time with Tempest.
05:44Robin called me and told me that Vincent was not attending class.
05:53He dropped out pretty much, and it was just disappointing.
05:57Vincent just started trying to find odd jobs.
06:00He thought he could teach himself into doing his music,
06:04but he was always over at Tempest's house.
06:09A year into their relationship,
06:11Vincent opens up about problems he and Tempest are having.
06:15Vincent used to confide in me a lot about how quickly Tempest
06:20could just snap at the push of a button.
06:25These mood swings don't sound like normal behavior.
06:29He let me know himself that she just argued a lot.
06:33She was hard to please.
06:35And he was trying to be the man that he needed to be
06:38so she could be happy.
06:40He would tell me, you know, Mom, I don't think she loves me,
06:42but what can I do to make her love me?
06:45You can't make anyone love you, Vincent.
06:47I remember telling him that.
06:51I remember I went on this trip to Miami.
06:54When I came back, you could tell there was a fight at the house
06:58because there were some holes in the doors.
07:03I confronted him with that, and he was very quiet
07:08about who did what.
07:10He just said they had an argument,
07:12and he did not disclose what happened there.
07:15So that's where I knew that something's not right
07:17with this relationship.
07:19This is a bad relationship.
07:22Determined to make things work,
07:24Vincent moves in with Tempest and her parents,
07:27and soon their family grows.
07:30Where you going?
07:33That moment that their daughter was born
07:35was probably one of the most pure
07:38and beautiful moments between the two.
07:40That was the first time that they shared something,
07:43you know, on that level.
07:46Him being a dad really transformed him
07:50into the man that he was supposed to become.
07:54After three years together,
07:56Tempest and Vincent finally move into their own apartment.
08:01Vincent wanted to marry her just to prove to her
08:05that he was serious about, you know,
08:08being a husband to her, taking care of the family.
08:11His main desire was to be a successful parent
08:16and have a two-parent home,
08:20which he did not have as a child.
08:23Vincent called me and said,
08:26Mom, Tempest and I got married.
08:29I just said, congratulations.
08:32But deep down inside, I, you know, hang up the phone
08:35and ask myself, why didn't he want me to be there?
08:39He did that in kind of a secret.
08:42It wasn't broadcast. Nobody knew.
08:44And I was like, oh, my God.
08:47So, yeah, that was a blow. That was a big blow.
08:51Did not like that at all.
08:54The marriage fails to improve their relationship,
08:57and Tempest's behavior is becoming increasingly erratic.
09:01At the time, Vincent was working at UPS,
09:05and I remember him and Tempest got into an argument,
09:10and, you know, it escalated, and Tempest took it too far
09:14to the point where she was preventing him
09:17from even getting to work.
09:19Hiding the keys from him just so he can get fired,
09:22you know, just to bring him down, pretty much.
09:25Vincent called me. He was like, Dad, she's jumping on my car.
09:29She won't move out the way. I can't get to work.
09:33And, uh, it's, I'm helpless. I mean, I'm at work.
09:36His boss didn't really have any more room for excuses.
09:40He ended up losing his job.
09:43I just don't understand how somebody could love somebody
09:47and then do the things that Tempest did.
09:50I feel like she had a lot of control over him,
09:54almost like he was in a trance at times,
09:57and I felt like she could hurt him, and I was right.
10:09Spin, spin again.
10:11Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
10:17Despite their issues, Vincent and Tempest remained together,
10:21and in 2016, they welcomed their second child, a baby boy.
10:26Those kids was everything to Vince.
10:28Vince lived only for those babies.
10:30I like to spin.
10:33They were really like mini versions of him
10:35because they were both very goofy and mischievous as well.
10:40He's, uh, taking his son around the waterfall
10:44to play in the water.
10:46That's what, you know, Vincent did a lot.
10:51I saw more of a maternal behavior with Vincent
10:54than I did with Tempest,
10:57and his focus was making sure that they had good manners,
11:01were behaved, and weren't spoiled.
11:07I don't know what's wrong with these kids.
11:10Online, Tempest looked like the perfect wife,
11:14perfect life, everything is going on.
11:17Click on her page on Instagram or on Facebook,
11:21and all you see is pictures of the kids, and it looks fine.
11:25But the real her really comes out behind closed doors at home.
11:32And Tempest's abusive behavior toward Vincent worsens.
11:37She was just incredibly mean to her own husband.
11:42Tempest would tell Vince, like,
11:44your music will never make it, you're too old to do this,
11:47you're stupid, all type of stuff.
11:51I know that was just taking a toll on him.
11:55If he didn't make enough money,
11:57If he didn't make enough money,
11:59she found a way to put him down.
12:02He always felt like a failure
12:04because he never had enough for her, never could do enough.
12:08But he loved her, and so he would always still think that,
12:12you know, making dinner or buying flowers, doing something
12:16will make Tempest love him.
12:18I told him, you're chasing after something that's not there.
12:28In the winter of 2016, Vincent calls his mother.
12:33He said, I can't do this anymore, Mom.
12:36I cannot make her happy.
12:40I want to get a divorce.
12:44And, you know, would I help him?
12:46And, of course, yes, I was ready.
12:48You know, finally he realized this is not where he wanted to be.
12:54I own a property in Rex, Georgia.
12:59Got moved in, and he was so happy
13:02because he felt like he's going to get his life started.
13:05You know, I got a place to stay.
13:07I was getting the money ready for the lawyer.
13:10And one week later, she moved in.
13:16And he says, Mom, I'm not moving forward with the divorce.
13:21OK, here we go again.
13:23It was just a vicious cycle that he was in.
13:27He couldn't get out.
13:30He was determined that no matter how bad it is,
13:33I'm going to keep trying to show her I love her,
13:36and I love the kids.
13:38He would tell you with disgust on his face,
13:40Dad, I cannot and will not leave my kids.
13:43I just can't see me without them.
13:45He did not want to be divorced like I was.
13:49And I think that's where I wish me being divorced
13:57did not influence his decision as he got older
14:00that he didn't want his children to be in that environment.
14:07What's up, what's up, what's up?
14:14Vincent escapes his turbulent home life by making music.
14:18He would go into his little makeshift studio at home
14:22when he got upset or when something was troubling him.
14:26And so he would escape with the music.
14:29He still pursued his dream.
14:31He still pursued his career in music.
14:34He made a studio in my condo,
14:36and he started working with artists,
14:39doing their music, working on their beats,
14:41working in the studio with them,
14:43and he had a nice clientele.
14:46He would stay up all night, you know,
14:48putting music together for these artists,
14:51and that caused a lot of friction.
14:56He would tell me that Tempest would get mad.
14:59You know, if she gets mad at him,
15:01she'll break the mic.
15:04If there's a mic standing there, she'll throw it.
15:06If there's a screen there, she'll rip it from the wall
15:09and just toss it and smash it or whatever she had to do.
15:12If they in a heated enough argument,
15:14nothing's off limits.
15:17Two months after reaching out to his mom,
15:20Vincent confides in his grandmother.
15:23He was tired of her craziness,
15:25and he told her that she had to leave.
15:28And she said, well, I'm not going anywhere.
15:30And so he called the police.
15:33When the police got there,
15:35one of the police officers just asked her a point,
15:37like, did he hit you?
15:39And, yeah, he hit me.
15:42And they haul him off.
15:44He didn't have money for an attorney.
15:46He ended up pleading guilty,
15:48so he couldn't get a decent job
15:50with this type of black mark on your record.
15:53Months after when Vince was on probation,
15:56she turned around and tells my sister-in-law,
15:59he didn't hit me, I just said it,
16:01to get him locked up.
16:04And that's why Vincent stopped calling the police for help,
16:07because he felt that they would believe her
16:10and he would be the one getting arrested.
16:14Despite Tempest's alleged confession,
16:16she never withdraws her statement to police.
16:20I got a call from my son Vincent,
16:24a distress call.
16:26He was telling me that Tempest was irate
16:31and he was frantic.
16:33Dad, you know, she's going crazy.
16:35She's calling the police on me.
16:37I didn't do anything, and she's tearing up stuff
16:39and telling them that I tore it up.
16:41I said, Vincent, get out of there right now,
16:44and I'm on my way.
16:46I picked him up in the middle of some neighborhood,
16:49and I just spoke with him.
16:51I said, you got to make a decision.
16:53You can't keep doing this.
16:55If you're coming with me, you know,
16:57you need to stay with me.
16:59Let this be it.
17:00You got a place to stay.
17:01Don't worry about rent.
17:03And I brought him home to my house.
17:06You know, midnight, he ran out of my house
17:09and went back over to her.
17:11That hurt me.
17:12You hear me?
17:13That hurt me.
17:15I knew without a doubt he had no idea
17:18how much danger he was in
17:22when I did.
17:35Vincent and his daughter enjoy a day at his aunt's house.
17:39There's his daughter and my niece,
17:43and he was trying to show his daughter how to swim.
17:47He was very happy.
17:49It brings a smile to me because he loved her so much,
17:55and he loved his son, too.
17:58You know, anytime he came around, he lit up.
18:01I mean, he was full-bloomed Vincent, you know.
18:04When it was time to go home, his light went out,
18:07and, you know, he could see the misery back on his face.
18:10And, you know, I used to tell him, man,
18:12you don't need to be living like this.
18:14By 2018, Tempest makes it more and more difficult
18:18for Vincent to spend time with his family.
18:21She didn't like to come when he was coming to us,
18:24and she didn't really care for him to come around us.
18:28It's almost like she didn't want Vincent
18:31to have a good relationship with his parents.
18:35The relationship with Vincent and I did change
18:39He started becoming distant with me.
18:43I called him and said, listen, I'm in town.
18:47I want to spend some time with you.
18:49And he said, Mom, we'll meet up another time
18:53because Tempest will get mad if I spend time with you.
18:57When I did see him, I felt Vincent hugging me so tight,
19:04like he was speaking to me with his hug.
19:08Like he was, um, like he wanted me to help him,
19:14and I think I felt fear in that hug.
19:17I just wanted him out of that relationship,
19:19to be honest with you, because as a mom,
19:22I sensed she doesn't love him.
19:25The longer that they were together,
19:27the more she got to know him and really master his insecurities,
19:32she would use that and throw it back in his face,
19:35bullying him into thinking that he wasn't enough.
19:44She was posting on Facebook and Instagram
19:48to make it seem like he wasn't doing the good job
19:52that he was as a father.
19:54And Tempest would only do that just to hurt Vince.
19:57If he threatened to leave,
19:58she would threaten to take the kids away,
20:00tell him that he wouldn't be able to see his kids if he left.
20:03If Tempest was to take those children away from him,
20:06I'm afraid he wouldn't feel like he had anything to live for.
20:10As well as caring for their children,
20:13Vincent remains the sole breadwinner,
20:16and by 2019, he struggles to make ends meet.
20:20Vincent did never really have any money,
20:23um, because he would give his checks to her when he did work,
20:27and he said, you know, she would ask for all of it.
20:30He did all he could, and he would borrow
20:33and ask for money from family members,
20:35but he never had enough money for her.
20:38We went on and did this for many years,
20:42funding and funding and funding,
20:45and I think she looked at that as being comfortable.
20:48I had a conversation with Vincent
20:52and said, I can't continue to keep funding your household,
20:57and she's not trying to work.
20:59You know, this is getting to be, you know, a problem.
21:03And, uh, they started having more arguments
21:07because I wasn't giving the money up anymore.
21:11It's now two months since Vincent stops receiving money from his mother.
21:16Home life reaches a boiling point.
21:19My son, Tempest, the children,
21:23were supposed to come hang out with me.
21:29At 10.30 in the morning, my son knocked at my door.
21:33When I answered the door, he was crying.
21:37He was scratched up real bad.
21:39He fell right into my arms.
21:41I was holding him.
21:42I was like, what's going on?
21:44He just, you know, immediately just saying,
21:46she's just so mean, Daddy.
21:47I said, who's mean? What's going on?
21:49He's like, Tempest, she didn't want to come,
21:51so she didn't want me to come,
21:53and she was mad at me for leaving,
21:55and she just started fighting me,
21:56and she kicked me in my groin,
21:58and it still hurts, Dad, and I just can't do it anymore.
22:02I said, where are the children?
22:04He said, they're out in the car.
22:06I said, Lord, let's get the kids out of the car.
22:08His dad got them food and clothing, whatnot.
22:13They spent the whole day, you know, together.
22:17But during that time, you know,
22:19Tempest was calling or texting and angry the whole day with him.
22:25One of the family members was trying to tell him,
22:28hey, man, don't go back home.
22:30Just stay here, let it cool down a little bit,
22:33and he said, no, I got to go.
22:35I got to get these kids home, or she's going to call the police.
22:47911, what's your emergency?
22:49Well, there's somebody outside screaming help.
23:03At 9.30 p.m., Clayton County officers respond to a 911 call
23:08from a concerned neighbor who heard a man screaming for help.
23:12What's going on?
23:13My husband and I got into it,
23:15and my kids are upstairs in their room,
23:17but he was coming at me.
23:19I'm clearly not able to move it.
23:23Let's go in the house. Let's go in the house.
23:25I don't want my kids there.
23:26Well, I ain't standing out here in the rain.
23:28Officers encounter Tempest.
23:32What happened tonight?
23:34It's been all day.
23:36All right, calm down, calm down.
23:38Come sit down on the couch, all right?
23:40She's on crutches, and she then begins to explain
23:44that she and her husband had had an altercation.
23:47I come downstairs, and he's packing all his stuff.
23:49Get out. I'm leaving.
23:51I said, okay, fine, then leave.
23:53And he gets in my face again.
23:55He's foaming at the mouth.
23:56I said, see, that's why I can't talk to you.
23:58You're just so aggressive, like a rabid dog.
24:00He pushed me so far that my feet come off the ground,
24:03and I'm laying on the ground.
24:05He got on top of me and started punching me repeatedly.
24:08Punching you where?
24:09On my arm. I was like this, in the cradle position.
24:12So he's pushing me and pushing me and punching me
24:14and punched me in my face, and I said, I cannot see.
24:17She describes a horrific beating at the hands of Vincent.
24:23This is not the first time that I had to call the police on him,
24:25and he's been, he's gotten arrested for that before.
24:28What she's telling the officers is that I'm the victim,
24:32and Vincent is this big, bad boogeyman.
24:36Do you have any marks or cuts or anything on you?
24:41Let me take a look at your arms.
24:43You said he bit you right there?
24:45He bit me on my side.
24:48Okay, I want to look at your face, so close your eyes.
24:51We did examine her for injuries,
24:55but there was nothing to indicate that he had struck her
24:59or bit her in the manner that she stated he had.
25:02So I'm trying to chase him all after he's already assaulted me.
25:07And I went and grabbed my knife,
25:10and I hit him, I hit him.
25:12Do you know where you stabbed him at?
25:14I know, I didn't see anything.
25:16I was trying to get him off.
25:17She doesn't know.
25:18About 20 minutes into being with these officers,
25:22she says, I got a knife.
25:25And now we're looking at somebody having been injured.
25:30I got a blood trail right here.
25:33Hey, that door handle has blood on it, so watch your hands.
25:38That changes things.
25:40Now we do have a physical injury that we need to investigate.
25:45This was definitely a concern.
25:47Obviously, there's a person who's injured,
25:49and we need to locate that person.
25:58911, where is your emergency?
26:00Shortly after the 911 call in Clayton County,
26:02a 911 call in DeKalb County, which is an adjoining county,
26:06comes into dispatch.
26:12They need police and ambulance at this gas station,
26:16because there is a man who is severely injured,
26:21and he needs help.
26:24When EMT arrived at the gas station,
26:27the male was bleeding.
26:29He did have a small puncture wound
26:31on the left side of his collarbone.
26:34After running the plates on the car,
26:36the victim is identified as Vincent Taylor.
26:41Vincent Taylor was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital,
26:44where he was pronounced deceased at 10.46 p.m.
26:53Tempest is detained and taken to the Clayton County Police Station
26:57to be interviewed by detectives.
27:00When the detective told me on the phone
27:03that my son was in critical condition
27:05with a knife wound to his neck,
27:08I can't explain to you how I knew,
27:12but I knew he was dead.
27:15I knew it. I could feel it.
27:18I remember dropping the phone.
27:21I remember dropping to my knees.
27:24I'm not sure how I got there, but I know I drove,
27:27but I don't remember the trip.
27:30I remember they let me see him,
27:34and when I viewed the body, you know,
27:44he was like he was sleeping, you know?
27:47He was in the same clothes.
27:49And I saw him here, and I passed out.
27:54I just passed out.
27:57Learning that Tempest killed him took a toll on me.
28:03I remember telling Tempest, leave my son alone.
28:08You're not happy, and she told me I have nowhere else to go,
28:12so yet she wants to still continue to torture him.
28:16I felt deep in my heart that she was going to hurt him one day.
28:22I've gotten a verbal statement from her,
28:24which is I heard screaming, so I called the police.
28:27If anybody else comes, just write their name down
28:29so I can put it on the log,
28:31and I'll go down there and get a statement from her.
28:33Officers began speaking with additional neighbors
28:36to see if there was anyone who heard anything.
28:39So I'm going to need you to put your information up here.
28:42All right?
28:43There was a neighbor who advised
28:45that he had heard a man and woman arguing,
28:48and he had seen Tempest chasing Vincent down the street
28:52without the use of her crutches.
28:59I believe she was using the crutches
29:02to play possible victim in this case.
29:06At 3 a.m., Tempest's police interview begins.
29:11We did not initially reveal to Tempest
29:14that Vincent had passed away.
29:17All right, so you and your husband,
29:19do you call him Vincent?
29:22We wanted to go ahead and get the information that we needed
29:25and then present her with the information
29:27that he had passed away.
29:41We had to really break down the details of the incident.
29:45She claimed that she was on the floor in a fetal position,
29:49protecting her body when he was beating on her,
29:52and that she just suddenly got up
29:54and went to the kitchen to grab a knife
29:56to get him off of her, and that did not make any sense.
30:16But when he tells you, you hit me, you're outside.
30:19That's correct.
30:21She explained to us that she did go outside
30:24chasing after Vincent,
30:26and that the stabbing actually took place outside.
30:30You know, if she's chasing him with the knife,
30:33then there's no defense to that.
30:36She's not the victim in that case,
30:38and she's chasing him up and down the street.
30:40You know, neighbors saw that.
30:42Neighbors witnessed him calling for help.
30:46You know, there is nothing in this case
30:49that points to her being the victim.
30:51You're portraying him as an abuser,
30:54and I will tell you, in my experience doing this,
30:58most abusers don't run from the fight.
31:01They're the aggressor.
31:03They're the ones that are controlling this.
31:05They don't usually leave.
31:19After an hour of interviewing,
31:21Tempest is still sticking to her story
31:23that she stabbed Vincent in self-defense.
31:29I felt that it was murder that she had committed,
31:32but there was just not enough evidence.
31:36I was concerned.
31:38I didn't know if we were going to get the actual truth out
31:41of her or not, but I knew that we needed to at least try.
31:56At 5.25 a.m., detectives returned to the interview room.
32:12When I could see him...
32:22We advised her that Vincent had passed away from his injuries.
32:26She began to scream and wail.
32:31She backed her chair into the wall
32:33and then began to fall towards the floor.
32:38Oh, why did it have to be?
32:42Why did it have to be?
32:46It was pandemonium, and that just seemed real contrived.
32:54She still painted herself as the victim.
32:57What am I going to do?
33:00What am I going to do?
33:03I believe that she has committed crimes against him in the past
33:08and that she thought she would never be charged with anything
33:14because she always portrayed herself to be the victim.
33:27So this is what we're going to do.
33:28We're going to handcuff you from behind,
33:30and we're going to take you to the squad car
33:31and take you down to the county, okay?
33:34Tempest is charged with voluntary manslaughter.
33:42We obtained a search warrant for Vincent's vehicle.
33:46We were able to locate three cell phones inside there.
33:50One belonged to Vincent, one belonged to Tempest,
33:53and one belonged to their younger daughter.
33:57We were able to get all the data off of Vincent's phone
34:01and partial data off of Tempest's phone.
34:04In Vincent's phone, we found several text messages
34:07between him and Tempest.
34:09It appeared that their relationship was very volatile,
34:13a lot of name-calling and back-and-forth,
34:15a lot of jealousy.
34:17The picture was that Tempest was not this shrinking wallflower
34:21that she wanted everyone to believe.
34:23It wasn't true by the conduct.
34:25It wasn't true by the text messages.
34:28It wasn't true.
34:32But eight months later, while she awaits trial,
34:35Tempest is released on bail.
34:37That upset the whole family.
34:39You know, I just couldn't believe it.
34:41How do you allow this to happen in the first place,
34:44letting someone out that we have overwhelming evidence on
34:48that killed their husband?
34:50And on social media,
34:52Tempest isn't holding back, flaunting her freedom.
34:55She was pretty much just looking like a regular girl
34:59living a regular life
35:01and just looked unfazed, you know,
35:05just from my perspective
35:06and just seeing how things were being played out.
35:09It just didn't feel fair that she got to just be out
35:13while my cousin's dead.
35:15We did get several calls from Vincent's family
35:19They were, they were struggling.
35:22They were struggling because they were
35:25trying to process their grief
35:27while watching her live her life.
35:33Three years after Tempest's release,
35:35a trial date is finally set for December of 2023.
35:40In preparing for trial,
35:42we were looking at the data that was provided
35:45from her cell phone.
35:50We realized that it was only a partial rip of the phone,
35:56so we decided to get a new search warrant
35:59and using updated technology,
36:02we were actually able to get all the data from the phone.
36:06We just power it up, put it back on the new software
36:10and see if there's anything to be seen.
36:14And lo and behold,
36:16the actual audio of the murder
36:20is found on Tempest's phone.
36:38Tempest had started recording herself
36:41the night of the incident.
36:47It's not.
36:48I bought that phone.
36:49I bought all these phones.
36:50Give me my phone.
36:52I'm not even touching you, girl. Watch out.
36:54Vincent takes the phone from her almost immediately
36:58and puts the phone in his pocket.
37:01Didn't you get in trouble for that with the police before
37:03for taking the phone out of my hand?
37:05I don't give a...
37:06When you were abusing me?
37:07I wasn't abusing you.
37:08You're abusive.
37:09I did nothing to you!
37:11I did nothing to you!
37:12You just wanna fight me!
37:13No, I don't. I'm gonna leave you.
37:14Then leave!
37:15That's what I'm doing.
37:16He was convinced in his mind that,
37:19yeah, this is never gonna change.
37:20This is where we're gonna be.
37:22And he really was going to leave.
37:24And I don't believe that she was gonna allow that to happen.
37:29I'm gonna kill you.
37:31Because I'm taking my...
37:32I'm gonna kill you.
37:34I'm gonna kill you.
37:36Die, you son of a bitch!
37:38I'm gonna kill you.
37:40Tempest, chill, bruh.
37:42Tempest, chill, chill, chill, chill.
37:44Tempest, chill, man, please, man, chill.
37:52Stop, stop, stop, stop.
37:53Who the fuck do you think I am?
37:54Stop, stop, stop, stop.
37:55Who the fuck do you think I am?
37:56You stabbed me in my neck, man.
38:00I think at the point that Tempest recognizes or realizes
38:05that he's really gonna walk out,
38:07that's when that mortal wound is struck.
38:11Ow, man!
38:13Tempest, stop!
38:15Please, Tempest, I'm dying, you know, please!
38:19I believe that he thought that he could get to his father
38:24and get some help.
38:26He got as far as he could get, but it was too late.
38:35It was very hard to understand
38:38how she didn't care.
38:44I mean, he's begging her, you know, to put the knife down.
38:47He's begging her to stop, and she showed no remorse,
38:54no compassion, nothing.
39:00Tempest's charges are upgraded to malice murder,
39:03felony murder, aggravated assault,
39:06and possession of a knife during the commission of a felony.
39:10After an agonizing three-year wait for Vince's family,
39:14Tempest's trial finally begins, and she pleads not guilty.
39:19Tempest Daniels' family says she was defending herself
39:23when she had to stab her husband to death,
39:26but prosecutors say there's no evidence of that,
39:29and they say that audio recording shows Daniel was the aggressor.
39:34The defense presentment was that this was self-defense,
39:39he was an abuser,
39:41and that she found herself in an impossible situation
39:45and had no choice.
39:47She would look at us like we did something to her,
39:51and she showed no remorse, no apology,
39:55nothing, as if this was okay to do.
39:58Going into any trial, you're asking 12 people
40:03to make a decision, and it's always a tricky prospect.
40:07I felt like we had the evidence to prove our case.
40:11We were going to give them everything that we had
40:14and then ask them to do the right thing.
40:19Tempest is found guilty on all charges
40:22and is sentenced to life with the possibility of parole.
40:26Looking at the reaction of the verdict,
40:30I think she thought she was going to get away with it.
40:33It was deserving.
40:35I'm just happy that we were the voice for Vincent
40:40and we got justice.
40:42I can tell you with all honesty that it still hurts
40:47and that I will never get over this,
40:50I will never get past this.
40:53It's a piece of you, and he's gone.
40:57So how do you feel, that boy, when there's something missing?
41:02I miss him dearly.
41:05His life was so short.
41:09He had so much love to give
41:13and so much talent to pursue,
41:18and I would have loved to have seen what that would have been like.
41:27For more information, visit