A new language and literacy screening tool is part of a plan to improve Australian students’ literacy

  • last month
For many kids, problems with language and literacy do not show up until they start learning to read. But an innovative screening tool developed in the UK, can be used on children under 5 to identify language disorders early. It has been trialled at schools across Tasmania, with the hope that early intervention will lead to very different literacy outcomes.


00:00These kinder kids have big plans for the future.
00:07I want to be a policeman.
00:09A basketball player.
00:13I think I want to be Batman.
00:15They're just starting out on their educational journey.
00:19I like reading.
00:21But before they really get into learning letters,
00:23they're being screened to see whether they may be at risk of reading difficulties.
00:28This is a grey cat.
00:31This is a grey cat.
00:33You did it.
00:34I think you're clever.
00:36The Grammar and Phonology Screen, or GAPS, is being trialled at schools in Tasmania.
00:42Children are asked to repeat simple sentences and made-up words.
00:51It helps identify any issues with language.
00:54It's non-confrontational.
00:56It's so easy and so relaxed.
00:58It's just lovely.
01:00One in 14 children have a developmental language disorder,
01:04which is a difficulty understanding and using language.
01:08It can't be identified just by hearing a child speak,
01:12but this screening tool can pick it up.
01:15It's raising those red flags really early.
01:17It's a really big marker for their future literacy
01:21because literacy completely depends on language ability.
01:25If an issue is identified, parents, teachers and sometimes speech pathologists
01:31can work with a child to expand vocabulary and language.
01:36For example, when we're getting dinner ready and we're sitting eating dinner,
01:41it can be as simple as looking at the vegetables and talking about them
01:44and bringing in words like crunchy and juicy.
01:47I think it's great for parents so they can get on top of the problem
01:50and good for the child as well, basically, so they don't feel behind.
01:54I'm very happy that they're doing it at this age
01:57because I struggled a lot in school.
02:01Tackling literacy issues early means opening the door to future opportunities.
02:07Can we go and play now?
