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The Book of John Is Written That the Hearers Might Believe and, Believing, Come to Be Born to Eternal Life in Christ Jesus. "Flesh Does Not Beget Life; It Takes Spirit to Beget Life." All the Sin in the World Comes from People: Within the Heart of Every Man -- "...When Lust Hath Conceived, it Bringeth Forth Sin: and Sin, When It is Finished, Bringeth Forth Death." [James 1:15]

00:00All right, if you have your Bible, turn to the Gospel of John, John, the Gospel of John,
00:09the Apostle, John the Baptist wrote no books, but John the Apostle did.
00:18John chapter number 1 and verse number 1, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was
00:27with God and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God.
00:31All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and him
00:36was life and the life is the light of men.
00:39The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.
00:44There was a man sent from God whose name was John, the same came for a witness to bear
00:49witness to the light that all men through him might believe.
00:53He was not that light, but was sent to bear witness of that light.
00:58That was the true light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
01:05He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not.
01:08He came to his own and his own received him not, but as many as received him, to them
01:13gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name, which were
01:20born, not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God.
01:28Note carefully verse 14, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld
01:36his glory.
01:37The glory is of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
01:41Father bless this holy word now as it goes forth.
01:44Bless the messenger this morning and give me unction to preach it, in thy name I pray,
01:51As I mentioned to you in the past, we talked about the gospel.
01:55We talked about this fourth gospel.
01:58We talked about what's called the synoptic gospels, and this is an arbitrary term that's
02:03been given by most Bible colleges and so forth.
02:06Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called synoptic gospels because they have one view.
02:11The idea is that you create what's called a life of Christ, but that's really a work
02:15in vanity because it's hard to put together a life of Christ.
02:19I don't think the gospels were written for that purpose, but in any event, the fourth
02:23gospel is not considered one of the synoptic gospels.
02:27The fourth gospel was written by the apostle John.
02:31John was the only apostle left at the cross while all the rest of them had gone away.
02:36It was John on the Isle of Patmos who saw the coming of the Lord in power and great
02:42It was John the apostle who wrote 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John.
02:47In 1st John chapter number one, John the apostle reaches deep into the depths of the human
02:52soul and begins to open up for us what's really going on.
02:57And so the apostle John was chosen, I believe, by the Holy Spirit to write what some consider,
03:04and I'm one of them, to be the final book in the completion of the canon of scripture,
03:09the book of John and the book of Revelation, which is called the Apocalypse.
03:14These are the last two books written in the Bible, and they're written by the same man,
03:19the apostle John.
03:20Somewhere about 90 to 95 AD closes out the canon of scripture.
03:26If you find someone telling you that John or Matthew or Mark were written 135, 140,
03:32150, 200 AD, that's a bunch of garbage.
03:35Let me tell you something right now.
03:37Please understand this.
03:38There is absolutely no evidence, absolutely no evidence that would date any of the gospels
03:46past the first century.
03:48So the apostle John writes the gospel of John and completes the scripture.
03:53I told you how the gospel of John is unique in the sense that it presents to us the new
03:59The new birth is so very, very important.
04:02You don't hear a lot of preaching about the new birth today.
04:05You hear a lot of preaching about feel good and about building the kingdom.
04:09You hear an awful lot of that, but we're not interested in feeling good and building kingdoms.
04:14We're interested in preaching the word of God, exalting Christ.
04:17He'll take care of the rest of it.
04:19So the gospel of John starts in eternity past and moves into eternity future, just like
04:24the apocalypse.
04:25It goes from time past into the time future.
04:30There's only three tenses of time anyway, past, present, and future.
04:34So the apostle John says, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and
04:39the word was God.
04:41So the beginning has to do with creation, has nothing to do with God.
04:45God is from everlasting to everlasting.
04:47He has no beginning.
04:49When scripture says in the beginning, it's talking about for creatures.
04:52I'm one of them, and so are you.
04:54We are creatures here today.
04:56We had a beginning.
04:57This gospel of John is a magnificent thing because it is different from any other book
05:02in the Bible.
05:03I told you how that the gospel of John is a book within books.
05:07If you could only have one book of the whole Bible, of all 66 books of Holy Writ, there's
05:12one book that could get you right with God without problem at all, and that is the gospel
05:18of John.
05:19For what you have here is what makes a man right with God.
05:22He that hath the son hath life, John said, and to receive Christ is to believe upon him.
05:28So I'm going to preach you this morning a message that God's given me and moved upon
05:32my soul about the gospel of John, and I want to title it, and the title is very important.
05:38The title to this message this morning is the birth of death.
05:43Now think of that for a moment, the birth of death, and so we'll deal with that toward
05:48the end of the message, but keep that in your mind as we deal with it.
05:53The gospel of John has miracles that are called sign miracles.
05:59The gospel of John has the great I ams of Christ, where he says, I am this and I am
06:04that, identifying himself with the great I am of the book of Exodus.
06:09Therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is presented in the gospel of John in a fashion where no
06:13one can mistake it whatsoever.
06:16Even starting the first chapter of the gospel of John, he told you plainly, the word which
06:21is God was made flesh and dwelt among us.
06:24So it starts with the absolute deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
06:28Someone comes to you and tells you that Christ is a created God, he got his doctrine straight
06:33out of hell.
06:34The Lord Jesus Christ is the creator, and Paul makes that plain in the book of Colossians
06:40chapter number two.
06:42But there are seven signs in the gospel of John, and starting with the first one and
06:46ending with the last one, we have quite a picture for us.
06:48In John chapter number two, we read about where he changes the water into wine.
06:53The Bible says, for this is my blood of the new covenant, Matthew chapter number 26, the
06:58New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
07:02You see, wine in the Bible, here we read it in the gospel of John, could very well be
07:08a type of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, no question.
07:12And if you notice carefully, when this new wine shows up in John chapter number two,
07:17it is not put into old bottles, it's put in new bottles.
07:22For the old bottle cannot contain all the power of that new wine.
07:27And my friend, this is important.
07:29When the Lord Jesus Christ came 2,000 years ago, he didn't come to prop up the law.
07:34He didn't come to make the law better.
07:35He didn't come to cleanse the law.
07:37He came to fulfill the law.
07:39What the law could never do, Christ completed it in absolute perfection.
07:44So we start in the gospel of John chapter number two, the scripture says, this is the
07:48first sign miracle that he performed.
07:52And so for those of you this morning to understand, we have a new covenant presented to us.
07:57But notice the last miracle in the gospel of John is in chapter number 11 and verse
08:03number one.
08:04And when he had thus spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
08:08Isn't that something?
08:09And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes.
08:14And his face was bound about with a napkin.
08:17And Jesus saith unto them, loose him and let him go.
08:21So we start the gospel of John's miracles with a new covenant.
08:25And we finish him with a resurrection from the dead.
08:29Now does that fit anywhere?
08:30Is there anybody in this house this morning spiritually that had been raised from the
08:35I have.
08:36I had a resurrection in 1973.
08:38But the Bible says the hour is coming when all that are in the graves shall hear the
08:42voice of the son of God and come forth.
08:45He is master and Lord over death.
08:47Make no mistake about it.
08:48He doesn't raise the dead.
08:50He is the resurrection of the dead.
08:52Wherever he goes, there can be no death for he is life itself and personified in our Lord
08:59Jesus Christ.
09:00So these sign miracles, as they are called, what is the sign for?
09:05What would you use the sign for, for the most part?
09:08You use that to direct you.
09:10The sign tells you whether you're on an interstate, which one you're on, side road, where you're
09:14headed, east or west, north or south.
09:17These signs are used for direction.
09:19And these miracles in the gospel of John are for that purpose.
09:23There are many other ways that you can understand a sign, no question.
09:26But here they are used as a pointing device to point you to Christ.
09:31You see, there's a motive in writing the gospel of John.
09:34The kingdom of heaven is not found in it.
09:36It's not in here.
09:38The Jewish kingdom, sermon on the mount, none of that, and that's all wonderful in its place.
09:43But its place is not in the Gentile kingdom today, which is born of the spirit of God,
09:49the preaching of the gospel of Christ.
09:51The apostle Paul said, I came knowing nor the gospel, nothing among you, but Christ
09:56and him crucified.
09:57He also said this.
09:59He said, he did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel to the church at Corinth,
10:05letting them know in an indirect way that baptism had nothing to do with the preaching
10:10of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
10:12So we start with seven signs, changing water into wine and raising a man from the dead.
10:19Lazarus, he said, come forth.
10:22Now if he'd only said come forth, I can't imagine what would have happened, but he named
10:27him Lazarus come forth.
10:29And of course he that was dead came forth.
10:32You see my friend, the dead does not respond to the power of the word of God.
10:36The word of God creates life where it goes and it must respond.
10:41The natural world, the water, for example, the seas and all there is, they have no intelligent
10:47ability to answer to anything.
10:49But the voice that says to bring it into existence can create life where it goes forth.
10:57This is what happens to the, as the tulip, you know, total depravity, unconditional election,
11:03limited atonement, irresistible grace and predestination.
11:07They have a, they've got a, they've got a, they've got a dead body.
11:11Hyper Calvinism teaches that there is nothing in you that can give response, that all you
11:16are is just simply a dead body.
11:19But you see my friend, it's not the dead body that responds.
11:22It is the spirit of life that goes forth from the Holy Ghost.
11:26And that spirit of life can either be accepted or rejected for when it goes, it lights and
11:32gives life.
11:33And my friend, that's what brings me into existence.
11:36I'm still dead this morning, as dead as I ever was in this body of clay.
11:41It's headed to the grave.
11:42It's going to the ground.
11:43That's all it'll ever, it's about worn out.
11:45It's about finished.
11:46And after all, I wouldn't want to drag this thing into heaven with me.
11:51Imagine what this thing would look like 5,000 years from now.
11:54Imagine what Adam would look like right now if he were still around.
11:58You wouldn't want to look at him.
11:59And I'm going to tell you this.
12:00The Bible says plainly that as we have borne the image of the earthy, so shall we bear
12:05the image of the heavenly.
12:08And when he arose from the dead, he rose alive to live forevermore.
12:12So we know that these miracles have a purpose.
12:15They have a purpose to point us on a new covenant to the one who raises the dead.
12:20And it is his voice that raises the dead.
12:23It's not Lazarus' ability to respond to anything.
12:26It is that life giving command, rise Lazarus from the dead.
12:30In the book of Exodus chapter number three and verse 13, Moses said unto God, behold,
12:36when I come to the children of Israel and shall say to them, the God of your fathers
12:40that sent me into you, and they shall say to me, what is his name?
12:45What shall I say unto them?
12:46And God said to Moses, I am that I am.
12:52And he said, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I am, hath sent me unto
13:02Boy, what a thing.
13:03You mean that's all you're going to say I am what?
13:05He is everything.
13:07There is to be everything of every need that you may ever have of all that it takes to
13:12maintain creation of all that there was necessary to bring it into existence to begin with of
13:17all there is from the alpha and the omega.
13:20I am that I am.
13:21He's the first and the last.
13:23There is nothing beside him.
13:25There is no life outside him.
13:27There's nothing that exists apart from him.
13:30He upholds all things by the word of his power and him was life and the life of the light
13:34of men and the light shineth in darkness.
13:37He says, I am that I am.
13:39And he is my dear friend.
13:41But in the gospel of John, that I am is brought out for us time and time and time again.
13:48It's mentioned over and over.
13:50For example, he said in John six, I'm the bread of life.
13:53John eight.
13:54He said, I'm the light of the world.
13:56John 10.
13:57He said, I am the door.
13:59John chapter number 10 again.
14:01He says, I am the good shepherd.
14:03Then in John chapter number 11, he said, I am the resurrection and the life standing
14:08at the tomb of Lazarus.
14:10John 14.
14:11He said, I am the way, the truth and the life.
14:14And might I add, no man cometh unto the father, he said, but by me, oh, I'm sure they mean
14:20I understand they're dedicated.
14:22No question in my mind that some of them would give their life completely for their religion.
14:26But my dear friend, there is only one door to heaven.
14:29There's only one name above every name.
14:31There's only one way into God and that way into God is the Lord Jesus Christ.
14:36For he is the very hand of God in salvation to mankind.
14:41No man can come to the father except by the son and no man knows the father, but the son
14:47and no man knows the son, but the father.
14:49Even if you could approach the third heaven, you wouldn't know where to find him.
14:54Even if you could by some means come near unto the person of that almighty being, you
15:00wouldn't see him.
15:01The Bible says he dwelleth in the light, which no man can see, which no man hath seen to
15:06whom be honor and power everlasting.
15:09The apostle Paul said that about that light that no man hath seen.
15:13You say, preacher, we saw God.
15:14The Old Testament said 70 elders of Israel saw him.
15:17No, they saw a manifestation for them to be able to behold him.
15:22Do you remember in the garden of Gethsemane when they came to take him away?
15:27They walked him there and they begin to question, who is he?
15:29Where is he?
15:30Where is this man?
15:31And the Lord Jesus Christ said, I am he.
15:36In your Bible, look at the italics.
15:39The italics is where the King James translators added a word to give it continuity.
15:44But the truth of the matter is, he simply said, I am.
15:50In plain words, he identified himself with that one in the book of Exodus.
15:54And the moment he said, I am, he let a little bit of the glory of God move forth from his
16:00When he said, I am, he gave them just a touch of what it meant to stand in the presence
16:06of that almighty eternal being.
16:08When he said, I am, he reached down inside their soul and made them little where they
16:13should be and him big where he should be.
16:16There is, my dear friend, a chasm between man and God that is insurmountable.
16:21There is no way you could even approach him.
16:22You can't see him.
16:24You can't know him.
16:25But the Lord Jesus Christ can take hold of him in one hand and he can take hold of you
16:29in the other and he can connect the two together and he does it at the cross.
16:33It is there at the cross, at the cross of Christ where he died for your sin.
16:38He takes hold of God and he takes hold of man.
16:41And my friend, I thank God that he did that.
16:43I am, he said.
16:45And what happened then?
16:46According to the gospel of John, John's gospel, remember, that started out with his deity.
16:52You remember the gospel of John that said in the beginning was the word, the word was
16:55with God and the word was God.
16:57Do you remember when the Bible uses a term like that?
16:59It's also in the book of Proverbs talks about the wisdom of God held dear in his bosom.
17:04The wisdom of God existed before the creation of anything, the word of God before the creation
17:10of anything.
17:11When God speaks by his word, he manifest himself.
17:14When he speaks by his word, he gives you his mind.
17:17When he speaks by his word, he gives you his direction.
17:21And so he said, I am, and that I am is all it took.
17:24You say, preacher, I'd like to see God.
17:26You don't want to see him right now.
17:28You don't want to see him in the state you're in.
17:30You dare not approach him to him.
17:32No way.
17:33No way.
17:34No, you say, I'm Christian.
17:35Yes, but your life is hid with Christ in God.
17:38You are accepted in the beloved.
17:39You have yet to be perfected, but praise be to God one day he will perfect me.
17:44He will perfect you.
17:46That's what he talks about in the book of Hebrews.
17:48The spirits of just men made perfect, able, able, able, glory to God to stand in the presence
17:55of almighty God to absorb him, take him in, understand him, see him for all that he is.
18:03We have finite minds.
18:05We have finite ability.
18:07We have finite understanding.
18:09Most of us know more than simply our experiences.
18:14Some of us go a little deeper and open books and begin to read them.
18:17Some of us go out and traverse the earth and learn more and more and more.
18:21My dear friend, let me tell you this.
18:23There is nowhere on this earth you can go to know more about God except through our
18:28Lord Jesus Christ and his word.
18:31And you'll never know more of the father until he reveals himself to you.
18:37David said this in Psalm chapter number two, they quoted him.
18:41He said, if I make my bed in hell, thou art there.
18:44I think about that.
18:45What do you mean?
18:46If I make my bed in hell, thou art there.
18:49Can you imagine?
18:50Can you imagine going somewhere that you could get away from God?
18:53No, you can't.
18:54Can you imagine?
18:55No, you can't.
18:56Have you ever thought about this?
18:58I sit around at night and think about stuff like this.
19:00Have you ever thought about this?
19:02For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth
19:06in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, right?
19:09God's love is wonderful.
19:11The love of God is what a blessed, blessed, blessed thing indeed, right?
19:16Now go home this afternoon and ask yourself this question.
19:20Does he love those that are in hell?
19:23You've never thought about that, have you?
19:26Have you thought about that?
19:27Some of you have.
19:28Have you wondered about that?
19:30Some of you got a shock to look on your face.
19:33I'm going to tell you why.
19:35Because there's far more to God than the human mind can conceive.
19:41Far more to him.
19:42But I know this, when I was unlovable, he loved me.
19:45When I was in the depths of my sin, he loved me.
19:47When I was lost without God, he loved me.
19:50He came to me, I didn't come to him.
19:52He called my name, I didn't call his.
19:56While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
19:59Oh, the love of God goes beyond description, goes beyond understanding.
20:04But it's one of those things that defines him.
20:07God is love, the Bible says.
20:09You've heard the word a million times, agape, the love of God.
20:13God is something altogether different, except he revealed himself.
20:17Can't you guess that by searching, find out God?
20:20So what do we do?
20:21I put that out there to make you think.
20:22That's why I got up.
20:23It's not that I have the answer.
20:25A lot of times I'll just give you what I'm thinking, let you worry with it.
20:34Sometimes God will give me the answer, but sometimes I'll continue to worry with it.
20:38But that's okay.
20:40He'll never get mad at you for searching, for praying, for crying, for digging, for
20:47wanting to get close to him, to want to understand him, to pray to a man.
20:51Are you listening?
20:52He'll never get mad at you to make that effort to draw nigh to God, and he'll draw nigh to
20:59Amen, amen, amen.
21:00So we come down toward that giving birth to death.
21:05What a thing.
21:06What a thought.
21:08They fell backward because they couldn't stand in the presence of holiness.
21:13The Lord Jesus Christ had become sin who knew no sin when they nailed him to the tree.
21:18What is that?
21:19You get a thousand commentaries and you'll get a thousand different views on it.
21:23What sin?
21:24What kind of sin?
21:25Where's sin?
21:27This, sin, this, that, this, that.
21:28You'll find some of the smartest minds that ever lived.
21:30They don't agree with each other.
21:32You know why they don't?
21:33Because God hasn't revealed it yet to us.
21:35He made him to be sin for us who knew no sin.
21:39And then he says that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
21:45What righteousness?
21:47There was a righteousness of the Old Testament, the righteous one.
21:50He names three men, calls them apart, and says, these are the three men.
21:54Their righteousness lifts him above all the rest of the righteous ones that have ever
21:59That is the Old Testament righteousness.
22:01When the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world 2,000 years ago, prayer started.
22:05Oh, they prayed before, but they didn't pray like this man.
22:09This was the God man.
22:11Now the Lord Jesus Christ who had communed with the Father throughout eternity past now
22:15prays to him.
22:17Something's changed, hasn't it?
22:19Of course it has.
22:20He prays now to the one that he was part of in eternity past.
22:25Are you listening?
22:26You can't pray too much, can you?
22:29You can't preach too much, sing too much, talk too much, laugh too much, so forth.
22:32And these are all fine, but you'll never pray too much.
22:37Now we come, John chapter number 20, verse 31.
22:44These are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, son of God, and believing
22:49you might have life through his name.
22:52The word believe shows up more in the gospel of John, all three, Matthew, Mark, and Luke
22:56put together.
22:57John 20, 25.
22:59And there are also many other things which Jesus did.
23:06The which, if they should be written every one, I suppose, John tells us, that even the
23:12world itself could not contain the books that should be written.
23:19God bless your soul, John.
23:20You have blessed me so many times.
23:23I want to meet John, don't you?
23:25Yes, sir.
23:26I want to meet John, the apostle.
23:29Now look at James chapter number two and verse number nine, 19, rather.
23:36Most believe this is the Lord's brother.
23:37When we say brother, we're talking about half-brother.
23:40If there is such a thing, he's his brother.
23:43But in any event, James chapter number two and verse number 19, here's what he says.
23:51Thou believest there's one God, thou doest well.
23:56The devils also believe and tremble.
24:00I hope you fear God.
24:02I hope you haven't been listening to too many feel-good liberal preachers.
24:06I hope there's a fear of God in your soul.
24:10Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the Bible says.
24:13I'm going to ask you a question.
24:18Satan sinned before Adam did.
24:22Did Satan's sin bring death into this world?
24:24You ever thought about that?
24:28Satan had sinned before the first man, but did Satan's sin bring death into this world?
24:36As a matter of fact, did Satan's sin originate from the heart of Adam?
24:44Death entered the world through Adam.
24:48It's a Hebrew word, Adam.
24:50It's connected with red and of the earth.
24:52That's what the word means.
24:53It's a good name.
24:54There's a lot of men named Adam, fine name.
24:58It's a Hebrew name, pure Hebrew, of the earth, Adam, Adam.
25:04So Romans chapter number five and verse number 12 answers one question, wherefore, Romans
25:09five, 12, as by one man, sin entered into the world and death by sin.
25:16So now we know how sin came into the world, don't we?
25:20And so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned.
25:25Remember the birth of death.
25:28Now look at how James chapter number one, verse 14 and 15, watch his wording carefully.
25:36James chapter number one, verses 14 and 15.
25:43But every man is tempted when he has drawn away of his own lust and enticed.
25:51Now watch this.
25:54Then when lust hath conceived, what do we say when a woman has conceived?
26:02You ever heard that term?
26:05Well, of course you have.
26:08When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin.
26:15And sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
26:22God is not mocked, for whatsoever man soweth, that shall he also reap.
26:30If you are one who sends out sin and you create sin, and it's going forth from you
26:38all the time, mark it in your book, it's going to bring forth death.
26:45It's not going to finish.
26:47It's not going to die.
26:50It's going to bring forth death.
26:53Don't you look at something.
26:56The word in James chapter number five, verse 15.
27:00When it hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin.
27:06The Greek word ticto, tau, iota, kappa, tau, omega, ticto.
27:12Here's what it means.
27:13To bring forth, bear, bring.
27:17Metaphorically or regular desires exciting to sin, note carefully, of females.
27:26Firstborn, children.
27:29A bringing forth of a birth.
27:33The birth of death takes place in the heart of a man.
27:38That's what that book just told you.
27:41It doesn't come from Satan.
27:43It comes from the man.
27:46It is born inside us.
27:48You say, preacher, that makes man pretty big.
27:50Yeah, it makes him big.
27:53It makes him real big.
27:54Satan was not made in the image of God, but you have been.
27:58The Bible says the day is going to come when you judge angels.
28:02That's right.
28:04You mean to tell me that all this sin eating me up and tearing me apart originated from
28:13That's what I'm telling you.
28:15It comes from ... I'm not blaming you for my sin.
28:21You say, no.
28:23My sin is my sin and it arises from my heart, but it doesn't stop by simply coming up.
28:30It's a spiritual thing.
28:32Now here's the thing about spirit.
28:36Flesh does not beget life.
28:38You know that.
28:39It can't do it.
28:40It can't do it.
28:42It takes spirit to beget life.
28:46God is a spirit.
28:48Life comes forth, therefore, from a spirit, not from flesh.
28:55Sin is a spiritual thing, so it gives existence to stuff that you don't want any part of,
29:02but once it comes out of you and it has been born and come out of you, it's like Pandora's
29:12Once that thing's opened up and it gets out and it begins to move about, you've lost control
29:18of it.
29:20This is why the same John, folks, please listen.
29:23This is important.
29:25This is why the same John, in 1 John chapter number one says, if you say you have not sinned,
29:32you call God a liar.
29:34He said, if you say you have no sin, you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you.
29:40In plain words, he says, if you'll let the Holy Ghost do his work in your heart before
29:45it ever becomes manifested forth as the deed, he will clean it up inside your heart.
29:50He'll cleanse you and forgive you, and cleansing has a lot to do with it, and I don't have
29:54time getting all that.
29:56That's a big one, though.
29:58He said, I'll cleanse you, I'll forgive you, I'll cut it off.
30:01It won't come forth.
30:02It won't be given birth.
30:04It won't come out.
30:05It'll be cut off right inside you if you walk in fellowship with him, and you have to walk
30:12in fellowship with the Lord.
30:14That's John 1.
30:15The only way you can do it, you walk in fellowship.
30:16A man walks in the darkness, he says he has fellowship with God, he's a liar, he's deceived.
30:23But anyway, I don't want to get off on a lot of that.
30:25That's beautiful stuff to study the Bible, how John connects these two together, but
30:29he makes it plain.
30:33You may have given birth to death this morning, and a death that comes out of you that begins
30:38to work now in your family, in your life, in your loved ones, those around you.
30:42What do I do, preacher?
30:43I confess it, pray to God, cleanse you, cleanse it from all unrighteousness, cleansed by
30:50the blood of Christ.
30:51The only thing that can cleanse you is the blood of Christ.
30:54You see, it's one thing to be forgiven, another thing to be cleansed.
30:57I'm wanting to get into this, but I'm not going to do it.
31:01It's heavy-duty stuff, folks.
31:04You ever see anything rotting and decaying, does it have a smell to it?
31:08All right.
31:10Are you listening?
31:12Have you given birth to death?
31:14I'm going to close with this.
31:17If you believe, and he said if these things are written that you might believe, the Greek
31:21word for believe is pistou, pistou, okay?
31:26That's believe.
31:27Now, what's it mean?
31:28Well, the devils believe and tremble, right?
31:33They assent, they agree to an intellectual, physical fact that God exists, yes, and a
31:40lot of people do that, too.
31:42There is a God, man upstairs, supreme being, call him whatever you want to.
31:45Sure, you agree to that, that's fine, but that's not what John's talking about.
31:51John's talking about putting your trust in, taking hold of, pulling into you, and taking
32:01hold of him as your savior, and casting your sin upon him, confessing to him, and receiving
32:08what he's done for you at the cross at Calvary, and say, Lord Jesus, I believe.
32:13I believe in you.
32:14I believe on you.
32:16I'm trusting you.
32:17If I didn't have you, I'd go to hell, but you're my savior.
32:21I love you.
32:22I believe you.
32:23I believe in you, and I can't have without you.
32:29The lexicon says, to be firmly persuaded as to something to believe.
32:36Firmly persuaded with the idea of hope and certain expectation.
32:43It seems like an oxymoron, I guess might be the word for it, to call the birth of death,
32:50but the truth of the matter is, all the sin in this world is not coming from demons, folks.
32:57It's coming from people, us, me.
33:03Have you ever been chastened by the Lord?
33:05I have.
33:06He's busted my hide more than once.
33:09I don't know about you, but I can't get away.
33:12He wears me out.
33:14He sure does, but that's okay.
33:18He lets me know when he does it that I belong to him.
33:23He lets me know where to go.
33:24Go back to 1 John 1.
33:25Get this thing done right.
33:28Confess it before it's born, before it comes out, before it's given birth, while it resides
33:33deep down in the soul.
33:34We don't know our soul.
33:35He does.
33:36Search me and try me, David said.
33:38See if there be any wicked way in me, if there's a propensity inside me to do a certain thing,
33:42to go a certain direction, do this, that, this, that.
33:45Search me.
33:46Try me.
33:47Seek out within my soul.
33:49Would you bow your head?
33:50Father, in Jesus' name, I've delivered my soul.
33:54Bless your holy name now.
33:57Help these dear folk.
33:58If there's somebody in the house this morning that needs help, let them come today.
34:03Let them come.
34:04Let them call upon your name.
34:06Maybe they got a hold of what I'm saying.
34:07Maybe they're realizing now that the problem is not the fellow next to them or the guy
34:12down the street.
34:13It's rising up from inside their own soul, and it's giving birth to death.
34:20Anybody raise your hand this morning and say, Preacher Lost, don't you pray for me.
34:24God bless you.
34:25God bless you with hands everywhere, all over the place.
34:27God bless every one of you.
34:29I'm just the messenger, but I'm doing what God's calling me to do, and I want to help
34:34God bless you over here.
34:36God bless you back there.
34:37Let's pray then.
34:38Let's pray.
34:39You all put your hands up.
34:40Let's pray, Father.
34:41I thank you, Lord.
34:42I'm not worried to be up here.
34:44Don't claim any right to it.
34:47Solely by the grace of God that you reach down, pull me out of hell, and call me by
34:51your grace and put a Bible in my hand and your word in my heart.
34:57Bless these dear folk.
34:58Let them do what they need to do this morning.
35:01Let them do what they need to do right now.
35:04I think maybe right now that they're beginning to see things differently.
35:07They're beginning to understand now spiritual truths, great spiritual truths.
35:12They're beginning to get a hold of it and thank God for it, Lord.
35:16Thank God for it.
35:18Bless every one of them now.
35:19Bless them.
35:20Bless all of them.
35:21In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
35:25Let's stand up here this morning.
