La musica riesce a tradurre e comunicare le nostre emozioni grazie alla sua capacità di attivare specifiche risposte neurali nel cervello. Attraverso l'utilizzo di caratteristiche musicali come tonalità, ritmo e timbro, i compositori possono intenzionalmente evocare e trasmettere particolari stati d'animo agli ascoltatori.
the music is able to translate and communicate our emotions thanks to its ability to activate specific neural responses in the brain. Through the use of musical characteristics such as key, rhythm, and timbre, composers can intentionally evoke and convey particular moods to listeners.
the music is able to translate and communicate our emotions thanks to its ability to activate specific neural responses in the brain. Through the use of musical characteristics such as key, rhythm, and timbre, composers can intentionally evoke and convey particular moods to listeners.