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00:00:30I have no doubt you're wondering what an excavation of a 17th century Jesuit settlement in Michigan has to do with Malta.
00:00:50This is Jacques de Beauvoir, a Jesuit priest who travelled to New France in 1630 and built said settlement.
00:00:58On his way, he stopped here in Malta. We know this is where he secured funding for his ambitious New World Plan.
00:01:05His diary speaks of a time he spent in Portgrace, a place that filled his soul with reverence and left behind tantalizing, yet incomplete references to the things he saw and experienced here.
00:01:19Speaking of incomplete references, this box could be the key to that prosperity he brought to the New World.
00:01:26I'm hopeful I can follow in his footsteps and fill in that lost chapter of his life and maybe feel a bit of that reverence myself.
00:01:37Thanks, everyone.
00:01:39That went well.
00:01:46I don't know. Students in Malta look just as bored as the students in Michigan.
00:01:50Oh, stop being modest.
00:01:51You're the most popular professor in the archaeology department for a reason.
00:01:55I'm sorry I can't stay longer to help with your research.
00:01:58You've done enough just getting me here.
00:02:00You know, the university will only fund one research project, Austin.
00:02:05I don't need to remind you the proposal is due in a week's time.
00:02:08I know.
00:02:10And not to pile on the pressure, but I just learned Professor Lewis is retiring.
00:02:15That means a tenure position is up for grabs. You get the funding, you get tenure.
00:02:20You know that's all I've been working towards.
00:02:24Hope it wasn't a mistake to hang your career on an isolated reference in a 17th century diary.
00:02:30Well, go big or go home, right?
00:02:33I have every faith in you.
00:02:35I've got to get to the airport.
00:02:37All right. Safe travels, Michael.
00:03:07Oh, watch out!
00:03:12Are you okay?
00:03:15I am so sorry.
00:03:24Roads are for driving, not walking.
00:03:27You're the only driver I've seen on these streets.
00:03:30And you know that because you live on these streets?
00:03:32No. To be honest, I don't even know where I am.
00:03:36I don't believe in street signs around here.
00:03:44Do you want to slow down a little?
00:03:47Excuse me?
00:03:49Well, it's just, you did almost hit me.
00:03:52How many other innocent bystanders have you almost run over?
00:03:57The one almost sorry today wasn't the first.
00:04:02Is that what they call local hospitality?
00:04:06You don't want the locals to run you over.
00:04:09Stay out of their way.
00:04:16Be careful.
00:04:22The lack of rain this winter has resulted in diminished foliage growth all over the island.
00:04:27The bees need more food.
00:04:29Don't we all?
00:04:32I propose we plant bee-friendly wildflower gardens throughout Port Grace.
00:04:36My niece Luna can help at the library.
00:04:41Okay, Matthew, or should I say, Mr. Mayor, the floor is yours.
00:04:44Thank you, Eva.
00:04:46As you all know, the first annual Port Grace Honey Festival is this weekend.
00:04:51And we need a marquee event.
00:04:54We've got the market, the traditional songs, and the feast.
00:04:58That's what the village of Ormi does with their bread festival and everyone loves it.
00:05:01Which is why we need something unique.
00:05:04I am determined to put Port Grace on the map.
00:05:07Beekeeper's Alliance has more important things to discuss.
00:05:11Like what to do about the foreign queen that has infiltrated one of our hives.
00:05:16I'll bring you a new Maltese queen as soon as I rescue one, Livia.
00:05:19I'm really sorry, I've got to run now, though.
00:05:21Would anyone be willing to form a festival subcommittee?
00:05:28Eva, please.
00:05:30Sorry, Matthew, I really don't think I can.
00:05:32Maybe your sister?
00:05:35Shall we?
00:05:36Well, she'll be at work, I imagine.
00:05:38Shall I come by the apiary later?
00:05:40Think your brain about the marquee event.
00:05:42No, I just don't think I'll have time.
00:05:44Tomorrow, then. Perfect. See you then.
00:05:56And before the meeting, I almost hit this tourist who was just walking in the middle of the road.
00:06:01And he actually blamed me.
00:06:03So if I was the one gluing his face to his phone, why are the cute ones always so dense?
00:06:10Are you talking about yourself again?
00:06:13Why aren't you wearing your gear so close to the hives?
00:06:16It's fine. Mum did this every day. She never got stung.
00:06:18She got stung all the time.
00:06:21What happened with the promotion?
00:06:23My sister Chloe, the new head of marketing?
00:06:26You didn't get it?
00:06:28Really, it's not a big deal.
00:06:30Anyway, I'm taking the week off. I thought I could help out around here.
00:06:35Well, I'd love that, but you should relax. I've got it covered.
00:06:38While you were out, the international distributor called about a rush order.
00:06:41What? Do I need to call him back?
00:06:43The negotiated deal is in the office, waiting for your signature.
00:06:46You can take my MBA.
00:06:47I'd rather thank you. But I'm the big sister. I'm supposed to be the one looking after you.
00:06:52We aren't kids anymore. We should be looking out for each other.
00:06:55And I have some thoughts about raising the APRA's profile, like theme tours.
00:07:00I already have enough to do without having to prep new tours.
00:07:03Just... One sec.
00:07:06Oh, it's Luna.
00:07:08There's bees in the library. I'd better go.
00:07:11A bee-mergency.
00:07:13Ooh, can we trademark that?
00:07:15Oh, Chloe.
00:07:16It's such a good idea.
00:07:18Go, Chloe. Reign it in.
00:07:26Are you seriously still driving that junk heap?
00:07:29My mother drove that for years. Why shouldn't I?
00:07:32I think you just answered your own question.
00:07:36Oh, I never see you anymore. How are you?
00:07:39Busy as a bee.
00:07:40Are you joining the folklore dance at the festival this weekend? We could use you.
00:07:43I really don't think I can. And you know I was never very good.
00:07:47I'd argue with you, but...
00:07:52Hey, while I'm here, how do you feel about planting some bee-friendly wildflower gardens around the library?
00:07:57Your uncle said I should ask.
00:07:58Yes. We could extend it to a community planting that starts here and goes all the way through town.
00:08:03Oh, I love that.
00:08:04Well, let's do it. When can you pencil it in?
00:08:06Oh, uh, well, there's the festival. Then I've got to prep for the summer harvest.
00:08:09Squattling and distribution.
00:08:11I'm supposed to be speaking at an ecology conference next week. That's unlikely.
00:08:15How's next spring?
00:08:20What was that?
00:08:21The reason I called you.
00:08:23An American archaeology professor is here.
00:08:26He's guest lecturing at the university.
00:08:28Handsome. Good job. No wedding ring.
00:08:32What's the catch?
00:08:33He's the catch.
00:08:35I don't know, Luna. He'll just be leaving.
00:08:37You don't know that. And you haven't dated anyone since Eric.
00:08:41Come on, you deserve to be happy.
00:08:43I am happy.
00:08:46I hope you haven't called me here just to play matchmaker.
00:08:49Of course not. Our visiting professor might not be the most comfortable around bees.
00:08:54I'm also not sure how they're getting in.
00:09:10Hey, stop it!
00:09:14Are you following me?
00:09:16You've met. We've disagreemented.
00:09:19That's not a word.
00:09:21Still no.
00:09:23There you go. And no, we haven't actually met. I don't know your name.
00:09:26Dr. Austin Morgan of North Dobson University of Michigan.
00:09:31This is Ava Velakalaya, owner of Pacifica Grove Apiary.
00:09:36Beekeeper extraordinaire.
00:09:39The bees in Malta are protected legally, by the way.
00:09:43It's not for conservation, but nobody's getting arrested for swatting a bee.
00:09:46I keep seeing them on this side of the library, if that helps.
00:09:57Oops. Sorry.
00:10:01Is that why you were racing around earlier?
00:10:04Because you were on a bee emergency?
00:10:07Well, you get on with my sister.
00:10:09She also has a terrible taste in puns.
00:10:14Look, I haven't made a great impression, right?
00:10:19I mean, first I spill your flora, and then I attack your protected fauna.
00:10:26When nobody's perfect.
00:10:31Ah, found it.
00:10:32Luna, you have a hole in your window frame.
00:10:36Have you got any sellotape?
00:10:44Oh, great.
00:10:49Okay, well that should hold it for a few days.
00:10:52Now to round up the stragglers.
00:10:57Help! Help! Help!
00:11:00Don't move. Stay calm. It won't hurt you if you don't hurt it.
00:11:04I'm calm.
00:11:07Just, you know, be careful with that.
00:11:09Just, you know, be careful with that.
00:11:11That's a 400-year-old census.
00:11:18When do you plan on releasing that bee? That document is very fragile.
00:11:22So's the bee.
00:11:23Where are you going?
00:11:25To the window where he came in. Do you mind?
00:11:31I'll release him here, and then follow him to see if there's a hive nearby.
00:11:36I guess that makes sense.
00:11:38Well, thank you for your approval.
00:11:39How do you know he's a him?
00:11:41Well, he's a drone. There's no stinger.
00:11:48Go on, then.
00:11:56Just how far do you plan on following this bee?
00:11:58Until it reaches its destination.
00:12:01Dare I ask how far a bee travels back to its hive?
00:12:03I mean, a scout? A drone? A forager?
00:12:07On average?
00:12:09Two kilometres or so. About a mile.
00:12:11Unless they're looking for water. Then you can triple that.
00:12:16Can you hear that?
00:12:19Follow me.
00:12:23Hello there.
00:12:28Well, how would you like to come home with me?
00:12:31Well, at least you got to see an authentic Maltese wild hive.
00:12:36Great. I can cross that off my bucket list.
00:12:40What? Now?
00:12:41You can have this back on one condition.
00:12:43No more swatting.
00:12:45Even when the bees aren't officially protected.
00:12:47Because they should be.
00:12:49Bee populations are in decline.
00:12:51And they're essential for cross-pollination, which supports our food supply.
00:12:54Yes, I know.
00:12:57Well, you still have to promise.
00:13:00I promise not to harm so much as an antenna on any bee's head for the rest of my life.
00:13:17This part of the wall looks like it could have belonged to a different building.
00:13:21Like a feature of some sort.
00:13:23I know the library was a hospital during the time of the Knights Hospitaller,
00:13:26but could this have been a different structure before then?
00:13:30I mean, I'm sure you could find out.
00:13:32You know, in the library.
00:13:34Where all the information is.
00:13:37How odd.
00:13:39You know, just to have this wall here and build onto it.
00:13:42I wonder why.
00:13:43Don't ask me.
00:13:44This whole island is old building on top of older building.
00:13:47This is probably built on top of an older building.
00:13:50This whole island is old building on top of older building.
00:13:53This is probably Roman or Punic or Greek or Phoenician.
00:13:57Or just all of the above.
00:14:00Now I'm really glad I called you.
00:14:04I'll come back later.
00:14:05It's better to move him closer to sundown.
00:14:09Sorry. Reflex.
00:14:12Good luck with that.
00:14:16Don't worry.
00:14:17I'll take you somewhere you'll be safe from the likes of him.
00:14:28It's almost closing time, Dr. Morgan.
00:14:30Oh, please. Call me Austin.
00:14:33Is this the only map you have of the old hospital?
00:14:36I'm afraid so.
00:14:38What are you looking for exactly?
00:14:40The wall outside with the beehive.
00:14:42I'd like to know what it used to belong to.
00:14:44We know Port Grace was predominantly a Greek settlement,
00:14:47right through the Roman times and beyond.
00:14:49But the knights didn't keep records of what came before.
00:14:52Only what they built on top.
00:14:53And you never had any excavations done here?
00:14:56Port Grace isn't high on the list of archaeological interest.
00:15:00Not yet.
00:15:14You still here?
00:15:40Give a girl some warning.
00:15:45Is that... Is that paint?
00:15:51Oh, OK. Yeah, sure. You can take that.
00:16:00This can't be.
00:16:15Oh, please.
00:16:20This is...
00:16:21This is cannot...
00:16:23Oh, please.
00:16:24I can't believe this.
00:16:28Oh, my goodness!
00:16:34I'm sorry.
00:16:35It's just usually I make discoveries like this inside the library.
00:16:41This actually might be a lead.
00:16:54The paint needs to be analysed.
00:16:56Stylistically, the fresco appears to be Greek,
00:16:58but the structure on the bottom looks to be Roman design.
00:17:01Possibly 5th century.
00:17:03Well, that's Malta. A little bit of everything.
00:17:06Is it valuable?
00:17:07Every historical artifact is valuable.
00:17:09This is certainly unusual.
00:17:11Definitely attraction-worthy.
00:17:13I'll call Heritage Malta in the morning.
00:17:15Now that they'll be able to give us priority,
00:17:17it'll take a few days for them to send someone.
00:17:20I'd be happy to get a jump on the analysis.
00:17:23Of course, I'll put all the proper protections in place.
00:17:26I'll have to verify your credentials first.
00:17:29I'm a professor at North Dobson University of Michigan.
00:17:32I have a PhD in archaeology.
00:17:37Here's my department head's contact info.
00:17:39You can give him a ring.
00:17:41You can trust me.
00:17:42Not with nationally protected bees, you can't.
00:17:45And the stragglers from the hive I just removed
00:17:47will be coming back over the next few days looking for their queen.
00:17:50What do bees have to do with ancient frescoes?
00:17:53Well, if it wasn't for the bees, you wouldn't have found the fresco.
00:17:56I have to go.
00:17:58If it wasn't for the bees, you wouldn't have found the fresco.
00:18:02I have to collect the returning bees.
00:18:04Mr. Mayor, I'm sure you value a historical find such as this
00:18:08more than you do a few stray insects.
00:18:14You'll be able to study the fresco for now.
00:18:17But until I verify your expertise,
00:18:20you'll be doing so under Eva's supervision
00:18:23while she rescues our equally precious Port Grace bees.
00:18:27I don't need any supervision.
00:18:29Perfect. It's settled then.
00:18:47Hey there.
00:18:49Hi. What are you doing here?
00:18:52Luna sent me to find you.
00:18:54Remember the fresco?
00:18:56We don't want to go against the mayor's wishes now, do we?
00:18:59Luna's always been a stickler for the rules.
00:19:02I'm sorry, though. I've got a tour about to start.
00:19:05You have a tour? For how long?
00:19:07It's already waited a few hundred years. What's a few more hours?
00:19:12Will you be free after?
00:19:15Okay. Well, then sign me up.
00:19:18Uh, no. Sorry. It's full.
00:19:21Hello. Are you here for the tour? What's your name?
00:19:24Hi. Uh, Austin.
00:19:26But I guess it's full.
00:19:29We've always got room for another bee-thusiast.
00:19:34Ah, excuse me.
00:19:36Oh, look at that.
00:19:38Hello. Welcome to Pacifica Grove Apiary.
00:19:43I hope you'll enjoy your honeymoon tour.
00:19:45This is my sister, Eva, your tour guide.
00:19:47Hi. Chloe.
00:19:49Oh, word. Sorry.
00:19:51What's a honeymoon tour?
00:19:53A theme tour. We talked about it, remember?
00:19:55Yeah, and I said I didn't have time to prep new tours.
00:19:58But then I met this couple on their honeymoon in the town square,
00:20:01and we got to talking, and...
00:20:03And now I'm doing a honeymoon tour.
00:20:08Hi, everyone. I am Eva.
00:20:10Welcome to Pacifica Grove Apiary.
00:20:12Malta's honey has been prized all over the world
00:20:15for thousands of years.
00:20:17The ancient Greeks came here and named this island Melita,
00:20:21honey sweet.
00:20:23And as you can tell, a version of the name stuck.
00:20:27According to family legend,
00:20:29my ancestors came here after they were given a prophecy in ancient Greece.
00:20:33If they cared for the bees of Melita, the bees would care for them,
00:20:36and they would prosper for generations to come.
00:20:39And, well, I'm here, so I guess it was true.
00:20:43But enough about me. Let's get to the bees.
00:20:46So, do bees fall in love?
00:20:49Yeah, in a way, they do.
00:20:51They don't just couple up with anyone.
00:20:53They choose their partners based on mutual understanding and affection.
00:20:56Oh, just like that.
00:20:59Everyone can grab a bee suit from the back of my truck.
00:21:20So, does anyone know where the term honeymoon comes from?
00:21:25Well, it was a medieval tradition for newlyweds to drink honeyed mead
00:21:29for a full moon, or month, after they were married.
00:21:32I thought that it referred to the time after marriage
00:21:35when love was sweetest before it waned like the moon.
00:21:39They don't want to hear that. I'm trying to make it romantic.
00:21:43Oh, I see.
00:21:45They don't want to hear that. I'm trying to make it romantic.
00:21:51Ancient Egyptians made every groom promise to provide their wife
00:21:54with an annual supply of honey.
00:21:58So, I guess you have some shopping to do.
00:22:03The honey is then filtered, jarred, and, of course, eaten.
00:22:08I hope you've enjoyed the tour.
00:22:10Now, please, go and enjoy some Pachinko Grove honey.
00:22:14Ladies and gents, come this way.
00:22:20Well, this place, it's impressive.
00:22:23Thank you. I think so, too.
00:22:25You know, I never thought about how much goes into making a jar of honey.
00:22:28Well, most people don't think about it.
00:22:30But I don't think much about ancient frescoes, either.
00:22:37You don't want to try any?
00:22:39Oh, no, I don't like honey.
00:22:43I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that.
00:22:56Can you please just catch it?
00:22:58Are you allergic?
00:22:59Not fatally. My hands blow up like balloons. It's not pretty.
00:23:02Well, you should have said so.
00:23:05Ah, hello there.
00:23:08Don't worry, little friend. I'll get you back to your queen.
00:23:13If only all men were like you drones, loyal till death do you part.
00:23:19Um, so, tell me.
00:23:22What is it about this specific fresco that's so special to you?
00:23:27Do you really care?
00:23:29Yeah, sure. Why not?
00:23:32I recently came across a diary that was written by a French priest
00:23:35who spent time here before heading to the Americas.
00:23:38The diary referenced a wonder he had never seen before,
00:23:41a golden way in Port Grace.
00:23:43What's a golden way?
00:23:44Well, that's the question.
00:23:45All he said was he found a golden way to never-ending prosperity,
00:23:48now hidden from those who will come after.
00:23:50There was also a sketch of some sort of box,
00:23:52but there was water damage, so he couldn't make out what it was.
00:23:55There was no reference to what was inside of the box.
00:23:58But it had to have been essential to establish the Jesuit colony.
00:24:01So, you're looking for prosperity?
00:24:05No, I'm looking for something of archaeological significance.
00:24:09It's part of the job.
00:24:11Find things, dig them up, write about them.
00:24:13You make it sound so glamorous.
00:24:15I'm an academic, not a tomb raider.
00:24:18I came here hoping to prove the diary entry was based on something real.
00:24:22And I think the fresco might be it.
00:24:31Cold leaf.
00:24:44Looks like they might be connected together.
00:24:48That's it. That's your golden way.
00:24:51Well, it's certainly hidden from those who will come after.
00:24:54But this fresco itself wouldn't provide never-ending prosperity.
00:24:58And why are these three different drawings connected by the golden way?
00:25:01What are they meant to represent?
00:25:02These symbols could be part of some sort of legend.
00:25:05Or they could be a map of Malta.
00:25:23Wait, that tower could be just outside Delhimara.
00:25:26There's been towers like that up and down the coastline for centuries.
00:25:29Many of them have been replaced, but I just don't know which one this is exactly.
00:25:32And that one on the bottom?
00:25:34That has to be the ancient apiary at Dara Deb.
00:25:37I've been there many times.
00:25:38Or you just see bees and everything.
00:25:40Bees are everything, ecologically speaking.
00:25:42But in this case, Dara Deb is Maltese for golden house.
00:25:47I'm just not sure what the birds have to do with it, though.
00:25:51Okay. You say you're right.
00:25:54Why draw three different locations? Which one is most important?
00:25:58Well, that one I'm not so sure about.
00:26:02The structure looks like it could be a Roman villa of some sort.
00:26:05Could be.
00:26:06Okay. So you're most certain about the ancient apiary?
00:26:09Yeah, I'd say so.
00:26:11All right. We start there, and then we work our way clockwise to the tower.
00:26:16Oh, no.
00:26:18No, I agreed to watch you stare at a wall while I waited for straggler bees.
00:26:22I did not agree to ferrying you around the country on a wild bee chase.
00:26:26It's a wild goose chase.
00:26:27Oh, so you admit it.
00:26:28Look, I would have realized it was a map eventually, okay?
00:26:32But you helped me get here faster.
00:26:37I need you.
00:26:40A local.
00:26:41And you're here.
00:26:46I will work around your schedule.
00:26:53Well, I've never followed an ancient map before.
00:26:56I can't promise we'll find anything.
00:27:00But I can promise we'll have fun trying.
00:27:05Tomorrow, then.
00:27:07We'll go to the Golden House. Where are you staying?
00:27:09The World Mariner Hotel.
00:27:10One of my best customers. I'll pick you up first thing.
00:27:13Then it's a date.
00:27:15Not a date date. Just an outing between two adults.
00:27:38Good morning, beloved sister.
00:27:40Hello. You're up very early for a vacation day.
00:27:43I thought I'd help out with the books.
00:27:45No, you don't have to do that. You should be relaxing.
00:27:49That honeymoon tour went really well. They loved it.
00:27:52That was a good idea. Sorry if I was hesitant.
00:27:54Great. Because I have more theme ideas.
00:27:57And I think we should start up the school tours again. We haven't done them since my...
00:28:00Yes, it's on my list. I just need to get the day-to-day a bit more under control.
00:28:05Which is why I'm going to help you.
00:28:07And maybe you can confirm speaking at the London Ecology Conference next month.
00:28:11That's on pause for now.
00:28:13But this is what you love to do. Spread awareness. Educate.
00:28:16I'll get back to it eventually. You don't need to worry about me.
00:28:20Oh, the boutique hotel called to confirm the honey toasting.
00:28:23Yes, that's tomorrow. Today I'm taking Austin to Dara dip.
00:28:28A date?
00:28:29No, it's for his research.
00:28:31I know I don't really have time, but for some reason I couldn't say no.
00:28:35I know the reason.
00:28:38You should go. Have some fun.
00:28:40He's cute.
00:28:41He thinks so.
00:28:44I hadn't really noticed.
00:28:59Eva, morning.
00:29:02Ready to get started?
00:29:03Started on what?
00:29:04The festival planning, the marquee event.
00:29:06Oh, um, I don't...
00:29:09Eva, you forgot your phone.
00:29:11Oh, you're a lifesaver.
00:29:12Hi, Chloe.
00:29:14Hi, Mathieu.
00:29:17Our mayor needs help brainstorming a marquee event for the honey festival this weekend.
00:29:22I love brainstorming.
00:29:23What about a pageant, an art show or a race?
00:29:28I like the way you think.
00:29:29Oh, how about honey fondue?
00:29:31I love it.
00:29:32A quiz. Wildflower crowns. Ping the stinger on the bee.
00:29:56Okay, all right, Paolu.
00:29:58You are a true master.
00:30:00Rematch tomorrow?
00:30:04Oh, hello, Zbeja.
00:30:06Oh, Paolu.
00:30:10Oh, bonjour.
00:30:12Oh, bonjour.
00:30:14You're learning Maltese?
00:30:15I am. Paolu's teaching me a few things.
00:30:18Oh, okay.
00:30:21Huh. And what do you think that means?
00:30:26It's a beautiful day.
00:30:29I think you should stick to English.
00:30:31Is my pronunciation that bad?
00:30:33Paolu, come on!
00:30:39How much longer till we get to the Golden House?
00:30:41Dara Deb. It's not much further.
00:30:45Do you hear that?
00:30:48It's coming from under the hood.
00:30:49No, it always sounds like that.
00:30:50Well, it shouldn't always sound like that.
00:30:51It's fine.
00:30:52When's the last time you had this thing serviced?
00:30:56Don't say never.
00:30:57Okay, I won't say it.
00:30:59We've got to stop at the next service station.
00:31:00No, that's back in Port Grace. I'll do it later when I've dropped you off.
00:31:03You know, this thing's pretty beat up. You ever think about trading it in?
00:31:06No, I don't.
00:31:07Well, it costs more to fix this old heap than to get a new one.
00:31:10Well, not everything's about money.
00:31:12Well, at the very least, you should maintain its oil or else it'll catch fire.
00:31:16It's not going to catch on fire if it's low on oil.
00:31:19Do you know anything about cars?
00:31:20Well, my dad's a mechanic.
00:31:22And, yes, it could ignite.
00:31:25You're over-exaggerating.
00:31:26I'm not over-exaggerating.
00:31:28I'm just educating you about proper car maintenance.
00:31:30Oh, well, consider me educated.
00:31:33Can we change the subject?
00:31:34As long as you promise to change your oil.
00:31:36Yes, I promise.
00:31:37Look, we're almost there.
00:31:50I've never seen a structure like this.
00:31:52There's still a few left on Malta.
00:31:54It looks Roman.
00:31:56It could be 2,000 years old. It's incredible.
00:31:59Yeah, it really is.
00:32:01You know, you can almost feel the whispers of the people who lived here,
00:32:06who loved here, who got stung here all those years ago.
00:32:10Well, I didn't take you for a romantic.
00:32:14History is romantic.
00:32:16It's the same human experience repeating itself over and over again.
00:32:21You should have been a philosopher, not an archaeologist.
00:32:23I'm more interested in things than I am people.
00:32:26Even though, without people, there'd be no things?
00:32:30Now, who's the philosopher?
00:32:47There's something special here.
00:32:49They have to come and remove hives every now and then
00:32:51so the odd tourist doesn't get stung.
00:32:57the bees come back to their ancient home?
00:33:01Oh, that's fascinating.
00:33:04Whoa, look at this.
00:33:07It's ancient graffiti of some sort.
00:33:12It's a bird.
00:33:14It's a honeyguide bird.
00:33:16You can tell by the white circle under its eye.
00:33:18These birds were used to guide our ancestors to ancient bee colonies.
00:33:24they built this place
00:33:26and then brought the bees in after?
00:33:28Like a bee farm?
00:33:30Well, there must be a reason why they built it in this specific place.
00:33:33Well, I can tell you they built it to face the south.
00:33:36That's best for the bees.
00:33:37It maximizes sunlight.
00:33:40Well, this must be the right spot
00:33:42because it's the same bird symbol that we saw on the fresco.
00:33:46It's just a mystery as to why it's there.
00:33:48You know, the fresco's not the type of map where X marks the spot.
00:33:52Well, obviously.
00:33:54There's no X on it.
00:34:00The Greeks painted the fresco
00:34:02and then the knights covered it up for some reason.
00:34:05I just don't know what that reason is.
00:34:17That's so funny.
00:34:18Just festival ideas.
00:34:20Mathieu wants to dress Balu up in a bee suit.
00:34:25Has he been here all day?
00:34:27Brainstorming, you know how it goes.
00:34:29Oh, and I had to show him around.
00:34:31Did you know he's never been to the apiary before?
00:34:34Yes, he has.
00:34:35Oh, how did your dead plane tour guide for Austin go?
00:34:37He's not on holiday.
00:34:40I'm going to take him to some of the sites referenced on the fresco tomorrow.
00:34:43He thinks it might be some sort of map.
00:34:45A map?
00:34:48Sorry, a map?
00:34:49To what?
00:34:50To Malta.
00:34:52But Austin thinks there's probably more to it than just that.
00:34:55Will you keep me posted?
00:34:56Of course.
00:34:57Do you two need any help planning?
00:35:00Don't worry, sis, I got this.
00:35:03Yes, she does.
00:35:05Good night.
00:35:15Am I expecting you?
00:35:17Uh, no.
00:35:19Wait, well, yes.
00:35:20I just figured I'd come meet you here so we could head out to the next stop on the map.
00:35:25The tower?
00:35:27Yes, that's the place.
00:35:28OK, well, that's perfect.
00:35:29A beekeeper in our association lives there who I promised a queen to.
00:35:32You know, I was trying to figure out which tower it was, but I didn't have much luck.
00:35:35It seems like there's a few places that fit the spot on the map.
00:35:38Well, we can ask Abram.
00:35:39He lives on the coast.
00:35:40I just have a few things I need to do here first.
00:35:44You can come with me if you like, or I can pick you up later.
00:35:47I'm here.
00:35:48Why don't I just tag along?
00:35:51OK, great.
00:36:01Good morning, everyone.
00:36:04It's going to be another sunny day.
00:36:07I've just seen a new patch of wild satyr flowering on the edge of town you might want to check out.
00:36:14This is Austin.
00:36:16I have met him before, but he's got a bit of a nervous vibe, so you probably put him out of your hive mind.
00:36:21Are you seriously talking to the bees?
00:36:23My mom always said if you tell the bees your secrets, they'll make the honey even sweeter.
00:36:28Your mom's also a beekeeper?
00:36:31She died last year.
00:36:34I'm really sorry.
00:36:36Yeah, me too.
00:36:37She ran this place without a hiccup.
00:36:39It's very big shoes to fill.
00:36:41Well, it looks like you're doing just fine.
00:36:44I'm glad it looks that way.
00:36:46Now, we shouldn't be talking about her in front of the B-E-E-S, because they miss her too.
00:36:59Would you like to talk to them before I put them away? It's very therapeutic.
00:37:03I'm good.
00:37:04OK, well, goodbye for now, bees.
00:37:06I'll tell you all about it later.
00:37:11Come on.
00:37:25This doesn't look like a coastal tower.
00:37:27I did say I had a couple of things to do before we could leave.
00:37:30This is the second.
00:37:34I'm sorry, I just gotta get this.
00:37:39What's the update? I haven't heard from you since I've been back.
00:37:42There's been a development.
00:37:43Good. Get the funding application in. I'll tell the board.
00:37:47No, we're not quite there yet. I'd still have to find a location.
00:37:51Austin, time is running out.
00:37:53I'm on it.
00:37:54Thanks, Michael.
00:37:57I hope so.
00:37:59Everything OK?
00:38:02I hope so.
00:38:03Great. You can take this.
00:38:09You coming?
00:38:14This tasting is going to change your mind about honey.
00:38:18You really took that as a personal insult, didn't you?
00:38:21More like a challenge.
00:38:22Are you just a savoury-over-sweet kind of guy?
00:38:24No, neither. The honey I grew up on, it came in a plastic bear.
00:38:28It was just... It was too sweet.
00:38:31You cannot judge all honey based on the supermarket, mass-produced kind.
00:38:39How old is that one?
00:38:40Uh... Oh, it's as old as me. This one was harvested the year I was born.
00:38:44And it's still good?
00:38:45The oldest known honey is 5,000 years old and perfectly edible. It never goes off.
00:38:51I knew about the discovery, I just never knew anyone ate it and lived to tell the tale.
00:38:55Well, they did. And don't worry, I'm not that old, so you'll be fine.
00:39:07Wow, that's honey?
00:39:10Tastes like caramel.
00:39:11Notes of carob and eucalyptus.
00:39:14Now, try this. It's the spring harvest.
00:39:23Still getting flowers.
00:39:25And this is autumn.
00:39:32It's... It's citrusy. Can honey be refreshing?
00:39:37Well, the Greeks didn't call it ambrosia for nothing.
00:39:39I've been living under false pretenses my entire life. I feel cheated.
00:39:46Look, I can get that for you.
00:39:55What drone would leave his queen in a time of need?
00:40:00You'd be surprised.
00:40:05Where's the other apron?
00:40:07Well, it's either that or I keep eating.
00:40:11Ah, there's one in the crate.
00:40:17Hi, I'm Ava from Pacifica Grove Apiary. Come and try some of our honey.
00:40:25Our main honeys we have here are carob...
00:40:27That was fun.
00:40:29Even though I mixed up the spring honey with the winter?
00:40:32You made up for that by convincing them to buy both jars.
00:40:35Well, if I can't decide, then how can they?
00:40:38My praise indeed.
00:40:45You know, you can actually take that off now. I mean, it's a look.
00:40:49Yeah, yeah.
00:40:53Come on.
00:40:54Getting it here.
00:40:56I know how you can thank me.
00:41:00What did you have in mind?
00:41:09You can take me to the tower.
00:41:13We should get going then.
00:41:14Okay, let's do that.
00:41:17The other... the other side.
00:41:19The other side?
00:41:22The other... the other side.
00:41:24The other side?
00:41:51I take it you didn't have it serviced.
00:42:00I could get used to this.
00:42:02Well, Michigan must have some charms.
00:42:04Four months out of the year, it does.
00:42:07Big lakes, green forests.
00:42:09It's just the rest of the year, everything is frozen under mountains of snow.
00:42:12Oh, snow sounds fun.
00:42:14It is.
00:42:15For a few weeks.
00:42:16It's just shoveling your driveway gets old real fast.
00:42:19And digging out your car isn't the same as digging up ancient ruins.
00:42:22Well, I wish someone would dig up all the ruins.
00:42:24I'm constantly tripping over them.
00:42:26I wish someone would dig up all the ruins.
00:42:28I'm constantly tripping over them.
00:42:29It's a hazard.
00:42:30You're so spoiled.
00:42:32You know you have architecture spanning millennia.
00:42:35From all different cultures in the Mediterranean.
00:42:37You know Malta is practically a microcosm of Western civilization?
00:42:40Yeah, we know.
00:42:42Try being 12 years old and having to memorize every ruler of this island for the last 4,000 years.
00:42:47I would have enjoyed that.
00:42:50But I thought you went to school in England.
00:42:52Oh, the accent.
00:42:53My father's British.
00:42:55My mother was Maltese.
00:42:57They divorced when I was little and he moved back to the UK.
00:43:00That must have been tough.
00:43:02It was normal.
00:43:03Did you always know you were going to take over the apiary?
00:43:07Did you always know you'd be an archaeologist?
00:43:10I found an arrowhead camping when I was a kid and I was hooked.
00:43:14I love finding a piece of history that gives you a window into the past.
00:43:23Your lectures must be fascinating.
00:43:26Well, I think so.
00:43:28Gotta ask my students.
00:43:37Hey, ma.
00:43:41I brought you your queen.
00:43:43Ah, grazie.
00:43:45This is Austin.
00:43:47Nice to meet you.
00:43:49I don't know how to respond to that.
00:43:54Austin is an archaeologist and he's interested in seeing the old towers.
00:43:58Oh, which one?
00:43:59The milk tower and the gold tower are close by.
00:44:02There's a gold tower?
00:44:03Well, actually, the gold tower has been replaced, but the remnants are still there.
00:44:08It's just at the end of the road.
00:44:10So, um, where's your truck?
00:44:13It broke down on the coastal road.
00:44:16She ran out of oil.
00:44:18I'm surprised it hasn't caught on fire.
00:44:21Yeah, me too.
00:44:22Listen, I'll text my nephew, James.
00:44:24He's a mechanic.
00:44:26In the meantime, why don't you stay for supper?
00:44:30It's really kind of you, but we're...
00:44:32I wish we could.
00:44:34Maybe next time.
00:44:35Well, James says he'll meet you by your truck in an hour.
00:44:41The tower is...
00:44:43Your car's missing.
00:44:44Okay, great.
00:44:46Nice to meet you.
00:44:52Both locations from the map have gold in their name.
00:44:54It cannot be a coincidence.
00:44:57I agree.
00:44:58Without evidence, the name is just a name.
00:45:04You know, the Knights Hospitaller built up towers all along the coastline
00:45:08to protect them from potential invaders, but...
00:45:12These remains predate them.
00:45:14How can you tell?
00:45:18See the darker flecks on the mortar?
00:45:21Yeah. Isn't that just dirt?
00:45:23My guess is volcanic ash.
00:45:26The Romans used to mix it with lime in order to make a more waterproof mortar than lime itself.
00:45:31The technique was lost after the Roman era until the early 19th century.
00:45:35So this was built in Roman times, but the fresco is Greek.
00:45:39Well, Greek in style.
00:45:42But I'm guessing that the fresco was painted during the Roman occupation.
00:45:47Because this construction method fits.
00:45:50But why is it called the Gold Tower?
00:45:56Look at this.
00:46:03Ancient pottery.
00:46:06I'm guessing this was a storehouse.
00:46:09Fortified tower in the middle of nowhere.
00:46:13Next to a harbor?
00:46:15It's the perfect place to store your valuables.
00:46:18Valuables like gold?
00:46:20The Knights did like to amass a serious amount of wealth.
00:46:23And they also liked to hide it.
00:46:25But how is this place connected to Dara Deb, apart from having gold in the name?
00:46:32Are you okay?
00:46:38We should probably get back to the truck.
00:46:41Abram's nephew's probably waiting for us.
00:46:48I'll follow you just in case you forget how to walk again.
00:47:02Hi, you must be James.
00:47:06You might have a problem with your oil pan.
00:47:08It's completely dry.
00:47:11I need to tow the truck back to my garage to fix it.
00:47:14You're not going anywhere today.
00:47:17Let me call Chloe. I'm sure she'll come pick us up.
00:47:23Hi, it's Chloe. I'm unavailable, but please leave a message after...
00:47:30Well, how about a taxi? You got a taxi in town?
00:47:33There's a bus, but not until the morning.
00:47:37Then I guess we're spending the night.
00:47:39My uncle has a room.
00:47:40Two rooms.
00:47:42He also has two.
00:47:44So, who wants to ride Bertha first?
00:47:49I'm going to walk.
00:47:51I will also see you back at the house.
00:47:54Thanks, James.
00:47:56Happy to help, I guess.
00:48:00Well, James knows a lot about old trucks.
00:48:03He's very modest.
00:48:05For an American.
00:48:07He even adjusted the ignition timing,
00:48:09so the engine should be working much smoother.
00:48:12Oh, it's fixed?
00:48:14The oil pan is also all rusted out, so it needs to be replaced.
00:48:17I'll pick one up first thing in the morning.
00:48:20Thank you both.
00:48:21Now, come and sit down.
00:48:22Livia's pulled out all the stops.
00:48:24I should probably go get changed first.
00:48:26No, no.
00:48:27You sit.
00:48:28We are all family here.
00:48:30I'm back.
00:48:31All right.
00:48:34Smells delicious.
00:48:38What kind of fish is that?
00:48:39It's swordfish.
00:48:40We call it fishy spot.
00:48:42Yeah, and try that, bro, Jodie.
00:48:44That's bacon, egg, garlic, all wrapped in beef,
00:48:47then slow-cooked in a lovely wine sauce.
00:48:54What kind of cheese is that?
00:48:56It's sheep's milk cheese.
00:48:57It's my favorite.
00:48:58Try it with the salad,
00:48:59although that's not technically traditional.
00:49:02And this is...
00:49:06Mac and cheese?
00:49:08Way better than what you're thinking of.
00:49:15The direct translation is, have a good meal.
00:49:18I think this meal will make me feel very good.
00:49:21Nikolai Taiba.
00:49:37That was the most incredible meal I've ever had in my entire life.
00:49:42So, you still haven't told us
00:49:44why you wanted to visit those old ruins.
00:49:49Well, it's part of an old map we're following.
00:49:53Oh, must be a very old map.
00:49:56Do you know why it was called the Gold Tower?
00:49:58Yeah, there was never any actual gold, was there?
00:50:01Maybe, maybe not.
00:50:03You see, this was a notorious spot for pirates
00:50:06right throughout history.
00:50:07They raided ships, going to Valletta, Gold Zoe, even Sicily.
00:50:12By then, the knights built a settlement here
00:50:15and they took over the tower.
00:50:17So it's called the Gold Tower
00:50:19because the knights posted here stopped the pirate raids.
00:50:22More because they took a share from the pirates' stolen goods.
00:50:26You know, valuable commodities from all over the Mediterranean
00:50:29supposedly kept in the tower.
00:50:39Hey, can you believe what Abram told us?
00:50:44Pirate gold.
00:50:46Are we looking for actual gold?
00:50:48I mean, it fits with your idea
00:50:50of a hidden storehouse at the Gold Tower.
00:50:52Well, if the knights did hide gold all over Malta,
00:50:55then of course they're going to try to cover up the map leading to it.
00:51:00Uh, we seem to have an audience.
00:51:14I could go for a walk after that amazing meal.
00:51:17Oh, uh, okay.
00:51:24Aren't you coming with me?
00:51:30I don't do this enough.
00:51:34Moonlight walks with handsome strangers?
00:51:38I mean, this is so exciting.
00:51:41We're following a real, genuine treasure map.
00:51:44Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
00:51:47It's a theory until proven, and there are a lot of questions.
00:51:51Like what?
00:51:52Like why was the fresco painted in the first place?
00:51:54I get the knights turned it into a map,
00:51:56but what did it originally represent?
00:52:00Does it matter?
00:52:02The French priest talked about the Golden Way,
00:52:05a never-ending road to prosperity.
00:52:08I mean, that is what you're looking for.
00:52:19For agreeing to ferry me around.
00:52:24And for not properly maintaining your vehicle.
00:52:29You're thanking me for neglecting proper car maintenance.
00:52:33Well, it wouldn't be here if you didn't.
00:52:55I'm sorry.
00:52:57No, it's fine.
00:53:05It's getting a bit cold. I might head back.
00:53:12Can I walk you?
00:53:25I still don't see a proposal in my inbox, Austin.
00:53:28Today's the 13th. You've only got two days left.
00:53:31This tenure position is slipping through your fingers.
00:53:34I'm working on it.
00:53:36There's a fresco.
00:53:38A fresco? That's it?
00:53:40I don't know if a fresco will cut it.
00:53:42I think it's a map,
00:53:44but so far the landmarks haven't led to anything concrete.
00:53:47Are you sure you're looking at it the right way?
00:53:50There's a void in the center, though.
00:53:52There's something missing.
00:53:54That's odd. Is it damaged?
00:53:56I don't know.
00:53:58I need to get my hands on an infrared machine.
00:54:00I just can't find one that will get here in time.
00:54:02Let me call my contacts at the university.
00:54:04I'll get right back to you.
00:54:06All right. Thanks, Michael.
00:54:13Hi, Chloe.
00:54:15Eva, where are you?
00:54:17We need to set up the apiary store for the festival.
00:54:19It's tomorrow, in case you forgot.
00:54:21The truck broke down outside Delimara.
00:54:23I called you last night. Where were you?
00:54:25With the mayor.
00:54:26Wait. Are you still with Dr. Archaeologist?
00:54:32And we kissed.
00:54:35And nothing.
00:54:36He's not moving to Malta and I'm not leaving,
00:54:38so what's the point?
00:54:40What about you?
00:54:41Spending the evening with Matthew again?
00:54:43The festival's tomorrow. Shouldn't you be done?
00:54:45It's all in the details, Rhys.
00:54:47We just have a lot to discuss.
00:54:49Over dinner?
00:54:50We all need to eat.
00:54:52I have to go. Get back here.
00:54:54Can't put together the booth by myself.
00:54:56Yeah, I'm on my way.
00:55:09Good morning.
00:55:11I hope you slept well. I mean, I sure did.
00:55:14Why wouldn't I?
00:55:16Oh, James has fixed the oil pan,
00:55:18so we are ready to leave, if you're ready.
00:55:22I have to go to Marcia's Lock to pick something up,
00:55:25so I'll just take a taxi.
00:55:27What's in Marcia's Lock?
00:55:29An infrared machine for the fresco.
00:55:31But I could take a bus.
00:55:33Do you not want me to take you?
00:55:35Do you want to take me?
00:55:37Not if you don't want me to.
00:55:40I just figured last night...
00:55:43Last night was nothing.
00:55:46It was just a kiss.
00:55:48We're both adults. It's no big deal.
00:55:54Let's get you to Marcia's Lock.
00:56:04You sure?
00:56:06I'm sure.
00:56:17We're early.
00:56:19Mind if we hang out for an hour?
00:56:21If you're okay to eat.
00:56:25Let's go.
00:56:27This part of Marcia's Lock has the best cafes.
00:56:31I read about this.
00:56:33The different colored doors used to represent
00:56:35the goods stored inside.
00:56:37Green for fruits and veggies,
00:56:39yellow for food,
00:56:41and red for food.
00:56:43Green for fruits and veggies,
00:56:45yellow for flour.
00:56:47Well, I can tell I won't have to play tour guide.
00:56:50It's an occupational hazard.
00:56:52Before I travel somewhere,
00:56:53I need to know a decent amount about the history.
00:56:55Even on holiday?
00:56:56Oh, especially on holiday.
00:56:59On my honeymoon, I went to Egypt with my ex-wife.
00:57:01I organized a trip to the pyramids by dynasty
00:57:03to see the evolution of the construction methods.
00:57:07You were married?
00:57:14How can you be barely married?
00:57:17Well, my ex is also an archaeologist.
00:57:21And around a month after we got married,
00:57:24she went for a dig in Guatemala
00:57:26and decided she wanted to be married
00:57:27to her interpreter instead.
00:57:30I'm sorry.
00:57:32That must have hurt.
00:57:33It took some time.
00:57:35But you know what?
00:57:37I'm over it.
00:57:40Oh, hey.
00:57:41I love this place.
00:57:46Oh, great.
00:57:52Oh, boy.
00:57:53These are atalace, or honey rings.
00:57:57Is anything in Malta not made from honey?
00:57:59No, nothing worth eating.
00:58:01Especially with a Maltese coffee.
00:58:09Too strong.
00:58:10You know, I like a good espresso.
00:58:11I just don't think I was mentally prepared for that.
00:58:18So, your turn.
00:58:21Last relationship.
00:58:24Well, I was married, too.
00:58:27Just a little longer than you were.
00:58:30It was almost 10 years.
00:58:34What happened?
00:58:35Well, he's English.
00:58:36We'd met at school here.
00:58:38His parents were diplomats.
00:58:39And we dated on and off all through our teenage years.
00:58:42Got married straight out of university.
00:58:44Then he wanted to move to England, so I went with him.
00:58:47So you lived in England?
00:58:50Almost five years.
00:58:51Then when my mom got sick, of course I came back to be with her.
00:58:55And he didn't.
00:59:00No one is as loyal as a drone.
00:59:05His life was there.
00:59:07And as soon as I set foot back on Maltese soil, I knew mine was here.
00:59:12I don't regret it.
00:59:13Not that it happened, and not that it's over.
00:59:17Same with me.
00:59:18I'm really happy with where I am right now.
00:59:26What do you think?
00:59:29I think I really like honey.
00:59:38You're welcome.
00:59:41So that's the infrared machine.
00:59:43It's way smaller than I thought.
00:59:45It's the portable version, but it should be enough to show us any other paint layers under the fresco.
00:59:50Well, let's get going.
00:59:51I'm dying of curiosity.
00:59:52Yeah, just one snag.
00:59:54It doesn't have a battery.
00:59:56Well, we'll pick one up at the store.
00:59:57No, no.
00:59:58It's not that type of battery.
00:59:59My contacts are sending me one from Palermo.
01:00:01It'll be at my B&B tomorrow.
01:00:03That might not happen.
01:00:04A festival tends to delay everything.
01:00:06I can't be delayed.
01:00:08I'm under a tight timeline.
01:00:10Um, one sec.
01:00:12Oh, it's my sister.
01:00:13I better take it.
01:00:15Hey, Chloe.
01:00:17I'm later than I said I'd be.
01:00:18I asked Paolo to help set up the booth, and you didn't come back.
01:00:21Eva, he fell.
01:00:22He's at the hospital.
01:00:24Hi, Eva.
01:00:25Hi, Austin.
01:00:26You didn't have to come here.
01:00:27Of course we did.
01:00:28Paolo, I'm so sorry.
01:00:29Are you OK?
01:00:30It's only a sprain.
01:00:31I'll be fine.
01:00:32Hold on.
01:00:33You speak English?
01:00:34Of course.
01:00:35You didn't tell me?
01:00:36You didn't want to tell me?
01:00:37Look, I hope you didn't come out of your way.
01:00:40Chloe made it sound worse than it is.
01:00:42I'm sorry.
01:00:43I'm sorry.
01:00:44I'm sorry.
01:00:45I'm sorry.
01:00:46I'm sorry.
01:00:47I'm sorry.
01:00:48I'm sorry.
01:00:49I'm sorry.
01:00:50I'm sorry.
01:00:51I'm sorry.
01:00:52Chloe made it sound worse than it is.
01:00:53Still, it's my fault.
01:00:54I should have been there.
01:00:55Can I drive you home?
01:00:57No, I'll take him.
01:00:58You go talk to Chloe.
01:00:59God, is she that mad?
01:01:01Not mad.
01:01:03But she blames herself.
01:01:04Well, I'll make my way back to the B&B, and I'll be sure to stay off the road.
01:01:09Well, let me know when the battery arrives.
01:01:11I'll be in the town square all morning.
01:01:13OK, well, I'll find you.
01:01:22I'll see you.
01:01:34Thought I'd find you here.
01:01:38Bought you these from Master Shock.
01:01:46I haven't been here since Mum died.
01:01:48Remember how she used to bring us here every summer before the harvest?
01:01:51To bless the bees for the year ahead.
01:01:53Thought we should do it again this year.
01:01:55Mm, definitely.
01:02:02I miss Mum.
01:02:06I don't know how she did this on her own.
01:02:09Well, she had us.
01:02:10I'm sorry, Chloe.
01:02:11I haven't been a very good sister lately.
01:02:14No, Eva.
01:02:15I'm sorry.
01:02:17I haven't been honest with you.
01:02:20Remember when you asked about that promotion at work?
01:02:23I turned it down.
01:02:25Why would you do that?
01:02:27Things changed after Mum died.
01:02:30For both of us.
01:02:31You inherited the apiary.
01:02:34But Mum didn't.
01:02:35I didn't either.
01:02:36You inherited the apiary.
01:02:39But Mum didn't do it all on her own and you shouldn't have to either.
01:02:43I want to be the one to help you.
01:02:47I know I'm struggling a bit figuring it all out, but that's my problem.
01:02:50I really don't want to make it yours.
01:02:53At least I got the booth ready for tomorrow.
01:02:55Oh, I so owe you for that.
01:02:56And for dealing with Matthew.
01:02:59Speaking of.
01:03:01Is it okay if I'm not at the booth much tomorrow?
01:03:03But you asked if I could help run the festival.
01:03:06Well, of course then.
01:03:26Your stall is looking very festive.
01:03:30Well, no thanks to me.
01:03:31What can I do for you, Mr Mayor?
01:03:33Just checking in with everyone.
01:03:37Did your sister say anything to you about me?
01:03:44Just that you'd asked her to run the festival, which might actually be your job.
01:03:50I was thinking we'd do that together.
01:03:54But she seems to not need me.
01:03:57Well, that's Chloe.
01:03:58Give her a job and she'll run with it.
01:04:00Just have to try and catch her on the way.
01:04:02Where's the archaeologist?
01:04:03Did he decipher the map?
01:04:05He actually thinks it might be something to do with hidden pirate gold, if you can believe that.
01:04:12In Port Grace?
01:04:14I should call Heritage Malta again.
01:04:16Maybe they'll give us higher priority.
01:04:19Well, Matthew, wait.
01:04:20I'm not sure Austin's actually finished with it.
01:04:29This is spring and summer honey from this year, and the autumn is from last year.
01:04:34Are these handmade?
01:04:35Yes, they're pure beeswax, so they're a natural air purifier.
01:04:38Oh, and help yourself to seeds.
01:04:40We want our Maltese bees to have plenty of food all around the island.
01:04:43Are there any other colours?
01:04:45No, I'm really sorry.
01:04:46There's the only colours those candles come in, actually.
01:04:48And I can give you a change in euros, if that's all right?
01:04:50No problem.
01:04:52I'll be right with you.
01:04:54You have got to learn a new phrase.
01:04:56Well, telling people I smell like flowers just doesn't have the same ring to it.
01:05:01You know there's these apps that translate everything instantly?
01:05:05You knew all along, and you kept saying it?
01:05:07Just, you know, put a smile on your face.
01:05:13Thank you very much.
01:05:22Thank you very much.
01:05:23Sorry, I'll get the soup, please.
01:05:24Thank you so much.
01:05:26Good day.
01:05:40It's time for the traditional singing and dancing to start.
01:05:42Oh, there's Luna.
01:05:46Hey, look at her.
01:05:47Wow, are you going to join her?
01:05:49No, I've got two left feet.
01:05:51Well, that stops her trying to recruit me every year.
01:05:59To a job well done.
01:06:00To a job well done.
01:06:07Autumn, this is so good.
01:06:09Exactly what I needed.
01:06:12Thank you for today.
01:06:13I don't think I could have got through it without you.
01:06:15I know you don't like asking for help.
01:06:17So thank you for letting me.
01:06:18Well, I was desperate, so...
01:06:23Sometimes helping is a way for people to show you they care.
01:06:34I can't believe I haven't asked you yet.
01:06:36What's happened with the fresco?
01:06:38Well, it's already waited a few hundred years.
01:06:41It's a few hours more.
01:06:44The battery arrived half an hour ago.
01:06:46I couldn't abandon you to all these people.
01:06:48That's very sweet, but I wish you would have said something.
01:06:51I would have closed the booth earlier.
01:06:53Let's go.
01:06:59You ready?
01:07:09A female figure.
01:07:12Can you zoom out?
01:07:20Three female figures.
01:07:22In the Greek style.
01:07:23Do you know who they are?
01:07:25The Thrie.
01:07:27Greek nymphs with the gift of prophecy.
01:07:30Very few depictions of them survive at all.
01:07:32I've never heard of any outside of Greece.
01:07:34It's the bee maidens.
01:07:35They say they will worship her.
01:07:37That's why Malta has such unique honey bees.
01:07:39My family story.
01:07:40Wait, wait, wait.
01:07:42The prophecy that inspired your ancestors to raise bees
01:07:45was given to them by the Thrie?
01:07:49But why would the Knights Hospitaller care about Greek nymphs?
01:07:52They didn't.
01:07:53That's why they painted over them.
01:07:54They wanted to keep the map for themselves.
01:07:57But what if the Golden Way has something to do with bees?
01:08:01It could be a metaphor for the ancient source of Malta's prosperity.
01:08:16Excuse me, but this area now is under the protection of Heritage Malta,
01:08:20under the authority of the Maltese government.
01:08:22Hi, hello.
01:08:24I'm Dr. Austin Morgan of North Dobson University in Michigan.
01:08:27Nice to meet you.
01:08:28Nice to meet you.
01:08:29The mayor of Port Grace gave us permission to study the fresco.
01:08:32The mayor told us of your work.
01:08:34If you have any insights, we'd appreciate them.
01:08:36Please, call the office to set up a meeting.
01:08:46You can't just let them push you away like that.
01:08:49Ava, what am I supposed to do? It's their jurisdiction.
01:08:52I'm out of time, anyways.
01:08:54I don't understand.
01:08:55I have until tomorrow to submit a new proposal for research funding.
01:08:58I have to publish a new find or I'd lose out on tenure.
01:09:01But we found the fresco days ago. What's stopping you?
01:09:03It's not just about the fresco. We need to know where it leads.
01:09:06Well, then let's figure it out.
01:09:08Now we know about the bee maidens. We think they were worshipped here.
01:09:11The fresco is...
01:09:12The fresco is no closer to showing us its meaning than what it was before.
01:09:18I wasted so much time with you.
01:09:23I wasted your time?
01:09:25Yes, but it...
01:09:26No, it's okay. I totally get it.
01:09:30It was really fun playing Indiana Jane for a couple of days with you.
01:09:37Good luck with your proposal.
01:09:59There you are. We've been waiting for you.
01:10:02To judge the best honey ring.
01:10:05What are you talking about?
01:10:06It was my idea.
01:10:07You brought me that honey ring from Mars Ashok
01:10:09If Mathieu wants to feature Maltese honey at the festival,
01:10:11what better way than to have a Maltese traditional pastry competition
01:10:15that will draw families from all over the country and beyond.
01:10:18It's a good idea.
01:10:19It's a great idea. And on such short notice, we made it work.
01:10:23But why should I be the one to judge it?
01:10:25Well, you own Port Grace's oldest and most successful apiary.
01:10:28Who knows honey better than you?
01:10:33Chloe does.
01:10:35You've been trying to tell me something and I haven't been listening.
01:10:38No, you're busy. I get it.
01:10:39No, I've been making it all about me and my insecurities.
01:10:42You're just trying to help because you care.
01:10:44I love you. And I love the apiary too.
01:10:47I just, I just want to be a part of your life.
01:10:50Mum's life.
01:10:52I want that too.
01:10:53And let's face it, the way that Mum did things isn't exactly working out for me.
01:10:57Something needs to change.
01:10:59And you have a vision for the apiary. I mean, the theme tours.
01:11:03And a restaurant. And an international honey competition.
01:11:09And more things. Too many things.
01:11:12If you want to hear them.
01:11:13I do.
01:11:15And I want you to feel like you have a voice in our family business.
01:11:19Which is why you should be my partner.
01:11:2150% of the work for 50% of everything.
01:11:24Eva, you don't have to.
01:11:26No, I do. I need you to push me.
01:11:28I need you to hold me back.
01:11:29Which is why we should do it together.
01:11:31I accept.
01:11:33Well then, your first job as apiary co-owner is to judge the pastries.
01:11:39Ladies, I think we need to begin.
01:11:42Are you sure?
01:11:43Very. And someone needs to stay on the little good side.
01:11:48Don't worry. I'll protect your honour.
01:11:50You're now one of Port Grace's most important citizens.
01:11:53Though you already were important.
01:11:55To me.
01:12:07How's the arm?
01:12:09Still attached.
01:12:11Where's your American archaeologist?
01:12:13On the next flight home, I think.
01:12:15Why? What happened?
01:12:17You two were so cute together.
01:12:18We were never together, Luna.
01:12:20Maybe not.
01:12:21But I can still be sorry that it didn't work out.
01:12:24It doesn't matter.
01:12:25He was always leaving eventually.
01:12:28What did you both think of the honey-themed festival?
01:12:30Oh, I liked it.
01:12:32Next year, I'm going to suggest we have a procession along the old honey road.
01:12:36What's the old honey road?
01:12:38How have I never heard of it?
01:12:40For centuries, all the beekeepers and the farmers
01:12:42walked together from sunrise to sunset.
01:12:45Starting near the ancient apiary at Dar-e-Deb,
01:12:47where they collected the honey.
01:12:49Then they travelled down to the farm field.
01:12:51And there was a blessing for the harvest, too.
01:12:54Afterwards, they followed along the coast
01:12:56to the gold tower at Delimara,
01:12:58where the honey was stored and from there shipped to all of Europe.
01:13:03The harvest blessing?
01:13:04Like the one my mum used to take us to in the wildflower grove?
01:13:08That's the place.
01:13:09The field with the old Roman farmhouse.
01:13:15I'll be back.
01:13:27So I hear the Maltese authorities have gotten word about a fresco in Port Grace.
01:13:31Yeah, yeah, they're here now.
01:13:33Do you have enough for the proposal?
01:13:34It's due tomorrow, but I'm not sure Heritage Malta
01:13:38will welcome an outside team on this one.
01:13:40It's all I got, so it's going to have to do.
01:13:43I won't say I'm not disappointed, but you knew the risk.
01:13:47Go big or go home, right?
01:13:48I guess I'm coming home.
01:13:51Well, tenure or no tenure,
01:13:53you're still a valued member of this department.
01:13:56Come see me when you're back.
01:13:57I will. Thank you.
01:13:58I gotta go.
01:14:00What's going on?
01:14:01I figured it out.
01:14:02The fresco, the map, the French priest's golden way,
01:14:05it's all to do with bees.
01:14:07The route of the golden way on the map
01:14:10is what Paolo called the old honey road.
01:14:12Look, this field is where they used to bless the harvest.
01:14:16I know this location.
01:14:17My mum used to take Chloe and I when we were little girls.
01:14:20And the yellow circle on the fresco is the sun.
01:14:23I should have realised
01:14:24all apiaries must face south for the sunlight.
01:14:28Okay, where is this field?
01:14:30And what does it mean?
01:14:31I have to show you.
01:14:33Eva, about what I said earlier...
01:14:35Apology accepted.
01:14:36Then let's go.
01:14:40There was a procession here.
01:14:42The golden way?
01:14:44The procession followed down into the valley
01:14:45where they planted crops
01:14:46and left an offering of honey for a favourable harvest.
01:14:49Not protecting pirate gold, but liquid gold?
01:14:52Yeah, and not just honey.
01:14:53Other produce from the harvest,
01:14:54which was then shipped from the harbour.
01:14:57This all fits.
01:14:58There's got to be something here
01:14:59to confirm that this is the right location.
01:15:01It's just a puddle of rocks.
01:15:04Maybe this was a waste of time.
01:15:10What I said earlier,
01:15:13I did mean it.
01:15:15None of this has been a waste of time.
01:15:19I know.
01:15:25You didn't even flinch.
01:15:26I flinched on the inside.
01:15:42That bee just went inside of those rocks.
01:15:44How odd.
01:15:48I know.
01:16:05There's stairs.
01:16:06Well, I think we can both sit through there now.
01:16:09If only I had an old-school torch.
01:16:11And a whip and a leather fedora?
01:16:14All right.
01:16:16you want to go first?
01:16:19you know how you feel about bees?
01:16:22That's how I feel about snakes.
01:16:26Well, allow me.
01:16:28Oh, wait, I've got a lantern in the truck.
01:16:47I've lived here my entire life.
01:16:49I had no idea this was here.
01:16:53Doesn't look like there's much here.
01:16:57Just a bunch of old broken clay pots.
01:17:02point your light over there.
01:17:19What is this place?
01:17:22It's a shrine
01:17:23dedicated to the Three-Eyed.
01:17:26God, look at all these baskets.
01:17:28Yeah, it looks like it was also a cellar
01:17:30they stored goods in to keep them cool and dry.
01:17:35Some of those jars have their seals still intact.
01:17:39Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
01:17:48From the decorations,
01:17:49it looks like it could be centuries-old pottery.
01:18:03It's honey.
01:18:07What are you doing?
01:18:10Don't do that.
01:18:13Summer harvest.
01:18:14Summer harvest?
01:18:25That's the box.
01:18:26That's the box from the diary.
01:18:55It's what they used for transporting bees.
01:18:58So it...
01:19:00It wasn't
01:19:01coins or honey
01:19:03that the priest brought to the New World.
01:19:06It was Maltese bees.
01:19:09With the bees, the Michigan settlers would have...
01:19:12The bees pollinated the crops.
01:19:14This means bees were the golden way to never-ending prosperity.
01:19:19We have to go.
01:19:20You have to write your proposal.
01:19:22Let's get out of here.
01:19:28This is an incredible find.
01:19:30A once-in-a-lifetime discovery.
01:19:32Even though it isn't quite the gold you expected?
01:19:34Nothing in Malta is what I expected.
01:19:37Nothing in Malta is what I expected.
01:19:42I can't believe a Maltese bee brought to Michigan 400 years ago
01:19:46has brought me back to Malta.
01:19:49To you.
01:19:51Even though bees all return to their homes just like us?
01:19:57I wish I didn't have to go.
01:20:01But I have to submit my proposal.
01:20:03Then I have my presentation the next day.
01:20:05And then...
01:20:10Who knows?
01:20:12Your home is in Michigan, and mine is here.
01:20:15I don't have to ask the bee maidens to predict our future.
01:20:19But I'm really glad I met you.
01:20:35I'm really glad I met you.
01:20:52Oh, good. You're back.
01:20:54I just wanted to run a couple of things past you before Mathieu gets here.
01:20:57Before your first weekend away together to romantic Florence?
01:21:01If you need me to stay, I'll stay.
01:21:02No, don't be silly. Go and have fun.
01:21:04I intend to.
01:21:05But first, I confirmed you as a speaker at the Ecological Conference in London next week.
01:21:09Can't wait.
01:21:12These came in.
01:21:14Our new honey jars!
01:21:15Chloe, these are gorgeous!
01:21:18What a genius idea!
01:21:20Of course you'd save that. It was yours.
01:21:22Oh, and one more thing.
01:21:24There's someone talking to the bees.
01:21:35It's been a month.
01:21:37Hopefully she hasn't forgotten about me already.
01:21:46Excuse me!
01:21:48Can I help you?
01:21:51I was a bit nervous, so I thought I'd take advantage of your bee therapy.
01:21:59It worked.
01:22:02It worked.
01:22:04What are you doing here?
01:22:05I thought you'd like to know that my proposal was accepted.
01:22:09I got the research funding.
01:22:14I mean, you could have texted.
01:22:16I know, I could have.
01:22:19But one of the conditions for the funding requires me to be on-site liaising for Heritage Malta during the time of the excavation,
01:22:24so I just figured I'd come tell you in person.
01:22:29What about tenure?
01:22:30I'm on professional sabbatical.
01:22:32So, who knows what the future will bring?
01:22:36Well, you'll have to ask the bee maidens.
01:22:38Yeah, I'll be spending enough time with them.
01:22:40Not all your time, I hope.
01:22:41No, most of my time will be spent consulting with the best beekeeper in all of Malta, if she's okay with that.
01:22:50Is honey sweet?
01:22:52Sometimes floral.
01:22:55Sometimes citrusy.
01:23:02Sometimes citrusy.
01:23:23So you and Nathan —
01:23:26Bernhard Monski is on his way to Hope Valley.
01:23:29You've got to be kidding me.
01:23:30Don't tell us that he's here to make a bid on this resort.
01:23:32The people deserve to have a say in the future of Hull Valley.
01:23:36Aren't there any photos of my father in this album?
01:23:39I want to meet him.
01:23:40She's going to keep asking for him.
01:23:42How am I supposed to tell her the truth now?
01:23:44When Calls the Heart is all new Sunday night at 9, only on Hallmark.
01:23:49Streaming the next day on Hallmark Movies Now.
