Black Mold (2023)

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"Black Mold" (2023) is a psychological horror film that explores the terrifying consequences of a photographer's curiosity when she ventures into an abandoned, mold-infested building. The story centers on Brooke, an urban explorer and photographer, who, along with her friend Tanner, decides to document a decaying, long-forgotten structure rumored to be hazardous. As they delve deeper into the building, they begin to experience disturbing hallucinations, paranoia, and a growing sense of dread. What starts as a thrilling adventure quickly turns into a nightmare as the toxic mold within the walls seems to have a malevolent will of its own, preying on their fears and pushing them to the brink of madness. As the line between reality and delusion blurs, Brooke must confront her darkest fears or risk being consumed by the insidious force that lurks within the building.

00:03:11Okay, remember, 30 minutes, wait two minutes,
00:03:14come back in 15 if I haven't seen you yet.
00:03:16Don't worry, I got this.
00:03:20Thank you.
00:03:26Hey, am I wrong in thinking that a getaway driver
00:03:29is a little much?
00:03:30I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate it and all,
00:03:33but we always park at the locations with Dave.
00:03:38That's because Dave always plays it safe.
00:03:43Only going to places he gets permission.
00:03:48I wanted to see something new.
00:03:53Look, I get it, having CJ drive us is a little excessive,
00:03:59but she helps us stay off the radar.
00:04:02If there's not a car on the property,
00:04:04then nobody knows we're here.
00:04:07Okay, I get it.
00:04:10Shall we?
00:04:28Cat piss and mold.
00:04:32Smells lovely.
00:04:38Oh, yeah, definitely smells ripe.
00:05:54I'm going to head upstairs.
00:05:57I'll come with you.
00:06:01What's the matter? You okay?
00:06:04Yeah, I'll be fine.
00:06:08Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
00:06:12Tell me that doesn't look like a person standing there.
00:06:15You seriously just got scared of some clothes.
00:06:17Shut up.
00:06:26Isn't this a little bizarre?
00:06:29What, your irrational fear of clothes?
00:06:35I don't know why they're called irrational fears.
00:06:39I have to imagine that most people have a reason
00:06:42to be afraid of whatever it is that scares them.
00:06:46Even if that fear is foolish, perhaps unwarranted,
00:06:50something at some point must have happened to influence it,
00:06:55thus making it rational, not irrational.
00:07:00Enlighten me, then.
00:07:02What makes someone afraid of clothes?
00:07:12I'm sorry, did you say, wait, what?
00:07:15The clothes, the way that they're hanging
00:07:18reminded me of a scarecrow,
00:07:21and that's what scares me, scarecrows.
00:07:24You're afraid of scarecrows.
00:07:27Yes, I am, okay?
00:07:29Come on, don't tell me you don't have a dumb fear.
00:07:33I mean, no, I do.
00:07:37Well, I did when I was a teenager.
00:07:41That's exactly what I mean.
00:07:44When I was a kid, I saw this movie on TV
00:07:47where this dude disguised himself as a scarecrow
00:07:50to hide from these southern assholes
00:07:52who eventually tracked him down and killed him in cold blood.
00:07:56There was this one close-up of his eyes
00:07:59underneath the burlap mask
00:08:01just full of absolute fear right before they shot him
00:08:05that truly haunted me,
00:08:07and I haven't been able to look at scarecrows the same ever since.
00:08:13That movie messed me up when I was a kid.
00:08:16So, back to my original point.
00:08:19Is it an irrational fear?
00:08:21Yes, because scarecrows can't really hurt you,
00:08:24but it stems from a very rational emotion.
00:08:29It's okay, little boy.
00:08:32Come on. One more rope.
00:08:35Would you please stop?
00:08:51All I'm gonna say is this.
00:08:53You're afraid of birds,
00:08:55and I'm afraid of what's supposed to scare them.
00:08:58We make a good team.
00:09:01We're going. Let's go. Go, go, go.
00:09:07Hey, you don't by any chance have any aspirin, do you?
00:09:10Uh, let me check. You all right?
00:09:13I'm okay. I just get these really intense headaches
00:09:16when it comes to mold.
00:09:18I doubled up on some allergy pills,
00:09:20hoping it would do the trick, but clearly it's not.
00:09:24I got nothing. Sorry.
00:09:26I'll be fine.
00:09:28Your head's okay?
00:09:30Yeah, I'm good. I don't feel anything.
00:09:33Man, people who don't have allergies
00:09:36have no idea how nice they have it.
00:09:39Between clothes and allergies,
00:09:42how are you ever gonna make it through today?
00:09:45I'll be fine. I'm not worried about them.
00:09:48It's how I'm gonna be able to survive an entire day with you.
00:09:52That's the real question.
00:09:55Don't worry. I'll play nice.
00:10:07What's up, nerd?
00:10:13Quick, drive. Leave Brooke here.
00:10:16Okay, you want to play like that?
00:10:19C.J., do you have allergies?
00:10:22I surely do not.
00:10:24Go ahead, Tanner.
00:10:26Oh, my God.
00:10:28Tell me what.
00:10:41This is it!
00:10:43How did you find this one?
00:10:45Don't worry about it. I have my wife.
00:10:47You are incredible.
00:10:49I know.
00:10:51I'm gonna shoot this first.
00:10:57Watch out for clothes.
00:11:00Oh, and scarecrows.
00:11:03Oh, and scarecrows with allergies wearing clothes.
00:11:08And you watch out for redundant jokes.
00:11:11Oh, no, it's too late for that.
00:11:52That's a little creepy.
00:13:19Don't worry. You don't have to be scared.
00:13:22There is nothing up here.
00:13:25Oh, come on.
00:13:27This is not nothing.
00:13:45I think I found Jesus.
00:13:53What was your big fear from childhood?
00:13:57What's that?
00:13:59At the last house you said you knew what I meant.
00:14:02I'm not sure.
00:14:04I'm not sure.
00:14:06I'm not sure.
00:14:08I'm not sure.
00:14:10I'm not sure.
00:14:12I'm not sure.
00:14:14I'm not sure.
00:14:16I'm not sure.
00:14:18I'm not sure.
00:14:20At the last house you said you knew what I meant.
00:14:23About how our fears stem from something real.
00:14:27You never said what yours was, though.
00:14:32What still haunts you?
00:15:07Sorry, what?
00:15:09You okay?
00:15:11Yeah, I...
00:15:13I just got lost in thought.
00:15:23CJ's here.
00:15:25You ready?
00:15:27Yeah. Let's do it.
00:15:33I'll meet you downstairs.
00:16:25Here you go.
00:16:36What you got there?
00:16:42Yeah, nothing.
00:16:50You regret coming along with us yet?
00:16:52No, it's been great.
00:16:54How about you two? Feeling good about everything so far?
00:16:56Yeah, for sure.
00:16:58I mean, the first two houses were just a warm-up as far as I'm concerned.
00:17:01Oh, yeah?
00:17:03Where are we going, then?
00:17:05Franklin Hill.
00:17:07Shut the fuck up.
00:17:09Mm-hmm. Wait, what's Franklin Hill?
00:17:11It's this, um...
00:17:13Well, that's a good question, actually.
00:17:15What is it?
00:17:17I'll be honest.
00:17:19I don't even really know.
00:17:21I've heard a lot of theories over the years,
00:17:23but I've never actually met anyone who's been there.
00:17:26To the best of my knowledge, it's got some sort of
00:17:28government connection to it or something,
00:17:30like a training base or a testing facility or something like that.
00:17:34What I do know is it's been abandoned for decades,
00:17:38and it's a place I've been wanting to hit for a while.
00:17:42This is gonna be fun.
00:17:44Ha ha ha!
00:17:59This... This is it.
00:18:01Guys, this is it.
00:18:03These are the test cells.
00:18:05If we stay on this road, Franklin Hill should be just up ahead.
00:18:08I don't want to come back to these.
00:18:17You want to come in this way?
00:18:19No, I don't.
00:18:21I don't want to.
00:18:23I don't want to.
00:18:25I don't want to.
00:18:27You want to come in this one with us?
00:18:29I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass.
00:18:31Oh, someone's scared.
00:18:34I'm not scared, asshole.
00:18:36You just don't have the urge to inhale nasty-ass,
00:18:38moldy air like you do, weirdos.
00:18:40Who knows what that crap does to your brain?
00:18:42You might start seeing shit, for all I know.
00:18:44Did C.J. Mueller just say that she doesn't want to inhale
00:18:47something that might cause hallucinations?
00:18:49I will end you, Bellman.
00:18:53You sure you don't want to come in with us?
00:18:57Because we're going to need more time at this place.
00:19:00I am absolutely sure.
00:19:04What do you think, an hour to start with?
00:19:08Make it three.
00:19:29Of course.
00:19:35Hey, Tanner.
00:19:37What's up?
00:19:40So, there's more to it.
00:19:43More to what?
00:19:47To this.
00:19:49Today, us being here.
00:19:53I'm going to have an exhibit at the pre-B.
00:20:00I'm sorry.
00:20:04Is this what you were reading about in the car?
00:20:08And I got a grant.
00:20:10A grant?
00:20:11What kind of grant?
00:20:13Pretty big grant.
00:20:16I'm going to have an exhibit at the pre-B.
00:20:20Pretty big grant.
00:20:23Are you serious right now?
00:20:25Holy shit.
00:20:26You're serious, aren't you?
00:20:28You are so fucking serious right now.
00:20:33I am so happy for you.
00:20:38Why wouldn't I be?
00:20:40I don't know.
00:20:41I just...
00:20:42You've been trying to get into the pre-B for a while,
00:20:44and I've only been in Milwaukee for a year,
00:20:47and here I am telling you I'm going to be featured there.
00:20:50Dude, this is not about me.
00:20:53This is about you.
00:20:55What kind of dickhead would I be
00:20:57if I was pissed off about a friend who found some success?
00:21:00Oh, hold on.
00:21:02I haven't found any success yet.
00:21:04Yeah, yeah.
00:21:05You got into the pre-B.
00:21:07That alone is a massive success.
00:21:09Will you please just accept it, you talented little asshole?
00:21:13I guess it is a success, isn't it?
00:21:16It is, and you got a grant.
00:21:18A pretty big grant.
00:21:20A pretty big, fat, fucking grant.
00:21:23A pretty big, fat, fucking grant!
00:21:35Do you think what C.J. said had any truth to it?
00:21:38About what?
00:21:40About the air in these places getting to your head,
00:21:43making you see stuff.
00:21:45I don't know.
00:21:46Has it ever happened to you before?
00:21:48Not that I know of.
00:21:50Except there is nothing to worry about.
00:21:54I don't know.
00:21:55I don't know.
00:21:56I don't know.
00:21:57I don't know.
00:21:58I don't know.
00:21:59I don't know.
00:22:00I don't know.
00:22:01I don't know.
00:22:02Don't worry about it.
00:22:32Fuck me.
00:23:02Fuck me.
00:24:02I'm pretty good here, I think I'm going to head to the second floor.
00:24:22You cool with that?
00:24:23Yeah, sure.
00:24:24I'll be up there in a minute.
00:25:54I don't know how much you saw, but there's some really good stuff up here.
00:26:11Like that.
00:26:12That's gnarly.
00:26:13Where do you think did that?
00:26:19I only did a quick look around.
00:26:24Haven't checked out too much of the floor yet.
00:26:36You know what?
00:26:37I kind of want to play with some double exposure.
00:26:40Do you think you could help me out?
00:26:49We should go.
00:26:53Do you not see that?
00:26:54So what?
00:26:55So what?
00:26:56Come on.
00:26:57Think about it.
00:26:58We can't run out of here just because some squatter who's probably long gone.
00:27:07Tanner, we're here.
00:27:09I need this location.
00:27:11How much longer till CJ shows up?
00:27:15Oh my god.
00:27:18Just shy of two hours.
00:27:22Oh come on.
00:27:23It's just a little...
00:27:28You know what?
00:27:29Why don't we go check out the test cells?
00:27:33Get outside.
00:27:34Get some fresh air.
00:27:37You look rough.
00:27:39You do.
00:27:43My head's starting to hurt a little bit.
00:27:45Come on.
00:27:46I don't know.
00:27:47What about your show?
00:27:48Don't worry about that right now.
00:27:52Come on.
00:27:59Cheetah, I'm so sorry.
00:28:01I didn't realize your allergies were so bad.
00:28:03My eyes are just a little dry.
00:28:07You've had quite the scares today.
00:28:10Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I do have pepper spray in my bag.
00:28:16Because I know exactly where I left my knife at home.
00:28:19Come on.
00:28:20Everything's fine.
00:28:21Who are you?
00:28:22What are you doing here?
00:28:23I'm so sorry, sir.
00:28:24Hey, man.
00:28:25It's cool.
00:28:26We don't want any trouble.
00:28:27I promise.
00:28:28I said, who are you?
00:28:29And what do you want with me?
00:28:30We're simply photographers.
00:28:31You're with them, aren't you?
00:28:33We just came here to photograph them.
00:28:35No, no, no.
00:28:36We don't know anyone.
00:28:38Holy shit!
00:28:43Oh, shit!
00:28:44Come on!
00:28:45I'm here!
00:28:46Come on!
00:28:47I'm here!
00:28:48Come on!
00:28:49I'm here!
00:28:52I knew you bastards would find me!
00:28:58You're not gonna take me!
00:28:59Pepper spray!
00:29:01Pepper spray!
00:29:02No one's gonna take me!
00:29:05You think I'm afraid?
00:29:06Come on!
00:29:08Got it, got it, got it, got it!
00:29:09I'm not afraid anymore!
00:29:11Come on!
00:29:12What are you waiting for?
00:29:19Point and spray, right?
00:29:34I'm sorry!
00:29:36I can't see!
00:29:37I can't see!
00:29:39I can't see!
00:29:40I can't see!
00:29:41Open the goddamn door!
00:29:42Let me in!
00:29:44Let me in!
00:29:46Damn it!
00:29:47Please, just leave us alone!
00:29:55Sir, please!
00:29:56We don't want any trouble!
00:29:57We just...
00:29:58We just wanna leave.
00:29:59Then why are you after me?
00:30:00We're not after you!
00:30:02We don't even know where you are!
00:30:03Then what are you doing here?
00:30:04We just scanned and shot the building!
00:30:05You came here to spy on me?!
00:30:06We're not!
00:30:07I promise you we're not!
00:30:08Then you can tell them where I am!
00:30:09We don't even know you!
00:30:17We don't even know who they are!
00:30:20Don't give me that shit.
00:30:24Sir, please.
00:30:26Just listen to me, okay?
00:30:29Where are you?
00:30:32We just came here to photograph the building.
00:30:35That's it.
00:30:36We didn't even know you were here.
00:30:39I swear.
00:30:41And I'm supposed to believe that?
00:30:45Because I'm telling you the truth!
00:30:51We don't know who you are,
00:30:54why you're here,
00:30:56or who's looking for you.
00:30:58So you know someone's looking for me!
00:31:02No. No, no, no.
00:31:06That's not what I meant.
00:31:07Please. Please, just...
00:31:09Just hear me out, okay?
00:31:13We just... We just want to leave.
00:31:16We mean it, man. We'll leave.
00:31:18I swear!
00:31:29You mean it?
00:31:33You didn't come here to find me?
00:31:37And you're just gonna leave?
00:31:40You are my word.
00:31:43I promise.
00:31:46Oh, geez.
00:31:50I'm sorry.
00:31:56What a fool I made of myself.
00:31:59Hey. That's okay.
00:32:02And me chasing you into a room.
00:32:07You must think I'm crazy.
00:32:09No. We just got a little scared, that's all.
00:32:12We didn't expect to see you,
00:32:14and you didn't expect to see us.
00:32:19You got that right.
00:32:21So do we have an understanding?
00:32:24Yeah. Sure.
00:32:34Could... Could you just do us a favor, please?
00:32:39Could you... Could you just take 10 steps away from the door?
00:32:43I'll tell you what.
00:32:45I'll take 15.
00:32:47All right.
00:32:49That'd be great. Thanks.
00:32:59And could you...
00:33:03Thank you.
00:33:08Thank you.
00:33:17You okay with this?
00:33:21We don't have another choice.
00:33:26Not yet.
00:33:33Okay. Sir?
00:33:37I'm going to open the door slowly, okay?
00:33:40And we're just...
00:33:42We're just gonna walk straight to the stairs.
00:33:47And you'll never, ever have to see us again.
00:33:52If you say so.
00:34:10No, no, no, no, please!
00:34:37I remember you.
00:35:07I remember you.
00:35:37I am so sorry for your loss.
00:37:21There's my little star.
00:37:30The fresh air feels good.
00:37:33You mind if I sit down?
00:37:39Hey, hey.
00:37:41Shh. It's okay.
00:37:43Please don't go away again, Dad.
00:37:47Please don't leave me.
00:37:49I'm right here.
00:37:51I'm right here.
00:37:53I did this to you.
00:37:56It's all my fault.
00:37:58That's not true.
00:38:00Why would you say such a thing?
00:38:02Because it is true.
00:38:05It's on everyone's face when they talk to me.
00:38:10Even Mom.
00:38:13They all blame me.
00:38:16And they're right.
00:38:19Little star, look at me, huh?
00:38:24Can I give you a piece of my mind?
00:39:01Look up.
00:39:38It's okay.
00:39:40It's okay.
00:39:42Okay. We're all right.
00:39:44Let's go.
00:39:46My stuff.
00:39:50It's okay. I'm not here.
00:39:55Where is it?
00:39:57I don't know.
00:40:01That's all I know.
00:40:07What the hell is this?
00:40:16Are you feeling okay?
00:40:21Not at all, my head.
00:40:36Sorry, that just kind of crept up out of me.
00:40:41It's okay.
00:40:43I'm so sorry.
00:40:45This is all my fault.
00:40:48This is all my fault.
00:40:51I'm so sorry.
00:40:54I must apologize for being so...
00:41:04But I had to be sure you weren't a threat.
00:41:07That you weren't with them.
00:41:09Hey, man! Fuck you!
00:41:14I'm glad you came.
00:41:19You have to keep your cool if you want to stay alive.
00:41:22We have to keep our cool.
00:41:24I appreciate your anger.
00:41:27I hope you believe me. I am sorry.
00:41:30Oh, he appreciates our anger. Isn't that nice?
00:41:33Just help me figure out how to get out of here, okay?
00:41:36Door's not locked.
00:41:39It's just blocked.
00:41:41You push it hard enough, it'll open.
00:41:43Because that worked out so well for us last time!
00:41:47Look, you've a right to be upset with me.
00:41:51I understand. But I'm not going to harm you, I promise.
00:41:55My friend's right!
00:41:57It didn't work out so well for us last time!
00:42:00And that was wrong of me.
00:42:02I shouldn't have done that, but I...
00:42:04I had my reasons.
00:42:06Now I know.
00:42:08I swear on my daughter's lives,
00:42:11I will not harm you.
00:42:15Until we get out that way.
00:42:24Come on.
00:42:26You believe this bullshit?
00:42:30We don't have another choice.
00:42:34That's our only way out.
00:42:38Just be ready, okay?
00:43:03Come on.
00:43:05Come on.
00:43:29Come on. None.
00:43:31None. Come on!
00:43:33Film. Pictures.
00:43:36That's what they use.
00:43:38I'm sorry, I have to, just to be safe.
00:43:41It's a misunderstanding.
00:43:44It's all just a big misunderstanding.
00:43:48Let's just move past it and stay calm.
00:43:52I can stay calm.
00:43:54I'm worried about him.
00:43:58I'm not the one who attacked you!
00:44:02I'm so sorry, sir.
00:44:04We're just a little on edge right now.
00:44:08But we're okay.
00:44:10We're all okay.
00:44:16What's your name?
00:44:19I don't need to tell you that.
00:44:21No, I'm sorry.
00:44:23Of course not.
00:44:27Look, we had a friend drop us off and...
00:44:30as soon as she shows up, we'll gladly leave.
00:44:34Without any problems.
00:44:36Yeah. Okay.
00:44:39Just stay where you are until then.
00:44:51If we do one for you,
00:44:54you do one for us.
00:44:58Give us back our gear.
00:45:05You got yourself a deal.
00:45:14My bag, too?
00:45:37But I'll hold on to this.
00:45:56For your eyes.
00:45:59It's not great, but it'll take the edge off the burning.
00:46:03And you can...
00:46:05clean up your face.
00:46:20Don't. No.
00:46:44When's this ride of yours supposed to arrive?
00:46:50Do you have a watch?
00:46:56Do you have a watch?
00:46:59You don't think that she's...
00:47:01Sir, you didn't hear anyone or see anyone pull up while...
00:47:06while we were...
00:47:08walked us out?
00:47:11No, I didn't.
00:47:14I didn't see anyone else.
00:47:17I didn't hear anyone else.
00:47:20Okay, that's...
00:47:23that's good. That means she should be here soon.
00:47:27Hope she arrives before nightfall.
00:47:31What's that supposed to mean?
00:47:33Doesn't mean anything.
00:47:34Then why did you say it?
00:47:36You're too damn jumpy and hot-headed.
00:47:39And I don't want to see what you're like when it gets dark in here.
00:47:43Need I remind you?
00:47:58She's here.
00:48:00She's here.
00:48:01What? Are you serious?
00:48:05Go. Go.
00:48:08Be well, little star.
00:48:14What? What did you say?
00:48:20Brooke, come on!
00:48:35Come on.
00:48:59Where is she?
00:49:02I... I saw her.
00:49:05I know I did. I...
00:49:07I saw her.
00:49:09Then where is she?
00:49:11Tell me that.
00:49:12I don't know.
00:49:13Where is she?
00:49:14I don't know. I saw her, okay?
00:49:15She was right there. I saw her pulling. She was...
00:49:19She was...
00:49:26Why don't we just leave?
00:49:29We could walk.
00:49:31Walk to where?
00:49:33I don't know.
00:49:35There's got to be something around.
00:49:37Do you remember seeing a house or a gas station or anything before we got here?
00:49:44I wasn't looking for it, you know?
00:49:54Still, there's got to be something or someone.
00:50:00Worst case scenario, we walk a few miles and wave down a car.
00:50:04A few miles?
00:50:07We're at least 20, 25 miles from any resemblance of a town.
00:50:13And what about when C.J. comes back?
00:50:17She should be here soon.
00:50:19She's going to hold on to that idea.
00:50:26You don't think she's going to come back?
00:50:28I just think that we should explore other options.
00:50:32Especially with him here.
00:50:44I know this is going to sound crazy, but I can't believe I'm saying this.
00:50:50Do you think...
00:50:54Do you think he might be...
00:50:56He might be what?
00:51:00Oh, no. Nothing. Nothing.
00:51:02Nothing. Never mind. Never mind.
00:51:05It's just...
00:51:08It's just something he said.
00:51:11I'm just... I'm reading too much into it.
00:51:14You think he's a werewolf or something?
00:51:19Why would you say that?
00:51:21He made that comment about getting out of here by nightfall, which, not going to lie, is kind of weird.
00:51:28For a split second, I thought maybe he's a werewolf.
00:51:33Maybe that's why he's here, to isolate himself around the full moon so he doesn't hurt anyone.
00:51:37And there's the ripped up clothes and the claw marks I saw.
00:51:43And I remember that I'm an adult and werewolves aren't real, so I don't think we have to worry about that.
00:51:51There isn't a full moon tonight, is there?
00:51:55No, that's...
00:51:58That's not what I was talking about.
00:52:01What is it?
00:52:12Little Star.
00:52:14Little what?
00:52:15Did you hear him call me Little Star?
00:52:18Yeah, I thought my werewolf comment was weird.
00:52:21No, I can't say that I did.
00:52:23Yeah, you...
00:52:26You were already out of the room by then.
00:52:28What does Little Star have to do with anything?
00:52:32It's what my dad used to...
00:52:36I just have to talk to him.
00:52:38Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:52:40Hold on a sec.
00:52:42You want to talk to him?
00:52:45Because I have to, okay?
00:52:46Is this about your exhibit?
00:52:47Excuse me?
00:52:48I'm just trying to figure out why you're so eager to go back out there with him and why you're so against leaving with me.
00:52:55Please get out of my way.
00:53:03Are you sure?
00:53:07After he attacked us?
00:53:09No, I just think it's best if we both just stay down here and...
00:53:13And that's what you think!
00:53:25Do what you gotta do.
00:53:38Just be safe.
00:53:51Come on.
00:54:06It's okay, little girl.
00:54:22Your eye didn't show up, huh?
00:54:26It didn't.
00:54:28Your friend doesn't like me all that much, does he?
00:54:32Don't mind him.
00:54:33Yeah, sure.
00:54:38Did you...
00:54:42When I left...
00:54:50You mentioned your daughters before?
00:54:52What about my girls?
00:54:54I didn't mean to.
00:54:55What about my girls?
00:54:56I'm so sorry.
00:54:57I mean, no offense.
00:54:58I just...
00:55:00I'm sorry.
00:55:10I have a sister.
00:55:30She's four years younger than me.
00:55:32My daughters are four years apart.
00:55:40Where are they now?
00:55:44I assume with their mother.
00:55:46What do you mean you assume?
00:55:48You don't know where they are?
00:55:49Sometimes in life you get dealt a hand you don't know how to play.
00:55:55Sometimes someone gets an idea in their brain.
00:55:59Doesn't matter if it's true or not.
00:56:01An idea on its own can be more than enough to make it seem real.
00:56:09Things happen.
00:56:11Relationships change.
00:56:14People drift apart.
00:56:17That's life.
00:56:19But your daughters...
00:56:21You think I don't want to be there for them?
00:56:24You think I want them to grow up without their father in their life?
00:56:29I had to get away for their own well-being.
00:56:36Because of them.
00:56:38What they threaten to do.
00:56:42Who's them?
00:56:44You think if I knew exactly who they were I wouldn't put a stop to it?
00:56:51I'm sorry.
00:56:52I wouldn't put a stop to it myself?
00:56:55A stop to what?
00:56:58You don't get it.
00:57:00You're right.
00:57:02I don't.
00:57:05I don't understand how a father can just walk away from his family.
00:57:09What's with all the questions, huh?
00:57:11I thought you were a photographer.
00:57:14Am I interesting to you? Is that it?
00:57:17No, it's not that. It's just...
00:57:22You remind me...
00:57:23Enough about me.
00:57:25What about you?
00:57:28Where is your sister now?
00:57:32I don't really know.
00:57:39We kind of drifted apart.
00:57:41You see?
00:57:43You know how it is.
00:57:47You ever wonder how your father feels about his daughters?
00:58:02I'm not waiting around anymore.
00:58:05What do you mean?
00:58:07It's getting late and the sun is going down.
00:58:13If CJ would have come she would have been here by now.
00:58:16And what do you think we should do? Walk?
00:58:18I'm going to go check out those test cells or whatever there are.
00:58:21Tanner, what are you hoping to find?
00:58:24I don't know.
00:58:26It's better than sitting around here with this guy.
00:58:36Are you feeling all right?
00:58:38No, I'm not.
00:58:43Do you want my headlamp?
00:58:45No, I'm fine.
00:58:51I'm sorry.
00:58:57Are you coming?
00:59:05Suit yourself.
00:59:23How appropriate.
00:59:54What the hell was that?
00:59:59I'm not in the mood!
01:00:02Aw, he's not in the mood.
01:00:07Yes sir, your chariot awaits.
01:00:09Dude, fuck you!
01:00:12Where the hell have you been?
01:00:14I lost track of time. I'm sorry.
01:00:16Sorry my ass.
01:00:18Where are you? Let's get the hell out of here.
01:00:20Where are you? Let's get the hell out of here.
01:00:22Come check us out.
01:00:24No, I want to go home.
01:00:26We will. Just give me two minutes.
01:00:29CJ, can we please just...
01:00:31I've been killing time for you and Brooke all day.
01:00:33You can give me two goddamn minutes, okay?
01:00:37Fine. Where are you?
01:00:40Behind you.
01:00:51You know, this is going against my better judgment.
01:00:54When have you ever gone with your better judgment?
01:00:57That's true.
01:00:59Where'd you park the car?
01:01:01It's out back where I dropped you off.
01:01:03Huh. I didn't see it.
01:01:05We must have just missed each other.
01:01:08Come on. It's this way.
01:01:11I'm sorry.
01:01:13Come on.
01:01:15Come on.
01:01:17Come on.
01:01:19It's this way.
01:01:25Ugh. You don't sound so good.
01:01:28Oh, really? You think?
01:01:31Come on.
01:01:47This is bullshit.
01:01:49Can't we just go back now?
01:01:51You gotta see this. Don't be a chump.
01:01:58Don't be a chump.
01:02:00Real funny asshole.
01:02:02Are you coming or what?
01:02:18Nope. Screw this.
01:02:24Look, I'm done playing around.
01:02:27Just give me two minutes, okay?
01:02:30Then we'll leave. I promise.
01:02:36Look, we got bum-rushed by...
01:02:40Well, a bomb.
01:02:42And Brooke's been acting real weird about him.
01:02:45I seriously just think we...
01:02:53Okay. That's it.
01:02:56I'm done.
01:03:11Be cool.
01:03:13Be cool.
01:03:27I am seriously losing my mind.
01:03:41Aw, where you going?
01:03:57Aw, did you break your toy?
01:04:00Meet me at the car. I've had enough of this shit.
01:04:03Why are you getting all pissy?
01:04:05Will you please just cut the shit and...
01:04:11Cut the shit and what?
01:04:24Would you look at that?
01:04:26For once, he has nothing to say.
01:04:30There'll be no turning back.
01:04:33This part will be over.
01:04:38How about we cut the shit and leave you to rot?
01:04:46What the fuck?
01:04:56What? What is it? What's going on?
01:05:00Is someone out there?
01:05:02Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's going on?
01:05:04You did this! You brought them here!
01:05:06Back off!
01:05:07You brought them right to me!
01:05:09Stay the fuck away from me!
01:05:11I knew it! I knew you were working with them!
01:05:13I don't care who you are!
01:05:15And I don't give a shit about you or them!
01:05:18I'm tired of running! Come on!
01:05:21They want me to try!
01:05:24I'm not going down alone!
01:05:26Stay back! Stay the fuck back!
01:05:31You! Back up!
01:05:35I was right all along!
01:05:36Back up! Now!
01:05:40Don't. Don't.
01:05:44Who's even after you?
01:05:47I don't know anymore, goddammit!
01:05:53I don't know.
01:06:10What the hell are we gonna do?
01:06:13I don't know.
01:06:15Especially now with the rain.
01:06:19There's still a chance C.J. could...
01:06:21C.J.'s not showing up, Brooke.
01:06:25Sorry, I didn't mean to lash out like that.
01:06:27No, you're... you're right.
01:06:30She's not.
01:06:35She's not.
01:06:39Dammit, C.J.
01:06:48You wanna talk about what happened?
01:06:53What happened when?
01:06:55When you came barging in.
01:06:58You looked terrified.
01:07:01It was...
01:07:12Yeah, it was nothing.
01:07:14Look, it's just this place and the stress and the mold.
01:07:20Maybe C.J. was right about the air messing with your mind.
01:07:26How's your head?
01:07:29If I'm being honest, it kills.
01:07:33Yeah, mine too.
01:07:40Okay, we just... we just have to ride it out until the morning.
01:07:45When the sun's up, we walk.
01:07:52Until then?
01:07:59Just keep our cool.
01:08:03Come on.
01:08:05Not in there.
01:08:06Why not?
01:08:07Why not? Are you kidding me?
01:08:09Tanner, it's freezing out here. He has a fire.
01:08:12No. No, I say we get our asses to the other side of this building as far away from him as possible.
01:08:18I don't think he's dangerous.
01:08:20He sure as hell isn't stable.
01:08:22And you are.
01:08:28What is it with him?
01:08:31Nothing. It's...
01:08:37I just want to keep an eye on him. That way there are no more surprises.
01:08:41And it's safer.
01:08:43Right. Safer.
01:08:45Yeah, it's safer and warmer. I'm not going to freeze out here all night.
01:08:50If you want him to be the subject of your show, just say it.
01:08:54I can't explain why you're acting so weird.
01:08:58Do whatever you want.
01:09:05I hate this.
01:09:07Okay. Okay. Fine.
01:09:10But you better keep him in check.
01:09:12You better keep yourself in check.
01:09:18At least we know he's not a werewolf.
01:09:22What does that mean?
01:09:23Just pointing out that the moon is up and he hasn't turned.
01:09:29It was a joke.
01:09:31Oh. Right.
01:09:38Come on.
01:09:53Come on.
01:10:12You did this.
01:10:23You did this!
01:10:28It should have been you.
01:10:32It should have stopped.
01:10:35It should have been you!
01:10:47It should have stopped.
01:11:16It should have stopped.
01:11:46It should have stopped.
01:13:34I know you.
01:14:04I know you.
01:14:18What are you doing?
01:14:40My little star.
01:14:41How are you?
01:14:42I don't...
01:14:43Are you...
01:14:44Are you...
01:14:45Why don't you get over here already?
01:14:52I've missed you so much.
01:14:55I'm so sorry, Dad.
01:14:58If it weren't for me, it's too easy.
01:15:01I'm so sorry.
01:15:06Calm down. It's okay.
01:15:08Calm down. I'm here now.
01:15:10I'm so scared.
01:15:12I don't know what's happening to me.
01:15:15I just want to get away from here,
01:15:17but I don't know how.
01:15:20Janet doesn't trust the man upstairs.
01:15:23Be careful of him.
01:15:28Be careful of him when he gets his first taste of blood.
01:15:33You want a man upstairs?
01:15:35Are you okay?
01:15:47Oh, my God, what is happening?
01:15:50Oh, my God.
01:15:53Oh, my God.
01:16:38Hey, wake up. Come on.
01:16:41What is it? What's the matter?
01:16:44We have to go. Now.
01:16:49Hey, look at me.
01:16:51I saw CJ.
01:16:53He saw CJ, right?
01:16:56Like I'm supposed to believe that again.
01:16:58Listen to me. She's dead.
01:17:03CJ is dead.
01:17:05Are you sure?
01:17:08We have to go.
01:17:11Where did you see her?
01:17:13In her car. My dad led me to it.
01:17:15Your dad?
01:17:16Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but come on.
01:17:18It does. Brooke, your dad is dead.
01:17:20I know, but...
01:17:22He walked out on you and your family
01:17:24and then came home to shoot himself in the head
01:17:27over 15 years ago.
01:17:37I'm sorry.
01:17:39I'm not trying to be mean, but...
01:17:42Do you hear yourself right now?
01:17:45I know that you're scared.
01:17:48I'm scared, too, but we have to.
01:17:50I'm sorry.
01:17:53Oh, geez, I'm sorry.
01:18:01Excuse me?
01:18:03Your friend, the one you were waiting on.
01:18:07She showed up earlier.
01:18:10She showed up.
01:18:12She did.
01:18:22When you two were out.
01:18:26Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:18:30Are you serious right now?
01:18:34And you?
01:18:38I'm sorry.
01:18:39You lied to me.
01:18:40No, no, no, no, no.
01:18:42Look, I thought she was with them.
01:18:45Shut up!
01:18:47Shut up!
01:18:50There is no they
01:18:52or them
01:18:53or anyone!
01:18:54Yes, there is!
01:18:55No, there isn't!
01:18:59His first taste.
01:19:04The taste.
01:19:05His first taste of blood.
01:19:09I got confused.
01:19:12I am confused.
01:19:14Stay away.
01:19:15I just want my little girls.
01:19:17Stay away from me.
01:19:19I've been away from my little girls for too long.
01:19:22You left them.
01:19:25Instead of protecting them,
01:19:27instead of being there for them, for your family,
01:19:30you just vanished.
01:19:33Left them behind.
01:19:35No good reason.
01:19:36I had a reason.
01:19:37What kind of father abandons his daughters, huh?
01:19:40What kind of father just walks away?
01:19:42I had to.
01:19:44They didn't deserve that.
01:19:47I didn't deserve that.
01:19:49Little star.
01:19:50No, you do not get to call me that
01:19:54and act like everything is okay.
01:19:57Everything is not okay.
01:20:01I am not your fucking little star.
01:20:27You're such a coward.
01:20:36We're leaving.
01:20:42I had to.
01:20:44I had to.
01:20:46I had to.
01:20:58He's done it.
01:21:01He's done it.
01:21:07What do you mean he's done it?
01:21:13Oh, God.
01:21:15Oh, God, no.
01:21:19Let's go.
01:21:20Let's go.
01:21:26Oh, God.
01:21:37Oh, God.
01:21:38Oh, God, no.
01:21:42Stop him.
01:21:46You've got to stop him.
01:21:48Brooke, you've got to stop him.
01:21:50Brooke, please.
01:21:54Brooke, you've got to stop him.
01:21:56Stop him.
01:21:57What is he talking about?
01:22:00Stop him, Brooke.
01:22:04It's a matter with him.
01:22:07Oh, God, no.
01:22:09You've got to stop him, Brooke.
01:22:13Stop him.
01:22:17No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:22:18Stop him.
01:22:27Oh, God.
01:22:28Oh, God.
01:22:29Oh, God.
01:22:30Oh, God.
01:22:31Oh, God.
01:22:32Oh, God.
01:22:33Oh, God.
01:22:34Oh, God.
01:22:35Oh, God.
01:22:36Oh, God.
01:22:37Oh, God.
01:22:38Oh, God.
01:22:39Oh, God.
01:22:40Oh, God.
01:22:41Oh, God.
01:22:42Oh, God.
01:22:43Oh, God.
01:22:44Oh, God.
01:22:45Oh, God.
01:22:46Oh, God.
01:22:47Oh, God.
01:22:48Oh, God.
01:22:49Oh, God.
01:22:50Oh, God.
01:22:51Oh, God.
01:22:52Oh, God.
01:22:53Oh, God.
01:22:54Oh, God.
01:22:55Oh, God.
01:22:56Oh, God.
01:22:57Oh, God.
01:22:58Oh, God.
01:22:59Oh, God.
01:23:00Oh, God.
01:23:01Oh, God.
01:23:02Oh, God.
01:23:03Oh, God.
01:23:04Oh, God.
01:23:05Oh, God.
01:23:06Oh, God.
01:23:07Oh, God.
01:23:08Oh, God.
01:23:09Oh, God.
01:23:10Oh, God.
01:23:11Oh, God.
01:23:12Oh, God.
01:23:13Oh, God.
01:23:14Oh, God.
01:23:15Oh, God.
01:23:16Oh, God.
01:23:17Oh, God.
01:23:18Oh, God.
01:23:19Oh, God.
01:23:20Oh, God.
01:23:21Oh, God.
01:23:22Oh, God.
01:23:23Oh, God.
01:23:24Oh, God.
01:23:25Oh, God.
01:23:26Oh, God.
01:23:27Oh, God.
01:23:28Oh, God.
01:23:29Oh, God.
01:23:30Oh, God.
01:23:31Oh, God.
01:23:32Oh, God.
01:23:33Oh, God.
01:23:34Oh, God.
01:23:35Oh, God.
01:23:36Oh, God.
01:23:37Oh, God.
01:23:38Oh, God.
01:23:39Oh, God.
01:23:40Oh, God.
01:23:41Oh, God.
01:23:42Oh, God.
01:23:43Oh, God.
01:23:44Oh, God.
01:23:45Oh, God.
01:23:46Oh, God.
01:23:47Oh, God.
01:23:48Oh, God.
01:23:49Oh, God.
01:23:50Oh, God.
01:23:51Oh, God.
01:23:52Oh, God.
01:23:53Oh, God.
01:23:54Oh, God.
01:23:55Oh, God.
01:23:56Oh, God.
01:23:57Oh, God.
01:23:58Oh, God.
01:23:59Oh, God.
01:24:00Oh, God.
01:24:01Oh, God.
01:24:02Oh, God.
01:24:03Oh, God.
01:24:04Oh, God.
01:24:05Oh, God.
01:24:06Oh, God.
01:24:07Oh, God.
01:24:08Oh, God.
01:24:09Oh, God.
01:24:10Oh, God.
01:24:11Oh, God.
01:24:12Oh, God.
01:24:13Oh, God.
01:24:14Oh, God.
01:24:15Oh, God.
01:24:16Oh, God.
01:24:17Oh, God.
01:24:18Oh, God.
01:24:19Oh, God.
01:24:20Oh, God.
01:24:21Oh, God.
01:24:22Oh, God.
01:24:23He was going to attack us.
01:24:31Please, please don't kill me.
01:24:35Please don't kill me, Tanner.
01:24:38Please don't kill me.
01:24:40I'm sorry.
01:24:41It's okay.
01:24:42It's okay.
01:24:43I shouldn't have brought us in.
01:24:44It's okay to cry over a stone.
01:24:49I'm not going to hurt you.
01:24:51This is going to hurt.
01:24:57What are you doing?
01:25:05You stupid bitch.
01:25:14It's all your fault.
01:25:20Your dad deserved to die.
01:25:29I'm surprised it took him so long to blow his brain down to tiny mature.
01:25:57Shut up.
01:26:46Shut up.
01:26:49Shut up.
01:27:16Shut up.
01:27:46Shut up.
01:28:16Shut up.
01:28:46Shut up.
01:29:16Shut up.
01:29:46Shut up.
01:29:47Shut up.
01:29:48Shut up.
01:29:49Shut up.
01:29:50Shut up.
01:29:51Shut up.
01:29:52Shut up.
01:29:53Shut up.
01:29:54Shut up.
01:29:55Shut up.
01:29:56Shut up.
01:29:57Shut up.
01:29:58Shut up.
01:29:59Shut up.
01:30:00Shut up.
01:30:01Shut up.
01:30:02Shut up.
01:30:03Shut up.
01:30:04Shut up.
01:30:05Shut up.
01:30:06Shut up.
01:30:07Shut up.
01:30:08Shut up.
01:30:09Shut up.
01:30:10Shut up.
01:30:11Shut up.
01:30:12Shut up.
01:30:13Shut up.
01:30:14Shut up.
01:30:15Shut up.
01:30:16Shut up.
01:30:17Shut up.
01:30:18Shut up.
01:30:19Shut up.
01:30:20Shut up.
01:30:21Shut up.
01:30:22Shut up.
01:30:23Shut up.
01:30:24Shut up.
01:30:25Shut up.
01:30:26Shut up.
01:30:27Shut up.
01:30:28Shut up.
01:30:29Shut up.
01:30:30Shut up.
01:30:31Shut up.
01:30:32Shut up.
01:30:33Shut up.
01:30:34Shut up.
01:30:35Shut up.
01:30:36Shut up.
01:30:37Shut up.
01:30:38Shut up.
01:30:39Shut up.
01:30:40Shut up.
01:30:41Shut up.
01:30:42Shut up.
01:30:43Shut up.
01:30:44Shut up.
01:30:45Shut up.
01:30:46Shut up.
01:30:47Shut up.
01:30:48Shut up.
01:30:49Shut up.
01:30:50Shut up.
01:30:51Shut up.
01:30:52Shut up.
01:30:53Shut up.
01:30:54Shut up.
01:30:55Shut up.
01:30:56Shut up.
01:30:57Shut up.
01:30:58Shut up.
01:30:59Shut up.
01:31:00Shut up.
01:31:01Shut up.
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01:31:36Shut up.
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01:31:46Shut up.
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01:31:55Shut up.
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01:31:57Shut up.
01:31:58Shut up.
01:31:59Shut up.
01:32:00Shut up.
01:32:01Shut up.
01:32:02Shut up.
01:32:03Shut up.
01:32:04Shut up.
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01:32:30Shut up.
01:32:31Shut up.
01:32:32Shut up.
01:32:33Shut up.
01:32:34Shut up.
01:32:35Shut up.
01:32:36Shut up.
01:32:37Shut up.
01:32:38Shut up.
01:32:39Shut up.
