Deewangi - Episode 19 || English Subtitles || 22nd April 2020 - HAR PAL GEO

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Deewangi - Episode 19 || English Subtitles || 22nd April 2020 - HAR PAL GEO


00:00Do Sultan know about your pregnancy?
00:18No, I haven't spoken to him since so many days.
00:23If you want, I can call him and give him the good news.
00:27There's no need. He knows everything.
00:30It's impossible that Bijaan didn't tell him about my pregnancy.
00:35If he was so concerned about becoming a father,
00:38or if he was a little concerned about me, he would have come to pick me up by now.
00:43Bijaan was telling me that he has gone out of town.
00:46And she wants to give him a surprise.
00:48That's why she didn't tell him.
00:50And you'll see, when he finds out, he'll be fine on his own.
00:54I don't care if he's fine or not.
01:00I don't have any expectations from him anymore.
01:05I don't want his love in alms.
01:09Why should I live as an unwanted wife?
01:12And that too with an insensitive and uneducated person.
01:15It was your own choice.
01:17You were the one who insisted on marrying him.
01:20I had lost my mind.
01:22I had gone mad in his love.
01:25What have you learned now?
01:27It's your old habit to decide and regret later.
01:33You've left your house and come here.
01:37You want me to go to the person who hasn't asked me for a month
01:42and go to him like a shameless person?
01:45Okay, don't go.
01:47But when he finds out that he's going to be a father,
01:50he'll come to me on his own.
01:53I won't go back to him at any cost.
01:58I'll divorce him as soon as he's born.
02:02I won't let him see his son's face for the rest of my life.
02:08He made me suffer.
02:10Now you'll see.
02:12He'll suffer for the rest of his life to see his son's face.
02:16You have no idea how parents break their children's personality.
02:22Sultan's condition is also because of his fights with his brother and sister-in-law.
02:27Look, there's still time.
02:29You should compromise.
02:34Compromise with the person I don't have any interest in?
02:37The person who comes home only to sleep?
02:41If the wife wants,
02:43she can even lock the worst husband in love and stop him from going the wrong way.
02:49Mom, why do you want me to go back to that cruel person?
02:53Go back to that hell?
02:55Don't call your house hell.
02:57This is the same house where you ruined a girl's life by insisting on marrying her.
03:04Maybe you have been cursed by her.
03:31Yes, tell me.
03:33Yes, tell me.
03:35Mr. Rashid used to live here.
03:37He had a sister, Nagin. I wanted to meet her.
03:39I shifted here 3-4 months ago.
03:41She left a long time ago.
03:43She left?
03:46Do you have her contact number?
03:48No, I don't have her number.
03:51Do you know where they shifted?
03:54Their new address?
03:55No, I don't even know their address.
03:57But you can find out from Rashid's landlord.
04:00Do you have his landlord's number?
04:02Yes, I have it.
04:03Please bring it to me.
04:17You have been promoted.
04:18And the best part is that you have been promoted in my department.
04:21Look, I have brought sweets for you.
04:23Now do one thing.
04:24Distribute these sweets to the entire office.
04:27The promotion is mine and…
04:29Am I more excited?
04:30I was thinking the same.
04:31But the truth is that I am more happy that you have come to my department than your promotion.
04:38Okay, leave all this.
04:40Do one thing.
04:41First of all, sweeten your mouth.
04:43Here you go.
04:45I am shifting to your department.
04:47Not to your cabin.
04:51But at least you will be close to me.
04:57Okay, listen.
04:59When will you shift to my house?
05:08Look, I have spoken to mom.
05:11And I will convince her too.
05:13She will agree.
05:15I am just waiting for you to say yes.
05:19Please, please Nagin.
05:20Don't ignore me like this.
05:24Mr. Haroon, this is the office.
05:26And I don't think we should talk personally here.
05:31So can we meet for lunch?
05:38Mr. Rashid, your tenants have been here for 5 years.
05:41How is it possible that you don't have their contact number or address?
05:45Yes, yes, I have them.
05:47But you also have the number that I have.
05:50But I don't know where they are these days.
05:54Yes, last month I heard from someone that they went to Dubai.
06:02They went to Dubai?
06:09Okay, thank you.
06:16Let's go.
06:25Let's go.
06:31Why do you want to marry me?
06:37Or would it be more appropriate to say that you love me, right?
06:45Look Mr. Haroon, please.
06:48Don't call your sympathy love.
06:51You have loved someone else.
06:55That's why you don't want to pity me and marry me.
06:58Look, try to understand what I am saying.
07:01No one can pity and love someone.
07:04And we are talking about marriage here.
07:07Marriage is the decision of a lifetime.
07:09It is the relationship of a lifetime.
07:11It is taken after a lot of thought.
07:13And I have also taken it after a lot of thought.
07:15But I don't understand one thing.
07:17Why are you so negative about me?
07:19Why don't you trust me once?
07:21I trust you.
07:22But I don't understand that
07:24why do you like me so much that you want to marry me?
07:27To marry someone or to love someone,
07:30there is no need for a reason.
07:33But as far as I have heard,
07:35you loved someone with a lot of heart, right?
07:40How can you forget someone's love so soon
07:42and love someone else?
07:45Is it so easy to forget the first love?
07:49Is it so easy?
07:51You are right.
07:54I loved someone.
07:58But the truth of the love I had for you is that
08:03I told you everything about my past.
08:13But you know,
08:16I feel
08:18as if we are made for each other.
08:22And look at you,
08:25how coincidences keep happening.
08:29I consider all these coincidences to be a sign from God.
08:34I don't know why you don't understand.
08:40I need some time to think.
09:03What is the matter?
09:05Why are you worried?
09:07We will find out about that girl.
09:10The world is very small, Sultan.
09:14I am surprised that
09:15Rashid took his entire family and went to Dubai.
09:19To settle there, you will need a lot of money.
09:21I gave him a big amount of money as bribe.
09:24That is why he settled there.
09:26Because of this money, he kept his mouth shut.
09:29Otherwise, what you did with Nagin,
09:31it didn't take long for the media to expose you.
09:35Once he comes in front of me…
09:37So what?
09:39What will happen if he comes in front of you?
09:42Are you worried about apologizing to him or looking at him?
09:50What do you mean?
09:53Why don't you accept that you love him?
09:56Endless love.
09:58This worry on your face,
10:00this restlessness,
10:01this restlessness in your health,
10:03looking for him everywhere like this.
10:05What is all this?
10:06I don't know what it is.
10:11Then come with me to our village
10:13and bring sister-in-law home.
10:14I am not going anywhere.
10:16I don't want to go anywhere.
10:19When you know that she has left this country,
10:22then what is the point of looking for her everywhere like this?
10:25She has not gone anywhere.
10:26She is in this country
10:27and I will find her.
10:29If you want to go, you can go.
10:33You cannot even imagine what I am going through.
10:36It is very important for me to meet her.
10:38I will not go from here like this.
10:40You are completely crazy Sultana.
10:44And this is the only solution to your madness
10:46that you go to the village and bring sister-in-law home.
10:58what am I listening to?
10:59You called my HR department and asked about Nageen.
11:02Yes, it was good that I called on time and got the information.
11:06Otherwise, you wanted to get that suspicious girl married without investigating.
11:11Suspicious girl?
11:12What do you mean by suspicious girl?
11:13Yes, she was suspicious.
11:15She said that she has no one in the world.
11:18So, obviously she was suspicious.
11:20I called to get information about her family.
11:23I got to know
11:24that she has no parents or relatives in the world.
11:28You want to marry such a girl
11:30who is really an orphan.
11:33Mom, she is an orphan.
11:35Her mother died,
11:36her father got married again.
11:38I have told you all this.
11:40Not an orphan, but an orphan.
11:42There are such orphans,
11:43who have no one in the world.
11:45Orphans have uncles and aunts.
11:48She has no one in the world except her sister.
11:50She also threw her out of the house.
11:52That is why she is living in hostels.
11:55Do you know?
11:56She has lived in a liquor shop for two months
11:59and is still living in a cheap hotel.
12:02So, what difference does it make?
12:04It doesn't make a difference to you,
12:05but it makes a difference to me.
12:07What will I tell the family?
12:09When they will ask about the daughter-in-law,
12:11they will ask about her family and her lineage.
12:14I don't have the courage
12:16to make an orphan, a helpless orphan
12:18the daughter-in-law of my family
12:20and ruin my lineage as well.
12:22Mom, the lineage of a family starts with a man.
12:26Don't you know all this?
12:28When I have a child,
12:29he will want to recognize her by my name.
12:31Not by her name.
12:33And anyway,
12:34when Nageen's name will be associated with my name,
12:36she will be recognized by us.
12:38The society will see her as my wife.
12:41You have sworn to get that girl married.
12:44I don't know what magic she has cast on you
12:47that you don't care about your name
12:49or your family.
12:54I have only one son.
12:57I don't know what I had thought.
12:59What kind of daughter-in-law will I get married to?
13:01What kind of daughter-in-law will I get married to?
13:03Is this why I raised you so well
13:05that you do as you please?
13:08Don't emotionally blackmail me.
13:11I will do as I please.
13:13Because this is my life.
13:15I have to spend my life with someone.
13:17So why should I give the right of decision to someone else?
13:21Even you don't have the right of decision.
13:30I haven't refused to get married yet.
13:33I just need some time to think.
13:35Nageen, it's been a month since you started thinking.
13:37How much more time will you take?
13:40You spend 8-8 hours together in the office every day.
13:43You still don't understand her?
13:46I spoke to her on the phone once.
13:48Not for 5 minutes,
13:50but for 2-3 hours.
13:52And you still don't understand her?
13:54I spoke to her on the phone once.
13:56Not for 5 minutes,
13:58but for 2-3 hours.
14:01He is a very good boy.
14:03He is sincere with you.
14:05He loves you.
14:07And what do you want, Nageen?
14:11Forget the past.
14:13Not every man is a king or a queen, Nageen.
14:16Don't bring her into this.
14:18I also want her to never come into our lives.
14:23Forget your terrible past.
14:25And start a new life.
14:27I can't start a new life with a lie.
14:31If you want me to marry Haroon,
14:34I will tell him the truth about my past.
14:36What will that do?
14:38I will be satisfied
14:40that I am not cheating on him.
14:42You are not cheating on him, Nageen.
14:44What will you tell him?
14:46What will you tell him, Haroon?
14:48That you had an affair with a high profile man like Sultan Durrani?
14:52And by cheating on you,
14:54and by cheating on you,
14:56he kidnapped you and took you away.
14:58I don't know how he will be satisfied.
15:00And what if he finds out from somewhere else?
15:03That is all in the past, Nageen.
15:05Everyone has forgotten that.
15:07In the video where you slapped Sultan,
15:10your face was never clear.
15:13No one will find out.
15:15All this is very difficult for me.
15:18And it is even more difficult to decide about marriage.
15:24As you wish.
15:36Tell me.
15:45I just wanted to say that
15:49a month has passed and I didn't bother you.
15:53Because I wanted you to think and understand in this month.
16:00And then make a decision.
16:04As far as the question is concerned,
16:08you said that
16:11maybe I am loving you out of sympathy.
16:16So I just wanted to clear that
16:20it's nothing like that.
16:27I fell in love with you at first sight.
16:32I couldn't say it to you.
16:37I didn't have the courage.
16:41I know that it will be difficult for you to trust a stranger,
16:46but I was just saying that…
16:50you don't know about my past.
16:53I don't even want to know about your past, Nageen.
16:58The innocence of your face testifies to your character.
17:03And you just trust me once.
17:08I promise you that I will never betray you.
17:11I will never disappoint you.
17:15I have troubled you a lot.
17:18If you make a decision today, it's fine.
17:22Otherwise, I will never talk to you about this again.
17:29I will meet you like a normal good colleague.
17:35Just see the day today.
17:39Otherwise, I will suppress my love in my heart.
17:43For the sake of my love.
17:48For the sake of my love.
17:51For the sake of my love.
17:54For the sake of my love.
17:57For the sake of my love.
18:00For the sake of my love.
18:03For the sake of my love.
18:06For the sake of my love.
18:09For the sake of my love.
18:12For the sake of my love.
18:15For the sake of my love.
18:18For the sake of my love.
18:21For the sake of my love.
18:24For the sake of my love.
18:27For the sake of my love.
18:32Mom, Haroon is leaving this house.
18:36He was just talking to a friend on the phone.
18:38He was saying that if mom doesn't agree for this relationship,
18:41then he will marry Nageen and take her to Dubai.
18:46Yes, mom. I have heard all this.
18:49He has been offered a job from a company in Dubai.
18:54My son can't leave me and go.
18:57Mom, please agree for this relationship.
18:59There is still time.
19:00Brother will leave us and never come to meet us again.
19:11Haroon. Haroon.
19:20Haroon, where are you going?
19:24Right now, I am going to a friend's house.
19:26I will stay there for a few days.
19:28I had applied for a job in Dubai.
19:30Then I will go to Dubai.
19:32Are you out of your mind?
19:34For a cheap girl,
19:36you will leave your old mother and young sister alone?
19:41Believe me, I didn't want to do this to you at this age.
19:44But you forced me.
19:47Don't worry.
19:49I will keep sending you money every month.
19:54To hell with money and expenses.
19:56I don't need money.
19:58Son, I need you.
20:00Haroon, I can't live without you.
20:03I am not used to living without you.
20:06A stranger has become so important for you
20:09that because of him,
20:11you will sacrifice your mother and love her at this age?
20:18Then why are you so stubborn?
20:21Why don't you trust my love?
20:24Your love?
20:25What is there in that girl other than beauty?
20:28You don't want beauty, right?
20:30Son, you are an educated and beautiful boy.
20:33There is no shortage of beautiful girls for you.
20:35And let me tell you one thing clearly.
20:37Look, Haroon.
20:38When you look at a relationship,
20:40first of all, you look at her family.
20:45Her wealth, money…
20:48I don't need all these things.
20:51Nagin is a good and decent girl.
20:53I like her.
20:55And I just want to marry her.
20:58That girl hasn't come to this house yet.
21:03And you are fighting with your mother for her?
21:05What will you do to me if she comes?
21:09Don't worry.
21:10She won't come here.
21:12I won't get her married and bring her here.
21:15By the way, I have made a plan.
21:17I will call her to Dubai.
21:19We will get her married there.
21:23Mom, my dear mom.
21:25Please agree for this proposal.
21:28Brother will leave.
21:29Don't do this.
21:30Leave me.
21:35Leave me.
21:38Why are you crying?
21:40Keep quiet.
21:41Don't cry.
21:42I don't like it when you cry.
21:43Leave me.
21:44I am telling you.
21:45I am not going anywhere.
21:46Keep quiet.
21:47Rida, make him understand.
21:49Mom, please agree.
21:52Don't cry.
21:53I am not going anywhere.
21:54Look at me.
21:55I am not going.
21:57Promise me.
22:00How can I leave you?
22:06What else should I do?
22:08I am not able to get her out of my heart and mind
22:10despite all my efforts.
22:11Don't be so nonsense.
22:13Will you spend your entire life
22:14searching for her?
22:17I have searched for her everywhere.
22:19I don't know where she has gone.
22:22I don't understand
22:23where she has gone.
22:26I told you.
22:27You should not have done that.
22:29You have made a big mistake by giving money.
22:32He has shifted from this country
22:33with his entire family.
22:34Nagin was not a part of his family.
22:37I am sure Nagin is somewhere around.
22:40My heart says so.
23:04Hello. How are you?
23:07I had a small work with you.
23:11You must be wondering
23:12what work Sultan has with me.
23:15I want the numbers of all the women
23:17in Pakistan named Nagin Fayyaz.
23:26I will wait for you.
23:35I will wait for you.
23:46You guys spend 8 hours together
23:47in the office every day.
23:50You still don't understand him?
23:53Let me talk to him on the phone once.
23:55It didn't take me five minutes
23:56to understand him.
24:04But people say
24:06that people who have the same goal
24:09often meet on the streets.
24:34So, will we meet again?
24:39We will not meet again.
25:05Hello, Nagin.
25:06Yes, this is Nagin.
25:07Who are you?
25:08I am Sultan.
25:09Who is Sultan?
25:11I am…
25:14Is your sister's name Muzad?
25:15No, my sister's name is Nazia.
25:20Sorry, wrong number.
25:34Life is a beautiful thing.
25:36Think about your life
25:38in a positive way.
25:41And then see
25:45how happy I will be waiting for you.
26:04I will wait for you.
26:17Leave the TV.
26:18Go and study.
26:20Yes, who is it?
26:34I am sorry.
26:43Just see the day today.
26:46Otherwise, you will not be able to
26:47keep your love in your heart.
26:51You will lose your love.
27:04I am sorry.
27:05I am sorry.
27:06I am sorry.
27:07I am sorry.
27:08I am sorry.
27:09I am sorry.
27:10I am sorry.
27:11I am sorry.
27:12I am sorry.
27:13I am sorry.
27:14I am sorry.
27:15I am sorry.
27:16I am sorry.
27:17I am sorry.
27:18I am sorry.
27:19I am sorry.
27:20I am sorry.
27:21I am sorry.
27:22I am sorry.
27:23I am sorry.
27:24I am sorry.
27:25I am sorry.
27:26I am sorry.
27:27I am sorry.
27:28I am sorry.
27:29I am sorry.
27:30I am sorry.
27:31I am sorry.
27:32I am sorry.
27:33I am sorry.
27:36Yes, greetings Aunty.
27:40Sultan, where are you?
27:42I am in the office.
27:43I had an important work.
27:45And, I had to complete it.
27:47That is why, I was in the office.
27:48You tell me.
27:50It's a week's work.
27:51And, I could not meet you.
27:53You leave early in the morning
27:54and come late at night.
27:56I am busy, so, I can't give you time.
27:59Is there anything you have to discuss?
28:01I have something important.
28:03I wanted to give you a good news.
28:08You wanted to give me a good news?
28:09Yes, yes, I wanted to give you a good news.
28:11I thought I would sit in front of you and give you a good news at home.
28:15But you weren't coming, so I thought I would tell you over the phone.
28:18Tell me.
28:19Sultan, congratulations. You are going to be a father.
28:31Yes, son. Congratulations.
28:35Just bring Narmeen home soon.
28:38She is your wife, the mother of your unborn child.
28:42Yes, mother. I will bring her back tomorrow.
28:45Very good. Just come home soon.
28:48You have to hug her and congratulate her.
28:51Yes, I am coming.
29:24I wanted to talk to you about something important.
29:27I also wanted to tell you something important.
29:31What is it?
29:37I am ready to marry you.
30:01I am ready to marry you.
30:31I am ready to marry you.
30:45Tell me Alamdar, how did you call me after so long?
30:48Madam, actually I wanted to tell you something.
30:54I think Sultan hasn't forgotten that girl yet.
31:01I don't think so.
31:20I used to think that the first love is the last love.
31:25But I realized this after meeting you.
31:32And you are not my first,
31:38but the last love for sure.
31:42I will not be able to love anyone after you.
31:49And I brought a small gift for you.
32:43You know,
32:45I was liking this ring before.
32:49But after getting it in your hands,
32:51I am realizing that this is not your real ring.
32:55What can I do?
32:57I used to wear this ring for free.
33:00If there was a rich man,
33:03he would have given you a diamond and pearls ring.
33:07I never wished for diamonds and pearls,
33:13nor for a rich man.
33:18I have always wished for a simple person like you for my life partner.
33:27I have always wished for a person like you,
33:32who is of my status,
33:35who lives with me,
33:38who loves me.
33:42This ring is very precious to me.
33:45I will never take it off.
33:50What are you looking at?
33:53I am looking at you.
33:55Before today, I used to see you very angry and sad.
34:01Today, I am seeing you so happy for the first time.
34:05I am feeling very good.
34:08You know,
34:10you keep smiling like this,
34:12you look very beautiful.
34:15A lot.
34:19You are happy, right?
34:22Yes, I am happy.
34:25There is just one problem.
34:31Your mother didn't accept me from her heart.
34:35What if she doesn't accept me even after marriage?
34:39No, no, nothing like that will happen.
34:41Yes, my mother is a little short tempered,
34:44but she loves me a lot.
34:46And when she loves me, she will love you too.
34:50You just do one thing,
34:52take good care of her,
34:54listen to everything she says,
34:56be her supporter,
34:58she will be happy with you.
35:00But listen,
35:02I will be happy.
35:09I will not give you two a chance to complain.
35:35He snatched him from me.
35:37Despite my efforts, he still couldn't take him out of his heart.
35:42He is still his.
35:44He loves him like crazy.
35:46He is looking for him, leaving me alone.
35:47He is crazy about him.
35:51He doesn't even look at me.
35:55Now I understand.
35:57Now I understand why he ignores me so much.
36:00He doesn't love me at all.
36:02He loves that Nageen whom he is looking for.
36:05I spent all my life with his fake love,
36:08and he kept looking at me.
36:10What does he have that I don't?
36:13Am I not beautiful?
36:15Doesn't he see my love?
36:17He doesn't see my love, mom.
36:19It's not like that, dear.
36:21Don't say that.
36:23It's not like that at all.
36:25Then what is it?
36:27Why doesn't he see my beauty in my love, mom?
36:29What do I lack? Tell me.
36:31You don't lack anything.
36:33You are going to be the mother of his child.
36:35And when he finds out that he is going to be a father,
36:37he will come running to you.
36:39And a girl like Nageen,
36:41she is only for his love.
36:43That's it.
36:45I don't want such an incomplete relationship.
36:47I don't want to live a life like yours, mom.
36:51I can't share my happiness with anyone else.
36:54Be careful, dear. Be careful.
36:56It's not right for you to scream and shout in this condition.
36:59What if something happens to you?
37:01I won't leave him.
37:03I will kill him.
37:05Sultan kidnapped him, right?
37:07Now I will kidnap him.
37:09I will kill him.
37:11I will kill him, mom.
37:17I will kill him, mom.
