The Hateful Eight (2015)

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The Hateful Eight is a gripping Western thriller that unfolds in a snowbound post-Civil War Wyoming. The story centers on eight strangers who seek refuge in a stagecoach lodge during a blizzard. As tensions rise, hidden agendas and dark secrets emerge, leading to a deadly confrontation. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, this film masterfully blends suspense, sharp dialogue, and intense character dynamics, exploring themes of betrayal, revenge, and morality.
00:05:10Got room for one more?
00:05:13Who the hell are you?
00:05:15And what happened to them?
00:05:19Name's Major Marquis Warren, former U.S. Cavalry.
00:05:22Currently a servant of the court.
00:05:24Trying to bring a couple of no-goods in the market.
00:05:27Got the paperwork on them in my pocket.
00:05:29You taking them into Red Rock?
00:05:31Figure that's where you're headed, right?
00:05:35That damn blasted blizzard has been on our ass for the last three hours.
00:05:40There ain't no way we're gonna make it all the way to Red Rock before it catches us.
00:05:43Well, you're high-tailing it halfway. The minute's half a dash.
00:05:46You know I am.
00:05:48May I come aboard?
00:05:50Well, Smoke, is it up to me?
00:05:54Yes. But it ain't up to me.
00:05:57Who's it up to?
00:05:59The fella in the wagon.
00:06:01The fella in the wagon ain't part of your company?
00:06:03The fella in the wagon, he paid for a private trip, and I'm here to tell you,
00:06:07he paid a pretty penny for privacy.
00:06:09So if you want to go to Minnie's with us, you're gonna have to talk to him.
00:06:14Well, that's what I'll do.
00:06:20Hold it, black fella.
00:06:23Before you approach, you take them two guns of yours,
00:06:27and you lay them on that rock over yonder.
00:06:30And you raise both your hands way above your hat.
00:06:34And then you approach, molasses-like.
00:06:39Real trusting fella, huh?
00:06:41Real trusting fella, huh?
00:06:43Not so much.
00:06:58Put them down.
00:07:02Come on ahead.
00:07:05I said way above your hat, goddammit.
00:07:09Now come forward.
00:07:12That's far enough.
00:07:21Oh, B-Dog.
00:07:23You black fella, I know.
00:07:25Colonel something-or-other.
00:07:28You black fella, I know.
00:07:30Colonel something-or-other Warren, right?
00:07:33Major Mark was Warren.
00:07:36I know you too.
00:07:38We shared a steak dinner once upon a time in Chattanooga.
00:07:42You John Ruth the hangman.
00:07:44That be me.
00:07:45How long's that been?
00:07:47Since that steak?
00:07:48Oh, eight months.
00:07:51So why don't you explain to me
00:07:54what you freakin' bounty hunters doing
00:07:56wandering around in the snow in the middle of Wyoming?
00:07:59Trying to get a couple of bounties in the Red Rocks.
00:08:01So you still in business?
00:08:02You know I am.
00:08:04Happened to your horse?
00:08:06Circumstances caused us to have to take the long way around.
00:08:10My horse couldn't make it.
00:08:12You don't know nothing about this filly here?
00:08:15Don't even know her name?
00:08:18Well, I guess that makes this one fortuitous wagon.
00:08:22I sure as hell hope so.
00:08:24Major Mark was Warren.
00:08:25This here's Daisy Domergue.
00:08:29Domergue, to you, this is Major Warren.
00:08:32Howdy, nigger.
00:08:35She's pepper, ain't she?
00:08:37Now, girl, don't you know the Darkies don't like being called niggers no more?
00:08:40They find it offensive.
00:08:42I'm a call worse.
00:08:43Now that I can believe.
00:08:45You never heard of her, huh?
00:08:47Well, she ain't no John Wilkes Booth,
00:08:49but maybe you might have heard tell about the price on her head.
00:08:52How much?
00:08:56What'd she do, kill Lily Langtree?
00:08:58Not quite.
00:09:00That $10,000's practically in my pocket.
00:09:03That's why I ain't too anxious to be handing out rides,
00:09:06especially to professionals hoping for business.
00:09:09I can certainly appreciate that.
00:09:11But I ain't got no designs on her.
00:09:14One of my fellas over there is worth $4,000,
00:09:16another one's worth $3,000,
00:09:18and one of them's worth $1,000.
00:09:20This damn show good enough for me.
00:09:23Well, let me see their paperwork.
00:09:26Like I said, molasses-like.
00:09:38Back off.
00:10:08Look, I sure hate to interrupt you all,
00:10:11but we got a cold damn blizzard that's hot on our ass
00:10:14that we're trying to beat to shelter.
00:10:17Realize that!
00:10:18Shut your mouth and hold them damn horses while I think.
00:10:25Okay, boy, we'll give it a try.
00:10:27You leave them two pistols over yonder with the driver.
00:10:33Hey, you ain't really gonna let that nigger ride in here, is you?
00:10:37I mean, maybe up there with O.B., but...
00:10:40How do you like the sound of them bells, bitch?
00:10:43They real pretty, ain't they?
00:10:46If you open up your trashy mouth again,
00:10:48I'll knock out them front teeth for you. You got it?
00:10:54Let me hear you say, I got it.
00:10:58I got it.
00:11:00I'm gonna need a hand tying these fellas up on the roof.
00:11:04Give O.B. $50 when we get to Red Rock. He'll help you.
00:11:08I agree with O.B. This storm got me concerned.
00:11:11We could go in a lot quicker. You helped out, too.
00:11:13Goddammit, to hell. I'm already regretting this.
00:11:16Now, I can't likely help you tie fellas to the roof with my wrist cuffed to hers.
00:11:20And my wrist is gonna stay cuffed to hers.
00:11:23And she ain't never gonna leave my goddamn side
00:11:25till I personally put her in a Red Rock jail.
00:11:27Now, do you got that?
00:11:30Yeah, I got it.
00:11:43Come on. Come on.
00:11:45Get up.
00:11:46Come on.
00:12:14Get up.
00:12:21Get up.
00:12:27So, what happened to your horse?
00:12:30He's kind of old.
00:12:32I done had him for a bit.
00:12:35When weather took a turn for the worse, well,
00:12:38he done what he could, but he couldn't make it.
00:12:42That's too bad.
00:12:43Yeah, it is.
00:12:45Me and old Ashton rode a lot of miles together.
00:12:49Could say he wasn't my best friend,
00:12:51if I considered stupid animal friends, which I don't.
00:12:55Nevertheless, I'm gonna miss him.
00:13:01Who's this Daisy Damagu?
00:13:03No damn good murderin' bitch, that's who.
00:13:07Come on, boys. Come on.
00:13:08I see you ain't got mixed emotions
00:13:10about bringin' a woman to a rope.
00:13:12By woman, you mean her?
00:13:15I do not have mixed emotions.
00:13:17Get in.
00:13:18So, you takin' her in the Red Rock to hang?
00:13:21You bet.
00:13:22You gonna wait around to watch it?
00:13:23Oh, you know I am.
00:13:25I wanna hear her neck snap in my own two ears.
00:13:28Get up, boys.
00:13:30You never wait to watch them hang?
00:13:33My bound is never hang,
00:13:35because I never bring men alive.
00:13:38Never ever.
00:13:40We talked about this in Chattanooga.
00:13:42Bringin' desperate men in alive
00:13:44is a good way to get yourself dead.
00:13:46Can't catch me sleepin' if I don't close my eyes.
00:13:49I don't wanna work that hard.
00:13:50No one said the job's supposed to be easy.
00:13:52No one said it's supposed to be that hard, neither.
00:13:55It's that little lady,
00:13:57why they call him the hangin'.
00:14:00When the handbill says dead or alive,
00:14:02the rest of us shoot you in the back
00:14:04up on top of a perch somewhere
00:14:06and bring you in dead over a saddle.
00:14:08But when John Roof the hangman catches you,
00:14:11you don't dive no bullet in the back.
00:14:15When the hangman catches you, you hang.
00:14:18You a very damn nigger.
00:14:22I'll give you he got guts,
00:14:25but in the brains of all men,
00:14:27you're like a man who took a high dive
00:14:29in a low well.
00:14:34Now, Deezy,
00:14:35you want us to work out
00:14:37a signal system of communication.
00:14:40When I elbow you real hard in the face,
00:14:43that means shut up.
00:14:45You got it?
00:14:47I got it.
00:14:50Get in there!
00:14:53Get in there!
00:14:59Come on now, boys, get in!
00:15:08Hey, little apple blossom
00:15:12What seems to be the problem?
00:15:17All the ones you tell your troubles to
00:15:20That don't really care for you
00:15:24Come and tell me what you're thinking
00:15:27Cause just when the boat is sinking
00:15:32A little light is blinking
00:15:35And I will come and rescue you
00:15:39Lots of girls walk around in tears
00:15:43But that's not for you
00:15:47You've been looking all around for years
00:15:50For someone to tell your troubles to
00:15:54Come and sit with me and talk a while
00:15:58Let me see your pretty little smile
00:16:02Put your troubles in a little pile
00:16:05And I will sort them out for you
00:16:18Get in there!
00:16:33I, uh...
00:16:35I know we only met each other the once before,
00:16:38and I don't mean to unduly imply intimacy, but...
00:16:45You still got it?
00:16:47I still got what?
00:16:50The Lincoln letter.
00:16:53Of course.
00:16:56Got it on you?
00:17:00Right here.
00:17:03Look, I know you gotta be real careful with it and all,
00:17:06and I can imagine you probably don't like
00:17:08taking it in and out of the envelope all that often,
00:17:12and if you wouldn't mind,
00:17:14I'd sure appreciate seeing that again.
00:17:21You're right.
00:17:23I don't like taking it in and out of the envelope that much,
00:17:27but seeing as how you saved my life and all,
00:17:32I suppose I can let you read it again.
00:17:41Get in there!
00:17:48Get in!
00:17:50Get in!
00:17:58Get in there!
00:18:04Get in!
00:18:17Old Mary Todd's calling, so I guess it must be time for bed.
00:18:23Old Mary Todd.
00:18:30How'd that...
00:18:32That gets me.
00:18:34Yeah, it gets me too.
00:18:37Get in! Get in!
00:18:39You know what this is, Tramp.
00:18:42It's a letter from Lincoln.
00:18:44A letter from Lincoln to him.
00:18:48They shared a correspondence during the war.
00:18:50They was pen pals, and this is just one of the letters.
00:18:58What the...
00:19:10Oh, all that stupid...
00:19:13Rip my goddamn arm off!
00:19:40Oh, God.
00:19:48I didn't drag her stinking ass up this goddamn mountain
00:19:52just for you to break her neck on the outskirts of town.
00:19:55You're the one who handed her my goddamn letter.
00:19:58I didn't give it to her. I gave it to you.
00:20:03That nigga like to bust my jaw.
00:20:07You ruined that letter of his.
00:20:09That nigga gonna stomp your ass to death, and when he do,
00:20:12I'm gonna sit back on that wagon wheel, watch and laugh.
00:20:17How is it?
00:20:19Well, she ain't helping none, but it's all right.
00:20:22Is that the way niggas treat their ladies?
00:20:26You ain't no goddamn lady!
00:20:37Hey, Mr. Ruth!
00:20:40There's another fella on foot up here on the road.
00:20:47I said there's another fella on foot up here on the road.
00:21:12Considering there's a blizzard going on,
00:21:15whole lot of fellas walking around, wouldn't you say, Major?
00:21:18Well, seeing as how I'm half of them fellas, uh, yeah.
00:21:22Seems to be a lot of us.
00:21:24This changes things, son.
00:21:27$8,000 is a lot of money for a nigger.
00:21:30With a partner, 18's a whole lot better.
00:21:33You really think I'm in cahoots with that fella or her?
00:21:36Put them on.
00:21:38Oh, I ain't wearing no handcuffs.
00:21:40You put those on or you can stop worrying about this whole thing right now!
00:22:04Hand your weapons to the driver.
00:22:07Little jumpy, ain't you?
00:22:09Never mind the jokes, just do it.
00:22:12If you say so.
00:22:14I do.
00:22:36I done done it.
00:22:38OB, you got him?
00:22:40I got him.
00:22:41Okay, fella.
00:22:43You keep holding that lantern in that one hand.
00:22:46You keep that other hand where I can see it.
00:22:49Walk over there where I can get a good look at you.
00:23:04I'll be a goddamn dog in a manger.
00:23:08Is that you, Chris Mannix?
00:23:11I'm sorry, friend, do we know each other?
00:23:13Not quite.
00:23:14You know this fella?
00:23:16Only by reputation.
00:23:18Like I said, friend, you got me at a bit of a disadvantage.
00:23:22Keeping you at a disadvantage is an advantage I intend to keep.
00:23:26Whoever you are, mister, you sure sound tough when you talk like that.
00:23:30Whoever you are, mister, you sure sound tough
00:23:33when you're talking to a desperate man knee-deep in snow.
00:23:37I don't want no trouble.
00:23:39I just want a ride. I'm freezing to death.
00:23:42Who is this joker?
00:23:44You heard of the rebel renegade Erskine Mannix?
00:23:48Mannix Marauders?
00:23:50That's them. Scourges, South Carolina. Mannix's Marauders.
00:23:54Erskine's youngest boy, Chris.
00:23:56Brings you in my path, Chris Mannix.
00:23:59Well, Mr. Face, I was riding to Red Rock,
00:24:02my horse stepped in a gopher hole in the snow,
00:24:05fucked up his leg and had to put her down.
00:24:07You got business in Red Rock?
00:24:09Yes, I do.
00:24:11I'm the new sheriff.
00:24:13Poor shit.
00:24:14Afraid not.
00:24:15Where's your star?
00:24:16Well, I ain't the sheriff yet.
00:24:18Once I get there, they swear me in, but that ain't happened yet.
00:24:21And that's when you get your star.
00:24:23You got anything that can back any of this up?
00:24:25Yeah, when we get to Red Rock.
00:24:28And look at those three frozen fuckers up there.
00:24:30I figure you a bounty hunter open for business.
00:24:33And I figure you taking in three dead bodies in Red Rock to get paid.
00:24:37Three dead.
00:24:39One alive.
00:24:41Who's that?
00:24:42Daisy Dahmergoo.
00:24:44Who the fuck is Daisy Dahmergoo?
00:24:46Not a goddamn thing to nobody except me and that hangman.
00:24:49The hangman?
00:24:54Well, I'll be double dog damn.
00:24:57You're the hangman Bob Ruth.
00:24:59It's John.
00:25:00And you?
00:25:02You're the nigga with the head.
00:25:04Major Mark Quest.
00:25:06My lord, is that really the real head of Major Mark Quest looking at me now?
00:25:10Yeah, it's really me and it's really my head.
00:25:13So what's going on?
00:25:15Y'all having a bounty hunter's picnic?
00:25:17Never mind.
00:25:18You taking in three dead bodies and hurrying to Red Rock to get paid, ain't you?
00:25:23The man in Red Rock supposed to pay you is me, the new sheriff.
00:25:28So if y'all want to get paid, y'all need to get me to Red Rock.
00:25:32Well, excuse me for finding it hard to believe a town electing you to do anything except drop dead.
00:25:38So I'm supposed to freeze to death because you find something hard to believe?
00:25:46I suppose not.
00:25:49Put them on and come inside.
00:26:03Then you'll freeze.
00:26:05Then you'll hang.
00:26:07How so?
00:26:09Stagecoach driver!
00:26:11Could you come down here and join us?
00:26:13I gotta hold these horses.
00:26:15Could you come down here and join us?
00:26:17I gotta hold these horses. I can hear you just fine from up here.
00:26:21You just heard me tell this fella I'm the new sheriff of Red Rock, right?
00:26:27Red Rock is my town now.
00:26:29And I'm gonna enter my town in bounty hunter's chains, no sir!
00:26:33Sorry, bushwhackers. I ain't entering Red Rock that way.
00:26:37Now when you finally get to Red Rock, you're gonna realize every goddamn thing I said was right.
00:26:43I expect you, O.B., to tell the townsfolk of Red Rock that John Ruth let that new sheriff freeze to death.
00:26:50Ain't nobody on my head, bushwhacker.
00:26:52You let me die, that's murder.
00:27:04Hold out your hands.
00:27:07O.B., give that major back his iron.
00:27:13One thing I know for sure, this nigger-hating son of a gun ain't partnered up with you.
00:27:18Now, I'll help you protect your 8,000.
00:27:22You help me protect my 10. Deal?
00:27:27Well, I ain't low, Graham.
00:27:29Y'all on the ground make snow angels together?
00:27:39Ooh, woo!
00:27:41Well, I tell you what, Bob, the name's John.
00:27:43When we get to Red Rock, I'll buy you and Major Marquette, sir, dinner and booze.
00:27:48My way of saying thanks.
00:27:50I don't drink with rebel renegades, and I damn sure don't break bread with them.
00:27:55Well, Mr. Ruth, you sound like you got an ax to grind against the cause.
00:28:01Cause? Renegade army?
00:28:03Cause? Renegade army?
00:28:05Bunch of losers gone loco, you bet I do.
00:28:09Wrapped yourselves up in a rebel flag as an excuse to kill and steal.
00:28:13This ought to interest you, Warren, in particular emancipated blacks.
00:28:18Sounds like my kind of fella.
00:28:22Sound to me you've been reading a lot of newspapers printed in Washington, D.C.
00:28:28Anywho, I'm just trying to let y'all know how grateful I am.
00:28:33I was a goner, and y'all saved me.
00:28:36You want to show me how grateful you are?
00:28:39Shut up!
00:28:42God damn it, Daisy.
00:28:43It's coming.
00:28:48Here, last piece.
00:28:58Does he...
00:29:01Does he know how famous she once was?
00:29:04I don't think so.
00:29:08Black Eye, do you know who he is?
00:29:12I know about the $30,000 reward the Confederacy put on the head of Major Marquess.
00:29:20Now, them hippies weren't nigger-head hunting.
00:29:23They just never did get him the right nigger head, did they?
00:29:25No, they didn't.
00:29:27But it wasn't for lack of trying.
00:29:29Them peckerwoods left their homes and families and come up this snowy mountain looking for me and Fortune.
00:29:37Ain't none of them found Fortune.
00:29:39But the ones you ain't never heard of no more, they found me.
00:29:44Now, it did stay $30,000 to lay for the war.
00:29:46Warren's passion's cool. It dropped down to eight, then five.
00:29:50But I bet even when it was $5,000, you had your share of country boys coming to call.
00:29:57You know I did.
00:29:59Glad they have a reward on you.
00:30:01Confederates took exception to my capacity for killing them.
00:30:05And after I broke out of Wellenbeck, the South took my continued existence as a personal affront.
00:30:12And the cause put a reward on my head.
00:30:16What's, uh, Wellenbeck?
00:30:19You ain't never heard of Wellenbeck Prisoner of War Camp, West Virginia?
00:30:22No, Rabb, I ain't never heard of it.
00:30:24Did you bust out?
00:30:26Oh, Major Marquess did more than bust out.
00:30:30Major Marquess had a bright idea.
00:30:33So bright, you got to wonder why nobody never thought about it before.
00:30:39Tell John Ruth your bright idea.
00:30:42Well, the whole damn place was just made out of kindling.
00:30:47So I burnt it down.
00:30:56There was a rookie regiment spending the overnight in the camp.
00:30:5947 men, burnt to a crisp.
00:31:03Southern youth, farmer's sons.
00:31:06Cream of the crop.
00:31:07And I say let them burn.
00:31:09I'm supposed to apologize for killing Johnny Rabb?
00:31:12You joined the war to keep niggers in chains.
00:31:15I joined the war to kill white Southern crackers.
00:31:18And that means killing them any way I can.
00:31:21Shoot them, stab them, drown them, burn them.
00:31:25Drop a big old rock on their head.
00:31:27Whatever it took to put white Southern crackers in the ground, that's what I joined the war to do.
00:31:33And that's what I did.
00:31:34To answer your question, John Ruth.
00:31:36When Major Marquess burned 47 men alive for no more reason than to give a nigger a run for the trees,
00:31:43that's when the South put a reward on the head of Major Marquess.
00:31:46And I made them trees, Mannix.
00:31:48You best believe I ain't looked back till I crossed the Northern line.
00:31:51Oh, but you had a surprise waiting for you on the Northern side, didn't you?
00:31:55See, once they started pulling out all them burnt bodies at Wellenbeck,
00:32:00it seems not all them boys were ribs.
00:32:03It seems not all them boys were ribs.
00:32:06Well, you burned up some of your own boys, didn't you, Major?
00:32:10How many burnt prisoners they end up finding?
00:32:12Wasn't the final Yankee death count something like 37?
00:32:18That's the thing about war, Mannix.
00:32:21People die.
00:32:23So you gonna chalk it up to war as hell, huh?
00:32:27Well, admittedly, that is a hard argument to argue with.
00:32:29But if memory serves, your side didn't look at it that way.
00:32:34I think they thought 37 white men for one nigger wasn't so hard a trade.
00:32:41I do believe they accused you of being a kill-crazy nigger
00:32:46who only joined the war to kill white folks.
00:32:49And the whole blue and gray of it all really didn't matter that much to you.
00:32:52And that's why they drummed your black ass out of the cavalry
00:32:56with a yellow stripe down your back.
00:32:59Isn't it, Major?
00:33:03If you'd have did all that, the cavalry would have shot him.
00:33:06Well, I didn't say they could prove it.
00:33:08But they sure did think it out loud, didn't they, Major?
00:33:12But Warren's war record was stellar.
00:33:16And that's what saved his ass.
00:33:19You killed yourself your share of redskins in your day, didn't you, black Major?
00:33:26Cavalry tends to look kindly on that.
00:33:28I'll tell you what the cavalry didn't look kindly on.
00:33:32Mannix's marauders, that's what.
00:33:35And the fact that Erskine Mannix's little boy would talk about anybody else's behavior during wartime
00:33:41makes me want to horse laugh.
00:33:43Don't you say anything about my daddy.
00:33:47What he fought for was dignity in defeat and against the unconditional surrender.
00:33:53We weren't foreign barbarians pounding on the city walls.
00:33:57We were your brothers.
00:34:00We deserve dignity in defeat.
00:34:02Just how many nigger towns did y'all sack in your fight for dignity in defeat?
00:34:07Oh, my fair share, black Major.
00:34:10Because when niggers are scared, that's when white folks are safe.
00:34:17You gonna talk that hateful nigger talk,
00:34:21No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:34:24You done got me talking politics.
00:34:27I didn't want to.
00:34:29Like I said, y'all, I'm just happy to be alive.
00:34:33Get in there!
00:34:35I think I'll scoot over here right by this window
00:34:40and let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep
00:34:44and dream about how lucky I am.
00:34:52Get up now!
00:35:17Get in there!
00:35:19Get in there!
00:35:45Get in! Get in there!
00:35:48Get in there! Get in there!
00:35:51Get in! Get in there, let's eat!
00:35:54Get in there!
00:35:56Whoa! Whoa! Easy!
00:35:59Whoa! Whoa!
00:36:19What the hell is going on?
00:36:21We weren't expecting another stage tonight.
00:36:24Yeah, I can see you already got another one up in here.
00:36:28I just got through putting the horses away.
00:36:31Well, this ain't the normal line,
00:36:33but we were stuck on the wrong side of a blizzard,
00:36:36so it looks like you were stuck with us.
00:36:38Are Minnie and Sweet Dave inside?
00:36:41They ain't here. I'm running the place while they're gone.
00:36:45Where's Minnie and Sweet Dave?
00:36:47He says they ain't here.
00:36:49He's looking after the place while they're gone.
00:36:52Who are you?
00:36:56I'm Bob.
00:37:00Well, whoever you are, help O.B. with the horses.
00:37:06Get them out of this cold before that blizzard hits us.
00:37:09Whoa, you're a tough guy.
00:37:12I just put those other horses away.
00:37:15You need to help.
00:37:17I got two of my best men on it.
00:37:21You heard him, freeloaders. Get to work.
00:37:25All right, you two, unhook the leader!
00:37:28Come on, let's go!
00:37:30Open up!
00:37:32You have to kick it open!
00:37:36You have to kick it open!
00:37:38Open up!
00:37:40You have to kick it open!
00:37:42Kick it open!
00:37:44Shut that door!
00:37:46Close the door!
00:37:48You have to nail it shut!
00:37:50You have to nail it shut!
00:37:52Hold it shut!
00:37:54There's a hammer and nails by the door!
00:37:56You have to nail it shut!
00:37:58There's hammer and nails by the door!
00:38:00Give me a hammer.
00:38:09You need two pieces of wood!
00:38:12Wood ain't good enough!
00:38:14Two pieces of wood!
00:38:16The fucking thing is busted!
00:38:18Not just one piece of wood!
00:38:20Give me another piece of wood.
00:38:22Yeah, all right.
00:38:28I need a nail.
00:38:44That door's a son of a gun!
00:38:46Who's the idiot who broke that?
00:38:48That Mexican fella?
00:38:50Good heavens!
00:38:52A woman?
00:38:54Out in this white hell, you must be frozen solid, poor thing.
00:38:58Looks like Minnie's got her a full house.
00:39:02When did you fellas arrive?
00:39:04About 40 minutes ago.
00:39:08That cowboy fell in the corner, that your driver?
00:39:10No, he's a passenger.
00:39:12The driver lit out.
00:39:14Said he was going to spend the blizzard shacked up with a friend.
00:39:16Lucky devil.
00:39:20Christ, that's awful!
00:39:22Christ almighty, what'd that Mexican fella do?
00:39:26I don't know.
00:39:28I think we all felt the same way,
00:39:30but we're a little too polite to say something.
00:39:32He don't have that problem.
00:39:34Where's the well water?
00:39:36Over there.
00:39:44So, all three of you fellas headed to Red Rock
00:39:48when the blizzard stopped you, huh?
00:39:52Well, that's a shame.
00:39:54So, you fellas headed to Red Rock
00:39:56when the blizzard stopped you, huh?
00:40:00All three of us were on that stagecoach out there.
00:40:14Coffee beans.
00:40:16Over there.
00:40:25Get your hand out of there.
00:40:32New sheriff of Red Rock's traveling with us.
00:40:35Sheriff of Red Rock, that'll be the day.
00:40:37He's a goddamn sheriff.
00:40:39I'm a monkey's uncle.
00:40:43And you can share bananas with your nigger friend in the stable.
00:40:45So, the new sheriff of Red Rock is traveling with you.
00:40:49No, he's lying.
00:40:51He ain't sheriff of nothing.
00:40:54He's a southern renegade.
00:40:56He's just talking himself out of freezing to death is all.
00:40:59What the fuck I tell you about talking, huh?
00:41:02I'll bust you in the mouth right in front of these people.
00:41:04I don't give a fuck.
00:41:06You never gave your name, sir.
00:41:08John Ruth.
00:41:10Are you a lawman?
00:41:11I'm taking her to the law.
00:41:13You're a bounty hunter.
00:41:14That's right, buster.
00:41:19Do you have a warrant?
00:41:20Of course I do.
00:41:28You're supposed to produce it upon request.
00:41:30How am I supposed to know you're not a villain
00:41:34kidnapping this woman without a warrant in your possession?
00:41:40What's your name, buster?
00:41:42Well, it certainly isn't buster.
00:41:47It's Oswaldo Mowbray.
00:41:56Well, I got my warrant, Oswaldo.
00:42:14Hey, take it to a dizzy dumb again.
00:42:16Yeah, it's her.
00:42:22It says here dead or alive.
00:42:26Yeah, it does.
00:42:28Transporting a desperate, hostile prisoner such as her
00:42:32sounds like hard work.
00:42:34Wouldn't transporting her be easier if she were dead?
00:42:38Well, no one said the job was supposed to be easy.
00:42:41Why is her hanging proper so important to you?
00:42:44Let's just say I don't like cheating a hangman.
00:42:46He got to make a living, too.
00:42:48Well, I appreciate that.
00:42:51Allow me to properly introduce myself.
00:42:55I'm Oswaldo Mowbray, the hangman in these parts.
00:43:05La Di Da.
00:43:07Looks like I brought you a customer.
00:43:09Yes, I would appear.
00:43:11You ever spent two days or more locked up
00:43:13with one of your customers before?
00:43:15I can't say I have.
00:43:17Don't talk to my prisoner. I talk to my prisoner.
00:43:19I got it. Jolly good.
00:43:21You got anything in here besides coffee
00:43:23that can help warm us up?
00:43:25The bar is open.
00:43:27Follow moi.
00:43:43Line on me!
00:43:45Oh! Oh!
00:44:25Whoa, whoa.
00:44:27You're all right.
00:44:29You're all right.
00:44:31Come on, goddammit, I'm cold!
00:44:39I'll feed and water the horses.
00:44:41You go inside and get some hot coffee.
00:44:44Got some stew cooking.
00:44:46Should be done soon.
00:44:48Now, look, no matter how bad this blizzard gets,
00:44:52we still got to feed these horses
00:44:54and take a squat from time to time.
00:44:57So me and Chris better lay out a line
00:45:00from the stable to the front door
00:45:02and from the front door to the shithouse.
00:45:10Good idea.
00:45:13Come on, Chris.
00:45:17I'll give you a hand.
00:45:19No, no, no, no, no.
00:45:21Go inside, get warm.
00:45:23You're doing stable work in a goddamn blizzard.
00:45:25I offer to help, you say no.
00:45:28You're right, amigo.
00:45:30Muchas gracias.
00:45:34All right, follow me.
00:45:43We're gonna drop one every ten paces
00:45:47from here to the door.
00:45:50All right!
00:46:54Now, you're wanted for murder.
00:46:58For the sake of my analogy,
00:47:00let's just assume that you did it.
00:47:02John Ruth wants to take you back to Red Rock
00:47:05to stand trial for murder.
00:47:07And if you're found guilty,
00:47:10the people of Red Rock will hang you in the town square,
00:47:13and as the hangman, I will perform the execution.
00:47:19And if all those things end up taking place,
00:47:23that's what civilized society calls justice.
00:47:30However, if the relatives and the loved ones
00:47:35of the person you murdered were outside that door right now
00:47:39after busting down that door,
00:47:41they drug you out into the snow and hung you up by the neck,
00:47:45that would be frontier justice.
00:47:49Now, the good part about frontier justice
00:47:54is it's very thirst-quenching.
00:47:57The bad part is it's apt to be wrong as right.
00:48:02Well, not in your case.
00:48:04In your case, you'd have it coming,
00:48:06but other people, maybe not so much.
00:48:08But ultimately, what's the real difference between the two?
00:48:13The real difference is me, the hangman.
00:48:18To me, it doesn't matter what you did.
00:48:20When I hang you, I'll get no satisfaction from your death.
00:48:23It's my job.
00:48:24I hang you in Red Rock, I move on to the next town,
00:48:28I hang someone else there.
00:48:30The man who pulls the lever that breaks your neck
00:48:35will be a dispassionate man.
00:48:37And that dispassion is the very essence of justice,
00:48:42for justice delivered without dispassion
00:48:46is always in danger of not being justice.
00:49:06No offense, cowboy fella, just getting your attention.
00:49:11Yeah, well, you got it.
00:49:16What's your writing, friend?
00:49:19Only the unqualified are right about it.
00:49:22What's that?
00:49:24I don't know.
00:49:26I'm just trying to help.
00:49:30Only the unqualified are right about it.
00:49:33What's that?
00:49:35My life story.
00:49:37You're writing your life story?
00:49:39You bet I am.
00:49:41Am I in it?
00:49:44You just entered.
00:49:47Well, you like writing stories so much,
00:49:49why don't you tell me the story that brings you here?
00:49:53Who's asking?
00:49:54I am, John Ruth.
00:49:56I'm bringing in this one to Red Rock to hang.
00:49:58It ain't no way I'm spending a couple of nights
00:50:00under a roof with somebody I don't know who they are
00:50:03and I don't know who you are.
00:50:05So who are you?
00:50:07Joe Gage.
00:50:10That's my name, Joe Gage.
00:50:12Okay, Joe Gage.
00:50:14Why are you going to Red Rock?
00:50:16I ain't going to Red Rock.
00:50:18Where are you going?
00:50:20About nine miles outside of Red Rock.
00:50:22What's there?
00:50:23My mother.
00:50:25Your mother.
00:50:28Listen, I'm just a cow puncher.
00:50:30I just got back from a long drive
00:50:33and I wasn't just an ass on a saddle this time.
00:50:38I was a partner.
00:50:41First time in my life I made a pretty penny
00:50:45and figured I'd come home
00:50:49and spend time with my mother for Christmas.
00:50:53Now that's funny.
00:50:56Because you don't look like the coming home for Christmas type.
00:50:59Yeah, well...
00:51:02You know, looks can be deceiving
00:51:07because I definitely am
00:51:10the coming home for Christmas
00:51:12to spend time with mother type.
00:51:16Christmas with mother.
00:51:18I mean, it's a wonderful thing.
00:51:23Now, is that good enough for you, John Root?
00:51:31For now.
00:51:34You steer clear of my prisoner.
00:51:40Hello, old-timer.
00:51:50You, sir.
00:51:52Are a hyena.
00:51:55I've no wish to speak to you.
00:52:02I've been called worse.
00:52:07Fair enough, General.
00:52:10Sorry to bother you.
00:52:15You're gonna kick it open!
00:52:18Kick it open!
00:52:25Open the door!
00:52:27I got them!
00:52:28It's already cold enough in here.
00:52:36Doesn't have a latch.
00:52:37You gotta hammer up a board.
00:52:38The hammer nails by the door.
00:52:40There's a hammer and nails right there!
00:52:42Oh, God.
00:52:45Here, here.
00:52:51Go, fingers.
00:52:53Really nail it in!
00:52:58You need two pieces of wood.
00:53:00You gotta hammer another one.
00:53:02One ain't good enough.
00:53:03It's gonna blow right open.
00:53:05God damn it!
00:53:06Gotta open it if you don't have it!
00:53:08Shut up!
00:53:09Son of a bitch.
00:53:21Jesus Christ.
00:53:23That door's a whore.
00:53:30I get it.
00:53:32That was a joke.
00:53:34How's the coffee?
00:53:36Now, pretty good, if I do say so myself.
00:53:43Thank you.
00:54:06Guess who he is.
00:54:10Buffalo Bill?
00:54:15I'm Osvaldo Mowbray.
00:54:17He's a hangman of Red Rock.
00:54:20Oh, you are.
00:54:22Yes, I am.
00:54:23Well, good to meet you, Mr.
00:54:29I'm Chris Mannix, the new sheriff in Red Rock.
00:54:34Pay no attention to him.
00:54:37Fellow warming himself by that potbelly stove is a hell of a driver named O.B.
00:54:41That's the only thing you've said that's the truth.
00:54:45You coming into Red Rock to hang Lance Lawson?
00:54:48Do you have your execution on his own?
00:54:50In my bag.
00:54:51May I see him?
00:54:52Of course.
00:54:58Who's, uh, who's Lance Lawson?
00:55:01He's a fella been sitting in the Red Rock jail about a month now.
00:55:04He's the fella who shot the fella who was sheriff for me.
00:55:12Thank you.
00:55:20What did she mean when she said the bounty hunter's nigger friend in the stable?
00:55:25He's got a nigger bounty hunter friend in the stable.
00:55:28Well, all that just got her.
00:55:31I don't think that was the original idea, but that's the idea now.
00:55:36A little snake bite in your coffee?
00:55:39A little snake bite in your coffee?
00:55:43Five of you.
00:55:45Well, well, well, looks like Minnie's haberdashery is about to get cozy for the next few days.
00:55:49Yes, it does.
00:56:00You're the chap with the Lincoln letter.
00:56:03The Lincoln what?
00:56:05Yes, the letter from Abraham Lincoln.
00:56:09President Abraham Lincoln?
00:56:12Weren't you pen pals?
00:56:14With the president.
00:56:16I'm sorry, I heard that somebody in your party had a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
00:56:21I assumed it was you.
00:56:23Not him.
00:56:24Black fella in the stable.
00:56:27The nigger?
00:56:29In the stable has a letter from Abraham Lincoln?
00:56:34The nigger in the stable has a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
00:56:53What'd you say your name was again?
00:56:58Minnie and Sweet Dave in there?
00:57:00Minnie and Sweet Dave went to visit her mother on the north side of the mountain.
00:57:06Minnie ain't here?
00:57:07Yes, they're visiting her mother.
00:57:10Her mother?
00:57:15Never knew Minnie had a mother.
00:57:20Everybody's got a mother.
00:57:24Yeah, I suppose.
00:57:27And she left you in charge?
00:57:34That sure don't sound like Minnie.
00:57:37Are you calling me a liar?
00:57:41Not yet, I ain't.
00:57:44Just sounds peculiar, though.
00:57:46What sounds peculiar?
00:57:48Well, first off, Minnie never struck me as the sentimental type.
00:57:52And secondly, I can't imagine Sweet Dave lifting his fat ass out of his chair long enough to fetch well water unless Minnie was laying a frying pan upside his head, let alone taking trips to the north side.
00:58:03Well, that sounds a whole lot like you're calling me a liar, mi negro amigo.
00:58:08Yeah, it do sound a whole lot like that, don't it?
00:58:13But I still ain't done it yet.
00:58:17Minnie still serve food?
00:58:20Do you consider it stew food?
00:58:23Then we serve food?
00:58:25Is she still stinking up the place with her old quail pipe tobacco?
00:58:32Minnie doesn't smoke a pipe.
00:58:35She rolls her own.
00:58:40Mi negro amigo, I think you already know this.
00:58:44Yeah, I do, senor Bob.
00:58:46Just seeing if you do.
00:59:16Fill her up, Opie.
00:59:33Yeah, I can.
00:59:35God damn it.
00:59:39Thank you.
00:59:47Well, cut my legs off and call me shorty.
00:59:51Is that General Sanford Smithers I see?
00:59:56You got a good eye, son.
00:59:58Well, I'll be double dog damn.
01:00:02General Sandy don't give a damn Smithers.
01:00:07Captain, Chris Mannix, Mannix Marauders.
01:00:10Erskine Floyd?
01:00:12Yes, sir.
01:00:14May I sit down, sir?
01:00:16According to the Yankees, it's a free country.
01:00:19General Sandy Smithers.
01:00:23Boy, oh boy.
01:00:26Did my daddy talk about you.
01:00:29I heard you gave those blue bellies sweet hell.
01:00:35Me and my boys did our part.
01:00:37Just like Erskine and his boys did their part.
01:00:40Hell yeah, we did.
01:00:42Yankee sons of bitches.
01:00:44I never knew your father, son.
01:00:47But I always respected his resolve.
01:00:52Well, thank you for saying that, General.
01:00:54Your respect would have meant the world to him.
01:00:58Can I get you some coffee?
01:01:01That'd be nice.
01:01:03How about a blanket?
01:01:05That'd be even nicer.
01:01:09Hell, you know what? You can have mine.
01:01:15There we go, General.
01:01:20So what brings you out Wyoming way, sir?
01:01:23If you don't mind my asking.
01:01:25My boy.
01:01:26Oh, you got a boy that lives in Red Rock?
01:01:28My son.
01:01:30Chester Charles Smithers.
01:01:33He died out here a few years back.
01:01:36Well, forgive me, sir.
01:01:38No forgiveness needed, son.
01:01:41Like I said, it was a few years back.
01:01:45It was after he'd served his service.
01:01:49He came out here to the hills of Wyoming
01:01:54to make his fortune.
01:01:57Never did he heard from again.
01:02:01I bought him a symbolic plot
01:02:05in the Red Rock Cemetery.
01:02:08And now I'm here to advise the stonemaker on his headstone.
01:02:13Was he a goner for sure?
01:02:16No chance he could be living the cold life out in the woods.
01:02:19It's a rough life, but folks can learn it.
01:02:23No chance he could be living the cold life out in the woods.
01:02:26It's a rough life, but folks can learn it.
01:02:30If he'd have done what he came out here to do,
01:02:33he'd have come home.
01:02:36Hurry. Hold it.
01:02:38Closer, closer.
01:02:43You have to hold it closed while I nail this shot.
01:02:46Who's the idiot broke the damn door?
01:02:48Just fucking hold it closed.
01:02:53Órale, cabrón.
01:02:57Hold it closed.
01:03:07Keep holding. Keep holding right now, amigo.
01:03:13We need two pieces of wood.
01:03:19Órale, cabrón.
01:03:21There you go, motherfucker.
01:03:28A lot of hats, señor Bob.
01:03:31Considering Minnie's no-hats-in-doors policy,
01:03:34which, if I remember correctly, was one of them bar iron rules,
01:03:38the kind of rules she won't have kept up in her absence,
01:03:41you seem to have a laissez-faire attitude when it comes to the hats.
01:03:44I'm guilty.
01:03:46I have a lesser fair attitude about the hats.
01:03:49How about we forget about the hats today,
01:03:51considering there is a blizzard going on and on,
01:03:54and make tomorrow no-hat day?
01:04:04A large, black dog.
01:04:08He's a damn real thing.
01:04:11A Labrador.
01:04:20You know, my daddy...
01:04:22I said that my daddy always said that Davis was a courageous man,
01:04:27but he should have put the capital in Montgomery and not Richmond.
01:04:32Yes, sir. I agree with that.
01:04:35The Army of Northern Virginia would have been used in a very different way.
01:04:38I said the Army of North Virginia would have been used in a very different way.
01:04:42There's a lot of caution out there...
01:04:47Shut up.
01:04:59Do you know that nigger, sir?
01:05:02I don't know that nigger,
01:05:05but I know he's a nigger,
01:05:08and that's all I need to know.
01:05:13Well, that nigger just ain't any nigger.
01:05:17That nigger is...
01:05:19General Sanford Smithers?
01:05:21Battle of Baton Rouge?
01:05:27Inform the nigger in the cavalry officer's uniform
01:05:32that I had a division of Confederates under my command,
01:05:37in Baton Rouge.
01:05:39Major nigger, General Smithers wishes me to inform you...
01:05:42I heard him here, Billy.
01:05:44Inform this old cracker that I was in Baton Rouge also,
01:05:49on the other side.
01:05:51Oh, that's interesting.
01:05:54Now, General Smithers, he said that he was also in Baton Rouge
01:05:58on the other side...
01:06:00Cap Mannix, tell the nigger
01:06:03that I don't acknowledge niggers in northern uniforms.
01:06:07You captured a whole colored command that day,
01:06:10but not one colored trooper made it to a camp, did they?
01:06:14We didn't have the time or the food,
01:06:17nor the inclination to care for northern horses,
01:06:23and least of all, northern niggers!
01:06:27So we shot them where they stood.
01:06:35I know Americans aren't apt
01:06:38to let a little thing like unconditional surrender
01:06:41get in the way of a good war,
01:06:44but I strongly suggest we don't restage
01:06:47the Battle of Baton Rouge
01:06:49during a blizzard in Minnie's haberdashery.
01:06:53Now, my Nubian friend,
01:06:58my Nubian friend,
01:07:00while I realize passions are high,
01:07:03that was a while ago,
01:07:05and if you shoot this unarmed old man,
01:07:09I guarantee I will hang you by the neck
01:07:12until you are dead once we arrive in Red Rock.
01:07:19I damn well guarantee that, too.
01:07:22Yeah, Warren, that's the problem with old men.
01:07:25You can kick them down the stairs and say it's an accident,
01:07:28but you can't just shoot them.
01:07:31Gentlemen, since we may be trapped here,
01:07:36close together-like, for a few days,
01:07:40may I suggest a possible solution?
01:07:44We divide Minnie's in half,
01:07:48the northern side and the southern side,
01:07:53with the dinner table
01:07:56operating as a neutral territory.
01:08:00We could say that the fireplace side of the room
01:08:05acts as a symbolic representative of Georgia,
01:08:13while the bar represents...
01:08:21Long as the bar is Philadelphia, I agree.
01:08:33Still got that deal we talked about in the wagon?
01:08:37I help you protect your 8,000, you help me protect my tent?
01:08:41Yeah, I suppose.
01:08:45One of them fellas is not what he says he is.
01:08:50What is he?
01:08:52In cahoots with this one, that's what he is.
01:08:55One of them, maybe even two of them,
01:08:58is here to see Domergue goes free.
01:09:01Accomplish that goal, they'll kill everybody in here.
01:09:06They got him a couple of days,
01:09:08so all they gotta do is sit tight
01:09:11and wait for a window of opportunity.
01:09:14And that's when they strike.
01:09:18Huh, bitch?
01:09:21If you say so, John.
01:09:25Are you sure you ain't just being paranoid?
01:09:28Our best bet is this duplicitous fella
01:09:31ain't as cool a customer as Daisy here.
01:09:34He won't have the leather patience it takes
01:09:37to just sit here and wait.
01:09:40Waiting for an opportunity
01:09:42and knowing it's the right one isn't so easy.
01:09:45He can't handle it.
01:09:47He'll stop waiting, try and create his opportunity,
01:09:51and that's when Mr. Jumpy reveals himself.
01:09:55Now what you got to say about all this?
01:09:58What I got to say?
01:10:00About John Rhys-Ravens?
01:10:03He's absolutely right.
01:10:06Me and one of them fellas is in cahoots.
01:10:10We're just waiting for everybody to go to sleep.
01:10:14That's when we're gonna kill you.
01:10:18Okay, everybody.
01:10:23Here, this.
01:10:28This here is Daisy Domergue.
01:10:31She's wanted dead or alive for murder.
01:10:37That money's mine, boys.
01:10:40Don't want to share it.
01:10:43I ain't gonna lose it.
01:10:46When that sun comes out,
01:10:48I'm taking this woman into Red Rock to hang.
01:11:01Is there anybody here
01:11:05committed to stopping me
01:11:08from doing that?
01:11:23Nobody got a problem with this?
01:11:31Well, I guess that's very fortunate for me.
01:11:37However, I hope you all understand
01:11:42I can't just take your word.
01:11:46Circumstances force me to take...
01:11:54When you say precautions...
01:11:59why do I feel you mean me?
01:12:03Because I'm gonna take your gun, son.
01:12:06You are?
01:12:07Yes, I am.
01:12:08Nothing personal.
01:12:10Just mine.
01:12:12Hangman's got himself a gun, too.
01:12:14I'll be dealing with his gun after I deal with yours.
01:12:26I feel kind of...
01:12:28naked without it.
01:12:30Oh, I still got mine.
01:12:35I'll protect you.
01:12:39A bastard's work is never done.
01:12:42Huh, John Ruth?
01:12:44That's right, Joe Gage.
01:12:47Now give me the gun.
01:12:49You want it?
01:12:51You're gonna have to come and take it.
01:12:55Calm down.
01:12:58Take your hand away from your gun.
01:13:03Take your hand away from your gun.
01:13:09Blink if you're calm.
01:13:12He blinked?
01:13:14He blinked.
01:13:16Blink if you're gonna remain calm.
01:13:22He blinked.
01:13:24Take his pistol.
01:13:27I'm real sorry about this, son.
01:13:32Like I said, nothing personal.
01:13:35Just a precaution.
01:14:01Pretty sneaky.
01:14:31I'm sorry.
01:15:01I'm afraid the same applies to you, too, Mr...
01:15:07Precautions must be taken because life is too sweet to lose.
01:15:16Hand me that little bucket.
01:15:23Go to the outhouse.
01:15:26Take this bucket and dump it down the shithole.
01:15:31Why do I gotta go outside?
01:15:34Your jacket's already on, and I sorta kinda trust you.
01:15:39Why do I gotta go outside?
01:15:42Your jacket's already on, and I sorta kinda trust you.
01:16:09I really gotta go.
01:16:25After you, Major.
01:16:42I'm gonna cut you loose while we eat.
01:16:46If you get any ideas, I ain't going soft on you.
01:16:50Lift your ass even one inch off that seat,
01:16:53and I'll put a bullet right in your goddamn throat.
01:16:57Come here.
01:17:01Come here.
01:17:20Oh, ha-ha.
01:17:25So, Damagu,
01:17:28I suppose this blizzard counts as a stroke of luck as far as you're concerned.
01:17:33You don't hear me complaining, do you?
01:17:35Nope, I sure don't.
01:17:45Well, how about you, Oswaldo?
01:17:49How about me what?
01:17:51Look, considering all the things I've done for money,
01:17:55I ain't one to judge, but don't you feel just the least little bit about hanging a woman?
01:18:02Well, until they invent a trigger a woman can't pull,
01:18:05if you're a hangman, you're going to hang women.
01:18:08Well, hell, I guess I ain't never looked at it like that before.
01:18:12When it comes to some of them mean bastards out there, it's the only thing that does the job.
01:18:17You really only need to hang mean bastards,
01:18:20but mean bastards you need to hang.
01:18:31You goddamn son of a bitch!
01:18:34I almost died out there!
01:18:40I ain't ever going out in that shit ever, ever again!
01:19:09You okay, Obi?
01:19:11I'm fine. I'll be fine.
01:19:14I just need to get warm.
01:19:22You want some stew, Obi?
01:19:24Stew? Later.
01:19:31Oh, yeah. That's nice.
01:19:55So, how you doing, Black Major?
01:20:00I ain't in the mood, Chris Mannix. Leave me be from your horse shit.
01:20:05John Ruth says you got a Lincoln letter.
01:20:08I told you, jackass, go hee-haw someplace else.
01:20:11That's right, John. You did say that, didn't you?
01:20:15Yeah, I did.
01:20:18So, you got a letter from Abraham Lincoln.
01:20:25The Abraham Lincoln?
01:20:29Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States?
01:20:34Of America?
01:20:37Wrote you a letter personally.
01:20:41Personally as in, dear Major Warren?
01:20:44No, personally as in, dear Marquess.
01:20:47Dear Marquess! Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States of America!
01:20:53May I see it?
01:20:55No, you may not.
01:20:57But the way John tells it,
01:20:59you weren't just some random nigga soldier picked from a pile of letters.
01:21:03The way John tells it, y'all had a correspondence.
01:21:13The way John tells it, y'all was practically pen pals.
01:21:21Now, to pen pals, practically a friend.
01:21:28John Ruth,
01:21:40you really think a nigga drummed out of the cavalry with a yellow stripe down his back
01:21:45was practically friends with the President of the United States of America?
01:21:52John Ruth, I hate to be the one to break it to you,
01:21:55but ain't nobody in Minnie's haberdashery ever corresponded with Abraham Lincoln.
01:22:01Least of all, that nigga there.
01:22:14Was all that horse shit?
01:22:19Of course it was.
01:22:30Good one, Warren!
01:22:32Talk that sass, nigga! Talk that sass!
01:22:47Well, I guess it's true what they say about you people.
01:22:53Can't trust a fucking word comes out of your mouth.
01:22:58What's the matter, John Ruth?
01:23:00I hurt your feelings?
01:23:03As a matter of fact, you did.
01:23:10I know I'm the only black son of a bitch you ever conversed with,
01:23:14so I'm gonna cut you some slack.
01:23:16But you got no idea what it's like being a black man facing down America.
01:23:22The only time black folks is safe is when white folks is disarmed.
01:23:27And this letter had the desired effect of disarming white folks.
01:23:35Call it what you want.
01:23:39I call it a dirty fucking trick.
01:23:51You wanna know why I lie about something like that, white man?
01:24:01Got me on that stagecoach, didn't it?
01:24:11Well, I tell you like the good Lord told John,
01:24:14a letter from Abraham Lincoln wouldn't have had that kind of effect on me.
01:24:18I might let a whore piss on it.
01:24:20I'll spit on it.
01:24:22Over you, sister.
01:24:42God damn it.
01:24:43You leave that old man alone.
01:24:45Stand down, you son of a bitch.
01:24:47I share the battlefield with this man.
01:24:49Or would you deny me that, too?
01:24:55I suppose you would then.
01:24:59May I join you?
01:25:05Yes, you may.
01:25:36Damn it.
01:26:04So, how's life since the war?
01:26:13Got both my legs.
01:26:15And there's my arms.
01:26:19I can't complain.
01:26:21Got a woman?
01:26:25Fever took her, started us last winter.
01:26:29What was her name?
01:26:34Georgia gal?
01:26:40Atlanta boy, Augusta girl.
01:26:45I used to raise Kentucky horses.
01:26:48Her pa was the owner of the breedership where I bought most of my ponies.
01:26:55God damn it.
01:26:57I made a good deal on her.
01:27:00Took the stake he gave me and bought a bunch of peach orchards.
01:27:04Set myself up pretty well.
01:27:07Did a hell of a lot better than either one of my no-good brothers, that's for damn sure.
01:27:14Hey, boy come up here a few years back.
01:27:17He spoke highly of his mama, too.
01:27:21You knew my boy?
01:27:24Did I know him?
01:27:29Yeah, I knew him.
01:27:32You did not know my boy.
01:27:38Suit yourself.
01:27:42Did you know my son?
01:27:45I know the day he died.
01:27:48Do you?
01:27:51You want to know what day that was?
01:27:58The day he met me.
01:28:18He come up here to do a little nigger head hunting.
01:28:22By then the reward was, oh, 5,000 bragging rights.
01:28:27But to battle hard ribs, 5,000 just to cut off a nigger's head?
01:28:33That's good money.
01:28:36So them johnnies climbed this mountain looking for fortune.
01:28:42There wasn't no fortune to be found.
01:28:46All they found was me.
01:28:52All them crackers come up here and sang a different tune when they found themselves at the mercy of a nigger's gun.
01:29:02Let's just forget it.
01:29:04I'll go my way, you go yours.
01:29:07That's your boy Chester talking.
01:29:09You're a goddamn lie.
01:29:12If you just let me go home to my family, I swear I'll never set foot in Wyoming again.
01:29:21That's what they all said.
01:29:27Begging for his life, your boy told me his whole life story.
01:29:37And you was in that story, General.
01:29:42When I knew me, I had the son of the bloody nigger killer of Baton Rouge.
01:29:51I knew me, I was going to have some fun.
01:29:54You shut your lying nigger lips up.
01:29:57General Smithers, don't you listen to him.
01:29:59He didn't know your boy.
01:30:01He just heard tell why your hair is off.
01:30:04It was cold the day I killed your boy.
01:30:08And I don't mean snowy mountain Wyoming cold.
01:30:12It was colder than that.
01:30:15And on that cold day, with your boy at the business end of my gun barrel,
01:30:22I made him strip right down to his bass.
01:30:30And I told him to start walking.
01:31:01I walked this naked ass for two hours before the cold collapsed him.
01:31:08You never even knew my boy?
01:31:10No, he didn't.
01:31:12He's just a snakey nigger trying to get you to go for that gun.
01:31:17Then he commenced to begging again.
01:31:20But this time, he wasn't begging to go home.
01:31:25He knew he'd never see his home again.
01:31:28He wasn't begging for his life neither, because he knew that was long gone.
01:31:33All he wanted was a blanket.
01:31:39Now, don't judge your boy too harshly, General.
01:31:43You ain't never been cold as your boy was that day.
01:31:48You'd be surprised what a man that cold would do for a blanket.
01:31:57You want to know what your boy did?
01:32:02I pulled my big black pecker out of my pants,
01:32:08and I made him crawl through the snow on all fours over to it.
01:32:22Then I grabbed me a handful of that black hair at the back of his head,
01:32:29and I stuck my big black Johnson right down his goddamn throat.
01:32:38And it was full of blood, so it was warm.
01:32:42Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm.
01:32:46And Chester Charles Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for long as he could.
01:32:56Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:33:01Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:33:07You're starting to see pictures, ain't you?
01:33:10Your boy, black dude, dingus in his mouth,
01:33:14him shaking, him crying, me laughing.
01:33:19Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:33:23And him not understanding.
01:33:28But you understand, don't you, Sandy?
01:33:31I never did give your boy that blanket, even after all he did.
01:33:37And he did everything I asked.
01:33:43No blanket.
01:33:46That blanket was just a heartbreaking lie of promise.
01:33:50Kind of like those uniforms the Union issued those colored troops
01:33:54that you chose not to acknowledge.
01:34:04So what you going to do, old man?
01:34:08You going to spend the next two, three days ignoring the nigger that killed your boy?
01:34:16Ignoring how I made him suffer.
01:34:20Ignoring how I made him lick all over my Johnson.
01:34:30The dumbest thing your boy ever did was to let me know he was your boy.
01:35:10About 15 minutes has passed since we last left our characters.
01:35:24Joe Gage volunteered to take Smithers' dead body outside.
01:35:28Straws were drawn to see who'd help him.
01:35:31Obie lost.
01:35:34Chris, John Ruth, and Oswaldo had a vigorous debate about the legality of the self-defense murder that just transpired.
01:35:41Major Marquis Warren, who was supremely confident about the legality of what just transpired, ignored them,
01:35:46sat at the table by himself, and drank brandy.
01:35:52Captain Chris Mannix donned the dead general's coat and joined Oswaldo in lighting the candles and lanterns.
01:35:58Hey, Ozzie!
01:36:00Now you got the right idea.
01:36:02Let's light this place up.
01:36:04John Ruth held the door closed, waiting for Joe Gage and Obie to return.
01:36:13Bob enjoyed a manzana roja.
01:36:22Damargu, however, hasn't moved from her spot at the community dinner table since John Ruth uncuffed her.
01:36:29John Ruth.
01:36:33Can I play that guitar over there?
01:36:36Let's go back a bit.
01:36:38Yo, boy. Black dude stingers in his mouth.
01:36:42Fifteen minutes ago, Major Warren shot General Smithers in front of everybody.
01:36:47But about 40 seconds before that, something equally as important happened, but not everybody saw it.
01:36:54While Major Warren was captivating the crowd with tales of black dicks in white mouths,
01:37:00somebody poisoned the coffee.
01:37:03He did everything I asked.
01:37:08No blanket.
01:37:10And the only one to see him do it...
01:37:17was Damargu.
01:37:24That's why this chapter is called...
01:37:27Damargu's Got a Secret.
01:37:33John Ruth.
01:37:37Can I play that guitar over there?
01:37:53You come back with anything else but a guitar, my pistol plays a tune.
01:37:59Damargu's Death March.
01:38:02You got it?
01:38:03Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it.
01:38:43This ain't for a moment, lads, and hear me tell my tale.
01:39:03O'er the sea from England shore I was condemned to sail.
01:39:10Jury found me guilty, sir, and said the judge said he.
01:39:19For life, Jim Jones, I sentence you across the stormy seas.
01:39:29And the judge of Mr. Beckman never was insane.
01:39:35I'll solve my potion out of you out there in Buffy Bay.
01:39:42Waves were high upon the sea, the winds approaching gay.
01:39:50I'd rather drown in misery than come to New South Wales.
01:39:59Waves were high upon the sea when the pirates came along.
01:40:05But the soldiers on the convict ship were full 500 strong.
01:40:12They opened fire and somehow drove that pirate ship away.
01:40:20I'd rather join that pirate ship than come to Buffy Bay.
01:40:29And one dark night when everything is quiet in the town.
01:40:36I'll kill your bastards one and all, I'll gun the flaughters down.
01:40:43I'll give them all a little shot, remember what we did.
01:40:51Yet regret they sent Jim Jones in chains to Buffy Bay.
01:41:03That's the one you like to sing in the stagecoach, huh?
01:41:09It's kind of pretty.
01:41:11Got another verse to it?
01:41:13Yeah, a lot.
01:41:17Well, go ahead, sing it.
01:41:24Whatever you say, Jim.
01:41:29That day and night the iron's clanging like forgotten sleeves.
01:41:36Toil and toil and when we die must bear this honored grace.
01:41:42By and by I'll break my chains into the bush I'll go.
01:41:51And you'll be dead behind me, John, when I get to Mexico.
01:42:06Give me that guitar.
01:42:11Music time's over.
01:42:17Turn around.
01:42:26John, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:42:28Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up.
01:43:27Shut up.
01:43:45Shut up.
01:44:05Shut up.
01:44:15When you get to hell, John, tell them Daisy sent you.
01:44:35The coffee.
01:45:32Oh, my God!
01:45:37Give me that fucking gun.
01:45:40Don't test me, bitch.
01:45:45Everybody, get your backsides up against that back wall over yonder.
01:45:51God damn it.
01:45:53Get or don't get, Joe Gage, it's up to you.
01:45:56I'm good.
01:45:57Didn't get.
01:46:11You too, senor Bob.
01:46:19Everybody turn around and put your hands on that wall.
01:46:26I want some damn snowshoes.
01:46:49Everybody keep your mouths shut.
01:46:51Do like I say.
01:46:53You open your mouth, you're gonna get a bullet.
01:46:56Move a little sudden, a little strange, you're gonna get a bullet.
01:47:01Not a warning, not a question, a bullet.
01:47:06You got that?
01:47:08Let me hear you say, I got it.
01:47:10I got it.
01:47:11I got it.
01:47:12We have it.
01:47:15Chris Mannix, come over here on this side.
01:47:19Come on.
01:47:26Take this gun out of my holster.
01:47:38Point it at them.
01:47:43Like I said, anybody does anything, and I mean anything, you kill them.
01:47:55So, you finally decided I'm telling the truth about being the sheriff of Red Rock, huh?
01:48:03I don't know about all that.
01:48:05But I know you ain't the killer poisoning that coffee because you're almost drunk as your own damn self.
01:48:11One of them is.
01:48:20Give me the key.
01:48:21Give me the key!
01:48:35You motherfucking black bastard!
01:48:39You're gonna die on this mountain, and I'm gonna fucking live with you, too!
01:48:45What'd I say about talking?
01:48:48Me neither.
01:48:49Me neither, didn't I?
01:48:52Now, you need to understand, you just killed the only man here committed to getting you to Red Rock alive.
01:49:05Now, one of y'all is working with her.
01:49:10Or two of y'all is working with her.
01:49:13Or all y'all is.
01:49:18But only one of you poisoned the coffee.
01:49:25What charms this bitch got make a man brave a blizzard, kill in cold blood?
01:49:34I'm sure I don't know.
01:49:40But John Ruth's trying to hang your woman, so you kill her.
01:49:49But O.B. wasn't hanging nobody.
01:49:52He damn sure would.
01:49:54But he sure enough laying over there dead now, though, ain't he?
01:49:56He damn sure is, you sons of bitches.
01:49:59Just like any one of us would've drunk that coffee.
01:50:02Like me, goddammit.
01:50:05Now, those of y'all with your hands on the wall don't practice any poisons.
01:50:09Need to think about that.
01:50:12Think about how it could've been you rolling around here on this float.
01:50:17And how the man standing next to you would be responsible.
01:50:21I know who I got my money on.
01:50:24Oh, that's right, Joe Gage.
01:50:26I'm looking at you.
01:50:29Not so fast, Chris.
01:50:32We'll get there.
01:50:34Let's slow it down.
01:50:37Let's slow it way down.
01:50:46Who made the coffee?
01:50:48He did.
01:50:51Yeah, he did, didn't he?
01:50:53Yeah, he did, didn't he?
01:50:56But it's the stew that's got me thinking.
01:51:01Now, how long you say Minnie been gone?
01:51:04A week?
01:51:08See, my mama used to make stew.
01:51:14And it always tasted the same, no matter the meat.
01:51:17And there was another fellow on the plantation, Uncle Charlie.
01:51:20He made stew, too.
01:51:22And like my mama, I ate his stew from the time I was a whipper till I was a full-grown man.
01:51:32No matter the meat, it always tasted like Uncle Charlie's stew.
01:51:38Now, I ain't had Minnie's stew in six months, so I ain't no expert.
01:51:42But that damn sure is Minnie's stew.
01:51:49So if Minnie is on the north side visiting her mama for a week, how she make the stew this morning?
01:52:01And this, this is sweet Dave's chair.
01:52:08I sat in it earlier.
01:52:10I couldn't believe it.
01:52:12Nobody sits in sweet Dave's chair.
01:52:15This may be Minnie's plates, but this is damn sure sweet Dave's chair.
01:52:24And if he went to the north side, I'm pretty goddamn sure this chair be going with him.
01:52:38What's in the chair?
01:52:41Just what I thought.
01:52:43Sweet Dave's goddamn blood.
01:52:47Oh, hoo, hoo, hoo.
01:52:52So, are you actually accusing me of murder?
01:53:00The way I see it, senor Bob, is whoever is working with her ain't who they say they is.
01:53:09And if it's you, that means Minnie and her man ain't at her mama's.
01:53:15They laying out back there dead somewhere.
01:53:19Or if it's you, little British man, the real Oswaldo Mowbray laying in a ditch somewhere,
01:53:24and you just an English fella passing off his papers.
01:53:27Or we go by my theory, which is the ugliest guy did it.
01:53:33Which makes it you, Joe Gage.
01:53:36So I take it you deduced the coffee was poisoned while you were murdering the old man?
01:53:45Well, mi negro amigo, during that whole incident,
01:53:50I was sitting on that side of the room playing Silent Night on the piano.
01:53:55No, I ain't say you poisoned the coffee.
01:53:58I say you didn't make the stew.
01:54:02My theory is you working with the man who poisoned the coffee,
01:54:11and both of y'all murdered Minnie, Sweet Dave,
01:54:14and whoever else picked this bad luck day to visit Minnie's haberdashery this morning.
01:54:19And at some point, y'all intended to bushwhack John Root and Free Daisy.
01:54:29But you didn't count on the blizzard, and you didn't count on the two of us.
01:54:39As far as I got, how am I doing?
01:54:45You're a real imaginative nigger, ain't you?
01:54:50So, do you intend to murder me based on a far-fetched nigger theory,
01:54:55or can you prove it, cabrón?
01:54:59It ain't so far-fetched, señor Bob.
01:55:04And it's a little bit more than a theory.
01:55:12How long you say you been working for Minnie?
01:55:15Four months.
01:55:17See, if you'd have been here two and a half years ago,
01:55:21you'd know about that sign used to hang up over the bar.
01:55:25Minnie mention that to you?
01:55:31You don't know what that sign says, señor Bob.
01:55:35No dogs or Mexicans allowed.
01:55:39Ha! Ha! Ha!
01:55:43Now, Minnie hung that sign up the day she opened this haberdashery,
01:55:47and it hung over that bar every day till she took it down a little over two years ago.
01:55:55You know why she took it down?
01:55:58She started letting in dogs.
01:56:04Now, Minnie like just about everybody,
01:56:08but she sure don't like Mexicans.
01:56:13So when you tell me Minnie went to the north side to visit her mama,
01:56:18well, I find that highly unlikely.
01:56:21But okay, maybe.
01:56:25But when you tell me Minnie Mink took the haberdashery,
01:56:31the most precious thing to her in the whole world,
01:56:35and left it in the hands of a goddamn Mexican,
01:56:40well, that's what I meant in the barn when I said that sure don't sound like Minnie.
01:56:47Now, I am calling you a liar, señor Bob.
01:56:53And if you lying, which you are,
01:56:58then you killed Minnie.
01:57:00Answer me, Dave!
01:57:03Pull, measly bullets!
01:57:23And there goes señor Bob.
01:57:27But that still don't get us no closer to which one of y'all pours in the coffee, though.
01:57:34Do it, Chris.
01:57:35No, it sure don't.
01:57:43Now, one of y'all pours in this coffee to free Daisy.
01:57:47If I don't hear a confession from one of you motherfuckers quick, fast and in a hurry,
01:57:52I'm going to pour this whole pot of coffee down that bitch's goddamn throat.
01:57:59Okay, time's up.
01:58:04All right, I did it.
01:58:06It was me. I poisoned the coffee.
01:58:09I fucking knew it!
01:58:12Oh, you're going to die now, you murdering bastard.
01:58:16Major Warren, please let me send this ugly son of a bitch to hell.
01:58:21You killed old B? He is worth ten of you.
01:58:24Warren, can I kill him?
01:58:26Say adios to your huevos.
01:58:35Where did you go?
01:58:57Thank God. Oh, God.
01:59:01Oh, God.
01:59:10Oh, God.
01:59:36Roy, careful!
01:59:43Get up there! Get up there!
01:59:45Get up!
01:59:46Hacker, Roy, get up!
01:59:49Get up!
01:59:50Get up there! Get up!
01:59:52Get up!
01:59:53Get up there! Get up!
01:59:56Get up there!
01:59:57Get up there!
01:59:58Get up there!
01:59:59Get up there!
02:00:00Get up there!
02:00:01Get up there!
02:00:02Get up there!
02:00:03Get up there!
02:00:04Get up there!
02:00:05Get up there!
02:00:06Get up there!
02:00:07Get up there!
02:00:08Get up there!
02:00:09Get up there!
02:00:10Get up there!
02:00:11Get up there!
02:00:12Get up there!
02:00:13Get up there!
02:00:14Get up there!
02:00:15Get up there!
02:00:16Get up there!
02:00:17Get up there!
02:00:18Get up there!
02:00:19Get up there!
02:00:20Get up there!
02:00:21Get up there!
02:00:22Get up there!
02:00:23Get up there!
02:00:24Get up there!
02:00:25Get up there!
02:00:26Get up there!
02:00:27Get up there!
02:00:28Get up there!
02:00:29Get up there!
02:00:30Get up there!
02:00:31Get up there!
02:00:32Get up there!
02:00:33Get up there!
02:00:34Get up there!
02:00:35Get up there!
02:00:36Get up there!
02:00:37Get up there!
02:00:38Get up there!
02:00:39Get up there!
02:00:40Get up there!
02:00:41Get up there!
02:00:42Get up there!
02:00:43Get up there!
02:00:44Get up there!
02:00:45Get up there!
02:00:46Get up there!
02:00:47Get up there!
02:00:48Get up there!
02:00:49Get up there!
02:00:50Get up there!
02:00:51Get up there!
02:00:52Get up there!
02:00:53Get up there!
02:00:54Get up there!
02:00:55Get up there!
02:00:56Get up there!
02:00:57Get up there!
02:00:58Get up there!
02:00:59Get up there!
02:01:00Get up there!
02:01:01Get up there!
02:01:02Get up there!
02:01:03Get up there!
02:01:04Get up there!
02:01:05Get up there!
02:01:06Get up there!
02:01:07Get up there!
02:01:08Get up there!
02:01:09Get up there!
02:01:10Get up there!
02:01:11Get up there!
02:01:12Get up there!
02:01:13Get up there!
02:01:14Get up there!
02:01:15Get up there!
02:01:16Get up there!
02:01:17Get up there!
02:01:18Get up there!
02:01:19Get up there!
02:01:20Get up there!
02:01:21Get up there!
02:01:22Get up there!
02:01:23Get up there!
02:01:24Get up there!
02:01:25Get up there!
02:01:26Get up there!
02:01:27Get up there!
02:01:28Get up there!
02:01:29Get up there!
02:01:30Get up there!
02:01:31Get up there!
02:01:32Get up there!
02:01:33Get up there!
02:01:34Get up there!
02:01:35Get up there!
02:01:36Get up there!
02:01:37Get up there!
02:01:38Get up there!
02:01:39Get up there!
02:01:40Get up there!
02:01:41Get up there!
02:01:42Get up there!
02:01:43Get up there!
02:01:44Get up there!
02:01:45Get up there!
02:01:46Get up there!
02:01:47Get up there!
02:01:48Get up there!
02:01:49Get up there!
02:01:50Get up there!
02:01:51Get up there!
02:01:52Get up there!
02:01:53Get up there!
02:01:54Get up there!
02:01:55Get up there!
02:01:56Get up there!
02:01:57Get up there!
02:01:58Get up there!
02:01:59Get up there!
02:02:00Get up there!
02:02:01Get up there!
02:02:02Get up there!
02:02:03Get up there!
02:02:04Get up there!
02:02:05Get up there!
02:02:06Get up there!
02:02:07Get up there!
02:02:08Get up there!
02:02:09Get up there!
02:02:10Get up there!
02:02:11Get up there!
02:02:12Get up there!
02:02:13Get up there!
02:02:14Get up there!
02:02:15Get up there!
02:02:16Listen, why don't you take the passengers inside and introduce them to Minnie, warm yourself up and drink some coffee.
02:02:28Here we are everybody, Minnie's herbedashery.
02:02:31Step outside, you and your friends can stretch your legs.
02:02:33When you're ready, step on inside, get warmed by the fire, get some coffee in you.
02:02:37I'll introduce you to Minnie.
02:02:42Hiya Minnie!
02:03:06Coffee would be the first thing you'd make.
02:03:09Come on in everybody, don't be shy.
02:03:12Everybody, this is Minnie and this is her place.
02:03:15Behind me, plucking that chicken, is Gemma.
02:03:19Lovely smile, that Gemma.
02:03:21Now the fella in the uniform, I don't know, but the one he's playing chess with is Sweet Dave.
02:03:26Hiya Dave!
02:03:27Hey Judy!
02:03:29And Minnie, these are the passengers.
02:03:32Well, that's not good enough.
02:03:34Go on, take away them rags, let's see some faces, let's hear some names.
02:03:38Oswaldo Mowbray, madam.
02:03:41Joe Gage.
02:03:44And I'm Jody.
02:03:46It's a pleasant surprise to find such a warm sanctuary in the middle of such a cold hell.
02:03:51Well, make yourself comfortable, get warmed by the fire.
02:03:55We're just going to go warm ourselves by the stove, if that's alright.
02:03:58Oh, stove, fireplace, whatever, just get warmed.
02:04:01Judy said something about the best coffee in the world.
02:04:04Yes, I do believe Judy did say something about the best coffee in the world.
02:04:09Well, I don't know about all that, but I'll tell you what it is.
02:04:12It's hot, it's strong, and it's good.
02:04:14And in this here snow, it sure enough warms your ass up.
02:04:17You don't need to sell it, Minnie, you need to make it.
02:04:19And you need to get your ass out there and help Charlie with them bags and get Ed in here.
02:04:25Look, fix that coffee.
02:04:26I'll fix you.
02:04:30I don't know, some old man.
02:04:31Well, I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it.
02:04:33I'm just telling you what she said.
02:04:35Anyway, she sent me out here to help Charlie.
02:04:37She wants to talk to you.
02:04:40Charlie, you got a hold of these fellas?
02:04:41Got them, Ed.
02:04:59Miss Minnie, would you roll me a cigarette?
02:05:03Sure, honey.
02:05:04I smoke red apple tobacco, that alright?
02:05:06It's my favorite.
02:05:11Don't mind me, gentlemen.
02:05:14I'm just watching.
02:05:17You play?
02:05:19You know, I must have had at least 12 people teach me that goddamn game.
02:05:26Just never could keep the moves in my head.
02:05:30But if I'm not disturbing, I like to watch.
02:05:34I like to watch.
02:05:35Hell no.
02:05:36I like whipping this old man's ass in front of an audience.
02:05:39You ain't whipping shit.
02:05:42Merci beaucoup, mademoiselle Minnie.
02:05:45Oh, that's real nice.
02:05:46What is that?
02:05:48That's French.
02:05:50You speak French?
02:05:54What does that mean?
02:05:55It means yes.
02:06:00Hey, Dave.
02:06:01Ask me if my ass is fat.
02:06:03Ask me if my ass is fat.
02:06:05It is.
02:06:07I said ask me.
02:06:10Just do it.
02:06:11Is your ass fat?
02:06:15Look at that child, I can speak French.
02:06:33Thank you.
02:06:57Are you the jelly bean salesman around here?
02:07:01How many peppermint sticks I get for a nickel?
02:07:05All right.
02:07:11Thank you, sugar.
02:07:21Allow me to assist you, mademoiselle.
02:07:30Thank you.
02:07:47I'm bringing in your bags in case anybody wants to change your clothes before Red Rock.
02:08:00Peppermint stick?
02:08:12So why do they call you Six Horse Judy anyway?
02:08:17Because I'm the only Judy you've ever seen that can drive a six horse team.
02:08:23Kind of a stupid question.
02:08:26Do you mind holding this for me?
02:08:30Rock steady, mademoiselle.
02:08:32Rock steady.
02:08:36You got a very sweet little accent.
02:08:39Where's that from? England?
02:08:41I take exception to that.
02:08:44New Zealand.
02:08:45Careful, mademoiselle.
02:08:46Not anywhere near.
02:08:48Oh, gee.
02:08:55Thank you.
02:09:15What the fuck's in Auckland?
02:09:17It's where I'm from.
02:09:18It's our biggest city.
02:09:23Coffee's ready.
02:09:24Well, it's about damn time.
02:09:28Best coffee on the mountain.
02:09:30Oh, I don't know about all that.
02:09:32Stagecoach drivers like it, passengers not so much.
02:09:36Most find it a mite too strong.
02:09:38Can't be too strong on this mountain.
02:09:41Thank you.
02:09:49What do you think?
02:10:13Shit, son!
02:10:52He had something.
02:10:53Not much, but something.
02:10:56What do you think, Pete?
02:11:02Well, I must admit,
02:11:03he does make the set-up more convincing.
02:11:11I'll talk to the old man.
02:11:13Three collective bodies and chuck them in that well out there.
02:11:17And then start on hitching the horses
02:11:19and getting them in the barn and getting them fed.
02:11:21Hang on.
02:11:22Putting the horses away, that's easy enough.
02:11:25But dragging these fat bastards up and down the mountain,
02:11:27that's fucking impossible, mate.
02:11:30Well, this is a store,
02:11:31so there's got to be a well barrel around here somewhere.
02:11:34Start with the horses.
02:11:36And as soon as I get through with this old hickery treat,
02:11:40I'll come out and help you, okay?
02:11:49Hey, Pete, grab my coat, will you?
02:12:22But I want you
02:12:27You're looking
02:12:29For someone
02:12:32To hold your hand
02:12:40Who understands
02:12:47And then
02:12:49You're by yourself
02:12:56And you're feeling
02:12:59The world closing on you
02:13:06And you're asking
02:13:10I just started working here.
02:13:12Whatever Manny did to make you all mad,
02:13:15I had nothing to do with it.
02:13:30Well, old man.
02:13:34If you was a cat,
02:13:38what just happened here
02:13:41would count as one of your nine lives.
02:13:45Did you realize how close
02:13:47you came to being tossed on a pile of niggers?
02:13:51And when it comes to that
02:13:53pile of niggers that we building out back,
02:13:55it won't take nothing to make you general of it.
02:13:57You believe that?
02:13:59I expect no less.
02:14:02You're not so fast, old man.
02:14:05You might have a way out of this yet.
02:14:10Later today,
02:14:16son of a gun
02:14:18is gonna come in here.
02:14:24And he's gonna have my sister with him.
02:14:27And he is gonna have her in chains.
02:14:34I'm taking her to Red Rock
02:14:36to be hung.
02:14:45You know why?
02:14:57That's why.
02:15:00And when he gets here,
02:15:03I'm gonna kill that fella
02:15:05and turn my sister loose.
02:15:07Now, do you have any reason
02:15:10why you would want to interfere
02:15:12with me saving my sister
02:15:14from a hangman's rope?
02:15:17You don't?
02:15:18No, I don't.
02:15:19You sure you don't?
02:15:21I mean, we did just kill Minnie and Sweet Dave.
02:15:24And you and Sweet Dave
02:15:26look mighty chummy over here.
02:15:28I just met these people.
02:15:29I don't give a damn about them.
02:15:31Or you.
02:15:32Or your sister.
02:15:33Or any other son of a bitch
02:15:35in Wyoming, for that matter.
02:15:37That is a good answer,
02:15:40a good answer, old man.
02:15:44Now, when they get here,
02:15:46you just sit your ass in this chair,
02:15:49and you don't do nothing.
02:15:52You don't say nothing.
02:15:53Hello, thank you, good night.
02:15:56That's about it.
02:15:58Maybe your name,
02:16:00but that's it.
02:16:02Hello, thank you, good night,
02:16:06and maybe my name.
02:16:09Be a, be a old man.
02:16:12Be doughty.
02:16:14Go to sleep.
02:16:16And don't you say nothing,
02:16:19and I mean nothing,
02:16:21to that bounty hunter
02:16:22that's got my sister.
02:16:23Do you understand?
02:16:28When it's safe,
02:16:30I'll kill him,
02:16:32free my sister,
02:16:33and leave you be.
02:16:45Thank you.
02:16:48During the next four hours,
02:16:50Jody and the boys
02:16:51chuck the bodies down the well,
02:16:55put away the horses,
02:17:00tidy up around Minnie's,
02:17:03stash weapons for further use,
02:17:10and waited for John Ruth
02:17:12and Daisy Stage to arrive.
02:17:16All right, boys, this is it.
02:17:19Let's get ready.
02:17:26Now remember,
02:17:28it doesn't matter
02:17:29if we have four men or 40.
02:17:31We are still gonna be
02:17:32facing John Ruth,
02:17:33chained to my sister
02:17:34with a pistol pointed
02:17:35at her belly.
02:17:36Now killing that fella
02:17:38before he kills my sister
02:17:39ain't gonna be easy,
02:17:40but you better believe
02:17:41that's exactly what
02:17:42we're gonna do.
02:17:43So the name of the game here
02:17:45is patience.
02:17:47Trapped here for two
02:17:48or three days,
02:17:49at some point
02:17:50he will close his eyes,
02:17:52and that's when you blow
02:17:53the top of his head off.
02:17:54Remember, old man,
02:17:56if my sister don't make it off
02:17:58of this mountain alive,
02:17:59neither do you.
02:18:00I'll do my best.
02:18:19Good luck, mate.
02:18:51Yeah, I gotta do another one.
02:19:00Where's Minnie and Sweet Dave?
02:19:02He said they ain't here.
02:19:04He's lookin' after them.
02:19:06They're gone.
02:19:07Who are you?
02:19:11I'm up.
02:19:15Whoever you are,
02:19:16help on me with the horses.
02:19:21Get them out of this cold
02:19:22before that blizzard hits us.
02:19:24Oh, you're right.
02:19:27Wait, wait, wait, wait.
02:19:29I just put those other horses away.
02:19:32You need it done fast.
02:19:33You need to help.
02:19:35I got two of my best men on it.
02:19:39You heard him, freeloaders.
02:19:41Get to work.
02:19:43All right, you two,
02:19:44unhook the leaders.
02:19:46Come on, let's go.
02:19:49Open up!
02:19:50You have to kick it open!
02:19:53Kick it open!
02:20:25How you doin', old boy?
02:20:27The air shot my nuts off.
02:20:29I'm freezin',
02:20:30burnin' up at the same time,
02:20:32bleedin' like a stuck pig.
02:20:35I think I'm gonna die.
02:20:38The knees motherfuckers did it.
02:20:42Oh, that's how I'm doin'.
02:20:44How you doin'?
02:20:46Well, my leg hurts really bad.
02:20:50But I think if I put all my weight on my right foot...
02:20:54I was just being sarcastic.
02:20:55I don't give a fuck about your leg.
02:20:59You just make yourself comfortable.
02:21:03Don't worry about my comforts.
02:21:06Shit, I can't feel my ass no more.
02:21:10Don't worry about these owl hoots
02:21:12and that bushwhackin' nutshooter in the basement.
02:21:17All right!
02:21:20All right!
02:21:25fella in the basement!
02:21:28You either give up
02:21:30by the time I count to three,
02:21:34or I shoot Damagoo in the head.
02:21:41No, no, no, no, don't shoot her in the head!
02:21:45I'm comin' up!
02:21:46Hold on there,
02:21:47you bushwhackin' sack shooter!
02:21:49You just opened the door.
02:21:51We tell you when to come up.
02:21:57Now throw out your pistol!
02:22:00Talk to Ben!
02:22:05Ben, he got another one.
02:22:08Now throw out your other pistol!
02:22:11I ain't got another pistol!
02:22:13Well, you better shoot another pistol out your ass,
02:22:15because if you don't throw one up here in the next two seconds,
02:22:18we gonna kill this bitch!
02:22:24See? Told you.
02:22:29with your hands where we can see them,
02:22:32slowly come on up.
02:22:45Come on.
02:23:08How you doin', dummy?
02:23:12Now I see your ugly face.
02:23:21How you like that, you bushwhackin' castrator?
02:23:25What are you doing? He was getting up!
02:23:27Well, it took him too long, so I done it for him.
02:23:33Joe Gage!
02:23:34Get your ass over here and shut this trap door.
02:23:57I'm sorry, honey.
02:24:07May I sit in the chair?
02:24:10Yes, you may.
02:24:21Keep your hands flat on that table.
02:24:25Don't move them.
02:24:28You sure picked the wrong time to turn into a nigger lover.
02:24:32Don't you see that nigger John Ruth put you smack dab in the middle of danger?
02:24:35You're about to be murdered in some nigger named Minnie's house
02:24:38and you don't even know why?
02:24:44I'll bite.
02:24:48I'm working with all three of them fellas.
02:24:50But not because they got butterflies in their belly about me.
02:24:53But because we're all gang members.
02:24:55The Jody Dominguez gang.
02:24:59That fella y'all just killed in the basement
02:25:01was Jody Dominguez, my brother.
02:25:04Well, who the hell is Jody Dominguez?
02:25:09You want to tell him about him, man?
02:25:12He was a big bad cat worth $50,000.
02:25:16And every member of his gang was worth at least $10,000.
02:25:20Which finally explains why you worth $10,000.
02:25:24And what's going to happen when that sun comes out, nigger?
02:25:26So is my brother's 15 men coming straight here for us.
02:25:29Tell him, Grouch!
02:25:30Jody's got 15 men waiting at Red Rock.
02:25:33We couldn't kill John Ruth and free Daisy here.
02:25:37Their job was to sack the town.
02:25:40Kill John Ruth and free Daisy there.
02:25:45Now with my brother dead, I'm in charge of this gang.
02:25:48Right, boys?
02:25:49That's right, Daisy.
02:25:50Oh, yeah.
02:25:51And Chris, I'm telling you, you ain't done anything yet
02:25:55that we can't forgive.
02:25:57So, let's make a deal.
02:25:59No deals, bitch.
02:26:01No deals, bitch.
02:26:03You're going to let that nigger speak for you, Chris?
02:26:05Hold it, Warren.
02:26:09Seeing as how she ain't got nothing to sell,
02:26:12I'm kind of curious about her sales pitch.
02:26:16Humor me.
02:26:18All right.
02:26:31What's your deal?
02:26:38Take your gun.
02:26:40Shoot that nigger dead.
02:26:43Then we sit here all night for the next two days.
02:26:47When the snow melts, we go to Mexico.
02:26:49You go on to Red Rock, get that star pinned on your chest.
02:26:53Hey, Pete.
02:26:54How much can we pay him?
02:26:56Well, we could give him Marco.
02:27:01Bob's real name is Marco the Mexican.
02:27:05He's worth $12,000.
02:27:08That's Marco the Mexican?
02:27:10Precisely, yeah.
02:27:12Oh, shit.
02:27:14Now that I've blown his face off,
02:27:16Marco ain't worth a peso.
02:27:20Oh! Oh, shit!
02:27:22Well, then, if I die in the next two days,
02:27:25which is more than likely, you can have me.
02:27:28Under the name of English Pete Hickox,
02:27:31I got a federal bounty of $15,000 on my head.
02:27:37It's all yours, Chris.
02:27:40You keep talking, Pete,
02:27:42and you're gonna talk yourself to death.
02:27:46Joe Gay, who you be?
02:27:49Grouch Douglas.
02:27:52You heard of him?
02:27:54Yeah, I heard of Grouch Douglas.
02:27:56He worked ten just like Daisy.
02:28:00Well, remind me
02:28:03why we wouldn't just kill all y'all,
02:28:06cash in.
02:28:08Oh, you can kill us all,
02:28:10but you'll never spend a cent of that bounty money,
02:28:12and you'll never leave this mountain alive,
02:28:14because when that snow melts,
02:28:16the rest of Jody's gang, all 15 of them
02:28:18that were waiting in Red Rock, are coming here.
02:28:21Now, let's say you shoot us all.
02:28:24If you really want all that Dominguez gang bounty money,
02:28:28you still got to get all our corpses into Red Rock,
02:28:31and that ain't gonna be so easy,
02:28:33because I doubt you can drive a four-horse team.
02:28:35No wagon out there is too heavy for a two-horse team.
02:28:38So that means you're gonna have to lead
02:28:40a string of horses into Red Rock,
02:28:43and with that deep snow after a blizzard,
02:28:46you ain't gonna be able to get away with any more
02:28:48than, say, one body per horse.
02:28:50So that's you leading a string of four horses
02:28:54into Red Rock,
02:28:56and with all them horses in that snow,
02:28:59and you all by your lonesome, you're gonna be in that bogey,
02:29:02and you're gonna run smack dab into the Dominguez gang.
02:29:05And again, Grouch, how many is that?
02:29:0715 killers strong.
02:29:09And when those 15 killers come across you
02:29:13in possession of all our dead bodies,
02:29:15they ain't just gonna kill you and that nigger.
02:29:18They're gonna go back to Red Rock
02:29:20and kill every son of a bitch in that town.
02:29:24You really the sheriff of Red Rock?
02:29:26You wanna save the town?
02:29:28Then shoot that nigger dead!
02:29:30Aah! Jesus Christ!
02:29:33Oh, ho, ho! You believe in Jesus now, huh, bitch?
02:29:37Well, good, because you about to meet him.
02:29:40Anybody else want to make a deal, huh?
02:29:43The deal still stands, Chris.
02:29:46You ain't done nothing we can't forgive.
02:29:49It's all still on that nigger.
02:29:53You shoot him dead,
02:29:55take my body,
02:29:57sit out of the snow with Daisy and Grouch...
02:30:01Aah! Aah!
02:30:47Give me my pistol.
02:31:15you were saying...
02:31:17we sit here...
02:31:19all nice and friendly-like...
02:31:22for the next two days.
02:31:24Then the snow melts,
02:31:26you leave here, meet up with your gang,
02:31:29and I tell it to Mexico.
02:31:31That's the deal, right?
02:31:35And I get Oswaldo?
02:31:38And Joe Gage?
02:31:43Well, Jody's worth 50,000. What about his body?
02:31:46You gonna make a deal
02:31:50with this diabolical bitch?
02:31:56I ain't saying I'm gonna make a deal with her.
02:31:58We just talking.
02:31:59Calm down.
02:32:02So what about Jody's body and the 50,000?
02:32:05You're getting greedy, Reb. No deal.
02:32:08We're taking Jody's body back with us.
02:32:10He got children.
02:32:14So I kill Warren,
02:32:17and we all friends.
02:32:27No deal, tramp.
02:32:32You're making the biggest mistake of your life!
02:32:35When our boys get here in a couple of days,
02:32:37they're gonna cut your nuts off!
02:32:39And there won't be a stick left in that town unburnt!
02:32:43Well, I guess I should be plumb scared right now, huh?
02:32:47If you had any brains, you would be!
02:32:50I'm not afraid of you.
02:32:53Here's the problem, Daisy.
02:32:55In order for me to be scared of your threats,
02:32:59I got to believe in those 15 extra gang members
02:33:02waiting it out in Red Rock.
02:33:04And boy, oh, boy,
02:33:07I sure don't.
02:33:11What I believe in,
02:33:13is what you believe in,
02:33:15and that's what you believe in.
02:33:19What I believe is,
02:33:22Joe Gage, or Grouch Douglas,
02:33:25whatever the fuck his name was,
02:33:28poisoned the coffee.
02:33:31And you watched him do it.
02:33:36And you watched me pork up,
02:33:39and you didn't say shit!
02:33:42And I believe
02:33:45you are what you've always been,
02:33:48a lying bitch
02:33:51who will do anything to cheat the rope
02:33:54waiting for her in Red Rock,
02:33:56including shitting out 15 extra gang members
02:33:59whenever you need be.
02:34:02Oh! Oh!
02:34:09I believe
02:34:11when it comes to what's left,
02:34:14of the Jody Dominguez gang,
02:34:17I'm looking at them.
02:34:19Right here, right now,
02:34:22dead on this motherfucking floor.
02:34:25Goddamn right.
02:34:27And you're gonna die on this mountain, Boris.
02:34:31My brother leads an army of men.
02:34:37My daddy led an army.
02:34:40He led a renegade army,
02:34:42fighting for a lost cause.
02:34:44My daddy held up to 400 men together after the war
02:34:48with nothing but their respect in his command.
02:34:52Your brother's just an owl who led a gang of killers.
02:34:58I don't feel so good.
02:35:01Oh, shit.
02:35:16You still alive, white boy?
02:35:28Ah! Ah!
02:35:30Hey, boy!
02:35:38Get up!
02:35:45Chris Maddox!
02:35:47Your ass ain't nailed to the floor!
02:35:49Wake the fuck up!
02:35:58Wake up, white boy!
02:36:21I ain't dead yet, you black bastard.
02:36:36Chris Maddox, I may have misjudged you.
02:36:42Now we've come to the part of the story...
02:36:46where I blow your goddamn head off.
02:36:50No, no, no, don't shoot him.
02:36:52Why the hell not?
02:36:55John Ruth.
02:37:02Now, John Ruth was one mighty, mighty bastard.
02:37:13But the last thing that bastard did before he died...
02:37:20was save your life.
02:37:22We gonna die, white boy.
02:37:25We ain't got no say in that.
02:37:29But there is one thing left we do have a say in.
02:37:34And that's how we killed this bitch.
02:37:38And I say shooting's too good for her.
02:37:42John Ruth could have shot her anywhere, anytime, along the way.
02:37:47John Ruth was the hangman.
02:37:52And when the hangman catches you, you don't die by no bullet.
02:37:58When the hangman catches you, you hang.
02:38:03Now, you only need to hang mean bastards.
02:38:07But mean bastards you need to hang.
02:38:35As my first and final act as the sheriff of Red Rock...
02:38:41I sentence you, Domagoo, to hang by the neck until death!
02:39:03Hang on, Daisy. I want to watch.
02:39:40Now, that was a nice dance.
02:39:45That sure was pretty.
02:40:43Can I see that Lincoln letter?
02:41:30Dear Marquess,
02:41:33I hope this letter finds you in good health and stead.
02:41:41I'm doing fine, although I wish there were more hours in a day.
02:41:48There's just so much to do.
02:41:52Times are changing slowly, but surely.
02:41:57And it's men like you that will make a difference.
02:42:02Your military success is a credit not only to you, but your race as well.
02:42:11I'm very proud every time I hear news of you.
02:42:17We still have a long way to go, but hand in hand, I know we'll get there.
02:42:28I just want to let you know you're in my thoughts.
02:42:33Hopefully, our paths will cross in the future.
02:42:39Until then, I remain your friend.
02:42:46Old Mary Todd's calling, so I guess it must be time for bed.
02:42:55Respectfully, Abraham Lincoln.
02:43:04Old Mary Todd, that's a nice touch.
02:43:23Listen, all you people, try and understand.
02:43:29You may be a soldier, woman, child, or man,
02:43:35but there won't be many coming home.
02:43:41No, there won't be many coming home.
02:43:47Oh, there won't be many, maybe ten out of twenty,
02:43:54but there won't be many coming home.
02:44:00Now the old folks will remember on that dark and dismal day
02:44:06how their hearts were choked with pride as their children marched away.
02:44:12Now the glory is all gone.
02:44:16They are left alone, and there won't be many coming home.
02:44:24No, there won't be many coming home.
02:44:31Oh, there won't be many, maybe five out of twenty,
02:44:37but there won't be many coming home.
02:44:43Look real closely at the soldier coming at you through the haze.
02:44:50He may be the younger brother who ran away.
02:44:56And before you kill another, listen to what I say.
02:45:02Oh, there won't be many coming home.
02:45:08Oh, there won't be many coming home.
02:45:14Oh, there won't be many.
02:45:18There may not be any, but there won't be many coming home.
02:45:27If they all came back but one, he was still some other son.
02:45:35And there won't be many coming home.
02:45:41Oh, there won't be many coming home.
02:45:47Oh, there won't be many coming home.
02:45:53Oh, there won't be many coming home.
02:46:17© BF-WATCH TV 2021
02:46:47© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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