Black Sails Season 1 Episode 4

  • last month
An undertaking by The Walrus crew ends in disaster. Silver warns Flint about Billy. Rackham and Bonny try to regain their livelihood. Eleanor needs help from her father. A figure from Vane's past pays a visit.


00:00I'm not wrong about Flint.
00:15To him, we're all disposable.
00:17I don't believe that.
00:18That's because you don't know about Mrs. Barlow.
00:21You found a schedule.
00:22What if I forgo payment for the schedule in exchange for my share of the prize?
00:27We'll need some additional items.
00:28New guns.
00:30You'll have it.
00:31Without the Urka, we have nothing.
00:32Without fame, we don't have the Urka.
00:34Our friend tried to protect you.
00:36You left anyway.
00:38How did you feel when she threw you aside?
00:42Oh, wait.
00:45Listen to me carefully!
00:46You are finished!
00:47Unless you decide to join the crew of Captain Flint.
00:50It looks like she just gave us a ship.
00:52Ship with no captain.
00:54I'm so sorry he did this to you.
00:55He didn't do this to me.
00:57You did.
02:51Captain Gates...
02:55It's time.
03:02First item, that a council concerns leadership.
03:23As you know, I've been asked to serve as captain of the ranger when next we sail.
03:28Obviously that means less time spent with you idiots.
03:31So, you will need somebody to act as your quartermaster in the meantime.
03:37Unless anybody's got any better ideas.
03:40I was thinking Billy Bones.
03:43I thought so, Billy.
03:52Next item, careening.
04:00She's long overdue.
04:01If we're going to win the Urca, the walrus must be ship-shaped.
04:04That means we tip her.
04:05Plain and simple.
04:06The question is, where do we do the tipping?
04:08Wherever there's plenty of rum.
04:12As always, the ship's account is open.
04:14Rum casks and Mr. Simpson's buttered oranges are on their way.
04:17And the pigs are being ready for Mr. Silver's spit.
04:22Now, to return to the issue of location.
04:23What about the fuck tent?
04:26That's probably something we can discuss.
04:32Mr. De Groot.
04:37You may not like what I have to say, but if it remains unsaid, I fear the worst.
04:41I've inspected the shoreline proposed by the captain for this undertaking, and it is simply
04:45unsuitable to the task at hand.
04:47The anchorage is poor, the incline too steep.
04:50I cannot endorse it.
04:51The risk for calamity is too high.
04:55With the crew's ascent, I ask for time to find a more suitable beach.
05:00And delay our efforts by how long?
05:02Two weeks?
05:03A month?
05:04A clean hull means an extra knot or two in speed, five degrees or more in coming about.
05:16It's essential to the job at hand.
05:20If we had weeks, we'd surely take them.
05:24But we must sail within days if we are to meet the Urca.
05:27Now, Mr. De Groot's concerns are valid, but they come at a price.
05:35Five million dollars in Spanish gold, to be exact.
05:50All those in favour of the captain's plan, to careen here near the bay.
05:55It will appear the ayes have it.
06:02Mr. Morley's dissent is noted, along with Mr. De Groot's.
06:07All right, let's beach this bitch.
06:11Yeah, quick question then.
06:13Where are we on the issue of the fact tent?
06:16This job is gonna happen fast.
06:19That means more risk, more danger.
06:22They've put a great deal of trust in me to serve in Mr. Gates's absence and I take that
06:26So, given the potential for distraction and delay at a time that we need to be at our
06:31best, perhaps we can all agree to forego, you know, just this once, a fucked hunt.
06:49You shouldn't have.
07:20Still winds, still waters.
07:23Don't be such an old lady.
07:25The men will rise to it.
07:28What say you, Mr. Quartermaster?
07:29You think it's a good idea?
07:32Yeah, I think the captain knows what he's doing.
07:38That's because you don't know about Mrs. Barlow.
07:44Who's Mrs. Barlow?
07:49A number of years back, before you crewed up with us, Flint had us hunting a merchant
07:57ship, the Maria Elaine.
08:00Sephardic trade, gold, pearls, jewels.
08:05More than we'd ever know what to do with, he said.
08:09But that's Flint's gift, innit?
08:12Always knows just what to say to push us harder, further, make us all pull together for the
08:20We tracked that bitch for months, without refitting or careening, till finally we spotted
08:28We lost good men taking her, for a haul nowhere near what Flint had promised.
08:35While I was exploring the hold, I chanced upon a cabin, and that's when I heard it.
08:41It was a man and a woman, begging for their lives.
08:47Spare us, and our fortune's yours.
08:51For a moment, I thought all our shares were going to be worth a whole lot more.
08:57But that's when the screams began.
09:03And when I watched the murderer leave, I saw him, plain.
09:13Did he tell anyone?
09:18He was unmoved, to say the least.
09:23Just one rich bastard less in the world, he said.
09:27At the time, I'll admit, I took his point.
09:31But days later, we come ashore.
09:34I see a lady, waiting for Flint.
09:38The rest of the crew thought she's just some fancy bit of Puritan tale.
09:42But when Flint reaches her, two words escape his lips.
09:48They're dead.
09:49Hunting the Maria, Elaine.
09:53Was never about money.
09:55It was an execution.
09:57All those men we lost taking her, they died, so Flint could settle some personal vendetta
10:04for her.
10:07You watch.
10:09Good men will die for some hidden agenda, the Barlow woman's agenda.
10:15Mark my words, Billy.
10:19It's all happening again.
11:15Will you be staying long?
11:19I have to get back.
11:26If you're upset with me, I'd appreciate you saying so.
11:31You know why I'm upset?
11:34Because I read to him?
11:36It's a whole shelf full of books.
11:38Why'd you have to read him that one?
11:41Perhaps because I am no longer willing to bury it on a shelf and pretend it has no meaning for me.
11:52That book is something I shared with Thomas.
11:57I just missed it.
12:02Our life then.
12:05When he was alive.
12:09I can feel myself forgetting it, and I don't want to forget it.
12:14This place, this life that we've been living here.
12:19It doesn't feel like living anymore.
12:22I can't be alone in feeling this way.
12:27Some part of you must feel it too.
12:31Some part of you must feel it too.
12:51Things will get better here.
12:55I promise you they will.
13:10Here we go.
13:20Oh Christ.
13:23One week without a ship and you go completely to hell.
13:26Too much to ask that you not pick a fight over every insult thrown our way,
13:30especially when I'm out there swallowing what little pride I have left trying to set things right.
13:37See, we've graduated to earth here.
13:45Miss Guthrie has dealt us quite a blow.
13:49But we still have assets.
13:51Eight loyal men.
13:53My wits and an unshakable captain.
13:58I'm doing what I can to regain us our livelihood, but once that's done,
14:01this crew, such as it is, will need its captain back.
14:05See what you can do about finding him?
14:14Fuck you, Jack.
14:23Fuck you.
14:47It was an isolated incident.
14:49No cause for concern.
14:51Your girl humiliated one of this island's strongest earners,
14:54threatened his crew with embargoes so they had no choice but to toss him aside.
14:58I've had three other captains approach me all asking the same question.
15:02Who's next to lose their livelihood because they crossed her on the wrong day?
15:06No one is next.
15:09Every morning for months now when I walk the beach into town,
15:12I see Captain Lilywhite standing on his stoop and jabbering away to anyone who will listen
15:17about the evils of a centralized fence,
15:20arguing that this island will never be free until we all come together
15:24to cast off the tyrannical yoke of Queen Eleanor.
15:29I see him out there too.
15:32And I have never seen any more than three men paying him any attention.
15:36Halfwits, bullies...
15:37There were twelve of them this morning.
15:41This business with Vane has changed things.
15:45Get control of her, Mr. Scott, before it's too late.
15:53The field's battered. The Andromache.
16:03Captain Bryson's arriving on the Andromache. You'd best get down to the beach.
16:06What did Captain Horrigold want?
16:12Let me guess.
16:14Captain's grousing about last week, think I've lost my grip on reason.
16:17Fuck Horrigold.
16:19Fuck the captains and fuck anyone else who doesn't like the way I manage this place.
16:30What we're about to attempt with Captain Bryson, it is very risky.
16:35If he will not cooperate, we cannot, under any circumstances, attempt to detain him.
16:41What makes you think I'd try...
16:42I know you. I know what you think is at stake.
16:45And I know you think you cannot take no for an answer.
16:48Why should I?
16:51Eleanor, if you make a move against Captain Bryson or his ship,
16:56you'll be making a move against the Guthrie Trading Company, a direct affront to your grandfather and his interests in Boston.
17:02That ship belongs to him.
17:04When he finds out what you've done,
17:07no one, not I, nor your father, will be able to protect you from the consequences.
17:13If Bryson balks, we must let him go.
17:18And the guns Flint needs? What about them?
17:21We'll find them some other way.
17:24I never ask anything of you. This I must insist on.
17:29Tell me you understand.
17:31I understand.
18:02How are we doing?
18:03Ahead of schedule. Ready to raise the keel. I think we might actually pull it off.
18:08We'll have Billy to thank for that. I have no idea how he's done it, but he's kept them to your schedule.
18:13I don't think I've ever seen a crew work this fast and this hard.
18:17In a few more days, we'll have the keel cleared and tied, and she'll be ready to go back into the water.
18:22Excuse me, Captain.
18:23Listen here, you smart mouth fuck!
18:25Oh, I'm sorry. I don't understand.
18:27I said I've got the shits! What part of that don't you understand?
18:30What's going on?
18:31His rotten pig gave a lot of us the bloody squirts.
18:34It's possible it wasn't the pig, you know. I mean, some people have weak constitutions.
18:38Hey! Settle down.
18:45I'm sorry.
18:47I'm sorry.
18:48It's done.
18:57It's delicious.
18:59As long as it's not it wasn't the pig, it's just something that's going around.
19:01Get back to work.
19:06Thank you. I'm glad someone here likes my...
19:09What the fuck did you do to that?
19:12I cooked it.
19:13You absolutely did not.
19:15The men seem to think it looked done.
19:17They seem to roar if left to their own devices.
19:20That's awfully cynical.
19:29Go get another pig.
19:33Do exactly as I say.
19:48Let's go.
19:58Now you see how it can be.
20:01When I'm made to feel comfortable,
20:04you are made to feel
20:06le touché de Dieu.
20:11It's like our bodies are all made up of these secretly old compartments, she says.
20:15What's got pleasures hidden inside them.
20:18It just takes someone who knows how to unlock them.
20:23That's it.
20:46Your friends,
20:48they have seen the reward for gentle obedience.
20:52Your pleasure is what you want.
20:55I assure you, I can give it to you if you let me.
21:09I'm sorry.
21:10I'm sorry.
21:41Captain Bryson.
21:42Mistress Guthrie.
21:46I trust your passage was comfortable.
21:48My cargo will be inventoried and offloaded in the morning.
21:50You'll find the books in good order.
21:52It's good to hear that I was hoping we could have a word.
21:56Seeing as our every word only prolongs my life,
21:58I'm going to have to go.
22:00I'm going to have to go.
22:02I'm going to have to go.
22:03I'm going to have to go.
22:04I'm going to have to go.
22:05I'm going to have to go.
22:06I'm going to have to go.
22:07I'm going to have to go.
22:08I'm going to have to go.
22:09Seeing as our every word only prolongs my stay in this cesspool,
22:11I trust you'll make it quick.
22:14I thought it best you heard from me first.
22:17One of our crews intends to hunt the Urca de Lima.
22:21A move against a state asset.
22:24And your father hasn't quashed it.
22:26No, he hasn't.
22:27Why on earth not?
22:28Why don't you ask him yourself?
22:30He'll be in my tavern shortly.
22:32I understood you meant to hide his presence here.
22:35We did.
22:36Until this morning.
22:39Stand up, please, sir.
22:46Once upon a time, Mr. Scott was my personal houseboy.
22:50And so he proved himself worthy of greater responsibility
22:54that earned him an education.
22:56And so he proved himself worthy of greater responsibility.
22:58And so he proved himself worthy of greater responsibility.
23:01Which he then passed on to my daughter.
23:04And look where that's gotten me.
23:07I'm afraid I still don't follow.
23:11Captain Bryson commands the largest of my supply ships.
23:15My daughter needs the guns from that ship to arm Captain Flint
23:19for his move against the Spanish treasure galleon.
23:22Parting Bryson from his guns, however, will require some convincing.
23:27Evidently, Eleanor knows better than to try to do it herself.
23:32And how can she be sure you won't betray her?
23:35And alert Captain Bryson to the fact of your arrest?
23:38Because Bryson would have no choice but to liquidate our holdings here
23:41and return me to Boston a failure.
23:44Therefore, whatever resentment I might feel towards my daughter
23:48and your friend, the Captain, I must put aside.
23:52Absorb the blow, as it were.
23:55Like a rocky promontory.
23:56At any rate, I have a meeting to attend.
24:05Shall we?
24:26When I get my share of that Spanish gold,
24:29I'm going to fuck my way through high society.
24:32Marry a Dutchess, snatch me unchained.
24:39What the fuck is this?
24:41What you said tied to the palm.
24:43Yeah, that palm, that one.
24:45You've tied it to the wrong fucking tree.
24:51Yes, it matters, Jesus. Fix it, will you? Please?
24:59You give a man a little bit of power.
25:02What the fuck difference does it make? They're both trees, ain't they?
25:10Quick, fuck!
25:39Chug over, Randall.
25:42The shade's mine for the next hour.
25:45I want no arguments.
25:47You bring me barnacle.
25:49Oh, fuck.
25:51Sorry, mate.
25:55You promised.
25:57For Betsy.
25:59You're right.
26:01Hold my spot.
26:08What the...
26:12Hey! What the fuck is your problem?
26:14No problem at all, sir. Just doing my share for a worthy cause.
26:18Oh, so what is it?
26:20You told me a story and I'm supposed to fall in lockstep behind you?
26:22You wouldn't even raise your voice to question the captain's plan.
26:27You didn't even consider it.
26:29Maybe I considered it and decided it was making sense.
26:33Maybe there's something you'd rather not say out loud.
26:38I thought when that lackey Gates stepped aside,
26:41we might have finally gotten a quartermaster who wasn't fully in the captain's pocket.
26:46Guess I was mistaken.
27:05How exactly does the most feared captain of the high seas learn how to spice and glaze a pig?
27:11What do you care?
27:13Well, I don't really.
27:16It's just that there's something I think we need to talk about
27:18and I thought a little small talk beforehand might be better than diving right in.
27:23What the hell are you talking about?
27:27What are we going to do about Billy?
27:31Beg pardon?
27:33As much as it pains me to say this, as he has been nothing but warm and welcoming to me,
27:38he appears to be straining at the seams.
27:41I thought maybe we ought to have...
27:43Stop. There is no we.
27:44There is no we.
27:46Billy Burns is a dutiful boatsman who commands enormous respect from his crew as well as from myself.
27:52I trust him a thousand times more than I would a rodent like yourself.
28:00All that being said,
28:02I saw Billy speaking with Mr. Morley late last week.
28:06At night.
28:08In secret.
28:10That's supposed to mean something to me.
28:12Well, he lied about the page being blank.
28:15I believe it's wearing on him.
28:18I've told you once. I won't tell you again.
28:21I trust Billy.
28:23Trust me?
28:25I'm purely in this for myself and you know this.
28:28I have no reason to tell you anything other than the truth.
28:31Both our futures depend on this.
28:33I haven't decided yet whether you even have a future.
28:36But I can tell you this.
28:37Trying to play me against my own crew will not help your cause.
28:44Turn your pig, it's almost done.
29:07I can't do it, Jack.
29:32Of course you can.
29:34You simply present my cruise haul to Miss Guthrie as if it were your own.
29:37Everybody wins.
29:39I get caught selling a grain of salt for you.
29:41The girl puts my crew in the outs.
29:43Same as you.
29:45I just can't risk it.
29:47It ain't you she has a problem with, Jack.
29:49I'll stick with him.
29:51It's a good question.
29:53No, it's not.
29:55There were other ships.
29:57You've had a few offers, have you?
29:59Makes sense. You'd be an asset to any crew.
30:02Now ask how many offers good old Jack has received since our run-in with the Lady Guthrie.
30:08My only assets are my wits,
30:10and as the man who just lost 5,000 pesos of his ship's own money,
30:13they are ill-valued at the moment.
30:15Join another crew right now.
30:17The only task I'll be trusted with is swabbing out the piss buckets.
30:21And that, my darling, I feel compelled to state out loud.
30:24Life is simply too fucking short!
30:29What, you're angry with me too?
30:31Oi! Jack Rackham!
30:33Oh, for fuck's sake.
30:35A word!
30:37I've got an appointment quite a full day ahead.
30:39You took one of me best oars for your private use.
30:42Every day she's not under my roof.
30:44Fucking costs me money!
30:46Ah, yes, but my crew sees her as responsible for the loss of a great deal of their money.
30:50They see this as a debt being repaid, nothing more.
30:52Well, I see it as thieving bullshit.
30:54Then I believe we're at an impasse.
30:58Disagreement without prospect of resolution.
31:01Here, fuck you, Jack! Give me back the whore!
31:03Take her by yourself if you're the boss.
31:08Few less men outside that tent than yesterday.
31:11Which had fewer than the day before.
31:15Maybe I'll take you up on that offer.
31:17Sooner than later.
31:24What the hell was that?
31:27Do you have some problem with us holding on to that whore?
31:31You do realise she's the only thing keeping what's left of our crew at our side?
31:34Fuck you.
31:44You want the guns from my ship.
31:48It's a handover to a pirate.
31:50That is correct.
31:52Have you lost your mind?
31:54You know as well as I do your family would never approve of this.
31:57What my family approves or does not approve rarely happens.
32:00My family would never approve of this.
32:02What my family approves or does not approve rests solely on one thing.
32:10Eleanor's arranged a plan to deliver them quite a bit of it upon the success of this operation.
32:15Enough to assuage any fears they may have about repercussions.
32:18I find that hard to believe.
32:21You're a brilliant seaman, Dyford.
32:23But in this instance you're out of your depth.
32:27Commerce in this place requires bold moves.
32:31I'm fortunate enough to have a daughter who has found one for us.
32:40Perhaps you're right.
32:45Maybe I am out of my depth.
32:49And yet this feeling persists.
32:52What feeling is that?
32:54I wonder, Mr. Guthrie, if this might have something to do with His Majesty's ship the Scarborough currently docked at Harbour Island.
33:00Docked outside your home.
33:03My intent was to stop that first and unload the slaves in my hold.
33:06But when I saw her I thought better of it.
33:08His Majesty's ships often use my port for resupply.
33:12What are you implying?
33:18I'd like to speak with your father alone.
33:23Whatever you can say to him you can say to me.
33:26Eleanor, it's all right.
33:31Your father can handle this.
33:33He'll get you those guns.
34:01You can leave it to chance.
34:05Let us be frank.
34:08You and I both know the low regard in which your family in Boston holds you.
34:13Quite frank, it seems.
34:16If I return unarmed and they find that I did so under these circumstances,
34:20with only your orders as justification,
34:23I'll be buried in a shallow gravesite.
34:25What exactly do you believe these circumstances to be?
34:29The navy on your doorstep.
34:32You and your daughter supporting a plan as reckless as this.
34:36It would seem, sir, that something's gone terribly wrong with the operation here.
34:40And you two are scrambling to save yourselves.
34:44Tell me I'm wrong.
34:48I'm not wrong.
34:50I'm not wrong.
34:52I'm not wrong.
34:54Let me tell you how wrong you are.
34:58I knew you wouldn't approve.
35:00But I couldn't let him leave here without giving up those guns.
35:03I'm sorry.
35:05With everything we've been through?
35:07With everything I've done for you?
35:09I'm doing this for us both.
35:11You lied.
35:15Shame on you.
35:23Let's go.
35:42Guns are yours.
35:45Mr Hayes.
35:54Truly something to behold, this place.
35:57You should be proud.
36:00Come now, Mr Scott.
36:02It's as much your work as Eleanor's.
36:05What is this if not the moment of your vindication?
36:11It's time we got you back.
36:13She'll get herself killed.
36:19If she proceeds with this plan,
36:21if she proceeds with this Spanish galleon business,
36:25attempting to steal treasure from one empire to finance a war against another,
36:29she will get herself killed.
36:31Whether by English noose or Spanish sword, it's inevitable.
36:34And you know it.
36:37If she proceeds,
36:41what did you say to Bryson in Atum?
36:44Rest assured I had a plan.
36:46Not just to end this insanity,
36:49but to contend with what comes next.
36:51To keep her safe.
36:53I don't envy you.
36:55You know that you'll stop at nothing to save this place.
36:59A place where she matters.
37:01A place where you matter.
37:04Except that in your heart, you know the truth.
37:09Places like this aren't meant to last.
37:14Help me, Mr Scott.
37:19Help me save her.
37:21From herself?
37:43Well, hello.
37:48There's no need to be afraid.
37:52You could help me if you like.
37:58Aren't you the Gladwin boy?
38:02Does your father know you're out here all alone?
38:05I can take you to him.
38:22Good work.
38:49The guns are yours.
38:51Captain Bryson's preparing to offload them as we speak.
38:54Mr O'Malley is on the lookout to ensure that he complies.
38:57Take a seat.
39:07To our endeavour.
39:10And success.
39:11Close at hand.
39:16What's wrong?
39:17Your father step out of line?
39:18It's Mr Scott.
39:20In order to guarantee Captain Bryson's acquiescence,
39:22I put a plan into place without Mr Scott's knowledge.
39:27I lied to him.
39:29Betrayed his trust.
39:31I didn't want to, but I just didn't think he would understand.
39:34Well, you can't expect him to.
39:36Nobody will believe it's possible until we show them.
39:39But when that day comes,
39:41you know what they'll say?
39:44They'll say that it wasn't everything.
39:45I'll say that it was inevitable.
40:16Get your pistol!
40:23Get away!
40:24Get away!
40:26Everyone, get onto the beach now!
40:37Let's go, let's go, let's go!
40:46She's going!
40:50Get out!
40:53Come on.
41:15I'll go.
41:16Captain, there's no time!
41:18The main mast is holding too much weight!
41:19We have to cut it loose!
41:20Save the mast!
41:21Don't wait for me!
41:30He's dug in.
41:31Help me!
41:33Hey, relax!
41:42Two feet high!
41:46It's taking too long.
41:53How much time do we have?
41:55We don't.
41:58The time is now!
42:07It's no bloody use!
42:16Your belt.
42:19Give me your belt.
42:23Get in!
42:25Get in!
42:26All right!
42:31Do it!
42:48Hey, pull!
44:08I talked to the group.
44:10You did everything you could.
44:11We'll be fine.
44:12I talked to the group. You did everything you could.
44:16Not everything.
44:19I should have stopped Flynn.
44:21Honestly, son.
44:23How could you have done that?
44:28Careful, Billy.
44:34Flynn pushed it through and I went along and I knew better.
44:37Because you know what's at stake here.
44:41You know he's right.
44:42That's not why I...
44:51It's because I'm afraid of him.
45:21Billy and Morley.
45:24That night in the ship.
45:27What were they talking about?
45:30Well, they didn't hear much.
45:31But it sounded like they were talking about a woman.
45:35Somebody he bothered.
45:40I don't know.
46:15Would you mind, dear?
46:17The music you were playing.
46:20That's Purcell's Chaconne, if I'm not mistaken.
46:24I'm sorry.
46:27I'm sorry.
46:30I'm sorry.
46:34I'm sorry.
46:37I'm sorry.
46:40I'm sorry.
46:43I'm sorry.
46:45I'm sorry, dear.
46:48Ah, that's perhaps mistaken.
46:54You have an educated ear.
46:57My father employed a tutor.
46:59For all his children so that they might learn to appreciate music.
47:03I took to it the least of my siblings,
47:05for reasons beyond me.
47:07Some of it stuck.
47:09There's a pronounced sense of sadness in Purcell's pieces.
47:14Considering your circumstances, I can understand their appeal.
47:19And what is it you think you understand of my circumstances?
47:24Truthfully, I might know everything, Mrs Hamilton.
47:29Don't be alarmed.
47:32I have no intention of disclosing your identity to anyone.
47:36I'm sorry, sir. I think you have me mistaken for someone else.
47:40The portrait in your room depicts you alongside Lord Thomas Hamilton,
47:46son of Alfred Hamilton, the Lord Proprietor of these Bahama Islands.
47:52Forgive me.
47:54I must have gotten disoriented and wondered.
47:59You see, I've had extensive dealings with the Earl over the years,
48:04and so I'd long heard of the tragedy that befell his eldest son.
48:10But Thomas's wife, long rumoured to be the cheating sort,
48:15had begun a torrid affair with her husband's closest friend,
48:19a promising young officer in His Majesty's navy.
48:26And upon discovering the affair,
48:30Thomas went mad with grief,
48:33his despair so great even the asylum couldn't protect him from himself.
48:43As for Thomas's wife, she's said to have fled London along with a lover,
48:49partly out of shame, partly to escape retribution.
48:55Given the facts at hand, I'm forced to assume that the lover
48:59is none other than our friend, Captain Flint.
49:04Please understand, I raise this issue not to disturb or harass you.
49:10In fact, I wish to help you.
49:15Help me?
49:17I can only assume that your exile in this place has been less than ideal.
49:25I understand how desperation may have driven you here,
49:30but perhaps it's time you were offered a hand and a return to civilisation.
49:40And you could offer me that?
49:45Boston is quite a different animal from London.
49:51More forgiving of one's past, in a general sense.
49:56And in this specific sense, with my family's assistance,
50:01one might find total absolution there.
50:05New identities, a clean start, a new life.
50:10I could do that for you.
50:12Why on earth would you?
50:14Because I know what it is to be judged unfairly,
50:18and because it's just possible that,
50:20while I am uniquely situated to offer you your freedom,
50:25you may be able to do the same for me.
50:30Hello, Charles.
50:39You've looked better.
50:42I'm sorry.
50:44I'm sorry.
50:46I'm sorry.
50:48I'm sorry.
50:50I'm sorry.
50:52I'm sorry.
50:54I'm sorry.
50:57You've looked better.
50:59Fuck you.
51:01We're alone.
51:05You don't have to pretend with me.
51:10The fuck did I ever do to you?
51:14You made me look weak.
51:18Standing beside you, I was your lesser.
51:23I was a girl.
51:27From the moment you met me, you must have known I'd never settle for that.
51:32For being less than.
51:35That's why I loved you.
51:39And you destroyed me.
51:43I exposed you.
51:46The weakness behind the mask.
51:49The fear.
51:54So much I have taken from you.
51:59And yet still.
52:04You know you could take it all back.
52:09You could be strong again.
52:13You could resist.
52:16And then.
52:18You could resist me.
52:22You could take this whole fucking island from me.
52:28You know exactly what it is you need to do.
52:33Where it is you need to go to do it.
52:37If only you weren't so goddamn afraid then.
53:58Ain't this a sad sight.
54:05Miss Guthrie should have just had you killed.
54:08He would have been more merciful.
54:12Now, are you going to give me back me home?
54:17Jeez. I miss you.
54:20Now fucking pull him out of his misery.
54:32Oh, fuck.
54:52Listen to me.
55:00All right.
55:02I'll cut you in for half.
55:05We'll be partners.
55:36Do you know who I am, Pastor?
55:39I do.
55:42You're the reason this island is infested with criminals.
55:46God teaches us not to cheer when others stumble.
55:49In your case, I may ask his forgiveness.
55:53And what does God say about redemption?
55:57Accept his love and you'll find it.
55:59What if I was prepared to go further?
56:03Penance for my past sins.
56:06Good works.
56:09And they begin tonight.
56:11Who's there?
56:14Mr. Scott.
56:16What are you doing here?
56:18I thought you might use a hand.
56:22Bastard's finally bringing in the first of the guns.
56:26Took him long enough.
56:30He takes his cargo seriously.
56:34You look tired.
56:36Why don't I take over?
56:38Mr. Guthrie told me I was to see those guns off with my own eyes.
56:43I understand.
56:54I brought the fiends to this place.
56:59Encouraged them.
57:01Enriched them.
57:03Empowered them.
57:07Seems as though my penance ought to be a simple one.
57:11I will see to it they are cast out of this place.
57:20And for good.
57:25The Andromache.
57:27It can't be. Captain Bryson hasn't had time to unload.
57:29He didn't. She's riding low. Those guns are still on board.
57:33What are we going to do?
57:35Get them back.
58:05Let's go.
58:35The Andromache.
