IANS Exclusive: Sam Pitroda ने Sheikh Hasina & Bangladesh के हालात पर दी प्रतिक्रिया

  • 2 weeks ago
IANS Exclusive: On questioning about the biggest mistake made by Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh, Indian Overseas Congress Chief Sam Pitroda answered "I am really not qualified to comment on the mistakes she made. People make decisions based on their own perception of leadership and the position they are in. However, from the outside, her actions may appear more dictatorial. I know when she put Yunus under scrutiny, it upset many globally, as Yunus has a strong reputation"

#Sampitoda #Bangladesh #BangladeshiHindus #TrendingNews

00:00First of all, I'm really not qualified to comment on the mistakes she made.
00:06You know, people do things based on their own perception of
00:13the leadership and the position they are in.
00:18But I feel that things probably look from outside more dictatorial.
00:30I know when she put Yunus on scanner, globally a lot of people were very unhappy
00:41because Yunus has a reputation. Right or wrong, he got a Nobel Prize. He has devoted his life
00:52to Bangladesh and the poor women of Bangladesh. We may not agree with everything he did,
00:58but I think overall he deserves a lot more respect. And that kind of signal that people got
01:11globally sort of said that there is more of a dictatorial attitude
01:22in governance and democracy is under threat. It is happening in many parts of the world.
01:28Where institutions are captured, whether it is election commission, judiciary, universities,
01:37you know, tax department, police, security, where people are unnecessarily harassed.
01:48And maybe it got to a point, it just suddenly took a life of its own.
01:59No one had expected this, at least I didn't expect, maybe some great Pandit
02:05expected that, but to me it was a surprise the way it happened and the speed with which it had happened.
