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00:00It is ridiculous. You're leaving kids unattended while you're over here getting your little
00:04high fix. The kids that were here, they're outside are now crying that they thought you
00:07were dead.
00:08Could you step outside?
00:10Because you can step outside.
00:12For what?
00:13On March 27th, 2023, officers received a call from a kid reporting that his mother
00:16was not responding to the door for several hours.
00:19Are you okay?
00:23She's moving.
00:24She's responsive.
00:25After I kicked the door in.
00:28Police department on fire.
00:29Can you move?
00:31The drawer's annoying.
00:32Y'all got better tools than I do.
00:33She's mad that I was there kicking the door.
00:35Let's break the door up.
01:01That's her right there.
01:03Yeah, it should get smashed.
01:04Yeah, her legs under that thing.
01:05I cut a leg or something there.
01:06Anybody got anything to smash against it real quick?
01:07Nothing in here that's heavy enough to do that.
01:14You been drinking or you been doing drugs?
01:17And she's semi-alert.
01:18If the fire's in her work weather we will need him.
01:22So you have your tinfoil there, around all of your nose and wrist.
01:33Hey, how about we be some honest here since we've got kiddos that called us and you're over here passed out.
01:42It is ridiculous. You're leaving kids unattended while you're over here getting your little high fix.
01:47That is ridiculous. So let's work with them and try to help some things out.
01:52You got any ID ma'am?
01:54Identification, that's what.
01:55I do have. Okay, this is ridiculous.
01:58It is, I'm sure it is.
01:59It has nothing to do with me and my kids.
02:00Actually it does, they're the ones that called 911.
02:02Who called 911?
02:03The kids that were here. They're outside right now crying because they thought you were dead.
02:07Yeah, that's what.
02:10Oh my gosh.
02:11What's your last name?
02:12My last name is Weber. It has nothing to do with me and my kids.
02:16What's your first name Miss Weber?
02:17My name is Ashley.
02:19Can you spell that for me?
02:20S-H-L-E-Y. So who called?
02:22Your kids. Or somebody's kids that were here, the young child.
02:25What's your date of birth Ashley?
02:26I'm telling you, the cops came in and we spoke with them earlier and we explained all this to him.
02:31To the police, the actual policeman.
02:34He apparently did drugs and the lady that is over at the apartment, which is my best friend's mother-in-law,
02:41is a judge and we explained all this to her.
02:45Like she was here, they had all this done.
02:47Okay, but let's focus.
02:50Can you shut that door?
02:52The neighbors have been nothing besides crazy.
02:56Because the people that own here, apparently it was a big old drug house before I got here and I was not aware of that.
03:03I'm just trying to figure out why there's aluminum foil in the bathroom.
03:07I was just in the bathroom and apparently that's where he'd done that, right up in that shelf.
03:11Or not the shelf, the ceiling.
03:13Like I literally just took my medicine and was getting ready to take a shower and get my kids.
03:18How did he do it in there and how were you not able to leave the bathroom?
03:22Sir, I just got here. We were starting to clean everything to get out.
03:27The next thing I know, I took my medicine.
03:29You were passed out in the bathroom?
03:31Do you not hear what I'm saying?
03:33Did he just leave you passed out in the bathroom?
03:36Sir, he was not here. The cops just picked him up.
03:40The cops just got him within him, not functioning with him or anything.
03:46I literally opened the door, took my medicine.
03:49It's a Jared and Eric name on there.
03:51So when was he taken away from there?
03:53Oh, went on 1, 2 o'clock.
03:56We got here like maybe 20 minutes ago.
03:59And whenever we got here, you were passed out.
04:01Are you not hearing what I'm saying?
04:03You were unconscious in the bathroom.
04:04I just took my medicine.
04:06Went to the bathroom to pee.
04:09I take it three times a day.
04:11Apparently, that's where he had his medicine balled up in that with a foil, a bag or whatever.
04:19I was literally on the pot sitting there within the time.
04:22And the next thing I know, I was on the floor and this has happened.
04:25So, I mean, I can't tell you exactly.
04:29I was not willingly taking no medicine.
04:32I was on the phone with my friend and I told her I was going to call him to work
04:36because all this crazy stuff has happened.
04:39All the owner could say was there was this whining Mexican that stayed here.
04:44And that was hell getting him out.
04:48I was not aware of any of this until all this started happening with the landlord and them.
04:55We're the HOA piece.
04:57And like I said, once again, the lady was literally a judge.
05:02Like that's what she is, a retired judge.
05:05So, her daughter-in-law has went to prison, all this crap, and she was my best friend.
05:11I was not aware that this place was hot.
05:14My dad passed away, went through a divorce, and they offered to start renting this team within the month.
05:24And I thought it was just a good idea to start up here, start working at Mercy Hospital and just going from there.
05:29So, you can look at my veins or all this crap.
05:38Like literally, it just happened.
05:41So, what happened when I got back?
05:44What happened when I got back?
05:47The door was locked. I was getting ready to take a shower.
05:50The next thing I know, I woke up to this.
05:52So, someone called, my kids called.
05:55We were getting ready to take a shower.
05:57I was getting them ready.
05:58We'd been home working.
05:59We were going to just grab something from the Mexican restaurant at the mall.
06:02I don't know if they were out here in days or whatever.
06:05Well, according to the notes that I saw when they got dispatched here,
06:09and from what I've gathered from us being here,
06:13you weren't able to let yourself out of the bathroom.
06:16In fact, you were slumped up in the bathroom, and you weren't able to open the door.
06:20And then the kids got upset and called 911 because they were concerned about you.
06:25That and that one.
06:28Is it that strong?
06:30Whatever he had in that bottle, like, that was all clipped up in my eye.
06:35For him to just be on my medicine and me take it and see whatever happened.
06:43Is it that strong to do?
06:44Like, I don't know exactly what was in the bottle besides what I heard y'all say.
06:52Not my medicine.
06:53Not my medicine.
06:54I'm saying the sepsis powder stuff that was on my medicine in the bottle.
06:57I don't know what the powder was.
06:59They said it was fentanyl.
07:00That's what he was on.
07:03Well, if it was fentanyl, you wouldn't be breathing right now.
07:06This would be a whole different situation.
07:08That's what he did.
07:10So, it was powder for him.
07:12He got it right down here from the people down below.
07:15They're drug sellers.
07:17That fentanyl.
07:20So, is that what you took?
07:22Is that what you took?
07:23Sir, I didn't take the will.
07:24I mean, did you not just hear what I said?
07:25No, I walked in after the fact.
07:27Can you not yell at me?
07:28I'm just asking.
07:29Okay, so don't give me attitude either, okay?
07:31I walked in after the fact.
07:32I don't, I don't, I just showed up, okay?
07:34All I know is you were passed out.
07:36That's all I know.
07:37Okay, when you get the rest of the story, we can talk.
07:39Because you're not going to, I'm, we're not arguing.
07:41Just keep your mouth shut then, okay?
07:43We're not, we're not talking.
07:44I'm not asking you any questions or anything.
07:46Excuse me, I can talk.
07:48This is my house.
07:52And actually, could you step outside?
07:55Because you can step outside.
07:57Unless you have a warrant, you're not supposed to.
07:58No, I have legal reason to be here, so.
08:00Okay, well like I said, my mom is a judge.
08:02That's fine, this is recorded, so that's fine.
08:04That is completely fine.
08:06There's no need for you to treat me like I'm a drug addict.
08:08I just got the guy out up here that was.
08:11So, you do not have to be disrespectful and neither do I.
08:15Who am I speaking with?
08:16Are you the paramedic?
08:17I'm the paramedic.
08:18Okay, can I get a shirt on?
08:20Because I do not like being treated by this officer like I am some friggin' drug.
08:25Like, I have no clue who he is and he's not going to come here and disrespect me in my home because he's a cop.
08:31What does that have to do with me?
08:32It has nothing, but he's not going to sit here and act like this to me in my home.
08:35This is ridiculous.
08:37Can we do a few more questions?
08:38We can.
08:39Get it over with, get a shirt on, get everything over with.
08:41We can, but he's not going to treat me like I'm the LPN2 at Mercy Hospital.
08:46What's your first and last name for me?
08:48My name is Ashley Weber.
08:50Yes, Ashley.
08:52Yes, sir.
08:54How do y'all work?
08:55Do y'all work like us when you move over?
08:58Do you want to check real quick?
08:59And where are my children?
09:01Assigned areas.
09:02Oh, yeah.
09:03So, like, y'all work here at 4 p.m. today?
09:07So this whole story is just…
09:08I mean, we tend to protect that, but we…
09:11Well, the other…
09:12I work in the security area.
09:14So, all of us that are on right now, we work 4 p.m. to 2 a.m.
09:18Yes, we do.
09:19We work 23rd.
09:20So, that's the 23rd.
09:21Like, I said, though, the model…
09:24Like, what do you know?
09:25So, I'm one of the killers.
09:27I drove here from Britain.
09:29Do you really need to go to the hospital?
09:32Well, I don't.
09:33I'm not.
09:34I don't want to, unless my mom is here.
09:35But my kids, I do not.
09:36I literally checked my medicine.
09:40That's why the guy that was here this morning went to jail,
09:43because he had been doing dance in the room or boxing,
09:47whatever it is, from the neighbors downstairs.
09:50So, it was not willingly me taking this medicine.
09:53It was in my medicine bottle.
09:55And his was a powder form that was on my medicine, I guess.
09:59So, no longer than me coming in, taking my medicine,
10:02going to the bathroom, getting ready to take a shower.
10:04Apparently, I was passed out.
10:08All right.
10:09We got to do one more step, because you will go to the hospital.
10:12That's fine.
10:14Can you talk to him real quick?
10:16Yes, that is perfectly fine.
10:18All right. Thank you.
10:20Oliver, are you there?
10:26So, how long have you lived here again?
10:28What did you say? A couple months?
10:30No, I just moved. We got here in August.
10:33In August.
10:34Yes, and everything was fine.
10:36With the path of that, my now ex-boyfriend
10:40was working at this liquor store up here.
10:43And so, it was a big ordeal of the neighbors,
10:47or the people that owns here.
10:49They lived here in the past, and she went to drug court.
10:53She's been to prison and all that.
10:54My dad passed away.
10:55I went on a 13-year marriage.
10:58So, anyways, I worked nights, 24-hour shifts.
11:02And apparently, in the process of me working
11:06and him working these hours up here,
11:08he was messing with these people down here
11:10that literally sell fentanyl.
11:13And the girl's pregnant, too.
11:15And anyways, all this was happening.
11:17When I was at work, come to find out,
11:20I found out everything that happened
11:22and started kicking him out with the clocks.
11:25He was turned in.
11:27They knocked on the door this morning.
11:29I was the one who let him in to get me.
11:32So, he's in jail now, right, as of today?
11:34Yes, and it's not for something he did.
11:36I guess they have a hold on him.
11:38He has 10 business days to let Oklahoma City,
11:42or not Oklahoma City, Sequoia County,
11:44come and get him from Oklahoma City.
11:46He had it all, like, in this bottle,
11:49in the aluminum bowl.
11:51He had it all, like, in the aluminum bowl,
11:54in my medicine.
11:55To, apparently, I guess, to hide what he was doing.
11:58I'm literally clueless when it comes to medicine.
12:01I don't know until I started.
12:03The people that did look here,
12:05they said if we find any drugs or whatever,
12:08it is from them.
12:10And they said they had it here in that lock right there.
12:13That's where you had it?
12:14No, they said that's where they always keep their drugs.
12:16Oh, okay.
12:17Right there.
12:18See that thing that comes up?
12:20So, anyways, it was all in all that happened.
12:24And I guess that's where he was turned into.
12:26So, when I figured out all this stuff,
12:27I said I would not allow this around my children.
12:30And I was in the process of kicking him out.
12:33And then he kind of flipped shit
12:36and was, like, almost to the process of, like,
12:40I wouldn't say hold it.
12:43Like, he would let me go as long as he was with me,
12:46if that makes any sense at all.
12:48Like, I would be able to go through my day
12:52as long as he was there.
12:55So, anyways, after I literally went to get something,
12:58he took the $10 in gas
13:00and came back here to take my medicine.
13:02And I was still paying.
13:04He had a woman, a fool, the whole box.
13:07And he used that door right there, the far door.
13:09Right here?
13:11It's what he used.
13:13What's his name again?
13:14Michael Mullen.
13:17Like, he's never been in trouble up here or anything
13:19until this happened.
13:21And the people downstairs, Daniel and Lacey,
13:23I don't know Daniel's last name,
13:24but I do know he hates me
13:25because he offered him fentanyl more than once.
13:29And because we had a dog, which is my mom's now.
13:32But every time we'd go walk the dog,
13:35he was out there working on his...
13:41I don't even know.
13:42It's a silver SUV type thing.
13:44I can't tell you.
13:45But he would be up there until, like,
13:463 o'clock in the morning.
13:47And every time that he would be in contact with my feet,
13:52it was over drugs.
13:53It was over the dead call.
13:55Until finally I caught him, flipped shit,
13:58and that's why he's out.
14:01But he was using my medicine bottles
14:03to put his stuff in.
14:04Gone, completely.
14:06Which is not a big deal to me
14:07because, like, I don't take them every day.
14:08It was literally as needed.
14:10And it was usually, like,
14:11if I needed it was the time to be,
14:13like, when I came home to go to sleep.
14:16And it wasn't every day use.
14:17This all happened, like, I came home,
14:19took my medicine, was getting ready to take a shower,
14:21and you can see the boxes packing his stuff.
14:24And then I guess this happened in that process time.
14:31It is scary.
14:32I literally walked in there
14:33and then I woke up and y'all was here.
14:35So that's how bad.
14:36I guess that's how strong this stuff is.
14:39And the lady that owns this,
14:42which is my best friend's mother-in-law,
14:45she don't pay about anything like that.
14:47Like, she even put her daughter-in-law in jail.
14:50Like, she's on shit.
14:52Is there a landlord out here today?
14:53That, no.
14:55But that's the thing.
14:56She don't care if it's family, daughter, whoever.
14:59If you're doing something wrong,
15:00she's gonna, she's gonna, I guess she did them.
15:04Which I was not aware that this was a drug house.
15:11Prior to that.
15:12All they could say when he came over here,
15:13all he could say was there was a Mexican squatting in here
15:15and it took four months to get them out.
15:17That's what his exact words was every time.
15:19The lease on here, is it under your name or is it his name?
15:22It is not a lease on anybody's name.
15:25Like, it was just my best friend and I was here.
15:28And they let him stay here.
15:29He just took over then after that.
15:31You kind of just took over.
15:33I started paying the rags and everything.
15:36He was never within drugs.
15:37Like, now I'm scared.
15:38I have to have this medicine every day that I take.
15:41So now I don't know.
15:43Like, if it happened like that,
15:45then I don't know if I should throw it away here.
15:50But if I don't take it, I'm going to be sick.
15:53If you do start to feel worse, if you feel faint again,
15:57please, please, please, I cannot stress this enough,
15:59call us back.
16:01Because if you pass out in there again,
16:03and for whatever reason I'm not interested in, okay,
16:07I am solely here for your health and well-being.
16:11If anything changes, you start to feel faint
16:14or feel more sick or you're going to pass out,
16:16I need you to call 911 right away.
16:22Yes, sir.
16:23That's fine.
16:24That is me.
16:25I don't know what.
16:26Should I not throw my medicine away?
16:28I'm supposed to take it three times a day.
16:30No, I would only take your medicine
16:32as is recommended by your doctor.
16:34That's what I'm saying.
16:35Don't take any less or don't take any more.
16:37And that's fine.
16:38If you're taking the medicine that's recommended by your doctor.
16:41What I'm saying is that powder stuff is in there.
16:43Like, I don't know how much got out of what he had.
16:46That was a fail.
16:48So, like, that's what I'm saying.
16:50I don't know.
16:51Like, as soon as I took that,
16:52apparently there's nothing there.
16:54I don't know what it was.
16:56Powder is one.
16:57So I don't know what's on the bottle and what's not.
16:59Or, you know, the pills.
17:01I don't know.
17:03But I'm supposed to take my medicine three times a day.
17:05If this was prescribed medicine
17:06and it hasn't been tampered with,
17:08I wouldn't throw it away.
17:09I would continue taking it as you're prescribing it.
17:11Because that's what he used to put it.
17:13Like, that's exactly what I took.
17:16If that's prescribed to you and you're taking it like you should,
17:19Is his powder in there, though, is what I'm saying?
17:22Well, I don't know what that powder is.
17:24So I would probably get the pills away from the powder, right?
17:27I'd probably put them in a different container.
17:29But what I'm saying is it was already all over the pills.
17:32Like, and I don't know.
17:34I would say follow up with your doctor.
17:36I can't identify what that is.
17:39You have a primary care doctor, right?
17:41You prescribed that to you?
17:42I would give them a call as soon as possible,
17:44explain what happened,
17:45and follow their recommendations.
17:47Because I'm not a doctor.
17:48They'll be able to recommend you more professional advice than I will.
17:53Please do follow up with your doctor as soon as possible, okay?
17:56As far as the pills and having the powder on them,
17:59I can't say for sure whether to continue or not taking them.
18:04I can't give you advice on that
18:05because I don't know what the powder is.
18:07So what was your first name?
18:08I'm sorry.
18:09Like I said, I walked in after the fact.
18:12All I knew whenever I was coming here is that there was a female passed out in the bathroom.
18:18Kids were in the home, and they were concerned.
18:21They actually thought that you were gone, okay?
18:23So they were scared.
18:24So I show up here.
18:26You're obviously up and breathing, talking, and so on.
18:29I don't know what's going on.
18:31I don't know the backstory.
18:33So my name is Oscar Ochoa.
18:34What's your name?
18:36What's your name?
18:38Ashley, okay.
18:39Ashley, so here's what's going to happen, okay?
18:40Like I said, I don't have details as to what happened or anything.
18:42There's another officer that was here before me as well as my supervisor, okay?
18:45So what I need you to do right now, what we are going to do right now actually,
18:49is you and I are going to go downstairs, okay?
18:52I'm going to have you sit in my car while I speak to the other officers
18:56and see what we're going to do, okay?
18:57Obviously, we need to make arrangements for, like he said,
19:00he'd like another adult to be here with your kids, you know,
19:03because of concerns and all these things, okay?
19:05Now, for you to sit in my car, you will be in cuffs in my car, okay?
19:09You can't sit in the backseat of my car without cuffs, okay?
19:12Per policy.
19:13Excuse me?
19:14Can y'all not come in here and sit with me?
19:16No, we'll have to go down there, okay?
19:18And your kids are down there.
19:19I mean, I'm not going to cuff you in front of your kids, you know,
19:21but I'll have you sit in my car and your kids.
19:25Like I said, I saw them when I came up here,
19:27but I don't know exactly where they're at downstairs, okay?
19:33Yeah, I don't feel comfortable going in and getting cuffed.
19:35Okay, well, not too bad.
19:37We're going to stand up and go in cuffs.
19:39We're going to go ahead and stand up.
19:40I don't care.
19:41I don't care how comfortable you feel or not feel.
19:43We're standing up.
19:45I mean, what am I going to do?
19:46What is going on, like, as far as?
19:49Can y'all explain to me what I'm getting, like, am I going to jail?
19:54For what?
19:55Child neglect.
19:57Because I took my medicine and it had to sit in cuffs.
20:00Are you serious?
20:01100% serious.
20:02This is not okay.
20:03You admitted to MSA.
20:08That was in your hand.
20:09I did not admit to that.
20:10That was a lie.
20:11I told y'all that he just went to jail this morning.
20:14This is ridiculous.
20:15It sure is.
20:16Sir, please do not be rude to me.
20:18I don't know what I'm doing.
20:19I'm not.
20:20I pulled right over.
20:21If you want me to be rude, I could have left and pulled you in front of your kids.
20:23I pulled over here so your kids aren't seeing handcuffs.
20:25That's not being rude.
20:26That's being considerate.
20:27It's not explaining what y'all's doing.
20:29I just told you, you're going to jail.
20:32This is ridiculous.
20:34Y'all are sitting there saying this and it had to do with him.
20:38It's spit and no powder.
20:40It was on my medicine from the people downstairs.
20:42You smoke your pills, huh?
20:44I don't smoke my pills.
20:45Y'all are not listening.
20:47I was there when I kicked in the door.
20:49I opened y'all hand.
20:51You did not.
20:52I didn't let you in.
20:53Fire tore the door off the hinges.
20:55I'm talking about this morning.
20:56We weren't here this morning.
20:57This is this afternoon.
20:58It's 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
21:00Oh, my God.
21:01This is ridiculous.
21:02You're sitting here saying I said I smoked my pills.
21:05That was not said either.
21:07Okay, well, I'll tell you.
21:09That was not said.
21:10Like, what the f*** is going on?
21:12Do you have anything inside your body or inside your cavities or anything like that?
21:16No drugs hanging up inside your body?
21:18I'm a nurse.
21:19No, I don't.
21:22Checking to make sure we don't drop anything back there.
21:25We'll go this way.
21:27I'll just say in front, on the off chance you throw up, that way you're not accidentally getting me with it.
21:31Don't think you will, but.
21:3335-year-old Ashley Weber was booked on two counts of child neglect
21:37and a warrant out of Cherokee County for neglect of family.
21:40Her bond is set at $100,000.

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