Taiwan Aims To Establish New Sports Ministry

  • 2 weeks ago
Taiwan is pushing forward with its plan to establish a new ministry for physical education and sports development.
00:00Taiwan has begun work on creating a new ministry for physical education and sports development.
00:06The government says it will set up a team, tasked with upgrading the sports administration
00:11currently under the education ministry.
00:13We will set up a consultative team in September.
00:18We also invited some of our most famous players, including Guo Xinchun, Li Yang, Zhuang Zhiyuan
00:25and Lin Zhenning to join the consultative team.
00:30The announcement follows the conclusion of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
00:35Taiwan secured a total of seven medals at the Games, two gold and five bronze, marking
00:40the country's second-highest medal count ever.
00:43One of the athletes on the team is Li Yang, a Paris Olympic gold medalist.
00:48He successfully defended his title with his partner Wang Qilin in the men's badminton
00:54Li has high hopes for this new ministry.
00:56I hope that after the establishment of the Sports Department, there will be more resources
01:00to ensure that athletes participate in sports and allow them to move forward without hesitation.
01:07I also plan to have a place where they can play after they retire.
01:12President Lai Ching-de included plans for the new ministry in his inaugural address
01:16in May.
01:17We also hope that a healthier Taiwan will be established, and that the Sports Department
01:24will promote national sports.
01:26Currently, over US$5.52 billion has been allocated to the plan for 2025.
01:33Continued funding is expected to reach the US$616 million goal set by President Lai by
01:40With the help of this new ministry, the government aims to provide long-term support for athletes
01:45and promote a healthier future for Taiwan.
01:48Yisen Pan and Tani Chi for Taiwan Plus.
