• last year
00:00a judge is a freak and he's a pure home run hitter I mean that guy hit you see
00:09that's it you see him just like absolute moonshots this guy hits and he's on a
00:15great pace he's a way better hitter than Alex Rodriguez in my opinion he's scary
00:21home run hitter I think he's a better home run hitter I think A-Rod all around
00:25better hitter I think all around A-Rod a better hitter but judge a better home run
00:29hitter yeah I don't know I I don't know about that like I listen and I I
00:35actually liked him and you know I was a fan of Alex's his whole career but I
00:43think that I mean he cheated like like F and I mean he and not only that he's one
00:52of the greatest liars ever like he right he's literally on on par with Trump like
00:58he can go out and lie all day and people believe everything he says like
01:01my this guy lies to his grandmother and and gets away with it just everything's
01:06a lie I will never forget him on the fan lying he just came in and he just kept
01:13lying and lying and lying this other guy you know at one point this year he was
01:21leading in the Triple Crown he can hit he doesn't just hit home runs I think
01:26people think that he just hits home runs I flat-out think that I think judge
01:33is a better athlete I think he's bigger I think he's stronger and I think he's
01:39faster and I think that he is a better baseball player than Alex Rodriguez ever
01:45was I really do and and I was you know I was big on a ride you've heard me talk
01:50about a rod for you've been with me ten years I've talked about him always that
01:54I loved his game and being able to watch him every day like I got to watch
01:59bonds every day for several years I got to watch bonds his first three years and
02:05I got to watch him in San Francisco and then when I was in LA I was there
02:10forever and guess who they played all the time the Dodgers and Giants so I
02:14basically saw bonds play almost his whole career on an everyday basis and
02:21I've never seen anyone hit like that I don't and I and he never you know he
02:26lied and he's he acted like it was all of our fault it was all our fault the
02:31questions blame the media blame the fans blame everybody but don't blame me and
02:36then I'm gonna be a surly asshat the whole time I'm doing it that I'm
02:41cheating like he blew up like a like a Macy's Day Parade balloon and he was
02:46hitting all these home runs he cheated too horribly and then would never admit
02:51it and neither would Rodriguez they just lied their whole career and then we
02:56don't have that problem with judge
