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Finishing Our First Power BI Report

Master the final steps of creating a Power BI report with this comprehensive playlist designed for professionals, data enthusiasts, and beginners alike. This course guides you through the crucial finishing touches to complete your first Power BI report. Whether polishing your skills or learning the platform for the first time, this tutorial provides the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

Learn how to optimize your reports for presentation, add final visualizations, and ensure your data story is compelling and clear. Unlock the full potential of Power BI and deliver impactful insights with confidence.

What You’ll Learn:
• Finalizing your Power BI report with advanced visualizations
• Best practices for report design and data presentation
• How to make your reports interactive and user-friendly
• Tips for publishing and sharing your completed reports

Ideal For:
• Data Analysts and Business Intelligence Professionals
• Beginners eager to finalize professional Power BI reports
• Power BI users looking to refine and polish their reports

Subscribe for more tutorials on the latest software and ensure your Power BI reports stand out.

Power BI tutorial for beginners
Creating interactive dashboards in Power BI
Tips for designing visually appealing Power BI reports
Step-by-step guide to finishing a Power BI report
Power BI report formatting best practices
Adding custom visuals to Power BI reports
Optimizing performance in Power BI reports
Using DAX formulas in Power BI
Sharing and distributing Power BI reports
Power BI report examples and inspiration

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00:00Hey, friends, welcome back.
00:07Now, in the last video, we got started with our first Power BI report.
00:11And hopefully, you have seen how easy it is to import the data in Power BI
00:15and then get started with your first visualizations. Now, let's continue
00:19building from there. But before we do this, we should actually save
00:23our report. Because let's face it, even Power BI might crash from
00:27time to time for some reasons, whatever those reasons are.
00:31And then we want to make sure that we have saved our file so we
00:35can restart Power BI and continue working on our save.
00:39To do this, we can simply click on a little disk up here, just click on
00:43save, or press Ctrl S as a shortcut, that would also work. So let me
00:47just click on save on the disk here. So click on it. And then you
00:51would see that now the window appears here. And I can easily now specify
00:55the name of the Power BI file. For instance, here, the easy way
00:59with Power BI, like that.
01:03And then I can click on, just save it, click on save.
01:07And then the data is saved now in this folder. So far, so good.
01:11Now, beside this, we already learned that
01:15visuals have, at least at this point in time, some of them,
01:19this option to format the visual by simply clicking on this formatting icon here.
01:23And then we can add specific formatting options in here. And if the
01:27options are not already built in here, we can click on more options, and then we have the
01:31formatting window here on the side, where you can then customize a lot of things.
01:35Beside this, for visuals, we
01:39do not have this option. Remember, here, currently, it's not built in. Maybe in the
01:43future, it is for you already. But if not, simply click on this. And if you do not
01:47see this option, let me just, one more time, let me just close it. If this is
01:51not available, go just to the view option here, and then check the formatting
01:55bar here, this formatting option, and then it appears here. And then you can customize the visual.
01:59But beside these options, we also have
02:03the option to specify specific formatting inside
02:07the visual itself. The way this works, let me just drag this a little
02:11down. Currently, you see that this visual has a black, in this
02:15case, a black border around it. As soon as we double click on it, let me
02:19just double click here, you will see that now the border changes to blue.
02:23This is an indication that we can modify certain things directly
02:27in here. So, for instance, if I hover over this, you can see
02:31I can change it. I can right click here, for instance, and now I have the
02:35label selected, and I can change the label content, as well as the label
02:39position, outside, inside, and so on. But let's stick maybe
02:43for the label contents, for this example, and I could say, what kind of
02:47data do I want to show? For instance, I could say, I only want to see the category.
02:51Click on category, and now you see that we have changed here
02:55the description by only adding the category here. Or let's just
02:59right click again, and say, instead of this, I would like to see actually the category,
03:03in this case, and the data value, and the percentage of total, so actually everything.
03:07So, click on all data labels, all the details, and you can see that
03:11now we have everything in detail here. I can also click on
03:15here directly, and I can press delete key, and then the whole
03:19visual is deleted. That's not what I want, so let's actually go back, and let's
03:23double click on this again, like that, and I can right click here, and I can also
03:27click here, the option to specify here certain things.
03:31For instance, I can make this bold, you can see that here, and now the options are bold,
03:35and so on. And I can also go in here, if I want to change here
03:39the, in this case, the scale, currently you can see it's in this case
03:435K, because it's 5,000. If I click on none here, for instance,
03:47I would see north is 4,750.
03:51So, also all these options here, also maybe how many decimal numbers you want to show,
03:55the color, and so on, everything can be customized here as well.
03:59Let me go back to auto, and then it would show auto, simply the abbreviation
04:03with a K. So, you can see that there's
04:07also an option to change something directly in here. So, if I click on
04:11here, for instance, the legend, and you should also see that this changes
04:15what the formatting currently is highlighting here. So, if I go back to my,
04:19in this case, the description here, the labels, you would see that now we are here
04:23in the detail labels position, where we can customize it either in here, so in the
04:27pane, or directly in here in the visual.
04:31And if I click on region one more time, you see that now we are here in the legend,
04:35we can specify either by right clicking here, do I want to
04:39delete the legend, click delete, then the legend is gone, right.
04:43It's also turned off here, I can also turn this on again,
04:47and the legend is there, and I can also play around, if I right click here, in this case
04:51I'd like to format it, if I click on format, then you can see the format window
04:55here appears. And I would highly, or I'm certainly
04:59sure, actually, I'm very sure that the option, for instance, to change the position
05:03here, it can be center right, right, and we can change it here,
05:07but as I could say, I want to see it at the bottom center, click on bottom center,
05:11and now the legend is here at the bottom. This will be also available, probably in the
05:15future, if you right click here, and then choose it from here. As I said, this
05:19on object here, the option here to format something directly in here, and also
05:23directly in the visual itself, if you double click on it, to have the blue border,
05:27this is currently rolled out. So, I'm very early here,
05:31but I thought it's the best to create the videos now, to give you the
05:35newest kind of experience, and see what's coming, and that's why
05:39not all the options are already there, but for you, they maybe are already when
05:43you watch the videos. But hopefully, you appreciate that we're going to dive here
05:47into the latest feature, and the latest Power BI update
05:51at this point in time. So, now this
05:55is up to you, what you prefer. So, do you want to do it directly in the visual, or do you
05:59prefer here the formatting option on the sidebar, or
06:03this option here, by simply clicking there, and change the things in here. So, it's up to you.
06:07At the end, probably what you prefer, but for now, we have these three options.
06:11And if you want to deselect it, simply click on somewhere
06:15on the screen, and now, if you select it again, you see that this blue border, so the
06:19option to format something directly in here, if I right click here, this would not work. Right?
06:23That only works if you double click on the visual, then you have the formatting options in here.
06:27Okay? So, that's it. Another
06:31way to format the visuals. So, you can see that Power BI becomes really quite flexible
06:35because this was not possible in the past, but now it is. And in the future,
06:39there will be a lot more formatting options directly in the visual itself, if you double click on it.
06:43So, having said that, let's just drag that
06:47down, and let's continue creating our report in here. So, let me just
06:51drag this down here, and let's actually insert a header, because each
06:55report, each good report, normally has a header. So, we can simply go to insert,
06:59click on insert here, and then we could say we'd like to see a text box.
07:03So, let me first deselect everything, and then click on text box here,
07:07and now, actually, type in some text. For instance, in this case,
07:11my first Power BI report.
07:15In this case, let's say, Power BI, the easy way. Right?
07:19The easy way to get started.
07:23Started, started. Right? Correct. Okay. So, I'll select everything,
07:27Ctrl A, and I make it bold, and then I also center it maybe, and of course,
07:31I like to make it bigger. So, let's say 18. I think that should be fine.
07:35Right? So, let's just do this. I click on the
07:39three dots, and I drag this maybe here on top, and I make it a little bit smaller, because I don't need
07:43too much space. Like that. And I can click on this.
07:47By the way, you're probably familiar with this from PowerPoint as well, but if I go to
07:51the formatting option here, I have here the option to align the options. Right?
07:55Align left, center, and so on. In this case, I would like to align it middle,
07:59horizontally, or distribute horizontally. I can click on this option. Now, you see
08:03it's exactly in the center of my screen in here. Right?
08:07So, all these options, by clicking on the visual first, then the formatting
08:11pane here appears up there. Format. And I can click on this, and then
08:15I can specify here, do I want to bring it forward, backward. Also, options for
08:19PowerPoint. If you want to have visuals overlap,
08:23for instance, like that, then you can specify which one should be brought
08:27to front or to back. But, I won't dive too deep into this, because
08:31this is exactly the same as in PowerPoint. Right? And, if you worked
08:35with PowerPoint before, then you're probably familiar with that.
08:39But, especially the aligning option here, that's quite helpful. If you want to style
08:43your report and align things properly, and so on, then you can easily do this by simply
08:47selecting the visual. Or, if you control click, select two visuals,
08:51and then you go to format, and you can do exactly the same. The aligning,
08:55for instance, distribute them, and so on. Right? That also is possible. So, if I
08:59align center, just to show you, if I click on this one here, you would see that now they are aligned
09:03in the center. So, let me just go back, or press control undo,
09:07because I only want to have my header here in the center.
09:11So, this can be done here. Just drag that a little
09:15bit. Select it, make it a little bit smaller in here.
09:19So, what else can we do? Now, we have our header in here, and I think this one
09:23I like. So, let me just make this a little bit smaller, maybe, like that.
09:27And then, maybe drag this up here. So, like that.
09:31And, you can also see, hopefully, that there are these red lines. So, if you can see
09:35this, this is the red line, this red dotted line. That's something you're probably also
09:39familiar from PowerPoint, which allows us to make sure that the
09:43visuals here are aligned properly. For instance, both at the same
09:47Y position, right? Of course, you can also select both of them, and then you can go
09:51to the formatting option, and then under align, of course, you could also say align
09:55top to make sure they're aligned at the same Y position. But, also, I think
09:59oftentimes, it's already enough to simply drag it, and then make sure that you can see
10:03the red dotted line, and it also works for me, at least.
10:07So, here we got one visualization. Let's make it a little bit smaller, like this one here, and also drag
10:11it a little bit higher, like that, and then place it somewhere on our screen.
10:15Next to the donut chart, where I can see here my regions, and
10:19here also the sales figures, as well as percentage here, I maybe also like to see
10:23the profit for products. So, let me go in here, let's just check that
10:27in our cylinder here, in the data view, and make sure that we
10:31deselect everything first. So, click here somewhere on the blank screen, and then
10:35let's just say I'd like to see my products in here, click on product, and for the products,
10:39I'd like to see, actually, the profit numbers. But, instead of having a table,
10:43I'd like to see this maybe as a visual, and also let's just
10:47choose one of those bar charts. So, select this one here, class and column chart,
10:51and I can see that now, here are the different products I have, and these
10:55products here have different kinds of, in this case, profit.
10:59So, here, let me just maybe double click on this again, just to
11:03practice this a little bit. So, for instance, here, the sum of profits, I don't like
11:07this, so I click on side, and I just go back,
11:11that's not what I want. I double click here, and I just want to change
11:15the name. For instance, this is not the sum of profits, this is just my profit. Okay, I don't like to
11:19have the sum name in here. Click on profits, and then click somewhere on the side, and now
11:23I have renamed my axis. And, one more time, I'd like to mention
11:27this, you could also do this inside the formatting pane here, but that's also
11:31possible now. If you just double click on it, make sure you can see the
11:35blue border around, and then you can change that in here as well.
11:39Also, let me just right click on the bars here, and then say I'd like to add the data labels.
11:43Right, and click this option, and I would also see the data labels in here.
11:47I can click on the data labels as well, and I can right click, and I can format them if I want,
11:51or choose from here. So, to make them bold, now they are bold, and so
11:55on. This is also possible directly from here. Or, if I go inside
11:59my formatting pane, I could also do it here, right? There are the values, and I can simply
12:03tick the bold in here, and this would also change it in here.
12:07So, and also as a best practice, because
12:11there are so many formatting options in here, if you search for a specific format,
12:15right, you could also go to the search option here, the search pane.
12:19This often helps, at least me, to simply find the specific thing
12:23I want to format easier. For instance, if I search here, you can see there
12:27are the labels. For instance, if I would search for the labels because I can't find them,
12:31I can simply search for, in this case, the data labels, and you can see that now I'm here.
12:35You can see the data labels. If I go inside, and here I can specify, for instance,
12:39for the values, and then I can search here, for instance, italic, and you would see that now they are italic,
12:43right? It's, for me, a quick way to find what I'm looking for
12:47by simply searching for a specific item which I want to change.
12:51So, let me just remove this for now, and let me actually
12:55put this one here, and we can see all the options here again. So,
12:59this one could be a second visualization, and let me just click somewhere outside,
13:03and also make this a little bit smaller, and I have my next visualization type.
13:07So, like this, and this one here, and I want to make sure
13:11that these are maybe aligned properly, right? It's the same size, okay, like that.
13:15This one is not the same as this one, and then I can continue, for instance.
13:19Here, for instance, I have my table in here. Well, okay, I can make
13:23it a little bit bigger regarding the columns. I just need to hover, in this
13:27case, here over the header, and then I can just drag it, and you can see that
13:31here I can change the size of the specific columns if I want to do that.
13:35And also, like that, let me just also make the country bigger.
13:39What I could also do in here, here's my table,
13:43currently it's aligned correctly, this is true, but for the table itself, I could also say
13:47if I just select here the options
13:51for the sum of sales, for instance, if you say you do not want to have the aggregation
13:55like sum of sales in here, what you could do instead is simply double
13:59click here, and then you can rename the field. So, just
14:03instead of writing sum of sales here, I could write, for instance, these are my total sales.
14:07Like that. Press enter, and now you can see that the header
14:11has now changed to total sales. It's still the sales field
14:15from our data, if I go to my cylinder one more time, it's still sales in here, right, which
14:19we're going to use, but we just renamed it here for this specific
14:23visualization, not for all the others, only for this one.
14:27If you want to name it differently, so instead of sales
14:31here, we would like to have total sales, this is something we need to change in the Power Query
14:35editor when we import the data, and we will dive deeper in the Power Query editor
14:39later on, but for now, if you want to just change it quickly, then
14:43the quick and dirty way to do it is simply double click here and change the name.
14:47And also, if I go to the formatting option
14:51here, then here for the column headers, this is done,
14:55I can also make them, for instance, I can center them, right, and now they are centered, or I can
14:59also right align them, right align, and so on, depending on what
15:03style, so make it bold, and then they're also bold.
15:07And because I increased the size here for the labels, I might also want to increase
15:11the size here on the font size here for the headers, I can also do that.
15:15So, this could be also now a visualization which I want to use.
15:19So, beside this, I could, of course,
15:23also create additional visualizations, or I could use this card, this map. In this case,
15:27I want to get rid of the map, so I simply delete it for now, and I would like
15:31to have maybe a different visualization type in here. So, let me go back in here again
15:35and choose here, what else do we have, we have a table, and so on.
15:39What could be interesting for us is also the slicer, right,
15:43because maybe we want to give the report, the end report consumer
15:47the option to slice and dice the data. So, maybe he or she is
15:51interested in, for instance, currently we can see here the profit for all the products,
15:55but maybe we would like to see the profit only for a specific region, right,
15:59that could be the case. And we can do this by two ways,
16:03the second one I'm going to show you in a minute, but for now, let's actually explore
16:07slicers. And slicers are also available in Excel, so maybe you're already
16:11familiar with them, but if not, let's create one.
16:15So, let's go back inside, in this case, under home, we can do it directly from here,
16:19make sure that you do not have selected anything, click somewhere on the blank screen,
16:23and then go in here, and there is an option to add a slicer. So, click on slicer
16:27in here, and now we need to add a field to the slicer.
16:31So, what kind of data do we want to use in order to slice our data?
16:35And I could say I want to use the region. So, I click on region,
16:39click on it, select it, and now we have a slicer in here
16:43for the region, like east, north, south, and west. So,
16:47if I would select south, let me just click it, and you'll see that now all the data
16:51is now changed here, and I can only see now, here in this case, the profit
16:55for the region south, where for PlayStation, obviously, it's currently negative.
16:59If I click on north, I would see the data for north, east
17:03for east, and so on. So, by the way,
17:07if either you deselect it by clicking again on it, or you deselect it by clicking
17:11on this little icon here, clear selections, you also would see the
17:15data again. Besides this, there's
17:19also an option to, of course, customize the slicer a little bit. Maybe you
17:23do not like it the way it looks currently. You can click on this one here.
17:27You can change the slicer header. Currently, it's here, region. You can untick it, then it
17:31would not be visible, or you go to more options. Currently, this is
17:35the only option I can change here. Again, in the future, there might be more options, but for
17:39now, I need to click on more options, and then I would see here my formatting pane appearing.
17:43By the way, it's closed, and I click on more options, it automatically
17:47appears in here. So, for the slicer settings,
17:51let's go there. There's an option, instead of using the vertical list,
17:55to switch this to, in this case, here, a dropdown or
17:59tile. So, let me just click on tile, and now you have a tile,
18:03right? It looks a little different. Let me just make it smaller, like that, and now
18:07I have here all my regions, like this, a slicer. You can still
18:11click on something, like north, and you see that the filter gets applied,
18:15the data gets changed, but this would be another way to display the slicer.
18:19In this case, I personally like this, the way it looks like that, and I can place it maybe
18:23somewhere in my report, maybe up here, and then I can use it
18:27for slicing the data. So, click on north, I can see north, and so on.
18:31And if I would like to select more than just one item, just in case you're wondering,
18:35just click on one item, and then hold control key, and click on another item, and you see that now
18:39both of them are selected. That's also possible, of course, to select several
18:43items, like that. Let's just remove this for now, but this would be
18:47one of the options we have. And then you can play around. What else
18:51do you want to add to this slicer? Just, again, click on it,
18:55and then take a look at all the options we have. For instance, here, for the columns
18:59here, we can make it a multi-select. Currently, it's multi-select
19:03with holding the control key. If you untick this option,
19:07by the way, then it would be, if I click on east, I'd see east. If I click
19:11on north, you see I do not need to hold control key in order to select several items.
19:15If this is something you or your end user of the report prefers,
19:19instead of clicking, doing a control click, only click with
19:23one, with the left mouse button, then this can be customized, right, as you've seen.
19:27So, all these things are available.
19:31Really, I encourage you, try this out, play around with it,
19:35and then just use the setting which is best for your specific
19:39use case. So, you can also play around with the padding
19:43here, with the color. The default color is here blue. You can make this green
19:47and so on, and it's up to you, right. So, select the visual
19:51and then specify here the certain kinds of, in this case,
19:55well, formatting options for this visual. Let me just maybe untick the region
19:59and the title. So, let me just click on it, yeah, right, click on that,
20:03and tick the title here, tile. I think I like this.
20:07Again, you can use dropdown if you want or not, and also for the options in here.
20:11You can also make it single select, that only one item is selected at the same time.
20:15And you can also add show select all, right, then you would have this
20:19all option. For instance, if someone clicks on north, now you can see
20:23if you click on select all, then everything is selected again. So, again, it's really up to
20:27you how you want to style this, but this is just, I just want to give you
20:31here, well, a preview of what you could do, for instance, in your own reports
20:35later on. So, maybe one last visual here at the bottom.
20:39Let's just choose something and maybe just use KPI cards, right, why not?
20:43So, to do that, you could easily, which we already have seen,
20:47use a single KPI card, so which are available in here,
20:51this one, but there are also multi-row cards.
20:55So, let me just maybe select this one for now, just to show you a different visual, click on it,
20:59and now we can add here certain kinds of fields. So, click on add data
21:03and then say, we'd like to see the sales and
21:07at the same time, we'd like to see the profit. So, click on add data and also add the profit.
21:11Like that, for instance, right? So, we can see here the sum of the profits
21:15as well as the sum of the sales in here and
21:19also maybe add another, add data here,
21:23click on it, and now we add the price. So, now we have
21:27three KPIs, which are here in our multi-KPI card
21:31and I think it makes sense to maybe place this maybe top,
21:35rather here, right, there, just as an example, and here we have our table.
21:39And for the table, we can also sort this, that's not what I want
21:43for now, not my focus, let me just drag this higher
21:47and click on it again, click on country,
21:51let's go here, and there's sort by, there's an option, let's sort by country,
21:55so that's fine for now, sort it alphabetically. And maybe, maybe, we would like to
21:59make the table a little bigger, so we add additional data, so let me go to the
22:03data option here and then just choose for the table next
22:07to what we already have. In here, country and all sales, let's say
22:11next to the country, we also like to add additional data, let me click on this
22:15data option here, add data, and then say we also like to see here,
22:19let's say the product, click on product here, so we can see the table's a little bigger,
22:23let me drag the product up, so if you want to change the order of the columns,
22:27simply select it, drag it up under country, so I can show you this as well,
22:31and now we have here, in this case, the country first, then the product,
22:35then the sales, and then the profit. So like that.
22:39This is our sales table, which we have here, which we want to visualize here.
22:43For our KPIs, we can see them in here,
22:47this is the sum of sales, the sum of profit, and the sum of price,
22:51and maybe a few of you already notice that the sum of the price, that actually
22:55does not make any sense, because normally you do not sum up the price, right?
22:59You sum up the profit, you sum up the sales, but for the price,
23:03I might be more interested, for instance, the average price a customer has paid us.
23:07So for that, we can easily change this by clicking on the option here,
23:11and say for the aggregation type, click on this little
23:15arrow here, data options, and say instead of the sum of the price,
23:19the aggregation type here should be the average.
23:23And by the way, we can also change these options here for the other ones by clicking on this little arrow
23:27here, but for now, the sum of sales and sum of profit is fine, but the sum
23:31of price is not fine. That's something I'd like to change. So that's why I
23:35go in here and change it to average. Now we can see that's the average price
23:39which the customer has paid us, which makes more sense, in my view, here for
23:43this specific API. Next, we have
23:47the formatting option, of course. Again, the category labels, I like to have them.
23:51More is not available, at least for me, so I need to click on more options, and I can see here
23:55I'm affording, and I can here customize this further. So call out values
23:59here, let's just make them bold. You can see that now they are bold. I can also increase the size
24:03a little bit if I want to do that, and so on, right? So all the formatting options
24:07are available for us. Okay, so that's it
24:11for creating our reports. For now, I say that's fine for me. Of course,
24:15I highly encourage you to keep going and create
24:19visualizations and specify, format it the way you want it, and try out the different
24:23things you have. But before you do this, and before we end this
24:27video, there's one additional thing I'd like to show you.
24:31So far, we have seen that we can use the slicer, right,
24:35to slice and dice our data. So if I click on East, I would see the data for East,
24:39and so on, right? That works for us. However,
24:43next to the slicers, Power BI is fully interactive.
24:47That means that if I select another visual, for instance, here,
24:51for the donut for sales here, if I click on the region
24:55West here, this little part of the donut chart, if I click on it, you'll see
24:59that now the data also gets filtered for the other visuals.
25:03So that's what I mean when I say Power BI is fully interactive.
25:07I could click on this one as well, and then the data changes here for the south
25:11region. Or if I click on it again to uncheck
25:15this filter option, I can click here on PlayStation, so click on PlayStation,
25:19and you see that now I only see the data for PlayStation, right? And this
25:23is true for all the visualizations in here, right? If I click on
25:27PC, I would see here the filter options for PC.
25:31If I uncheck this option, now I can see everything.
25:35And there's much more to tell about this interaction, and also that
25:39we can specify how the visuals should interact with each other. But that's
25:43something we're going to cover later on, because again, this video is quite long.
25:47But here now we have created our first report in Power BI,
25:51and that's why I'd like to say congratulations. So for following along,
25:55for creating your first Power BI report, and hopefully you enjoyed it,
25:59and hopefully you can play around a little bit longer. And when you're finished with that,
26:03I like to see you in the next video when we continue. So thanks a lot for watching,
26:07and I'll see you there.
