Tarek William Saab: the extreme right wing feels totally defeated when they see the country calm

  • 2 weeks ago
Interview granted by Tarek William Saab to teleSUR after the declarations recently offered on the investigations related to the most recent destabilization attempts in the country. teleSUR
00:00Let's go listen to Venezuela Live, a live interview with Tarek William Saab.
00:06You see how this has turned out in a very dangerous thing.
00:15They want to replicate because they feel that as Venezuela is at peace, at calm, as the
00:23country has been normalized, coming back to the climate that we have always enjoyed, coexistence,
00:33They feel frustrated, defeated, in an absolute isolation of what is reality and what is the
00:46political and democratic life of the nation.
00:49So they need violent, criminal, aggressive actions to murder.
00:56So I think that the world must know this reality.
00:59They have to see this reality, feel this reality, and they have to be convinced.
01:04I reiterate that the 25 people murdered, they were murdered by these kinds of delinquents
01:14and criminals.
01:15They have been arrested, and they are going to be punished, and they are going to be charged
01:25with the maximum sentence.
01:30And so there are suspicions that they are going to commit similar actions, but with
01:43the power of fire, of criminality, that has been calmed down and dismantled because of
01:53everything we have done.
01:55Of course, attempts continue, because you see we have detained those criminals, and
02:04they have thought, as of July 31st, to continue with these incidents.
02:12And these criminals promised that, as of July 31st, that they have to catch people, to attack
02:22the people, and to support this opposing march on August 16th.
02:33But we are on a list 24-7, and for everyone knows from Telesur correspondents, this brutal
02:51reality and the reports that we provided to the Council of State and to the Council of
02:57Defense, we repeated that these delinquents were ordered by the commandants to just burst
03:16out riots.
03:17Well, it is highlighted the 25 victims, and these victims are mostly from the Venezuelan
03:30state, and do you think that these international media outlets are within the conspiracy already
03:40committed, and I said it on Monday and before, that these actions are linked directly, not
03:53a single claim, allegation, in any space of the Prosecutor's Office, to any allegation,
04:05any lawsuit has been attributed to that a security corp has been accountable for the
04:15crimes, and told you.
04:17They could say 25 deceased, but in the press release they disclosed who murdered them.
04:27I have presented the accountable, I have presented the faces of victims, these are martyrs of
04:35the Venezuelan people, ordered by the far-right opposition, by criminals they used, on the
04:43videos they appeared, setting fire to monuments, to Chief Cormoto, to Hugo Chavez monument,
04:53burning down health and education facilities, it is already confirmed, they are convicted
05:01and confessed, the 25 regrettable murders were committed by the far-right who used criminals
05:11to kill, and there is no allegation attached to the state.
05:16Well, thank you very much for getting us some minutes to interview.
05:27So we were listening to General Attorney of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, in an exclusive
05:31interview for Telesur, with our colleague Luis Guillermo Garcia, just moments after
05:36his press conference.
05:38He highlighted the importance of the investigation that is being carried out by the General Prosecutor's
05:43Office to look into the crimes committed in the days following the July 28th elections.
05:49We will come back with further updates regarding everything that's going on in Venezuela and
05:53the world in upcoming news briefs.
05:55Stay with us.
05:57Stay with us.
