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COLLECTION 1 Dynamic Circuits [Weeks 1–4]
These fast-paced circuits target multiple muscle groups using back-to-back exercises with high rep counts and minimal rest time. Starting with endurance using moderate weight not only builds
strength but primes your body to sustain longer efforts. This will help as you head into the second collection, which focuses on time under tension.

Weeks 1-4
Dynamic Circuits
Day 1 - Upper Body Circuit 1
Day 2 - Lower Body Circuit 1
Day 3 - Total Body Circuit
Day 4 - Upper Body Circuit 2
Day 5 - Lower Body Circuit 2
Day 6 - Steady State Cardio 1
00:00If it's up, then it's up, then it's upper body circuit, and you're going to dig deep
00:13yet again today.
00:14All right, guys, let's get these arm circles going on.
00:17We're going to do a nice warmup, get some mobility, and then we're going to push.
00:21We have a giant circuit today.
00:23You need at least three sets of dumbbells, and in those dumbbells, make sure you are
00:27challenging that.
00:28There are often times where we let the weight challenge us, and we need to challenge the
00:34We need to know what it is that we need so that we can push ourselves.
00:36Let's circle these arms back.
00:38Let's make a fist here.
00:41I know you already feel a little burn in that shoulder, which is really, really good because
00:45you have to get used to the burn because we are working on muscular endurance.
00:49We're going to push through.
00:51Just give me a few more of these, guys, and then, of course, we're going to do our external
00:56rotation, open and close.
00:59Now, I hope you have your weights close by because you need to be very flexible because
01:03if something is too light or too heavy, you just have to be like, yo, I need to change
01:09this, have to be smart, and always remember safety first.
01:14You get it?
01:15Safety first.
01:16We're going to push.
01:17Just give me a couple more, and then we're going to get this started.
01:20Three, two, and one.
01:23All right, here we go.
01:24We're working our chest first.
01:26We're going to do a fly to hex press.
01:28I'm going to grab some 30s.
01:31Don't ask me why I'm grabbing 30s.
01:32I'm grabbing 30s because I want to push myself.
01:34You already know that.
01:35Here is the work.
01:38First of all, you're working the entire chest today, okay?
01:42We're doing flies.
01:43We're going to make it wide, and then we do a hex press, bringing the triceps up a little
01:46bit, and really squeeze.
01:49Here we go.
01:50We're going to push.
01:51You hit a fly here, and then you come down and hit a hex press.
01:54Now, you have a choice.
01:56If your feet touch the ground, you can be here, but we're going to have our legs up
01:59on the bench, out, squeeze, in, down, and press.
02:05Make sure you're firm grip on the dumbbells.
02:07Are you ready, Chris and Chris?
02:09Let's do it.
02:10Three, two, take it out.
02:11Here we go.
02:12Out and up.
02:13Now, pull it down and press up.
02:16Hug the ribs when you come down.
02:18Now, one thing that I learned in my bodybuilding journey, even when you're working the chest
02:23in this position and you're looking straight up, let's squeeze those knees together.
02:27You don't want those knees to open up.
02:29You want to keep everything nice and tight.
02:35I know one thing.
02:36I'm already digging deep.
02:38Now, when your arms go out, you want to let that chest lengthen a little bit out there
02:45and squeeze up.
02:46Make sure you press that lower back into the bench.
02:50Keep that core engaged because that's very important.
02:53Now, also you got to think about if your chest is not burning a little bit now and those
02:58weights are way too light, you have to push.
03:01Come on.
03:03Always exhale during the work.
03:05Whenever you fight gravity, whenever you push up, you exhale.
03:08Come on.
03:10We're almost there, guys.
03:13We have two more.
03:15I know you are already burning.
03:16You're like, Shaunti, we just started.
03:18You're darn right.
03:19I'm going to make you work and give me one more.
03:22Take it wide out.
03:24Squeeze it in, down, and give me one last press.
03:29One of the things that I do is I sometimes bring that weight slightly to my knees to
03:35help rock myself up so you don't arch the back.
03:38That's just a little safety cue.
03:40We're doing single arm row for the back.
03:43First of all, we're working that lat.
03:45I have my head down here, pushing it down.
03:48We're working the lat.
03:50Remember, underarm draw a line down.
03:52You can have your leg back, but you just want to pull straight up.
03:57Straight up, okay?
03:59Pushing it through and lifting.
04:01One thing that's really important is you want to also extend the weight all the way down,
04:06engage here, and pull it up.
04:08Are you guys ready?
04:10We got 12 and 12.
04:12Each arm.
04:13Three, two, one.
04:14Here we go.
04:15Squeeze it.
04:17Press to the floor.
04:18Squeeze it.
04:20Press to the floor.
04:21Make sure you drive your shoulder down towards your hip.
04:25I don't want you shrugging those shoulders right now.
04:28Come on.
04:30What I want you to do, my muscle connection.
04:32You know what muscle we're working.
04:33We're working the lat.
04:34I want you to think about that and engage it right before you pull that weight up.
04:40My head is in neutral spine.
04:41I want you to have really good form.
04:43Give me two more here.
04:45Give me one more.
04:47Pull through.
04:48We're going to switch sides.
04:49You're doing so good.
04:50You're so good.
04:51Three, two, one.
04:54Here we go.
04:55Pull it in.
04:56Come on.
04:58This is what you came for, people.
04:59This is what you came for.
05:01What I want you to do, what I want you to do right now is assess, assess how your body
05:06is feeling.
05:07Is that muscle working?
05:08If not, every set we have 12 in this workout.
05:13If you're not feeling it by 10, you need to up the weight a little bit and you really
05:18need to isolate that lat.
05:21Come on.
05:22Last two here.
05:24Doing the work.
05:25One more.
05:26Good job.
05:27Oh, my goodness.
05:30This is just literally one of my favorite moves.
05:32We're doing a tricep push-up downward dog.
05:35Let me show you here.
05:37Remember that horseshoe that we talked about?
05:39The horseshoe, that's what we're working here.
05:42That's what's really important.
05:43Your hands are far enough apart so that your elbows hug your ribs when you come down.
05:50You push up.
05:51As soon as you push up, single leg, downward dog, and then you come in and then we go down
05:58and up and we alternate to the other side.
06:01This is not to be done fast.
06:03You want to keep your core nice and tight.
06:05Make sure you isolate the tricep squeeze before you even push up.
06:08Are you guys ready?
06:09Here we go.
06:10Three, two, one.
06:11Down and up.
06:13Downward dog.
06:14There you go.
06:16Set up.
06:17Down, up, back leg.
06:20Now, one of the things you can do here is squeeze that glute and flex that quad that's
06:27on the floor.
06:29We always want to work here.
06:32Come on.
06:33Work it through.
06:36Downward dog.
06:37Front leg, then back leg.
06:38You are so good.
06:39Make sure your core is engaged.
06:43The reason why I'm moving slow is because I want you to feel it in your tricep.
06:49Sometimes when we rush through the movement, we don't feel it.
06:52All the way down, all the way up, squeeze and push back.
06:56Come on.
06:57So good.
07:01You have two more.
07:02The focus is there.
07:03Give me one more front and then one more in the back leg.
07:08Excellent job, guys.
07:09Last one.
07:11We're hitting some alternating twists and curls, but we're going to sit on the front
07:16of our bench.
07:17I love this exercise because we get to really isolate the bicep and we get to use the entire
07:25That's the celebration moment of the day when it comes to your biceps.
07:29Now listen, you have two heads and a biceps here.
07:33So when we come up, we're going from long and we shorten it.
07:38We're alternating either side.
07:40It's a total of 24.
07:4112 on each side.
07:42Shoulders down.
07:43Chest up.
07:44Start with your right.
07:45Three, two, one.
07:46Let's go.
07:48And I'm going to test you right now at home.
07:52Remember, palm up when you come up.
07:55What happens when you start this curl?
07:58What part of your elbow leads this?
08:01Yes, you drive the elbow to the floor and you make that muscle contract.
08:06And you make that muscle like you do when you tell a five-year-old, let me see your
08:12You know what, y'all?
08:13They used to talk about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
08:16I want them to talk about Shaun T now when they think about bodybuilding.
08:20They're going to be like, flex like Shaun T.
08:23I'm here for the kids, y'all.
08:25Let's go.
08:26Come on.
08:27Shoulders down.
08:28Chest back.
08:29Make sure your core is nice and tight, too.
08:31Squeeze the core all the way down.
08:33Make sure you're not slouching even though you're sitting down.
08:37Push it through.
08:38Proud chest, y'all.
08:39Let's go.
08:41Excellent job.
08:43Now, just know we're still working here.
08:47This is a giant circuit.
08:49Last one here.
08:50Everybody put them down.
08:51We're doing a front raise, so you have a choice here.
08:55What I want you to do is go lighter because we're doing a dual front raise.
08:59I'm going to grab 15 pounds, okay?
09:03This is going to be good for me.
09:05Sometimes, sometimes, if the weight is too heavy and you're sitting down and a front
09:12raise, you start to rock.
09:14We ain't on a boat, okay?
09:16We are here to work.
09:18Have control over yourself.
09:20Here we go.
09:22You're lifting up and back.
09:25Now, I'm going to go to Kristen really fast after I do one more because I want to show
09:29you the part of the shoulder that's working.
09:32Come on, shoulder boulders.
09:34Here we go.
09:35Lift up.
09:36Here, draw a pin right here, and there you go.
09:41You can stop now.
09:42This is just showing you what you do.
09:45You're not starting yet.
09:46We're starting now.
09:47Get ready.
09:48Four, three, two.
09:51Let's go.
09:52Up and down.
09:53We got a set of 12.
09:54Shoulders, back, chest up.
09:57Now, what I want you to do is push to the floor before you even lift that weight up,
10:02and you will feel it in the front of the shoulders.
10:05Let's go.
10:07Push through, y'all.
10:09Stay in it.
10:11Exhale during the work.
10:13If you're rocking, you need to grab lighter weight.
10:17This is muscular endurance.
10:19I want you to push.
10:20Come on.
10:22Last two.
10:23Give me one more after this.
10:25Good job, guys.
10:28Way to go.
10:30Of course, we're working the abs.
10:32Now, listen.
10:33I know I have a shirt on today, but I'll show you.
10:35I'll give you a little sneak peek.
10:37This is what you're working, okay?
10:39Put this away.
10:40It's not about me.
10:41It's about you.
10:42We're doing a low plank knee drive.
10:45Now, what I do is interlock my...
10:47Like, I'm praying.
10:48You should pray because it's going to get tough.
10:50And then you're lifting with a knee drive, alternating.
10:55You have a set of 45.
10:57You're working through the core.
10:59Are you ready, Chris and Chris?
11:01Three, two, and you at home, let's go.
11:04Pull it through.
11:06One thing I don't want you to do is have your butt up here
11:10trying to do this.
11:11Back is flat.
11:13And you're pulling through.
11:15Now, drive it.
11:17Drive it in.
11:19Exhale every time you close the body.
11:22And that knee comes up.
11:23If you exhale, you'll isolate the core even more.
11:27And you will feel the burn.
11:29Come on.
11:30Let's go.
11:32Stay there.
11:33Stay there.
11:34You got it, guys.
11:36Stay in control.
11:40Eight seconds from here.
11:42Seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one.
11:49All right.
11:51Here's what I need you to do.
11:53Hopefully you have a towel.
11:55Wipe all that off the bench.
11:58Now, we did a lot.
12:00And everything we do with upper body, we have to use our core.
12:04So I'm just going to show you.
12:06You know, you could be like this.
12:08You don't have to have that flex all the time.
12:10But shh.
12:12Just exhale.
12:14Let everything flow.
12:15And don't say to me, but Shawntee, I don't have abs yet.
12:18Yes, you do.
12:19They're under there.
12:21They're there.
12:22Let's work them.
12:23Let's dig deep to get them.
12:25Let's grab that dumbbell again.
12:27Two dumbbells.
12:28We're going back to chest.
12:30Fly to hex press.
12:32We're going to set up.
12:34I'm going to give you five seconds to get ready.
12:36Your feet can be on the floor.
12:38We're going to pick up on the bench.
12:40Make sure your head is all the way on the bench.
12:42Here we go.
12:43Take it out wide.
12:45Come up.
12:47Press the dumbbells together.
12:49Hex and push.
12:50So good.
12:51So good.
12:52So good.
12:53Make sure you're controlling the weight.
12:57And I have to remind myself, squeeze those knees together.
13:00Squeeze those knees together.
13:02If your feet are up on the bench.
13:05Come on.
13:07Oh, my goodness.
13:09Come on.
13:10I want you to try to extend.
13:12Don't extend too far.
13:14If you start to arch the back, that means your dumbbells are too heavy
13:19or you're extending your arms too far.
13:21Keep it in the chest.
13:22Keep it in the chest.
13:24Squeeze the chest.
13:25Come on.
13:26Inhale on the way down.
13:29Inhale on the way down.
13:30Exhale up top.
13:31Come on.
13:32Good job, guys.
13:33Stay in control.
13:35Come on.
13:37Come on.
13:38Come on.
13:39Come on.
13:40Keep going.
13:41Breathe through.
13:42You have two more.
13:44I know you are working.
13:46Come on.
13:48You got one more here coming up, guys.
13:50One more.
13:51Good job.
13:52Good job.
13:54Bring it in.
13:55And push up.
13:56Bringing my knees in to sit up.
13:58Control it.
13:59We have kneeling single arm row.
14:01Kneeling single arm row, guys.
14:03Here we go.
14:05Putting it down.
14:06Setting up.
14:08Are you ready?
14:11Drive it right up.
14:12Let's go.
14:13Come on.
14:16Bring the weight to the floor.
14:18Contract the lats before you pull up.
14:20Come on.
14:22Inhale on the way down.
14:24Exhale on the way up.
14:26This is so good.
14:27Come on.
14:28Way to go.
14:30Come on.
14:32You got it.
14:33You got it.
14:34You got it.
14:35You got it.
14:36This is the focus that we need today, people.
14:38Come on.
14:39If it's up, then it's up, then it's up.
14:41Get sucked.
14:42You got two more.
14:43Give me one more.
14:44We're going to go right to the other side.
14:46Right to the other side.
14:47Now I'm going to go over here to Kristen here.
14:49We're going to work this lat.
14:52Three, two, one.
14:53Let's go, Kristen.
14:54Now, your head is down, but I want you for a second, if you
14:57can look, you can just see Kristen's lat engage right
15:02So I talk about underarm, but that lat wraps all the way
15:06So when you're able to do that lat spread, it's to widen the
15:10back and create that nice shape for yourself.
15:13Don't worry.
15:14You ain't going to get thick.
15:15You know what I'm saying?
15:16You're just going to get strong.
15:18But look, I'm going to ask her to drive her elbow into my
15:22Two more.
15:23Act like my hand is there.
15:24And you're pushing.
15:25Last one, Kristen.
15:27Way to go.
15:28Good job.
15:29All right.
15:30We're going right into our tricep pushup.
15:32Single leg downward dog.
15:33Make sure the weight is not in your way.
15:35Take it down.
15:36Get ready.
15:37In four, three, two.
15:39Remember, elbows against the ribs.
15:42Front leg.
15:43Take it back.
15:44Every time.
15:45I want you to find those points of contact.
15:47Squeeze at the top.
15:48Downward dog.
15:50Come on.
15:51This is the push, y'all.
15:53This is the push.
15:55We're pushing and pulling today for upper body.
15:58Let's go.
15:59Work through, work through, work through.
16:02Now, how do I emphasize this?
16:05I squeeze my triceps, people.
16:08Don't just push up and use every other muscle that just wants to get you to the top.
16:13Use your triceps.
16:14Come on.
16:15Way to go.
16:16Way to go.
16:17Way to go.
16:18Way to go.
16:19Way to go.
16:20You're pushing.
16:21You're moving.
16:22You're digging.
16:23Come on.
16:24Good job, guys.
16:25We have two more.
16:27Excellent job.
16:29Give me one more with your back leg.
16:32Way to go.
16:33Oh, yeah.
16:35We got back to the alternating twists and curls.
16:37Let's make it quick.
16:38Grab those dumbbells.
16:39I'm going to hit these 20s.
16:42If you feel like you can do a little bit more, you can.
16:45But it's all about muscular endurance.
16:47I want you to isolate and flex.
16:49Remember, the twist goes up here.
16:50Three, two, chest up, shoulders back, elbow down first.
16:53Let's go.
16:54Come on.
16:59Come on.
17:02You're not alone here.
17:04You're not alone here.
17:07I'm always here to help you push.
17:09But here's what I want.
17:11Here is what I want.
17:13I want for you to take control of your results.
17:16Everyone's like, you know, Sean, see, oh, my God, you motivate me.
17:19Well, what happens when I'm not there?
17:21You know what I mean?
17:22What happens when I'm on vacation?
17:24You still got to push yourself, right?
17:26So come on.
17:27Let's dig deep in that.
17:28Come on.
17:29Find that zone.
17:30Find that purpose that's going to get you there.
17:33Come on.
17:35Stay in it.
17:37Pull through.
17:38Pull through.
17:39Pull through.
17:40Pull through.
17:41Exhale for the work.
17:42Come on.
17:44Two more.
17:45One each side.
17:46Yes, and last one here.
17:48Way to go.
17:49All right, we're hitting that hammer front raise.
17:51I'm grabbing those 15s right away.
17:53Five, four, palms facing in.
17:56Three, two, one.
17:57Let's go.
17:58Remember, we're working the front of the shoulders.
18:01Come on.
18:02You got it.
18:03You got it.
18:04Your shoulders should be burning already.
18:06Come on.
18:07But the weight is light enough for you to continue.
18:11Oh my goodness.
18:14The burn is real.
18:16The burn is real.
18:18Come on.
18:20Just got to exhale.
18:21Just got to fight your way through.
18:22Come on.
18:23Come on.
18:26Try not to rock.
18:27Last two.
18:28Give me one more.
18:29Way to go, guys.
18:31Low plank knee drive.
18:32Let's set up really fast.
18:33Come on, guys.
18:34Get into that low plank.
18:37Here we go.
18:3845 seconds.
18:40Oh, y'all already set?
18:41Oh, they're trying to be set up.
18:42Well, then go then.
18:46Apparently, they don't need me.
18:49This is what I was just saying.
18:50You don't got to wait for me.
18:52What you got to wait for me for?
18:53I mean, I'm just giving you the blueprint.
18:56Right, Kristen?
18:57I'm just giving you the blueprint, okay?
19:00You are the star of the album.
19:03Let's go.
19:04Come on.
19:07You're more than halfway there, guys.
19:08Come on.
19:09Oh, yeah.
19:10Oh, yeah.
19:11Come on.
19:12Stay in it.
19:13Stay in it.
19:14Stay in it.
19:15Oh, my goodness.
19:16Core tight.
19:18Come on.
19:19You're almost there.
19:23And one.
19:24You're almost there.
19:28And one.
19:29Oh, yeah.
19:30Everybody do a little dance because you did it.
19:31All right, guys.
19:32We're in the break.
19:33You have to push.
19:34One more round.
19:35Challenge yourself on the things that you can challenge yourself on.
19:36Do the best that you can do.
19:37And always dig deeper.
19:38Grab the weight.
19:39Come on.
19:40Let's set up.
19:41Come on.
19:42Come on.
19:43Come on.
19:44Come on.
19:45Come on.
19:46Come on.
19:47Come on.
19:48Come on.
19:49Come on.
19:50Come on.
19:51Come on.
19:52Come on.
19:53Let's set up.
19:54Let's set up here.
19:55I just want to give you some tips before we begin.
19:59All right.
20:00Grab your weights.
20:01Make sure everything is clear.
20:03Remember, our full back is on the floor here.
20:06I mean, not the floor, on the bench.
20:08Full back on the bench.
20:09Get your feet up if you can.
20:10If not, keep it down.
20:11Core tight.
20:12Push the lower back into the ground.
20:14Here we go.
20:18Let's fly it out.
20:19Come on.
20:20Oh, yeah.
20:21There we go.
20:22Now, here's what I want you to think about.
20:24Matt, can you get on top of me for a second?
20:26Come on.
20:27Let's put...
20:28Oh, wait a minute.
20:29I got to introduce you all to Jack.
20:31I didn't say Jack's name yet.
20:33Come on.
20:34You're right there.
20:35See my chest, how it widens out?
20:39We're widening that chest there.
20:42Now, we're squeezing it together.
20:44We are emphasizing.
20:45We're basically doing a super set with this one move, compounding it up.
20:49Let's go.
20:50Let's go.
20:51Let's go.
20:52You are so good.
20:54Come on.
20:55Push through.
20:56Push through.
20:57Push through.
20:58Come on, guys.
20:59Breathe during the work.
21:01Exhale during the work.
21:02Inhale when you close anything.
21:04Let's go.
21:05Come on.
21:07Let's go.
21:08Let's go.
21:09Let's go.
21:10Let's go.
21:11Pushing through.
21:12I know you are working.
21:14Oh, my goodness.
21:16Two more.
21:17One fly left.
21:18One hex press left.
21:20And then push it back up.
21:22One last fly.
21:23One last hex press.
21:26And press up.
21:28Let's go really quick.
21:29Kneeling single arm row.
21:30We're doing 12 and 12.
21:32This is where I'm going to challenge myself.
21:34I'm going to grab 40 pounds.
21:36So if you're christened, grab a heavier weight.
21:38Go somewhere.
21:39Go somewhere and grab a heavier weight.
21:41I'm pushing people today.
21:43I'm pushing people today.
21:44You got five seconds to get back to your bench.
21:46We're pushing.
21:4712, 12.
21:48Let's challenge yourself.
21:493, 2, 1.
21:50Let's go.
21:51Come on.
21:52Pull it up.
21:53Push it down.
21:54You never know when I'm going to challenge you.
21:55I'm here to make you dig freaking deep, y'all.
22:00Come on.
22:01Push that lat.
22:02Come on.
22:03Come on.
22:04Let's go.
22:05Fire it up.
22:06Fire it up.
22:07Fire it up.
22:08The only way to expedite your results is to have control over the muscles that you're
22:12working, guys.
22:13Last two here.
22:14Come on.
22:15One more.
22:17Take it to the other side.
22:183, 2, 1.
22:21Come on.
22:23Squeeze it in.
22:24Come on.
22:25Push, push, push.
22:27This is actually a pull exercise.
22:28So we're pulling.
22:29We're pulling.
22:30I want you to wrap your entire hand around that dumbbell and pull through.
22:36Come on.
22:37Fire up the lat.
22:38Engage the lat before you even pull that elbow up.
22:42You're so good, guys.
22:43Come on.
22:44Keep doing the work.
22:45Breathe and push.
22:47Come on.
22:48Two more from here.
22:50You're good.
22:51Give me one last one.
22:52Stay in it.
22:53We're hitting the tricep.
22:54Push up.
22:55Single leg downward dog.
22:57Here's 5, 4, 3.
23:00Elbows hug the rib.
23:013, 2, 1.
23:02Let's go.
23:03Come on.
23:04Elbow hug the rib.
23:05Push up.
23:06Downward dog.
23:07Take it back.
23:08Single leg there.
23:09Come on, guys.
23:11Remember, try to flex that quad of the foot that's left on the floor.
23:16Let's create fire in the body.
23:20Why do I make you push?
23:23Because I want you to walk around in life and be like, you know what?
23:28I worked so hard in my workouts.
23:30My confidence is lit AF.
23:32You know what I'm saying?
23:34I give myself 45 plus minutes with Shaunti, and I just like the fuel and fire in my life.
23:41And I'm going to push now and commit to this last two.
23:45Come on.
23:46Squeeze those triceps.
23:48One more right here.
23:50Control it.
23:51We're doing alternating twisted curl.
23:53I'm going to try something.
23:54Y'all want to see me destroy my life?
23:57I'm going to try to do this with 30s.
24:01Hey, listen.
24:02If y'all don't see me push myself, then why would you do it?
24:05You know what I'm saying?
24:06I'm here to lead by example.
24:07Let me stop talking and do the example.
24:09Four, three, twisted curls.
24:11Right, left.
24:12Let's go.
24:13Come on.
24:14Oh, yeah.
24:16Come on.
24:17Exhale during the work.
24:21Just listen.
24:22Drive the elbow down.
24:25During my own bodybuilding journey, I woke up every day knowing that I was going somewhere to feel the burn.
24:31But I also said to myself, I have to commit.
24:34I have to lock in.
24:36Every single time, dig deeper.
24:38There's no time for wavering.
24:40You can't be iffy about this life.
24:42You cannot be iffy about fitness because then you're always going to question whether it is you can get to where you want to get to.
24:50Just commit in the best way you know how.
24:53Come on.
24:54You have a choice here.
24:55You choose the weight.
24:57But I'm going to push you to commit and dig.
25:00Come on.
25:01Come on.
25:02Remember to exhale.
25:03We're twisting it up.
25:06Breathe and go.
25:07Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
25:10Last two.
25:11Come on.
25:12There's not going to be a lot of time in this transition.
25:15We're doing the hammer front raise.
25:17I'm grabbing those 15s.
25:19They challenged me last time.
25:20I'm going to keep it.
25:21Three, two, one.
25:24Let's go.
25:25Come on.
25:27I know what you're feeling.
25:28I know what you're feeling.
25:30Come on.
25:33Come on, come on.
25:34Just believe, believe, believe, believe, believe.
25:37If you do not feel like me, grab a slightly heavier weight if you can stay safe.
25:42Feel the burn, y'all.
25:45Come on.
25:48Push through.
25:50Dig, y'all.
25:51Dig, dig.
25:52This is the true essence of digging deep right here.
25:54Last two.
25:56Come on.
25:57One more.
25:58One more, one more, one more.
26:01Low plank knee drive, y'all.
26:03Here we go.
26:05And five, four.
26:07Last exercise of this circuit.
26:11Come on.
26:12Knee drive.
26:13Let's push.
26:14Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
26:16Just say yes.
26:18Come on.
26:20Listen, guys.
26:22You are not alone here.
26:24I want you to engage the core, push through, and at this moment when you are holding up your body,
26:31you have to say, I am proud of myself because I'm making myself dig deeper.
26:35This is going to take you to the next place, y'all.
26:38Right here.
26:39This is it.
26:40Come on.
26:41Push, push, push, push, push, push, push.
26:43We're almost there.
26:44I promise.
26:45I promise.
26:46I promise you're almost there.
26:47You can do it.
26:48Last eight seconds here.
26:51Four, three, two, and one.
26:56Grab water.
26:58Grab water.
26:59Come on.
27:01You finished the first giant circuit.
27:05We have another one, and that is not to scare you.
27:09That is for you to, like, look back at this very moment and just see how far you've come.
27:15That's all I want you to do.
27:17Yes, it's going to be harder in the second part, but guess what?
27:21I know you can do it, and you are completely in control.
27:26Grab water.
27:27Think about what it is that you need to do, and let's go.
27:31Oh, yeah.
27:38All right, guys.
27:41I need to grab another dumbbell.
27:46Remember, everything is 12.
27:47We're doing a twisting chest press.
27:52Try to make sure your weights are neat enough that you're not going to trip.
27:56It's very important.
27:59All right.
28:00We're doing a twisting chest press.
28:02Watch me.
28:03Remember, your whole back is on the bench, including your head.
28:07I'm here.
28:08I twist so that I almost bring the outside of my palms, and I squeeze together, but my
28:15push is straight up.
28:17My push is not clinking my dumbbells like this.
28:20My push is straight up, and I just twist, engaging the chest.
28:27You're engaging all here.
28:29Are you guys ready?
28:30Set of 12.
28:31We can do it.
28:32I promise.
28:33Here we go.
28:34Firm grip on the dumbbell.
28:35Head down.
28:36Back is flat.
28:37Let's go.
28:41Don't come directly to your shoulders.
28:43I want you to come just below, just slightly below the shoulders.
28:49Now, I don't know what weight you have.
28:51I have 40s because I want to get to six and feel it.
28:55I want to feel the fatigue.
28:56I want to test my endurance and my muscles and exhale as I go.
29:03Come on.
29:04I know you can do it, guys.
29:05You're so good.
29:06You're so good.
29:07Even if at this moment you don't feel good, you are good because you showed up today.
29:12Give me one more from here, y'all.
29:16All right.
29:18I'm going to keep these 40s.
29:20Now, if you're following the program, you know you did a J-Row before.
29:24Come on the side of me right here.
29:27My J-Row.
29:28So, my elbow drives back to my hip.
29:31Before, we did a drive straight up to engage the lat there.
29:35Now, we're trying to, like, engage the lat that's all the way down here.
29:40J-Row pull.
29:41I'll do one with my dumbbell.
29:43Pull back.
29:44And it's best if you have your leg just back a little bit to keep the core tight.
29:47Are you ready, Chris and Chris?
29:49Here we go.
29:50Set of 12.
29:513, 2, 1.
29:53Push your weight down first.
29:54Remember, drive.
29:59I'm going to tell you right now, it just got mad real.
30:02It just got real.
30:04And I'm here for it.
30:06Come on.
30:07Exhale and down.
30:09Exhale and down.
30:11Come on.
30:15Pull through, guys.
30:17You're almost there.
30:19Try to engage all the way to your hip.
30:23Last two.
30:25And give me one more here.
30:27Come on.
30:29Before we start this other side, Chris, stand up.
30:31Come here, Mac.
30:34Before we start this other side, this is really important.
30:36Because we're hitting that J-Row, you know where the lat is.
30:38I want you to almost try to engage all the way down to here.
30:42This is going to fire up too, okay?
30:44So don't just think that the lat is at the top.
30:47All the way down.
30:49The further down you go, the more you engage, the better the result.
30:53In 3, 2, 1.
30:56Let's go.
30:57Come on.
30:58Remember, it's a J.
30:59It's a J.
31:00Drive so that your hand finishes back along the hip.
31:05Core is tight.
31:06Don't round the back.
31:07Exhale during the work.
31:09Bring your dumbbell to the floor so you get full range of motion.
31:13We're in it, y'all.
31:15No more games to be played here.
31:17Ever again.
31:19Ever again.
31:20You never need to play games with your body.
31:22Because you know what to do.
31:24I'm teaching you and giving you everything you need to know.
31:26Last two.
31:29One more here.
31:32All right, guys.
31:34We're going dual underhand kickbacks with the tricep.
31:38It is extremely important that you have lighter dumbbells here.
31:43I do not need you to have heavy dumbbells.
31:46Your palms are going to be facing forward.
31:48I've had 15s.
31:49It's okay if I did 10s.
31:50I'm going to turn to the side here.
31:52You're here.
31:53I'm pushing.
31:55Working my triceps, okay?
31:58It is going to be tough.
32:00It's going to be tough.
32:02This is one where you can use 8s, even 5s.
32:05Because I want you to do the engagement.
32:10Here we go.
32:125, 4, 3, 2.
32:15Bring the elbows up first and let's go.
32:18Exhale on the work.
32:20Come on.
32:25Come on.
32:26Flat back, guys.
32:27Flat back.
32:29Keep the core tight.
32:34Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work.
32:37Like Kristen tells me sometimes in the gym, no pauses.
32:40One more.
32:44Holy moly.
32:48Holy balls.
32:50That's what I want to say.
32:51Because that was hard.
32:52We're doing W curls.
32:53This is a fun one here.
32:55Here we go.
32:56I'm grabbing 20s.
32:57I don't know why, but I'm going to.
33:00W curls are very fun.
33:03You keep it at 90 here.
33:05You go out, up.
33:07You're basically drawing a W with your dumbbells.
33:11I'm going to humble myself right now.
33:14And I'm going to kindly pick up my 15s again.
33:21I don't care.
33:22Look, I'd rather use my muscle than be out here struggling, looking crazy.
33:27Here we go.
33:29Actually bring the dumbbells together.
33:31Start up this way, and then we'll go out.
33:32Keep your arms at 90.
33:333, 2, 1, let's go.
33:34Up, 90, out, up, down.
33:39Try not to arch your back.
33:41Keep the core tight.
33:42You're fully engaged in the bicep, guys.
33:45Come on.
33:47Stay with me.
33:49One thing I like to do when I do standing bicep curls is flex my quads.
33:55Flex your quads and your abs.
33:57Come on.
33:59Work it all.
34:01Last two.
34:02And up, center.
34:04Then we go up, out, wide.
34:08Keeping those dumbbells there.
34:10We're doing a dual upright row.
34:12Just feet just about hips-width apart.
34:15And you just drop the palms to your quads.
34:19And you're just going to lift up, bending the elbows, trying to push the elbows out to the wall.
34:243, 2, working the shoulders, shoulders, shoulders, shoulders, shoulders, shoulders, shoulders, shoulders.
34:304, 3, 2, my muscle connection.
34:34Come on.
34:37You're there.
34:39I need you to push it in, guys.
34:41Come on.
34:43Keep the dumbbells close to the body.
34:45Almost as if you were taking off your shirt and you just drag it up.
34:48Come on.
34:50Push through.
34:51Core tight and move.
34:53Stay in it.
34:54The focus is there.
34:55Come on.
34:56Focus on the shoulders.
34:57Just focus on the shoulders.
34:58Last two from here, y'all.
35:00And one more.
35:02Good job.
35:05We're going to work some abs here because you know we have to.
35:08We're doing a bicycle double tap sitting on the bench.
35:11Check this out.
35:12So, this leg is up.
35:14I do two taps with this heel, two taps with this heel, two taps with this heel, two taps with this heel.
35:21It's not fast.
35:23This will hold the engagement longer.
35:27Put this back heel down, front heel up, two taps with the back heel.
35:312, 2.
35:3245 seconds, guys.
35:35Come on.
35:37Give me the twist.
35:38Give me the twist.
35:41Good job.
35:42Come on.
35:43Stay in it.
35:44Stay in it.
35:47Keep pushing.
35:49You're so good.
35:52I always say use your core.
35:54And the reason why I put it in lots of workouts is because I want you to find the balance in your body and in your life.
36:03Come on.
36:05We're almost there, guys.
36:078, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
36:20There are times when you're going to want to call on me, but I'm going to need a minute.
36:24I'm just going to need a minute.
36:25I just need a minute.
36:27I need a minute.
36:28But that's fine because there's times when you can find that solo moment, that healthy moment for your mental health and be like, actually, it's a proud moment to be like, yo, Shauntita fell the hell out.
36:39So, I'm like, I only got me.
36:41Because at the end of the day, all you need is you.
36:43You know what I'm saying?
36:44All you need is you.
36:45All you need is that mindset to conquer and dig deeper.
36:48We're going to do this again.
36:50All right.
36:51Twist and double chest press.
36:53Twist and dual chest press.
36:55Remember, I'm using those 40s.
37:00What I like to do, push my knee up to help it up.
37:03Head is on the bench.
37:043, 2.
37:06Knees together.
37:07Let's go.
37:08If your feet are on the floor, make sure they're not hanging.
37:12All right, you put your feet up and keep your core engaged for safety.
37:17Firm grip on the dumbbell, y'all.
37:18Come on.
37:19Make sure you extend that chest.
37:21We're working that chest.
37:22Squeeze the chest.
37:24Don't just be like, yo, I'm trying to get 12.
37:27Squeeze the chest.
37:28Engage from down here.
37:29Come on.
37:30Dig deep in the movement, y'all.
37:34Come on.
37:37Come on.
37:39I know there are times where you find struggle.
37:43Give me one more from here.
37:45You encounter struggle, but you can do it.
37:47Last one.
37:48Here we go.
37:49We're hitting the J-rolls.
37:50Come on.
37:52J-rolls, guys.
37:54Setting up.
37:56Here we go.
37:574, 3, 2.
38:00Let's go.
38:02J-roll back.
38:03Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
38:07Remember, you're bringing your palm back to the hip.
38:13You're creating that J.
38:15The most important thing is, in this, to be quite honest,
38:18besides engaging the lat, is pushing that dumbbell as far
38:21to the floor as possible and exhale doing the work.
38:26Last two.
38:28And one more here.
38:30Yes, finish it and go to the other side.
38:33Right away.
38:343, 2, and 1.
38:36Let's go.
38:37Come on, guys.
38:39Yes, you're there.
38:40Engage the lat.
38:41Engage the lat.
38:42Remember, I told you with Kristen,
38:44we're engaging all the way down, all the way down.
38:47I want you to tighten up that lat all the way almost to the hip.
38:51Come on.
38:54You're pushing.
38:55You're pushing.
38:56I know.
38:57Actually, you're pulling.
38:58Let's go.
38:59Create that J.
39:00Pull it back.
39:01There will be times where you get stuck, where you're like,
39:04just go as far as you can.
39:06But engage.
39:07Last one here.
39:08Good job, guys.
39:10All right.
39:11Underhand tricep kickbacks.
39:13Working the tricep here.
39:15Remember, back stays flat.
39:17And you push it through.
39:195, 4, 3.
39:24You know what?
39:26I ain't even afraid.
39:28I need 12s.
39:30I don't care.
39:31You can talk all you want about me.
39:33You can go lighter in weight and have control, then be out of control and stop.
39:38Here we go.
39:40You talk about me, Kristen.
39:423, 2, 1.
39:45Come on.
39:46Oh, this feels so much better.
39:48Not because it's easier, but because I can engage.
39:51Flat back.
39:53Here's something.
39:54Fire up those quads.
39:55Tighten up your quads, y'all.
39:57Tighten up those quads in there.
39:59Come on.
40:01Yes, yes, yes, yes.
40:02We're working that tricep.
40:04You feel it everywhere.
40:06Last two.
40:08And one more.
40:12We're hitting W curls.
40:19All right.
40:20Here we go.
40:21W curls.
40:2290 degrees.
40:23Take it up first.
40:243, 2, 1.
40:25Let's go.
40:29Come on.
40:31Come on.
40:35Come on.
40:36Push through.
40:41On a flow, y'all.
40:43Find your flow, y'all.
40:46I know you're feeling it.
40:47Elbows into the side.
40:48Try to keep those elbows into the side.
40:51One more to the outside, then we're done with this.
40:54Upright row.
40:55Palms to the quads.
40:583, 2, 1.
40:59Let's go.
41:01Take it off the shirt.
41:02Remember, keep those dumbbells close to the body.
41:04Drive the elbows out.
41:09It's real.
41:11Come on.
41:12Push through.
41:14It's okay to struggle.
41:16Tell yourself it's okay to struggle.
41:18Like this feeling that you have feels good.
41:21And if you don't have that feeling, you need to increase.
41:25Last two.
41:26Come on.
41:27Dig, dig, dig.
41:28Last one here.
41:30Bicycle double tap abs.
41:32All right.
41:33Here we go.
41:34Make sure you're safe around your bench.
41:36Make sure you know where everything is.
41:38And 3, 2.
41:39Front leg up.
41:40Double tap.
41:41Back leg.
41:42Let's go.
41:44Come on.
41:45It's time to rise, y'all.
41:46It's time to rise.
41:47It's time to rise.
41:50I want you to think you're going up.
41:52You're going up.
41:53You're going up.
41:55I know it's tough.
41:57It's okay.
41:58But I don't want you to stop.
41:59Even if you've got to do this.
42:01I'd rather this than you just, like, throwing a towel.
42:06We're not throwing in a towel here.
42:08Let's go.
42:10We're congratulating ourselves for digging deep.
42:12We're congratulating ourselves for doing something tough.
42:177, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
42:32You have one more round.
42:36Whether you need to go to the mirror in your house.
42:39Maybe you need to take a flashback internally and be like, yo, I got this far.
42:44Whether you're on day 4.
42:47Or maybe you've been doing this for 2 months.
42:49Or maybe your journey has been 5 years.
42:51Have that flashback moment and say, if I've gotten this far and I made myself start, then I can continue to push to get to where it is that I want to get to and connect to this moment.
43:02Here we go.
43:03Grab those dumbbells.
43:04Twist and chest press.
43:05This is the last round.
43:06Challenge yourself if you need to.
43:10Remember, hold back on the bench and head.
43:133, 2, 1.
43:14Let's go, guys.
43:16Remember, you don't need to touch the dumbbells together.
43:19You just need to twist up, squeeze in the chest.
43:23And exhale, doing the work.
43:27Come on.
43:29Yes, yes, yes, yes.
43:32The push.
43:33We're pushing here.
43:35Think about your chest.
43:36Don't think about anything else.
43:37Think about the chest.
43:39I'll get you to the end.
43:40Just think about the chest, y'all.
43:43Last 2.
43:45Come on.
43:46And one more.
43:47I'll get you there.
43:48I'll get you there.
43:49We're hitting the J-Row.
43:53Here we go.
43:58I'll get you to the end.
43:59Just stick to the plan.
44:013, 2, 1.
44:04Let's go.
44:06That means bring that arm back.
44:08Hand back.
44:10Remember, try to extend down, pulling back.
44:14Come on.
44:16This is it.
44:17This is it.
44:18I literally want you to feel what this burn feels like.
44:21Because every day when you show up, when you get used to this,
44:25sustainability happens, and you can be in control.
44:29Last 2 right here.
44:31And one more.
44:33Pull through.
44:34And here's one thing.
44:36Here's one thing.
44:37I know it's tough.
44:39It's tough for me, too.
44:40That's the only reason why I do it.
44:423, 2, 1.
44:44Let's go.
44:45Come on.
44:46Come on, push.
44:48Pull it through.
44:51Elbow back.
44:52Let's go.
44:54Let's go.
44:55Come on.
44:57There you go.
44:58J it back.
44:59J it back.
45:00In the lats.
45:01Push down.
45:02Get that palm to the back, to the hip.
45:06Come on, guys.
45:07Push through.
45:08Stay committed.
45:10Last 2 here.
45:12One more here, guys.
45:15Underhand kickbacks.
45:17We're going to push.
45:21I got my 12s.
45:22I'm so happy about it.
45:24I'm so happy about it.
45:25Because I got to get to the end in a really great way.
45:29Flat back.
45:30Here we go.
45:313, 2, 1.
45:32Let's push.
45:34Guys, you've seen hard times.
45:37You've seen hard times.
45:39That means taking these times right here and think that it's something good.
45:44Like this is good.
45:46This is good.
45:47You showed up.
45:48You pushed yourself.
45:49Come on.
45:51Exhale a little more.
45:52Tricep work.
45:53Come on.
45:55Last 2.
45:56Come on.
45:57One more.
45:59We're hitting the W curls.
46:03Because you're about to finish.
46:05Not that it's not already a real good day, but it's about to be a real good day.
46:09Starting with the curl.
46:10I'm starting in 93.
46:112, 1.
46:12Let's go.
46:14W out wide.
46:15Come on.
46:17I know it's tough.
46:18Just challenge yourself.
46:20Just know this is something good.
46:23This is good.
46:24This pain is good pain.
46:26As long as you're safe and in control, this is good.
46:30This is the burn that you want.
46:32Come on.
46:33Let's go.
46:35Muscular endurance, okay?
46:38Last 2.
46:39Center and then wide.
46:41Excellent job.
46:43We're hitting the upright row.
46:45Here we go.
46:463, 2, 1.
46:49Think about keeping those dumbbells close.
46:51Pushing the elbows to the outside.
46:55Come on.
46:58You know, sometimes you just have to say, I'm in it.
47:03The excuses of, oh, my goodness, that workout's too long.
47:06Or, oh, my goodness, that's too hard.
47:08Or, I can't find time.
47:10Or, I don't know.
47:12I can't.
47:13Throw that out the window.
47:15Because this is something good.
47:17Last one.
47:18Put it down.
47:19We're going to add, y'all.
47:21Here we go.
47:23Let's finish strong.
47:25Let's do this together.
47:27If this is the first time that you ever went through the burning
47:30your abs, I just want you to stick with it.
47:32Scream, y'all.
47:34Do whatever it is you got to do.
47:36Just know that I'm here with you.
47:38I'm going to bring you to the end.
47:40Two taps back.
47:4245 seconds.
47:44Come on.
47:46It is such a great day here in Dig Deeper Land.
47:48Because you are bringing something good to your life.
47:50Come on.
47:52Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
47:54Come on.
47:56Make way.
47:58All negativity out the door.
48:00Only think positive thoughts here.
48:02Because sometimes the burn will take away your progress if you let it.
48:07But look at it as something good, y'all.
48:09We're pushing.
48:11Breathe, breathe, breathe.
48:13Just keep breathing, keep breathing.
48:158, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
48:25Take a moment.
48:30Take a moment.
48:34Look, this is the only thing I want from this.
48:36If you actually push yourself and you dug deep, this is the only thing I want from this.
48:40Don't say, oh, my gosh, that was too hard.
48:42I don't know if I can do that again.
48:44Be like, that was so hard and I'm so proud of myself for doing that.
48:48And I'm going to show up again in an even better way for myself.
48:53That's what I want you to take away from this experience.
48:56Let's cool down, y'all.
48:58Shake it out.
49:00Grab whatever you need real quick because I know I do.
49:10All right, guys.
49:12I'll be right here with y'all.
49:14Inhale up.
49:16Exhale down.
49:18Feel that stretch.
49:20Feel that breathing.
49:22Here's what I want you guys to do.
49:24Here, turn.
49:26Palm down here.
49:28Just turn this palm down.
49:32And let's flip it over.
49:34You are so good.
49:36Let's just take this hand up.
49:38Pull through.
49:40Drop down.
49:42And down.
49:48All right, open up the chest and pull the shoulders down.
49:54And shake it out.
49:56Now, I told you I would get you to the end, but it's never the end.
50:02It's never the end.
50:04It's just a stepping stone for you to believe that you can do it again the next day.
50:10And always trust and believe in who you are and dig deeper.