The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Startup Team | 5 Keys to Success with Douglas Vandergraph

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Looking to take your startup to the next level? Join Douglas Vandergraph as he explores the 5 Keys to Building the Ultimate Team for Your Startup. This video reveals the best practices for selecting and developing a team that shares your vision and has the drive to help your business succeed. Learn how to build a collaborative environment where every team member thrives, ensuring long-term growth and innovation for your startup.

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00:00Hey friends, welcome to today's video. Today is going to be the greatest day of your life.
00:06Today I'm going to take a little bit different of an approach. Let's talk business.
00:10Now, every entrepreneur with a bold vision for their startup eventually hits a critical juncture.
00:16That moment where they stand at a crossroads of growth.
00:20You know, it's exciting, but it's also daunting.
00:23You're driven by your passion, fueled by your dream, and yet there's a whisper of doubt in your mind.
00:29I've been there and I've heard this one.
00:32Do I keep going it alone or is it time to build a team?
00:36You know, and that moment is actually the turning point between staying small or scaling up.
00:42Between playing it safe or risking something greater.
00:47And maybe you're feeling nervous or unsure about how to hand over the reins or the tasks that you've owned from day one.
00:55I totally get it, but here's the deal.
00:58Every founder who has ever achieved greatness has faced this exact moment.
01:03And the only way forward is to push through that fear.
01:09Now, let me ask you this.
01:11What if building the right team is the key to unlocking the very future you've envisioned?
01:18What if the leap you're hesitant to take is the one that will lead you to unimaginable success?
01:25Now, if you're thinking about building a team or soon will, you're probably wrestling with thoughts like,
01:32I don't want to give up control.
01:34And I completely get that.
01:35I understand you've owned this.
01:37It's yours.
01:38And you feel like everything can be done by you better.
01:42You know, or what if I hire the wrong person?
01:45Well, that's the risk.
01:47But what if you hire the right people?
01:49You know, or what about the money?
01:51Can I afford it?
01:53I say, find a way.
01:55Take the leap.
01:57I don't think you're going to regret it.
01:59But these thoughts are real.
02:00And they stem from something we all face.
02:03It's the terror barrier.
02:05You know, it's that wall of fear standing between you and the next level.
02:09But here's the truth.
02:11You'll never grow by standing still.
02:14And you certainly won't be able to do it alone because you're going to grow.
02:18You're going to get bigger.
02:20And you're going to be successful.
02:22See, growing a business is not a solo act.
02:25It's a major undertaking that demands that you take on more roles than any one person can handle.
02:32You're the accountant.
02:33You're the marketer.
02:34You're the programmer, the designer, etc.
02:38And no single human being can do it all.
02:40So stop wondering if you should build a team.
02:44And start asking yourself the right question.
02:47How can you build the right team?
02:50You know, and when you figure that out, the anxiety starts to fade.
02:54And the vision becomes clearer.
02:56And with more than two decades of experience in leading companies, I've learned some powerful lessons about building teams.
03:04And I'm going to tell you, while there isn't a magic formula, these five characteristics that I'm going to explain to you here will guide you in assembling a group of people who will not only help you reach your goals, they'll help you surpass them.
03:19Now, the first one is trust and familiarity.
03:23At the early stages of your company, you're going to need people you can trust, people who are familiar to you or highly recommended by someone you respect.
03:33Trust is crucial because in those early days, delivery is going to be everything.
03:39You don't want to worry about whether your team can pull together to execute your vision.
03:45You want confidence that will build on a foundation that you've already laid.
03:51Now, the second ideal is belief in your vision.
03:55And this one is big.
03:57Never hire someone just because they look good on paper.
04:01They need to believe in what you are doing.
04:04When the road gets tough, and it will, you need a team that's as passionate as you are about your mission.
04:12And if they don't buy into the vision, they won't bring the energy or creativity needed to drive your new business forward.
04:20You know, your first team members should add value beyond their skills.
04:25They should share your passion.
04:28And the third ideal is eagerness to grow.
04:32You know, experience is great, but attitude is even better.
04:36Some of the most successful people in my companies started with little or no experience in the field.
04:43Now, what made them stand out was their eagerness to learn and grow.
04:47Don't overlook someone just because they don't have the perfect resume.
04:52If they believe in your vision and are driven to succeed, they're going to surprise you.
04:58Find out what they're passionate about and if you can align that with your company's goals.
05:05And if you do, you've got a win-win situation.
05:10Now, the fourth ideal is the willingness to wear many hats.
05:14And this one's tough in this day and age.
05:16In the startup phase, it's going to be all hands on deck, right?
05:20So you're going to need to be up front with your team about your constraints.
05:24Whether it's budget, time, or other resources, you need people who can juggle multiple roles and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
05:33You know, someone who insists on doing just one job and expects a big paycheck is not going to be the right fit.
05:41Your early hires need to be prepared to hustle.
05:45And as the company grows, you'll bring in specialists, but in the beginning, you need versatility and commitment.
05:53And the fifth, positive attitude.
05:57And when it comes down to it, attitude often trumps skills, in my opinion.
06:03You need people with a positive can-do attitude.
06:07They should be problem solvers who can think ahead, take initiative, and work without needing a detailed step-by-step guide.
06:16You know, they should be excited about self-improvement, eager to try new things, and always thinking about how to make the company better.
06:25A positive attitude drives innovation, and innovation drives success.
06:32Now, let's talk about the bigger picture.
06:35You know, you're only as good as the people you surround yourself with.
06:39The strength of your team will determine how far your company can go.
06:44Don't rush this process.
06:47Take your time to find the right people, those who not only have the skills, but the heart and passion to see your vision through.
06:56You know, even if your initial idea isn't perfect, the right people will help you navigate through challenges and find the way forward.
07:05You know, your first hires will likely become the future leaders in your company.
07:10Choose individuals you can trust, people you respect.
07:16Those folks that you enjoy working with, you know, through the highs and the lows.
07:23Because there's going to be highs, there's going to be lows.
07:25These need to be people that you not only get along with, but that you enjoy being around.
07:30Now, here's my challenge to you as you stand at this pivotal moment.
07:34What kind of company do you want to build?
07:37Who are the people who will help you shape that vision?
07:42You know, the decisions you make right now will echo far into the future.
07:47Take the time to get them right.
07:50Because the team you build today won't just help you meet your goals.
07:54They'll push you to dream even bigger and achieve things you never thought possible.
08:00I've seen it happen time and time again.
08:03So as you move forward, remember, you're not just building a business, you're creating a legacy.
08:09And that legacy will be built by the people who believe in your vision as much as you do.
08:15So where do you go from here?
08:18Well, you know, how will you create the team that will make your vision a reality?
08:23I want you to keep those two questions with you as you navigate this journey.
08:28Because the answer to each is going to shape the success of your business and the impact that it leaves on the world.
08:37You know what?
08:39If anybody can do it, you can.
08:42If you have questions, put them in the comments.
08:45I'd be happy to answer those for you or give you direction if I can't answer them to somebody who can.
08:51I believe in you and you know what?
08:53I care about you and I want to see you and your business be successful.
08:57Because when you're successful, you're going to be able to provide jobs and benefits to your community.
09:03And you're going to have the option to change the world.
09:06Maybe not the entire world, but the world for someone who needs somebody to reach out and offer them employment.
09:14Or some type of an opportunity that will allow them to provide value to their family.
09:19So they can move forward in this world in the best way possible.
09:23You're a game changer.
09:25And without people like you, we'd be in trouble.
09:28So you know what?
09:30I believe in you.
09:31I'm here for you.
09:32And I'll be back tomorrow with some more insightful ideas and some great things to talk about.
09:37Take care of my friends.
09:39See you tomorrow.
