• 2 months ago


00:13Thank you, Tony.
00:36Been here.
00:37What's her name?
00:39What happened?
00:41She had some booze.
00:43I don't know, like...
00:44I don't know how much, though.
00:46She's an alcoholic.
00:48She's barely breathing.
00:49Linda, can you hear me?
00:51She's collapsed.
00:52She's been drinking.
00:54And she choked.
01:03Just wait out here.
01:04No, but she might need us.
01:05What's happened?
01:06Is she all right?
01:08Ask her.
01:10What did you do?
01:11Rip it off her finger in the mortuary?
01:13Shall we go through to the living room?
01:14Why? What have you got to hide?
01:16Oh, embarrassed what your friends might think.
01:18This ring means a lot to me.
01:20It was a family heirloom.
01:22It meant a lot to her...
01:24at the beginning.
01:26Debbie and I were very much in love.
01:28So in love that she's not cold in the ground
01:30and you've emptied her bank account
01:32and you're getting engaged.
01:34What sort of monster are you?
01:41Oh, for me?
01:43No, I'm going to nip home and put it on ice.
01:46When you're off chance, I'll get a visitor.
01:48You know Peter and Bobby are in there?
01:50They are.
01:53So, what do you want?
01:54I felt bad about earlier.
01:56Offering Peter the job.
01:58I should have given you a heads up.
02:00Yeah, you should have.
02:02Look at this.
02:03Me and you.
02:05Just a bit of fun, yeah?
02:08Just a bit of fun, yeah?
02:10No strings.
02:11You don't have to let it get in the way of business or family.
02:16Yeah, I know strings always sound so good, doesn't it?
02:19But it's...
02:20it's not that simple, is it?
02:22Isn't it?
02:23Well, you can't see them, but...
02:26they're always there.
02:28Invisible at first and then suddenly one day you...
02:32you find you're all entangled.
02:35Maybe for some people, but...
02:37not us.
02:39I mean, we know what we're doing.
02:41We know what we want.
02:43We're gonna get it.
02:45Why don't you come over later?
02:48We can discuss it over a glass.
02:50Do you really think that's a wise idea?
02:54It isn't.
02:58What are you doing here?
03:00Wanted you to be up to speed before you start.
03:02Nice, thanks.
03:03Let me know what you think.
03:06I'll see you.
03:07Yeah, thanks for popping over.
03:12That bloke.
03:13He's got no half a talent, has he?
03:29Is she...
03:30Is she OK?
03:31Like, what happened?
03:32I don't know.
03:33She ain't gonna die, though, is she?
03:39Are you OK?
03:42You can stay and help if you like.
03:43I can't.
03:45I'm sorry.
03:46I've got to go up now.
03:47She's obsessed with cleaning the garage.
03:49Are you OK?
03:51It's just a promise is a promise.
03:53Right, I'll see you around.
04:04I'll go with her.
04:05No, no, that is my job.
04:06I'll see you there.
04:28Good luck, yeah.
04:29See you.
04:32Are you sure you don't want me to stay?
04:35No, it's fine.
04:36I mean, she's just lost her daughter, isn't she?
04:38She's going to be upset.
04:39Thanks, though.
04:43Yes, Brenda, I think we should maybe lower the temperature a bit.
04:46I understand you're upset.
04:48Losing a child, I mean, there's nothing worse.
04:52You're grieving and struggling to cope,
04:54but coming in here and flinging accusations around,
04:57well, it's not going to help.
04:59No, you are marrying another woman,
05:02and you have stolen money from our dead daughter's account.
05:06It's not like that, all right?
05:07Rhys has been in a bit of a mess financially,
05:10but he's going to pay it all back once life insurance comes through.
05:14Life insur...
05:16You're after that now?
05:19Well, I'm here to tell you you are not getting a penny.
05:22I'm going to talk to the insurance company.
05:25We'll go back to the police.
05:26Will we talk to the police? They took our DNA.
05:28You've got this wrong.
05:30Oh, no, I don't think so.
05:32You are a money-grabbing leech.
05:36Come on, Hugh.
05:37It's time we put this matter in the hands of our solicitors.
05:42I'll see you in court.
05:50I'm sorry.
05:56They've just taken her down to hospital.
05:58Oh, Linda, that's a shame.
05:59You know, I swear someone else is storing stuff in our garage.
06:02This has got to be down to Moe.
06:07Right, Freddie, can you help me move this outside?
06:18Freddie, I can't do this on my own.
06:22One, two, three.
06:26Oh, no.
06:33Is she all right? What's happened?
06:35It's working on her.
06:36How is she?
06:37Stable. She's going to be OK.
06:39Can I go in and see her?
06:41Just for a few minutes. Try and reassure her and keep her calm.
06:44Yeah. Thank you.
06:50Well, no, what are you doing?
06:52We can't all go in there. She needs to stay calm.
06:54I can do calm.
06:55No, I want to see her alone, OK?
06:57And I don't want her anywhere near my mum.
06:59What are you talking about?
07:01She promised, promised that she would keep an eye and stop her drinking.
07:04And look what's happened.
07:05You cannot blame Gina.
07:07She was meant to be looking after her.
07:08What, babysitting Linda?
07:09Not because that's my job, is it?
07:11I mean, she's a grown woman. She doesn't need a nursemaid.
07:13Of course she does. She's not well.
07:14She is an alcoholic, or who knows?
07:16Yeah, but she's not my responsibility.
07:18Oh, so is that why you let Bernie play her with booze?
07:20I mean, I was out of the room for, what, 15 minutes or half an hour max.
07:23Yeah, by which time she poured half a bottle of vodka down her throat.
07:26Mum, I'm not the one who's drip-feeding her wine.
07:29I'm trying to help her.
07:30If you want to help her, why don't you get her to testify?
07:32Maybe you're the one with a guilty conscience.
07:33She's in there because of you.
07:35She could have died.
07:36That is enough, both of you.
07:37No, no, no, no, no, I'm sick of this.
07:39I'm sick of living in that dump and then, what, all distressed,
07:41everyone's having a go, what, Linda, Anna, what, now you too.
07:43Fine, sorted. You hate it so much, you can move out.
07:46Hang on, it is not your place to chuck Gina out.
07:48It is her home too.
07:49Not anymore.
07:51Mum's health has to come first.
07:52Oh, you think I don't know that?
07:54I am her mother.
07:56And look at what a great job you've done.
08:05Don't worry, he's just a bit upset.
08:06He's got no right to talk to me like that.
08:09Just give him some time, yeah?
08:11No, no, no, no.
08:12No, I've had enough.
08:13You know, if he wants me to go, I'll just go.
08:14Gina, he's just freaked out, that's all.
08:16He'll come round, you'll know.
08:17Yeah, but I don't care.
08:19I'm leaving, I'll move out tonight and I'm not coming back.
08:40Hey, Finn.
08:42You OK?
08:46I'm sorry.
08:48Those things I said earlier, I didn't mean them.
08:51About Dad and...
08:53and wishing it had been you, not him.
08:55I just...
08:57I didn't mean it.
09:00I love you, Mum.
09:04And I should have been there, shouldn't I?
09:06I've left you alone.
09:10You're such a burden.
09:12What? No.
09:13Of course you ain't.
09:14Of course you ain't.
09:16When I...
09:18When I came to...
09:22Just for a moment, I was...
09:26I was disappointed.
09:31Disappointed to still be alive.
09:35I don't want to feel this way any more.
09:40I just want it to be over.
09:42Don't do this to you or Eddie or anyone.
09:45Mum, you can't think like that.
09:47You're going to be OK, everything's going to be OK, I promise you.
09:54Maybe you should leave her for now.
09:56No, she needs me, I can't.
09:58She needs some rest, please.
10:00But you're going to keep an eye, yeah?
10:02I'm sorry.
10:03Of course.
10:07I'll see you later, yeah?
10:29It's all right.
10:34It's OK.
10:42It's OK.
11:33That was quick.
11:43All right.
11:53What are you doing here?
11:54Well, I'm moving in.
11:58I'm sorry.
11:59Really sorry.
12:00She's a nightmare.
12:01Always was.
12:03What did she mean about Debbie?
12:06At the beginning?
12:08I've no idea, she's making it up.
12:10But why?
12:11Why would she?
12:12To hurt us, to hurt me.
12:15Sonia, I love you.
12:17And you know that.
12:19We can't let her drive us apart.
12:21That's what she wants.
12:23Maybe it's the grief.
12:26But we've got a problem now.
12:28A big problem.
12:29Oh, really?
12:31The life insurance.
12:33If we don't get it, we're stuffed.
12:36We can't pay back any of our debts.
12:38Sookie, Eve, Sharon.
12:41I won't be able to pay Phyllis, man.
12:43He'll break my legs for sure, and that's just the start.
12:48It might be better if we just left the square.
12:51Just took off.
12:53Me and you.
12:55Go somewhere.
12:56Till everything calms down.
12:59What do you say?
13:12Are you pleased with yourself?
13:15Mum, getting her drunk.
13:16You know she's an alcoholic.
13:18Why the hell would you stick a bottle of booze in her face?
13:21I didn't, I was just having a drink and didn't want her to join in.
13:24I forgot, Johnny.
13:25You forgot?
13:26You forgot she was an alcoholic?
13:28Yeah, I'd been drinking.
13:29You nearly killed her.
13:33Bunny, you alright?
13:36What are you doing?
13:37Callum, I really, really ain't in the mood.
13:39Like, listen to me.
13:40You look terrible.
13:41What's happened?
13:44Not here, OK?
13:53Well, he told me to go.
13:54He told me to leave.
13:55Yeah, well, he can't do that.
13:56It's not his part, but he can't just awed you out the door.
13:58Yeah, well, he has.
14:00And do you know what?
14:01I'm actually quite glad.
14:02Oh, go on, ain't that bad.
14:03Are you joking?
14:04I don't know what I'm going to get day to day,
14:06and I'm walking on eggshells.
14:07And admittedly, like,
14:09I did mess up with Bernie,
14:10but how was I supposed to know she was going to crack out of the booze?
14:12Yeah, well, it's difficult with Linda, eh?
14:16But it ain't just her.
14:17Everything's a bit of a nightmare.
14:18Me and Anna,
14:20we ain't getting on.
14:23Everyone thinks I'm a waste of space.
14:25Well, that ain't true.
14:26I mean, I don't, for a start.
14:28Yeah, exactly.
14:29But you, you're the only one.
14:32Look, I need a change.
14:33I want to move in with you.
14:35Look, I need a change.
14:36I want to move in with you.
14:37It could be fun.
14:38It ain't fun.
14:39Look, I'm grumpy, especially in the mornings,
14:41and I'm dirty, messy.
14:43Oh, don't look it.
14:44I mean, this place is immaculate.
14:45Although, although, you will have to do the cooking,
14:47because I can't really boil an egg.
14:49No, I'll pay my way,
14:50and it'll be a laugh.
14:53It'll be a chance to get to know each other,
14:54proper, like.
14:57I'd like that, I really would.
14:58Yeah, me too.
14:59It's just,
15:01look, maybe now ain't the time.
15:02Well, why?
15:03We just,
15:04we just ain't.
15:06Yeah, well, why?
15:07I'm homeless.
15:08Brother, you've got a spare room.
15:10Look, I'm sorry.
15:11It ain't gonna happen, alright?
15:12Look, just go home.
15:13Make it up with Johnny and Anna.
15:15Look, you're better off there,
15:16with your family.
15:17Yeah, but you're my family.
15:18Oh, yeah, of course I am.
15:19Yeah, but you don't want me.
15:20It's not like that.
15:21Isn't it?
15:24I mean, that's what it feels like.
15:26I'm sorry.
15:34At least I know where I stand.
15:39See you around.
15:47You can't just run away.
15:49I've got a job,
15:52We've just been humiliated in front of.
15:54I mean, pretty soon everyone's gonna know.
15:56Do you really want that?
15:58People looking you in the street,
15:59thinking the worst,
16:00that you've stolen from my dead wife.
16:03Yeah, well, both of us.
16:04Brenda's words, not mine.
16:06And she's gonna stick around,
16:07stir things up.
16:08Look, I don't want to put you through that.
16:10You're just a victim.
16:11An innocent victim.
16:12This is my mess.
16:13I've got to get this out of here.
16:14Well, then do it.
16:15But how?
16:16I mean, there's no way I can pay back Sharon and Phil.
16:19The stress is bad enough.
16:21She gets lawyers involved,
16:22it's gonna get worse.
16:24And what's that gonna do to you?
16:26What's that gonna do to the baby?
16:28Look, you're the mother of my child.
16:30Your health has to come first.
16:32Some time away, a bit of peace.
16:35That's what you need.
16:37I don't know.
16:39I don't know.
16:40We could visit Whitney.
16:42I mean, wouldn't that be nice?
16:43Being around family, people who care.
16:45Having Whitney there for when the baby comes.
16:47I mean, what could be better?
16:52Great, that's great.
16:54But you won't regret it.
16:57I'm just making such a mess of everything.
17:01Don't be so hard on yourself.
17:02No, I'm not.
17:03Trust me.
17:04Like, I said some terrible things to Mum earlier.
17:09Like, I laid into Gina and Bernie.
17:13I blamed them, but I drove Mum to take that drink.
17:17I've been pushing her.
17:18And pushing her to take that stand.
17:21What kind of son does that?
17:23A desperate one.
17:26Johnny, you're just trying your best.
17:28I'll just be honest, I am.
17:30I'm just so out of my depth.
17:32Like, all I want to do is stop Mum hitting the bottle,
17:36but I'm just...
17:37I am getting nowhere.
17:40I just feel like I've had such a failure.
17:43Oh, come on, don't be stupid.
17:45You're doing the right thing.
17:47You're doing the right thing.
17:49Come on, don't be stupid.
17:51You're doing a brilliant job.
17:53All you can do is be there and do your best.
17:59Well, not today.
18:04Today was a hiccup.
18:06A minor bump in the road, that's all.
18:13In, er...
18:14In hospital.
18:16When she came round, she, um...
18:20She said she was disappointed.
18:23About you?
18:29That she was still alive.
18:34She said that, um...
18:38For a moment, she wanted it all to be over.
18:42That's addiction for you, eh?
18:44Messes with your head.
18:46It scared me so much.
18:48No, Johnny, you're not responsible for that.
18:51All you're doing is being there and doing your best.
18:56But what if it's not enough?
18:58Like, what can I possibly do if she doesn't want to save herself?
19:05You show her how much she's got to live for.
19:08How loved she is, how much you need her.
19:13She's so lucky to have you.
19:16You're special, Johnny.
19:18Don't ever lose sight of that.
19:27I'm sorry.
19:28Tell me what you're doing.
19:29I'm sorry, I thought...
19:31No, look, me and Ben, I'm still committed to that.
19:34Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry.
19:36Oh, my God, I'm so embarrassed.
19:38It's all right, it's OK. It's fine.
19:40You just... You've had a long day, you're upset.
19:44Misunderstood, that's always easily done, innit?
19:47Let's just put all that behind us, OK?
19:49Yeah. Yeah, let's do that.
20:00Everything's going to work out.
20:02With your mum.
20:04With your mum?
20:06She's got her whole family here.
20:08Elaine, the girls.
20:09No, no, no, maybe not.
20:12I heard her rock earlier.
20:15I asked Gina to leave.
20:17To move out.
20:20Go and talk to her.
20:24She'll understand.
20:31Miss me?
20:34A glass of wine?
20:39What do you think?
20:43Yeah, I've got a bit of a gift for fashion.
20:45Though lingerie I've found really hard.
20:48It's hard to judge online.
20:51Might need a second opinion.
21:04What's wrong?
21:06Nothing, it's just, erm...
21:08Well, what is it?
21:11Gina, she, erm...
21:13She came round.
21:15She wants to move in here.
21:17What's she want to do that for?
21:18She had a rock with Johnny about Linda or something, I don't know.
21:23Well, that's a mood killer.
21:25What do you mean?
21:26Well, I was just talking about my daughter, your half-sister.
21:30It's just, it's a bit weird.
21:32Well, you asked me.
21:33Maybe I should go.
21:34Look, I shouldn't have mentioned it, all right?
21:36I was just talking.
21:39I don't want to keep any secrets from you.
21:44Of course.
21:48I don't want you to.
21:51Just for a chat, yeah?
21:55Just a chat.
21:57I mean, what else?
22:18I don't want to get into a fight with you.
22:20I'm sorry about earlier.
22:22OK? I didn't mean it.
22:25I'm just upset, you know?
22:28What I said to you and Gina, that was out of order.
22:32And to be honest, it's...
22:34it's no one's fault but mine.
22:37We all love her and...
22:41we are all scared.
22:45I don't want Gina to leave.
22:49Don't want any of you to leave.
22:53I need you.
22:56Need your help.
22:58You've got it.
23:01We're family.
23:04Come on, get in.
23:15What are you doing?
23:17It doesn't look like I'm doing.
23:19I'm packing.
23:20Is this because of Johnny?
23:22Elaine told me what happened.
23:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:24No one wants to be gone.
23:26Don't take him so seriously.
23:28Is he at the moment thinking,
23:29he's forgotten it all by now?
23:30No, I don't care.
23:32Look, I want to go.
23:33The atmosphere around here, it's just bad and...
23:36me and Anna, we ain't talking and Johnny's...
23:39Yeah, well, it'll all be forgotten in a day.
23:41Things will settle down.
23:42I don't know.
23:43I'm glad.
23:44Melinda's OK, I really am, but...
23:46I need some distance.
23:49Where are you going to go?
23:51Where are you going to go?
23:53I don't know.
23:55Mum's, maybe.
23:57But tonight, I mean,
23:58I thought Junior might want a flatmate,
23:59but he weren't that keen.
24:03I thought it might be a chance, you know,
24:04get to know my brother.
24:05Told him I'd been kicked out.
24:07Asked him to flat share, but...
24:09he said no.
24:14He said he weren't in the right time.
24:16Well, if you ask me, he just wasn't interested.
24:17No, I'm sure he wasn't, then.
24:18No, no.
24:19He said no, Dad.
24:21I asked him for help,
24:22and he shut the door in my face.
24:37How you feeling?
24:40I'm OK.
24:43They're going to let me come home tonight.
24:46That's great.
24:47That's great.
24:54What is it?
24:56What's wrong?
24:58I'm sorry.
25:00For what?
25:03For the trial, for...
25:05for prioritising, like,
25:07all this stuff with Dean over your health.
25:11It's not your fault.
25:12I could have lost you.
25:14It's like I lost Dad,
25:15and I couldn't...
25:18I couldn't bear that.
25:23But I see it.
25:25Like, clearly, now, Mum,
25:26what you're going through...
25:30And what you need
25:31is professional help.
25:33It's the first thing.
25:35Tomorrow, I'm...
25:36I'm going to...
25:37I'm going to find you a place in rehab.
25:40Somewhere good.
25:42the best.
25:43The best.
25:45And I'm going to be here
25:46every step of the way.
25:50But this has got to be real.
25:53Like, you've got to promise me
25:54that you want it.
25:56That you really want it.
26:02I do.
26:04Don't just do this for me, OK?
26:05You need to do this for yourself.
26:08Because you want to live.
26:14I do.
26:33Feels good being here
26:34with you.
26:37I'm a good fit.
26:38A good fit.
26:42Tell me something
26:43about you.
26:45Something, I don't know.
26:47Something personal.
26:49Everything you need to know
26:50about me.
26:53I'm under the sheets.
26:55Stop it.
26:56I don't mean that.
26:57I mean, you know.
26:59I want to get to know you better.
27:01I mean,
27:03what makes you tick?
27:05Nothing to know.
27:09I'm the most boring man
27:11in the world.
27:18Who's that?
27:22All right.
27:23Come in.
27:27Yeah, all right.
27:28Come in.
27:34All right.
27:36What are you doing here?
27:37What do you think?
27:38I just spoke to Gina.
27:40Look, now ain't no good time.
27:42Well, you got company, have you?