• anno scorso


00:00It's so sick if you breathe him down the neck.
00:10It's not safe with Rory.
00:11Get a grip.
00:12His friends couldn't have been more welcoming.
00:13No, no, no.
00:14His friends are dangerous.
00:15They're not capable of whatever it is you think they're involved in.
00:17You're making a mistake, Flick.
00:18If my boyfriend can't stay here, neither will I.
00:20Can we talk for five minutes, please?
00:21You don't get five seconds until you apologize to Rory for kicking him out of the house.
00:25I'm sorry.
00:26I was out of line.
00:27Forget it.
00:28You can stop watching our place.
00:30I don't take orders from you.
00:31Do you want Flick moving in with me?
00:32One word's all it'll take.
00:33If today's taught us anything, it's we're gonna win.
00:34Look at the timestamp.
00:35The morning before Franklin's body was found.
00:36Who's the car registered to?
00:37David Lewis.
00:38Also known as Dingo.
00:39We need to work out who the hell was in that car.
00:40Anyone turns up at my door with a terminal illness, I'm gonna slam it in their flippin'
00:42This is a bigger story than I could have imagined.
00:43What on earth were you thinking?
00:44I told the truth.
00:45What Brontë did was my fault.
00:46I told the truth.
00:47I told the truth.
00:48I told the truth.
00:49I told the truth.
00:50I told the truth.
00:51I told the truth.
00:52I told the truth.
00:54I told the truth.
00:55I told the truth.
00:56I told the truth.
00:57I told the truth.
00:58I told the truth.
00:59I told the truth.
01:00What Brontë did was my fault.
01:20Rory looks happy with the board.
01:21He better
01:22all the work you put in.
01:24What I do.
01:26I'm gonna head back up to the board shop.
01:28Have a good lesson.
01:29Thanks, Kirby.
01:33This thing's a weapon.
01:34Yeah, cool.
01:35I will sort out the payment
01:36next time you're up at the shop.
01:38Mates rate, obviously.
01:40Hey Marley, just so we're clear,
01:42mates rates means free.
01:49Well go on, I know you wanna say something.
01:51What do you want me to say, Irene?
01:54Here you are, here you are, let me.
01:55No, I told you I've got it.
01:59And don't go cutting yourself either.
02:01For God's sake, will you stop distracting me?
02:03I gotta get this cleaned up and get a band-aid.
02:06See yourself out.
02:16Keep me updated.
02:21Officers are on their way to impound Dingo's car.
02:24Forensics are primed to go over it.
02:26Look at this, found something else.
02:34The tattoo.
02:37Looks like blood and sand to me.
02:39Hang on, we've got all of Dingo's tattoos
02:41from the last time he was arrested.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:54Bring him in for questioning.
02:56Are you sure you don't wanna hang at my place?
02:58Don't we run the battle?
02:59No need to rub it in your brother's face.
03:00Look at you, being the bigger man.
03:02Rory, hey, do you want the invoice for that board?
03:05You can fix that up now.
03:07No, it's all sorted.
03:08Right Marley?
03:11Hey, you guys should come upstairs
03:12and have a drink once you're done here.
03:14Thank you, but there's a song I need to finish working on.
03:17Oh, fun, okay, suit yourself.
03:25He hasn't paid.
03:27What's he talking about?
03:29Forget it, Kirby.
03:30What exactly were the terms of this favour, Marley?
03:33Because that's a lot of money.
03:34I'm cutting my losses and moving forward.
03:37So let it go.
03:39What on earth are you doing?
03:41What's it look like?
03:42I'm cooking your dinner.
03:43Now, where do you keep the strainer?
03:45You'd think I'd remember, wouldn't you?
03:49John, will you go home?
03:51I don't need you dirtying up all my pots and pans.
03:55Now, what time are Dana and Harper back?
03:58I don't know.
03:59I'm not their keeper.
04:01Good, well, just make enough for two then.
04:03I'm not their keeper.
04:04I'm not their keeper.
04:06Good, well, just make enough for two then.
04:07Have you got cotton wool in your ears?
04:10I don't need you.
04:15I'm not going anywhere.
04:21Did you remember to put salt in that?
04:24♪ Who are you to ask for anything more? ♪
04:38Fuel for the song ride?
04:40I thought you were off duty.
04:41I am.
04:42I'm just getting us around.
04:45No wonder he looks like the cat who got the cream.
04:48Free drinks, free board.
04:51What are you talking about?
04:52That new custom surfboard he's got?
04:55He's not gonna pay for it.
04:56Apparently he has some deal going with Marley,
04:58but you should have seen all the hard work he put in.
05:00Marley should definitely get paid.
05:02Look, I'm not getting involved.
05:04It's none of my business.
05:11Mate, we've got to talk.
05:13I'm busy.
05:17Spanner called.
05:19The cops are looking for me.
05:20I got my car.
05:21Well, they're not gonna find anything, are they?
05:23No, I cleaned it.
05:25What are we gonna do?
05:26Calm down, all right?
05:29Okay, the car thing's not great.
05:32Just keep your head down
05:33till we find out what's going on.
05:41Maybe the cops used to know something.
05:44Come on.
05:45You're the one who's always saying information is power.
05:51Dingo, get yourself a drink.
05:55Is he okay?
05:56He's fine.
05:57Hey, what do you say we hang at yours after this?
06:00I thought you were all about giving Cash some space.
06:02I just figured.
06:04Your place has your bedroom,
06:05and here has Dingo.
06:09Point taken.
06:16Listen, I don't care if we find him at three in the morning.
06:18Tell the guys you find him, I'm there.
06:21All right.
06:22Keep me posted.
06:26Everything okay?
06:27Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
06:29I'm gonna grab a shower.
06:31Do you wanna wait for me in my room?
06:33Nah, I'll be right here for the minute.
06:37You don't mind if I have a beer, do you, Cash?
06:38No, go for your life.
06:39All right, well, play nice.
06:45You want one?
06:46Yeah, go on.
06:59So, how'd your day go?
07:00It was good.
07:01Is that because you got Dingo's car?
07:03Getting Dingo's car was a particular highlight.
07:09You reckon that's smart?
07:10It's happening.
07:12But we can't find Dingo,
07:14and I suppose you've seen him.
07:16Not lately.
07:19You're a man of loyalty, aren't you, Rory?
07:21That's not a bad thing, mate.
07:22I just wonder if that loyalty's ever really been tested.
07:25I guess we're gonna find out.
07:33Rory, listen, give me a call when you get this.
07:36Cops are all over me, and I can't go home.
07:39What do you want me to do?
07:40Cops are all over me, Rory.
07:42I can't go home.
07:44What do you want me to do?
08:04Why are you staring at me?
08:07I haven't felt this way in a really long time.
08:10I'm gonna go get coffee.
08:19I'll put the kettle on.
08:20I'll be right out.
08:53You want one?
08:54No, thanks.
08:55I gotta head out.
08:57Early start?
08:58Yeah, big day.
09:00What's that about?
09:01A bit of a break from the case.
09:05Good luck with that.
09:08Ignore him.
09:17Here you go.
09:19No, thanks Irene.
09:23You know you scared Harper half to death last night, don't you?
09:27Not as much as she scared me.
09:29And don't be complaining to me about your sore back. I told you not to stay over.
09:33You're talking to an ex-navy man.
09:35Oh God, here we go.
09:36I can sleep standing up.
09:37Yeah, well you're putting me to sleep now.
09:43Love, thank you.
09:45You were very kind to be there for me last night.
09:50My pleasure.
09:52And if you want to talk, I can stick around.
09:56I know you're worried about me, but it won't happen again.
10:01Are you sure?
10:03Yes, yes I am.
10:06It was a moment of madness, a blip.
10:11I don't want to make you feel bad, but that was one hell of a blip.
10:15I know.
10:17And I am angry with myself.
10:20I got overwhelmed and gave in to my weakness.
10:24But it won't happen again.
10:27Pleased to hear it.
10:29The offer still stands.
10:37Everything okay?
10:38Yeah, fine.
10:45Just give me a sec.
10:49Didn't you get my text?
10:51I told you to keep playing low.
10:53Did you get any info on what's going on?
10:55I can't.
10:57Cash said there's been a breakthrough in the case.
10:59You're kidding.
11:00Doesn't mean anything. He's bluffing.
11:02If that's true, why'd they take my car?
11:03Dingo, come on. We got nothing on you.
11:09Okay, change of plan.
11:12They're not going to give up, so we take it head on.
11:16We go to them.
11:17Listen, all you have to do is keep it together.
11:22You reckon you can do that?
11:27Is everything okay with you and Rory?
11:31Why would it be?
11:33Kirby said there was an issue with him not paying for his board.
11:37She's sure to mention it.
11:40We're all good.
11:42Okay, great.
11:45You all right?
11:46Nice board you did for Rory. Where's mine?
11:49I've paid my debt.
11:51You paid back Rory. I was at that fight, too. Remember?
11:55Yeah, I remember.
12:03I'm sorry.
12:05It's okay.
12:07It's okay.
12:09It's okay.
12:12Look, I'm sorry. I had to bail. Something came up.
12:16Call you later?
12:24Check his home address again.
12:26I said check it again. Get it done.
12:29I need to ask for an update, then.
12:31It's taking longer than I'd like to bring Dingo in.
12:34Yeah, they got his car, but who knows how long it's going to be until we hear anything back from them.
12:37Yeah, if they do.
12:39Boys aren't idiots, Cash. Not going to leave evidence behind.
12:42We'll see. In the meantime, we need to keep the pressure up on him and Rory.
12:45We don't have nearly enough evidence for an arrest warrant, so...
12:52This should be interesting.
13:09You were looking for me?
13:10Yeah. Yeah, we've been looking for you.
13:13Come on through.
13:16You can wait here.
13:18I'm his support person.
13:20Well, you're connected to the matter we're investigating, so you can either take a seat and wait, or you can leave.
13:26You'll be right, mate. Yeah?
13:29Take a seat.
13:30Take a seat.
13:38Take a seat.
13:39Take a seat.
13:58Nice ink.
14:04Thanks, ladies. See you next time.
14:10John, I appreciate your care, I really do, but you're like my flippin' shadow.
14:13I don't want you pushing yourself. Maybe you should have a day off.
14:18You want to interview in there?
14:19I have no idea, but the journo said it'd probably be out today.
14:24With a bit of luck. I didn't bother printing it, because it all went so horribly wrong.
14:30Might be best just to rip the band-aid off, eh?
14:32I'm not touching it. You have a look.
14:36Probably not that bad.
14:41John, what is that?
14:52So, you going to tell me when I can get my car back?
14:55Oh, well, your car is with a police forensics unit right now, and there's nothing that I can actually do to expedite that process for you.
15:01Unless you would be willing to tell us exactly what we're going to find.
15:05I got nothing to say. Hardly used the thing.
15:09When was the last time you drove it?
15:10Can't remember.
15:15What's this?
15:16These were taken at 2.38am, the night before Senior Constable McGrath's body was found at the dam nearby.
15:24Nothing to do with me.
15:27That's your car.
15:29I lend it out a lot. Could be anyone driving.
15:31That's your tattoo, eh? Look.
15:35Heaps of people eat out of that tat.
15:37Only river boys.
15:39How many of them do you reckon have it on their left forearm like that?
15:47What does this prove? I never went near the guy.
15:49Well, actually, it proves that you were in the vicinity.
15:54You want to tell me what you were doing there?
15:57Does Rory like fishing?
15:58That's him sitting in a passenger seat, isn't it?
16:00Can't remember.
16:02You didn't like Franklin McGrath watching the place you hang out at, did you?
16:07What did he have on you?
16:09If I were to show up at your house, what would I find?
16:13Or your hangout?
16:16You got anything interesting there?
16:18Guess you'll never know without a warrant.
16:20That's a good point.
16:23I think we're done here.
16:25Unless there's anything else.
16:27Unless there's anything else.
16:30That's all I need for now.
16:48You shouldn't have gone to Felicity about it.
16:50I'm worried about you, okay? And Felicity.
16:54I just want to know who she's dealing with. Is she going to get hurt?
16:57Look, I needed his help with that whole business with Iluka and the Allens.
17:02So as a thanks, I made the guy bored.
17:04Big mystery solved and it's over now.
17:07You sure about that?
17:15That board you wanted?
17:16I'm busy.
17:17Yeah, well, can't do it.
17:20Look, whatever. Cool.
17:23Let's go.
17:26Not a word about any of this, alright? I'm not an idiot.
17:32Hey, you're done already. How'd you go?
17:35Yeah, great. Yeah, all good.
17:38Okay, well let me know if I can get you any food or drinks.
17:51I reckon I should go up the coast.
17:53How many times?
17:56There's no way they can link you to McGrath.
17:58Did you miss the part about the photo of me driving the car?
18:01Unless it's showing the body in the back seat, I think we're okay.
18:09Okay, what are you not telling me?
18:12I, um, kept some stuff.
18:16What stuff?
18:17Just a bag of stuff.
18:24Like the club's badge.
18:26And some other things.
18:28I don't want anyone finding, if you know what I mean.
18:34What the hell were you thinking?
18:36It's a souvenir.
18:39Get rid of it.
18:41I don't care.
18:42Just make it go away. I don't want it anywhere near us.
18:46I'll take care of it.
19:04This makes me out to be an absolute monster.
19:07Yeah, it's not great.
19:09It's like Bronte doesn't exist.
19:12It's all about what a terrible person I am.
19:15But anyone who knows you is not going to buy any of that.
19:18Yeah, but John, I did say it.
19:20And it mentions the diner. This could impact our business.
19:23And poor Leah, God save us, it doesn't make her out to be squeaky clean either.
19:28Irene, please.
19:30You can't help any of that. Now, come on.
19:33Let me get you a cup of tea.
19:36I feel like a real drink.
19:39Do not say that.
19:43Look, I think we should call Leah. You're right.
19:45She'll be across all this and she'll want to help.
19:47John, no. I told you.
19:50The drinking was a one-off, alright?
19:52Leah doesn't need to know anything about it.
19:55I mean it, alright? I have put Leah through enough as it is.
19:58Okay. Okay, I've heard you.
20:00But I still think it's a good idea for you to go to an AA meeting.
20:04I could take you.
20:05I don't want to be around people at the moment.
20:08No one's going to judge you there.
20:10And it'll help.
20:12And if it doesn't, you've always got me.
20:16Please, Irene.
20:17Alright. Alright, I will go.
20:21But not a word to anyone.
20:23Not a soul.
20:35Anyone else here?
20:36No. What are you doing here?
20:38I need you to look after this.
20:39What is it?
20:40Don't let anyone see, alright?
20:42No. What the hell is going on? What is in it?
20:45You don't need to know, mate.
20:47No worries.
20:49Hey, no. I'm not keeping this here.
20:51We turned up for you when you needed us.
20:52No questions asked.
20:54You owe us.
21:09Good, sir?
21:13Well, I should get going.
21:15Got some chord progressions to rehearse for tonight.
21:17And I've got to shift.
21:19I'm already running late. See ya.
21:20They both seem super-focused on work.
21:22Remy's really dedicated.
21:23I'm tired of keeping secrets.
21:25You think it'll be cool, but then you've just got this thing that you've got to carry around with you.
21:28I mean, it's stupid that we both know and we're just expected to pretend like we don't.
21:32Why is it such a big deal that Bree and Remy are back together?
21:35Yes! I knew it!
21:36You said you knew.
21:37I do now.