Andrew Tate: The Man Who Groomed The World (Full Documentary)

  • last month
Is Andrew Tate behind a secret society that grooms women into online sex work? And could someone else be behind him? In this full documentary Reporter Matt Shea reveals the truth behind notorious on-line influencer Andrew Tate and his secretive, all-male society, the War Room.

Through interviews with alleged victims, internal whistleblowers and Tate himself, this four-year-long investigation uncovers that Tate’s cult-like organisation has been grooming scores of women into online sex work through seduction, manipulation and what it sees as psychological conditioning.

This film also confronts the mysterious mastermind behind the organisation, who helped craft Tate into a global figurehead while remaining in the shadows - until now.


00:00:00World champion kickboxer, pimp, mafia-associated criminal, surely it can't all be true, it's all true.
00:00:08Few people have become as popular, influential, and seemingly wealthy in such a short space of time as the influencer Andrew Tate.
00:00:16Women are absolutely happy serving a man they respect. They're far more happy with that than they are working some fucking career.
00:00:23In December 2022, Tate was arrested in Romania, accused of rape and of grooming women into working for him as online sex workers.
00:00:33The world is now focused on his upcoming trial.
00:00:37But the one thing no one has figured out is how a failed reality TV contestant became one of the most famous alleged criminals in the world.
00:00:46Surely, he didn't do it alone.
00:00:49For two years, I've been investigating his secretive society, The War Room.
00:00:54The War Room is a whirlpool. Once you're in, you're in, and it's hard to get out.
00:00:58Speaking to women who say they were targeted by this shadowy organization.
00:01:02As soon as I walked in the door, he, like, pushed me to my knees and, like, smacked me really hard across the face.
00:01:07And whistleblowers, who are now ready to reveal what's really going on.
00:01:11Let's not kid ourselves. This is a cult.
00:01:14Who's in charge of The War Room?
00:01:17Could someone else be behind the cult of Andrew Tate?
00:01:21There he is, there he is. He's right there. I just saw him come out. Dude, just go, just go.
00:01:25I want to ask you a couple questions.
00:01:38Fourth floor.
00:01:41Doors opening.
00:01:48So Tate's just released a new video.
00:01:50And based on the influx of Andrew Tate fans in my social media, I'm guessing he mentions me, so let's take a look.
00:01:58We have the DNG on the podcast with us. We're wearing a DNG t-shirt.
00:02:02You can see it's homeless Matt Shea, who follows us around the world wearing the same clothes every single time.
00:02:07The same jacket. And it says DNG on the front.
00:02:10This is so weird.
00:02:12Now, I know you're thinking, this explains what a DNG is.
00:02:15Disgraced news gatherer, deluded narrative generator, discredited news guardian, dork, nerd, geek.
00:02:22DNG. The DNG, Matt Shea.
00:02:24He's been trolling me ever since last year when I interviewed women who say he sexually assaulted them.
00:02:29The reporting sparked a backlash against Tate that continues to this day.
00:02:35His arms fell off anyway.
00:02:36Piss off with your documentary.
00:02:38We're going to do another documentary.
00:02:39Nobody cares, Matt.
00:02:41He has no hands and I think his arms falling off has just told the whole world.
00:02:44He has no hands.
00:02:45Tate wasn't always like this. He was much more civil to me when I met him previously.
00:02:54My best friends.
00:02:55Hello, hello. Great to meet you, man.
00:02:58Good to see you.
00:02:59This place is giant.
00:03:01Welcome to Emergency Meeting Episode 13. We have a special guest, Matt Shea, who is internationally renowned and respected.
00:03:08When I first met Tate, he was attracting attention for being an overnight success on TikTok.
00:03:12In the space of a month during lockdown, he amassed billions of views and became one of the most searched influencers in the world.
00:03:18I perfected this in pimp school when I got my PhD.
00:03:21It's bang out the machete, boom in her face, and grip her up by the neck.
00:03:26Shut up, bitch.
00:03:27His messaging at this stage was misogynistic, but many thought it was an act rather than evidence of something genuinely criminal.
00:03:34He successfully monetized his following into millions of pounds by selling courses teaching boys and men how to become like him, surrounded by fast cars and women.
00:03:44At one end of the scale, for £39 a month, you could join his Hustlers University, which promised a path to making money online.
00:03:52Above this were bespoke courses on topics like chess, £197, developing an iron mind, £547,
00:04:01and right at the top, his highest valued product, membership to Andrew Tate's War Room.
00:04:07I had a school which primarily taught people how to make money online.
00:04:11The reason I had that school was so that everybody could afford the War Room.
00:04:14The War Room is a network I have which is a level above HU.
00:04:18Everything I've talked about with brotherhood and people you can trust and capable people, that's what the War Room is.
00:04:24Join the War Room and you'll learn and there's a spiritual journey involved as well.
00:04:29So the War Room is kind of like the Illuminati but cooler.
00:04:32For any young man or any man who's serious about his journey or serious about himself, it's the most important place you can be.
00:04:38You're going to learn absolutely everything about the realities of Earth.
00:04:47Tate says the War Room is a network of powerful men and those who want to learn from them.
00:04:51They say it promotes brotherhood and is on a mission to reframe traditional masculinity in a positive way.
00:04:57You can currently join for $8,000 a year which gets you access to a telegram group
00:05:02and the option to spend even more money by buying exclusive courses and attending events around the world.
00:05:09The War Room is led by a group of so-called generals.
00:05:12The most famous are his brother Tristan, Sartorial Shooter, his head of security and operations,
00:05:18Jonathan, the money pilot, and Iggy Semmelweis, the mysterious self-proclaimed wizard.
00:05:26Rumors were circulating about Tate's behavior towards women and with the War Room shrouded in secrecy,
00:05:31I couldn't help but wonder what was really going on inside.
00:05:34What were these generals teaching the men who joined?
00:05:37What did they get for their money?
00:05:40So I went inside the organization, even participating in an initiation ritual
00:05:45that involved a cage fight with a professional MMA fighter.
00:05:48But every time I tried to find out what was really going on,
00:05:51a War Room general would stop us from speaking to people.
00:05:54We've been told that we're not allowed to talk to anyone.
00:05:57What about in passing asking people like what single question?
00:06:00Let me run this by Tate before we film.
00:06:02So we can't speak to anyone?
00:06:04Though Tate and his generals tried their best to keep me out,
00:06:07I felt something more was happening when through a hotel window,
00:06:11I saw a group of men photographing naked women.
00:06:15The online influencer Andrew Tate has been detained in Romania
00:06:19as part of a human trafficking and rape investigation.
00:06:22Police found guns, knives, and wads of cash.
00:06:25Mr. Tate was arrested, as was his brother, Tristan.
00:06:29On the 29th of December, 2022, Tate was arrested by Romanian authorities,
00:06:34accused of manipulating women to get into the War Room,
00:06:37and charged with murder.
00:06:39On the 29th of December, 2022, Tate was arrested by Romanian authorities,
00:06:43accused of manipulating women into webcam sex work.
00:06:46It's alleged that he used the lover boy method
00:06:49as part of his recruitment process.
00:06:51This is a type of grooming in which a person presents themselves
00:06:54as romantically interested in someone, promising them a relationship,
00:06:57but with the sole purpose of manipulating them into sex work.
00:07:01The authorities are focusing their investigation
00:07:03on Andrew Tate and his brother.
00:07:05But what I'm interested in is what's going on
00:07:07at the top level of his organization.
00:07:09What is happening inside the War Room?
00:07:14To find out, I've enlisted the help of someone
00:07:16who says he can show me what the organization's real purpose is.
00:07:23So as well as hundreds of thousands of Andrew Tate fans,
00:07:26one of the things that's happening with the internet and Andrew Tate
00:07:30is the rise of these kind of internet sleuths
00:07:33who are just obsessed with investigating Andrew Tate.
00:07:37But the most prolific one by far
00:07:40is a man who goes by the name of Crabcrawler on Twitter.
00:07:43And he has access, he says,
00:07:45to the internal chat logs of Andrew Tate's War Room.
00:07:48So we've come to Cleveland to pay him a visit.
00:08:04Hey there, Matt.
00:08:06Nick, hello.
00:08:08Good to meet you in real life.
00:08:12Beautiful day in Cleveland to talk about a serious subject.
00:08:17Crabcrawler developed a platform as a hard-right journalist and blogger
00:08:22where he first encountered Tate,
00:08:24then a rising star of the right
00:08:26who is going by his former kickboxing title, Cobra Tate.
00:08:31So do you consider yourself part of the kind of right wing?
00:08:34Not anymore.
00:08:36So this has actually changed your kind of political views,
00:08:40this whole experience.
00:08:42It corrected me back towards the centre again.
00:08:44What really rattled me the most
00:08:47was the silence from some right-wing figures
00:08:51that really should have spoken up about this
00:08:54and had their horse in this race.
00:08:56Crabcrawler claims he's now a reformed character
00:08:59and recently was handed a treasure trove,
00:09:0112,000 pages of encrypted messages
00:09:04sent by hundreds of War Room members
00:09:06over the course of two years.
00:09:10Now that I have these chat logs,
00:09:12these crazy, mind-blowing chat logs,
00:09:15I can see how complex this situation really is
00:09:19beyond the surface.
00:09:21So what is the War Room?
00:09:23Getting into the War Room means you have to buy Andrew Tate's courses.
00:09:27You're basically brought into the school
00:09:29to learn to become like Andrew Tate.
00:09:31And that includes the PhD course
00:09:33of how he lures women into becoming camp girls.
00:09:39The online course that Crabcrawler is referring to
00:09:42is called the PhD or Pimping Hose degree.
00:09:45It has been removed from Tate's website
00:09:47but is a required course to join the elites in the War Room,
00:09:50costing an additional £337.
00:09:53The PhD is taught by Andrew Tate himself,
00:09:56and in private, behind a paywall,
00:09:58he says it teaches men a method
00:10:00for seducing women into a relationship
00:10:02and then gradually manipulating them
00:10:04into working for you in online sex work.
00:10:07The PhD course is my recruitment system.
00:10:10I don't mention webcam
00:10:12until after I've had sex with a girl.
00:10:15You have to fuck them and they have to love you.
00:10:18It's essential to the business.
00:10:20The first thing that's clear
00:10:22from looking at these encrypted War Room communications
00:10:25is that Tate and the generals
00:10:27are pushing the PhD course to members.
00:10:29Andrew Tate says,
00:10:31you have to add the PhD program
00:10:33to convert girls to work.
00:10:35PhD is essential.
00:10:38CAM course alone won't do it.
00:10:51It's difficult to know when members are simply bragging,
00:10:54but these encrypted messages show the men in the War Room
00:10:57feeding back to Tate and the generals
00:10:59how they were putting into action
00:11:01the teachings from the PhD course.
00:11:03They call this showing receipts.
00:11:25Men also brag about their control over women
00:11:28by sharing examples of the punishments
00:11:30they've meted out on them.
00:11:42They're eager to show off to other members
00:11:45when their financial exploitation of women
00:11:47has produced lucrative results.
00:11:55It's a PhD receipt.
00:11:57That's the new whip.
00:11:58That's the whip that my girl bought for me,
00:12:01registered in my name.
00:12:03All possible because of the PhD.
00:12:09So, Crab Crawler has just handed us
00:12:13almost 12,000 pages of internal War Room telegram chats.
00:12:18It's going to take a while to go through,
00:12:20but this is the War Room members talking unfiltered
00:12:23when they don't think anyone's listening in.
00:12:25And from these conversations,
00:12:27it seems pretty clear that the War Room
00:12:29is about a lot more than just positive masculinity.
00:12:46After verifying the authenticity of these messages
00:12:49by speaking to the War Room insider
00:12:51and to Crab Crawler,
00:12:53we begin to go through them in detail
00:12:55and start to notice something.
00:12:57The person who appears to push the PhD course
00:13:00most frequently to members
00:13:02is the War Room general and self-proclaimed wizard
00:13:05called Iggy Semmelweis.
00:13:07From his messages,
00:13:09manipulating women into sex work
00:13:11seems central to the War Room's agenda.
00:13:14It's well known that Tate himself is under investigation
00:13:17for using the loverboy method to coerce women into sex work,
00:13:20but the evidence suggests that it isn't just Tate
00:13:22allegedly using this method.
00:13:24The War Room generals are actively teaching it to members,
00:13:27making this potentially much wider than we thought.
00:13:36The court in Romania has agreed to allow
00:13:38the controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate
00:13:41to leave prison and move into house arrest.
00:13:46On March 31st, the Tate brothers
00:13:48win a court appeal to be released under house arrest
00:13:51while the authorities continue their investigation.
00:13:56This means we may have a chance to ask him
00:13:58if he is the leader of a global grooming organization.
00:14:02Freedom at last!
00:14:14Oliver, is it Matt?
00:14:16Andrew, hey.
00:14:20Yeah, that's how I like to think of myself.
00:14:22Look, the main reason I'm calling is
00:14:25I wanted to see whether you were up for doing another interview.
00:14:36Because we have a history
00:14:38and there are still unanswered questions
00:14:40that I want to put to you.
00:14:47Matt gets to become relevant via proxy
00:14:49because I am the most relevant person
00:14:51and I get to do the charitable act
00:14:53of allowing somebody to sit next to me and ask me questions.
00:14:56I'm going to think about it, Matt,
00:14:58because I'm the one who matters here.
00:15:00But because of our history...
00:15:02Would you bring me a box of chocolates?
00:15:04If you promise to bring me a box of chocolates,
00:15:06that will increase your chances
00:15:08and I'll give you an answer within 24 hours.
00:15:10You have to promise me, Matt. Don't lie to me.
00:15:13I'll check with my superiors
00:15:15whether I can send you a box of chocolates.
00:15:17You let me know about the chocolates, Matt.
00:15:19Okay, one quick thing.
00:15:24I think he thinks he's even more the Messiah
00:15:27than he was before.
00:15:29He said he was the most relevant person in the world.
00:15:31And then there's this whole power game
00:15:33of having to bring him a box of chocolates.
00:15:36So bizarre.
00:15:38Now I need to find out if I legally can bring a box of chocolates
00:15:41or whether that's considered bribery.
00:15:59Tate's trolling of me always ramps up when he's under threat.
00:16:02I'm worried he's found out we're investigating the war room.
00:16:06You see, isn't the world beautiful?
00:16:09Vice do I have peace on Tate.
00:16:11Tate goes to jail.
00:16:13God releases me.
00:16:16Matt, BBC whoever,
00:16:18Matrix agent number 399
00:16:21begs for another interview.
00:16:25It's kind of like I never lose.
00:16:33I really never thought I would meet this man again in my life.
00:16:40Hey, how's it going?
00:16:49Is Andrew coming out to meet us?
00:16:53Yeah, who are you?
00:16:55Matt, from the BBC.
00:16:57All right, I'm going to let him know.
00:16:59Okay, great, thank you.
00:17:01I'm Matt.
00:17:03I'm Andrew.
00:17:05I'm Matt.
00:17:07I'm going to let him know.
00:17:09Okay, great, thank you.
00:17:17I guarantee he's going to film it.
00:17:19And he's going to put it on Twitter.
00:17:27Good morning.
00:17:29Anyone want breakfast?
00:17:31Yeah, I'll have breakfast because I've got a very important interview today.
00:17:35I've got an interview today with a very renowned, esteemed, well-known journalist called Matt Shea.
00:17:43He is a dork, a nerd, and a geek.
00:17:53It's been now 15 minutes.
00:17:55Where is he?
00:17:57There he is.
00:17:59Please can we have another interview?
00:18:11Why, dork?
00:18:13Trolling the press is Tate's key tactic for fighting back against what he and his fans see as the Matrix,
00:18:19a global conspiracy that aims to silence him.
00:18:23His fans buy into this, sending me scores of death threats ranging from
00:18:27going to wait outside your office and slit your throat,
00:18:29to there are individuals who will dismember you in front of your parents.
00:18:37Why is he here?
00:18:39To do anything.
00:18:43About the most famous man in the world, the most influential man in the world,
00:18:45the person who's going to save mine and hers, me.
00:18:49There are literally ages of the Matrix.
00:18:51He's still there.
00:18:57Look at him standing there.
00:19:13It's gonna be great.
00:19:17That's not the interview.
00:19:19That's dance.
00:19:21This is my interview.
00:19:23This is all I have to say to him.
00:19:31Okay, so I spoke with Andrew,
00:19:33and you either give him the chocolate,
00:19:35and you'll have an interview,
00:19:37or you don't, and you don't have.
00:19:39So where's the chocolate?
00:19:41Where's he?
00:19:43He's inside.
00:19:45Okay, cool, well, yeah, he comes out.
00:19:47No, I'm not gonna give you the chocolate.
00:19:49If he comes out, I'll give it to him.
00:19:51You're either gonna give me the chocolate,
00:19:53I'm gonna give him the chocolate,
00:19:55if not...
00:19:57This is getting quite silly, though.
00:19:59Andrew's being accused of some very serious crimes.
00:20:03He should take this seriously.
00:20:05So you're gonna give me the chocolate.
00:20:07No, I told you I would give it to him
00:20:09when he comes out.
00:20:11And I told you that I need the chocolate now.
00:20:13You must realize how silly this looks.
00:20:17See you.
00:20:21You know the worst thing?
00:20:23I don't feel sorry for him.
00:20:25One percent.
00:20:27Neither should anyone else.
00:20:29These are the worst type of people.
00:20:37Yeah, it's Matt.
00:20:39Hi, Andrew.
00:20:41No, I don't wanna do a quick interview.
00:20:43I wanna do an in-depth, detailed interview.
00:20:45My first interview under house arrest
00:20:47is gonna be world-breaking.
00:20:49It's gonna be massive.
00:20:51In that interview of the year,
00:20:53perhaps of the decade,
00:20:55I own the culture, and I wanna do it properly.
00:20:57I want you to give you the chance
00:20:59to give your side of the story.
00:21:01That's why I'm here.
00:21:03Oh, you're giving me a chance?
00:21:05You're such a nice guy.
00:21:07Because, listen, these accusations are coming out regardless.
00:21:09Please, Matthew, you're not giving me a chance.
00:21:11I'm giving you a chance.
00:21:13I've given you a very fair parameter.
00:21:15It's a parameter that you can either adhere to
00:21:17or you can go home and fly home economy on Wizz Air.
00:21:19It's up to you.
00:21:21Stop calling me. You know the parameter.
00:21:23You decide.
00:21:25So that's your response to the accusations.
00:21:33With Tate refusing to speak to us
00:21:35to get any answers about
00:21:37whether the Wharram uses the loverboy method
00:21:39to groom women they want to recruit into webcam,
00:21:41we'll need to speak to those women themselves.
00:21:45Our investigation has found
00:21:47that as of August 2022,
00:21:49there were 434 members of the Wharram
00:21:51all around the world.
00:21:53We have identified 45 potential victims
00:21:55who are mentioned in crab crawler's chat logs,
00:21:57though with limited information,
00:21:59the true number is likely much higher.
00:22:01Two of these women
00:22:03have agreed to meet with us,
00:22:05one in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
00:22:07and one on the west coast of the U.S.
00:22:17To protect this woman's identity,
00:22:19she's going by the alias Amanda.
00:22:23Hi, Amanda. How's it going?
00:22:25Good. How are you?
00:22:27Good to meet you.
00:22:29Nice to meet you.
00:22:31Thanks for letting us in.
00:22:33The man Amanda claims groomed her
00:22:35into online sex work
00:22:37is one of the Wharram generals,
00:22:39Jonathan Bowe, a.k.a. The Money Pilot,
00:22:41because he's a retired U.S. Air Force pilot
00:22:43and currently works for Delta.
00:22:45I met with this guy that I met on Tinder,
00:22:47and we had been talking
00:22:49for, like, a couple months
00:22:51about, like, wanting to meet.
00:22:53You know, I was 21,
00:22:55and, you know,
00:22:57I wasn't making any money.
00:22:59I was young
00:23:01and in a very vulnerable position.
00:23:03I didn't feel like
00:23:05I myself had a lot to offer,
00:23:07so this, like, older guy
00:23:09kind of being into me was attractive.
00:23:11And we met,
00:23:13and we, like, went out
00:23:15on a date.
00:23:17I wouldn't really say it was much of a date.
00:23:19He, like, picked me up,
00:23:21and we went to, like, a hotel room
00:23:23and slept together.
00:23:25And the next morning,
00:23:27he sent me a text.
00:23:29He asked me
00:23:31if I was interested in working with him
00:23:33on webcam.
00:23:35I kind of knew of webcam,
00:23:37but not really.
00:23:39And I
00:23:41instantly was like,
00:23:43no, like, I don't want to do it.
00:23:45I have no interest in this.
00:23:47Up until that first mention of webcam,
00:23:49he had portrayed himself as someone who was romantically
00:23:51interested in you?
00:23:53Absolutely, yeah.
00:23:55And in your mind, this was a date, a relationship?
00:23:57Yeah, it was.
00:23:59And I continued seeing this guy.
00:24:01Like, we chatted all the time,
00:24:03and he was really sweet
00:24:05and just kind of, like, a nice person to have in my life.
00:24:07And if I would complain about anything in my life,
00:24:09he'd be like,
00:24:11well, I have a solution for you.
00:24:25Thousands of miles away in Buenos Aires,
00:24:27a woman we are calling Maria
00:24:29has a similar story.
00:24:31She met the man who she says groomed her
00:24:33when she was 20.
00:24:35It all started
00:24:37when I matched with a random guy,
00:24:39a cute one
00:24:41on Tinder.
00:24:43He told me,
00:24:45let's go out, let's have dinner.
00:24:47After that,
00:24:49we started seeing each other,
00:24:51and it was more serious.
00:24:53He asked me to come live
00:24:55with him for a bit because
00:24:57he wanted to be with me all the time,
00:24:59and he missed me a lot.
00:25:01I was, like, young,
00:25:03and I didn't know or
00:25:05experience something like that before.
00:25:07He was my first boyfriend.
00:25:09At that time,
00:25:11I was really in love with this person,
00:25:13and it was the first time I ever felt
00:25:15this connection.
00:25:19I remember he saying,
00:25:21you seem like a girl that is going to
00:25:23help me a lot.
00:25:25And he kept repeating that,
00:25:27like, you're going to help me, you don't know how yet,
00:25:29but you're going to do so,
00:25:31and you're going to be glad that you do it.
00:25:37And then,
00:25:39I think one month or maybe two months
00:25:41out of dating,
00:25:43and he asked me, hey,
00:25:45you want to do an elephant?
00:25:47I think at that time in my life,
00:25:49I just wanted, like, security
00:25:51and someone to be there for me,
00:25:53and here was this guy,
00:25:55and I had some things
00:25:57happen in my life, like,
00:25:59in my job, and
00:26:01I was like, okay, I think I might, like,
00:26:03be interested in, like, webcamming.
00:26:07And do you realize
00:26:09now that that was his intention all along?
00:26:11Yes. Yes.
00:26:13Both of these women's
00:26:15alleged groomers used the same method
00:26:17to gradually manipulate them into
00:26:19webcam. It all began with the
00:26:21same question that Tate had asked me.
00:26:23He told me, let's go out,
00:26:25let's have dinner, but
00:26:27remind to bring a chocolate.
00:26:29He also asked me to bring
00:26:31him, like, a unique kind of chocolate
00:26:33on the date, which was, like,
00:26:35a bit weird.
00:26:37Asking for chocolate is the first test
00:26:39to see how susceptible a person
00:26:41is to control.
00:26:45It's important. I'm telling you, it's a very important
00:26:47element, that control,
00:26:49because once the money starts pouring in,
00:26:51the girls are like, well, what the fuck do I need this dude for?
00:26:53And they will leave if you don't have
00:26:55every aspect of control.
00:26:57He was like those guys
00:26:59who make you hypnotize
00:27:01the snakes, because
00:27:03whatever he said, I will do.
00:27:05I felt like I had no control over
00:27:07my life. He has control
00:27:09of everything, so is it, like, worth it
00:27:11to leave?
00:27:19I remember not being
00:27:21able to see my friends, not even
00:27:23my family, like, he was like,
00:27:25you're staying here with me.
00:27:29There's no such thing as a perfect woman.
00:27:31If you want a woman who's perfect for you, you must
00:27:33build her to be perfect for you.
00:27:41He would be like, I have, like, a mission
00:27:43for you. So I have this mission,
00:27:45we have this mission. The mission for today
00:27:47is this. The mission for tomorrow is this.
00:27:49He'd ask me to, like, clean his
00:27:51apartment. Start to say, okay,
00:27:53please clean my house,
00:27:55do my chores.
00:27:57That kind of humbling bullshit, that's
00:27:59what you want. That's what you want.
00:28:07You just have to be like, okay, I need a coffee.
00:28:09Go make me a coffee. I remember
00:28:11him being awake at
00:28:136 a.m. He forced me
00:28:15to wake up, make him coffee,
00:28:17and then I could go to sleep again.
00:28:19When I, like, would do well,
00:28:21I was, like, rewarded.
00:28:29Women want attention.
00:28:31You're going to reward them for their good
00:28:33work with attention. Easiest way to give them
00:28:35attention is to fuck them. Sex
00:28:37was my reward.
00:28:39He used sex a lot to manipulate
00:28:45He would, like, whisper things
00:28:47about, like, money into my ear.
00:28:49He was obsessed with money.
00:28:53If you fucked her, good.
00:28:55Sit down with her and say, look, we're already fucking rich
00:28:59The way he approached me with
00:29:01beginning webcam was
00:29:03you want to make money together.
00:29:05Let's do something. It's going to be fun.
00:29:07You make a ton of money, like,
00:29:09we'll do this together. You can not do a
00:29:11business relationship with a female. It doesn't work.
00:29:13That's when the pimping
00:29:17I remember him keeping
00:29:19all the money and not even giving me one
00:29:27I'd keep 80% of the money they made.
00:29:29So they basically worked for free. They worked for my love and attention.
00:29:33I was giving 80% away.
00:29:35In total,
00:29:37like, $95,000.
00:29:39He kept being with me
00:29:41and controlling me.
00:29:43If I wasn't doing well, things would become
00:29:45more violent.
00:29:47The woman must learn that her man is fucking
00:29:49an iron mountain and the easiest path
00:29:51is to obey. Any other kind of resistance
00:29:53simply doesn't work.
00:29:55Drastic level of violence and
00:29:57submission that I never thought I would be, like,
00:29:59involved with.
00:30:01There was a night that I had
00:30:03gone over there and
00:30:05as soon as I walked in the door, he, like,
00:30:07pushed me to my knees and, like, smacked me really
00:30:09hard across the face.
00:30:13He would, like,
00:30:15bruise me, like, pretty badly,
00:30:17kind of marking his territory.
00:30:23And that's why I teach in my courses,
00:30:25yeah, getting the girl, fucking the girl
00:30:27is the first 10% of the game.
00:30:29Having a girl tattoo your name on her
00:30:31is the other 90%.
00:30:35He wanted me to get his name tattooed
00:30:37at all costs.
00:30:43He wanted me to tattoo
00:30:45his name on me.
00:30:59The reason I
00:31:01decided to webcam was because I
00:31:03liked this guy and I had developed
00:31:05a bit of trust for him.
00:31:07He bombshelled me with love and all
00:31:09this cuteness and all this goodness
00:31:11and then he was, like,
00:31:13expecting stuff from me that were, like,
00:31:15really, really huge.
00:31:35We've now heard some first-hand accounts
00:31:37of what the Wharram is really up to
00:31:39and it appears that this whole thing
00:31:41is way bigger than just Tate.
00:31:43It's not just that these women were allegedly groomed
00:31:45into online sex work, it's that
00:31:47the method used to groom them,
00:31:49allegedly, is so
00:31:51strange and so specific
00:31:53that it's clearly something that's been
00:31:55taught to these members.
00:31:57And if you look at the chatroom
00:31:59messages, there's one Wharram member
00:32:01who is constantly instructing
00:32:03others on how to use
00:32:05this method and its details
00:32:07and that's the spiritual leader
00:32:09Iggy Semmelweis.
00:32:11When I was initiated into the Wharram,
00:32:13Iggy was there.
00:32:15He calls himself
00:32:17the Master of Spells and Shadows
00:32:19and seems to play the role of the Wharram's
00:32:21spiritual leader.
00:32:23But he has stayed out of the public eye.
00:32:25The chat logs show us
00:32:27how integral Iggy is to the
00:32:29operation of the Wharram.
00:32:31He's the one always talking about missions
00:32:33and Pavlovian conditioning.
00:32:35which is the method you use to train dogs.
00:32:37He also talks about isolating women
00:32:39from their entire support network
00:32:41and emotionally manipulating them
00:32:43into getting tattoos of Wharram members
00:32:45initials on their bodies
00:32:47and ultimately, into sex work.
00:32:49He talks about casting spells
00:32:51and anchoring women's orgasms
00:32:53to the idea of money.
00:32:55I mean, this goes way beyond
00:32:57the video courses.
00:32:59I mean, no one knows what's really
00:33:01going on inside the Wharram.
00:33:03But with all this talk of spells and mysticism,
00:33:05it's clearly a lot weirder than I thought.
00:33:07And the internal messages can only tell us
00:33:09so much.
00:33:11But speaking to someone on the inside
00:33:13is very difficult because they have this
00:33:15code of silence.
00:33:17However, we've recently managed
00:33:19to speak to someone who claims to have
00:33:21previously been the Head of Sales
00:33:23and Marketing of the Wharram.
00:33:25He's agreed to meet.
00:33:33Hey, Matt.
00:33:35Good to meet you, Eli.
00:33:37Thanks for coming all the way to have us.
00:33:39Eli spent two years
00:33:41as a member of the Wharram,
00:33:43working closely with Tate,
00:33:45but recently left after clashing
00:33:47with its leadership.
00:33:49So, what first appealed to you
00:33:51about the Wharram?
00:33:53I had never really consumed any Manosphere,
00:33:55any, like, Red Pill stuff online.
00:33:57Other than Tate, really, he was the first person
00:33:59that I came across,
00:34:01and I watched all of his videos,
00:34:03and I joined the Wharram in September 2020.
00:34:05I was one of those vulnerable men
00:34:07that fell to the marketing,
00:34:09and I helped
00:34:11propagate that with my sales
00:34:13and marketing efforts on his team, right?
00:34:15So, how did you help propagate that?
00:34:17People who would sell the Wharram.
00:34:19We played into the insecurities of men,
00:34:21meaning that when you saw
00:34:23Tate with a Bugatti, for example,
00:34:25or you saw Tate as a four-time kickboxing world champion,
00:34:27he made you believe that
00:34:29that was the ideal that you needed to become
00:34:31in order to get women in your life.
00:34:33When you talk about women,
00:34:35are you talking about just sleeping with women,
00:34:37or establishing a relationship with women?
00:34:39Absolutely not. The Wharram is all about
00:34:41you getting women that serve you in your life.
00:34:43What do you mean, serve you?
00:34:45So, the Wharram has a methodology
00:34:47called the PHC, the Pimping Hosts Agreement.
00:34:49Although it was removed from our website,
00:34:51and although it's no longer officially
00:34:53called that, which is
00:34:55find a woman that's
00:34:57attracted to, and
00:34:59sleep with her, and eventually
00:35:01you put her through a sort of Pavlovian
00:35:03conditioning where, for her to get
00:35:05your attention, she has to complete tasks,
00:35:07then bigger tasks, then bigger tasks, and eventually
00:35:09her whole world becomes you,
00:35:11and she has nothing else except you,
00:35:13and she completely serves you
00:35:15completely. Quote-unquote, you could
00:35:17call it a slave.
00:35:19She has to do more things for you, whether it's
00:35:21wash the dishes,
00:35:23do errands for you, or eventually do
00:35:25OnlyFans webcam, which was encouraged
00:35:27inside of the Wharram.
00:35:29A lot of people might say that
00:35:31to teach men to coerce
00:35:33and manipulate women, to use Pavlovian conditioning
00:35:35like you said, into
00:35:37working in the sex trade
00:35:41immoral and wrong.
00:35:43I would never do it personally. I've never done it personally.
00:35:45But that was a big part of what
00:35:47the Wharram did. It was.
00:35:49Do you regret
00:35:51that you played a part in it? I don't regret it.
00:35:53Why would I feel guilty of something
00:35:55that I had no control over?
00:35:57Well, you were part of the marketing
00:35:59team, right? Yeah, absolutely, but
00:36:01during that time, I was brainwashed.
00:36:03All of your friends are inside the Wharram,
00:36:05all of your connections are inside the Wharram,
00:36:07all of your knowledge you consume every day is inside
00:36:09of the Wharram, and they actively encourage you to
00:36:11cut off the surroundings
00:36:13in your real life, and
00:36:15you start cutting off friends,
00:36:17you cut off, you know,
00:36:19old co-workers. Do they encourage that?
00:36:21They encourage you. And actually, let me tell you a very scary
00:36:25One of the members inside the Wharram,
00:36:27Iggy Xionghui,
00:36:29it goes under a few different names,
00:36:31tells you that
00:36:33your new brothers inside of the Wharram
00:36:35are your new life. Everyone else
00:36:37before that, it doesn't matter.
00:36:39We have here the truth
00:36:41of life, and if you want to follow us,
00:36:43you have to, quote-unquote, kill your parents
00:36:45symbolically, because they may not agree with the things
00:36:47that you're learning here,
00:36:49but it will impede you from moving forward inside of
00:36:51our organization if you do not
00:36:53kill your parents. And I thought that was a very scary thing,
00:36:55but at the moment, I actually believed it, believe it or not.
00:36:57I am so brainwashed.
00:36:59The Wharram and the events, they literally
00:37:01describe it as a cult.
00:37:03Xionghui, Iggy, he basically said,
00:37:05let's not kid ourselves. This is a cult.
00:37:07Who's in charge
00:37:09of the Wharram?
00:37:11Iggy is at the top, yeah.
00:37:13But he definitely, when you spoke
00:37:15to him, he definitely had an agenda. He definitely
00:37:17influenced you in ways that
00:37:19were not of your own thinking.
00:37:21How do you mean?
00:37:23He literally would tell me that
00:37:25I went inside of your brain, and I rearranged
00:37:27things. I went in the attic, and I started moving the furniture
00:37:29around, is how he would describe it.
00:37:31He was very good at reprogramming
00:37:33brains. And what's his agenda?
00:37:35I couldn't really tell you
00:37:37exactly what the agenda would be, other than
00:37:39again, take over
00:37:41the world, I guess. It's very, very grand aspirations.
00:37:45according to Eli, the Wharram is
00:37:47a cult that, while not all members will act
00:37:49on this, teaches men to groom women
00:37:51and is run by a mysterious man
00:37:53named Iggy Semmelweis.
00:37:55This is the Wharram of
00:37:57Andrew Tate.
00:37:59And Andrew Tate is the secret weapon
00:38:01Iggy uses to market that cult.
00:38:03It works like this.
00:38:05Tate has millions of followers on Twitter
00:38:07and other social media platforms.
00:38:09He uses that following to market his app,
00:38:11The Real World. 200,000
00:38:13of these followers filter into the
00:38:15app, where they are then sold courses,
00:38:17pushing them to the Wharram.
00:38:19This final tier consists of hundreds
00:38:21of Tate's most ardent followers.
00:38:23But once they're in, they find not just
00:38:25Tate, but Iggy Semmelweis
00:38:27lying in wait.
00:38:29So who is he?
00:38:31Welcome, my brothers, to the Iron
00:38:35It turns out his real name is Miles Sonkin.
00:38:37He was born in Chicago in 1961.
00:38:39His mother was a TV psychic
00:38:41and he appeared in high school theater
00:38:45He later studied hypnosis
00:38:47and neuro-linguistic programming,
00:38:49a method outlined in books like
00:38:51Frogs into Princes and
00:38:53The Structure of Magic, based on
00:38:55the unverified belief that you can
00:38:57influence the way a person will act
00:38:59using only your choice of words
00:39:01and tone of voice.
00:39:03Using only your choice of words and tone
00:39:05of speech.
00:39:07Iggy Semmelweis is not his first alias.
00:39:09In the 90s, he lived in Japan as
00:39:11Douglas Hall, the self-proclaimed
00:39:13greatest pickup artist in the world.
00:39:15He sold courses teaching
00:39:17Western men to seduce Japanese women.
00:39:19He appears
00:39:21to have met Tate around 2018.
00:39:23Soon after,
00:39:25Tate starts selling his own courses
00:39:27and in 2019, the Wharram
00:39:29is established.
00:39:31In Wharram's chat logs from 2019,
00:39:33Iggy greets every new member.
00:39:35He sends them a document called
00:39:37The Survival Scrolls, which appears
00:39:39to be a manifesto outlining
00:39:41the Wharram's agenda.
00:40:01It's not just about sexual exploitation.
00:40:03This is about
00:40:05financially exploiting women.
00:40:07It's about turning them into
00:40:09slaves that you can profit from.
00:40:11And not just through webcam,
00:40:13through video,
00:40:15but also through
00:40:17social media.
00:40:19It's not just about sexual exploitation.
00:40:21This is about
00:40:23financially exploiting women.
00:40:25It's about turning them into
00:40:27slaves that you can profit from.
00:40:29And not just through webcam,
00:40:31through a number of means it seems.
00:40:33Seek out women with their own businesses.
00:40:35Seek out women with family money.
00:40:37Seek out women who are willing to give you
00:40:39their paycheck to use as you see fit.
00:40:41See, the crazy thing is
00:40:43you could be a woman
00:40:45right now who thinks you're
00:40:47in a relationship with a man,
00:40:49but that man is actually a member of the Wharram
00:40:51and he is using a guide
00:40:53to manipulate you into
00:40:55giving him money.
00:40:57Armed with his real name,
00:40:59we've managed to speak to a family connection of Iggy.
00:41:01So Miles was
00:41:03really smart. He never went to
00:41:05high school. He did shit
00:41:07as much as he could,
00:41:09but he was really smart in it.
00:41:11In the 80s, Miles was involved
00:41:13in like a cult
00:41:15or two. One was the Maharishi.
00:41:17The Maharishi's leader
00:41:19believed he was directly spoken to by
00:41:21the gods, and former members
00:41:23have since claimed it was a cult.
00:41:25And the other was the
00:41:27Bhagwan. The Bhagwan,
00:41:29also known as Rajneesh, was another
00:41:31Indian-based meditation cult
00:41:33featured in the Netflix series Wild Wild Country.
00:41:35Its leader faced numerous criminal
00:41:37allegations, including the sexual abuse
00:41:39of his followers. Miles
00:41:41was very paranoid, and he thinks that
00:41:43some bad people are after
00:41:45him, as well as
00:41:47the, you know,
00:41:49the government, like FBI.
00:41:51He said,
00:41:53I disappeared. I was murdered.
00:41:55Like he's on edge, hiding from someone.
00:41:57So Iggy was in two
00:41:59alleged cults in the 80s, and is now
00:42:01using the image of Andrew Tate
00:42:03to create a cult of his own.
00:42:05Everything we find out about this man
00:42:07is so surreal.
00:42:09And it gets even weirder.
00:42:11Iggy frequently mentions a fantasy
00:42:13novel called The Scarlet Citadel,
00:42:15in which an evil wizard, who looks
00:42:17strangely similar to him, wears a ring
00:42:19featuring a snake's head of the same kind
00:42:21worn by the senior members of the Warren,
00:42:23including the ones who recruited Amanda
00:42:25and Maria. The wizard
00:42:27trades in girl slaves, and is
00:42:29the real power behind the throne of the
00:42:31Cobra King in Coff.
00:42:35So while the
00:42:37authorities and the world's media are looking at
00:42:39the Tate brothers in Romania, this
00:42:41wizard man, who appears to have
00:42:43created the cult of Andrew Tate,
00:42:45and instructed its members how to groom women,
00:42:47is walking free.
00:42:49There's only one
00:42:51thing left to do.
00:42:53Find Iggy.
00:43:09So we've just found an audio file in the chat logs
00:43:11that appears to have Iggy
00:43:13addressing a Warren vet.
00:43:15So we're going to give it a listen.
00:43:19Find ways of making money.
00:43:21Put that money together, get it rolling.
00:43:23Cash. Cash.
00:43:25More cash. Take more money.
00:43:27Take all their energy.
00:43:31Cash is energy because it's currency.
00:43:33It's flowing. Keeps flowing.
00:43:37Behind scenes, I know men
00:43:39in the war room that are doing
00:43:41amazing things, that are becoming
00:43:43amazing men.
00:43:45Truly amazing men.
00:43:47And you wouldn't even know it
00:43:49from reading the papers
00:43:51or watching the news.
00:43:53But it gives me incredible energy
00:43:55and it gives me incredible hope
00:43:59when I have a chance to meet up with you guys
00:44:01and see you every morning and
00:44:03afternoon and evening in the war room.
00:44:05Whenever I need that energy,
00:44:07it's just a jolt.
00:44:09Just go into the war room and
00:44:11drink energy. Pure nectar.
00:44:13Pure power.
00:44:17It's all great.
00:44:19It's all great.
00:44:21And we've only just begun.
00:44:25It seems like Iggy is
00:44:27in this for something bigger than money or fame.
00:44:29Iggy clearly
00:44:31has a plan for his war room members.
00:44:33A plan that involves using them to
00:44:35execute his vision of the world in which
00:44:37women are subjugated into sex slaves
00:44:39and financially abused.
00:44:43But there's one group who are trying
00:44:45to thwart this vision.
00:44:47The Gamma
00:44:49Secret Kings.
00:44:51The Gamma Secret Kings
00:44:53are a group of men who became disenchanted
00:44:55with the online world of masculinity
00:44:57influencers and now devote their
00:44:59time to exposing what they see as
00:45:01scammers, grifters, and
00:45:03false prophets exploiting male
00:45:05insecurity for their own ends.
00:45:07So we've managed to get in touch with a man called
00:45:09E. Scorpio.
00:45:11He's one of the Gamma Secret Kings
00:45:13I'm going to give him a call.
00:45:23Alright, what is your take
00:45:25on the grand scheme of Iggy then?
00:45:27Iggy is not
00:45:29an appealing man at all
00:45:31in my opinion. Whereas you have
00:45:33Tate who is a
00:45:35you know
00:45:37a man who is at the peak of his
00:45:39physical prowess. He's a
00:45:41unattractive looking man
00:45:43so why not have that as
00:45:45your honey
00:45:47to lure in these men
00:45:49that want to be that image
00:45:51themselves. They don't want to be like
00:45:53Iggy, they want to be like Tate.
00:45:55So would you say that
00:45:57Iggy's goals are ultimately
00:45:59ideological? I would say yes.
00:46:01I believe there is a sense of
00:46:03desiring to
00:46:05sow some kind of political chaos
00:46:07with the war room.
00:46:09These generals
00:46:11in the culture war are very angry
00:46:13they're very
00:46:15they are frustrated
00:46:17with society and they
00:46:19are very receptive
00:46:21to this idea of you can own
00:46:23women. Are these men
00:46:25true believers in the political sense? I would say
00:46:31As if this investigation wasn't strange enough
00:46:33already, we're now on our way to
00:46:35Koreatown LA to stake out
00:46:37an apartment of a self-proclaimed wizard
00:46:39who is building a cult of abusive
00:46:41and manipulative right-wing warriors
00:46:43who are somehow meant to take over the world.
00:46:47this is Iggy's road
00:46:49right now.
00:46:55Okay, it doesn't look
00:46:57like any of the houses here
00:46:59are expensive
00:47:01for the kind of
00:47:03grand master priest of the war room
00:47:05I would expect it to be a little fancier.
00:47:07That's it there.
00:47:09Where? There on the right.
00:47:11Those people just came out of it.
00:47:13I'm kind of nervous
00:47:15because, you know,
00:47:17what if we actually do find him?
00:47:21What is his reaction going to be?
00:47:25Will he cast a spell on us?
00:47:29Right here, yeah.
00:47:31Is this good? Right here.
00:47:43Okay, let me go and have a look.
00:47:47We're just trying to check
00:47:49if the apartment number
00:47:51we have for Iggy is correct.
00:47:53Our producer, Tashi, is going to go
00:47:55though because he recognizes what I look like.
00:48:05He's definitely
00:48:07**** because I went on to the
00:48:09address book on the door.
00:48:11Marl Sunken Apartment.
00:48:13Oh, nice. Okay.
00:48:15I think we wait for a bit.
00:48:25Despite being central to the war room,
00:48:27writing its reading list,
00:48:29and helping create its methods for grooming women,
00:48:31Iggy has managed to dodge
00:48:33accountability by remaining
00:48:35in the shadows.
00:48:37But now, for the first time,
00:48:39the master of spells and shadows
00:48:41will at least have to face questions
00:48:43about his role in all of this.
00:48:49There he is. There he is. He's right there.
00:48:51I just saw him come out.
00:48:53Put your camera down.
00:48:55He's walking away.
00:48:57We need to go park at the end of the road.
00:48:59Matt, let's go.
00:49:05Iggy Semois.
00:49:07Are you training people in the war room
00:49:09how to enslave women?
00:49:11Do you run the war room?
00:49:13We've seen chat room evidence that you're
00:49:15training men how to enslave women.
00:49:17Do you care to comment on that?
00:49:19It looks like from the evidence that we've seen
00:49:21that you're instructing men
00:49:23how to enslave and manipulate women
00:49:25and coerce them into webcam.
00:49:27You have no comment on that at all?
00:49:29How long are we going to walk for
00:49:31before you answer me?
00:49:39We thought Iggy would go back inside, jump in a car
00:49:41or go somewhere where we couldn't follow him.
00:49:43But he appears intent on walking
00:49:45the entire breadth of Koreatown.
00:49:49You have nothing to say to these allegations?
00:49:53Iggy, we've spoken to several women
00:49:55who allege
00:49:57that members of the war room
00:49:59abused them, coerced them
00:50:01or physically violent to them.
00:50:03As the Grand High Priest
00:50:05of the war room, don't you have anything to say about that?
00:50:07You don't teach
00:50:09men how to get women
00:50:11to fall in love with them, sleep with them
00:50:13and then coerce them into webcam.
00:50:15You've used the exact phrase, female sexual
00:50:17slavery. What does that mean?
00:50:19What is it that you saw in Andrew
00:50:21that made you think he was the perfect
00:50:23person to front this whole operation?
00:50:27Are you not worried
00:50:29about these allegations?
00:50:31You've nothing to say?
00:50:33You don't want to defend yourself against these
00:50:35allegations at all?
00:50:41It looks like
00:50:43Iggy Samowise, aka Miles Sunken,
00:50:45doesn't want to talk to us at all.
00:51:05This guy says y'all are bothering him.
00:51:07We're journalists from the BBC.
00:51:09We're actually investigating this man
00:51:11for running a...
00:51:13what appears to be an
00:51:15organization that teaches
00:51:17men how to coerce women.
00:51:19For real, I got that vibe. He comes here a lot.
00:51:21Does he come here a lot?
00:51:23Yeah? And you got the vibe, does he always bring different women?
00:51:27I thought he was a pimp.
00:51:29But he did tell me to tell you guys to stop harassing him.
00:51:33Yeah, of course.
00:51:35Thanks for talking to us. Have a good one.
00:51:41We've given a chance to Iggy
00:51:43to respond to the very serious allegations
00:51:45that people are making to him,
00:51:47including those of multiple women who accuse
00:51:49him of running an organization
00:51:51that trained men how to coerce them,
00:51:53manipulate them, and
00:51:55some of these men, they say, also physically
00:51:57abuse them. We've given him a chance to
00:51:59respond and he has nothing to say.
00:52:05Matt, I think Iggy just tweeted
00:52:07about you.
00:52:09About me?
00:52:19Matt A. Shea
00:52:21and his cameraman
00:52:23show up uninvited at my home,
00:52:25follow me for half an hour as I walk,
00:52:27ask me silly questions, but never
00:52:29offer me a box of chocolates,
00:52:31so I say nothing.
00:52:33Now Matt will never know who the real
00:52:35mastermind of the Wharram is.
00:52:37Matt fucked up again.
00:52:39I mean, it's pretty obvious it's you.
00:52:41He's the real mastermind of the Wharram.
00:52:43Every single time
00:52:45someone buys a D&G t-shirt,
00:52:47Matt Shea gets an email to his
00:52:49personal email address, letting him know
00:52:51that a D&G shirt has been purchased
00:52:53and someone is walking around in the world
00:52:55with a picture of him being homeless on a t-shirt.
00:52:57By now,
00:52:59the Wharram is clearly aware of our film
00:53:01and they ramp up attempts to discredit us
00:53:03before its release.
00:53:05He's obviously working on some new film piece
00:53:07and he thinks, oh, finally I'm going to get
00:53:09Andrew Tate back with my t-shirt.
00:53:11He thinks, oh, finally I'm going to get Andrew Tate back
00:53:13with my new hit piece full of lies.
00:53:15But when he releases it,
00:53:17everyone's just going to call him a D&G and ask him for chocolates.
00:53:19These people are worse
00:53:21than disingenuous.
00:53:23They are worse than simply liars.
00:53:25They are evil.
00:53:27Okay, he's dead.
00:53:29There he is.
00:53:33We're back with breaking news out of Romania
00:53:35where disgraced influencer Andrew Tate
00:53:37has been indicted.
00:53:39He's committed rape, human trafficking
00:53:41and forming an organized crime group.
00:53:43On June 20th, the Romanian authorities
00:53:45announced that Andrew and Tristan Tate
00:53:47are to be formally charged
00:53:49and are due to appear in court.
00:53:51If the judges decide to keep them in jail until trial,
00:53:53this may be our last chance to ask them anything.
00:53:55So I'm back in Bucharest.
00:54:15I see that you were officially indicted.
00:54:19Okay, we just want to ask some questions to Andrew.
00:54:23We've seen internal chat logs
00:54:25from your The War Room telegram group.
00:54:29That demonstrate that The War Room...
00:54:31What's that?
00:54:33Do you have my chocolate?
00:54:35I'm asking you about the internal chat logs
00:54:37that demonstrate that The War Room
00:54:39is actually a society that trains men
00:54:41how to groom women.
00:54:45You must realize how silly
00:54:47that question sounds alongside my question
00:54:49which is about human trafficking.
00:55:08Even since Tate has faced allegations
00:55:10of human trafficking,
00:55:12Iggy and The War Room have been using his image
00:55:14to market themselves to young men and boys
00:55:16all across the world.
00:55:18Throughout Tate's house arrest,
00:55:20fans have shown up to visit him.
00:55:22Guys, you're not going to believe where I'm at right now.
00:55:24I'm outside Andrew Tate's house.
00:55:28What do you think about when Andrew says
00:55:30that all these attacks and accusations against him
00:55:32are part of a Matrix attack?
00:55:35It's 100% true, man.
00:55:37If, hypothetically,
00:55:39there was evidence presented
00:55:41that led to a conviction for some of these crimes,
00:55:44would that all still be a Matrix attack?
00:55:47Of course.
00:55:51Let's say someone had video evidence
00:55:53of him committing these crimes.
00:55:55Would that also be part of a Matrix attack?
00:56:00Depends if it was staged.
00:56:02Depends if it was real. No one would know.
00:56:04No one would know.
00:56:06What threshold of evidence
00:56:08would you accept
00:56:10that he has committed these crimes?
00:56:12Andrew Tate said that he was guilty himself.
00:56:14Anything besides that,
00:56:16I would question it.
00:56:20That's an incredible amount of power
00:56:22for one person to have over your mind, right?
00:56:27Every single one of us, to some degree,
00:56:29is an empty vessel. We're all programmed.
00:56:31There's no such thing as escaping the slave mine.
00:56:33You must just, to some degree,
00:56:35understand who is programming you
00:56:37and understand if you really want those characteristics.
00:56:39Have you heard of Andrew Tate's war room?
00:56:41Yes. Yeah, I have.
00:56:43Would you consider joining?
00:56:45100%, yeah.
00:56:47A recent survey suggests
00:56:49that 52% of males
00:56:51between the ages of 16 and 17
00:56:53in the UK
00:56:55have a positive view of Andrew Tate,
00:56:57with only 19% having a negative view.
00:56:59And we're more likely
00:57:01to have heard of him than the Prime Minister,
00:57:03Rishi Sunak.
00:57:05This hasn't happened by accident.
00:57:07The strategy is basically
00:57:09to show an aspirational lifestyle
00:57:11and to market that.
00:57:13You see this guy that,
00:57:15in your head,
00:57:17can get the best girls,
00:57:19then you think, okay, let's follow him.
00:57:21Let's listen to what he has to say.
00:57:23How many people are working on this?
00:57:25I'd say a few dozens.
00:57:27We go and we see all medias,
00:57:29either positive or negative,
00:57:31that mention Tate.
00:57:33We will send people, again, very real looking,
00:57:35Twitter, Instagram, whatever, social media accounts,
00:57:37and they go and they comment on your posts.
00:57:39On your posts.
00:57:41They go and they call you DNG.
00:57:43They go and they try to counter your narrative.
00:57:47So are they real people or bots?
00:57:49They're partly real people, partly bots.
00:57:51Very, very highly trained.
00:57:53We have shifted our marketing
00:57:55from previous years, past years,
00:57:57to obviously, as you've seen,
00:57:59you keep one element the same,
00:58:01which was his aspirational lifestyle.
00:58:03Cars, the money, the fighting.
00:58:05Remove the woman.
00:58:07Replace it with Islam.
00:58:09By the way, he's not a true Muslim.
00:58:11Replace it with positivity.
00:58:13Replace it with, perhaps,
00:58:15a picture of him and his brother's daughter
00:58:17and stuff like that.
00:58:19With charity, one thing he's doing now.
00:58:21To slowly but surely shift the narrative
00:58:23and the image into something new.
00:58:25After Tate's arrest,
00:58:27his marketing team have done everything they can
00:58:29to present him as a religious family man.
00:58:31But they can't erase
00:58:33what he's done with the war,
00:58:35nor his life as a self-confessed webcam pimp.
00:58:37I have a unique resume.
00:58:39World champion kickboxer.
00:58:43Mafia-associated criminal.
00:58:45I've got all this stuff, and everyone's like,
00:58:47who is this dude?
00:58:49Surely it can't all be true.
00:58:51Mr. Tate, nice to meet you.
00:58:53Nice to meet you, man. How are you doing?
00:58:55Yeah, good. Here for the filming.
00:58:57In 2016, before Iggy met Tate,
00:58:59long before the war room
00:59:01and with his kickboxing career coming to an end,
00:59:03Tate was building his webcam business
00:59:05in the UK.
00:59:07To try to remain in the public eye,
00:59:09he was cultivating an image as a pimp online.
00:59:11I want a big banner saying,
00:59:13any women who
00:59:15think Hannah's amazing,
00:59:17want a free life,
00:59:19and just come along for the ride,
00:59:21inboxing now, but they've got to be hot.
00:59:23Make it something just like,
00:59:25fit bitches apply here, put an email address,
00:59:27edit it up.
00:59:29Don't just make this...
00:59:31Fit bitches apply here.
00:59:33Yeah, but in a more, you know, likeable way.
00:59:35Beautiful young ladies
00:59:37apply here or something.
00:59:39And we need like a montage of like,
00:59:41Aston, you do like some slow shots on the outside
00:59:43and fucking let everyone know
00:59:45how much it costs, and I have to look cool,
00:59:47and put some gangster music over it or some shit.
00:59:49It's not just going to be, just,
00:59:51it's got to be something good.
00:59:53Even back then, he was thinking about
00:59:55how to achieve his dream of viral fame.
00:59:59This led him to appear on the reality show
01:00:01Big Brother.
01:00:03I don't care if nobody down there likes me.
01:00:05Everyone's already pre-decided they don't like me, and that's fine.
01:00:07So I know I'm the most intelligent person in this house,
01:00:09I know I'm the most capable person in this house.
01:00:13Tate was kicked out after six days
01:00:15when the production company was made aware
01:00:17of an investigation into him
01:00:19for the alleged rape of two women
01:00:21and physical abuse of another.
01:00:23Four years later, the Crown Prosecution Service
01:00:25chose not to charge him
01:00:27because they felt the conviction was unlikely.
01:00:29Due to events in the outside world,
01:00:33has had to leave the Big Brother house.
01:00:37Tate's decision to go on one of the
01:00:39biggest reality TV shows in the country
01:00:41while under police investigation
01:00:43was an early indication that he would let nothing
01:00:45stand in the way of his insatiable desire
01:00:47for fame, and that he not only
01:00:49felt impervious to allegations of rape,
01:00:51but could in fact incorporate
01:00:53misogyny into his brand.
01:00:55All of which made him the ideal
01:00:57front man for Iggy's cult
01:00:59of financially and sexually abusing women.
01:01:01Today, the three women involved
01:01:03in the allegations that led to Tate
01:01:05being ejected from Big Brother
01:01:07are now meeting with the UK authorities
01:01:09in an attempt to reopen the police's
01:01:11case against him.
01:01:13I think all the girls here
01:01:15in the UK deserve justice
01:01:17and it needs to send out a message
01:01:19that you can't get away with this.
01:01:21Whereas right now,
01:01:23I think it's time for us to
01:01:25get to the bottom of this
01:01:27and get to the bottom of this
01:01:29and get away with this
01:01:31Whereas right now, I believe
01:01:33it sends into the opposite, that you can't get away
01:01:35with doing anything you want to a woman
01:01:37and there's no repercussions
01:01:39His fans can say what they want
01:01:41they've never met him, they don't know the truth
01:01:43they've never been pint glazed pals with that man
01:01:45they don't know what kind of monster he is
01:01:47our girls do
01:01:49and we're still- I'm gonna stay hundreds of women
01:01:51have experienced awful things
01:01:53from the hands of that man
01:01:55hopefully they'll be justices
01:01:57These women were the first alleged victims of Tate,
01:02:00whose method of coercive control was then packaged and sold around the world.
01:02:05If you've bought this course, which you obviously have, congratulations,
01:02:08you're going to change your life for the better.
01:02:09I know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm fucking certified.
01:02:18I want to get to an update on a story that we have been following closely here,
01:02:22as social media personality Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania with rape,
01:02:28human trafficking, and forming a criminal gang to exploit women.
01:02:34It's now up to the Romanian courts to decide if and when this trial will take place.
01:02:41On the 21st of June, Tate was formally charged with human trafficking and rape.
01:02:46But we still have questions about the war room,
01:02:48and having to attend court means Tate won't be able to hide behind his gates.
01:02:52Do you have chocolates?
01:02:54Is the war room an international grooming cult, Andrew?
01:02:57Because I've spoken to three women now who say that it is.
01:03:01I've spoken to three women.
01:03:03Do you have chocolates?
01:03:04I've spoken to three women who say that they've been trained by senior members of the war room
01:03:09to groom them and abuse them.
01:03:11Do they have chocolates? Do they get 50 grand?
01:03:13So is the war room an international grooming cult of some kind?
01:03:16I don't think you can afford anything.
01:03:17Tate has managed to appeal to millions of young men by exploiting their insecurities.
01:03:25Once in his orbit, these same young men are encouraged to buy more and more courses,
01:03:30where their final destination is a cult that teaches men how to turn women into slaves.
01:03:36What we've discovered is Iggy took Tate's misogynistic persona
01:03:40and used it to create a global network with scores of potential victims.
01:03:45Tate's fame is being used to sell a method of abuse to men around the world.
01:03:49But with his fans now numbering in the tens of millions,
01:03:52how many of them will this message appeal to?
01:04:41If you've been affected by sexual abuse or violence,
01:04:44details of help and support are available online at the BBC Action Line,
01:04:48or you can call for free at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 077 077.
