Drive Angry Movies Full HD 2011

  • 2 weeks ago
John Milton is up against the clock: Jonah King, the leader of a Satanic cult, has murdered Milton's daughter and kidnapped her baby. In three days, King and his followers will sacrifice the child at midnight. Milton picks up the trail in Oklahoma as well as rescuing a waitress named Piper from her brutal, two-timing fiancé. There are odd things about Milton: his driver's license is out of date, he has a very strange gun, and he's being pursued by a man in a suit who carries FBI ID and calls himself the Accountant. Piper, who's lived a life on the sidelines, has to piece things together on the fly as they close in on King. —
00:00:30Since the birth of time, humanity has endeavored to restrain evil men in prisons, but since
00:00:42Cain fled the murder of his brother, evil men have fled the walls of punishment. So
00:00:48it doesn't matter if you're a badass motherfucker on the run because you think you're better
00:00:52than everyone else and somehow entitled to do what you gotta do. No. Because you see
00:00:59badass motherfuckers are never fast enough. In the end, they will all be accounted for.
00:01:08Son of a bitch! He came out of nowhere. Did she say he was dead? Do you see him? I think
00:01:33we're lost. I think we're lost. I swear she said he was dead. Keep watching, keep watching.
00:01:40I'm driving a goddamn car. I don't see him. He knows. He knows what we did to her. He
00:01:51knows he's gonna make us pay. Shit, shit, shit. I think we're lost.
00:02:51I ain't never telling you where they've taken her. Never. I know.
00:03:08You took my leg, you fuck! I'm sorry, man. Where is she? I don't know, man. Where's the
00:03:23baby girl? I don't know, man. Get out of here. I don't know. Stillwater! Hey, hey!
00:03:34Dickens Tree, man. Stillwater Marsh, Texas, I think. You're too late. You gotta know that,
00:03:42right? First full moon, she's dead, man. She's dead and hell's gonna walk the motherfucking
00:03:49earth. Hell already is walking the earth. You tell him I'm coming. Tell him I'm coming
00:04:00to get her back.
00:04:31So, tell him. I says, Frank, that's it. No more free milk. You're gonna have to buy the
00:04:48cow, you son of a bitch. But you are not that type. What? No, Norma Jean. Buy the cow. Marry
00:04:56me. I'm saying he's gotta marry me. I cut him off. You cut him off? Not just yes, but
00:05:03hell yes. No tits. No ass. And I told him, if I see that big old dick anywhere near my
00:05:10face again, I'm gonna bite it in half. You said that? Yeah. Sure did. Oh, my God. How
00:05:17long has it been? Two days. But that's like a decade in horny fucker years. So he bought
00:05:22you a diamond? Oh, God, no. If Frank had money for a diamond, I would have jacked his
00:05:26sorry ass ages ago and put this shithole in rear view. But he did get down on one knee
00:05:31and asked me to be his bride. No way. Yes way. Oh, fuck. Come on. Come on. You think
00:05:39I pay you bitches to stand around and yap? Get the fuck back to work. Sit on it, baby.
00:05:48Hi, guys. I'm Piper. Can I get you something to drink? No. We'll take this. She's a brick
00:05:57house breakfast. Ten monster flatbreads for $4.99. And three waters. All right. And what
00:06:01can I get for you? That's it. Just the pancakes. That's okay. Okay. Come right up. Lou, one
00:06:09brick house. Hello, beautiful. Coffee? Black with sugar. Have you ever heard of a Stillwater
00:06:19Marsh or a Deacon's Tree in Texas, maybe? Stillwater Marsh. Yeah, I've heard of it.
00:06:27But it ain't in Texas. Stillwater is in Louisiana. Small town. Honey, Stillwater is a prison.
00:06:35My daddy did some time there before it closed. I'll get you that coffee. Here's some muffins
00:06:44and more milk. We didn't even sell the house. So, you gonna ask me what time my shift ends?
00:06:55It's a full moon tonight. I always feel a little randy with a full moon. Full moon's
00:07:02two days off. You sure about that, sweetie? Pretty sure. Now, that's a hell of a ride
00:07:15out there. Is that yours? The Charger? I wish. Is it hers? All right. Here are them waters.
00:07:23I'll be right back with the flapjacks. Sure. But if you're looking for a ride...
00:07:41I told you I wanted sugar.
00:07:45I'm house. I'm the fucking house. Relax. You're gonna throw them muffins out anyway.
00:07:53They're not gonna pay for them. Somebody's gonna have to pay the price. I told you, you
00:08:01fat fuck, son of a bitch. Never touch me like that again. Let go of my balls. Shut up.
00:08:09Muffins are on me. I quit. Put some honey butter on them muffins. They'll taste an awful
00:08:18lot better that way.
00:08:38Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the
00:09:06pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Aww, motherfucker.
00:09:36That's not so bad. I can fix that if you'd like.
00:09:46I would. Thank you.
00:09:52If you give me a lift.
00:09:56I'm only going as far as Blackfoot Falls.
00:10:00Truck stop there.
00:10:02I'd be much obliged.
00:10:10Thank you.
00:10:14Just so you know, I don't pick up hitchhikers.
00:10:18I didn't have my thumb out.
00:10:48Need some help there?
00:11:14What the fuck? Come here.
00:11:20What'd you call me? What did you just call me?
00:11:23I called you fat fuck, and we had better leave it at that.
00:11:26Unless you prefer I call you dead fat fuck.
00:11:32I'm looking for someone. Maybe 40 or so.
00:11:35Probably looked out of place.
00:11:46He was here earlier.
00:11:49Traveling light.
00:11:51Likely on foot.
00:11:53Who are you?
00:11:55I'm the accountant.
00:11:56Supposed to mean something to me?
00:11:59It will if I add you to the books.
00:12:01And if you don't tell me what I want to know.
00:12:10I had something to say.
00:12:12He was here.
00:12:17Where did he go?
00:12:19That way.
00:12:21On foot?
00:12:51I appreciate the ride.
00:12:55You all right?
00:12:59I mean, I quit my job.
00:13:05It's different because my man's out of work.
00:13:09We just got engaged.
00:13:11Is he a good man?
00:13:19Yeah, he is.
00:13:21I mean, I guess you can just tell these things.
00:13:55No, no, no, no.
00:13:57I'm fucking you all right.
00:13:59Oh, yeah.
00:14:01What the hell are you doing?
00:14:03I can explain.
00:14:05She was just telling me something.
00:14:07Get out!
00:14:10Fuck you, Piper.
00:14:11We're in.
00:14:14Wait, can we stay?
00:14:17I said, we're in.
00:14:44You made me cheat on you.
00:14:59This is your fault.
00:15:01Dude, you...
00:15:02Piper, stop!
00:15:04You've got nowhere else to go, and you know it.
00:15:07Oh, baby, you don't think I can find a guy better than you in Florida?
00:15:10Florida, hell no.
00:15:11Texas, maybe.
00:15:13I'll see about that.
00:15:14No, no, no, no, no.
00:15:15You're not taking my car.
00:15:17You're not taking my car, bitch!
00:15:21Your car?
00:15:22Who's been making the payments?
00:15:23You out of work, stinky, motherfucking piece of shit!
00:15:34Look what you made me do.
00:15:36Get your smiles.
00:15:38Get out.
00:15:51Freaking sweet.
00:15:54I'm gonna tell everybody what I caught you doing with my pink dildo.
00:16:02You don't want to be with me?
00:16:05When I'm gone, nobody's gonna want to be with you.
00:16:09Go to hell.
00:16:36I am one with the dogs.
00:17:04I am one with the dogs.
00:17:07It's through me.
00:17:09Not you, me.
00:17:11Not you.
00:17:12Not me.
00:17:14Not the sand.
00:17:24Oh, she's so beautiful.
00:17:28We will walk through the valley of the shadows.
00:17:33Please, don't take my baby.
00:17:35But only through sacrifice.
00:17:40Give her the baby.
00:17:41Oh, no!
00:18:23You want me to roll up the window?
00:18:42You can use my jacket if you're cold.
00:18:45Thank you.
00:18:49You didn't kill him, did you?
00:18:53Your fiance?
00:18:55Thanks for that.
00:18:57Are you hungry?
00:19:00I could use a drink.
00:19:09You mentioned Florida.
00:19:12My business is in Louisiana.
00:19:15Can you get me that far?
00:19:17What business?
00:19:19I'm looking for someone.
00:19:21I'm Milton.
00:19:23You're Piper, right?
00:19:26Well, Milton, if you try and kill me and dump me in the woods,
00:19:31I'm gonna cut your nuts off.
00:19:33Yes, ma'am.
00:19:37All right, then.
00:20:01Greetings, folks.
00:20:02To the bull by the balls.
00:20:08Thought you were dead.
00:20:09You hoped I was dead.
00:20:11Not the same.
00:20:13Planning on staying?
00:20:15You got a problem with that?
00:20:16Your money's good as any aspect,
00:20:19but be gone by dawn.
00:20:21What was that all about?
00:20:34In another life, I used to drive a truck to these bars.
00:20:38I'd enjoy a visit with his sister.
00:20:42Maybe he took offense.
00:20:46What's wrong?
00:20:49You sure?
00:20:51I have candy.
00:20:53I thought you offered some drinks.
00:20:56I need to see some IDs, too.
00:20:58What the hell is this?
00:20:59Guess it's been a while since you did that visiting.
00:21:01You want a drink?
00:21:03I gotta be a member.
00:21:04Dry county.
00:21:07Oh, shit.
00:21:09That was in my pocket.
00:21:10Don't look at me like I'm some sort of thief.
00:21:12I lifted it for protection.
00:21:14If you stole my ride, I was gonna have to hunt you down.
00:21:18Oh, my God.
00:21:20Did she say something funny?
00:21:21Yeah, this licensee isn't just expired.
00:21:23It's antique.
00:21:24All right, then bring me a black coffee.
00:21:28With sugar.
00:21:29Oh, now, now, now.
00:21:30For you, handsome.
00:21:32I don't know.
00:21:33I think maybe I can bend the rules a bit.
00:21:36Don't tell nobody.
00:21:42You gonna tap that or what?
00:21:45Jeez, Melvin, how long has it been?
00:21:48I've had a lot on my mind.
00:21:52Suit yourself, then.
00:21:54No one ever reaches the end and says,
00:21:55I wish I hadn't fucked so much.
00:21:57Where you going?
00:21:58I'm going to take a shower, lie in a warm bed.
00:22:04Do my nails.
00:22:05What about your beer?
00:22:06You drink it.
00:22:07I'll see you at dawn.
00:22:14Hey, that'd be fun.
00:22:20Got you a great friend.
00:22:22That's a nice place you got.
00:22:24You ever had that awful party, see?
00:22:26Oh, we sure do.
00:22:27You planning a party?
00:22:30I'm planning on having one of them tonight.
00:22:38Mom, mom, look, it's over.
00:22:40Piper's gone.
00:22:41I just want my car back.
00:22:43I gotta go.
00:22:44Cops are here.
00:22:45I love you, too.
00:22:48About fucking time I called you guys.
00:22:51There was a traveler.
00:22:53Six one.
00:22:55Ah, yes.
00:22:57A traveler.
00:22:59Angry with attitude.
00:23:01Some bitch kicked me in the...
00:23:03Who are you?
00:23:04I'm the accountant.
00:23:05I called a cop.
00:23:07Some bitch.
00:23:09Where did he go?
00:23:10The fuck should I know?
00:23:11I woke up and all three were gone.
00:23:12All three?
00:23:13The bitch, the some bitch, and my car.
00:23:16What kind of car?
00:23:17Look, Yuko-boss, you ain't no cop.
00:23:21Me ain't no talker.
00:23:27Two some bitches in one day?
00:23:29You leave me no choice.
00:23:31I'd take the stick from Kentucky.
00:23:36Beat your ass with it.
00:23:47What kind of car, Frank?
00:23:49Your car.
00:23:50What kind is it?
00:23:51Why does everyone keep hurting me?
00:23:59Sixty-nine charger, you fuck.
00:24:02440 or the Hemi.
00:24:07Wait, wait, wait.
00:24:09Give me a...
00:24:10Get me off the wall.
00:24:14Where are you going?
00:24:16Get me off the wall.
00:24:17Hey, fucktard.
00:24:19That's mine.
00:24:21Shithead, that's mine.
00:24:29You called about a stolen car?
00:24:30Frank Ramey?
00:24:33In there.
00:24:36I'm looking for someone.
00:24:376-1, not from around here.
00:24:39He's driving a 69 charger.
00:24:41He's traveling with her.
00:24:54Excuse me?
00:24:55Keep your hands where I can see them.
00:24:57Show me your hands, asshole.
00:25:02This is your lucky day.
00:25:04What's the matter with you?
00:25:19You're a fed?
00:25:22In pursuit of a traveler.
00:25:24John, John Milton.
00:25:26He's with the girl in this photo.
00:25:29But the guy in the room, he's...
00:25:30Dead, yes.
00:25:31I'd say it's unfortunate, but I'd be lying.
00:25:34Only his mother will miss him.
00:25:35Look, troopers, I need your help with my pursuit of this fugitive.
00:25:39If we three could apprehend him...
00:25:44You are ambitious.
00:25:45I guess, yes, we are.
00:25:48I can tell that you are.
00:25:50Success will mean promotion, pay raise.
00:25:52I guarantee it.
00:25:53Now, we are going to hunt this Milton.
00:25:55We are going to find the charger that he's driving.
00:25:58And when we find him, you will shoot to kill.
00:26:01Shoot to kill.
00:26:04That's against protocol.
00:26:10This man is highly dangerous.
00:26:12He has killed, he will kill again.
00:26:14He must be taken down on sight.
00:26:16The time it takes you to follow your protocols,
00:26:18that's the time it takes him to end your life.
00:26:26Shall we?
00:26:33Um, are we going to do it?
00:26:37Depends on how well you do those nails.
00:26:40See, you got to be careful.
00:26:41You're going to have to redo that one.
00:26:49Oh, sorry.
00:26:52Shut the fuck up in there.
00:26:54Come on.
00:26:56Shut the fuck up.
00:27:04Move it.
00:27:06Move that cock.
00:27:12God damn it.
00:27:14Sorry about that.
00:27:25Hang on.
00:27:48In other news tonight, new details are emerging
00:27:50in the case of a missing Colorado infant.
00:27:53Officers in cooperation with the Colorado State Police
00:27:56have issued an all-points bulletin
00:27:58for Jonah King's immediate detention
00:28:00in connection with the murders of a young married couple
00:28:03in Loveland, Colorado.
00:28:05Their infant girl is believed to have been abducted
00:28:07by this religious sect.
00:28:09A nationwide amber alert is now in full effect.
00:28:14Look at that handsome devil.
00:28:29Fools do not know how blessed they are
00:28:32to look upon the messiah of the next age.
00:28:39My girl is in 11.
00:28:53And Milton, he in number 12.
00:29:01This Milton is no friend to us.
00:29:04He would try to keep us from what we outrightfully hold.
00:29:07He is the blight, and we are the rain.
00:30:08Oh, yeah.
00:30:10Oh, baby.
00:30:12Why did you fucking make it?
00:30:14I never disrobe before a gunfight.
00:30:16Oh, yeah.
00:30:19Oh, yeah.
00:30:21Oh, baby.
00:30:23Why did you fucking make it?
00:30:25I never disrobe before a gunfight.
00:30:27Oh, yeah.
00:30:48Oh, yeah.
00:31:07Come on, man.
00:31:08Don't be shy.
00:31:16The baby's as good as dead.
00:31:19Oh, yeah.
00:31:20Oh, yeah.
00:31:23Oh, fuck.
00:31:25Oh, please.
00:31:26What the fuck is going on?
00:31:29Oh, shit.
00:31:30Oh, shit.
00:31:32What the fuck is going on?
00:31:33What the fuck?
00:31:34What the fuck is going on?
00:31:35What the fuck is going on?
00:32:06Give me candy, I'll never have to say sweet mixed with love again
00:32:36Oh, hell. Would you calm down?
00:33:01You definitely took the bait.
00:33:08You know these people?
00:33:09We should hurry. There are probably more.
00:33:25Troopers, remember why we're here.
00:33:46Milton, you owe me some answers.
00:33:53It's him.
00:34:19Milton, fuck!
00:34:20Promotion in the payways. Promotion in the payways. Get dead.
00:34:36Drop it!
00:34:40Die, motherfucker!
00:34:42Fuck you!
00:35:03Milton, what are you doing?
00:35:04I'm going after him.
00:35:05All right, you want to join me?
00:35:34The bleeding's almost stopped.
00:35:44It's just a graze.
00:35:45Milton, those cops shot at us with no warning.
00:35:48They weren't trying to arrest us, they were trying to kill us.
00:35:52They were trying to kill you.
00:35:56What are you, a murderer? You escape from prison or something?
00:36:00Go on, what is it?
00:36:03Jesus, what have I done?
00:36:05What have you fucking got me into? Milton, I shot a cop.
00:36:08I'm going to go to jail, do you understand that?
00:36:13Give me one good reason I shouldn't shoot you in the face.
00:36:16I'm driving.
00:36:18You know what I mean.
00:36:27They took her baby.
00:36:30They took her little girl.
00:36:33The little girl on the news? The little baby everyone's looking for?
00:36:38They killed my daughter and took her baby.
00:36:48That baby girl's all I got.
00:36:51She's the last connection to my daughter.
00:36:56I'm going to get her back.
00:37:02Shotgun, it's already loaded.
00:37:15Roll down.
00:37:29Get the other gun ready.
00:37:33No, no, no, no, the old one, the big one in the case, have it ready.
00:37:49It's open.
00:37:51It's open, Milton, stop the car.
00:37:53I can't do that.
00:37:55What makes you think you have a choice?
00:37:57Because you're obnoxious, first, and because I have something I've got to do.
00:38:00Then you should have done it a long time ago.
00:38:03I didn't have to do it a long time ago, did I?
00:38:05Oh, Milton, I will kill that pretty little woman in the back seat to get to you.
00:38:09You think you're Loki?
00:38:11You think you're Baron Samedi?
00:38:13I won't allow that.
00:38:15You think you're Baron Samedi?
00:38:17I won't allow that.
00:38:19Again, what makes you think you have a choice?
00:38:24This does.
00:38:46Oh, man.
00:39:10Piper, wait!
00:39:16Come on.
00:39:30He ain't one of them to kill your daughter, was he?
00:39:32It was someone else.
00:39:34Anyone not trying to kill you?
00:39:39What kind of fucking gun is that?
00:39:42What kind do you use on guys like that?
00:39:45I need to reload.
00:39:47You drive.
00:40:03You can't be here!
00:40:05I'm sorry, it's just an old joke.
00:40:06You can't stomp around the crime scene.
00:40:08Captain, I'm sorry about that.
00:40:10You better get this guy out of here right now.
00:40:12Cap, he's green, that's all.
00:40:14Standing on evidence is what he's doing.
00:40:20Bag them and tag them.
00:40:22Yes, sir.
00:40:25Tag these.
00:40:26Why do we have two dead Colorado troopers
00:40:28within our great state of Oklahoma?
00:40:32And how did these gentlemen
00:40:35come to be on the wrong end of a disagreement?
00:40:39The guest in this room, John Milton, I take it,
00:40:41he is not among the departed?
00:40:43No, sir.
00:40:44Cap, we got a live one.
00:40:46Want roadblocks, Sarge.
00:40:47All over the state, you know the drill.
00:40:53Get me a blanket and get a medic in here, too.
00:40:57You're gonna be okay now.
00:40:59He was fucking.
00:41:04He killed that boy.
00:41:05He was fucking.
00:41:07Who did?
00:41:08I don't understand.
00:41:09It's never happened to me before.
00:41:11You know?
00:41:17Has it ever happened to you?
00:41:20Let's get a shrink in here, too.
00:41:32You think there's anybody in there?
00:41:36I guess.
00:41:38The doors are still closed.
00:41:48She's a carpenter,
00:41:50and despite what you've heard,
00:41:52prefers short hair.
00:41:57You almost fucking killed me, man.
00:41:59I'm not even close.
00:42:01I won't see you again until you're 73.
00:42:05You, I'll see in three months.
00:42:10What does that mean?
00:42:12My daughter got mixed up with King
00:42:14straight out of college.
00:42:16She knew him?
00:42:17She knew Jonah King?
00:42:18She knew him, yes.
00:42:20Yes, she did.
00:42:22Her world was in a tailspin,
00:42:24and King was preaching quiet revolution.
00:42:27It was four months before she realized
00:42:29quiet meant hiding in a basement,
00:42:32cutting the heads off of chickens.
00:42:34He was into voodoo?
00:42:36Not voodoo, satanic magic.
00:42:38He was recruiting for his own personal Armageddon.
00:42:41Understandably, my daughter wanted out.
00:42:43When she told him she was leaving,
00:42:45he broke her leg in three places with a tire iron.
00:42:50She learned her lesson,
00:42:52was a good little follower for 18 months.
00:42:54Then one night, she got Jonah alone
00:42:57and stabbed him in his face
00:42:59with a pentagram pendant
00:43:01and vanished into the darkness.
00:43:03He was in a cold for two years,
00:43:05and you didn't even know about it?
00:43:07I mean, why didn't you help him before?
00:43:09I didn't find out about any of this
00:43:13until after I got locked up.
00:43:16You're not gonna reload?
00:43:18Only three bullets to begin.
00:43:21Milton, that's his van.
00:43:24Pull over.
00:43:33Pull over.
00:43:43Stay here.
00:43:51Each gentle flower that opens
00:43:54Each little bird that sings
00:43:58All things bright and beautiful
00:44:01All creatures great and small
00:44:04All things wise and wonderful
00:44:07The Lord God made them all
00:44:11All things bright and beautiful
00:44:14All creatures great and small
00:44:22Oh, man, I wouldn't do that if I were...
00:44:27Let her go and give me the child,
00:44:30or I'll blow all your heads off.
00:44:34Drop it, or we will gut her.
00:44:38Your choice, sugar,
00:44:40but either way, we win.
00:44:42We don't play, boy.
00:44:44Come on.
00:44:58Milton, ain't it?
00:45:01Why you here?
00:45:03Why you making such a fuss?
00:45:05You know why I'm here.
00:45:15All I know about you is...
00:45:19you abandoned your daughter.
00:45:23Crushed her so completely,
00:45:25she told everyone you were dead.
00:45:28No, Milton.
00:45:33I cannot in good faith hand over this child to you.
00:45:36But sacrificing her under the full moon is okay.
00:45:40This child is unbelievably blessed.
00:45:44Look around you.
00:45:46The world is on fire.
00:45:48People are suffering.
00:45:50And will continue to suffer until change comes.
00:45:53Yeah, go ahead and laugh, boy.
00:45:55Change is gonna come.
00:45:58Thanks to your lineage,
00:46:00this child will open the door
00:46:03to a new world order.
00:46:06The charlatan murders my daughter
00:46:09and then feeds me his philosophy.
00:46:17Your daughter's death was an accident.
00:46:20I saw the whole thing.
00:46:22I saw who you are when no one's looking.
00:46:25And I saw what that night cost you.
00:46:29Milton, you're embarrassing yourself.
00:46:33You forced my daughter on her knees,
00:46:36and she made you pay for it.
00:46:39Isn't that right, leather jacket?
00:46:42You were there.
00:46:44Dickless made you swear not to tell anyone.
00:46:48Yo, John!
00:46:52Give me the child.
00:46:57Give me the child.
00:47:00I said, give me the child.
00:47:15Back off!
00:47:17Come on.
00:47:19Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:47:22My child, it'd be pretty easy for me
00:47:24to shoot you in the throat,
00:47:26watch you gurgle while I eat my morning grapefruit.
00:47:29But I don't think so, Papa.
00:47:31You, you interest me.
00:47:34I could take your life,
00:47:36or I could bestow my blessings upon you.
00:47:40Teach you, like I taught Milton's daughter.
00:47:44You remind me of her, you know.
00:47:46So much spirit.
00:47:48But I broke up.
00:47:51And I will so enjoy breaking you the same way.
00:47:57Let's go for a ride.
00:47:59Get off me!
00:48:01Let's go for a ride.
00:48:06Get off!
00:48:16I'll fucking kill you!
00:48:24Get off me!
00:48:27No, no!
00:48:29Get off me, motherfucker!
00:48:35This is gonna be fun!
00:48:38Icy bitch!
00:48:40Icy bitch!
00:48:44You see this here femur bone?
00:48:47That belong to your daughter.
00:48:49I keep it with me wherever I go.
00:48:54Fuck you! Fuck you!
00:48:58Fuck you!
00:49:00Fucking let me go!
00:49:06No! No!
00:49:20Next time.
00:49:22Next time, I'll shoot you in your fucking mouth.
00:49:33Shall we proceed?
00:49:48We'll bury them out back.
00:49:50Get the fucking shovels out of the truck.
00:49:52Yeah, well, you go get the fucking jaws.
00:49:55Oh, fuck!
00:49:57Go, go, go!
00:50:16How come he ain't dead?
00:50:18It don't matter. He's gonna be.
00:50:48Come on!
00:51:19Come on!
00:51:35Well, look at this.
00:51:37He's still coming.
00:51:39Who's still coming?
00:51:44Stay down.
00:51:45He's alive.
00:51:48He's alive.
00:51:57But you shot him in the face.
00:52:02Don't you see?
00:52:04We stand at a crossroads.
00:52:06Y'all didn't think we could just kick up our heels and change the world, did you?
00:52:18Come on.
00:52:28We got a fight coming. A glorious battle.
00:52:36He's coming around!
00:52:55Get back!
00:53:18Get back!
00:53:49Get back!
00:54:10I'm gonna kill you, you little bitch!
00:54:40I'll change my mind about you, Piper.
00:54:42You are too willful to be told.
00:54:49I am going to kill you, and then I'm going to defile your corpse.
00:54:56Between now and then, I'm gonna fuck you up.
00:55:05Come on, Piper.
00:55:29Knock her ass out!
00:56:02You're so willful.
00:56:57Goodbye, sweet Piper.
00:57:11He's coming right at us!
00:58:52He's still in there. The bullet.
00:58:55I can... I can feel it.
00:58:58How are you still alive?
00:59:02We don't have time for this. They're getting away.
00:59:18I thought you were dead.
00:59:20This license isn't just expired.
00:59:22She told everyone you were dead.
00:59:24How long were you in prison?
00:59:27Were you in prison at all?
00:59:34Jesus, Milton, has anything you told me been true?
00:59:39I used to know a guy who lived out this way.
00:59:41You have one of those portable phones?
00:59:45A cell phone? You mean a cell phone, Milton?
00:59:48Yeah, I got a cell phone. It's in my purse.
00:59:52You just gonna ignore me?
00:59:54I'm gonna try.
00:59:56We have to hide the car. I'll push. You steer.
01:00:00Forget about it. Who cares?
01:00:02You should. You killed two cops.
01:00:16You're hurting us in our cars.
01:00:21In our hearts.
01:00:23With your teeth.
01:00:25With lucky ticks.
01:00:27As the day breaks.
01:00:30The blind are near.
01:00:46Scorcher today, huh?
01:00:48Help me.
01:00:51Christ and a cracker. My apologies.
01:00:58What's that supposed to mean?
01:01:00It's a symbol of our pact with Lord Satan.
01:01:03Pact, huh?
01:01:05Funny, he's never mentioned you.
01:01:07Whoa, those are fucked.
01:01:09Here, have some water.
01:01:20I'm gonna die, ain't I?
01:01:24Milton's work, I take it.
01:01:28Son of a bitch shot me.
01:01:31Wait, how did you...
01:01:34Who are you?
01:01:36I'm the accountant.
01:01:39I'm curious, and I never get curious.
01:01:42I'm curious, and I never get curious.
01:01:45What do you people want with Milton?
01:01:47You're the who?
01:01:53Does it matter? Milton, why is he important to you?
01:01:56He isn't. He's the one chasing us.
01:02:00Because. Because of what we did.
01:02:02Because of who we took.
01:02:04Well, color me curious.
01:02:06What did you do? And who did you take?
01:02:12Let me know if I hurt you.
01:02:14Milton, I tried to get her back.
01:02:17I really did.
01:02:19I know.
01:02:21Fucking devil worshippers.
01:02:23They freak me the fuck out.
01:02:25Messing with powers they ought not to.
01:02:28Turns my shit white.
01:02:29No, no, that's real.
01:02:32Uh-uh, Milton.
01:02:33UFOs and Bigfoot, ghosts.
01:02:36That's bullshit.
01:02:37Devils and demons.
01:02:40Once you open those doors, you just can't close them.
01:02:44But you know that, don't you?
01:03:10You're dead.
01:03:12Yeah, we've been getting that a lot lately.
01:03:15No, toots.
01:03:18I carried his coffin.
01:03:21Webster, are you going to keep stroking that .357
01:03:25or are you going to yank it?
01:03:27That depends.
01:03:29I'm going to yank it.
01:03:32I'm going to yank it.
01:03:34I'm going to yank it.
01:03:36I'm going to yank it.
01:03:38That depends.
01:03:40How is this possible?
01:03:42You heard about my daughter?
01:03:44I did.
01:03:46Then you know why I'm back.
01:04:06I'm going to yank it.
01:04:37I don't...
01:04:39Can you explain this, please?
01:04:42He loved his daughter.
01:04:45A lot of daddies love their daughters.
01:04:48But it don't explain shattering reality.
01:04:53Well, that one loved his little girl
01:04:56enough to make her hate him.
01:04:58No, he was a...
01:05:01He was a bad, bad husband.
01:05:05But he was a good father.
01:05:08And then we went and got mixed up in the wrong crowd.
01:05:12And once you are in, there ain't no getting out.
01:05:16So to protect her, he vanished while she was still in high school.
01:05:21And I went with him.
01:05:23But you got out.
01:05:25Yeah, I did.
01:05:27Only because he paid a little visit to some fellas
01:05:30who wanted to kill us when the job was done.
01:05:35He went alone, you see.
01:05:37I would have gone.
01:05:40But I didn't know.
01:05:44I would have gone.
01:05:48I would have gone.
01:06:03That fire make you homesick?
01:06:09Gold beer?
01:06:12Fire isn't the worst part.
01:06:15It's the video feed.
01:06:19It's not about your suffering,
01:06:22your burning.
01:06:25It's about the suffering of those you love
01:06:28because that's all you see
01:06:33in full detail.
01:06:37And there's nothing you can do to shut it off.
01:06:42My daughter was 16 when I got shot.
01:06:47I watched her weep.
01:06:50I watched her curse me.
01:06:53I watched her join that...
01:06:59I watched the murders.
01:07:03My tree-hugging, sandal-wearing son-in-law first.
01:07:09And then...
01:07:13and then my daughter.
01:07:19Burning is nothing
01:07:23compared to watching your child's head
01:07:27being torn off.
01:07:34Thank you, Webster.
01:07:37Thank you, Webster.
01:07:39I don't believe I'll be having that beer just now.
01:07:44Not unless I'm drinking it from Jonah King's skull.
01:07:58I can't fix that car.
01:08:02But I can get you where you need to be.
01:08:07Thank you.
01:08:26Memory serves.
01:08:28You're always partial to the Chevelle, yes?
01:09:00What's your emergency?
01:09:01About that fella who killed all them people
01:09:03at the Bull by the Balls last night.
01:09:07I know where you can find him.
01:09:10It's the water marsh penitentiary we shut down ages ago.
01:09:14You want to guess what deacon's tree was?
01:09:17Hanging tree.
01:09:19Last hanging was in 38.
01:09:21He left the tree to taunt the inmates.
01:09:24Google Maps says it's an eight-hour drive.
01:09:26We should be...
01:09:29I need you to stay here.
01:09:30What? No.
01:09:33You went alone last time.
01:09:34I'm not going alone.
01:09:36Are you gonna take that little girl over me?
01:09:40Give me the shells.
01:09:43You're a goddamn walking contradiction, you know that?
01:09:47How many times you walk towards a straight and narrow
01:09:49only to get covered up in someone else's blood?
01:09:53Whose blood you gonna end up covered in this time?
01:09:55This time it's different.
01:09:57Is it?
01:10:05Come on.
01:10:18He's not coming?
01:10:20Viper, I need you, but I won't lie to you.
01:10:26This is going to be rough.
01:10:28Are you sure about this?
01:10:30My whole life has been nothing but waiting.
01:10:33Waiting on tables, waiting on fools,
01:10:35waiting for it just to mean something.
01:10:38And now it means something.
01:10:40I'm with you until the end.
01:11:04What do we do?
01:11:06Nothing yet.
01:11:24Just keep driving them to us. We'll do the rest.
01:11:27Make sure you peel off for the fireworks.
01:11:31Troopers, fall in!
01:11:37Gentlemen, these two have killed two of our own.
01:11:41I know you want to make the pay.
01:11:44Therefore, when I tell you to aim for their tars,
01:11:48what I mean is aim for their heads.
01:11:52Are we clear?
01:11:54Yes, sir!
01:11:57Are we clear?
01:11:59Yes, sir!
01:12:01Very well, then.
01:12:03Please, aim for their tars.
01:12:18They'll be even more ahead.
01:12:21Just keep driving.
01:12:24I'm sorry.
01:12:40Here we go.
01:12:44End of the line, folks.
01:12:46Step out of the vehicle with your hands raised.
01:12:49May as well give the boys a clear shot at their tars.
01:13:16What the hell is that?
01:13:20Well, this is unexpected.
01:13:24Everybody clear the road!
01:13:49Sit down.
01:14:20Give me that thing!
01:14:34You want us to shoot at his tars, Cap?
01:14:42No goddamn way!
01:14:46No goddamn way!
01:14:48No ever-loving way in God's good heaven are you an FBI agent!
01:14:54I need you boys to stand down.
01:14:56Captain, you know what this badge means, right?
01:14:58Federal Bureau of Get the Fuck Out of My Way.
01:15:01You boys have blundered into an ongoing federal case.
01:15:05Now, lower your weapon.
01:15:16Hey, hey, hey! Captain!
01:15:21Seems you're serving two masters.
01:15:24Take out your phone and call him.
01:15:26Call Jonah King.
01:15:28Tell him Milton is dead.
01:15:32Do as he says, trooper.
01:15:34You heard the agent.
01:15:36The rest of you, stand down.
01:15:40Everybody stand down right now, goddamn it!
01:15:48Wait, why are they following us?
01:15:50Because you're a straight-up certifiable cop-killing murderer,
01:15:53and they're scared of you.
01:16:00So what now?
01:16:02Now we drive.
01:16:10Ride with the devil
01:16:12Hide with the law
01:16:15I got no pistol
01:16:17Ain't got no sword
01:16:19I got no army
01:16:21Ain't got no land
01:16:24Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand
01:16:28Stone in my hand
01:16:39Stone in my hand
01:17:03Wait for me here.
01:17:09Wait for me here.
01:17:39Go, go, go!
01:18:15Get away from her.
01:18:17I think not.
01:18:18I shoot you with this.
01:18:20You know what it means.
01:18:22No heaven, no hell.
01:18:25You cease to exist.
01:18:27Do it, Milton. Shoot him.
01:18:28All the more reason to keep Miss Piper in close proximity.
01:18:32You are weary, Milton. You might miss again.
01:18:34Who the hell do you think you are?
01:18:39You can't stop me.
01:18:41Stop you?
01:18:43Milton, you wouldn't be here without me, you ungrateful shit.
01:18:46That little roadblock back there?
01:18:48That would have stopped you.
01:18:49So I want you to holster that Iron God killer
01:18:51and say thank you.
01:18:58I said holster
01:19:03thank you.
01:19:08Don't hurt her.
01:19:11Thank you.
01:19:14Now unbuckle the belt.
01:19:19Right here, please.
01:19:24Ah, that's better.
01:19:26You're not the first to get out, and I doubt you'll be the last,
01:19:29but I have got to know
01:19:34did you get out with the God killer?
01:19:37I just walked in and took it.
01:19:41Wouldn't want to be you when he finds out.
01:19:44What's he gonna do?
01:19:46Not let me back in?
01:19:48Why are you helping me?
01:19:50It's because those crazy fucks,
01:19:52they figured out how to bring hell to Earth.
01:19:54Milton, it's real.
01:19:56Jonah's gonna do it.
01:20:13That's cute.
01:20:15You haven't told her?
01:20:16Told her what?
01:20:17Young Ms. Piper
01:20:19let you in on a little secret.
01:20:21The Dark Lord?
01:20:26Simply the warden of a very large prison.
01:20:28Quiet man, actually.
01:20:30Oh, and he's well-read.
01:20:38I happen to know
01:20:40the idea of sacrificing children in his honor
01:20:42annoys him greatly.
01:20:48Why are you really helping me?
01:20:50We all have a job to do.
01:20:52Getting you here makes my job easier.
01:20:54You get what you want, I get what I want.
01:20:56Then help me now.
01:20:58You stay down there, you and I can...
01:21:03It's almost time!
01:21:10You want to save her, Milton,
01:21:12then you go and you do it.
01:21:18If you win, I win.
01:21:20If they take you down, I win.
01:21:29I hope you like butter on your popcorn.
01:21:31It's sure to be a grand show.
01:21:33You're still here, Milton.
01:21:35The clock's ticking.
01:21:36Midnight approaches, and the moon is full.
01:21:38Give me the keys.
01:21:41I'll be right here.
01:21:45My children,
01:21:47we have come so far
01:21:49to this place
01:21:51where the dying earth
01:21:52bleeds its corrupt soul at our feet.
01:21:55From its death,
01:21:57we shall all be reborn.
01:22:02We, we have been cast out
01:22:05and hunted,
01:22:07but no more!
01:22:09No more.
01:22:18With this sacrifice,
01:22:20we shall no longer be shunned.
01:22:22They say the meek will inherit,
01:22:24and they lie.
01:22:26We are not meek.
01:22:27We are chosen.
01:22:29And soon,
01:22:30the hounds of perdition
01:22:31will howl at our command.
01:22:33For now,
01:22:34with a single thrust of this dagger,
01:22:36we shall all be set free!
01:22:46What the fuck?
01:22:56What the fuck?
01:23:24That's him!
01:23:28Get him!
01:23:34Here, take it.
01:23:36No matter what, that child dies tonight.
01:23:38I tell you to, you cut his throat.
01:23:46That's him.
01:23:48They're both with the militants.
01:23:50Oh, yeah?
01:23:51You think you can stop all this?
01:23:59We're gonna kill your friend and the baby,
01:24:02and we're gonna live forever.
01:24:06If forever to you is the next five seconds,
01:24:08then you would be right.
01:24:37You'll be ready now.
01:24:41If I kill you,
01:24:43you can't take him.
01:24:44Someone else will come.
01:24:46Someone else always comes.
01:24:49he didn't steal that to stop me.
01:24:52He stole it to slow me down.
01:24:54He's getting what he wanted.
01:24:55Go to him.
01:24:57Now, before it's too late.
01:25:11Hold on tight.
01:25:13It has quite the kick.
01:27:07Hey, dickless.
01:27:58Well, this has all gone to shit.
01:28:11Where are you going?
01:28:19Victory's still mine, friend.
01:28:26Bring that baby over here now.
01:28:32I want him to witness this.
01:28:41I said bring the fucking baby to me!
01:28:44Come here.
01:28:50I'm gonna beat you to death
01:28:52with all that's left of your daughter.
01:28:54The daughter who hated you.
01:28:59The daughter who...
01:29:13All right, then.
01:29:23I just want you to know
01:29:25that your daughter's death will pale
01:29:28to what is about to befall this child.
01:29:38I'm going to kill you.
01:29:42Ah, Milton.
01:29:45So many have tried.
01:29:49But I am armored
01:29:52with a power that you will never know.
01:29:56Nothing of this earth can kill me.
01:30:11Not of this earth.
01:30:25Not of this earth.
01:30:27Not of this earth.
01:30:59No, Milton.
01:31:01Where is she?
01:31:22I'm curious.
01:31:24Would you have let him do it?
01:31:32That's what I thought.
01:31:37See you soon.
01:31:44She's here.
01:31:55I'm finished now.
01:32:03Keep her safe.
01:32:07If anyone tries to hurt her, I'll kill them.
01:32:09I know it.
01:32:11That's why I chose you.
01:32:25Webster will look out for you both
01:32:29as long as he can.
01:32:31No, Milton.
01:32:39Milton, please don't go.
01:32:43Love her for me, Piper.
01:32:45Love her
01:32:47and make her yours.
01:32:50I know I don't have a right to ask
01:32:55for your promise.
01:32:57I promise.
01:32:59Milton, I promise.
01:33:01Thank you.
01:33:50Come on.
01:34:16How was that?
01:34:18I've seen better.
01:34:20Guess she doesn't know you can
01:34:22beat him, slow him, shoot him,
01:34:24even stop him.
01:34:26But you can't kill a dead man.
01:34:31Shall we?
01:34:37Even in hell,
01:34:39there is compassion.
01:34:46Come on.
01:34:59Just so you know,
01:35:01I don't plan on staying.
01:35:03Milton, you've got what you want.
01:35:05I did.
01:35:07But if he puts me back in that hole,
01:35:09I'll still get out.
01:35:14You think you're Wotan?
01:35:21Give me the keys.
01:35:34I'm still alive
01:35:36Must have been a miracle
01:35:40It's been a hell of a ride
01:35:42Destination still unknown
01:35:44It's a fact of life
01:35:46If you make one wrong move
01:35:48With a gun to your head
01:35:50You better walk the line
01:35:52Or you'll be left for dead
01:35:54I'm a runaway train
01:35:56On a broken track
01:35:58I'm a ticker on a bomb
01:36:00That you can't turn back this time
01:36:02That's right
01:36:04I got away with it all
01:36:06And I'm still alive
01:36:08Let the end of the world
01:36:10Come tumbling down
01:36:12I'll be the last man standing
01:36:14On the ground
01:36:16As long as hot blood
01:36:18Runs through my veins
01:36:20I'm still alive
01:36:40I'm still alive
01:37:10I'm still alive
01:37:40guitar solo
01:38:02drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:38:10drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:38:41drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:38:47drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:38:53drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:38:59Keep marching
01:39:01From the heaps of pain
01:39:03Finally we're done
01:39:05Sometimes they walk
01:39:07They walk in vengeance
01:39:09Into a strong land called freedom
01:39:12I will not hesitate
01:39:14To annihilate
01:39:16Those who terminate
01:39:18Can you hear me coming?
01:39:21Cause I'm an American myself
01:39:24You charlatans
01:39:26Try and play the game
01:39:28As I know
01:39:30Can you see
01:39:32The infernos in my eyes?
01:39:37Tonight you come to meet
01:39:39Your sworn enemy
01:39:49I'm haunted by
01:39:54The future
01:39:58Dreams of my love
01:40:02You can run, you can hide
01:40:07But I'm gonna try
01:40:12And play it loud
01:40:37drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:40:40drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:40:52piano plays softly
01:41:06piano plays softly
01:41:36piano plays softly
01:41:47drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:42:06drums, bass, & guitars play rock
01:42:13guitar plays softly
01:42:36guitar plays softly
01:43:06guitar plays softly
01:43:09guitar plays softly
01:43:30thunder rumbles
01:43:33guitar plays softly
01:43:40guitar plays softly
01:43:50guitar plays softly
01:43:53guitar plays softly
01:44:09piano plays softly
01:44:12piano plays softly