• 2 months ago
Amberlynn addresses the drama surrounding Mamalynn and we get a story out of it regarding a case of mistaken identity. We see a clip of Wasabi being brushed, I think? The next day starts with a quick thought during her morning routine then onto the Amazon haul consisting of a deck of cards and a new tripod. But first she shows us a diet planner/food journal she bought for Mamalynn and says she looks forward to using one herself for an upcoming diet journey/weight loss series. She mentioned something about going to a counciltation at a spa for a new weight loss product in a previous vlog, could that be the new series? An order for salmon is placed. ALR taste tests a new zero dr. pepper coconut at the recommendation of a friend. The next day we spend some time with Gamerlynn. She shows us her rituals she has before leaving the house, then goes out to eat, shopping and to bingo with Mamalynn. Once home for the evening we have a Target haul then ends the vlog by answering some viewer questions.
00:00Hello, hello! Welcome to a new vlog. I don't know why my pillows are literally just thrown everywhere
00:05on my couch. Just how it is for today, so do not mind that. We physically finally saw the record
00:12and none of it was adding up for us because at first we thought it was literally just
00:17a rumor. Eventually it became, okay, it must be a different person with her name because that does
00:24happen. It has happened before. People have similar names. Like, I told you guys about the story when
00:28I lived in Tucson, Arizona. I got a ride from a cop and then he looked up my name on his little
00:32thingy and he was like, you know you have a warrant out for your arrest or something like that. I'm
00:36like, no. But then he found out my birthday and realized that is not the right Amber Reed. So
00:43it's just people share similar names. It happens.
00:46Look! This is a daily thing. He loves being brushed. Yeah. And since it's starting to get
01:01hotter, I make sure to brush him every single day because he is shedding. Like, is that how
01:08she brushes him? She just holds out the brush and lets him rub his face all over it. And then we
01:14cuddle. And then we cuddle for a long, long time. We cuddle for a long, long time. He'll fall asleep
01:24like this. Hello. Good morning. I am mid-makeup. I only have foundation and I did my eyebrows just a
01:32little bit. But I just wanted to say hello. This is my way of coming out of my comfort zone right
01:36now. I used to come on here all the time without makeup on and looking just, you know, however I
01:41wanted to look. Rise and shine right out of bed. But I just, I don't know. I haven't been doing that
01:47lately. I want to say like 96, 97% of the time I am, you know, my hair is done. I have my makeup done.
01:55But even in the beginning of this vlog, I noticed I wasn't even looking fully the greatest. But I am
02:00who I am. So hi. Welcome to a new day. It is the next day from yesterday. I'm going to finish my
02:05makeup. I'm going to get dressed. I'm going to let my hair dry a little bit more. And then I have
02:09packages in the package room from Amazon. So it is time for Amazon haul. But I did get this in the
02:14mail the other day and it is from Amazon. I just didn't show it. It's a food journal, which I
02:19originally got it from my mom. I got her a purple one because she's counting calories and she doesn't
02:23really use like the apps to count calories or anything like that. So she wanted specifically
02:28a food journal to do that. But without her knowing, I surprised her and I got her one. I got her this
02:33exact one in purple. And when I got it, I like opened it and I was like, oh, okay, girl, I kind of like this.
02:39So I actually got one for myself. You can count your calories, your fat. There's an energy meter,
02:46activity meter, place to put your weight every day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, cardio that
02:52you did. I weighed myself. I've gained a couple pounds, definitely from like emotional eating.
03:01It has happened. I've just been going through like a little rough patch, but we're getting through it.
03:06And I think I'm thinking about doing another like weight loss series. So I don't really know.
03:14It's something I'm definitely thinking about doing. And if I do do it, it will be happening soon.
03:18And it'll probably involve this little fella here. I haven't used it yet, but my mom has used hers
03:24and she loves it. So definitely recommend. So the haul for today, I have this package and then I have
03:30a box. So I just wanted a deck of playing cards because I don't have any. So I got these ones,
03:37which are actually super cute. I do like to play like solitaire. There's also this game called
03:45clock. I don't know. It is like a one person player game where I learned it when I was in an
03:50all girls group home. I loved it so much. I was actually taught by one of the staff members
03:54because I couldn't fall asleep at night and you weren't allowed to like do anything about that.
04:01Like it's more so like too bad. Like lights are out. Close your eyes. But the staff member kind of
04:08went outside of the rules, if you will. And she was like, I understand not being able to sleep
04:13at night. So this is what I do. And then she gave me a deck of cards the next night and I played
04:20maybe like two rounds of clock and it kind of just like calmed me a little bit and I was able
04:26to fall asleep. I don't know. It's just like a cute little thing. But when I'm watching like
04:29shows, like right now I'm really into like American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, Mama June, Jersey Shore,
04:37The Conners. But when I'm watching like TV shows like that or when I'm watching YouTube,
04:41I always have to be doing something with my hand, whether it's a Lego or I'm journaling. I do have
04:45other like little fidget thingies that I do, but something that I also like doing is playing cards.
04:50So I was like, you know what, I'm going to get some. Oh my God, these are adorable. So the hearts
04:55look like this. The clubs look like this. Here are the spades here. And then the diamonds. But
05:01what I really love is like the back of them. I think they're adorable. So the next thing I got.
05:08So I have a tiny tripod for you guys that I've been using for years, but it's just like this
05:13tall. I used to have a taller one, but it wasn't as sturdy. So I did a little bit more research
05:19and I found a more sturdy one. So, all right. It is a selfie stick tripod all in one. Won't be
05:28using it for that, but I want to be able to like make it taller because usually I'm over here
05:34stacking books and stacking this and that just to be able to get like a good prop, especially when
05:40I'm over there in the kitchen because yeah. So anyways, so this says slide down to take out the
05:47remote. I don't really know. Wow. This definitely feels very sturdy and it does come with a remote,
05:55which is so cool. It's like this cute little remote. Wow.
06:02So far, so good. So y'all are going to go in this part here. I'm trying to figure out. There
06:08is instructions, but this is like the feet of it. So I'm trying to figure that part out.
06:14This is actually pretty tall. Wow. All right. So the instructions. First thing is be careful
06:21not to pinch your hands when opening or closing the tripod. I'll do my best. Pull open the tripod
06:27legs out of the bottom pivot point and press down on the tripod to be the desired angle.
06:32I still don't get it, but oh.
06:38Dirt ditter. Is there like a block? Oh boy. Because that's not sturdy. Back to the good old
06:48instructions. I love how this can be any length like that is everything. Okay. You guys are up on
06:55the tripod. Um, that was more difficult than I thought it was going to be because the actual
07:00tripod got stuck. It was like a whole thing. And then I couldn't figure out how to make it longer
07:04and then shorter. I don't know, but okay. Now I have a mess to clean up and I have cards to play.
07:14Oh my God. I also am about to order some food. I'm craving some salmon and I don't currently have
07:20any. So I think I'm going to order some. Okay guys. So it's been hours and hours and I just
07:25got home. But while I was out, my friend was like, you have to try this new drink. It's Dr.
07:30Pepper coconut. I was like, okay. On my way home, we stopped at a little, um, place. It's called
07:36on cue. It's like a gas station type place. It reminds me of seven 11, but like better anyways.
07:42And they have it. And not only did they have it, but they also had it in zero.
07:48So zero calories. I'm also going to have me a little salami and cheese and dark chocolate
07:57covered cranberries. I like how Dr. Pepper always thinks of the ones data, like the diet drinks.
08:04So it's zero sugar, Dr. Pepper, a creamy coconut. So I figured we could do like a little taste test.
08:10I love Dr. Pepper. I love coconut and I love creamy. So I feel like it could be good.
08:16Whoa. Okay. It smells like Dr. Pepper and it smells like creamy coconut,
08:21but does it taste that way? Dr. Pepper has never let me down. So let's see. Whoa.
08:29That is a strong coconut flavor. Like it's overpowering the Dr. Pepper. I feel like
08:35usually drinks like this where it's like, Oh, you kind of taste it like the little
08:39hint of added flavor. And it doesn't even taste like what it says it is.
08:44This tastes like a creamy coconut drink with Dr. Pepper, not Dr. Pepper with creamy coconut.
08:49Wow. It's actually pretty tasty. Okay, you guys. So I'm about to get ready for bed
08:53because I am super tired. I am going to end this vlog. I hope that you guys enjoyed,
08:58and I will be back for more videos. Don't you worry. Bye. Hello. Welcome to new vlog.
09:04So my hair's not finished and I still haven't put on my jewelry. So I still have to do that,
09:10but I'm super excited because I got an SD card for the good old switch. God, it's so tiny.
09:20I was not expecting it to be so freaking small. Do you guys think small things are cute? Cause
09:25I do like something about little tiny things. It's just so adorable. Anyways, I needed this
09:30because I have been obsessed with Fortnite lately. I don't know what it is, but I'm obsessed. I've
09:37been playing a lot with my friends. I do the Billie Eilish skin. So that's really fun. And
09:42then there was a time, like it was like, I don't know, like a week ago. I was supposed to be fighting
09:47my enemies and killing them, but it was another Billie Eilish skin. So we stood there and we
09:52started dancing. And then another like person from a different team came up and started dancing with
09:57us. Then all of a sudden this like rainbow happened around us and like confetti started to fall.
10:03But then the software, the software said, Oh, I'm going to glitch and turn off. So, um, if it was
10:09you that I was dancing with, hi. I just thought that was super adorable. But anyways, I need
10:14the SD card because there's updates on Fortnite that are so big that my switch can't even hold
10:19that much gigabyte. I haven't been able to play Fortnite in two days and I've been very sad about
10:23it, but I got the SD card. I'm gonna go put it in and then I need to be around. I need to play.
10:29I'm having withdrawals. Okay. So I have my little SD card in there. I've had this case for my switch
10:35for, I can't even tell you how long, like it's getting all discolored and everything, but I
10:40always keep it in there. Cause I like to play from my TV. This is the no, you hang up from a scream
10:46with ghost face. I just think it's so cute. I'm not going to lie to y'all. I low key, uh,
10:53I'm a gamer sometimes. Um, I get like addicted to like animal crossing was my shit for a long time.
11:03Um, I do love like Mario party, Mario cart, and now I'm obsessed with Fortnite. Also there's this
11:08game called unpacking, which is kind of fun as well, but that's more like relaxing. I sometimes
11:16am kind of like a gamer girly and there was an era when I loved, uh, plants versus zombies.
11:21That was years and years ago. I don't even know if like that's popular anymore. Um,
11:26grand theft auto, love me a grand theft auto moment, but it's updating. Yay. So now I'm going
11:30to let it update. Um, it says it has like 12 minutes left and I'm going to go finish getting
11:35ready. And then I'm gonna play me a match and win. Hopefully, you know, I have flirted with the idea
11:41of like having a Fortnite channel. I don't know. I'm not the greatest at it, but I'm definitely
11:46getting better. I will say, um, I have won first place multiple times, but there was a few days
11:52ago where literally as soon as I landed, I don't know how it happened, but these people already
11:56had like really good guns and they shot me immediately. So I have died first as well.
12:00I think that would just be really funny. Okay. So I am pretty much ready, but I have to put on
12:06one last ring and it's my heart ring on my thumb. I like to wear five rings at once,
12:13two in this hand, three on this. It's just how I do things around here, but I'm about to hang
12:18out with my mom. Oh, she's calling right now. Hold on. Okay. My mom just called and she's
12:23like two minutes away. So there's always like checks that I do before I leave the house.
12:27Every time do the pets have water? Do they have their food? Is everything picked up?
12:32Is my phone at a hundred percent? It has to be at a hundred percent. Did I do perfume? Yes.
12:38Today we did Eilish number one. So we got the perfume and then I go through and I turn off
12:44the lights that need to be turned off. But anyways, so we are back at flower child
12:48because we both love it so much. And outside of it, there's even this cute little
12:55area that says stay hydrated y'all and you can have free water. I'll get the entry with salmon,
13:03um, the smashed golden potato and the Mac and cheese.
13:13Thank you. It is packed today and today we are number 34, which I'll be 34 this year. So wow.
13:23And then I also got a lemonade. All right. So here's mine, the salmon mashed potatoes and Mac
13:27and cheese. And then my mom got shrimp and it's a cauliflower risotto. And what is this mom?
13:36Asparagus. Asparagus. Ooh, it looks tasty. So that's what we got. My mom just said girly pop
13:43shopping at color pop or is that how you said it? Yeah. It's more so like you should have been there
13:48type of thing. And I didn't even know that target had color pop, but that's pretty cool. So my
13:55preferred eyeliner is usually elf liquid eyeliner, but Nick's has some like colored ones.
14:03I think this pink one is gorgeous. I might give this a go. And then of course I need my sleep
14:10gummies. Ollie, I cannot sleep without these. All right, you guys headed to the car and there's
14:16going to be a tiny little target hall for you guys when I get home.
14:46Hi. Okay. So, Oh, my girlfriend just messaged me. Oh, I don't know. I get the butterflies. I'm not
15:13going to lie. Okay. So we have the target hall, just a cute little target hall. The only thing
15:18that I got that you guys aren't seeing is a water bottle. So I already drank that though. Okay. So
15:24first things first, I needed more makeup wipes. And you guys know me, I just like the Neutrogena.
15:29Um, it's just ultra soft cleansing towelettes. It's just what works for me because my face is
15:34super sensitive and I've been using those for years and years. So I don't want to like start
15:38using something different now. Okay. So I got these, let me glow hair, skin, and nails gummies.
15:43They're a biotin and collagen. I've never taken anything like this before, but I figured it's
15:49about time. So on the back it says biotin and zinc support healthy hair, skin, and nails.
15:54While our beauty blend of collagen and vitamins A, C, and E let you shine from the inside out.
16:00So I was like, okay, might as well try it. And then I showed you at target that I just got my
16:05melatonin sleep and the brand Ollie. I only have one ink pen left. So I got my favorite ink pen.
16:11This is what I like to journal with. It's the paper made ink joy gel. You guys, I promise 10 out of 10
16:16recommend. I got some elf grip primer. So I figured I would try this out. So if you guys don't know
16:23much about makeup, I don't know who's watching, but this pretty much just primes your face before
16:28you put anything else on. So on the back, it just says that it's going to lock in hydration.
16:32So I'm excited to try that. Okay. So I don't know how to pronounce this brand. So don't come for me,
16:36but I've heard a lot about it being French. I don't know how to pronounce that, but I got their
16:42joy and bliss solar flare hair, body and linen mist. And you guys, it smells so good. I had to
16:49get it. I also got the Knicks, um, matte liquid eyeliner in the color don't pink twice. So I'm
16:57excited to try that. I also got the poetry book by Whitney Hanson called harmony. If you guys are on
17:03social media, then you definitely know who she is. Last but not least. I got this self-love workbook
17:09for women, really self-doubt, build self-compassion and embrace who you are. I love journaling.
17:15I'm working on self-love and I love things like this. So I'm excited to give this a go. Okay,
17:21you guys, so it is the end of the night and I want to end this vlog, but I saw another YouTuber
17:27do this and I was like, I kind of low-key want to do it myself. So I go to my YouTube studio and
17:31there's like a part where you can click comment section and then you can literally filter to where
17:37the only comments that pop up are questions or like comments with questions. So I figured
17:42let's do a couple. Um, and I'm going to try to just choose questions from my most recent, like
17:48two to three videos because I still get comments from stuff that I posted like eight years ago. So
17:53it wouldn't make much sense to answer those questions. So someone asked whose personality
17:58is this? This is my own because it's like I finally get to live on my own and figure out
18:03who I am and how I am. I do have a habit of absorbing other people's like scenes. There's
18:09actually like a word for it. Um, where it's just like when I'm in a relationship with someone and
18:14we're together, like all the time, we kind of just like vibe off of each other. Cause I know my
18:18partners have done the same too, where they like start acting a little bit like me, et cetera, et
18:22cetera. But this is like a time of my life where I do live alone. So it's like, I'm discovering more
18:28and more of myself every single day. And I don't know a single soul who acts like me. I got to say
18:34like, I'm a weird one. You want to believe how many times a day I get called weird. And I'm
18:37totally fine with that. I will, you know what? I'm gonna take that with honor. But for my last vlog,
18:42someone said, love your shirt. Where did you get it? So it was the purple one that is just like this.
18:48Um, but I actually got these from Hot Topic and it was years ago and I know they don't have them
18:53anymore. Unfortunately, I would love if they made more colors because I'm obsessed with them. Someone
18:58said, did you actually brush that cat? Yes. I brush him every single day. I brush Rarity like every
19:03three days because she has such short fur and she doesn't shed as much as him. But yes, he just has
19:08a lot of freaking fur. So the last question is, have you been buying views? Highly requested
19:12question. And it has 23 thumbs up. So definitely gonna answer that. No, I have not. I don't even
19:17know if that's possible and if it is, that seems very much against YouTube's guidelines. So that
19:22is not something I would ever do. Um, my views are all authentically gotten. So thank you guys for
19:28watching. So that was kind of fun. I don't know. Tell me what you guys thought. Um, I am trying to vlog
19:33a little bit more even if the videos are short. I'm still gonna try to get some content up for
19:37you guys because I know you guys have been like in Berlin, where's your content? And I'm like,
19:40okay, you know what? Let's try a little harder. Let's do this thing. I was just like in a depressive
19:45low just because of everything that was going on, but I'm starting to feel better. And yeah,
19:50anyways, I hope that you guys did enjoy this vlog and I'll see you in my next one. Bye.
19:53So thank you guys for watching.
