The Two Facets Of My Alpha Mate - Full Movie

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The Two Facets of My Alpha Mate Olivia is forced to marry a loser, however, the man is not like what he is spread, which is, instead, ...
00:00:00I wanted two sugars not one. Why can't you remember? Sorry. Just like your mother
00:00:13use your brain my dear. Gosh why haven't you been mated?
00:00:19Oh no. The Alpha King would like for our daughter to mate with the youngest member
00:00:36of the Crimson Claws clan. That loser he doesn't even have his wolf. That bastard that good
00:00:45for nothing. I heard he was kicked out of the pack long ago. He has no means whatsoever.
00:00:52I would never marry that loser. Never. Dad he would never ever let you mate with that
00:00:58loser. Oh wait why don't we mate Olivia with him? They're both my daughters. Dad. You have
00:01:09always wanted to drink from the moon water. Fill in for your sister and you can have a
00:01:17sip. Once I drink the moon water maybe I'll get my wolf and change my life. Drake. Yes.
00:01:32Your father has arranged for you to mate with the eldest daughter of the Silver Shadows
00:01:34pack family. She's pretty. Everyone sees me as a broken wolfless loser. You think she
00:01:46would mate with me? Yes. In fact she's set up to mate with you in place of her stepsister.
00:01:56Says here she likes O'Hara White Roses. Chris why don't you fire up the jet. We gotta go
00:02:03to San Jose to get some white roses for her. I'm on it. Worthless good for nothing gonna show up.
00:02:27Maybe he can't afford a cab so it'll take him longer to get here. I heard he's bald and looks
00:02:34like a Shrek. Well then he'll be perfect for Olivia then. Alpha Robert. Luna Victoria. It's
00:02:48truly an honor to meet you for the first time. Miss Olivia. I sincerely apologize for such late
00:02:55arrival. White O'Hara's are my favorite flower. Moon goddess please unite these souls in an
00:03:12eternal mate bond. I Drake Ironwood of the Crimson Claws pack claim you as my mate. I Olivia
00:03:26Glade of the Silver Shadows pack accept you as my mate. To achieve my plans. To get Moon Water.
00:03:43Drake Ironwood please mark your mate. You're just putting up a show for the family in the
00:03:54back right? Yes. That's what up a good show there. Thank you for helping me with my bag. Yeah
00:04:15yeah you're welcome. Make yourself at home. I'll sleep in the basement? No no no. I will
00:04:22sleep in the basement. You stay here. I don't want to be an inconvenience. Not at all. I have
00:04:31to make do for a while. Come on. Olivia! You okay? It's so freezing. Here take this. My body heat
00:04:52should help. Come here. The night my mom passed was stormy like this. It's so freezing. Destiny
00:05:06isn't it? No Olivia. You decide your own destiny. Your destiny is not written in your hands but held
00:05:12in your hands. I can decide my own destiny too now. I'm gonna keep you company. I don't want to
00:05:32trouble you. Isn't that what mates supposed to do?
00:06:02Morning. Good morning. Perfect timing. Breakfast is all set. Thank you. Smells good. I have an
00:06:20interview. I'm interviewing with Urban Vision and I know everyone would kill for this job but I just
00:06:27figured I'd go for it you know? Well good luck. It's really you. When I saw your name in the job
00:06:40application I knew I had to come down here and see you. You work here? I'm the new assistant to the
00:06:48manager. So should we get started? Okay. Well as you know I have a degree in interior design. So you
00:07:01haven't had a real job since college? Ava you guys kept me home all day doing all kinds of chores. How
00:07:08was I supposed to have time for a regular job? Olivia only losers make excuses. Winners find
00:07:14solutions. So you're telling me you have poor time management? I, well I worked on my portfolio in my
00:07:21spare time and in college I won best interior design. Those look familiar. I'm not sure what you mean. These
00:07:37are my designs. I'm sorry sis. I can't help you but this company doesn't hire people who plagiarize. You're Ava
00:07:53Glade right? Yeah. Great. You're fired. You're fired. What? You're intentionally messing with this company's
00:08:03recruitment by giving a hard time to an outstanding candidate. You can't fire me. I'll go to the HR department. I am the
00:08:09HR department. Olivia our boss is impressed. He saw your portfolio. When can you start? I can start tomorrow. I gotta
00:08:26purchase the company. Okay, why? Olivia's got a job interview. Just want to make sure she gets the spot. Drake. Hey. This is
00:08:40great. Did you decorate this yourself? Yeah. You like it? I love it. Thanks. And these flowers. These are my
00:08:49favorites. I'm glad you like them. They must have cost a fortune. Well, you know these weren't actually that bad. I used to work in
00:09:01the shop and these could not be sold so my boss practically gave them for free. How was your interview? Well, I got the job. Good
00:09:15job. Thank you. Congrats. And I think we should celebrate. 100%. I'll go get the wine. Please. Yeah, so that's pretty much it.
00:09:28Welcome aboard. Thank you. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Hunt. Oh, you can just call me Hunt. And if you have any
00:09:34questions at all, feel free to ask. Thank you. Hi. Hi. Do you need help with anything? Okay. Thank you. Okay. See you around.
00:10:05What's up with her? Oh, typically new hires don't have projects to work on right away. I'll find her a project.
00:10:17Livia, is this the work that you're awarded for back in college? Yeah. Boss was really impressed. He specifically asked for you to decorate the
00:10:26show home in the property development. Looks like you're up. All right. Well, what kind of project is it? You're gonna have an open
00:10:33palette. We want to put those design skills to work. When do we start? How about right now? So like I was saying, right now the space, it's
00:10:42just too plain. The boss really wants more, more depth, more texture. Got it. I won't let you or him down. All right, I'll leave you to it.
00:11:03You're done already? Oh, there's a new client waiting for you in the meeting room. She specifically asked for you. I see. Thank you. Well, well, well. All right, bitch, you stole my job. Let's see what you can do.
00:11:28I want a French Palestinian Rococo look to my room. One grand and you have three days to get it done. Are you kidding me? Want me to turn your room into a French palace chamber with this budget and timeline?
00:11:46So you're saying you can't do it? Fine. Have the plans drawn up to me by the end of the day. Yes. Alpha. Olivia has finished decorating the show home, your estate. I see.
00:12:12Chris, let's go to the house where I do that.
00:12:15Henry, you've got to find a way to make Olivia move into this house ASAP.
00:12:37All right, everybody, bring it in. Bring it in, everybody. It's award time. It's award time. Who is it going to be? Grand prize winner. All right. Grand prize. Who is it going to be? Olivia Glade. Olivia, come on up. Come on up. Stay for free in the company show home, everybody, of Beverly Hills Mansion.
00:13:02And of course, of course, I got him right here. You're going to need the keys to your new place. Thank you.
00:13:13I cannot believe I'm moving in here. I was just decorating this yesterday. Well, life's just one big coincidence.
00:13:24Hello, table. We meet again, loveseat. Wow. I have never sat in such comfortable furniture in my whole life.
00:13:43You're not going to sleep on the floor, are you? You know, there's plenty of room in the bed over there for the two of us.
00:13:51Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.
00:13:55Hello. Hi. I checked out the 10th plan and it just doesn't sit right with me.
00:14:03Can you elaborate on what's not sitting well with you?
00:14:07Hello. Hi. I checked out the 10th plan and it just doesn't sit right with me.
00:14:14Can you elaborate on what's not sitting well with you?
00:14:17Well, I don't know what I like. I just know what I don't like. So fix it.
00:14:22What's wrong?
00:14:23A very difficult client. Well, actually, it's my stepsister. She was supposed to get the job done today.
00:14:35It's not her problem.
00:14:37It's not her problem.
00:14:39It's not her problem.
00:14:41It's not her problem.
00:14:43It's not her problem.
00:14:45Well, actually, it's my stepsister.
00:14:51She was supposed to get this job, but she didn't.
00:14:53I got it instead.
00:14:55And now she's trying to take it out on me.
00:14:57I see.
00:15:10This is for me?
00:15:11Try it.
00:15:12It's very good, thank you.
00:15:20You're welcome.
00:15:21I'll keep you company.
00:15:23Right this way, almost there.
00:15:24There you go.
00:15:25There you go.
00:15:26Okay, I'll see you in a little bit, okay?
00:15:51Alpha, the Alpha Committee Conference started an hour ago.
00:16:02Let's hurry.
00:16:07My Alpha.
00:16:15Let's proceed with our agenda.
00:16:16My Alpha.
00:16:17The Crimson Claws pack has gone back on their word.
00:16:23Your Majesty, the Silver Shadow pack has been playing dirty behind our backs.
00:16:36I'd like to make a complaint about Olivia.
00:16:39What's wrong?
00:16:44She made my room look horrible and cut corners with cheap furniture.
00:16:49See, this is how she treats her clients.
00:16:52That crack looks like it was made by someone, not caused by normal wear and tear.
00:16:57I don't think we should indulge in such bad behavior.
00:16:59You should fire Olivia.
00:17:01Ma'am, you're right.
00:17:04Ma'am, we're going to refund your down payment, and I will ask you to never slander a member
00:17:09of my team ever again.
00:17:12I touch base with Olivia every single day.
00:17:15I'm completely up to speed on everything she's doing.
00:17:17There's nothing wrong with her design ideas or the furniture she selected for your space.
00:17:23It's not fair to come in and accuse one of my team members like that.
00:17:26In fact, I'm going to talk to our sales team, and we're going to have you blacklisted.
00:17:30We won't be serving clients like you anymore.
00:17:31But the customer is always the priority.
00:17:33You can't blacklist me.
00:17:35Well, it's like you said.
00:17:36We shouldn't indulge bad behavior.
00:17:45Alpha, Ava's out for good.
00:17:47She won't be bothering Olivia anymore.
00:17:49Good job.
00:17:51Chris, I need you to tell all the business associates that Evik Lake's behavior has been
00:17:55beyond terrible.
00:17:57So they better be not considering hiring her.
00:18:01Got it.
00:18:02Henry, I think Olivia deserves a raise after all the hard work she's done for us, huh?
00:18:07Roger that.
00:18:11Olivia, your creativity and skill in this project is really impressive.
00:18:15Keep up the good work.
00:18:17You nailed it.
00:18:21I feel really lucky to be on this team.
00:18:24Well, all the other showrooms are now designed in the style that you did before.
00:18:28Customers love it, sales are up, and the boss wants to give you a bonus.
00:18:37I'm so lucky to have met Drake.
00:18:39I should find a gift for him.
00:18:52I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:18:54We serve only customers who spend more than $50,000 per month.
00:18:59Don't shop here if you can't afford it.
00:19:01Pack this suit up for me.
00:19:08You're a member.
00:19:13You're a member.
00:19:15Would you like a cup of coffee, ma'am?
00:19:17No, I'll be right back.
00:19:20Oh, yeah.
00:19:21It didn't make sense to me why they fired Ava.
00:19:24She's so talented.
00:19:25But I get it.
00:19:27Your secret's safe with me, darling.
00:19:29Who did you sleep with?
00:19:30I didn't sleep with anyone.
00:19:32I made this money myself.
00:19:34And yet, you don't have one single piece that's decent.
00:19:38You must have learned your tricks from your mother.
00:19:40You can disrespect me all you want, but you can't disrespect my mother.
00:19:45Well, you know what they say.
00:19:47Something wrong with the bitch, something wrong with the pup.
00:19:51You're the bitch.
00:19:54What'd you say?
00:19:56You wolfless loser, what did you just call me?
00:19:59You're back, ma'am.
00:20:01Ha ha ha.
00:20:02Oh, I need these.
00:20:04Oh, let me help you.
00:20:06And then the Christian Louboutins and maybe the diamond earrings you were showing me.
00:20:10That would be really lovely.
00:20:23You look great.
00:20:26How was your day?
00:20:27It was great.
00:20:29I got a bonus today.
00:20:32Good job, you deserve it.
00:20:33Your hard work's finally paying off.
00:20:35And I got you a little surprise.
00:20:38What is that?
00:20:39Thought you might like it.
00:20:42There we go.
00:20:47You work so hard.
00:20:48You should have gotten something for yourself.
00:20:51I'm just a fashion disaster.
00:20:54More clothes wouldn't help anyway.
00:20:55Don't say that.
00:20:56You're not a fashion disaster.
00:20:58Well, that's what they say.
00:20:59Who says that?
00:21:00My stepmother.
00:21:01She, I ran into her today.
00:21:03Listen, Olivia.
00:21:04I don't give a shit what she says.
00:21:06I want you to remember.
00:21:08You're amazing just the way you are.
00:21:11Good looks stay everywhere.
00:21:13But pure heart?
00:21:16It's rare.
00:21:18Plus, you work so hard.
00:21:19You should have gotten something for yourself.
00:21:23I disagree.
00:21:25Come here.
00:21:28Come here.
00:21:37And if you argue with me again,
00:21:40your next punishment will be just a kiss.
00:21:53Luna Victoria.
00:21:55Here's $500,000.
00:21:57Should be enough to pay for all this crap.
00:21:59Do I know you?
00:22:01I'm not selling my crap.
00:22:02It's not for sale!
00:22:04Hey, robber!
00:22:05Get off my stuff!
00:22:07Please be quiet.
00:22:10Or I'll have to cut your mouth with this silver blade.
00:22:15Or I'll have to cut your mouth with this silver blade.
00:22:22Thanks for your cooperation.
00:22:33This was designer.
00:22:36Women in addition.
00:22:50Alpha Drake.
00:22:51I left his blade at the scene just like you asked.
00:22:59When are you going to give me Moonwater?
00:23:01I'll get it to you at the right time.
00:23:03When's the right time?
00:23:05I don't know.
00:23:07I don't understand.
00:23:08Are you stalling on purpose?
00:23:10I'm busy right now.
00:23:12Dad, you promised me.
00:23:18It's loaded with silver bullets.
00:23:20Head on over to Alpha Drake.
00:23:24It's loaded with silver bullets.
00:23:26Head on over to Alpha Robert's place right now.
00:23:29And wipe out his whole goddamn family.
00:23:32Yes, father.
00:23:34I'll leave it to you, my son.
00:23:37I know you're a professional butcher.
00:23:39I won't let you down.
00:23:41Let's go.
00:23:43Wolfpack out.
00:23:48Now I'll be the Alpha King.
00:23:51Thanks for using your wolf power, by the way.
00:23:54I did my best to turn day into night.
00:23:56It's about to get real heated over there.
00:23:58Alpha Robert's place.
00:24:00It's going to be a bloodbath.
00:24:02Now the show begins.
00:24:04By the way.
00:24:06I need you to pick up that cake for Olivia.
00:24:08She's been wanting that bass cake for a while now.
00:24:11I'll give it to her as soon as she gets back.
00:24:13What do you mean gets back?
00:24:14Where is she?
00:24:18What do you mean gets back?
00:24:20I don't know.
00:24:22I just saw her leave the office a little while ago.
00:24:24Come on, come on.
00:24:26Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
00:24:28Goddamn it.
00:24:29I've got to stop this before she gets hurt.
00:24:31Traffic's terrible, Ryan.
00:24:32You'll never make it in time.
00:24:33It's okay.
00:24:34I'll teleport.
00:24:35You can't.
00:24:36My Alpha, it's too risky.
00:24:37You can't reveal that you're a werewolf.
00:24:39Vulcan Alpha James in ten minutes from now.
00:24:59You promised.
00:25:00Why won't you give me moon water?
00:25:02We can't just hand something so important to you on a silver platter.
00:25:12What the fuck?
00:25:15You'll be dead before your guards get here.
00:25:20You'll learn the consequences of poking the bear.
00:25:23Starting with...
00:25:29Starting with...
00:25:33No, no, please, please.
00:25:40What the hell are you doing here?
00:25:41I came here to pay a visit to Alpha Robert and Luna Victoria.
00:25:45Out of respect.
00:25:46Out of respect.
00:25:47Your timing sucks, boy.
00:25:49Get lost, loser.
00:25:50You let her go.
00:25:51That don't work for you.
00:25:52Drake, I said fuck off.
00:25:54Hey, guys.
00:25:56Why don't we just...
00:25:58You know, cool off for a bit.
00:26:00We're one big family here.
00:26:01Don't forget that.
00:26:03One big family, right?
00:26:07You made me miss our shot.
00:26:13Yes, your majesty.
00:26:17James Ironwood.
00:26:20Yes, your majesty.
00:26:21I'm commanding you to stop.
00:26:24Yes, my Alpha.
00:26:29Let's go.
00:26:41How is it that the Grand Alpha knows about this?
00:26:43Alpha Robert, I'm very sorry for the way my brother treated you.
00:26:47I'm not thrilled about your visits.
00:26:50In the future, just don't do them.
00:26:55Drake, that was very brave.
00:26:57I did what needed to be done, that's all.
00:27:00I'll never forgive myself if something happened to you.
00:27:02Don't worry about it.
00:27:04Did you teleport when you rushed in here?
00:27:08You saw me get in here?
00:27:09No, I mean, I don't know what I saw.
00:27:11I was so panicked, but...
00:27:15There is...
00:27:17There is no teleport.
00:27:19I ran here as fast as I could.
00:27:21That's all.
00:27:23I'm sorry.
00:27:24I asked.
00:27:25It's okay.
00:27:27Well, since you're here...
00:27:30Do you want to see where I used to stay?
00:27:35I'm sure you'll like it.
00:27:36Do you want to see where I used to stay?
00:27:40I do.
00:27:48So you practically grew up in a warehouse just like me, huh?
00:27:55Not exactly royalty around here, so...
00:27:59I couldn't even dream of all of the fancy stuff and privileges.
00:28:03Well, rest assured I'll give you the best.
00:28:06You've already done so much for me.
00:28:09That's not nearly enough.
00:28:26You play the guitar?
00:28:28Oh, my...
00:28:29My mom used to teach me before she left, but...
00:28:32I haven't played since.
00:28:35Try to play for me.
00:28:47I'm feeling shy. You play.
00:28:49That was beautiful.
00:28:53Let me try.
00:28:55That's the song my mom used to play for me.
00:28:58How did you know that?
00:29:02I didn't.
00:29:55Can't sleep?
00:29:59Well, how about a bedtime story?
00:30:04Well, how about a bedtime story?
00:30:09I'm all ears.
00:30:11Well, once upon a time there was a pope.
00:30:15Who was an outcast.
00:30:21Who was an outcast.
00:30:24For he was a product of a forbidden affair between his father and a slave.
00:30:30But the pope had a loving mother.
00:30:32She was the only one who cared about him in this world.
00:30:38But destiny never smiled upon him.
00:30:43Shortly after, his mother got gravely ill and she passed away.
00:30:48Leaving the pope utterly alone in this world.
00:30:51Drake, is this story about you?
00:30:54At her funeral, no one in the family bothered to help.
00:30:59His father never visited her grave.
00:31:04Not even once.
00:31:07So the pope could only rely on his claws.
00:31:10So he dug and dug and dug.
00:31:15He's not alone.
00:31:19He's not alone and he never will be again.
00:31:26I believe that.
00:32:14What the fuck are you doing here?
00:32:17No wonder I could smell you all the way from my room.
00:32:20Are you stealing moon water?
00:32:23I did not raise you to be a thief. Have you no shame?
00:32:26I didn't want to steal it but you made me. You made a promise.
00:32:30You have no shame.
00:32:32How dare you disrespect me. I am both your father and your alpha.
00:32:36Don't come back again here ever.
00:33:06Your father ripped into your brother last night after the failed attack. They had a blowout.
00:33:15Execute plan B.
00:33:18Yes, my alpha.
00:33:23Do we have the money to be doing that right now?
00:33:25Of course we do.
00:33:27Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our plant collection auction.
00:33:32For our first and only item of the evening.
00:33:35The truly unique white rose seed, ethereal elegance.
00:33:39The flower is known for its pristine petals and delicate aroma.
00:33:44Let the bidding begin.
00:33:47500, thank you very much. Do I hear 1,000? 1,000?
00:33:501,000, thank you very much. Do I hear 15,000?
00:33:531,000, 1,000.
00:33:551,000, thank you very much. Do I hear 1,500?
00:34:013,000. I hear 3,000. Do I hear 4,000?
00:34:054,000 going once.
00:34:075,000 at the front. Thank you, ma'am. 6,000. Thank you again.
00:34:1410,000 going once. 10,000 going twice.
00:34:20Sold for 10,000.
00:34:23Thank you very much, sir. This is now the most expensive white rose seed in the world.
00:34:40Our plan worked. Alfred George was poisoned and he believes your brother did it.
00:34:55Looks like this flower is about to bloom.
00:34:57I love it.
00:35:00What happened?
00:35:02Oh, I had a little accident at work. It's nothing.
00:35:11Olivia, your scent gives away your mood. Don't lie to me.
00:35:21I had a fight with my dad.
00:35:24So your father did this.
00:35:26I really need moon water. I'm counting on it for my wolf.
00:35:31Sit down.
00:35:37Let him sit.
00:35:47I'll go make you some food. You should put some pressure on this.
00:36:20I need you to clear all my schedule for this night, please.
00:36:39Who the fuck are you?
00:36:41If you don't want to die, give me my moon water now.
00:36:51I am the alpha of the Silver Shadows pack. You do not want to mess with me.
00:36:57Maintain your alpha image until the very end, huh?
00:37:02Is this the hand you used to hit Olivia with?
00:37:04What do you know about that?
00:37:07Give me my moon water now.
00:37:10It's right there. It's on the mantle.
00:37:24Sign it.
00:37:25What is that?
00:37:26Sign it.
00:37:36This will be a lesson to you for not keeping your promise.
00:37:45I will find you.
00:37:47I will find you for breaking my arm and I will take care of you.
00:38:24Breakfast is ready.
00:38:26My dad changed his mind. He gave me moon water.
00:38:32Maybe his conscience is finally kicking in.
00:38:35Just a tiny sip.
00:38:45Are you okay?
00:38:46I feel like I'm burning.
00:38:49That sounds like a burst of energy.
00:39:00My wolf!
00:39:03You finally made it to my side.
00:39:09White wolves are scarce.
00:39:12I've only read about them in Elder Scrolls.
00:39:32I'm just calling to thank you for the moon water.
00:39:38I'd have never given it to you if it weren't for that asshole and the stupid mask.
00:39:46You heard me.
00:39:47What mask?
00:40:06I'm going to take you out for dinner tonight.
00:40:08I mean, we should celebrate you getting your wolf today.
00:40:11Oh, okay.
00:40:14Isn't it great how things work out?
00:40:16All the things I was hoping would happen finally did.
00:40:22Olivia, in fact...
00:40:27I think the flowers I gave you were finally working their magic, huh?
00:40:31I think you're right.
00:40:32Miracles and luck.
00:40:40Want to get one?
00:40:41Oh, no, no, no.
00:40:44My mom just used to get me one for my birthday every year.
00:40:49Ladies first.
00:40:55I think we'll have foie gras.
00:40:58Let's get some venison medallions.
00:41:02Two lobster bisques, please.
00:41:05And, uh, let's get a salad.
00:41:09Oh, yeah.
00:41:10No broccoli on the salad, please.
00:41:13How did you know I didn't like broccoli on my salad?
00:41:16Of course I know.
00:41:17I'm your mate.
00:41:23Drake, I, um...
00:41:27I feel pretty selfish.
00:41:30I only chose to mate with you because I needed moon water.
00:41:33It's okay.
00:41:36What about now?
00:41:39Now I've realized how lucky I am.
00:41:44You're a great guy.
00:41:47But you deserve to be with someone better than me.
00:41:51There is no one better than you.
00:41:54Only you truly see me for who I am.
00:41:58And not what I can provide.
00:42:01And I won't let you talk down on yourself like that ever again.
00:42:04Got it?
00:42:15You know, if you had told me earlier that today was your mother's memorial day,
00:42:19I would have lit a candle for her.
00:42:23You being here with me right now is all that matters to me.
00:42:35What's this?
00:42:38It's a family photo album.
00:42:45Is this you?
00:42:49This is my first shift right here.
00:42:52Back then I could only shift my hands into paws.
00:42:55You're so cute!
00:43:05Come on.
00:43:15Like this? Just do it?
00:43:20Mrs. Ironwood,
00:43:23may your soul find peace and rest.
00:43:33Olivia, please promise me you'll be here by my side all the time.
00:43:39Of course.
00:43:47Don't go away.
00:43:49Stay with me.
00:43:56In the spirit of unity, I urge you to sign this peace treaty.
00:44:27I beg to differ, your majesty.
00:44:30E-signing this peace treaty will be seen as a sign of weakness.
00:44:36My Alpha, this peace treaty may not address the root causes of the conflict.
00:44:43It's better to get it over with quickly than to drag it out.
00:44:47Together, we prosper.
00:44:50Apart, we falter.
00:44:53Yes, my Alpha.
00:45:05Maintain your Alpha image until the very end, huh?
00:45:08Is this the end you wish to hit Olivia with?
00:45:11Together, we prosper.
00:45:13Apart, we falter.
00:45:15These two voices sound exactly the same.
00:45:20The voice biometrics analysis indicates a 100% match in the pitch, speech rate, tone, and other features between these two samples.
00:45:33Are you sure?
00:45:34Yes. They're confirmed to be from the same person.
00:45:40Okay, thank you, Noah.
00:45:46So Drake is the Alpha King?
00:45:50How could you let Olivia take my place?
00:45:53I'm supposed to be marrying Drake.
00:45:55Sorry, darling, I didn't know.
00:46:01He hasn't even got his wolf. How can he be the Alpha King?
00:46:05He's been faking it this whole time?
00:46:15Drake is so powerful and mesmerizing.
00:46:19But Olivia took him from me.
00:46:23If only I knew how to...
00:46:32I know how to win Drake back.
00:46:49Your brother bought the story that your father isn't stepping down.
00:46:52He left the pack and took some troops with him.
00:47:00Well, now when the old man's power has been cut down, it's time to reel it in.
00:47:35Hey, sis. You're so pathetic.
00:47:38Do you know how many times your boyfriend could have been cheating on you this whole time?
00:47:43Yeah, I saw.
00:47:46Well, that did look like a celebrity and not Drake.
00:47:50I'm very proud of your Photoshop skills. They've improved.
00:47:55How dare you accuse me of lying?
00:47:58Ava Glade, never malign my mate again.
00:48:02Who the fuck do you...
00:48:15The invites have been sent.
00:48:17All the packs will be there tomorrow at the party to celebrate the signing of the peace treaty.
00:48:48How was your day?
00:48:49It was great. How was yours?
00:48:51It was good. Come sit with me.
00:48:57Here, why don't you get comfortable and put these on?
00:49:00Oh, thank you.
00:49:01You're welcome.
00:49:21Hey, it's blooming.
00:49:26Hey, it's blooming.
00:49:27Yeah, it's called Eternal Elegance.
00:49:30And the auction host told me it's known for its fragrance.
00:49:36Wait, the...
00:49:38You got this at an auction?
00:49:40How much did you spend on this?
00:49:42Hey, I already told you.
00:49:45I will give you the best, okay?
00:49:47Don't worry about it.
00:49:48Paul, you shouldn't be spending your money on something like this.
00:49:52Olivia, don't worry about money. I got this.
00:49:55No, we should be managing our expenses or the money will run out.
00:49:59Babe, I'm telling you, I got this, okay?
00:50:09You know, one day, I'm going to show you a real mate bond ritual.
00:50:23I trust you.
00:52:38I'd have never given it to you if it weren't for that asshole and the stupid mask.
00:52:45I'd have never given it to you if it weren't for that asshole and the stupid mask.
00:53:15I'd have never given it to you if it weren't for that asshole and the stupid mask.
00:53:40Esteemed members of PAX.
00:53:42Today marks the beginning of peace.
00:53:44Let's embrace this treaty as a symbol of prosperity.
00:53:55Hey, how's it going tonight?
00:53:58What's your name?
00:54:09I didn't see your name on the guest list.
00:54:11I... I...
00:54:15But you smell good.
00:54:17Get away from me.
00:54:19Run as you wish.
00:54:21A wolf loves to chase its prey.
00:54:38Get your hands off of her.
00:54:41What the fuck are you doing here? You weren't invited.
00:54:52Son of a bitch, I'm going to kill you.
00:55:00That's all you can do?
00:55:04You're weak, James.
00:55:10You're dead.
00:55:31Get in there.
00:55:37You touch my mate again, you're dead.
00:55:41Did you go after a wolf?
00:55:44You've been lying to us for all these years?
00:55:55Here's the peace treaty.
00:55:57All PAX have signed.
00:56:05That's impossible.
00:56:06You can't eat the Alpha King.
00:56:09Golden Mask.
00:56:10It's the King's mask.
00:56:13You're lying.
00:56:16You made up an awful story, you loser.
00:56:20Get your hands off me.
00:56:21Get off of me.
00:56:28To our Alpha.
00:56:30To our Alpha.
00:56:31To our Alpha.
00:56:32To our Alpha.
00:56:34To our Alpha.
00:56:39What is this, some type of joke?
00:56:41Well played.
00:56:46Join them.
00:56:48Your Majesty, you were so cool back there.
00:56:51I have no interest in a dumb and malicious woman.
00:56:56Olivia, wait.
00:57:02Mom, he can't do that.
00:57:05He just did do that.
00:57:07Olivia, listen to me.
00:57:08I just didn't have a chance to tell you, that's all.
00:57:10You used me, my pack, my family all for your revenge.
00:57:14No, I didn't.
00:57:16I did.
00:57:18Back then I was pursuing a bigger motive.
00:57:20That was before I realized how great you are, Olivia.
00:57:26My job.
00:57:27The bonus.
00:57:28I thought it was all miracles and luck.
00:57:33You sound like some sort of a fool.
00:57:35No, no I don't, Olivia.
00:57:37Please, please listen to me for a second.
00:57:38This mating bond, it's all part of your plan, isn't it?
00:57:41Not even real.
00:57:42No, no, it's real.
00:57:43My heart is real.
00:57:47This mating bond, this was all part of your plan, wasn't it?
00:57:50This isn't even real.
00:57:52It is real.
00:57:53Olivia, my heart is real.
00:57:55Olivia, please stay here.
00:57:56You promised me to stay by my side.
00:57:57You did.
00:57:58That's what I know about your lies.
00:58:00Olivia, alright.
00:58:02What can I do for you to forgive me?
00:58:05Tell me, I'll do it.
00:58:07When I was a kid, my dad used to lie and lie and lie to my mom and she would forgive him
00:58:13and he would keep doing it until he abandoned us and mated my stepmother.
00:58:17Olivia, I wouldn't have.
00:58:18You are exactly like him.
00:58:21I'm nothing like your father, Olivia.
00:58:36Olivia, wait!
00:58:38Olivia, Olivia, please, please.
00:58:47That was supposed to be a surprise.
00:58:52You remembered?
00:58:54Of course.
00:58:56Happy birthday.
00:59:06Why are you being so nice to me?
00:59:08You're the Alpha King.
00:59:10So what?
00:59:12Only you can truly see me for who I am.
00:59:36Olivia, Olivia!
00:59:54Babe, I'll take you to the hospital.
00:59:56Olivia, no, no.
00:59:58Stay with me.
01:00:25Oh my god, babe.
01:00:38Hi, baby.
01:00:40You scared me.
01:00:45Why don't I feel anything?
01:00:48You have strong healing powers.
01:00:54You scared me.
01:00:57You scared me.
01:01:06If I can heal myself,
01:01:09I wonder what else I can heal.
01:01:35you're truly special.
01:01:44I'm sorry for what I said back there.
01:01:48No need to be sorry.
01:01:52I'm the one who's truly sorry.
01:01:55You know what matters
01:01:57is that you're with me now.
01:02:00Come with me.
01:02:11Remember I told you I'd give you a real maid bond ritual?
01:02:26your brother's imprisoned in a dungeon,
01:02:28shackled in silver chains to serve a life sentence,
01:02:30as you commanded.
01:02:34Your father left the pack.
01:02:36He lives a reclusive life in the deep woods,
01:02:38laying low.
01:02:41Make sure you send somebody to deliver some supplies regularly.
01:02:45He's my father after all.
01:02:47I'll make sure he's okay.
01:02:51And Miss Olivia,
01:02:53at the Alpha King's command,
01:02:54your father's transferred all the assets in your name.
01:02:57You now call the shots in your pack.
01:03:00Take it as my gift for your darling.
01:03:07All right, let's begin.
01:03:12Do you, Drake Ironwood,
01:03:14Alpha of the Crimson Claw Pack
01:03:16and the Alpha King,
01:03:18take Olivia Glade,
01:03:19Luna of the Silver Shadows Pack,
01:03:21and the Luna Queen
01:03:23to be your mate?
01:03:27And do you, Olivia Glade,
01:03:28take Drake Ironwood?
01:03:37My Alpha,
01:03:38my Luna.
01:03:40My Alpha,
01:03:41my Luna!
