Kaffara Episode 14 - [Eng Sub] - Ali Ansari - Laiba Khan - Zoya Nasir - 9th Aug 2024 - HAR PAL GEO

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Kaffara Episode 14 - [Eng Sub] - Ali Ansari - Laiba Khan - Zoya Nasir - 9th Aug 2024 - HAR PAL GEO


00:00You were not feeling well, why didn't you sleep till now?
00:25And who was playing the guitar?
00:33She was feeling like playing, so she thought I should play a little.
00:37Oh, Saba was feeling like playing?
00:39Yes, dad.
00:40Oh, so why didn't you sleep?
00:43Dad, I was just tired, so I was just going to sleep.
00:49Yes, go and sleep dear, even Mehreen will stay with you today.
00:55Yes, you had said that you want to stay with your daughter today, on the way.
01:01You want to stay with me?
01:05Yes, is there any problem?
01:07No, no, there is no problem, right?
01:09There is no problem, right?
01:10No, no problem.
01:11No, I also don't have any problem, why will I have any problem?
01:14Neither Junaid has any problem, nor Saba has any problem.
01:18Neither Junaid has any problem, nor Saba has any problem.
01:23Then let's do one thing, let's also ask Salar that he doesn't have any problem.
01:32I don't have any problem, dad.
01:33Then you have a problem with your father, right?
01:35If you have a problem with your father, then take this.
01:37Dad, dad.
01:38What are you doing?
01:39Dad, leave me.
01:40What are you doing?
01:41Dad, leave me.
01:42What happened to you?
01:43Don't touch me.
01:49If you can't give your father's position, then don't call him dad.
01:52Call him Tahir Sikandar.
02:00What happened, Tahir?
02:01Control yourself.
02:03What are you doing?
02:04If I die right now, then give this dad's dead body to ED.
02:11And tell him that he doesn't have any heir.
02:13This is an unheired corpse.
02:15It's God's voice, dad.
02:16What are you saying?
02:18Will anyone listen to me?
02:20Tahir Sikandar who does business worth crores of rupees is an unheired corpse.
02:25He doesn't have any child.
02:28You have a child, dad.
02:30Don't say that.
02:31Which child?
02:32Which child?
02:33This one?
02:35Who left me to draw pictures of dogs and cats.
02:41Or you?
02:42Who is saving my own son from me.
02:46You slapped me in front of everyone.
02:49That's why I left.
02:50I will slap you.
02:52I will slap you ten times.
02:57Even if I have to slap you 24 times in a day, I will slap you because I am your father.
03:07If you were a father, then you wouldn't have raised us like this.
03:11Dogs are raised.
03:15Children are brought up.
03:20They are brought up, son.
03:22Which was not done in your childhood.
03:24Which I will do now.
03:26I don't care about your upbringing.
03:28I am fine the way I have become.
03:34Today you have stood up, Salar.
03:37But no.
03:40But what, dad?
03:42But what, dad?
03:43But nothing.
03:45Tomorrow you will become an orphan.
03:48And I leave this decision to you.
03:49That's it.
03:54Listen to me.
04:07Go home now.
04:12Salar, I said go home now.
04:30Is there no food?
04:34Are you hungry?
04:36Yes, I am hungry.
04:37Yes, I am hungry.
04:40There is nothing to eat in the kitchen.
04:42And there is a lock on the fridge.
04:44If there is something, give it to me.
04:45I am hungry.
04:48If there was a decent girl in your place.
04:51Then you would have forgotten to eat and sleep.
04:56But you, God forbid.
05:01Are you really hungry?
05:04In the drying room.
05:05What drying room?
05:06Is your dad okay?
05:07Let's go.
05:08Oh, God.
05:15Tell me, son.
05:16What happened?
05:17Uncle, let everyone come first.
05:19Let everyone come?
05:23Is everything okay?
05:25I have not come to sit here.
05:26I have not come to sit here.
05:33Okay, Shaiza.
05:34Make tea for him.
05:35I have not come here to drink tea.
05:39So, son, have you come here for tea?
05:43Sitara has called me.
05:50Is that why you are so happy?
05:56Okay, fine.
05:57She has called you.
05:58You have come.
05:59Now sit.
06:02And I am not that kind of a boy.
06:06That anyone can message me.
06:08And I will go crazy.
06:16What are you saying?
06:18I am saying the right thing.
06:20I have definitely come to call her.
06:22But I have come to talk to you.
06:24Yes, yes.
06:25Tell me.
06:26What is the matter?
06:27You had told my mother
06:29that if your niece is in love, anyone can keep her.
06:33You want people who keep her with respect.
06:39Yes, I had told her.
06:40So, the thing is that
06:42we also want a respectful girl to keep her with respect.
06:44Not like your niece.
06:55The one who is kept with someone for one night
06:57and on the second night
06:59messages someone like this.
07:16What is this, Sitara?
07:20The one you have lost your respect for in love,
07:23go and ask for respect from her.
07:25From now on,
07:26I don't need to call or text.
07:35Oh my God.
07:44What is this girl?
07:47What has this girl done?
07:48What has this girl done?
07:50Oh, what has she done?
07:52She has ruined my respect.
07:55Oh Mr. Shaukat,
07:56you are so merciful.
08:18Where have you been?
08:36Kasim, wait.
08:38Where were you?
08:41Have you seen time?
08:42I'm asking you, where did you go?
08:50Wherever I went, I had to go.
08:53What do you mean?
09:12I went to say no.
09:19To whom? Sitara?
09:22Yes, to her.
09:29You went to her house?
09:56Thank God, you're back.
10:06Thank God, my son is back home.
10:13He's back.
10:19You said he's not scared of anyone.
10:26He's scared.
10:29He's scared of being an orphan.
10:36Oh God, what do these kids do?
10:43What took you so long?
10:46She must be getting it. Kiran, get the tiffin.
10:55Hello, uncle.
10:58Sohaib hasn't woken up yet?
11:02Mr. Shaukat, let him sleep for a while.
11:05He's been working all day.
11:13Mom, there's a lot of smell in the house.
11:21What smell?
11:24I don't know.
11:26It smells like rotten burgers and cold drinks.
11:33Uncle, I'm going to college.
11:35Get it cleaned.
11:37Why are you standing on your head?
11:43At least get it cleaned.
11:45The house is clean.
11:49Stop him, Kiran.
11:53Take the phone from him.
12:02But uncle...
12:04Fahim will come in the afternoon.
12:06Give some money to mom.
12:07If Ajmal calls, tell him to come to my shop.
12:31Mr. Shaukat, do something about this girl.
12:34Do something about this girl.
12:36I don't have the right to keep her with my daughter.
12:43Then do it.
12:45What should I do?
12:47Say yes to the first proposal and get her married.
12:53I can't protect her anymore.
12:57Marriage? So soon?
12:59I have to get married to three witnesses.
13:02What's the hurry and what's the delay?
13:06Just get her married to Saad.
13:11The rush to go to college will end every day.
13:15Why are you standing like a statue?
13:18Get the tiffin.
13:20Yes, mom.
13:29Get the tiffin.
13:47Dad, you called me?
13:49Sit down, son.
13:53Come here, Shaukat.
13:56What are you doing?
13:57I'm doing this because it's delicious.
14:02Of your choice, son.
14:06When do you care about my choice?
14:10I care, son.
14:12I care about you.
14:16No, dad. You don't care about me.
14:18You only care about your business and your profit.
14:22If there's no profit in living, you don't even breathe, you know that?
14:25What's wrong with that?
14:27What's wrong with that?
14:29If there's no profit in living, what's the profit in breathing?
14:33Then die.
14:35That's what I was thinking yesterday.
14:36Listen, dad. I don't care about your lollipop of love.
14:39Why don't you tell me clearly that your ego was hurting because I left?
14:45Oh, ego.
14:47What kind of ego are you talking about?
14:49Are you talking about the books of animals that you read?
14:57That's the problem.
14:59You always do insulting behavior about my passion.
15:02That's why I don't want to live here.
15:04Okay. And?
15:06And what?
15:08I mean, tell me.
15:10What else is it because of which you keep running away from home?
15:14Seriously, dad.
15:16Did you call me here to talk about all this?
15:21That's why I called you.
15:23So that today you can tell me what is it that is bothering you.
15:28What is disturbing you?
15:30Come on. Tell me.
15:34I will get rid of everything, son. Everything.
15:37You can't do anything for me.
15:41I can do everything for you, son.
15:48I don't understand that.
15:51Can you give me space?
15:58What happened?
16:00You can't give me space, right?
16:11I can give you space.
16:12But, I am thinking right now.
16:15What space?
16:17Space to not get married?
16:19Space to go to the jungle of animals and take pictures?
16:23What space are you talking about?
16:35I will give you space.
16:37Take the space, son.
16:39Give me tension.
16:40Give me tension.
16:42But now,
16:44we won't talk about running away from home.
16:55I am hungry.
17:01Good one.
18:18I am sorry.
18:20I am really, really sorry.
18:22All this happened because of me.
18:24I wouldn't have messaged you,
18:26all this wouldn't have happened.
18:28Don't say sorry, Sana.
18:30My fate is against me right now.
18:34because of my stupidity,
18:35I said so many things to you and left.
18:38Salar also scolded me a lot.
18:42What has Salar got to do with it?
18:44I told you, time is against me.
18:47And no one can do anything good to the one against whom time is.
18:51But your uncle also did so much wrong by taking your mobile.
18:55It's good that uncle also took the phone.
18:58All this mess was because of my phone.
19:00Salar is responsible for all this.
19:02You will regret one day.
19:06I won't regret.
19:08These rich people never regret.
19:13Don't they face the consequences?
19:17Just like their situation, their fate is also good.
19:19It's nothing like that.
19:21You are mad.
19:23You are right.
19:25That's why they are so rich,
19:27that they consider everyone less in front of them.
19:30Salar is so rich.
19:35What is his full name?
19:37What are you saying?
19:39I am searching on Facebook.
19:43Leave it.
19:45Let's check on Instagram.
19:47Salar, Salar, Salar.
19:50This Salman,
19:53he is your cousin, right?
19:57He has a mutual friend,
20:00This one?
20:02Yes, this one.
20:04No, this one.
20:06This one?
20:14this is the one
20:16we met at the picnic.
20:22This is
20:24from another world.
20:29This one?
20:51let me ask you.
20:53When we refused,
20:55then why did your niece
20:56call my grandson
20:58and teach him?
21:00Aunt, please speak softly.
21:02She is a new daughter-in-law in the house.
21:04What will she think if she hears?
21:06Let her think whatever she wants,
21:08for my sake.
21:10Call your brother right now.
21:12What happened?
21:14Did you pick up the phone?
21:16No, mom.
21:18Neither uncle nor aunt is picking up the phone.
21:20Neither of them is picking up the phone.
21:24you go and bring aunt to uncle's house.
21:26Enough, dear.
21:28Don't trouble yourself.
21:30I don't even want to step in your uncle's house.
21:33Call her here.
21:35I won't go.
21:45come with me.
21:47I will come with you.
21:49I have to invite them for the reception.
21:51So dear, you go.
21:53But I won't go there.
21:56Call your brother here right now.
21:59That's it.
22:01I will go and see.
22:03Okay, fine. I am coming with you.
22:05I won't go there.
22:07I had sworn.
22:26Why do you have such an expensive phone?
22:28Where did you get so much money from?
22:30What do you mean? Can't I have money?
22:32The way you work,
22:34according to that you can never earn money.
22:36So where did you get such an expensive phone from?
22:38Did you steal it?
22:40No, it doesn't even look like a thief.
22:42Thief market.
22:44Yes, thief market.
22:46I can get it from the thief market.
22:48Are you still feeling dizzy?
22:54What does that even mean?
22:56Why is your English so good?
22:58My English?
23:00Yes, I mean,
23:02how can poor people's English be so good?
23:04But you have spoken such fluent English.
23:06Yes, I watch English movies,
23:09that's why my English is good.
23:26What is this?
23:42This doesn't look like it has fallen.
23:46But it is Salman's grave.
23:48It can fall.
23:56It can fall.
24:27Are you okay?
24:29Are you okay?
24:33Why do people who make fools out of you with love,
24:36get humiliated?
24:38Get rid of this rascal.
24:40You go and rest.
24:44You don't go inside,
24:46in fact, you go home.
24:53Don't worry.
24:54Go home and rest.
24:56I will come in the evening.
25:14Mom, where are you?
25:18What are you saying?
25:25Mother-in-law is having fun.
25:27Does Ms. Photo Jain come in a taxi today?
25:33Didn't you hear what I said?
25:35How did she get the money for the taxi?
25:37Your father gave her the money.
25:39She must be using it to pay the rent.
25:41When did father give it?
25:43Spy, you have to investigate everything.
25:47Your aunt called me and made me crazy.
25:50How does it get switched off?
25:51Switch it off.
25:55Go and listen.
26:11Look mom,
26:13you have always demanded such high rates from us.
26:16And how did you give the supply to Qureshi at such low rates?
26:22Isn't it strange?
26:24Zehra has supported Qureshi to take revenge from Tahir.
26:28At such low rates,
26:30aunt Zehra is harming herself by giving the supply.
26:36At such low rates,
26:40the material will also be substandard.
26:45But if we send low quality stuff in the international market,
26:50will it harm their own business?
26:52Qureshi has been famous for giving high quality material for many years.
26:57The loss will be Qureshi's loss.
27:03You watch.
27:07Her last consignment was also rejected because of this.
27:11How smart she is.
27:15I didn't like Sahiba like this.
27:18You wanted to bring Sahiba for raw material.
27:26Have you met Salar?
27:29No, I haven't met him yet.
27:32Go and meet him.
27:42People are so clever.
27:44They are smart, right?
27:46Not smart.
27:48Business minded.
27:50He is business minded.
27:52He knows what to do when something is happening.
27:56And Sahiba is totally on that.
28:00So that's why you wanted to get Salar married to Sahiba?
28:05I didn't want it.
28:08I will get it done.
28:09I will get it done.
28:13But you always used to tell Salar,
28:17do whatever you want.
28:20What was all that?
28:22When you want to keep a bird in a long cage,
28:26you should loosen its string.
28:34Salar will agree.
28:35And Mirza, he came home and told us so much.
28:40Everyone will agree.
28:42Everyone will stand in line and agree,
28:45if you support me.
28:49The way you are supporting my social work,
28:53if you also support me on social media,
28:57then everything will be fine.
29:01Will you support me?
29:36Madam, if you have time to cry,
29:39then please come down.
29:42I am not hungry.
29:44I am not hungry.
29:46I am not hungry.
29:48I am not hungry.
29:50I am not hungry.
29:52I am not hungry.
29:54I am not hungry.
29:56I am not hungry.
29:57I am not hungry.
29:59Your guests are very hungry.
30:05My guests?
30:07Yes, your guests.
30:09And I feel like they will eat you raw today.
30:12Who is here?
30:14I didn't call anyone.
30:18Sitara, I didn't understand one thing.
30:20If you wanted to elope with Kasim,
30:23then why did you go to Salar?
30:25I didn't go.
30:27And listen to me,
30:29if you are telling me to elope with Kasim again and again,
30:32then listen to me carefully.
30:34I am not one of those who elope secretly.
30:37Got it?
30:39You are not one of those who elope.
30:41But when someone calls you to meet,
30:43you go to meet him.
30:45You don't even think that he is Nimmy's fiance.
30:47I didn't go to meet that Nimmy's fiance.
30:50Yes, so you must have taken his property.
30:54And anyway, he is so hot.
30:57Forgetting relationships is not a big deal.
31:01You are right.
31:03Forgetting relationships is really not a big deal.
31:07But he himself called me.
31:09Okay, so the person you called,
31:12his family is here.
31:14Come and meet them.
31:43Who is he?
31:45No one.
31:47No one and still only him?
31:50I am telling you, he is mad. Just forget about it.
31:53Sometimes people become mad themselves and make others crazy.
32:00Did you meet at the wedding?
32:02Tell me one thing, how did you come at this time?
32:04I came to congratulate someone.
32:08For what?
32:10I have heard that someone got the permission to live freely.
32:14Dad was not feeling well.
32:17And anyway, he was not in his senses at that time.
32:22That is why I am telling you that he was not feeling well.
32:26By the way, what is the plan for the future?
32:29And who is this guy?
32:31I told you, there is no one. What happened?
32:36There is no one and so many pictures.
32:44You are hiding something from me, right?
32:47Are you doubting me?
32:48You trust me, right?
32:50Answer me.
32:52What kind of question is this?
32:56If she trusts you, then I have to doubt you, right?
33:02If someone else's trust is the reason for your doubt, then listen.
33:05I don't trust her myself.
33:18Since the time she has come, she has been sitting inside the room.
33:21I haven't been able to talk to her.
33:23By the way, this is not something to be proud of.
33:26There was so much going on under your nose
33:29and you are saying that I didn't talk to her.
33:32Aunt, you are talking wrong now.
33:34There is no need to target me for no reason.
33:37I am not saying anything wrong, sister-in-law.
33:39You just accept that I have not been able to talk to her.
33:43I have not been able to talk to her.
33:45I have not been able to talk to her.
33:46Sister-in-law, you accept that you didn't raise Sitara properly.
33:51Really? Then take her with you.
33:54I had told you earlier to keep her with you and raise her yourself.
33:58Me? You are too much.
34:00You make a big deal out of a small thing.
34:09Why did you call me in such an emergency?
34:11And what did you make a big deal out of?
34:13Brother, what was the need for Sitara to call Qasim and now she is insisting on getting married.
34:21I did talk to Qasim.
34:23What was the need to bring her along?
34:29Instead of accepting Sitara's mistake, you are spoiling her.
34:34I had told you earlier as well, why are you not taking her?
34:41Sitara, good girl. Pack your bag.
34:45Your aunt has come to pick you up.
34:50And now she will keep you with her and correct your bad habits from her upbringing.
34:56Look brother, I don't like how she always does this.
35:00But this time she is absolutely right.
35:03Take her.
35:11I can't handle these daily meetings.
35:16You are an aunt as well.
35:18It is your duty as well.
35:25Uncle, I will not go anywhere from here.
35:28This is my father's house and I will not go anywhere from here.
35:32No one can throw me out. Do you understand?
35:33What are you all doing?
35:39Oh God, oh God, oh God.
35:41Did you see her?
35:43And look at her.
35:45She is ready to marry someone else.
35:48Who knows, if I had come alone, she would have married me.
35:53Your daughter-in-law and she wanted to get married.
35:58I objected a lot.
36:00Do you remember or not?
36:01My daughter-in-law is a simple and innocent girl.
36:05But I was shocked.
36:08How could he stay alone all day?
36:10Sometimes with the excuse of coffee and sometimes with the excuse of taking photos.
36:17Now tell me aunty, what is our fault in this?
36:20We have kept her like our Kiran.
36:23What is wrong with our upbringing?
36:25In fact, after Kasim left, we even took her mobile from her.
36:29What more can a person do?
36:31Put a rope around her neck, so that she knows.
36:36And she doesn't need to get married.
36:43Yes, aunty is absolutely right.
36:46Anyway, there will be so much talk in the family.
36:49Salman was telling me that he himself told Salar to make her photos.
36:55Now tell me, what is the girl's fault in this?
36:57Mr. Ghalam, tell me.
36:59Where would it be?
37:01That's why the boy said in front of everyone that she herself came to my room.
37:06There were other girls as well.
37:08Why didn't he call someone else?
37:27I don't know.
