Love Better Than Immortality S01 E11 Hindi Dubbed

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Love Better Than Immortality S01 E11 Hindi Dubbed


00:19嘖 好大口气
00:28白衣鲜衣鞋手 并肩能背翻歌手
00:32刀剑如梦 圆月火火流相送
01:04白衣侠侣鞋手 并肩能背翻歌手
01:07刀剑如梦 圆月黄昏柳梢头
01:55I told my father about it.
01:57Now that the long-term fruit is in our house,
01:59why don't we give it to Shao?
02:04Pramukh, please calm down.
02:08Do you think your son spread this news?
02:26He doesn't have the courage to do something like this behind my back.
02:32It's strange.
02:35Thank you, brother.
02:37When I get the long-term fruit, I will definitely come to thank you.
02:46My dear younger sister loves you very much, Shao.
02:50So how could I let my father separate you two?
02:54Forget everything.
02:57You can go.
03:00An elder brother is like a father.
03:02After you got married to our brave Shao,
03:08I hope you won't forget your elder brother.
03:15No, brother.
03:17Whatever happens, I won't get married without my uncle's permission.
03:21Hearing this, my respect for you has increased, Shao.
03:24You are very good.
03:37Leave it.
03:38I think I have to do something.
03:40Can I leave Shao outside?
03:48Do I have your permission?
03:49My sister loves you very much, Shao.
03:55My younger sister will drop you outside.
03:58I will leave now.
04:26I have closed the door.
04:28Now only we two are here.
04:29Now you don't have to pretend.
04:32Tell me.
04:33Where is my son, Hua Chu, right now?
04:42Don't worry.
04:44Your son wants to enjoy for a few days.
04:46He has sent me here so that there is no problem.
04:50Then tell me one thing.
04:52You say that you have come here to help us.
04:56But Shao Bai had left from here.
04:59Then why did he come back in search of Durgayu Phal?
05:03I had helped you in sending him.
05:05But I had not said that he will never come back.
05:08You had not said that?
05:12But it is not a big thing for me to send him back forever.
05:17But for that you have to listen to me.
05:27Tell me the truth.
05:28Who are you?
05:38Who are you?
05:44Yes, tell me.
05:46Forgive me.
05:48Hua Chu had made this picture of hers.
05:50I had come to give it to her.
05:52But right now there is no one at home.
05:54Will you give this picture to her?
06:03This picture is not of Hua Chu.
06:05You must have some misunderstanding.
06:22That means our suspicion was right.
06:24We cannot be hasty in this matter.
06:29Right now the most important thing is uncle's safety.
06:31Because we do not know who is fake Hua Chu and what he wants.
06:35I know all this.
06:37You go to Dharamshala and wait for me.
06:40I will go with Shaoli and find out the truth.
06:43Go fast.
06:52Pramukh Leng is here.
06:59Leave me.
07:02Forgive me.
07:03Do not beat me.
07:04What do you want from us?
07:06Give me the longevity fruit soon.
07:08Otherwise none of you will be alive.
07:12Give it to me soon.
07:15Brother Shao.
07:16Brother Shao, save us.
07:18Pramukh Leng.
07:21What are you doing here?
07:22Leave them.
07:24They are cheating us.
07:25They will not listen to us unless we force them.
07:29This is not the way.
07:30It is possible that they do not have the longevity fruit.
07:33If we treat them like this,
07:35then what will be the difference between us and the evil sect?
07:38I am doing what you should do.
07:40If we do not do this, then why will they give us the longevity fruit?
07:44If you want the longevity fruit, then ask father.
07:46I do not know what he said.
07:47Let me go.
07:48Why are you trapping me?
07:51He is not my son.
07:52He is not my real son.
07:54Brother Shao, only you can give me justice.
07:56How can you forget your son for the longevity fruit?
07:59I am telling the truth.
08:00He is not my son.
08:13You are smarter than I thought.
08:22Ghati Pramukh, you are here?
08:40I never thought that you can do such a good drama.
08:44I am impressed.
08:45What do you mean?
08:47I never thought that you will come here.
08:50Now that you are here, I will leave.
08:52I was looking for the longevity fruit for you.
08:54But my efforts were in vain.
08:57You continue your search.
10:32Pramukh Singh himself has come to die at my hands today.
10:37I will deal with him.
10:41Tell me the truth.
10:42Where is the longevity fruit?
10:43Believe me.
10:44I do not have that fruit.
10:46Let me go.
10:48This is my last warning.
10:50This is the trick of that devil.
10:52He trapped me on purpose.
11:09Where is the longevity fruit?
11:34Shaobhai, you are a great warrior.
11:36Do not harm Shaobhai.
12:38Junua, are you alright?
12:41I am fine.
12:43To tell you the truth, I was saved again and again, Shaobhai.
12:46If his sword had moved a little forward, I would have...
12:48Junua, do you not trust my ability?
12:52It is not like that.
12:53I thought if I...
12:54I never use a woman as a shield.
12:57I did not mean that.
13:00I was just worried about you.
13:07Right now, we do not know what happened there.
13:10Junua, forgive me.
13:19Where is the longevity fruit?
13:48Where is Chacha?
14:05We have found out where the fake Hua Chiyo is.
14:08Shanguan Chiyo came here in disguise.
14:10Shanguan Chiyo?
14:13Is he also behind the longevity fruit?
14:16As soon as we got the news of the longevity fruit,
14:18Fulou also came here.
14:22And in all this,
14:25I was unsuccessful in protecting the family.
14:28If this is the case,
14:30then surely Shanguan must have forced Chacha.
14:33That is why he lied.
14:36And after his secret was revealed,
14:38he killed Pramukh Hua.
14:43That means Shaolika...
14:47There is no one in this world now.
14:51Chunhua will go with me to Fengming.
14:53Now it is my responsibility.
15:00Shaolika's past is really very bad.
15:03And now her family has been killed.
15:06This is very bad.
15:13Unfortunately, Shaolika has lost her memory.
15:16And she does not remember her brother.
15:18And Shanguan Chiyo took advantage of this.
15:24Who knew?
15:26How does Shanguan Chiyo look?
15:29He turned out to be different from what I heard.
15:31He did not look bad to me.
15:34To be honest,
15:36he is no less than a prince.
15:38To be honest,
15:40he is no less than a prince.
15:49Whatever he is,
15:50he will definitely be punished.
15:52Those who deceive others,
15:54take advantage of them,
15:55they have no right to live.
15:57When we meet next time,
15:59I will kill him myself.
16:01And I will avenge my family.
16:09Let's go.
16:17Chunhua, listen.
16:24From now on,
16:25Fengming's mountain is your home.
16:36ever since we came to Yatan City,
16:38people have been chasing us.
16:40The Hua family has never interfered with the martial arts community.
16:43So how did they get involved in this matter?
16:45You are right.
16:46I also found it strange that the Hua family had the news of longevity.
16:49Shanguan Chiyo was also there.
16:51Shanguan Chiyo?
16:54He claims to be after longevity.
16:56But I think he is trying to get close to Chunhua.
17:01the news of the relationship between Chunhua and the evil community is false.
17:05Chunhua is a helpless girl.
17:08Don't think so much.
17:11can't I give my opinion?
17:14Chunhua is a helpless girl.
17:16But your relationship is fixed.
17:19What do you want to say?
17:21Enemies can threaten you.
17:23Let's go.
17:35I failed.
17:36I couldn't save uncle Hua.
17:38What did you say?
17:41uncle Hua was killed.
17:44And the one responsible for his death
17:46is Shanguan Chiyo.
17:49Shanguan Chiyo killed his elder son.
17:52He forced uncle Hua to lie.
17:54He took the form of brother Hua.
17:56He betrayed us.
18:01Get his picture soon.
18:04And send it everywhere.
18:06We will punish him for what he did.
18:10Yes, father.
18:12One more thing.
18:15The girl whom I brought from the doctor
18:17is really Shaoli.
18:23stand up.
18:29Shaoli has no one except us.
18:32What do you say about her marriage?
18:35She is alone today.
18:37She has no one.
18:39I want to make her my wife, father.
18:45Your decision is right.
18:48But is Shaoli ready for marriage?
18:56this marriage can't happen without his consent.
19:01I understand.
19:30What are you doing here?
19:31I don't even want to see your face.
19:34If you hadn't come,
19:36the Hua family wouldn't have been killed.
19:39They have been killed by the Phulos.
19:47I won't forgive you.
19:52You are my younger sister.
19:54Go away from here.
20:00Listen, Chunua.
20:03I have no one except you.
20:56why can't I forget you?
20:59Why do I miss you?
21:03Chunua, are you inside?
21:15you came to meet me.
21:16Come inside.
21:18I don't want to bother you.
21:20I just want to ask you a question.
21:30Tell me.
21:34what have you thought about the future?
21:36I haven't thought about the future.
21:39Brother, do you want to say something?
21:43It's all my fault.
21:44I couldn't save your father and brother
21:46from the wicked family.
21:48you have no one in this world.
21:51I am sorry about that.
21:53That's why I am asking you.
21:58you have been living in our house for many days.
22:00Do you like living here?
22:10I was happy and safe in your house.
22:14Now I am used to it.
22:15But Brother,
22:16do you want to throw me out of here?
22:19Not at all.
22:25I want to talk to Brother.
22:27Can I take him?
22:32Let's go.
22:35Why did you bring me from there?
22:38What are you doing?
22:42I didn't finish.
22:43I didn't finish.
22:46you and I grew up together.
22:49But you still didn't learn anything from me.
22:54say whatever you want to say.
22:59She loves you.
23:02But she doesn't know what you think.
23:07Brother, what do you want to say?
23:31That's all I want to say.
23:33To be honest,
23:34Chunua has told me
23:36what she thinks about you.
23:40But why would she
23:41tell me what's in her heart?
23:45You also tell me
23:47what's in your heart.
23:51Thank you for helping me.
24:06What are you doing here?
24:09Congratulations, Chunua.
24:16I've come to give this to you
24:17on behalf of Brother Shaobai.
25:07What does this mean?
25:09Your dream came true.
25:12wants to marry you.
25:40Everything is happening so fast.
25:42I need time to think.
25:44But what's there to think?
25:46Did I make a mistake?
25:48I thought
25:50you loved Shaobai.
25:53Did Shaobai tell you
25:55that he also loves me?
25:57Is this true?
25:59Everyone knows
26:00that you both love each other.
26:03why would he send you a love letter?
26:05And anyway,
26:06some things are only felt.
26:09They are not expressed.
26:13No, I don't agree with this.
26:16I don't think this is right.
26:18I think Shaobai
26:20should express his love.
26:22He will have to ask for your hand.
26:26And that too
26:27sitting on his knees.
26:31I think for Shaobai
26:33it will be difficult to do this.
26:38If you are quiet
26:40should I not understand this?
26:42If this is the case
26:43then I will give him your answer.
26:46I didn't say
26:47that I don't like him.
26:48That means
26:49you also agree with this.
26:51I will leave now.
26:53I have to answer Shaobai.
26:58And yes,
26:59tell him one thing.
27:01He will have to ask for my hand again.
27:31my family is not there
27:33that's why
27:34you are not marrying me
27:35out of pity, right?
27:38No, this won't do.
27:40I am looking for
27:41true love.
28:04After reading this letter
28:06I don't feel anything like this.
28:08And even in its writing
28:10there is so much love.
28:17As if someone has written it with love.
28:20That means
28:21Shaobai really loves me.
28:24So what is there to worry about?
28:26They say
28:27whether you get married or not
28:28is in the hands of God.
28:31Who else can Shaobai love
28:32other than me?
28:33Who else can Shaobai love
28:34other than me?
28:49So can I use
28:50her bathroom now?
29:10Jinnu, come out
29:11or it will be cold.
29:18You have come here again
29:19Mr. Shaobai.
29:23That's strange.
29:25How did you know
29:26that I am not Shaobai?
29:27Shaobai will never see
29:28a girl bathing.
29:34What are you looking at?
29:35I am looking at you.
29:36Why are you feeling shy?
29:41I had told you earlier also, right?
29:43Forget whatever happened.
29:44I am a virgin now.
29:47You are getting scared for no reason.
29:50I was
29:53talking about Nishan.
30:01I was talking about Nishan.
30:03Shangwan Chiryu.
30:06Don't you consider me as your elder brother?
30:09You tell me
30:10what should I do
30:11to get rid of you?
30:14You are so innocent.
30:16You were going to help me
30:17in stealing the book, right?
30:18But you couldn't steal the book.
30:20But Shaobai stole your heart.
30:26I am very sad
30:27to see this love letter.
30:31Give it back to me.
30:33You have forgotten
30:34my work completely.
30:37If I give you the book,
30:40will you leave me alone?
30:42I will think about it.
30:44What if I refuse?
30:50Then I will kill you.
30:55If you don't give me
30:57the book in three days,
30:59then you will have to
31:00come back to me.
31:03I will...
31:14You have come at the right time.
31:15I was about to meet you.
31:17Close the door.
31:45What does all this mean?
31:55Look at this.
31:58This is...
32:00our family's Kung Fu book.
32:05Kung Fu?
32:08This is the ancient mantra
32:09that separates us
32:10from other religions.
32:12With the power of these mantras,
32:13this sword can become
32:14very powerful.
32:17there is no difference
32:18between this and ordinary swords.
32:23How can you tell me
32:24such a big secret
32:25without thinking, Shaobai?
32:28We are going to get married soon.
32:30And there should be
32:31no secrets between us.
32:33Every prince of our family
32:34tells this secret to his wife
32:35before getting married
32:37to show her his love
32:39and loyalty.
32:43Does this mean
32:47that you are
32:49asking for my hand?
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