How long would you leave your dog?

  • last month
Dog talk! How long would you leave your dog?
00:00How often do you leave the Harry in a, oh no, Henry, in a crate for seven or eight hours?
00:07Henry doesn't have a crate because he doesn't rip stuff up, Grant.
00:09Oh, okay. I thought you were saying I should put Bullet in a crate.
00:12I put Harry in a crate, but he loves his crate.
00:14Yeah, you say because he rips stuff up. I'm just saying to prevent things from getting ripped up.
00:17Did we discuss what happened yet?
00:18No, I love Bullet. I don't want to, I don't, I just, I don't know how.
00:23When we went to the thing yesterday, Bullet is normally very good. He'll eat shoes, like he likes to eat shoes.
00:30But when we got back, both of the tiny televisions were on, which I thought was weird.
00:39And then as I-
00:40Courtney would have immediately grabbed a bat.
00:42As I made my way through my home, I noticed that both, not one, but both of the remote controls had been eaten beyond salvageability.
00:56Were all the pieces intact? Because you don't want him swallowing.
01:00He may have. I have no idea. They were all over the place.
01:05And then I had to try to figure out technology-wise how to shut the television on or off without the remote. Major problem for me.
01:12To be honest, did you just-
01:13Did it take you like 45 minutes?
01:14But I don't know, what does one do to stop a dog from eating things, like a young dog?
01:19I would, honestly, I would, in a million years, I would never be concerned about a remote control, but I guess it makes sense. It's kind of the size of some toys.
01:28I mean, is it attractive to them for some weird reason that we don't know, the remote controls?
01:33I think it probably looks and feels like a bone in their mouth.
01:37Yeah. Like the Roku remote or-
01:40Yeah, is that the small TV or one of the big, like, Comcast?
01:44No, like a big Comcast remote.
01:48I would keep it out of reach.
01:49Yeah, that would be-
01:50Well, I would think on the, yeah, I mean, I guess, how can you put everything out of reach? There's not enough space out of reach.
01:56No, I mean, you just put it on a higher counter for that.
01:58How does the dog find just those two remotes, and that's the only thing that the dog ate?
02:03I do think that there is a mental component.
02:05It's perplexing. Huh?
02:06I think there's a mental component.
02:07I think so, too. Like, he's mad.
02:09They always attack, when dogs are unhappy, they go after expensive shoes.
02:15Which Bullet does.
02:16They're mad that you're leaving them alone.
02:17And they, that's how he gets back at Enzy.
