Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Ma’ruf Amin melakukan groundbreaking Istana Wakil Presiden di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), Kalimantan Timur, Senin (12/8/2024).
"Dengan mengucap Bismillahirrohmanirrohim proyek groundbreaking Istana Wakil Presiden di IKN saya nyatakan resmi dimulai,” kata Wapres yang dilanjutkan penekanan sirine tanda dimulainya pembangunan.
"Dengan mengucap Bismillahirrohmanirrohim proyek groundbreaking Istana Wakil Presiden di IKN saya nyatakan resmi dimulai,” kata Wapres yang dilanjutkan penekanan sirine tanda dimulainya pembangunan.
00:05Vice President Ma'ruf Amin held the first stone laying
00:08or groundbreaking of the vice president's office
00:10in the capital city of Nusa Tenggara,
00:12Parajan, Pasir Utara, East Kalimantan.
00:15Vice President Ma'ruf Amin hopes the project
00:17can be a catalyst for local economic growth
00:20through increasing job opportunities and business.
00:23IKAIN is also expected not only to be
00:25an innovation center for education and culture,
00:28but also a magnet for investment and economic growth
00:32as well as a driving force for people's equality,
00:34development, and prosperity.
00:40IKAIN is a symbol of our determination
00:43to promote diversity in unity
00:47and ensure that every corner of the country
00:51gets equal attention in national development.
00:58Designed with a long-term vision,
01:01IKAIN was built to overcome various challenges
01:05faced by previous capital cities,
01:08such as population density,
01:11traffic jams, and environmental damage.
01:15In addition, IKAIN is also expected
01:18not only to be an innovation center for education and culture,
01:24but also a magnet for investment and economic growth
01:30as well as a driving force for people's equality,
01:33development, and prosperity.