Emmerdale 12th August 2024

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Emmerdale 12th August 2024
00:00Morning! I don't know if you know, but I own the Village Cafe. All new customers, a free
00:14slice of cake and a smile.
00:16I don't like cake and I don't need smiles.
00:35My van was right here last night. It's not here anymore.
00:39Most normal people start with hello.
00:43Hello. Where's my van?
00:45Do you know, I actually thought you were here to apologise to me.
00:48I've told you why I'm here.
00:51My grandad thought you'd moved it yourself.
00:53Yeah, pretty sure I didn't, as it wasn't drivable.
00:55Right, well, the keys weren't there this morning, so he assumed you'd got it and taken it somewhere
00:59Well, that didn't happen, so you need to tell me where my van is.
01:01I just told you.
01:02You've told me nothing.
01:03Look, my grandad'll be back soon.
01:04What's he gonna tell me? That someone could just turn up here and steal anything they
01:10want and nobody would be the slightest bit bothered?
01:11Fine, I'll call the police then.
01:13No. No.
01:17I think I can work it out for myself.
01:25Well, if you don't like it, feel free to hang up.
01:31Yes, really.
01:32Look, do you have any idea how pathetic you sound?
01:35You're the one that's supposed to be serving me.
01:43Did they hang up?
01:45Well, I thought that was part of the service.
01:48Weren't you doing your thing?
01:49Oh, no, no, I do that thing on the laptop. That was the, er, credit card company.
01:54Oh, right. Oh, well, similar territory, I suppose. You know, they put you in their own
01:59special handcuffs, humiliate you and leave you feeling helpless.
02:03I have managed to get rid of one of my handcuffs. I've paid off one at smaller credit card bills.
02:08Oh, and how long before you make a dent in the bigger one? And the even bigger tax bill?
02:12Depends if it decides to rob a bank or not.
02:14In fact, what are you doing later? Because you would look lovely in a bella clava.
02:18No offence taken.
02:19Oh, come on, Trace. If you can't laugh, you'd kill up in a ball and drown in your own tears.
02:24Look, I know what you're going to say, right? I have taken your advice. I switched the picture.
02:29You can't recognise me. I wouldn't recognise me.
02:31I am just scared of you falling deeper into a hole that you can't get out of.
02:36No, Trace, this is my chance of getting out of it. I got a few new clients last night.
02:41You can almost smell the money coming out of the screen.
02:45Nice, I think.
02:47They were well up for it. And now with that money, I can get up having a nice little treat.
02:54Thought you'd gone without saying goodbye.
02:56They have no idea who they're dealing with.
03:00There's a line you don't cross and they've smashed through that line.
03:03Right, slow down and tell me who, what.
03:06Aaron. You need to tell me where he lives.
03:09Yeah, I need to go and pay him a visit.
03:10Well, you don't seem like you're in the right frame of mind to be paying anyone a visit.
03:13I think he's taken my van.
03:15Just a bit of fun.
03:16So that's why he's still here?
03:18Please, you need to tell me which door I need to be knocking on.
03:23No, no, that's fantastic, thank you.
03:26Yeah, yeah, we can't wait.
03:29Okay, yeah, thanks, bye.
03:33I'm scared of saying that that sounded like good news.
03:37Brilliant news.
03:38The unit were phoning to confirm Angelica's day release tomorrow.
03:41Which we knew was happening.
03:43Yeah, but we've both been around long enough to know if a spanner can be put in the works, someone will find that spanner.
03:47Oh, I think I found the spanner all by myself.
03:51Look, yesterday I said some stuff.
03:53Which needed saying.
03:55We're in this situation because of me. My choices.
03:58And we can feel sorry for ourselves or we can find a way of dealing with things like we always do.
04:03Our problems aren't going to go away, Nico.
04:06They still need solving. Now more than ever.
04:09But this isn't a one-man problem, is it?
04:12The haulage yard, Will's supposed to be a partner.
04:15But he is.
04:16So why is the weight of the world only on your shoulders, hmm?
04:19Maybe he needs to start doing some heavy lifting too.
04:27Oh, this is amazing!
04:30I still feel bad about cutting you out once.
04:35Look, what I'm trying to say is, like, you shouldn't be splashing out on me. You should be careful with your money.
04:39Well, I wanted to. Plus, I'm not very good at keeping secrets.
04:43Well, evidently you are, because Donald the Secretary is, yeah?
04:45Yeah, but I feel like you're going to say no, and you can't really say no.
04:49To what?
04:50A hen do.
04:53And I know it's short notice.
04:54Did you not hear me? I said yes, like a big yes, with bubbles on it, L-plates and all that badge.
04:58OK, cool, well, I've sorted everything, got the fizzy wine, not the expensive stuff, obvs, and the karaoke machine.
05:03Lydia, Ella and Kerry are free to come too.
05:05Honestly, you have me at hen.
05:09Right, missy, you are going to have to go.
05:13Well, I thought I'd work it today.
05:15No, I'm sorry, I've had more cancellations.
05:17But hey, it gives you more time to work on the hen do, every cloud.
05:23Play hard, work harder.
05:33You can do this, you can do this, of course you can do this.
05:37You can do this, you can do this.
05:43So, what have you done this time, you pathetic little worm?
05:48I think it's about time I introduce you to my friend, Mr Bamboo.
05:55But first, you need to show me the money.
06:03That's what's known as a happy face.
06:05Oh, I had one of them once.
06:07Can't really remember when, but I definitely had one.
06:10Well, I told Mandy about the hen do. Thought she was going to say no.
06:14To a party, her own party. How long have you known Mandy?
06:18The only surprise is she didn't plan one herself. You're not meant to be at the salon.
06:21Well, I was, but Mandy's had a few more cancellations.
06:24Honestly, she couldn't get me out of that door quick enough.
06:26Is she stressed?
06:27No, I was talking to her earlier. I mean, the cancellations are doing her head in, but she's fine.
06:33Won't do any harm to check up on her, though. She might need someone to screen that.
06:42She won't stay mad at you forever.
06:45Whatever's going on between you two, I'm sure you'll work it out.
06:48I know we don't, but it's not just her, is it?
06:53It was like she was mine, and it's like I just don't matter.
06:57Oh, love.
06:58I get I can't be a part of her life, but it just doesn't feel...
07:02I know, but your mum had a similar situation with Johnny, didn't she?
07:06But she still sees him. She's still part of his life.
07:09I don't think Amelia would go for that.
07:11Well, you won't know until you talk to her. Tell her how you feel.
07:21Oh, that's something you never want to see ever again.
07:24Thank God. I didn't even know a snake could do that.
07:27And that's a full-size cat.
07:32Where is it?
07:34Oh, the cow. The snake's just eaten it right there.
07:40No, it's a small talk, Ben.
07:43I just asked you a question.
07:45You just asked me a question. Do you know the answer?
07:48No, but I think he might be looking for something.
07:51Yeah. Yeah, I think so, too.
07:53He doesn't look very happy, though, does he?
07:55Are you not very happy, John?
07:58My van. What have you done with it?
08:02Oh, I think it's his van.
08:04Why would we know where it is?
08:06I really don't have time for this.
08:08Well, we don't have time for clowns like you
08:10coming and interrupting our morning coffee and cake.
08:12Have you tried the cake here, John? It's lovely. Very moist.
08:17What are you doing?
08:18Start talking. Get off me.
08:21Take me to my van, or I will snap you in half!
08:24All right, all right. We'll take you to it.
08:27Come on.
08:32It's not here, is it?
08:34This is a winder. It's not.
08:36We had it here. We left it right there, so you could wash it.
08:40You wouldn't be that stupid. We obviously don't know it that well,
08:43cos I definitely am that stupid.
08:45Well, let's just stop panicking. If someone nicked it...
08:47It wasn't drivable. So it should be easy to find.
08:52I don't know.
08:53I don't know. I don't know.
08:55I don't know. I don't know.
08:57I don't know. I don't know.
08:59I don't know.
09:01Where is it?
09:11This is not happening.
09:13Oh, we must have left the handbrake on.
09:16What do you mean, we?
09:18It's a bit of a schoolboy error, that.
09:20You think this is funny? My life was in that van.
09:23Well, if your whole life's in the van,
09:25then maybe you should think about getting a better one.
09:28No, no, no, no. You'll have to go through me first.
09:31Which means you need to go through both of us.
09:33Still fancy your chances, big man?
09:35You have no idea what you've done.
09:37We kind of do, though, don't we? Because your van's in the lake.
09:40It wasn't... It wasn't...
09:42It wasn't supposed to happen like that. It was supposed to be a laugh.
09:48Is he scaring you?
09:50A little bit. You?
09:52Terrifies me.
10:47I know you wanted to take a few days off from the business.
10:50And yet you're still here?
10:52I need to fill you in on a few things.
10:57Bad things.
10:58Great. Promised myself I won't drink today and all.
11:01You might want to sit down as well.
11:04The Gorman contract.
11:06Our bread and butter?
11:07Yeah. Well, there isn't any bread and butter any more.
11:09There's barely a few crumbs left.
11:11What? You've lost the contract?
11:13I didn't lose it. There was an incident.
11:15Some boxes went missing from a load.
11:17How did that happen?
11:19Somebody's obviously not doing their job right.
11:21I don't know how it happened.
11:23I checked that load onto the van myself.
11:25Everything seemed fine.
11:27I tried to get Gorman's back on side,
11:29but one-strike Gorman wasn't having it.
11:32He already signed a new contract.
11:34Oh, brilliant. You've just met my day.
11:36Oh, it gets worse.
11:40We had a visit from a traffic examiner.
11:42He wanted to do a tachograph check.
11:44So? We're on top of that?
11:46We were, and then we weren't.
11:48We got a fine. A big fine.
11:50And I'm not sure we've got the money to pay it.
11:52Hang on a minute. We?
11:54Losing a contract and getting hammered with a fine
11:56happened on your watch, Jimmy.
11:57You've got to take the hit.
11:59It happened on my watch because I was doing extra work
12:01to make more money because you'd gone AWOL
12:03because you were having trouble at home.
12:05Just hang on a minute.
12:06We all have things that are crippling us, Will.
12:08You have the luxury of choices. I don't.
12:11I need the haulage business to keep my family afloat.
12:14You finished?
12:15It just all gets on top of me sometimes.
12:22I can't stop thinking about her.
12:25I can't stop worrying about her.
12:28I don't expect you to understand.
12:30Of course I understand.
12:32I'm a father too.
12:34Look, whatever you feel you've got to say out loud, mate,
12:37you can say it to me.
12:42I've seen some angry people in my time, but not as angry as him.
12:45Yeah, I thought his head was going to explode.
12:47That alone was worth the entrance fee.
12:48You left that on break-off?
12:50Yeah, by accident.
12:51You're a clown.
12:52Well, you could have checked it.
12:53Yeah, I could have checked it, but I didn't know you were an idiot.
12:55Yes, you did, Aaron.
12:56You knew that I'm an idiot.
12:58And he needed payback, and now he's paying for it in full.
13:00It won't be forgotten.
13:01Well, I'll tell you this much,
13:02Johnny's not going to forget it any time soon.
13:04Still laughing, are we?
13:06Have you any idea what you've done?
13:09Of course we do.
13:10We were there.
13:11I'm guessing you don't know the full story.
13:13I know the part where you stole his van from the garage
13:15and drove it into a lake,
13:17trying to fill in any gaps.
13:20Ah, Mackenzie.
13:21Yeah, the first gap is that we didn't drive it into the lake.
13:24You left that on break-off.
13:25I did. I did do that.
13:27So that's my fault.
13:28What's not my fault is that John's a hobo in a van.
13:31Don't call him that.
13:32You're right, I shouldn't call him that.
13:33He doesn't have the van anymore, does he?
13:34He's a homeless hobo.
13:36You're pathetic, and I pity charity.
13:38Well, I'll be honest with you, Victoria.
13:40I do too, sometimes.
13:41Can we just slow down for a minute?
13:43Because maybe what you need to do is go and ask your new housemate why it happened.
13:46Then you might realise he's not the angel you think he is.
13:48Well, my half-brother, because of you,
13:51has no home, no way of getting work.
13:54He's basically got nothing left.
13:56Are we still finding this funny?
13:58Is the answer no?
14:00We needed teaching a lesson, right?
14:03And it just... it went wrong.
14:05The end.
14:06No, not the end, actually.
14:08But do you know what?
14:09I shall be thanking you.
14:11Thanking us?
14:12Well, that took an unexpected turn.
14:14Well, he's going nowhere now.
14:16So I get my half-brother for a whole lot longer,
14:19and you two get a fight that you really don't want.
14:21So give yourselves a big pat on the back.
14:23Good work, idiots.
14:32Oh, erm...
14:34How, er...
14:35How long have you been standing there?
14:38Probably too long.
14:41What were you going to tell me?
14:43About what?
14:45You know what?
14:47I thought we weren't keeping secrets anymore.
14:49No, I hate keeping anything from you.
14:51I just thought...
14:52Well, I know what you thought.
14:58What are you saying sorry for?
15:00I think it's amazing.
15:02You do?
15:05I can't believe it.
15:07You've actually booked a little trip for us in Venice.
15:09That's... that...
15:10I wasn't snooping.
15:11It was just there.
15:12It's just... I...
15:13A speedboat?
15:15Thank you. That's so romantic.
15:17Well, I just wanted to spoil you because...
15:19Well, I love you.
15:22I love you too.
15:24More than yesterday.
15:26Maybe not as much as tomorrow.
15:28Not so much.
15:30No, no, honestly.
15:32It was lovely.
15:33I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
15:40Every part of me wants Angel home.
15:42I can't stand the thought of her spending another minute in that place.
15:46Yeah, it must be unbearable.
15:48Well, the other thing eating away at me
15:50is how people have got to treat her when she gets out.
15:53You need to stop worrying about people.
15:55It's just day release.
15:58Summer'd have her behind bars forever.
16:00Yeah, because people are only happy when they're judging,
16:03when they've got a pitchfork to sharpen.
16:05It's something you can't leave behind, though, isn't it?
16:09We both know how some behaved
16:11when they found out what Heather had done.
16:13That's a different story.
16:15Same ending.
16:17I'm worried that when she gets out,
16:19she's got to be treated like a pariah for the rest of her life.
16:21She's still my little girl.
16:25When I was inside, the thing that I felt every day,
16:28well, apart from guilt and regret,
16:32I felt helpless, knowing that Dawn were in care
16:35and it were because of me.
16:37And there were nothing I could do to fix it.
16:40Yeah, but look at you now.
16:43Not many dads have got what you and Dawn have got.
16:46Things can look fine on the surface, Jimmy,
16:48but when you look a bit closer,
16:51all the scars are still there.
16:57This is so cute.
16:59Still looks brand-new.
17:00It's for these things. I think she's only ever worn once.
17:03And I say, never get over how quickly they grow.
17:05This is so nice.
17:07I still can't believe how quick she gets hooped nappies.
17:09That's a totally different problem.
17:13I'll always be here for you, Amelia.
17:16You two will always have a place to stay with me.
17:18I'd say thanks, but don't come close.
17:24So, what have we come through?
17:26I think it's best if you two get things out in the open.
17:30I'll leave you to it.
17:35I just wanted to talk to you.
17:37There's nothing to talk about, Noah.
17:39No, I get it. We're not anything anymore.
17:43But I know it might sound stupid.
17:46I just wanted to know if I can still be a part of Esther's life.
17:49Even a little bit.
17:51I don't think it's a good idea.
17:53I knew you were gonna say that.
17:55But I just think...
17:56The trust fund money, the bank card, all of it, you can have it back.
17:59No, I don't want it back.
18:01Neither of us will be able to move on if we're still in each other's lives.
18:04You live here with Chas.
18:06She's literally my family.
18:07Yeah, and we'll still see each other, but only because we have to.
18:12Look, I know I'm not a real dad.
18:17But I still love you, Noah.
18:20I do.
18:22I know.
18:25Amelia, please.
18:27She's gonna miss me too, you know.
18:29Yeah, she's still young enough to forget you.
18:32Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that.
18:35It's fine.
18:38This is the best for everyone, you know.
18:42Not the best for me, though, is it?
18:46Is that it, then, yeah?
18:52That's it.
19:02Come on.
19:04It don't matter how long we look at this, Jimmy, it still reads the same.
19:10Kim must know some fairly high-end accountants.
19:13You know, the ones that can make some figures just disappear.
19:18We need more than an accountant. We need a magician.
19:20And high-end still costs.
19:22More than we can afford.
19:24We're drowning.
19:26There's only one way I can see of us getting out of it.
19:28I know it makes sense to sell it, I do,
19:31but it's still my family business and I've always had it in my head
19:34that one day I'll be able to hand it down to the kids.
19:37And I know sentiment doesn't pay the bills, but...
19:40Oh, I've got Angel at home tomorrow.
19:43I can't have this hanging over me.
19:46So, if we're gonna go down, maybe we don't go down without a fight.
19:51Kicking, screaming, punching, biting, whatever else we have to do.
19:54Now we're talking.
19:55Yeah, let them come for us, mate.
19:57We might lose, but we...
19:58We do everything we have to to win.
20:04Your partner in crime left you alone.
20:08It certainly looks that way, doesn't it?
20:11You don't look worried.
20:14Why would I be worried?
20:16You don't know me, Aaron.
20:18Who says I want to know you?
20:20Probably a good thing.
20:22What you did, you know there's gonna be payback.
20:27Wasn't meant to go like that.
20:28But it did.
20:30I know.
20:31Just telling you how it is.
20:35Remember the last time we were this close?
20:38Can't remember what you've already forgot.
20:40I reckon when you close your eyes tonight, I'll be the last thing you think about.
20:46Yeah, probably.
20:48Laughing about your little van.
20:50Be awake for hours.
20:52I know what you want.
20:55This routine of yours needs work.
20:57No, it doesn't.
21:10That was just too easy.
21:12Yeah, fair play.
21:15Sweet dreams.
21:25Thanks for watching.