Emmerdale 9th August 2024

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Emmerdale 9th August 2024
00:06♪ Psychofacial! Psychofacial!
00:24Hmph. Lethal combo, that, innit, eh?
00:27Sweaty, sexy and health-conscious.
00:30Oh, hold on. He's doing stretches now, look.
00:33Oh, can't seem to stop looking, short of jabbing my own eyes out.
00:37What, are you two staring at? Aye.
00:39Just, er, wondering who that is.
00:41You know, in a community-minded, landlady kind of way.
00:46Oh, stopped outside Vicks.
00:48Oh, no!
00:50Eric said something about a random half-brother of hers
00:53turning up at a funeral yesterday.
00:55I bet that's him.
00:56Apparently they share the same dad.
00:58What, he's Jack's son? No, that can't be right, can it?
01:01Well, it is. How do you know?
01:03What are we all looking at?
01:05I met him yesterday. His van broke down.
01:07Met who? Who is that?
01:09Just some idiot.
01:11Aw, he's gone inside now.
01:15Full disclosure, now.
01:17What do you want me to say? There's nothing to tell.
01:19Well, he's Annie and Robert's half-brother.
01:21It's kind of a big deal, love.
01:23Hey, Sarah, do you know anything about this?
01:26Some secret half-brother of your dad's turning up.
01:36Nothing all right?
01:38Can't find the cattle passport for the auction.
01:40It was here the other day. Somebody must have moved it.
01:43I had a bit of a tidy-round earlier.
01:45Been here somewhere.
01:47What did you do that for?
01:48Because the place needed it, all right?
01:50Meaning what, exactly?
01:51Meaning nothing.
01:54Didn't the auction at ten?
02:00Anything I can do to help?
02:04Actually, you could move the rest of the herd down to the bottom field.
02:07I thought you needed that field for the new cattle,
02:10because I've just moved them out of it.
02:12Right, so basically you're just going around making extra work for me.
02:15I was just trying to help, all right?
02:16That's why I took the boys to holiday camp,
02:18and then I was maybe going to do some of your deliveries,
02:20but I'm not bothered next time, eh?
02:21Well, thank goodness for that.
02:23Right, I've got to go.
02:25See you later. Take care. Bye.
02:29You slept with him? Robert's brother?
02:32I didn't know that at the time, did I?
02:34I'm not a complete idiot.
02:35This is what I hate about you and your hook-ups.
02:38He could have been anyone.
02:40But anyone would have been better than this, wouldn't it?
02:43Of all the messed-up bad luck.
02:45Well, it's not ideal. Agreed.
02:48And what if he says something to Vic?
02:50What if he tells her about us?
02:51Only you and him aren't an us, though, are you?
02:55I mean, you didn't even know his name at the time.
02:57Right, if this is going to turn into some sort of lecture...
02:59It's not.
03:01I mean, it's not what people normally do, is it?
03:04Broadcast the sex lives to virtual strangers like Vic?
03:07Normal people know, but...
03:09The guy's obviously a bit of a weirdo.
03:11He wouldn't have drove off and left me.
03:13I think you're worrying too much.
03:15It's not just that, Mum. It's...
03:18You brought everything back.
03:21About Robert, you know.
03:24I can't go back there again.
03:32How was your run?
03:35Oh, so you didn't get lost on the route, I suggested.
03:37Got back, didn't I?
03:39I'll stick the kettle on, then. I can make you some toast if you want.
03:42Not for me, Ta. I'm ready for the off.
03:44But I thought the garage said it'd take a few days to fix your van.
03:47I've decided I can't wait that long.
03:49Besides, they're fitting a radiator, not a new engine.
03:51I don't know why they're making such a meal of it.
03:53You sound like my dad.
03:55He was no nonsense, didn't suffer fools.
03:57I thought we weren't doing this.
03:59Yeah, sorry. It's just hard when you remind me of him so much.
04:02This is why I didn't want to stay here.
04:05OK, I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again.
04:07Makes no odds now. I'm going.
04:13I said something about a half-brother of yours turning up.
04:16Um, hey, you must be John.
04:18I'm Sarah, Andy's daughter.
04:20Andy. That's the adopted one, right?
04:23We haven't talked much about stuff.
04:25It's not that straightforward, Sarah.
04:27Why isn't it? Come on, I've got loads of questions.
04:34Flipping actress.
04:36What's up with you?
04:37No, I'm just...
04:38What are you looking at?
04:40Pack it in your suit.
04:41Oh, now I really want to know. Let's see.
04:43Look, I'm just making a profile for me.
04:46Finn Dompage.
04:48You... What Dompage?
04:50It's short for Financial Domination.
04:52Look, I thought you might help with me cash flow thing.
04:57OK, this is bonkers.
04:59You think it's a bit OTT?
05:01You see, there's a fine line between, like, you know, bossy and crazy lady.
05:05The whole flipping idea is crazy. You can't do it.
05:08Why can't I?
05:10Oh, what, take money off blokes who get the kicks from being told off, then ripped off?
05:14Hardly a strong lifestyle choice, is it?
05:16This is just a way of getting fast cash into Mardy Mandy's bossy bank.
05:20Please tell me you're not using your real name.
05:22No, obviously.
05:24But you're going to have to put a picture on there.
05:26Oh, yeah, I know that. Actually, I need your opinion on that.
05:31Why are you doing that gurning face? You look like Miss Trenchbolt.
05:34That's my no messing face.
05:36Well, you can't use it. People will recognise you.
05:38So what am I made to do?
05:40Forget the whole thing.
05:42Look, people you meet on there, they will not be nice.
05:47Trust someone who's done stuff for money they're not proud of.
05:50But that's why it's great, cos it's online, it's safe.
05:53Yeah, but things can snowball.
05:56Before you know it, you're agreeing to stuff you're not comfortable with.
05:59Listen, look what happened to Emilia. She wasn't even doing anything dodgy.
06:05I hear you, right, and I will be careful, but this seems like a win-win.
06:09You know, I'm a bossy cow for free. Why not earn from it?
06:13I'm sorry, I don't like it.
06:15But if I can't stop you, then please just don't tell me any more.
06:20Cos I'll only worry about what could go wrong.
06:27So you always knew Jack was your dad, but you never spoke about getting in touch with him?
06:31That's her asking, so you can't have a go at me?
06:33Never wanted to.
06:36Look, Mum said she wrote to him when I was little.
06:40Sent a picture of me, explained everything.
06:44He never replied.
06:45But you never mentioned a letter yesterday.
06:48It was my mum's funeral, what's it matter anyway?
06:50Maybe he never got the letter.
06:53More of a romantic way to look at it, isn't it? Shame I'm a realist.
06:56Apart from the fact that you didn't know him.
06:58You would have never ignored something that important.
07:01Yeah, what if Vic's right, you genuinely didn't know that you existed?
07:04That'd be so sad.
07:05Actually, it wouldn't have made a fat lot of difference.
07:08I had an old man who gave her stuff about me, and my life has been fine.
07:12I'm not a victim here.
07:13No one's saying that you are.
07:15Why are you looking at me like some object of pity?
07:19Sorry, but I'm done here.
07:31Is that your wedding speech?
07:33No, it's stuffed in a drawer at home.
07:35Hopefully when I get back it might be a little bit funnier.
07:39I'm just making a list of stuff for Italy.
07:42I went through my wardrobe and it's not quite cutting it.
07:45Says who? Mandy?
07:47No, me, actually.
07:48Just thought I might get myself a linen shirt, some floppy trousers, a pair of sandals.
07:52Go a bit more stylish.
07:53Blimey, wow.
07:54Well, in that case, you might not want this tacky load of stuff.
07:58What's that?
07:59Well, you know, it's just a pre-wedding present for you and Mandy.
08:04Isn't her slippers?
08:07Bride and groom.
08:09Rubber ducks?
08:10They only meant to be daft. I thought they'd make you smile.
08:12Did you?
08:13Yeah. Anyway, they were cluttering up the back of the wardrobe, so seeing as you two are getting wed, I thought I'd dig them out.
08:23Somebody buy them for us?
08:26So what if they did, all right? They haven't been used.
08:29Mandy loves a bit of kitsch, doesn't she?
08:32Main thing is, is that we're giving with good intention.
08:35I hope you two will be really happy.
08:37Yeah. You know, matching slippers and our tacky little bath toys.
08:43I know it took me a while to get my head around you two.
08:46Stopped myself from being jealous about Eve having a step-mum.
08:49But I have done.
08:50And I'm really sorry I gave Mandy such a hard time.
08:53She doesn't deserve it.
08:55I appreciate you saying that.
08:57Everyone can see she'd do anything for you.
09:00She's a good one, Paddy.
09:01She is. And we're happy.
09:04Which is pretty amazing second time round, after 25 years.
09:09And there I go, being jealous again.
09:14Just don't let anybody ruin what you've got.
09:16I won't.
09:17Thanks, Chas.
09:20Oh, Chas, sorry for keeping you waiting. What can I get you?
09:25Just a white wine, please.
09:27Thanks, Chas.
09:32Hey. What are you up to?
09:36What are you staring at?
09:38That numpty.
09:40Right. Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry if we upset you earlier.
09:44You didn't.
09:45I'd have to care for that weapon.
09:48And you don't, right?
09:50You're all strangers to me.
09:52We're not even related, right? Your dad was adopted.
09:56I see. Thanks for that.
09:59You all right, Sarah?
10:05What have you said to her?
10:06You know, you're fast becoming a nag.
10:08Is that right, is it?
10:10What is your game?
10:12Did you know who I was when you first asked to meet me?
10:15I know you used to be with some random I've never met but happen to share genes with.
10:20No, oddly.
10:22Here's one for you, though.
10:24Anyone ever told you you're insanely paranoid and a bit of a whiner?
10:30Say that again.
10:37Which bit?
10:39That you're paranoid or a whiner?
10:42What is your problem?
10:44You lot.
10:46I don't need any of you, only no one's getting the message.
10:51Especially you.
11:01What's going on?
11:02Nothing. Just having a little chat.
11:07Somebody's teaching him a lesson.
11:09Just leave it.
11:12He'll have my van fixed by tomorrow.
11:15Can give it a wash, too, yeah?
11:18He's a good lad.
11:20You all right?
11:40You all right? Is Aaron about?
11:43Can you tell him I popped in? Just wanted a word.
11:45Not his secretary.
11:47Nice one, Jimmy. Thanks for your help.
11:49I'm trying to work something out with the figures.
11:51I can't make a man up.
11:53We lost a big client yesterday.
11:55Oh, yeah? I'm sorry to hear that.
12:00Are you for me or Hawley's scrap?
12:02I'm sorry?
12:04Hawley, I, er...
12:06I seem to be wearing both hats today.
12:08Arthur Blakefield, traffic examiner for the Vehicle Compliance Agency.
12:12I'm here regarding Holmes James Hawledge and a tachograph check.
12:17Yeah, we had one of them not long back.
12:19I didn't think we'd do another for ages.
12:21We do unscheduled checks from time to time.
12:23A lot of the vehicles are out on jobs today.
12:26It's probably best you come back another time.
12:28I wouldn't want to waste your time.
12:30Kind of ruins the element of spontaneity, don't you think?
12:34If we start with the trucks parked up in the lane...
12:37I'll leave you to it, Jimmy.
12:40Right, I'll, er...
12:42get the keys.
12:48Oh, now what?
12:52Paddy was talking to Chas about you in the pub earlier.
12:55Oh? What were they saying?
12:58Just how happy you both are.
13:01Look, are you sure you can't come clean and ditch this whole online thing?
13:06Yes, I'm sure. I'm not asking Paddy to rescue me, Trace.
13:10Dingle, I stand on me own two feet.
13:12OK, so if Paddy came to you,
13:16with money problems, that would change the way you feel about him, would it?
13:20No, but if I go begging to Paddy, then, yeah, it'd change how I feel about me.
13:23Especially when the solution is staring me right in the face.
13:26Oh, OK, fine, I give up, it's your call.
13:29But if you are going to do this, you need to be savvy about it.
13:32Take down that photo and wear something that masks your identity.
13:35What, shall I put some tights over me? I'd like a bank robber.
13:38You stay smart.
13:40I'll stay if he kicks.
13:42Thanks, Mum.
13:45Right, I need to upload this new profile pic before I go live.
13:55Are you done, then?
13:56Afraid so.
13:58You've exceeded your legal driving limits.
14:00Are you sure?
14:01I don't guess the figures, Mr King. I've checked all the readings twice.
14:05Right, only I can't really see how that's happened.
14:08You've 28 days to pay the fine.
14:12And if I want to appeal?
14:14If there's been an admin mistake or a rotor error?
14:17It tells you how to appeal on the back.
14:19But it won't make any difference.
14:21The rules are clear, the figures are there in black and white.
14:28To be honest, I've been struggling lately.
14:32Like a lot of small businesses, I can't afford a hefty fine like this.
14:37Should have thought about that before you wrote the law.
14:40Bye, then.
14:47No, no, that's too capricious.
14:52No, don't be stupid, Amanda, you can't put tights round your head.
14:55Oh, maybe, yeah.
14:59Oh, yeah.
15:03Oh, yeah, I guess it'll do.
15:21Mrs soon-to-be Dingle Dingle.
15:24I pass.
15:25What are you doing?
15:27Dressing up?
15:30So, sorry, what were you on about, then, about the Dingle Dingle?
15:33Dingle Dingle?
15:34Oh, yeah, yeah, so I was just thinking, because we're both Dingles already,
15:38that we could double barrel it and take each other's names
15:41and then you don't miss out on getting a new one.
15:43I don't want to be Dingle Dingle. Sounds like a phone ringing.
15:46It's a fair point. Good job I'm joking, then, innit?
15:50So, what are you doing?
15:52Oh, this? No, I'm just having a nosy at some hen party props
15:56that Leila was chucking, you know, see if there's anything decent.
15:58You big kid.
16:00Oh, Chas gave us this, just some daft wedding gifts.
16:04That's nice of her.
16:08You don't know what's in there yet?
16:10I'll take a look later, yeah.
16:12Oh, that's why you've popped back.
16:14Well, yeah, well, that and just to see what you were up to.
16:18I had a client cancel and got a spare half an hour.
16:22Oh, I'd love to, but I'm due back at the salon any sec, you know.
16:26Can't be turning customers away when there's a wedding to pay for.
16:29Yeah, of course. Silly idea, really.
16:32Right, I'll leave you to it.
16:34Oh, thank you, Fads.
16:38I love you.
16:39I love you too!
16:44Oh, my God.
16:50Here goes.
16:52Right. It's for real.
16:54Yeah, it's for real now.
17:00Here goes.
17:02Madame Diamante Dales.
17:11Four footballs!
17:13We're not even halfway through the holidays.
17:17That's how many the boys have gone through.
17:20Shit got her teeth into this one.
17:22I'm trying to fix it, but it's out.
17:25Something up?
17:29We've had a visit at the yard.
17:32A tachograph inspection.
17:36Oh, tell me you won't over your hours.
17:43I've been trying to squeeze in a few extra runs.
17:47Try to make the books look a bit healthier.
17:51They're not going to look very healthy after you've paid this, are they?
17:54If we can pay it at all now that we've lost Gorman's.
17:57Did you even take a risk like that?
17:59I didn't think it was a risk.
18:01I was going to alter the figures before our next routine inspection.
18:04And then this examiner turns up out of the blue.
18:07Oh, God.
18:11The truth is...
18:15..when I'm behind the wheel...
18:18..it stops me thinking about Angel.
18:21I thought I was killing two birds.
18:24More like killing any chance of our business staying afloat.
18:28We rely on that extra income from the haulage, Jimmy.
18:32We're stuffed without it.
18:50Did you get a result?
18:52We agreed 500, right? Yeah.
18:54Only, er, I had a chat with an ex-colleague of mine.
18:58I think I might have been underselling my services.
19:01Sorry? You got me for a steal, basically.
19:04Well, you've not really had to do anything.
19:08So what, you want to hike up the price?
19:11I think it's worth a grand, yeah.
19:14All right, I'll tell you what, I'm not going to give you any money.
19:17I don't like people being greedy, moving the goalposts.
19:20That's not how I do business, eh?
19:22You can't do that. Of course I can.
19:24What are you going to do, tell your boss?
19:27You'll get sacked if they know you're bent.
19:41All right? Yeah, better than that.
19:45We've got a great price for the herd.
19:48Aw, look at you, cracking on with the boys' tea.
19:53I don't reckon there's many blokes as useful and as sexy as you are.
20:01Sorry, have I missed something?
20:03Well, I don't follow.
20:05You were in a funny mood earlier, you had a right go at me.
20:07Was I? Was I? You couldn't do right for doing wrong.
20:10Well, I'm fine now.
20:12Unless you'd rather have an argument, obviously.
20:15Well, why would I want to do that?
20:17Good, I'll just go and grab a shower and get ready for dinner.
20:25You know, what's up with you wouldn't go and mess that up.
20:28Yeah, there's something seriously off with him, you know.
20:32Really? Unnoticed?
20:40I mean, what gives him the right to just throw his weight around?
20:43I mean, that's twice he's nearly gone for you.
20:45Let's just talk about something else.
20:47No, I mean, there must be more to it.
20:49Like, he is hell-bent on winding you up.
20:52Well, you've met him.
20:54He doesn't seem to give a toss about anything.
20:57Not yet, anyway.
21:04..I think that it's time that you and I joined forces again.
21:08Wipe that smug grin off his face, properly teach him a lesson.
21:11What do you say?
21:13Do you really have to ask that?
21:15That's why I love you.