I Found Out My Twin Is A Famous Singer (English)

  • last month
My story animated is a digital platform that provides teenagers and adults the most interesting and life changing stories with the world.


00:00Hello everyone, my name is brew and this is my story before I continue, please like and subscribe to MSA
00:05I was brought up by a single dad who worked very hard to give me a good life
00:09We didn't have much but dad and I had each other and it was enough always work hard and successful follow
00:14Got that little birdie. I'll say yes
00:16If you buy me ice cream dad and I were close and we would talk about everything under the Sun
00:21Well everything except mom every time I tried asking dad about mom
00:25He would avoid the topic like the plague and eventually I stopped asking growing up
00:29I fell in love with music
00:31It was my dream to become a singer and at 19 my dream
00:35Finally came true when I got an invitation to audition for a famous all-girls group the masked minks
00:41These girls were super famous, but no one knew what they looked like because they always performed with a mask on
00:46I was pretty excited
00:48The only thing was to convince dad but I've never been away from you and you're too young to travel alone
00:53What if you get in some trouble then come with me?
00:55I wish I could but I have a work trip coming up
00:58I just know if I had a mom it would be easier for both of us
01:01She could take me on this trip and you could go to work dad
01:04Well, I guess I am that unlucky mom no trips sucks, but I know you're doing your best dad
01:09Hey, we're very lucky to have each other
01:12I guess I can make some time and take you but you have to promise that you'll quit bringing up these stories of your mom
01:17I promise and just like that dad and I were on a plane to London
01:21The band had arranged for us to fly first-class and when we finally arrived
01:25I was excited to be welcomed at the airport by a personal chauffeur soon after we reached the hotel where we were staying and it
01:31Was also the venue for the auditions. I hugged my dad and entered the audition room, but it was empty
01:36Just then someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and almost passed out
01:41It was a girl and she had the exact same face as mine only more polished and prettier
01:46Okay, I know that we have at least seven people who look exactly like you but dude, this is beyond freaky
01:52Who are you firstly, please? Don't touch me. I hate being touched too many germs
01:57And secondly, I am Ava and I'm your twin sister my what Ava went on to tell me about how we were twins and that
02:03Our parents separated shortly after we were born. She was raised by her mom while dad stayed back in America with me
02:09She was a singer too, but recently she discovered that she had laryngitis and her singing career was basically over
02:16I was the one who sent you the mail and called you here
02:18I have a very important tour coming up and since I can't sing I need you to take my place
02:23You'll get a lot of money and I won't lose my contracts if you do a good job
02:26Maybe I can get my friend in the USA to sign you for his record label. Okay
02:31Slow down. Can we take a step back? You're one of the masked minks and you want me to sing for you?
02:37That's right. Are you crazy? I just found out I have a twin sister and my head is already spinning
02:42And I'm so close to having a panic attack
02:45One second
02:47Even if in some parallel reality this whole thing was true
02:51I would still have to tell my dad about you your dad
02:54I mean our dad can't know that we've met I do not want him to get suspicious
02:58Mom has always told me how dad has hated her all her life. And now I don't want him to take you away
03:03Please Ru help me
03:05How do I even know you're my sister Ava showed me a copy of my birth certificate and a few pictures of us together as babies
03:11But I couldn't trust her. So before I agreed I placed a condition
03:14I'll agree if you make me meet mom deal dad was waiting for me in the hotel lobby
03:19I felt so angry by looking at his face. How could he hide such a big truth from me?
03:23I wanted to confront dad, but I also wanted to meet mom. So I decided to stay quiet and go with the flow
03:29I went back to my room and dozed off and hours later. I was woken up by a frantic call from Ava
03:34I need to see you now come to the lobby and I'm sending a car
03:37I got dressed urgently and did as Ava asked we met at a restaurant where Ava walked in with the most gorgeous guy on her
03:43Arm, she introduced him as Jason her boyfriend and I just couldn't stop staring at how perfect he was
03:49I need you to convince dad to pay a hundred thousand dollars to my manager. Yeah, he's very cute. Wait. Sorry
03:54What I need money and I promise you will get back much more money when I get you signed on at my friend's record label
04:00Why do you need so much money suddenly to make arrangements for my tour?
04:04Why else mom spent all the money I made on my treatment and I have no savings left
04:08Please if you do this, I will take you to see mom
04:10I promise I was a little taken aback, but I wanted to see my mom so desperately
04:15So I agreed to help Ava out, but dad would never let go of such a huge amount
04:19So my only other option was grandpa
04:21He owns several big shopping malls all over the country and he always told me that I could ask for anything
04:27I called my grandpa and explained the situation to him. He was so happy that I finally met my twin
04:32He apologized for not telling me all this time and promised to help with the money the next day
04:37Ava let me practice with her background singers and dancers and I got such a rush out of it
04:41She even let me sign some autographs for her fans on her behalf
04:44I loved being in the spotlight after the practice Ava and I were on our way back when I asked her if I could meet
04:50Mom, not yet. Mom just had a minor heart attack last month and seeing you might put her into shock
04:55So we need to wait. Meanwhile, would you be at all and get me some more money? Why I've already spent enough Ava
05:01I need to see mom now or I will call off the deal
05:04I asked the driver to stop the car and walked out feeling confused and angry
05:08I wanted to cry because I had just lost my grandpa has
05:12$100,000 and I still hadn't seen my mom. I was outside the hotel when suddenly someone yanked at my arm Jason
05:18What do you think you're doing? Listen to me carefully room. You have to get out of here Ava and her mom are bad news
05:23I heard Ava's mom talking about how they're going to drain your dad's finances. I think you're a really nice person
05:28So, please just tell your dad the truth and go back home
05:31And why should I trust you over my own family because I know them I've been with Ava long enough to know when she's lying
05:37And her mother is no saint. She's my mom too. And I think I'm old enough to know what's right and wrong
05:43So thank you, but I'll take it from here saying that I turned around and left but Jason's words kept ringing in my head
05:49I couldn't sleep a wink that night and the next morning I decided to finally tell dad everything but he was nowhere to be found
05:55So I went downstairs and saw him talking to a strange woman in the hotel lobby
05:59I walked up to him and when he saw me he turned white. What are you doing here? I could ask you the same thing
06:05This is Claire your mom
06:07I am so sorry you had to find out like this and I know you met your twin your grandpa called me after Claire called
06:13Him demanding for a million dollars. We will be heading home tomorrow. I was just saying goodbye
06:17So you're saying goodbye and I don't even deserve a hello. How is that fair? Don't blame your dad, sweetie
06:23Don't call me, sweetie
06:24You know why I asked Ava to meet you so I could stand in front of you and ask you how you could abandon your
06:29Own child I could only afford to bring up one child and I randomly picked Ava not that it was a good decision
06:35She's pretty much useless. Now your absolute disregard for humanity amazes me and thank God
06:41I never got a chance to know you or I would be the only kid in the world who hates their own mother
06:46I turned around and ran to my room an hour later dad showed up and told me the whole truth about how Claire had been
06:52Using the excuse of raising Ava alone to get money from both my dad and grandpa
06:56They kept it as a secret to protect me. You could have told me the truth
07:00You would have gone behind her anyway, little birdie. I know you that much dad and I left for home that night
07:05I couldn't go back without meeting Ava. So I asked her to meet me at the airport and surprisingly she showed up
07:10I introduced her to dad
07:11He was so happy and he hugged her and shed tears
07:14Ava and I sat down and I told her about what mom had said mom didn't raise me
07:19She gave me up at birth and I lived in an orphanage
07:22I only got back with her a few years back when someone from the orphanage told her about my singing talent and since then she's
07:28Been trying to use me as a money-making machine. I hate her then come with us dad
07:32And I would love to have you I would love to but I can't I still have so many debts to pay because of Claire
07:38I tried to convince Ava
07:40But she refused and soon after dad and I boarded the flight and left weeks passed
07:44I felt an empty pit in my stomach every time I thought about Ava
07:48She was all alone fighting my dragon of a mother and I had to do something to help her
07:53So I turned to Jason for help. I told you stay away from her
07:56She and her mom are crooks. My mom's using Ava, please Jason. She's my sister and your girlfriend
08:03We have to help her out. Okay, this might be a long shot. But what if we do a concert as Ava?
08:08It'll be like a face reveal tour
08:09I know a few people who could help us find a band and we will use social media to spread the word and see where
08:15It goes and what if I'm not that good? I've heard you sing room. You'll be just fine
08:19We spoke to Ava and she was on board Jason came down the next week and we spent days
08:24Planning every second of the concert even my grandpa stepped in to give us a little money
08:28Our posts on social media were very well received and soon enough almost all the tickets were sold out and one night
08:34I was grabbing coffee when I saw Jason at the same cafe engrossed in a book that seems like a heavy read
08:40It's about kids who grew up in an orphanage. I I was one of them. I'm sorry, Jason
08:45That must have been tough
08:46It was but it made me who I am and besides I found a great family who loves me and adores me
08:52You learn to find family in unexpected places our conversation flowed from there. We talked about our pasts our dreams our fears
08:59I shared about the loneliness
09:00I felt growing up without a mother and he spoke of the challenges of growing up without a family at all
09:05I never connected with anyone like this before and it was truly amazing one night before the performance
09:11I was nervously checking out the stage when Jason slid his hand inside mine. I just hope it works
09:16I'm sure it will and drew it's amazing what you're doing for Ava
09:20Not everyone has this kind of heart not everyone gets a second chance with their families either. Trust me
09:25I'm doing this for myself
09:26Jason came forward gently stroked my cheeks and I felt my face on fire and before I could react he leaned in and kissed me
09:33But I pushed him away. This is not right. You're with Ava
09:36No, I'm not even I was just dating for the public. Trust me. We mean nothing to each other
09:41She's still my sister and you and I have to respect that I walked away from Jason knowing I really wanted the kiss
09:48The family is more important
09:49So I decided to put my feelings aside and concentrate on the bigger picture the next night was the concert
09:54It was a huge hit we collected a lot of money and when Ava found out she was beyond happy that night
10:00I slept with the best feeling ever the next morning
10:03My dad shook me awake and then he told me the most shocking news of my life
10:07Apparently Ava had turned down my offer to move in with me and dad and instead she slapped me with a legal notice for impersonating
10:14Her without her permission
10:15The only way she would take her complaint back is if my dad agreed to pay her ten million dollars
10:21I feel so stupid for wanting to help her. It's not your fault
10:24I guess she's just more like your mom than you thought I could not stop crying
10:29Because I knew this was going to make me and dad so poor
10:32I had to come up with a solution before we ended up homeless
10:35So I decided to approach Ava, but my calls and messages went unanswered
10:39I was running out of options when a couple of days later Ava showed up at my front door along with Jason
10:45What are you doing here? He ran away. I'm finally free free to do what brand me as a liar
10:50I tried to help you and you threatened to sue me. It wasn't me
10:53It was all Claire's idea
10:55Apparently Claire had taken all of Ava's phones and she was the one who had sent the notice in Ava's name
11:00I'd gone back home to talk to Ava in person, but she was missing
11:03I tried to tell her how wrong this was
11:05But she just locked me up, but somehow I ran away and hid at my friend's place till Jason found me
11:11I'm so sorry Rue. It's okay. All that matters is that now you're here and you're safe
11:16I hugged Ava tight and the two of us told dad everything he got the best lawyers and with Ava's testimony Claire landed in
11:22Jail for exploiting a minor against her will and cheating dad out of his money
11:26She just called the house one day and begged me to take her back as our mom. I made a mistake. Please forgive me
11:31I'm your mother. You can't send me to jail
11:34Oh, yes, we can just like you sent Ava to an orphanage and just like you abandoned me and my father now
11:40It's time for payback and you're gonna get yours. Dang, right
11:44You will soon after mom went to jail Ava and I decided to share our story with the world and it was very well-received
11:50We became famous and even launched our music careers
11:53I sang and Ava played the piano one day as we were done performing
11:56Ava hugged me tight and whispered in my ear Jason's here to see you. Don't worry
12:01He told me everything about how you both are pigeonheads and were ready to sacrifice your love for me
12:06So you don't have a problem? No dummy. I never loved him the way you do. Come on. He's all yours
12:12I was so happy. I rushed backstage and saw Jason waiting for me without thinking I threw my arms around him and pulled him in
12:19I know too much has happened, but I'm ready to move on if you are I'm ten steps ahead of you, babe
12:24I learned that sometimes the people related to you can hurt you the most and you always have to be ready for anything
