• last month
00:00:30According to this painting, you will be a woman in the future.
00:00:34A playboy who makes men laugh.
00:00:37No matter where you go, people will know you are a demon.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental.
00:01:36This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental.
00:02:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental.
00:02:36Look at his posture. He's lost his mind.
00:02:42To be honest, no one can compare to him.
00:02:47The Ninth Lord has had a hard life for the past few years.
00:02:50He can endure hardship, he can survive.
00:02:54He's getting better and better.
00:02:57He even bought himself a good name.
00:03:02You have to be more considerate of him.
00:03:09The Ninth Lord!
00:03:13Please take care of him.
00:03:15Please sit.
00:03:17The Ninth Lord, you have to sit.
00:03:20Come, come.
00:03:22Don't be shy.
00:03:24Please sit.
00:03:26The Ninth Lord, what would you like to drink?
00:03:27The usual.
00:03:30The Ninth Lord, you're getting old.
00:03:33It's time for you to change.
00:03:35Let's have some Xihu Longjiang.
00:03:37It's full of iron.
00:03:39The Ninth Lord is blessed.
00:03:42That's right.
00:03:43Thank you.
00:03:46By the way, Ninth Lord.
00:03:48How's the marriage proposal for Bao Yi going?
00:03:53You mean...
00:03:55The old lady in our family.
00:03:57She's not bad at all.
00:04:00Xiao Lao?
00:04:02That's right.
00:04:05I remember her well.
00:04:07She's never suffered in her life.
00:04:09She's just a small-time housewife.
00:04:12It's good that she's never suffered.
00:04:14Now she doesn't have to suffer.
00:04:16She doesn't have to suffer.
00:04:18But I'm afraid that my second son will suffer.
00:04:20The Ninth Lord.
00:04:22The old lady has changed.
00:04:24Xiao Lao has become very successful.
00:04:26I think that Bao Yi and Xiao Lao
00:04:29are a good match.
00:04:32That's true.
00:04:34But nowadays,
00:04:38we're all in a free relationship.
00:04:41As parents,
00:04:43we have to discuss with our children
00:04:45when it comes to marriage.
00:04:48That's right.
00:04:50We have to discuss when it comes to marriage.
00:04:53We don't have to worry about that.
00:04:57The Ninth Lord.
00:05:01Two more glasses of wine.
00:05:02One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
00:05:05It's a nice day today.
00:05:08Let's have some tea and breakfast.
00:05:11Why don't we take a bath?
00:05:12I'll treat you.
00:05:13Let's go to Enqing City to eat lamb.
00:05:16I'll treat you.
00:05:18I'll treat you.
00:05:19I'll treat you.
00:05:20I'll treat you.
00:05:21I'll treat you.
00:05:24I heard that a cook came to Enqing City.
00:05:28He's very handsome.
00:05:30The Ninth Lord.
00:05:32He never looks at girls.
00:05:34He said that he saw a girl yesterday.
00:05:36You saw her.
00:05:39This cook
00:05:40is very ordinary when he meets Tao Yin.
00:05:43There's nothing special about him.
00:05:45Maybe you don't like him.
00:05:48But the more you look at him,
00:05:50the more you will like him.
00:05:53He's like a golden ham.
00:05:55The more you look at him, the more you will like him.
00:05:59The more you look at him, the more you will like him.
00:06:02Why don't we take a look at him?
00:06:05I don't want to look at him.
00:06:09You're here again.
00:06:10Hurry up.
00:06:11Hurry up.
00:06:13The Ninth Lord is here.
00:06:15The Second Aunt is here.
00:06:16The First Aunt is here.
00:06:17Sit down.
00:06:18Sit down.
00:06:19The Ninth Lord, please sit down.
00:06:23This is the famous saint,
00:06:25the Ninth Lord Zhao.
00:06:27The Ninth Lord is here today.
00:06:31The Ninth Lord, please eat some.
00:06:34Dama, go and call Xiao Yun here.
00:06:36The Ninth Lord, please drink some tea.
00:06:39The Ninth Lord,
00:06:40I asked the cook to call Xiao Yun here.
00:06:43She's so pretty.
00:06:46The Ninth Lord, please drink some water.
00:06:48The Ninth Lord, please take a look.
00:06:52The Ninth Lord, why are you so polite to him?
00:06:54He's here to serve you.
00:06:55Please sit down.
00:06:57Please sit down.
00:06:58The Ninth Lord, please drink some tea.
00:07:01Xiao Yun, go and serve him.
00:07:03Sit on the Ninth Lord's lap.
00:07:05No need.
00:07:06I can sit here.
00:07:09He's so ungrateful.
00:07:12The Ninth Lord, this is your first time here, right?
00:07:15First time, second time.
00:07:17When you get here...
00:07:18Dama, come here.
00:07:20I'm coming.
00:07:22The Ninth Lord, please sit down.
00:07:23Please sit down.
00:07:24Please sit down.
00:07:37Please sit down.
00:07:51How old are you?
00:08:00Where are you from?
00:08:02I'm from Shandong.
00:08:07Where in Shandong?
00:08:10Ningjin, Shandong.
00:08:14We're from the same hometown.
00:08:16I'm from Shandong, too.
00:08:18I'm from Xiajin.
00:08:21You're from Shandong, too?
00:08:25Which village are you from?
00:08:27I'm from Liujiatun.
00:08:32I'm from Zhao.
00:08:34We're very close.
00:08:43How did you get in?
00:08:46In your house...
00:08:51I shouldn't have asked.
00:09:01Master, I'll cut some melon seeds for you.
00:09:08I'm not eating.
00:09:10I'm not eating.
00:09:18It's a tie.
00:09:40It's a tie.
00:09:57Ninth Lord.
00:09:59You took it seriously.
00:10:01It's a tie.
00:10:03It's not a tie.
00:10:06Bring Xiao Yun here.
00:10:10Xiao Yun, you're so lucky.
00:10:13You met a real Bodhisattva.
00:10:16Thank the Ninth Lord.
00:10:19No need to thank him.
00:10:21Where's his indenture?
00:10:23If you want to run, I won't stop you.
00:10:26If you don't want to run,
00:10:28come home with me.
00:11:23I'm sorry.
00:11:25I'm sorry.
00:11:27I'm sorry.
00:11:29I'm sorry.
00:11:31I'm sorry.
00:11:33I'm sorry.
00:11:35I'm sorry.
00:11:37I'm sorry.
00:11:39I'm sorry.
00:11:41I'm sorry.
00:11:43I'm sorry.
00:11:45I'm sorry.
00:11:47I'm sorry.
00:11:49I'm sorry.
00:11:51I'm sorry.
00:12:05You made this fake.
00:12:08How can I see people?
00:12:11What fake?
00:12:13The waistband.
00:12:15What's wrong with the waistband?
00:12:17The waistband is higher than the suit.
00:12:19The second daughter-in-law is just a playboy.
00:12:21Why can't she stand in front of people?
00:12:23Do you want to find a playboy to come back?
00:12:26Don't say that.
00:12:28It's just a woman's opinion.
00:12:30It's a virtue to do good.
00:12:32What's wrong with that?
00:12:34You really think you're a good person.
00:12:38Am I not?
00:12:40Second Master.
00:12:46You're old.
00:12:48I can speak slowly.
00:13:20Don't be afraid.
00:13:23Don't be afraid.
00:13:25You go to the reservoir tomorrow.
00:13:27You help sell water.
00:13:40Fourth Master.
00:13:44This tea smells good.
00:13:46I'll have two cups.
00:13:48Can you do it?
00:13:52What are you doing here?
00:13:58I tell you.
00:14:00Ninth Lord.
00:14:03Bought a cook.
00:14:06His name is Xiaoyun.
00:14:13Let me see.
00:14:16You're really bad.
00:14:18The more bad.
00:14:20The tighter the waistband.
00:14:23Let me see.
00:14:25Let me see.
00:14:35Give me a pot of water.
00:14:45You're a good person.
00:14:53We're all bad.
00:15:09Don't leave yet.
00:15:11It's too late.
00:15:15He's mine.
00:15:18I won't go.
00:15:22Let's ask him.
00:15:24If he's yours, I'll go.
00:15:26If you don't go, I'll go to hell.
00:15:30Don't hit him.
00:15:33Third Master.
00:15:35Early in the morning.
00:15:37You have nothing to do.
00:15:39You come here to get tired.
00:15:41Don't bother me.
00:15:45I'll give Fourth Master a face.
00:15:47I'll go.
00:15:53You didn't pay.
00:15:55I didn't bring money.
00:15:57Wait a minute.
00:15:59You pay.
00:16:01I'll pay.
00:16:07Don't push him.
00:16:09I'll pay.
00:16:15I'll pay for him.
00:16:17I'll pay for him.
00:16:41This Iron Bull.
00:16:45He's a playboy.
00:16:49I was 12 years old.
00:16:51I was a big man.
00:16:53I was good at picking up coal.
00:16:55I was good at swearing.
00:16:59I've seen a lot.
00:17:01I understand.
00:17:03If I meet swearing again.
00:17:05Don't be afraid.
00:17:09Don't be afraid.
00:17:15In your house.
00:17:17Who else is there?
00:17:23It doesn't matter.
00:17:25From now on.
00:17:27This is your home.
00:17:33You don't like my home?
00:17:39You're not used to it yet.
00:17:41You'll get used to it.
00:17:43In the future.
00:17:45What do you want to eat?
00:17:47What do you want to use?
00:17:49Just tell me.
00:17:51Don't cry.
00:17:53I don't want anything.
00:18:03Go and buy a big candy.
00:18:29Why give it to me?
00:18:31I told you to eat.
00:19:25Let me help you.
00:19:29Let me see.
00:19:35Do I have a lot of white hair?
00:19:37Just a few.
00:19:47Am I old?
00:19:53You're not old.
00:19:55Wash your face.
00:20:29Be quiet.
00:20:31You scared me.
00:20:33Can't you be quiet?
00:20:35I feed you candy every day.
00:20:37But you...
00:20:41Are you two having fun?
00:20:43Of course.
00:20:45We've been together for three generations.
00:20:51Are you going to marry Xiaoyun?
00:20:55You don't know
00:20:57about my life.
00:20:59To be honest.
00:21:01You're really hungry.
00:21:15I just pass by.
00:21:23I just pass by.
00:21:29How's business?
00:21:31Not bad.
00:21:33Second Aunt and Second Uncle
00:21:35came to see the show the other day.
00:21:37I gave them 20% off.
00:21:41It doesn't matter if you earn less.
00:21:45Are you here to pick fabric for Xiaoyun?
00:21:49I just pass by.
00:21:55Go ahead.
00:21:57I'm leaving.
00:22:09Look at this.
00:22:11Do you like it?
00:22:15This dress is beautiful.
00:22:17I bought it for you.
00:22:25I don't want it.
00:22:27You're a grown-up.
00:22:29You don't have many clothes to wear.
00:22:33Stop talking.
00:22:35Put it on and show me.
00:22:37Let's keep it.
00:22:39I'll change it for you tomorrow.
00:22:43Thank you.
00:23:27The key will be out soon.
00:23:37I'll pick some more tomorrow.
00:23:39Let's keep it.
00:23:43I don't want it.
00:23:45You don't want it?
00:23:47The more you don't want it,
00:23:49the more I'll give it to you.
00:24:11Where is Gui?
00:24:13He went out.
00:24:19Your brother asked you to send some water to Supervisor Chao.
00:24:25Hurry up. I've been waiting for you for a long time.
00:24:31Thank you.
00:24:35If you need anything in the future, just tell me.
00:24:37Look at you.
00:24:39I trust you.
00:24:41Go back.
00:24:43Uncle, goodbye.
00:24:47Brother, why are you here?
00:24:49Didn't you ask for water?
00:24:51I didn't.
00:24:53Who asked you to come?
00:24:57Don't run.
00:24:59What are you doing?
00:25:01What are you doing?
00:25:03What are you doing?
00:25:07What are you doing?
00:25:09No one in Baoxing Street
00:25:11knows you're a prostitute.
00:25:13I'm asking you.
00:25:15Do you want to get a plastic surgery?
00:25:17Come on.
00:25:21What are you doing?
00:25:23What are you doing?
00:25:25What are you doing?
00:25:27What are you doing?
00:25:29What are you doing?
00:25:31What are you doing?
00:25:33For a prostitute?
00:25:35You're a prostitute.
00:25:37Get out.
00:25:39We're not done yet.
00:25:41We're not done yet.
00:25:51I'm telling you.
00:25:53You're not patient enough.
00:25:55You're in trouble.
00:25:57It's the news.
00:25:59It's the news.
00:26:25It's the news.
00:26:55It's the news.
00:26:57It's the news.
00:28:59Where's Yun?
00:29:11You've suffered.
00:29:15I've thought about it all night.
00:29:19If you don't have a good reputation,
00:29:21you can't keep your word.
00:29:23If things don't go your way,
00:29:25you'll be in trouble.
00:29:27You've been here for a long time.
00:29:31You should have a good reputation.
00:29:35If you have a good reputation,
00:29:37no one will dare to bully you again.
00:29:41Tell me.
00:29:43Are you willing to be my daughter?
00:29:47Or are you...
00:30:03Don't worry.
00:30:05I'll think about it.
00:30:23I'll think about it.
00:30:31Yun, why are you here?
00:30:37Madam asked me to bring you some food.
00:30:39She said it's getting cold.
00:30:41You shouldn't eat cold food.
00:30:43It's bad for your stomach.
00:30:49Eat it while it's hot.
00:31:13Why are you staring at me?
00:31:15Eat it.
00:31:17It's okay.
00:31:19I'll eat it later.
00:31:21Take a look.
00:31:31This is xiangxiu.
00:31:33It's the best Suzhou product on the market.
00:31:35By the way,
00:31:37some girls from Qingyin class
00:31:39chose this material.
00:31:41Do you want to try it?
00:31:47I have to go.
00:32:09It's getting cold.
00:32:11Take a look.
00:32:19What are you doing?
00:32:23Don't you have a bad stomach?
00:32:25I'm sewing a belly button for you.
00:32:27When you have a stomachache,
00:32:29I'll get you some hot soy beans.
00:32:31It's good for you.
00:32:33Let me see.
00:32:41You know how to embroider?
00:33:11Thank you.
00:33:41Xiao Yu.
00:33:43Let me do it.
00:33:45Let me help you.
00:33:47Take it.
00:33:53Second Young Master.
00:33:55Why are you here?
00:33:57Don't call me Second Young Master.
00:33:59Call me Bao Yi.
00:34:01Why are you here?
00:34:03I'm here to help you.
00:34:05I'm here to help you.
00:34:07I'm here to help you.
00:34:09Call me Bao Yi.
00:34:11I was bought back by the Ninth Lord.
00:34:13I can't break the rules.
00:34:15What do you mean?
00:34:17Don't make it sound so bad.
00:34:19That's the past.
00:34:21You're different now.
00:34:23Do you understand?
00:34:29But I was bought back by the Ninth Lord.
00:34:31When you enter a family,
00:34:33you're part of the family.
00:34:35Don't be so modest.
00:34:39By the way,
00:34:41I bought this for you.
00:34:43Do you like it?
00:34:49Thank you.
00:34:51Do you like it?
00:34:55Thank you, Second Young Master.
00:34:57But I can't take it.
00:34:59Let me tell you one last time.
00:35:01When you enter a family,
00:35:03you're part of the family.
00:35:05I'll give you
00:35:07two more books.
00:35:11I have to teach you.
00:35:15Teach me?
00:35:21It's on fire.
00:35:23Let me.
00:35:25Don't get your clothes dirty.
00:35:27Don't you remember?
00:35:29I grew up here.
00:35:35I grew up here.
00:36:05I grew up here.
00:36:23Have some tea.
00:36:27Let me.
00:36:31How's the business
00:36:33at the water shop?
00:36:35It's good.
00:36:37Don't worry.
00:36:41I made some porridge.
00:36:43Give it to Baogui later.
00:36:47Don't be too tired.
00:37:03It's too big.
00:37:13It's too big.
00:37:15Take it out.
00:37:19The fish
00:37:21can't be too big.
00:37:23It's like a human being.
00:37:27That's enough.
00:37:33Let me.
00:37:43I'll get you some more tea.
00:38:03I'll get you some more tea.
00:38:23You're part of the family.
00:38:25You're different now.
00:38:27You're different now.
00:38:33Don't take my books.
00:38:35It's hot.
00:38:37Don't get burned.
00:38:39Don't get burned.
00:38:57Don't get burned.
00:39:31Look at what you've done.
00:39:33You've ruined
00:39:35the family.
00:39:37What are you talking about?
00:39:39What can I say?
00:39:41Look at yourself.
00:39:45Stop pretending.
00:39:47Look at Second Aunt.
00:39:57Look at Second Aunt.
00:40:07Don't mind her.
00:40:27We've already discussed this with the Chinese officers.
00:40:31As promised,
00:40:34you can be released on August 8th after 10 days.
00:40:38What do you say?
00:40:42I agree.
00:40:44I don't agree.
00:40:45I'll leave it to you.
00:40:48Is it a request for Xiao-yun?
00:40:50I don't know.
00:40:53I didn't say anything.
00:40:58You're from the Zhao family.
00:41:03He's from that place.
00:41:07Everyone in this street knows that.
00:41:10Our family has a head and a face.
00:41:13We can't marry a...
00:41:16Yao Jin, right?
00:41:23Can you really marry him?
00:41:30Don't you care about his identity?
00:42:36Oh, yeah.
00:42:38Look what I brought you.
00:42:40What is this?
00:42:43It's grass.
00:42:45You eat it.
00:42:46No, I don't.
00:42:47You can eat it yourself.
00:42:48Then I'll eat it.
00:42:50I'm going to eat it.
00:42:52Don't eat all of it.
00:43:20Second Young Master.
00:43:51Xiao Ni, what's wrong?
00:43:53Stop talking.
00:43:57I know everything.
00:44:50I'm going to eat it.
00:45:21Xiao Yun.
00:45:42I've always wanted to give you a title.
00:45:45You're old enough to get married.
00:45:47You're old enough to get married.
00:45:50Marry Bao Gui.
00:46:17That's good.
00:46:22Father, Mother.
00:46:25What's the matter?
00:46:27I called you here
00:46:29because of your brother and Xiao Yun's marriage.
00:46:32Look at your store.
00:46:34There's good fabric.
00:46:36Buy these two new clothes.
00:46:43Why didn't I know?
00:46:45Now you know.
00:46:49It's a big thing for your brother to get married.
00:46:51Hurry up and get ready.
00:47:45Who is it?
00:48:01Who is it?
00:48:15Xiao Yun.
00:48:17Xiao Yun.
00:48:45Xiao Yun.
00:49:01Xiao Yun.
00:49:10Second Uncle.
00:49:16Second Uncle.
00:49:41Xiao Yun.
00:49:43Why didn't you take it off for him?
00:49:46Bao Gui.
00:49:48Are you going to work or are you going to wear it?
00:49:50Take it off.
00:49:52I'm a groom. I'm not going to take it off.
00:49:54I'm going to wear it.
00:49:56You're not a groom today.
00:49:58You're Xiao Yun's man now.
00:50:00Take it off.
00:50:02I don't want to take it off.
00:50:04I just want to wear it.
00:50:06It looks good.
00:50:08It looks good.
00:50:10I want to wear it.
00:50:12You didn't go to the shop.
00:50:14The business is ours.
00:50:16Don't panic for a moment.
00:50:18I don't want to take it off.
00:50:20I want to wear it.
00:50:22I don't want to take it off.
00:50:28Why did you break my painting?
00:50:30My painting.
00:50:42You broke my painting.
00:50:44You broke my painting.
00:50:46You broke my painting.
00:50:49Why are you hitting him?
00:50:51I just broke your painting.
00:50:53Don't hit him.
00:50:55What did you do?
00:50:59What did you do?
00:51:01The water was spilling.
00:51:06You hit his brother.
01:02:35But my brother treats my sister-in-law like that.
01:02:37Don't tell me you...
01:02:40Just mind your own business.
01:02:51I am...
01:02:53But my brother doesn't let Xiaoyu sleep all night.
01:02:57Each family has its own life.
01:03:02I don't need you to mind my business.
01:03:05I just can't stand it.
01:03:07So what if you can't stand it?
01:03:09What do you want to do?
01:03:11It's a big day.
01:03:13That's your brother, your sister-in-law.
01:03:18You shouldn't have brought her out of the cradle.
01:03:21You little bastard.
01:03:23Now you blame me.
01:03:27I know what I'm doing.
01:03:35You have a sense of propriety.
01:03:38Your sense of propriety is...
01:03:40to pull her out of the fire pit
01:03:42and push her into the cradle.
01:04:42What are you doing?
01:04:45Don't shake me.
01:04:49Don't shake me.
01:04:52Don't shake me.
01:04:54Don't shake me.
01:04:56Why are you shaking me?
01:04:58What are you doing?
01:05:00I have a wife. I want to shake her.
01:05:02Nonsense. I'll hit you.
01:05:03I really have a wife.
01:05:05I want a wife.
01:05:06I want a wife.
01:05:07Get out.
01:05:08Get out.
01:05:09I want a wife.
01:05:10Go back.
01:05:11Why are you pushing me?
01:05:12I want a wife.
01:05:13Don't be like him.
01:05:14He's a fool.
01:05:15He's a loser.
01:05:17Go back.
01:05:19Why are you pushing me?
01:05:21Brother, do you know
01:05:22it's wrong for you to do this to Xiaoyun?
01:05:24Do you know?
01:05:25I don't know.
01:05:26I know she's my wife.
01:05:27Brother is right.
01:05:29Why are you coming out?
01:05:30Why can't I come out?
01:05:33I've never seen you
01:05:35sleeping with your brother and sister-in-law.
01:05:38Go back.
01:05:39Go back.
01:05:40I want to sleep.
01:05:41I want to shake her.
01:05:42Don't shake me.
01:05:43Don't shake me.
01:05:44You pushed me again.
01:05:46Go back.
01:05:47Go back.
01:05:48Go back to your room.
01:05:49What are you doing?
01:06:06I regret it.
01:06:11I did one thing wrong.
01:06:14I'm sorry.
01:06:25You like her?
01:06:26Then why don't you marry her?
01:06:28Shut up!
01:06:29If you say it again, I'll kill you.
01:06:34She is your sister-in-law.
01:06:44I'll be right back.
01:07:14No need.
01:07:20Where's Baogui?
01:07:23He's gone to the water shop.
01:07:26Baogui hasn't bullied you recently, has he?
01:07:31He's fine.
01:07:37I kicked you out.
01:07:40Do you hate me?
01:07:45Why would I hate you?
01:07:50I'm your father.
01:07:55I should thank you.
01:08:02Since I'm your father,
01:08:06I'll give you a piece of advice.
01:08:09You're now Baogui's wife,
01:08:13and Baoyi's sister-in-law.
01:08:16Do you understand?
01:08:22I do.
01:08:24Then live your own life.
01:08:31I'll live my own life.
01:09:08Where's Second Master?
01:09:10He's with me.
01:09:13Can I come in?
01:09:15Of course.
01:09:17Come in.
01:09:28Are you feeling better?
01:09:31Much better.
01:09:33Thank you for your concern.
01:09:39there are just the two of us here.
01:09:41Don't call me Second Master.
01:09:44Then what should I call you?
01:09:51I'm grateful that...
01:09:54your family has given me a place to stay.
01:09:57Xiaoyun, I know I've let you down.
01:10:00But I...
01:10:02You've misunderstood.
01:10:04I'm here to return your clothes.
01:10:16You should call me sister-in-law.
01:10:23What are you doing?
01:10:27I'll wash your feet.
01:10:29No, I'll do it myself.
01:10:31Dad said I should be nice to you.
01:10:34I'll do it.
01:10:36I'll do it.
01:10:38I'll do it.
01:10:40I'll do it.
01:10:42I'll do it.
01:10:44I'll do it.
01:10:46I'll do it.
01:10:48I'll do it.
01:11:13Dad, why are you still up?
01:11:19Why are you back so late?
01:11:24I've been busy.
01:11:26I'm going to Suzhou to put on a show in a few days.
01:11:31I heard the war is getting worse.
01:11:35It's not safe on the road.
01:11:39I have to go.
01:11:41The goods are about to run out.
01:11:45I have something to say.
01:11:48What is it?
01:11:51I'm keeping this family business.
01:11:54I've finally brought you two up.
01:11:59I should be relieved.
01:12:07I'm old.
01:12:10Dad, how can you say that?
01:12:13I'll be back in a few days.
01:12:15Don't worry about me.
01:12:17I'm worried about you.
01:12:19I'm worried about myself.
01:12:28If I die one day...
01:12:34your brother will be taken care of.
01:12:38You're his brother.
01:12:43I know, Dad.
01:12:45Xiaoyun is your sister-in-law.
01:12:58I know.
01:13:07It's late.
01:13:10It's late.
01:13:14Go home and pack up.
01:13:34What are you doing?
01:13:36I don't understand.
01:13:40I don't understand.
01:13:48What are you doing?
01:13:50Let's be frank.
01:13:54We've been married for a while.
01:13:58But we've only been together for a few days.
01:14:02I know you don't like me.
01:14:06But you like that girl, don't you?
01:14:12I've put up with it.
01:14:14It's normal for men to fight.
01:14:20But don't you see?
01:14:23He's getting worse every day.
01:14:27What if something happens to him?
01:14:31We don't even have a child.
01:14:34Why don't you give him to someone else?
01:14:38How dare you!
01:14:40I just want a child.
01:14:47Are you trying to elope with that girl?
01:14:53You're so stubborn.
01:14:57That girl is good at scolding.
01:15:00She makes your family suffer.
01:15:09Are you going to hit me?
01:15:12Go ahead.
01:15:34I'm going to Suzhou tomorrow.
01:15:37I'll buy you whatever you want.
01:15:40Take me with you.
01:15:44I've looked everywhere.
01:15:47But I can't find you.
01:15:50I'm sorry.
01:15:52I'm sorry.
01:15:54I'm sorry.
01:15:56I'm sorry.
01:15:58I've looked everywhere.
01:16:00But I can't find you.
01:16:04Let's go home.
01:16:06I need to talk to you.
01:16:08I need to talk to you, too.
01:16:11I've told you.
01:16:14If you can't see each other,
01:16:17don't blame me.
01:16:29It's been 40 years.
01:16:32I've been saving money.
01:16:36That's how I made this fortune.
01:16:39Now your mother and I are old.
01:16:42We can't do anything.
01:16:45I want to tell you what's going on.
01:16:51Don't say that.
01:16:53You'll be fine.
01:16:55It's a mess.
01:16:58I'm worried.
01:17:02I've arranged everything for your mother.
01:17:06I'm also worried about the business.
01:17:10But this precious thing
01:17:13is always a worry for your mother and me.
01:17:17She's too poor.
01:17:20If your mother and I die,
01:17:23I don't know how she'll live.
01:17:27Xiao Yun has been in this family for a while.
01:17:31I haven't had much luck.
01:17:34But I've been taking you as my own child.
01:17:38I'm relieved to have you.
01:17:42This is what I asked you to do.
01:17:48From now on,
01:17:50I'll take care of Chou Duan Zhuang's business.
01:17:57Xiao Yun will take care of the water supply.
01:18:02But there's one thing.
01:18:04Chou Duan Zhuang has to give 30% every year
01:18:08to your mother and me.
01:18:11The water supply business is too small.
01:18:14Bao Yi.
01:18:16You're married now.
01:18:19It's time to leave.
01:18:24You don't have a say here.
01:18:27After all, your brother is different from you.
01:18:31How is he different?
01:18:33Say something.
01:18:35He's going to kick us out.
01:18:37Why don't you say anything?
01:18:39Shut up.
01:18:42You care about your cousin, don't you?
01:18:45Shut up.
01:18:47You don't want me to say anything?
01:18:49You all know that.
01:18:51You don't want me to say anything?
01:18:53That's what you should say as a wife.
01:18:56Then I'll ask you.
01:18:58What have you done in front of me as a wife?
01:19:01Is that what you should do?
01:19:06I'm an asshole?
01:19:08I'm not like you all.
01:19:10You're all protecting that bastard.
01:19:15Who are you talking about?
01:19:18Who else is a bitch in this house?
01:19:28Bao Yi.
01:19:30What are you doing?
01:19:32You don't care about your own wife.
01:19:34Do you care about anything else?
01:19:44Bao Yi.
01:19:46What are you doing?
01:19:56Who is a bitch?
01:19:58You don't care who is a bitch.
01:20:00You tell me who is a bitch.
01:20:10Shut up.
01:20:19You're not going to leave without telling me, are you?
01:20:22I'm fine.
01:20:24I'll sleep in the shop.
01:20:26I'll leave tomorrow morning.
01:20:28You're still in love with that bitch.
01:20:30If you keep talking nonsense, I...
01:20:33Hit me?
01:20:34Embarrass me?
01:20:35You're too open-minded.
01:20:44Come on.
01:21:03I'm going to Suzhou tomorrow.
01:21:05I want to tell you something.
01:21:12I'm leaving.
01:21:29My brother hasn't come back yet.
01:21:36I'm going to Suzhou tomorrow.
01:21:38I want to tell you something.
01:21:43Don't blame him.
01:21:45He's talking nonsense.
01:21:47Do you think he's talking nonsense?
01:21:49Xiao Yun.
01:21:56Do you think I'm a bitch?
01:22:00I'm telling you.
01:22:02I am.
01:22:04I'm a bitch.
01:22:06I'm a bitch.
01:22:12I'm a bitch.
01:22:32Xiao Yun.
01:22:34Don't call me Xiao Yun.
01:22:43No bitch.
01:22:46No bitch.
01:22:49Only bitch.
01:22:52I'm a bitch.
01:23:10I'm a bitch.
01:23:30Baoyi left with Yaojun.
01:23:33Did you say that?
01:23:35Baoyi left with Yaojun.
01:23:38Get out.
01:23:52Are you looking for your daughter-in-law?
01:23:54I don't know where my daughter-in-law is.
01:23:56Your daughter-in-law ran away with someone.
01:23:58Go after her.
01:24:00Who did she run away with?
01:24:02Who did she run away with?
01:24:04Where is my daughter-in-law?
01:24:06Let's go.
01:24:10Xiao Yun.
01:24:12What are you hesitating about?
01:24:14We should be together.
01:24:17What about him?
01:24:19That little cheat.
01:24:21I didn't want to live with him at all.
01:24:23I'm talking about your brother.
01:24:29He is not good to you.
01:24:31He is also your brother.
01:24:36Xiao Yun.
01:24:40Xiao Yun.
01:24:45Xiao Yun.
01:24:47Xiao Yun.
01:24:49Don't go.
01:24:55You really did this.
01:25:03Look at them.
01:25:05I'm calling my wife!
01:25:07My wife!
01:25:09Bao Yi!
01:25:11She's mine!
01:25:13The street is yours!
01:25:15What are you doing?
01:25:17Get up!
01:25:19My wife!
01:25:21My wife is not home!
01:25:23Bao Yi!
01:25:25He wants to steal your wife!
01:25:27What are you doing?
01:25:29He's my brother!
01:25:31I'm calling my wife!
01:25:33He's my brother!
01:25:35It's on fire!
01:25:37It's on fire!
01:25:39It's on fire!
01:25:41Bao Yi!
01:25:43It's on fire!
01:25:45It's on fire!
01:25:47It's on fire!
01:25:49It's on fire!
01:25:51It's on fire!
01:25:53What are you doing?
01:25:55Don't let him in!
01:25:57Burn my wife!
01:25:59It's on fire!
01:26:01It's on fire!
01:26:07It's on fire!
01:26:09The street is on fire!
01:26:11It's on fire!
01:26:13Go and check!
01:26:15Good job!
01:26:23Good job!
01:26:31Good job!
01:27:01Where is the second young master?
01:27:03He was burnt to death by the fire.
01:27:29He was burnt to death by the fire.
01:27:59Open it.
01:28:03There's a piece of paper inside.
01:28:05Give it to me.
01:28:21Xiao Yue.
01:28:25This is your indenture.
01:28:29Burn it.
01:28:41I'm sorry.
01:28:55Burn it.
01:28:59What's the use of burning it now?
01:29:03I'm already a toy for men.
01:29:29Burn it.
01:29:55Xiao Yun.
01:29:57You can't get peace in this country.
01:29:59This is your fate.
01:30:03You can leave now.
01:30:07Your family is ruined.
01:30:27Your family is ruined.
01:30:57Xiao Yun.
01:31:27Xiao Yun.
01:31:57Xiao Yun.
01:31:59Xiao Yun.
01:32:01Xiao Yun.
01:32:03Xiao Yun.
01:32:05Xiao Yun.
01:32:07Xiao Yun.
01:32:09Xiao Yun.
01:32:11Xiao Yun.
01:32:13Xiao Yun.
01:32:15Xiao Yun.
01:32:17Xiao Yun.
01:32:19Xiao Yun.
01:32:21Xiao Yun.
01:32:23Xiao Yun.
01:32:25Xiao Yun.
01:32:27Xiao Yun.
01:32:29Xiao Yun.
01:32:31Xiao Yun.
01:32:33Xiao Yun.
01:32:35Xiao Yun.
01:32:37Xiao Yun.
01:32:39Xiao Yun.
01:32:41Xiao Yun.
01:32:43Xiao Yun.
01:32:45Xiao Yun.
01:32:47Xiao Yun.
01:32:49Xiao Yun.
01:32:51Xiao Yun.
01:32:53Xiao Yun.
01:32:55Xiao Yun.
01:32:57Xiao Yun.
01:32:59Xiao Yun.
01:33:01Xiao Yun.
01:33:03Xiao Yun.
01:33:05Xiao Yun.
01:33:07Xiao Yun.
01:33:09Xiao Yun.
01:33:11Xiao Yun.
01:33:13Xiao Yun.
01:33:15Xiao Yun.
01:33:17Xiao Yun.
01:33:19Xiao Yun.