Gen Z, Millennials open up as world marks International Youth Day

  • 3 weeks ago
Generation Z and millennials opened up on the challenges they face and how they should be addressed as the world marks International Youth Day.
00:00Hi, my name is Meg, and some of the problems and challenges that the youth are facing is
00:10the elder or the older generations, they do not want to listen to them, even though what they're saying is important.
00:20And because they have sat down and they have researched and seen that this is what's happening,
00:25and this is what we need to address. And the thing is, I think the reason why the older generation don't want to listen to them is
00:32they have their own mindset, their mindset has not evolved or has not changed with time.
00:40And I think this could be solved if just we listen to each other.
00:48Everyone is free of opinion, so if different generations, their opinions are taken into account, I believe we can be so much fun.
01:03My question is how, what factor could be used in empowering the youth today?
01:10Education and skill, and more skills. The youth need to be more equipped in skills and education.
01:21As you know, these are things that we lack, especially being in a third world country,
01:27there are people who don't get access to education, and you know education is the key to just most things that we live around us.
01:38So if we're able to be equipped in education, how we learn it to people, and how more skilled people will be able to increase things,
01:49especially like the economy, yeah, and that's what's up.
01:55In our communities and countries, young people face various challenges.
01:59It matters to do with mental health support and cultural education.
02:03However, overcoming these challenges will necessitate investing in education, skill training programs, and improving mental health services,
02:12especially when it comes to mental health services.
02:15This will help the young people thrive in their communities, and if it's possible, the government organizations out there,
02:23and us as individuals to work together to provide support and create that future for the Gen Alphas,
02:31the Gen Zs, and the younger generation at large.
02:36Happy International Youth's Day.
02:39Happy International Youth's Day.
02:41Happy International Youth's Day.
02:43Happy International Youth's Day.
02:47Wabambe my youth's family.
